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TEACH-NOW Clinical Rubric: Teacher Evaluation

TEACH-NOW Clinical Rubric
(Florida FEAP Aligned)
The TEACH-NOW Clinical Practice rubric is an adaptation of the 10 InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards,1 which are used by many
teacher preparation programs across the United States. The rubric reinforces an interdisciplinary approach to supporting teacher
candidates during the clinical practice phase of the program. Candidates’ mentors will use this rubric to evaluate teaching
performance during the 12-week practice teaching experience. TEACH-NOW instructors will also use the document to score each 1520 minute video of a candidate’s teaching submissions in ED 508 (Module 8). The expectation is that by the end of module 8 and
practice teaching, all candidates will perform these 10 InTASC Standards at a proficient level.
Each performance standard of the rubric begins with the expected teacher behavior and an essential question for the mentor and
instructor to consider while viewing a recorded lesson or during a classroom observation. Each standard has elements to help
answer the essential question and will receive a separate score on a scale between 1-4. The scores suggest areas for which the
mentor and/or instructor think additional practice is needed. While some candidates may exhibit an outstanding performance level
in certain aspects of their clinical teaching, many candidates will perform at the expected basic/developing level at the beginning of
practice teaching. However, with continued practice, experience, and growing knowledge about teaching and learning, candidates
are expected to reach the proficient level by the end of Module 8, the culminating teaching experience.
Each element of each standard will be scored at the following levels and then averaged for a standard or unit score:
1 = Insufficient
2 = Basic/Developing
3 = Proficient
4 = Outstanding
Council of Chief State School Officers. (2011, April). InTASC model core teaching standards: A resource for state dialogue. Washington, DC: Author.
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
The rubric describes the performance that is required to meet the standards at each of the four levels. If the evaluator finds no
evidence of an element, s/he may elect to give a score of 1 on that individual element.
InTASC Standard 1: Learner Development
The candidate understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across
the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning
Guiding Question: Does the candidate use knowledge about learners’ growth and development to design and implement developmentally appropriate
instruction that is challenging and achievable to meet the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical needs of learners?
Insufficient (1)
Proficient (3)
Outstanding (4)
Developing (2)
Developmentally The candidate’s
The candidate
The candidate uses knowledge The candidate uses extensive
instructional strategies
demonstrates a limited
about learners’ growth and
knowledge about learners’
Instruction and
do not reflect an
ability to plan
development to design and
growth and development as well
understanding of how
implement developmentally
as knowledge of best practices
learners grow and
appropriate instruction
appropriate instruction that is
to design and implement
develop or
based on knowledge of
challenging and achievable to
developmentally appropriate
learners’ growth and
meet the cognitive, linguistic,
instruction that is challenging
appropriate instruction. development.
social, emotional, and physical and achievable to meet the
needs of learners.
cognitive, linguistic, social,
emotional, and physical needs
of learners.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate use instructional strategies that meet students’ cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical needs?
Meeting Student The candidate’s
The candidate’s
The candidate uses
The candidate regularly uses a
Needs (For Final instructional strategies
instructional strategies
instructional strategies to
variety of instructional
Evaluation Only) are not effective in
meet some of the students’ meet students’ cognitive,
strategies and technology tools
meeting the cognitive,
needs, but not all.
linguistic, social, emotional,
to meet students’ cognitive,
linguistic, social,
and physical needs.
linguistic, social, emotional, and
emotional and physical
physical needs.
needs of students.
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
InTASC Standard 2: Learning Differences
The candidate uses understanding of individual differences, diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable
each learner to meet high standards.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate create a positive classroom environment by making learners feel valued and creating a climate of mutual
Insufficient (1)
Proficient (3)
Outstanding (4)
Developing (2)
Valuing Students The candidate does not
The candidate attempts to The candidate creates a
The candidate creates a
create a positive classroom create a positive
positive classroom
positive classroom
environment by making
classroom environment by environment by making
environment by consistently
learners feel valued or
making learners feel
learners feel valued and
ensuring that learners feel
creating a climate of
valued, but does not
creating a climate of
valued and creating and
mutual respect.
create a climate of mutual mutual respect.
fostering a climate of mutual
respect among all
Guiding Question: Does the candidate use knowledge about individual differences and diverse cultures to develop inclusive learning environments and
make appropriate and timely accommodations that support all students in meeting high standards including students with learning differences and/or
language barriers?
