PONTIFICAL AND ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Senior High School – Science Department 2nd Term / SY 2021 – 2022 NAME OF MEMBERS: PERFORMANCE TASK: GROUP NUMBER: 1 SECTION: 11MAD-05 PETA 2:Life in a Bottle Date of Implementation October 2022 Date Submitted November 29, 2022 Memoracion, Isah Panaligan, Sofia Perez, Kenizha Sablan, Drei Serrano, Elisha Sunot, Mary Mitzi Category 4 3 2 1 Weight Analysis The relationship between the variables is discussed and trends/patterns logically analyzed. Predictions are made about what might happen if part of the lab were changed or how the experimental design could be changed. The relationship between the variables is discussed and trends/patterns logically analyzed. The relationship between the variables is discussed but no patterns, trends or predictions are made based on the data. The relationship between the variables is not discussed. 6 /24 Professional looking and accurate representation of the data in tables. Updates Data weekly and gives accurate descriptions. Accurate representation of the data in tables. Data are updated but descriptions are inaccurate. Accurate representation of the data in written form, but not updated regularly. Data are not shown OR are inaccurate. 6 /24 Report illustrates an accurate and thorough understanding of scientific concepts underlying the lab. Report illustrates an accurate understanding of most scientific concepts Report illustrates a limited understanding of scientific concepts underlying the lab. Report illustrates inaccurate understanding of scientific concepts underlying the lab. 5 /20 Data Scientific Concepts TOTAL underlying the lab. Question/Pur pose Conclusion The purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab is clearly identified and stated. The purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab is identified, but is stated in a somewhat unclear manner. The purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab is partially identified, and is stated in a somewhat unclear manner. The purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab is erroneous or irrelevant. 4 /16 Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis, possible sources of error, and what was learned from the experiment. Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis and what was learned from the experiment. Conclusion includes what was learned from the experiment. No conclusion was included in the report OR shows little effort and reflection. 4 /16 TOTAL /100 PETA 2: Life in a Bottle INTRODUCTION: Our planet supports a diverse form of life that thrives in all types of habitats, such as soils, ocean water, clouds, and deep-sea sediments. We can see those different organisms in all habitats, particularly microorganisms that interact and depend on each other. As microorganisms grow, it consumes particular substrates, including carbon-rich fuels like sugars and nutrients, vitamins, and respiratory gases like oxygen. Just like in any environment, competition can arise when essential resources start to run out. Microorganisms with different metabolic needs can bloom and thrive. In the 1880s, Sergei Winogradsky developed a culturing device that supports a large diversity of microorganisms. This device is the Winogradsky column of pond mud and water mixed with a carbon source such as newspaper, eggshells, and gypsum. Incubating the column in sunlight for months results in an aerobic/anaerobic gradient and a sulfide gradient. In this activity, your group will also take on the challenge of observing the interaction of microorganisms and various microbial succession that can happen in your created environment. Key concepts Microorganisms, Soil, Biology, Oxygen, Sunlight, Ecosystem OBJECTIVES: 1. Describe the construction of a Winogradsky column. 2. Explain how this simulates a model ecosystem. 3. Explain the environmental factors that exist within each portion of the column. 4. Describe the bacteria capable of growing in each zone. MATERIALS: ● soil or mud ● water (same source as the mud/soil or other tap water). ● latex gloves ● metal or plastic pans for mixing the materials ● spatulas/spoon ● sources of carbon (e.g., some, such as calcium carbonate and chalk, are rapidly metabolized while others such as shredded paper and sawdust are metabolized slowly) ● sources of sulfur (e.g., sodium sulfate, elemental sulfur, raw or hard-boiled eggs, sodium sulfide) ● a bottle (2-liter soda bottle without the top) or other tall, clear container (wide mouth containers are preferable). PROCEDURES: NOTE: Each member of the group will make his/her own experimental set-up. 1. Mix the collected mud/soil with the desired carbon and sulfur sources. Possible carbon sources: Vegetable materials such as shredded hay, newspaper or sawdust, grass clippings, corn starch, and oatmeal will work fine. These materials release carbon relatively slowly. Fast release carbon