ELP LAB1 REPORT: KVL AND KCL BY RAGHAV SINGLA (2023CH10900, GROUP 10, TABLE 6) AUGUST 17, 2023 Aim: To verify KVL, KCL, measure input impedance. To study the effect of some modifications in special circuits. Apparatus/Material required: 2 power sources(5V), connecting wires, multimeter, breadboard, resistances ( 2 -100ohm , 2 - 220 ohm , 147 ohm , 1 -150 ohm , 1 – 470 ohm , 5 – 120 ohm , 3150 ohm) Theory: Ohm’s law: it states the relationship between electric current and potential difference. The current that flows through most conductors is directly proportional to the voltage applied to it. I = V/R Where I is the current flowing through the conductor, V is the potential difference applied across the conductor and R is the Resistance of the conductor. KVL: It states that for any closed loop in the circuit, the sum of potential difference across all the components is zero. KCL: It states that the algebraic sum of all currents entering and exiting a node must be zero. The superposition theorem: It states that a circuit with multiple voltage and current sources is equal to the sum of simplified circuits using just one of the sources. Multimeter: A measuring instrument that can measure multiple electrical properties. Breadboard: It is a construction base used to build a semipermanent prototype of electronic circuits. Tellengen’s theorem: It states that the summation of power delivered is zero for each branch of any electrical network at any instant of time. It is mainly applicable for designing the filters in signal processing. Part 1 – Procedure/Setup: We connect the network below where V1 = 5 volts; R1 = 100Ω; R2 = 220Ω; R3 = 100Ω; R4 = 220Ω; R5 = 47Ω and R6 = 50Ω. Then we have to measure each resistance by opening them out of the circuit and using a multimeter. After that, we must measure the voltages across all resistances in the circuit using a multimeter and calculate the currents expected to flow through these resistors. 1.We have to verify KCL for node-A and node-B. 2.We have to verify KVL for all possible loops. 3.We will connect a 470ΩΩ resistor between S and G; measure the change in the current I5. 4. Now we will connect the same 470Ω resistor across R6 and measure the change in the current I5. Observations: RESISTANCE R1 VALUE(OHM) 100 +- 5% (gold band) 220 +- 5% 100 +- 5% 220 +- 5% 47 +- 5% 150 +- 5% R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 V DROP 2.478 2.613 1.286 1.326 0.313 1.012 After connecting the 470-ohm resistor between S and G, the change in I5 = 0. After connecting the 470-ohm resistor parallel to R6, the change in I5 = 0.001 A. Calculations CURRENT (I IN AMPERES) I1 = V1/R1 I2 = V2/R2 I3 = V3/R3 I4 = V4/R4 I5 = V5/R5 I6 = V6/R6 = 2.478/100 = 2.613/220 = 1.286/100 = 1.326/220 = 0.313/47 = 1.012/150 =0.025 =0.012 =0.013 =0.006 =0.007 =0.007 VERIFICATION of KCL for NODE A – The current entering the node A is I1 and leaving the node A are I2 and I3. By KCL I1 must be equal to the sum of I2 and I3. [I1 = 0.025A, I2= 0.012A, I3=0.013A I2 + I3 = 0.012A + 0.013A = 0.025A = I1] Hence KCL is verified for NODE A. VERIFICATION of KCL for NODE BSimilarly for node B, I3 must be equal to the sum of I4 and I5. I3= 0.013, I4=0.006, I5 = 0.007 0.013 = 0.06 + 0.07 Hence KCL has been verified for node B. VERIFICATION OF KVL FOR ALL POSSIBLE LOOPS – the potential difference across all the resistors has already been calculated above which is represented by Vn. The sign of the potential difference would be taken depending upon the direction of the current 1)LOOP with Power source, R1, R2 V-V1-V2must be 0 which implies, 5 – 2.478- 2.613 must be 0 5 – 2.478 – 2.613 =-0.09 which is nearly 0 2)LOOP with R2, R3, R4 V2– V3 – V4 must be 0 which implies, 2.613 – 1.286 – 1.326 must be 0 2.613 – 1.286 – 1.326 = 0.001 which is nearly 0 3) LOOP with R4, R5, R6 V4 – V5 – V6 must be 0 which implies, 1.326 – 0.313 – 1.012 = 0.001 which is nearly zero 4) LOOP with V, R1, R3, R4 V – V1-V3-V4 must be 0 5 – 2.478 – 1.286 – 1.326 = - 0.09 which is nearly 0 5) LOOP with R2, R3, R5, R6 V2 – V3 – V5 – V6 must be 0. 