DEVELOPMENTAL COUNSELING FORM For use of this form, see ATP 6-22.1; the proponent agency is TRADOC. AUTHORITY: PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: NOTE: PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT 5 USC 301, Departmental Regulations, 10 USC 3013, Secretary of the Army. These records are created and maintained to manage the member's Army and Army National Guard service effectively, to document historically a member's military service,and safeguard the rights of the member and the Army. For additional information, see the System of Records Notice A0600-8-104b AHRC, Article/570051/a0600-8-104b-ahrc/. ROUTINE USE(S): There are no specific routine uses anticipated for this form; however, it may be subject to a number of proper and necessary routine uses identified in the system of records notice specified in the purpose statement above. DISCLOSURE: Disclosure is voluntary. PART I - ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Rank/Grade Name (Last, First, MI) SYLVA, SHARHAN, A Date of Counseling E-4 Organization 01-Oct-2023 Name and Title of Counselor 1/297 INF BISON CO SGT SARMIENTO PART II - BACKGROUND INFORMATION Purpose of Counseling: (Leader states the reason for the counseling, e.g. Performance/Professional/Event-Oriented counseling, and include the leader's facts and observations prior to the counseling.) Approach: ✔ Non Directive Type of Counseling: Combined ✔ General Form Directive Professional Growth Performance Event Oriented Initial Counseling PART III - SUMMARY OF COUNSELING Complete this section during or immediately subsequent to counseling. Key Points Discussion: 1. Timeliness: Make sure you are at least 15 minutes prior to all announced formations. 2. Accountability: Be where you need to be, when you need to be there. In all events, you need to keep me, or in my absence one of the other NCOs (SGT Braendel, Nuanphong, Thompson, and Williams) aware of your whereabouts at all times. 3. Uniform: Your uniform needs to be clean and presentable at all times. Your boots need clean and free from dirt, mud, cuts and tears. At no time should your uniform fall below the standards set forth in AR 670-1. Motor Pool duty and Field Exercises are not an excuse to wear a substandard uniform. Also, you need to make sure you are in the correct uniform for the mission. If you are unsure of the correct uniform, contact me and I will provide you with that information. 4. Duties: If you have duty, you need to ensure that you are in the proper place, at the proper time, and in the correct uniform for that duty. I will inform you of any duties you may have as soon as I am made aware of them. Be aware that things change at a moment's notice, so be prepared in case that situation arises. 5. Attitude: Conduct yourself in a professional manner towards all NCOs and Officers in the unit. Assume the position of attention when speaking to an officer and the position of parade rest when addressing an NCO. Always be professional and never allow your personal feelings to get in the way of respecting other Soldiers. 6. Appointments: If you have an appointment, let me know the time and purpose of the appointment as soon as possible. Preferably, directly after you make the appointment. If you need to make an appointment, check with me before making the appointment so I can check the training schedule. DO NOT make any appointments without checking with me first. 7. Personal Issues: Any personal or family issues that arise, make sure to inform me so that I can give you whatever support you may need. Do not be afraid to approach me with any concerns you may have, I cannot help a problem if I don't know the problem exists. 8. Physical fitness: Participate in PT every morning unless otherwise instructed by me or other supervisors in the chain of command. Fitness is the foundation of Soldering; make it a priority. Be prepared to pass an ACFT at any moment ATP 7-22.01, Ch. 2-31 states, "...Soldiers must attain a score of at least 60 points on each event and an overall score of at least 360 points". If you fail to pass an ACFT you may be flagged and have all favorable actions suspended. Per Army Directive 2022-05. 9.Bison Co Holistic Health and Fitness: You will read the memo, understand the memo, and incorporate the memo into your partake of this memo. OTHER INSTRUCTIONS This form will be destroyed upon: reassignment (other than rehabilitative transfers), separation at ETS, or upon retirement. For separation requirements and notification of loss of benefits/consequences see local directives and AR 635-200. DA FORM 4856, MAR 2023 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. APD AEM v1.01ES Page 1 of 2 Plan of Action (Outlines actions that the subordinate will do after the counseling session to reach the agreed upon goal(s). The actions must be specific enough to modify or maintain the subordinate's behavior and include a specified time line for implementation and assessment (Part IV below). Ensure you are at the proper place at the proper time and in the proper uniform. Follow the guidelines presented in this counseling. Ensure you are following the standards set forth by this section, this company, and all ARs. Session Closing: (The leader summarizes the key points of the session and checks if the subordinate understands the plan of action. The subordinate agrees / disagrees and provides remarks if appropriate.) Individual counseled: ✔ I agree disagree with the information above. Individual counseled remarks: Signature of Individual Counseled: DATE (YYYMMDD): SYLVA.SHARHAN.ASHATI.1572446413 Digitally signed by SYLVA.SHARHAN.ASHATI.1572446413 Date: 2023.11.04 20:34:56 -06'00' 20231104 Leader Responsibilities: (Leader's responsibilities in implementing the plan of action.) To help ensure you are keeping within the standards. To provide you with whatever means necessary to accomplish your mission. To guide you in the right direction to further your military career. Signature of Counselor: Date (YYYYMMDD): SARMIENTO.GEORGE.RODRIGUEZ.1455348028 Digitally signed by SARMIENTO.GEORGE.RODRIGUEZ.1455348028 Date: 2023.11.04 20:35:30 -06'00' 20231104 PART IV - ASSESSMENT OF THE PLAN OF ACTION Assessment: (Did the plan of action achieve the desired results? This section is completed by both the leader and the individual counseled and provides useful information for follow-up counseling.) SIGNATURES Counselor: Individual Counseled: Date of Assessment (YYYYMMDD): Note: Both the counselor and the individual counseled should retain a record of the counseling. DA FORM 4856, MAR 2023 APD AEM v1.01ES Page 2 of 2