sources include sodium carbonate (soda ash), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), and calcium carbonate (chalk). Possible sulfur sources: Elemental sulfur, calcium sulfate (gypsum), magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt), raw or hard-boiled eggs, and cheese can work in this experiment. SAFETY NOTE: It is uncertain if the mud is contaminated with sewage, waste, heavy metals, or other toxic materials. Wear latex gloves in mixing materials and putting them in the column. Add a minimal amount of water to the container and add the mud/soil mixture a little at a time using a stick or rod to push the material in the bottom of the column. Make sure that air bubbles are excluded as much as possible. *** The nutrient source weight may vary per student. 2. Add water and soil mixture until the bottle/container is about three-fourths full. Rinse the excess mud/soil mixture from the container above the soil level and then add additional water to produce a water column. Leave some space above the surface of the water and cover the column with plastic wrap. Be sure to cut a slit or put some small holes in the plastic wrap to permit an exchange of gases. 3. Place your column near a window/balcony with good ventilation. (You may also use a tungsten lamp. Your setup can produce a strong or pungent smell until they stabilize. Ensure that the column is not exposed to too much heat or not heated by the tungsten bulb. The temperature must be maintained and does not rise to exceed much above room temperature. 4. Observe changes in the column (color, gas bubbles, odor). Record these observations. Note: Photographs taken at regular intervals are a great way to record color and color distribution changes within the column. 5. Record the date and the observations of your setup. 6. Collate all data from all members of the group and summarize results. NOTE: Your Winogradsky column must be placed in an area that is not easily disturbed. It is important not to vigorously move or shake the column in doing your observations. The success of your column will be evident within a few weeks. Colored patches can appear just under the glass or plastic layer of the column (phototrophic green and purple sulfur bacteria). Green patches (algae and cyanobacteria) will likely appear at the top of the water column. WEEKLY DATA and RESULTS NAME: Isah Memoracion WEEK 1 11/04/22 _______ Date 2 11/11/22 _______ Date 3 11/18/22 _______ Date 4 11/25/22 _______ Date PHOTO DESCRIPTION In the first week, there are no visible and major changes. The color of the water is still brown, the soil is still the same, and there is no odor yet. By week 2, I can already see visible changes such as the water turning green and a bit of smell. However, there were no changes in the soil. By week 3, the soil darkened, and the water also turned into a darker green. There were also spots of green moss-like patches and the smell got stronger. Week 4 was the time that the typhoon Paeng hit so the bottle overflowed. I removed some of the excess water. By this week, the soil darkened even more and the water was greenish and brownish. There were more moss-like patches and the smell really got stronger, and you can smell it from afar, especially when I poured the overflowing water. I also noticed I bit of a red-ish spots on the bottom part of the soil. NAME (STUDENT 2): Sofia Isabel Panaligan WEEK 1 10/08/22 _______ Date 2 10/14/22 _______ Date 3 10/21/22 _______ Date 4 10/28/22 _______ Date PHOTO DESCRIPTION It was still moist at first, and then the bad odor started to come in after a few days. The bad odor was now bearable, but still smells bad. There were changes with the water. There were movements around the water and the soil, still the bad odor stays. The odd smell was still there but there were bits of color green seen when you looked closely. 5 11/04.22 _______ Date 6 11/11/22 _______ Date 7 11/18/22 _______ The small movements were still there and the greenish stuff on the soil is now around the bottle if I look close enough. There were still small bubbles, but the green particles are now also around the top of the cover of my bottle. There were not many changes. Date 8 11/25/22 _______ Date The water has now turned brown, still not much changes. NAME: KENIZHA CHLOE PEREZ WEEK PHOTO DESCRIPTION 1 10/10/22 Nothing much really changed since the day I made it and I can still see through the water. 2 10/17/22 Smells bad and there are some floating particles on top of the water. The water was also getting dirty. 3 10/24/22 Still smells pretty bad and the floating particles on top look like it’s sticking together. Still no result on the soil. 4 10/31/22 There were some bubbles under the soil and on top of the water. The side of the container starts getting dirty. There were some green particles forming on top of the soil. 5 11/07/22 Lots of green particles started appearing on top of the water and soil and sticks on the side of the container. 