2.613 – 1.286 – 0.313 – 1.012 = 0.002 which is nearly 0 6) LOOP with V, R1, R3, R5, R6 V – V1 – V3 – V5 – V6 must be 0 5 – 2.478 – 1.286 – 0.313 – 1.012 = -0.08 which is nearly 0 After connecting the 470 ohm resistor parallel to R6, the change in I5 = (Vnew across R5 – Vold across R5)/R5 – by ohm’s law = (0.357-0.313)/47 = 0.001 A Initial circuit setup on the bread board for the first part Circuit with the 470 ohm resistor (Part 1) Part-2: Procedure/Setup: From the original arrangement We have to move one end of R5 out and connect a 5 Volt source in series with R5 such that the positive side of the voltage source should be towards B. Then measure the voltage across R2 and calculate the current I2. We had calculated I2 earlier when there was only V1 of 5 volts. Now we have to replace V1 with a short circuit and again measure the voltage across R2 and calculate I2. Then we would be able to verify the superposition theorem. Observations – The superposition principle holds true for the given circuit. The current(I2) after the first amendment = 0.015A The current(I2) after the second amendment =0.003A Calculations: After the first amendment: New voltage across R2 = 3.230 New current through R2(I2) = (3.230)/220 – by ohm’s law = 0.015A After the second amendment: New voltage across R2= 0.664 New current through R2 = 0.664/220 – by ohm’s law = 0.003 A The current calculated in the first part through R2(I2) =0.012A By the superposition theorem: The current obtained in R2 ( that is I2) in the presence of the 2 sources(amendment 1) should be equal to the algebraic sum of the currents through R2 when the circuit only contained one of the sources ( original + amendment 2) We observe that 0.015A = 0.003A + 0.012A This verifies the superposition Theorem. The circuit when the original voltage source is replaced by a short circuit. Part-3: Procedure/Setup: We have to setup a circuit as shown below where each resistor is 120Ω. Then we will measure the resistance between nodes A and B with the help of a multimeter. We will compare the expected resistance between nodes A and B with the measured value. Then we will apply a voltage of 5 volts between A and B. Then we will measure the voltages between B-C, B-D, C-D. Next we will replace C-D with a short-circuit, measure the voltages across the resistances; measure the resistances; and calculate the current in A-A'. Lastly we will replace C-D with an open-circuit, once again measure the voltages across the resistances and calculate the current in A-A'. Observations: The measured resistance between A and B = 120 ohm The expected value of the resistance between A and B = 120ohm The expected value matches with the measured value. After applying a voltage of 5 volts between A and B– V(BC) V(BD) V(CD) 2.495 2.513 0.010 The voltage across BC approximately = BD = half the potential difference across AB. The voltage across CD = 0.010 which approximately = 0 ,as if the resistance CD does not exist . The above 2 observations are made as the given circuit satisfies a condition known as the balanced Wheatstone bridge. In such a case, the galvanometer shows no deflection , which means that no current passes through the central region when the Wheatstone bridge is in a balanced condition. After replacing CD with a short circuit: V(AC) V(BC) V(AD) V(BD) 2.476 2.503 2.478 2.481 The current in entering AA’ must be equal to the sum of the current leaving A’C and A’D – by KCL I (AA’) = 0.042 A Due to balanced Wheatstone condition, no current flows through the central region. The potential drop across each resistor except the central one is same due to the symmetry and simple Kirchoff rules. After replacing CD with an open circuit: V(AC) V(BC) V(AD) V(BD) 2.519 2.495 2.502 2.517 The current in entering AA’ must be equal to the sum of the current leaving A’C and A’D – by KCL The results observed are almost same as the above part because the value of R in the centre doesn’t matter . It may be 0 (open circuit) or several thousand ohms. Calculations: After replacing CD with a short circuit I(A’C) = V(A’C)/R = V(AC)/R = 2.476/120 =0.021 I(A’D)= V(A’D)/R = V(AD)/R = 2.478 /120 = 0.021 I(BC)= V(BC)/R = 2.503/120 = 0.021 I(BD)= V(BD)/R = 2.481/120 = 0.021 Which implies I(AA’)= 0.021A + 0.021A= 0.042A After replacing CD with an open circuit – I(A’C) = V(A’C)/R = V(AC)/R = 2.519/120 =0.021 I(A’D)= V(A’D)/R = V(AD)/R = 2.502 /120 = 0.021 I(BC)= V(BC)/R = 2.495/120 = 0.021 I(BD)= V(BD)/R = 2.517/120 = 0.021 Which implies I(AA’)= 0.021A + 0.021A= 0.042A The original circuit arrangement for the 3rd part The circuit after the central resistance has been short circuited.