Students with
The candidate does not use The candidate sometimes
The candidate uses
The candidate consistently
knowledge about
uses knowledge about
knowledge about
uses knowledge about
Differences or
individual differences and
individual differences or
individual differences and
individual differences and
Needs (including diverse cultures to develop diverse cultures to develop diverse cultures to develop diverse cultures to develop
inclusive learning
inclusive learning
inclusive learning
inclusive learning
environments and does not environments but does
environments and make
environments and make
make accommodations
not always make
appropriate and timely
appropriate and timely
that support students in
appropriate and timely
accommodations that
accommodations and use of
meeting high standards
accommodations that
support all students in
assistive technologies that
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
including students with
learning differences and/or
language barriers.
support all students in
meeting high standards
including students with
learning differences
and/or language barriers.
meeting high standards
including students with
learning differences and/or
language barriers.
support all students in
meeting and exceeding high
standards including students
with learning differences
and/or language barriers.
InTASC Standard 3: Learning Environments
The candidate works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social
interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate collaborate with students and families to create a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness, and support that
fosters individual and collaborative learning, positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation? (FEAP A2f)
Insufficient (1)
Basic/ Developing (2)
Proficient (3)
Outstanding (4)
Creating a Safe,
The candidate does not
The candidate collaborates
The candidate collaborates
The candidate collaborates
Positive Learning collaborate with
with students to create a
with students and families
with colleagues, students,
students and families to
climate of openness, inquiry,
to create a climate of
and families through
create a climate of
fairness, and support that
openness, inquiry, fairness, appropriate and accessible
openness, inquiry,
fosters that support individual and support that fosters
communication channels to
fairness, and support
or collaborative learning,
individual and collaborative intentionally create a
that fosters that support positive social interaction,
learning, positive social
climate of openness, inquiry,
individual and
active engagement in
interaction, active
fairness, and support that
collaborative learning,
learning, and self-motivation. engagement in learning,
naturally fosters individual
positive social
and self-motivation.
and collaborative learning,
interaction, active
positive social interaction,
engagement in learning,
active engagement in
and self-motivation.
learning, and self-motivation.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate establish a learner-centered classroom environment that integrates information, communication, and assistive
technologies differentiated to meet the needs of diverse students in which the students collaborate with each other, make choices, and take
responsibility for their own learning, demonstrating their resiliency in the classroom, while the candidate becomes a co-learner who facilitates
discussions and activities that engage students in learning? (FEAP A2 g, h, i, j)
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
Learner Centered
The candidate has not
established a learnercentered classroom.
Classroom is clearly
The candidate sometimes
creates a learner-centered
classroom environment in
which the students take
minimal responsibility for
their own learning, while the
candidate becomes a colearner who facilitates
discussions and activities that
engage students in learning.
The candidate establishes a
learner-centered classroom
environment that integrates
communication, and
assistive technologies
differentiated to meet the
needs of diverse students in
which the students
collaborate with each other,
make choices, and take
responsibility for their own
learning, demonstrating
their resiliency in the
classroom, while the
candidate becomes a colearner who facilitates
discussions and activities
that engage students in
The candidate consistently
establishes a learnercentered classroom
environment that integrates
information, communication,
and assistive technologies
differentiated to meet the
needs of diverse students in
which the students
collaborate with each other,
make choices, and take
responsibility for their own
learning, demonstrating their
resiliency in the classroom,
while the candidate becomes
a co-learner who facilitates
discussions and activities
that lead to a deep level of
engagement in learning.