6 11/14/22 Nothing much has changed since last week. Still the same. 7 11/21/22 The green particles on the side of the column are much lighter than last week. 8 11/28/22 No changes. WEEKLY DATA & RESULTS NAME:JULI DREIANN LEIE P. SABLAN WEEK 1 10/22 PHOTO DESCRIPTION - Not much changes. Odor is a bit smelly. - Odor is pungent. Air bubbles forming on the sides. - Water and soil turned a bit greenish. Pungent odor has subsided. Date 2 10/27 Date 3 11/1 Date - 4 11/7 Date 5 11/13 - Water turned black. Soil turned grayish. Thin white fungi layer start to form. - Soil & water are still the same. Red fungus start to form on one spot. - White layer has become brownish. Cracks and a lump start to form from the red fungus. Roots are visible under the fungus. Date 6 11/20 Date - 7 11/28 Date - Not much changes. brown layers cracked. green splotches on the side of the column. Elisha Maura Serrano WEEK PHOTO DESCRIPTION ● Week 1 OCT 8 ● ● ● ● Week 2 ● OCT 15 ● The water is really dark but starting to clean up a little after the water and mud separated. There is no strange odor. On the water's surface, a layer and some bubbles are beginning to appear. Maggots were seen in the column. The abundance of maggots rose, and they appeared to be attempting to exit the column. The water is now clearer and seems lighter than it did earlier. There is still no strange odor emanating from the column. ● Week 5 NOV 5 ● ● ● Week 5 ● NOV 12 The water darkened and the layer on top turned reddish. At the center of the column, something reddish-brown is developing. At the base of the column, some dark green specks may be seen. The water has cleared up so much and the color lightened and became a bit orange. In the middle of the column, there’s more of the reddish-brown thing forming WEEKLY DATA & RESULTS NAME: Mary Mitzi Jim Sunot WEEK 1 10/20 Date PHOTO DESCRIPTION First day. 2 10/24 4 days later. Starting to see changes, though they’re not major. Date 3 10/27 Date After 3 days, I was shocked to see maggots in my plant. I kept it for like one more week but I had to put it in our bathroom, and there were flies roaming around. I had to throw it away. GUIDE QUESTIONS: 1. What changes did you see in the column at the end of your observation period? Are there also sections in the column that remain unchanged? At the end of our observation period we noticed changes with the odor (the odor got stronger as time passed by), color of the water (first it turned green then turned into dark brown), for some members there were green particles on the side of the bottle in the water column and for others the green particles were on the top of their water, the sides, and on top of the soil. A member noticed that there were small red particles on her soil column. The small bubbles at first were visibly seen, but as the week passes by it gradually decreases. Both the water and the soil column have changed, but the changes in the soil column were only minimal. 2. Explain how the biodiversity found on Earth is demonstrated through the Winogradsky Column in terms of the niches they occupy. The Winogradsky column served as a mini ecosystem because microorganisms grew and multiplied from the closed system of the column. The microorganisms created a suitable environment for them inside the closed system just like how organisms on Earth shape the environment to be suitable for our needs. 3. Why does the Winogradsky column require sunlight? How does it illustrate the sun as the primary source of energy on Earth? The Winogradsky column requires sunlight because it is their primary source for their energy to make food. Microbes need sunlight to provide them food and energy through photosynthesis, so the Winogradsky column should be placed in an area where they get sunlight. CONCLUSION: All life on earth can be classified through the organism's carbon and energy source, like sunlight and the carbon and sulfur sources incorporated in the soil to make our column. As a student it enables us to observe the growth and changes in microbial populations. The Winogradsky column is also a unique microbial ecosystem that has various advantages for use as a model system to study microbial and viral dynamics, interactions, and diversity. The Winogradsky column shows how different the microorganisms perform their roles while depending on each other. The processes of a microorganism can be used by other microorganisms to grow. The Winogradsky is a closed system, driven by sunlight that provides them energy and food. We therefore conclude that the Winogradsky column is a demonstration of the biodiversity that can be found on Earth and that we should appreciate the small things even if we aren’t meant to see them. REFERENCES: Scientific American (2021). Soil Science: Make a Winogradsky Column. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bring-science-home-soil-column/