(part 3) The circuit after the central resistance has been removed. Part-4: (mystery) Procedure/Setup: We have to consider the circuit of Part-1. We have already measured all the voltages (and inferred all the currents) in all the branches of the circuit. Let us call this set of voltages and currents as {ViA} and {IiA}. Now we will do a fresh measurement for a similar circuit, with different values of voltages and components. The voltage source can be any value of our choice. The resistors R1 through R6 can be arbitrarily chosen from 47Ω, 100Ω, 150Ω and 220Ω. The circuit components shouldn’t be the same as the previous circuit. We will measure all the voltages, and infer all the currents; let us call this set of voltages and currents as {ViB} and {IiB}. We will first compute ∑i(ViAIiB). That is from the set A, choose the ith voltage and from set B choose the ith current. Multiply them and add. We will also compute ∑i(ViBIiA) and comment on the surprising result. Observations : FOR THE B CIRCUIT R R1(100 +-5%) R2(150) R3(150+-5%) R4(150+-5%) R5(100+-5%) R6(220+-5%) V(drop) 2.601 2.415 1.432 0.982 0.307 0.672 ∑I(ViAIiB) =0 ∑I(ViBIiA) =0 We observe these surprising results , which can be well explained by Tellegen’s theoremwhen we compare the potential drops and currents in different circuit configurations using Tellegen's Theorem, we are not only verifying energy conservation but also validating the foundational circuit analysis principles that govern the behavior of electric circuits. CALCULATIONS: ViB IiB = ViB / R 2.601 2.415 1.432 0.982 0.307 0.672 2.601/100 =0.026 2.415/150=0.016 1.432/150=0.010 0.982/150=0.007 0.307/100=0.003 0.672/220=0.003 ViA(Volt) IiB(Ampere) (ViAIiB) Across R1 =2.478 Across R2 =2.613 Across R3 =1.286 Across R4 =1.326 Across R5 =0.313 Across R6 =1.012 Across the power source = (-5) 0.026 0.016 0.010 0.007 0.003 0.003 0.026 0.064 0.041 0.013 0.009 0.001 0.003 -0.13 ∑I(ViAIiB) = 0.001 which is nearly =0 [measurement error] ViB(Volt) IiA(Ampere) (VIBIiA) Across R1 2.601 Across R2 2.415 Across R3 1.432 Across R4-0.982 Across R5 -0.307 Across R6 -0.672 Across the power source = (-5) =0.025 0.065 =0.012 0.029 =0.013 0.019 =0.006 =0.007 =0.007 0.025 0.006 0.002 0.005 -0.125 ∑i(VIBIiA)= 0.001 which is approximately =0 [measurement error] The circuit arrangement for the 4th part. CONCLUSION 1. KCL and KVL have been verified. 2. Superposition principle holds true. 3. Energy is conserved.(4th part) SOURCES OF ERROR 1. The error in resistance : All the resistances are gold band resistances , which means that they will have approximately 5% error . For example 100ohm+5% = (95 ohm to 105ohm) 2. The error in multimeter : For DC voltage – 0.5% , For Resistance – 0.9% (source – user manual ) 3. The calculation/measurement error : All the calculations done by me involved approximation till the 3rd decimal place **The calculations where the expected result was 0 but the calculation showed approximately 0 was because of the above 3 errors in the measurement. **The voltage across the power sources in the above parts was taken negative as we have to compute the sum algebraically. PRECAUTIONS 1. Properly dress up for the lab (shoes are a must) 2. Don’t operate any electrical circuit with wet hands. 3. The DC voltage source should have 2 functioning portals. 4. All the lines in the bread board should be functional . 5. The multimeter should be working properly. 6. Don’t forget to look at the colour bands of the resistance to precisely calculate the error. THANK YOU