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IES Electrical Engineering Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2024

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IES Electrical Engineering Syllabus 2024: Download Prelims and Mains Syllabus PDF
IES Electrical Engineering Syllabus is mentioned in the IES Notification 2024. The IES Prelims syllabus has various topics such as National and
International Issues, Current Affairs, National and International Policies, etc. As the IES Mains exam is descriptive, the questions are asked from
topics of Engineering subjects such as Matrix Theory, Electric Circuits, Transistors, Power Systems, etc. There is no as such defined syllabus for
IES PT round. Check IES Exam Pattern.
IES Electrical Engineering Syllabus Highlights
IES Electrical Engineering is a specified discipline in IES exam. Here is the detailed overview of IES Electrical Engineering exam.
Name of the Exam
Indian Engineering Services
Name of the Conducting Body
Union Public Services Commission (UPSC)
Selection Process
Prelims, Mains, Personality Test
IES Application Form Mode
Post Name
IES Electrical Engineer
General Awareness
Engineering Aptitude
Conventional Engineering
Subjects Asked
Prelims: 5 Hours
Mains: 6 Hours
Exam Duration
Mode of Examination
Multiple Choice Questions
Descriptive Questions
Types of Questions Asked
Official Website
IES Electrical Engineering Exam Pattern
IES Exam Pattern for Electrical Engineering includes two parts. In the first part, called Paper I, there are multiple-choice questions on General
Awareness and Engineering Aptitude topics. The second part, Paper II, contains MCQ-based questions related to the candidate's chosen
IES Electrical Engineering Prelims Exam Pattern
The IES Prelims Exam Pattern consists of two objective-type (multiple-choice) question papers with a combined score of 500 marks. Paper I is
worth 200 marks, while Paper II holds a weightage of 300 marks. IES Electrical Engineering Prelims Exam Pattern is presented in the table below.
Time Allotted
Paper I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude)
200 Marks
2 Hours
Paper II (Electrical Engineering)
300 Marks
3 Hours
500 Marks
5 Hours
IES Electrical Engineering Mains Exam Pattern
After successfully clearing the initial stage, candidates become eligible for the Main exam. This exam comprises two papers in which the
candidate needs to answer 5 descriptive questions out of the 8 optional questions provided in each paper. The Main Exam is conducted for a total
of 600 marks. IES Electrical Engineering Mains Exam Pattern is presented in the table below.
Time Allotted
Paper I (Electrical Engineering)
300 Marks
3 Hours
Paper II (Electrical Engineering)
300 Marks
3 Hours
600 Marks
6 Hours
IES Electrical Engineering Prelims Syllabus
IES Electrical Engineering Prelims Syllabus is structured into two sections. Each section consists of 250 questions, all of which are multiplechoice questions. Candidates are awarded one mark for each correct answer. The first paper of the Prelims exam covers General Awareness and
Engineering Aptitude, while the second paper is focused on the selected Engineering Discipline.
IES Syllabus for General Studies and Engineering Aptitude
The first Paper consists of multiple-choice questions based on General Studies and Engineering Aptitude for a total of 200 marks. The syllabus
for General Studies and Engineering Aptitude
is tabulated below.
General knowledge
Current Affairs
Constitution and History of India
National And International Issues
Social Development
Economic Development
Industrial Development
The Dichotomy of Geological Classifications
Indicators of Industrial/Social/ Economic Development
National and International Policies
Change in Policies and Schemes
Current National Issues
Trends in Engineering
System of Government
Central and State Governments
Constitutional Bodies and Framework
Union Territories of India and Local Government
IES Syllabus for Electrical Engineering
Check out IES Prelims Syllabus for Electrical Engineering section:
Matrix Theory, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, A System of Linear Equations, Numerical Methods for the Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic
Equations, Differential Equation, Integral Calculus, Partial Derivatives, Maxima and Minima, Line Surface and Volume, Fourier Series, Initial
and Boundary Value, Taylor and Laurent's Series, Statistics formula, Sampling Theorem, Random Variables, Normal and Poisson Distribution,
Regression Analysis
Electric Circuits
and Field
Circuit Analysis, Network Graphs, KCL, KVL, Node and Mesh Analysis, Ideal Current and Voltage Sources, Thevenin's, Norton's
Superposition, Maximum Power Transfer, Transient Response of AC and DC, Sinusoidal, Steady State Analysis, Basic Filter Concept, Two
Ports Network, Three-Phased and Magnetic Coupled Circuits, Line Plane and Spherical Charging Distribution, Ampere’s and Bio-Sava RT's
Law. Maxwell Equation
Electrical Materials
Engineering Mathematics, Electrical Materials, Electric Circuits and Fields, Electrical and Electronics Measurement, Computer Fundamentals,
Basic Electronics and Analogue, Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, Signal Processing, Ferromagnetic Materials,
Photoconductive Materials, Nanomaterials, Superconductors
Accuracy and Precision, Bridges and Potentiometer, Moving Coil and Iron, Dynamometer and Induction Type Instruments, Measurement of
Voltage, Current, Power, Energy Factors, Instrument Transformers, Digital Volt and Multimeters, Q-Meters, Oscilloscopes, Virtual Memory,
File System, Transducers
Number System, Boolean Algebra, Altimetric Functions, Basic Architecture, CPU/IO/Memory Unit, Peripheral Devices, Data Management and
Processing, OS, Networking, Virtual Memory Files, File System, Virtual Programming Files, An Example of Programming Language
Basic Electronics
Bare Semiconductor Diodes, Transistors, Characteristics, Junction and Field Effect Junctions (BJT, FET and MOSFETS) Types of Transistors
and Amplifiers, Feedback Amplifiers
Topic-wise Weightage for Electrical Engineering Aptitude and General Awareness
While every topic holds significance in the IES Engineering exam, candidates can enhance their preparation by focusing on subjects with greater
weightage. Below is a table showcasing the topic-wise weightage for your reference.
