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Emerging DBMS: Cloud-Based Database Management Systems

Emerging DBMS
Rishikesh Deshetty
ITM 547: Database Management
Ivan Gappy
December 17th, 2023
Organizations have been desperate to save their data so that they can make conclusive insight
regarding it because data is rapidly increasing with the inclusion of technological edge where from
talking over to phone till making every moment the person is being recorded and for this
organization need to have data to understand what they require next and what to provide them. For
example, Amazon has been using data analytics to understand upcoming market trend and launch
their product accordingly as per customer buying pattern and their demand, this is all possible via
online ordering platform and getting the data stored in data warehouse so that ETL activity can be
performed. ETL refers to extraction, extraction of data from source defined, transforms means
getting the unstructured data into structured one and finally loading refers to when data is cleansed
and stabilized it is transferred from staging area towards data warehouse. This process happens to
be automated where it is defined and in continual along with having two methods which is full
load and incremental load. As data is important now and it requires careful tools and methods to
store it, this is where database management comes into being. Database Management System is
known as DBMS and the very definition of it states that it follows storage of data through
computerized solution where it makes easy to make changes to data in terms of editing it, deleting
it and upscaling it (BasuMallick, 2022). Database not only helps in getting the data structured but
it also helps over maintaining the security of data by providing access controls to individual for
maintaining integrity of it. There are certain key features of database management model such as
it is used for data modeling where tools are used for maintaining structure of data along with
modification of different data models. It helps in providing different methods for storage and
retrieval of data so that it can be used when need is there. One most important benefit of having
database is to have backup along with recovery if in case any issue gets arise which happen to be
such as system failures, natural calamities etc. There are two types of databases one is relational
data base management system and the other is non-relational database management system also
known as Non-SQL. RDBMS is an organized data that consist of rows and columns in the form of
tables. Lastly, NoSQL or Non-RDBMS has unstructured data which is in the form of pairs,
documents, graphs and columns making it important to make it structured first.
Cloud Based Database Management System
There are different types of database management system such as Hierarchical database which is
based on parent-child relationship, network-database establishes relationship among different
objects via network structure, relational database uses rows and columns to store data and present
each record, graph database use different queries and data is presented in graph format where it is
stored on different nodes along with edges, document databases are unstructured where data is
stored in document format and query tools are used to extract useful information from it. In this
era where technology has helped to make things easy by grabbing news or any other detail within
a click, it has similarly given rise to advanced database management systems such as cloud-based
Cloud based database management is one of the trending DBMS where firms are shifting their
work towards this database system. Cloud database basically runs on the basis of cloud computing
platform in which user installs software on cloud infrastructure. This database helps to connect
network from far flung areas and connects through different mobile devices, various remote
facilities and sensors. There are different features that make this database unique from others
because it is based on cloud platform which can be accessed from anywhere. There is no need to
buy hardware for establishing servers because cloud can host servers online. There are two
possibilities in it that includes either the server can be managed by user or it can be managed by
provider. One the added feature includes it supports both relational and non-relational database
making it distinct from others because they can either work on any one of them. Data stored over
cloud is liable for certain restrictions in terms of access controls because integrity and security of
data is mandatory to have it online.
Cloud based database is one of the trendy technological thing right now because in the year 2021
it had a market cap of around USD 6 billion but by the year 2027 it is predicted that market cap
would surge towards USD 22 billion which shows a staggering growth over the year. Cloud trend
has surged over the years because this is built and deployed over cloud platform no need of physical
hardware system where it works on the model of platform as a service which allows end users to
perform multiple tasks such as storage, managing and retrieval of data from cloud platform (360
Research Reports, 2023). There are numerous third-party suppliers or manufactures of cloud-based
database starting from Google, Amazon Web services, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Cassandra,
Alibaba, Teradata and many more but these are the most notable ones. It is obvious that this
technology has become trendy because it is being used by different enterprises such as large and
SMEs making it most agile service to be provided. Large enterprise wants to get their data secured
and make it accessible over the globe within fraction of seconds that’s why they are adopting this
trend and reason for SME to adapt these are due to fact that cost cutting is first priority for them
as IT equipment requires heavy investment and companies cannot afford to do so for this purpose
it becomes mandatory that cutting edge technology be deployed to make things easy and
manageable. Considering market that are leading towards cloud-based database are North America
and Europe that are dominating it.
Examples of Trend
There are various examples around us that have been using cloud-based database management
system for their benefits and one of the areas which uses this database is social media. As of now
people are frequently using social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok etc. for
their entertainment along with creating content for earning purpose. Thus, cloud-database is used
for Facebook which stores data for analytical purpose so that data can be extracted and used for
the purpose of providing valuable insight. Social media sites require robust security control and
cloud-based database which is used for the purpose of providing data security control. Cloud
database provides benefits in terms of security by providing two things that is encryption and data
masking to protect info from unauthorized access. Organization such as Amazon us utilizing
benefits of this cloud server by extracting data from it and converting it into useful knowledge.
Amazon web services are easy to manage because removes inefficient database work that requires
administrator approvals.