Additionally, the candidate
makes appropriate use of
technology to expand
student participation in
independent learning and
higher order thinking.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate create a learning environment with a strong presence of norms and procedures that are consistently enforced
and followed, and high expectations are conveyed for each student, respecting each child’s cultural, linguistic, and family background, that lead to
engaged students, maximum time on task, and logical management of classroom space? (FEAP A2 a, b, c, d, e)
Managing the
The candidate does not
The candidate has a fairly
The candidate creates a
The candidate works with
have evidence of norms
well-organized classroom,
learning environment with
learners to create a learning
or procedures present,
with evidence of norms and
a strong presence of norms environment with a strong
Norms and
and/or ineffectively
procedures, but is not
and procedures that are
presence of norms and
manages the learning
managing time and classroom consistently enforced and
procedures that are
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
environment, leading to
wasted time for learning
and inattention of
space (i.e., desks, group areas,
etc.) effectively for maximum
student learning and/or the
candidate does not
consistently have high
expectations for each student,
respecting each child’s
cultural, linguistic, and family
followed, and has high
expectations for each
student, respecting each
child’s cultural, linguistic,
and family background, that
leads to engaged students,
maximum time on task, and
logical management of
classroom space.
consistently enforced and
followed, and has high
expectations for each
student, respecting each
child’s cultural, linguistic, and
family background, that
fosters maximum
engagement among
learners, maximum time on
task, and logical
management of classroom
space. The candidate uses
technology tools effectively
to achieve maximum
engagement and optimal use
of class time.
InTASC Standard 4: Content Knowledge
The candidate understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) s/he teaches and creates learning experiences that
make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate demonstrate an understanding of the subject area concepts and tools of inquiry, as well as content area literacy
strategies, by making the content and the academic language of the content area accessible and attainable to all students and utilize multiple
representations and explanations as well as appropriate academic language to deliver engaging and challenging lessons? (FEAP A3 a, b)
Insufficient (1)
Basic/ Developing (2)
Proficient (3)
Outstanding (4)
and Academic
The candidate has errors
in understanding of
central concepts, leading
to the content not being
accessible to students, and
The candidate uses a limited
number of representations
and/or explanations to teach
content standards;
introduces the academic
The candidate
demonstrates an
understanding of the
subject area concepts and
tools of inquiry, as well as
The candidate demonstrates a
thorough understanding
within the subject area
concepts and tools of inquiry,
as well as content area literacy
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
provides no opportunities
for students to learn the
academic language of the
content area.
language of the content area
but misses many
opportunities for students to
practice its use.
content area literacy
strategies, by making the
content and the academic
language of the content
area accessible and
attainable to all students
and utilize multiple
representations and
explanations as well as
appropriate academic
language to deliver
engaging and challenging
strategies, by making the
content accessible and
attainable to all students and
utilizing multiple
representations and
explanations, with effective
technological tools and
resources to help students
learn the content at high
levels. Furthermore, the
candidate utilizes appropriate
academic language and
provides multiple
opportunities for students to
master the academic language
within and beyond the
content area.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate utilize their content knowledge to relate the content to life experiences, and link the students’ prior knowledge
to the lesson while identifying gaps in subject knowledge and recognizing and correcting student misconceptions? (FEAP A3 c, d, e)
Building on
The candidate is unable to The candidate utilizes their
The candidate utilizes their The candidate utilizes their
Students’ Prior
recognize students’
content knowledge to link the content knowledge to
content knowledge to relate
Knowledge and
misconceptions and does
students’ prior knowledge to
relate the content to life
the content to life
not consider a student’s
the lesson but does not
experiences, and link the
experiences, and link the
prior knowledge or
recognize or correct student
students’ prior knowledge students’ prior knowledge to
experiences in teaching
to the lesson while
the lesson while identifying
the content.
identifying gaps in subject
gaps in subject knowledge and
knowledge and recognizing recognizing and correcting
and correcting student
student misconceptions.
Candidate also redesigns the
lesson to correct
misconceptions when
applicable. This information
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
may be related in the
reflection after the lesson.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate use instructional resources and technology that are comprehensive, accurate, and appropriate for students?
The candidate does not
The candidate uses minimal
The candidate uses
The candidate uses a variety of
identify instructional
instructional resources and
instructional resources and instructional resources and
resources or technology
technology in the classroom
technology that are
technology tools that are
that help students
and the resources used are
comprehensive, accurate,
comprehensive, accurate, and
understand the content.
not comprehensive or
and appropriate for
appropriate for students
appropriate for students.
students based on their
within and beyond the
interests and support
classroom, connects to
student inquiry.
students’ interests,
backgrounds, experiences,
and promotes independent
student inquiry.