IES Electrical Engineering Weightage
General Studies
Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability
Engineering Mathematics
Computer Fundamentals
Analog Electronics
Signals and Systems
Control System
Material Science
Electrical Machines
IES Electrical Engineering Mains Syllabus
IES Electrical Engineering Mains Exam Pattern consists of two parts, Paper I, and Paper II. Both of them are descriptive, and the question difficulty
is of graduation level. Candidates are allotted 3 hours to complete questions for each of the papers. Candidates can refer to the detailed IES
Syllabus to prepare accordingly.
IES Electrical Engineering Syllabus for Paper I
IES Electrical Engineering Syllabus is divided into two parts. Candidates are required to address both papers in a descriptive manner, one after the
other. The first paper of Electrical Engineering emphasizes the Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and includes questions of a foundational
Sub-Topics for IES Electrical Engineering
Matrix Theory, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, A System of Linear Equations, Numerical Methods for the Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic
Equations, Differential Equation, Integral Calculus, Partial Derivatives, Maxima and Minima, Line Surface and Volume, Fourier Series, Initial
and Boundary Value, Taylor and Laurent's Series, Statistics formula, Sampling Theorem, Random Variables, Normal and Poisson Distribution,
Regression Analysis
Electric Circuits
and Field
Circuit Analysis, Network Graphs, KCL, KVL, Node, and Mesh Analysis, Ideal Current and Voltage Sources, Thevenin's, Norton's
Superposition, Maximum Power Transfer, Transient Response of AC and DC, Sinusoidal, Steady State Analysis, Basic Filter Concept, Two
Ports Network, Three-Phased and Magnetic Coupled Circuits, Line Plane and Spherical Charging Distribution, Ampere’s and Bio-Sava RT's
Law. Maxwell Equation
Electrical Materials
Engineering Mathematics, Electrical Materials, Electric Circuits and Fields, Electrical and Electronics Measurement, Computer Fundamentals,
Basic Electronics and Analogue, Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, Signal Processing, Ferromagnetic Materials,
Photoconductive Materials, Nanomaterials, Superconductors
Accuracy and Precision, Bridges and Potentiometer, Moving Coil and Iron, Dynamometer and Induction Type Instruments, Measurement of
Voltage, Current, Power, Energy Factors, Instrument Transformers, Digital Volt and Multimeters, Q-Meters, Oscilloscopes, Virtual Memory,
File System, Transducers
Number System, Boolean Algebra, Altimetric Functions, Basic Architecture, CPU/IO/Memory Unit, Peripheral Devices, Data Management and
Processing, OS, Networking, Virtual Memory Files, File System, Virtual Programming Files, An Example of Programming Language
Basic Electronics
Bare Semiconductor Diodes, Transistors, Characteristics, Junction and Field Effect Junctions (BJT, FET, and MOSFETS) Types of Transistors
and Amplifiers, Feedback Amplifiers
IES Electrical Engineering Syllabus for Paper II
IES Electrical Engineering Paper II is more detailed and specifies the topics. There are 8 descriptive questions in this test, and the candidates must
answer 5 of them without fail. Find the detailed IES Electrical Engineering syllabus below in the table.
Sub-Topics for IES Electrical Engineering
Analog and
Operational Amplifier, Application and Combinations of the Amplifier and Sequential Logic, Circuits, Multiplex, Multivibrators, Sample and
Hold Circuits, A/D and D/A Vibrators, Simple Active Filters, Microprocessor Basic- Interfaces and Applications, Basic and Linear Integration
Circuits, Analogue Communication Basic, Digital Communication Basic, Time Domain Multiplexing, Power Line Carrier Communication System
Systems and
Discreet and Continuous Time Representation, Scaling of Operations, Time-Variant, Causal Systems, Time-Variant, Fourierr Series,
Representation of Continuous Periodic Signals, Discrete Fourier Transform, Linear Combination, Discrete Cousin Transform, FIR Filter,
Bilinear Transformation
Control Systems
Transfer Function, Principal of Feedback, Block Diagram, Signal Flow Paragraphs, Steady-State Errors, Routh Hurtwiz Creation, Nywuist
Technology, Bode Plots, Root Loci, LED Leg Compensation, Stability Analysis, State Page Model, State Translation Matrix, Control Ability and
Observability, Linear State Variable Feedback, PID and Industrial Controller
Power Systems
Basic Power Generation Concept, Steam Gas, Water Turbines, Transmission Line Models and Performance, Circuit Breakers, System Stability
Concept, The Concept of Power System Dynamic, HDVC Transmission and Fact Concept, Smart Grid Concept, Fundamentals of Power
Economics, Radial and Ring Main Distribution, Power Factor Analysis and Cable Performance, Insulation and Transmission Line Models
Single Phase Transformer, Connection, Parallel and Autotransformers Types of Winding, Operating and DC Machines, Armature Reaction,
Commutation, Starting and Speed Control of Motors-Principal, Types Characteristics, Starting Speed, Synchronous Machines, Performance
Regulations, Parallels Operations of Generator, Servo and Stepper Motors, Induction Motions, Types and Features.
