S. No. 2130 H. No. 4720 Zmelff& atungroee Begun and held in Metro Manila. on Monday, t i e twenty-eighth day of July. two thousand three. .:- [ REPUBLIC ACT NO. . , 9.225 . 1 AN ACT MAKING THE CITIZENSHIP OF;PHJLPPINE CITIZENS WHO A C Q F FOG PERMANENT,. A&iENDING'FO COMMONWEALTH ACT N0:-63;,1 M R OTHW PURPOSR , Be it enacted by Ule Senate mtd the H&.?e~,o?Representatives of the Philippines in Congress aFsembled: SECTION 1. Short Title;-- This A o . shall'be known as 'the, ''Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition A d ,of 2003." SEC. '2. Deckration of PolicY;:: .of tlie State that Philippine 'citizens .. coirntry shall be deemed 'not'to~'have under the conditions of this Act; - SEC. 3 . Retention of Philippine CitizenShip: &y provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, natural-born citizens of the Philippines who have lost their Philippine citizenship by reason of their naturalization as citizens of a foreign country are hereby deemed to have re-acquired Philippine citizenship upon taking the following oath of all&ance to the Republic: 2 '9 ,solemnly wear (or a&n) that I will S U D W I ~ and defend the Constitution of the Republic of tl;e' Philippines and obey the laws and legal orders promulgated by the ddy ciit'istituted authorities of the Philippines; and I hereby declire, that I recognize and accept the -supreme authority of the 'Philippines and Wiu maintain hue faith and allegiance aie@o; and that I impose this obligation upon myself vol ly without mental reservation or purpose of evasi Natural-born citizens of the Philippees who, 'after the effectivity of this Act, become citizens of a fore!$ country shall retain their Philippine citizenship upon taking the iforesaid oath. - SEC. 4. Derivative Cifizenship. The ummid'child, 'whether ,legitimate, illegitimate or adopted, (18) years of age, of 'those who reacquue p phi lip pine ci on effectivity of this,Act shall be deemed citizens of the ,~ . I ~. , .~ SEC. 5. Civi/ and Politi+d Rightswad Liabilities. - Those who retain or re-acquire Philippine citize der this Act shall enjoy full civil and political rights and be o all attendant liabilities he Philippines and the and responsibilities under existing I -following conditions: ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ (2) Those seeking elective publi55ffice in thePhili pines shall meet the qualifications for holdsg such pubbc o as required by the Constitution and existing laws and, at the tune ofthe ftling oftbe certificate ofcandidacy, make apersonnl and morn renuncution of any and all foreig citizenshp before any public officer authorized to administer an oath; & (i Those ) appointed to .Iy pu6@office shdl subscribe and^ swear to ap oath of allefgan$&o;.the :RqUblic~of the Philipphes and Its dul comtutd Bttiorities pnor to thev~ assumption of office: ThatE&:ienounqe t h e k ~ v . ~ ofallegianceto the coUhrwhere~they,tookthat oath, .~~ ~ ~ PL~w, ~ (4 j Those intendiij~to practice3Kiir professiqn in the P h i l i ~ ~shall t n ~aoolv wth the oroDerathontv for a hcense or p e d to engage hi hch practke;'and ( 5 ) That right to vote pr be elected or appo$ted to any public office in the Phhppmes cannot be exernsed by, or extended to, those who: ~ 3 (a) are candidates for or are occupying any public office in the country of which they are naturalved citizens; andor Ib) are in active service as commissioned or noncommi4sioned oficers in the armed forces o f t k country which they are naturalized citizens. SEC. 6. 'Sepabilify Clause. - If any section or provision of ';his Act 'is held unconstitutional or &valid, any other section or provisior, not aEected thereby shall remain valid and effective. SEC. .7. Repealing Clause. All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. '- - SEC. g. Eflectivify Clause. This Act s h d take effect after fifteen (15) days following its publication in the Oflcial Gazeffe or~two(2) ,' ' newspapks ,of. general, . circulation:^ 'Approved, u. This:.@!: which is a~consolidation Senate Bill No: 2iSO and:~House,Bill; No. 4720, was finally,,passed by^ the Senaia and 'the" house of,' Representatives on August 25, 2003 a d August 26, 2003,. , respectively. ~ '