InTASC Standard 5: Application of Content
The candidate understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative
problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate create lessons and projects to address relevant, age-appropriate real-world problems and adequately guide
students in analyzing the problems and seeking solutions by employing questioning that promotes critical thinking while incorporating varied
instructional strategies and appropriate technology, differentiating instruction based on assessment of student learning needs and recognition of
individual student differences? (FEAP A3 f, g, h)
Lessons and
Projects to
Insufficient (1)
The candidate creates
projects or lessons
related to real world
problems that are not
Basic/ Developing (2)
The candidate creates student
projects and lessons related to
real world problems, but they
do not adequately guide
Proficient (3)
The candidate creates
lessons and projects to
address relevant, ageappropriate real-world
Outstanding (4)
The candidate designs and
implements lessons and
projects to address relevant,
age-appropriate real-world
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
Address Real
World Problems
relevant or ageappropriate for the
students in analyzing a problem
or issue.
problems and adequately
problems and adequately
guide students in
guide students in analyzing
analyzing the problems
the problems and seeking
and seeking solutions by
solutions by employing
employing questioning
questioning that promotes
that promotes critical
critical thinking while
thinking while
incorporating varied
incorporating varied
instructional strategies and
instructional strategies
multiple forms of appropriate
and appropriate
technology, differentiating
technology, differentiating instruction based on
instruction based on
assessment of student
assessment of student
learning needs and
learning needs and
recognition of individual
recognition of individual
student differences.
student differences
Guiding Question: Does the candidate integrate multiple perspectives into interdisciplinary lessons, supporting and encouraging students by providing
immediate feedback and utilizing student feedback to monitor and adjust instruction, to help students respect and understand the different cultures
and backgrounds of diverse populations while making lessons more relevant and meaningful to learners? (FEAP A3 i, j)
The candidate does not
The candidate introduces
The candidate integrates
The candidate intentionally
incorporate differing
differing perspectives into
multiple perspectives into
integrates multiple
perspectives into lessons interdisciplinary lessons in
interdisciplinary lessons,
perspectives into
Interdisciplinary and does not create
efforts to help students
supporting and
interdisciplinary lessons (e.g.,
interdisciplinary lessons. understand the different
encouraging students by
civic literacy, health literacy,
cultures and backgrounds of
providing immediate
global awareness), supporting
diverse populations while
feedback and utilizing
and encouraging students by
making lessons more relevant
student feedback to
providing immediate feedback
and meaningful to learners.
monitor and adjust
and utilizing student feedback
instruction, to help
to monitor and adjust
students respect and
instruction, to help students
understand the different
embrace and celebrate the
cultures and backgrounds
different cultures and
of diverse populations
backgrounds of diverse
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
while making lessons more
relevant and meaningful to
populations around the world
while making lessons more
relevant and meaningful to
InTASC Standard 6: Assessment
The candidate understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide
the candidate’s and learner’s decision making.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate select and use a variety of appropriate formative and summative assessments that are aligned to learning
objectives to support and verify student learning, share assessment data with students and caregivers, and use technology to assess students’
understanding of the content and organize assessment information? (FEAP A1a, d; A4 b, c, e, f)
Insufficient (1)
Basic/ Developing (2)
Proficient (3)
Outstanding (4)
Formative and
The candidate uses
The candidate is tentative in
The candidate selects and
The candidate effectively
formative or
the use of formative and
uses a variety of
balances the use of a variety of
summative assessments that appropriate formative and
objective aligned appropriate
assessments to verify
are loosely aligned with the
summative assessments
formative and summative
student learning,
learning objectives to verify
that are aligned to learning assessments as appropriate to
however the
and support student learning. objectives to support and
support, verify, and document
assessments are not
The candidate uses
verify student learning,
learning as well as drive future
aligned to learning
technology in limited ways to shares assessment data
instruction. Furthermore, the
assess students’
with students and
candidate uses technology tools
understanding of the
caregivers, and uses
appropriately to assess
technology to assess
students’ understanding of the
students’ understanding of content, share assessment data
the content and organize
with students and caregivers,
assessment information.
and gather relevant progress
The candidate uses
and performance data.
technology tools
appropriately to assess
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
students’ understanding of
the content.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate use the data obtained from multiple assessments to diagnose individual learning needs, monitor learner
progress, and guide planning to better meet the needs of the learner? (FEAP A1e; A4 a)
Analyzing Data to
The candidate’s
The candidate’s assessments The candidate uses the
The candidate consistently uses
Meet Learning
assessment strategies
meet some learning
data obtained from
the data obtained from multiple
Objectives and
are not effective in
objectives, but not all. There
multiple assessments to
assessments to diagnose
Student Learning
monitoring student
is little attempt to use data to diagnose individual learning individual learning needs,
progress and there is
guide planning to meet
needs, monitor learner
monitor learner progress, guide
no evidence of
students’ learning needs.
progress, and guide
planning, and give timely and
assessment results
planning to better meet the descriptive feedback and
being used to guide
needs of the learner.
redesign lessons when needed.
planning to meet
The candidate designs multiple
students’ learning
modes of assessment (such as
self assessment, peer
assessment, etc.) to support
students' progress and set
Guiding Question: Does the candidate make proper accommodations and modifications of testing conditions to accommodate individual learning styles
and varying levels of knowledge for all students, including students with Special Needs and English Language Learners? (FEAP A4 d)
The candidate is not
The candidate makes
The candidate makes
The candidate makes proper
in Assessments
aware of how to make
minimal accommodations
proper accommodations
accommodations and
accommodations or
and modifications of testing
and modifications of testing modifications of testing
modify testing
conditions for students with
conditions to
conditions to accommodate
Special Needs and English
accommodate individual
individual learning styles and
Language Learners.
learning styles and varying
varying levels of knowledge for
levels of knowledge for all
all students, including for
students, including for
students with Special Needs and
students with Special
English Language Learners, and
Needs and English
frequently monitors students
Language Learners.
during testing to ensure that
students are on task and any
accommodations written in the
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
student support plan are
InTASC Standard 7: Planning for Instruction
The candidate plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas,
curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate utilize evidence-based instructional strategies and technology to develop learning experiences that will require
students to demonstrate a variety of applicable skills and competencies and plan effective instruction that supports each student in meeting rigorous
learning goals? (FEAP A1 f)
Insufficient (1)
Basic/ Developing (2)
Proficient (3)
Outstanding (4)
EvidenceThe candidate does not
The candidate identifies
The candidate utilizes
The candidate utilizes evidenceBased
identify appropriate
instructional strategies and
evidence-based instructional
based instructional strategies and
Instructional instructional strategies
technology for planning, but
strategies and technology to
technology to develop learning
and technology for
does not effectively
develop learning experiences
experiences that will require
planning instruction.
implement them.
that will require students to
students to demonstrate a
demonstrate a variety of
variety of applicable skills and
applicable skills and
competencies and to plan
competencies and plan
effective instruction,
effective instruction that
differentiated to meet the needs
supports each student in
of each learner, that supports
meeting rigorous learning
each student in meeting and
exceeding rigorous learning
Guiding Question: Does the candidate utilize assessment data and knowledge of student interests to plan appropriate sequencing of learning
experiences, starting with simple examples and progressing to more difficult examples, and include explicit instruction on new concepts? (FEAP A1b,c)
The candidate does not
The candidate plans
The candidate utilizes
The candidate develops and
always develop lesson
somewhat appropriate
assessment data and
implements appropriate
plans to guide his/her
sequencing of learning
knowledge of student
sequencing of learning
instruction or to follow
experiences, mostly starting
interests to plan appropriate
experiences that help students
of Learning
an appropriate
with simple examples and
sequencing of learning
learn at high levels, while
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
sequence of learning
progressing to more difficult
examples and includes
instruction on new concepts.
experiences, starting with
simple examples and
progressing to more difficult
examples, and includes
explicit instruction on new
effectively using formative and
summative assessment data,
prior knowledge, student
interest and students’ learning
preferences to plan instruction.
Furthermore, the candidate
adjusts and revises lesson plans
to meet student needs and
respond to changing
circumstances in the classroom.
InTASC Standard 8: Instructional Strategies
The candidate understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and
their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate work independently and in collaboration with colleagues to monitor student learning, apply appropriate
instructional strategies, and adjust instruction based on a variety of assessment data and data-informed research to support student learning? (FEAP
B1 b, c)
Insufficient (1)
Basic/Developing (2)
Proficient (3)
Outstanding (4)
The candidate does
The candidate monitors
The candidate works
The candidate continuously
not effectively
learning but does not use
independently and in
works independently and in
Learning to
monitor student
the resulting data to make
collaboration with colleagues
collaboration with colleagues to
Adjust to
learning to know that adjustments in instruction or to monitor student learning,
monitor student learning,
adjustments in
apply appropriate strategies applies appropriate
applies appropriate instructional
Learning Needs instruction are
to support student learning. instructional strategies and
strategies, incorporates
adjusts instruction based on
technology, and adjusts
assessment data and data
instruction based on assessment
informed research to support
data and data informed research
student learning.
to support student learning.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate regularly and effectively ask questions to stimulate discussion that serves different purposes with the goal of
helping students develop higher order thinking skills? (FEAP A3 f)
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
Questions to
Develop Higher
Order Thinking
The candidate’s
questions are not well
constructed and do
not help students
probe for
understanding or
articulate their ideas.
The candidate asks
questions to stimulate
discussion, but the
questions do not often
probe for understanding,
help students articulate
their ideas, or stimulate
The candidate regularly and
effectively asks questions to
stimulate discussion that
serves different purposes (e.g.,
probing for student
understanding, helping
students articulate their ideas
and thinking process,
stimulating curiosity) and helps
students develop higher order
thinking skills.
The candidate regularly and
effectively asks questions to
stimulate discussion that serves
different purposes (e.g., probing
for student understanding,
helping students articulate their
ideas and thinking process,
stimulating curiosity) and helps
students develop higher order
thinking skills. Furthermore, the
candidate varies his/her role in
the instructional process (e.g.,
instructor, facilitator, coach,
audience) as appropriate to
meet student learning needs.
InTASC Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
The candidate engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her
choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.
Guiding Question: Did the candidate participate in professional development and other professional growth experiences within the Clinical program,
implementing the knowledge and skills learned, identify future professional growth opportunities by setting goals to strengthen the effectiveness of
their instruction based on student needs, and begin building a professional learning network? (FEAP B1 a, e, f)
Insufficient (1)
Basic/ Developing (2)
Proficient (3)
Outstanding (4)
The candidate has not The candidate has
The candidate participated in
The candidate actively engaged in
taken advantage of
participated in
professional development and meaningful and appropriate
professional development
other professional growth
professional development and
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
(For Final
available professional
learning experiences.
discussions with the cohort
but did not make any
effort to follow other
professional growth
experiences or build a
professional learning
network community
outside the cohort.
experiences within the Clinical
program, implementing the
knowledge and skills learned,
identifying future professional
growth opportunities by
setting goals to strengthen
the effectiveness of their
instruction based on student
needs, and began building a
professional learning network.
other professional growth
experiences within and beyond the
Clinical program, implementing the
knowledge and skills learned,
identifying future professional
growth opportunities by setting
goals to strengthen the
effectiveness of their instruction
based on student needs, and
began building a professional
learning network.
In addition, the candidate also
participated in local professional
development experiences at the
school, in the community, or
Guiding Question: Does the candidate acknowledge that continuous learning and improvement can impact his/her teaching practice through positive
The candidate resists
The candidate accepts the The candidate acknowledges
The candidate embraces the fact
Learning and
the challenge of
need for change in his/her that continuous learning and
that continuous learning and
teaching practice but
improvement can impact
improvement can impact his/her
(For Final
improvement and
doesn’t know how to
his/her teaching practice
teaching practice through positive
change in his/her
accomplish this change.
through positive changes.
changes and welcomes the
teaching practice.
opportunity to evolve as an
Guiding Question: Does the candidate design and implement culturally relevant learning experiences for students of diverse races, genders,
ethnicities, and learning differences, without any personal bias?
Understanding The candidate has
The candidate is struggling The candidate designs and
The candidate reflects on his/her
of Cultural,
made no attempt to
with his/her personal
implements culturally relevant personal biases and accesses
develop culturally
biases and is beginning to
learning experiences for
resources to deepen his/her own
Gender, and
relevant learning
develop culturally relevant students of diverse races,
understanding of cultural, ethnic,
experiences or
learning experiences that
genders, ethnicities, and
gender, and learning differences to
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
address his/her own
personal bias.
reflect the diversity of the
local community.
learning differences, without
any personal bias.
build stronger relationships with
students and parents and create
more culturally relevant learning
Guiding Question: Does the candidate’s teaching and behavior reflect the profession’s code of ethics, and adhere to the relevant laws and policies in
Florida, including guidelines about the rights of students and parents, while teaching and interacting with students? (FEAP B4 a, b, c)
The candidate is not
The candidate is familiar
The candidate’s teaching and
The candidate has exemplary
familiar with the
with the profession’s code behavior reflects the
character and their teaching and
Standards, and expectations of the
of ethics, professional
profession’s code of ethics,
behavior consistently reflects the
Laws (For Final profession as
standards of practice, and
and adheres to the relevant
profession’s code of ethics, and
reflected in codes of
relevant education laws
laws and policies in Florida,
adheres to all relevant laws and
ethics, professional
and policies.
including guidelines about the policies in Florida, including
standards of practice,
rights of students and parents, guidelines about the rights of
and relevant laws and
while teaching and interacting students and parents, while
with students.
teaching and interacting with
InTASC Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration
The candidate seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families,
colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate collaborate with the cohort in brainstorming ideas, giving and receiving feedback, and helping each other learn
and develop?
Insufficient (1)
Basic/Developing (2)
Proficient (3)
The candidate does
The candidate minimally
The candidate collaborates
The candidate actively
not collaborate with
collaborates with the
with the cohort in
collaborates with the cohort in
(For Final
the cohort in any
cohort in brainstorming
brainstorming ideas, giving
brainstorming ideas, giving and
ideas, giving and receiving
and receiving feedback, and
receiving feedback, and helping
feedback, and helping each helping each other learn and
each other learn and develop
other learn and develop.
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023
throughout the clinical portion of
this teacher preparation program.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate take responsibility for student learning by collaborating with and leading a team of teachers in a cross-curricular
or global themed project at a school?
Teacher as a
The candidate does
The candidate understands The candidate takes
The candidate uses ongoing
Leader taking
not take responsibility that student learning is the responsibility for student
reflection and analysis to focus on
for student learning or responsibility of the
learning by collaborating with
student learning and
for Student
take a lead role in
teacher but does not take a and leading a team of teachers development and uses this
Learning (For
designing and
lead role in designing and
in a cross-curricular or global
information to guide and design a
Final Evaluation implementing a cross- implementing a crossthemed project at a school.
global themed or cross-curricular
curricular or global
curricular or global themed
project; the candidate takes a lead
themed project for
project for students.
role in implementing this project.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate include the school’s mission, vision or goals in the leadership project?
Involvement in The candidate makes
The candidate makes an
The candidate includes the
The candidate aligns the project
no attempt to include attempt to support the
school’s mission, vision or
goals with the school’s mission,
Efforts (For
the school’s mission,
school’s mission, vision or
goals in the leadership project. vision or goals and involves the
Final Evaluation vision or goals in
goals in the leadership
school during the implementation
planning and
of the project.
implementation of the
leadership project.
Guiding Question: Does the candidate seek leadership roles in creating and implementing a project that involves faculty, staff, school administration,
parents, and students in the project? (FEAP B1 d)
Building a
The candidate does
The candidate plans to
The candidate seeks
The candidate seeks leadership
not make any attempt involve students, families,
leadership roles in creating
roles in creating and implementing
to engage students,
or colleagues in the
and implementing a project
a project that involves
(For Final
families, or colleagues leadership project.
that involves faculty, staff,
collaboration with faculty, staff,
in the leadership
school administration, parents, school administration, parents,
and students in the project.
students, and community
members in the project.
Florida FEAP Aligned TEACH-NOW Teacher’s Certification Program Clinical Rubric ▪ June 2023