Topic-wise Weightage for Electrical Engineering
Check out IES Mains topic-wise weightage in the table below.
Weightage for IES Electrical Engineering
Engineering Mathematics
Computer Fundamentals
Analog Electronics
Signals and Systems
Control System
Material Science
Electrical Machines
Power Systems
Electromagnetic Filed
Communication System
IES Electrical Engineering Personality Test
IES Electrical Engineering Personality Test marks the final stage of the selection process. Only candidates who successfully pass the Prelims and
Mains exams proceed to the Personality/ Interview round. During the Interview, candidates will encounter task-based questions, case scenarios,
and inquiries related to their background, all collectively contributing to a total of 200 marks. Moreover, in stage III of IES process, candidates
must submit their documents for verification. The evaluation factors for candidates in IES exam are as follows:
Excellent Communication Skills
Critical Analysis and Technological Knowledge
Mathematics and Electrical Knowledge
Interpersonal Skills
Organisational Skills and Time Management
IES Electrical Engineering Syllabus PDF
Before preparing for IES Electrical Engineering, candidates should review the syllabus to identify important topics and their weightage. The
Electrical Engineering syllabus can be found on the official UPSC website, www.upsc.gov.in, or can be downloaded as a PDF using the link
provided below.
Download IES Electrical Engineering Syllabus PDF here
IES Electrical Engineering Preparation Tips
Candidates need individual IES Preparation Strategies for Prelims and Mains, as the exam patterns differ. Candidates should start preparing for
the exam early and must integrate the following IES Electrical Engineering Preparation Tips into a habit.
Familiarize yourself with IES Electrical Engineering exam pattern, including the number of papers, subjects covered, and marking scheme. Candidates can make
flowcharts to make learning easier.
Make short notes of all important formulas, and revise them frequently.
Focus on the technical questions, and practice the questions with higher marks often.
Practice solving IES previous year's question papers and mock tests to get a feel for the exam pattern, improve time management, and identify weak areas.
IES Relevant Links
IES Exam Dates
IES Admit Card
IES Exam Centre
IES Vacancy
IES Eligibility
IES Salary
IES Electrical Engineering Books
IES Electrical Engineering exam includes challenging and complex topics, so candidates must choose suitable books that cover IES Electrical
Engineering exam syllabus comprehensively. The table below provides a list of recommended IES Books for Preparation.
IES Electrical Engineering Books
Engineering Mathematics
Engineering Mathematics by MADE EASY
Engineering Mathematics and Aptitude by IES Master
Computer Fundamentals
Computer Fundamentals by BPB Publications
Computer Aptitude by ADDA246
Analog Electronics
Signals and Systems
Analog and Digital Electronic Circuit by Bookchor.com
Analog and Digital Electronics by MeriPustak
Signals and Systems Simplified by MeriPustak
Fundamentals of Signals and System by MeriPustak
Control System
Advanced Control System by Bookchor.com
Informations System Control & Audit by BuyTestSeries
Microprocessor and Its Application by MeriPustak
Microprocessor system design techniques by MeriPustak
Material Science
Material Science & Engineering by Bookchor.com
Introduction to Material Science & Engineering by MeriPustak
Electrical Machines
Theory & Performance of Electrical Engineering by J.B Gupta
Electrical Machines by P.S Bimbra
Power Systems
Electromagnetic Field
Communication System
Principal of Power System by V.K Mehta
Power System by D.P Kothari
Principal of Electromagnetic by Matthew N.O. Sadiku
Engineering Electromagnetics by Hayt Williams H.
Kennedy’s Electronics Communication System by George Kennedy
Principles of Communication System by Herbut Taub
The IES Exam focuses on subjects related to Electrical Engineering. To do well, candidates should study these subjects based on the pattern set
by UPSC. The IES Exam has a certain level of marks that candidates need to achieve to move on to the next stages. Candidates must practice
solving IES Previous Year's Question Papers and mock tests. This helps them understand the exam's structure and how to manage their time.
IES selection process involves clearing the Prelims and Mains exams to qualify for the Interview round. In the Interview, candidates face technical
case studies and questions related to their personal and professional background, contributing to a score of 200 marks. Document verification
takes place during the Interview round.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.