Secondly, organizations are using this trend for the purpose of storing data because companies
require heavy installation of storage servers that also need costly infrastructure. Thus, cloud
database is built to run over two things which are public and hybrid cloud servers so that data can
be stored, managed and retrieved online. The best example is of General Electric that deployed
Amazon Web Services in its organization so that they can shift from traditional storage medium
towards cloud-based data management system. This helped them to rely on over 2000 applications
which were cloud-based apps. Another best example is of Apple that has deployed Siri an interface
that requires both human and AI interaction among one another so that through voice recognition
person can perform various tasks. It helps users by fulfilling their queries by extracting data from
cloud server making it easy to determine what is required. Apple iCloud is another medium which
provides user access to store data online and in terms of data loss it can be recovered online. For
example, iOS in case gets corrupted cell phone can be reset and then when it is on recovery mode
people can extract their data immediately. The only thing that matters over here is storage space
which Apple offers in various paid plans because it offers certain of free GB after which person
needs to purchase more to meet needs of him (Great Learning Team, 2022).
Lastly, company that has been using cloud database system is Netflix and it has set a benchmark
for various others to use it in order to stay ahead from the competitors. Netflix used Amazon Web
Services for providing services to its client because it uses online storage capacity and it is known
that around 12TB of data is stored regarding customers account because they need to provide
content over standard video definition or high-quality definition. It used this database management
tool to provide content fast and deliver reliable streaming video. Netflix does not have team of
technical people with them to manage these server issues instead Amazon manages its issues
because Netflix has one of the largest customer databases and it cannot manage different operation
related matters thus, it has outsourced to Amazon Web Services (Edwards, 2022).
This shows that cloud computing is one the trendy things these days because it helps in
organization achieve their various aspects through providing numerous advantages. Advantage
includes reduced operational overhead where they do not require staff to maintain IT related
problems along with not requiring physical infrastructure for maintaining purpose. This is because
cloud is responsible to manage all these things such as updating and maintaining of hardware and
operating system. Cost of ownership is low because it allows people to build applications online
with the dynamics that when it needs to be upscaled it can be done through pay as you go model.
This platform offers one the high-tech benefit that includes providing safe and secure data in which
it does not allow unauthorized access. It provides multi-layer security by having best technological
standard. Enterprises rely on this technology for reliability purpose because it provides different
built-in features which have SLA to fulfill and most importantly it provides back-up feature via
automated recovery method. There are different practices regarding how data should be managed
which starts from defining the goals of project which means it should be know what organization
wants to achieve, secondly it is to be known what data sets shall benefit the company when a goal
is defined and lastly, how to automate data recovery means which can be monthly, daily or yearly.
Job market will be certainly impacted with this technology because back in Covid-19 there was
less demand of these technology because enterprises relied only on hardware technologies but with
the advent of Covid-19 it boosted cloud computing in order to fulfill needs of the customer as
during pandemic industries got shut down so do hardware as well and if maintenance was to be
required visit had to be made. From 2020 to as of now market of cloud computing has increased
significantly from USD 252 billion towards USD 304 billion. As of now it is one of the demanding
professions across different countries because of two things Software as a Service and secondly
infrastructure as a service. There are numerous jobs in demand regarding cloud computing which
is (Jebaraj, 2023):
Network and Architect
It is important that architect be there to design project layout which shall be implemented over
cloud servers and for this purpose network designer and architect job are in demand which take
help from IT teams and collaborate with them for effective deployment.
Network Engineer
Cloud network engineer is required to maintain two things server and network, it’s pretty much
necessary that this skill be acquired because it’s an engine that requires maintenance along with
having right tools to manage. Further, these individual also provide experience with server and
security interface.
Security Analyst
When cloud server is used it is important to maintain security of it as well thus cloud security
analyst play a major role in maintaining the security of it and they need to constantly check for
any threat or flaws that can create issue for the organization.
Cloud Database Administrator
Cloud administrator basically finds out bugs and issues which then are resolved along with
providing new technological standards for the purpose of maintaining servers with latest
integration such as machine learning, AI and DevOps.
Major Considerations
When it comes to considerations regarding cloud-based database management system there are
few things to consider such as what service to acquire and that depends over need of enterprise
such as PaaS, IaaS and SaaS. Data Security and privacy is concern because if third party service
is being acquired than it is mandatory that few things be considered such as GDPR, ISO compliant
and HIPAA along with other certifications are complied by them. Next most important thing is
cloud service being taken is resilient to disasters or tragedies so that data can be recovered easily.
At times business are in expansion phase and they require that their technology also gets upscaled
thus it is mandatory that with business flexibility should be there in cloud server as well where
space can be acquired more. SLA should be properly read because once signed there is not going
back until contract gets expired.
It is concluded that database management plays an important role in an organization for three
things that is extraction of data, cleansing the data and then processing it for making useful insights
over it. There are various types of databases such as relational database, non-relational database,
graph database, cloud database, augmented etc. each and every one has its own purpose in the
industry. There are notable manufacturers of database such as Amazon Web Services, Google
Cloud, Microsoft, IBM and Teradata. There are numerous other but these are the most common
one. In this era Cloud based database management is followed because it provides number of
benefits such as cost saving, instant access, security features etc. as a matter of fact many
enterprises are not converting towards cloud servers due to Covid-19 which has greatly impacted
the technological industry.
360 Research Reports. (2023). Cloud-based database market size, trends etc. Retrieved from:
Great Learning Team. (2022). Top Companies that Succeeded in Cloud Computing. Retrieved
Edwards, K. (2022). How Cloud Computing Made Netflix Possible. Retrieved from:
Jebaraj, K. (2023). Cloud Computing Demand: Overview of Market, Job & Scope. Retrieved from: