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Tips for chairing: REMEMBER THIS IS A LEARNING OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL - guide, support,
prompt, feed, ask for rephrasing, remind, etc.
1. Start strict. We can ease up later, but must impose ourselves as leaders initially.
2. Remain approachable, open and friendly. Don’t belittle or concescend. Offer help (nicely) where needed.
Make a good first impression.
3. Do not (publicly) contradict a chair. Respect comes from power, which is shown by working together.
4. Never shout. The Gavel does this for us. Remain calm and collected.
5. Never ignore points made by Delegates. Always respond. Inappropriate contributions should be recognised, and
tell the delegate why this is inappropriate.
6. Explain fully and clearly. Ensure all delegates understand what is being said.
7. Do not abuse authority. Discipline comes after a warning, and is proportional to the act committed.
Key Phrases
- Could the house come to order?
- Decorum Delegates - Slightly more imposing
- The next resolution to be entertained is submitted by…
- Would the main author(s) please take the floor
- Would the delegate(s) please yield the floor
- The floor is open
- Please refrain from personal pronouns/insulting language/unparliamentary language/speaking out of turn.
- Please re-state your point in the form of a question.
- Would the delegate please repeat/rephrase the question.
- The delegate has opened him/herself to points of information. Are there any such points in the house.
- There will be no direct dialogue between Delegates.
- We will now move into voting procedure on the submitted amendment/resolution.
- The chair stands corrected.
- All those in favour, all those against, all abstaining…
- Clapping is (not) in order.
Important points
- Do not give attention to talking between delegates unless it’s disruptive.
- Do not give attention to criticism of the chair. If not constructive, remind house of this.
- If a question is posed that we can’t answer, shelf the question while one chair researches. Address at a later
- Calm Creative Considerate Co-ordinated in Control Cooperative. Do this.
Selecting Awards
There will be 1 Best Delegate and 1 or 2 Distinguished Delegates depending on committee size. Awards will be
earned based on a variety of factors, such as quantity and quality of contribution, efforts in completing quality
position papers, work and leadership on resolutions, and professionalism throughout the conference. Your students
are free to email their Chairs to submit any preparation work they would like, as well as have it available on
Wednesday evening for the Chairs to accept.
Order of Debate
Notes: Feel free to “look favourably” upon things to prompt discussion. Delegates must follow their country’s
views, not their own. Fact checking throughout. Call out for “alternative facts”, either in debate or via note. If
someone says something against their countries’ or ministers position, send a note informing this.
Opening speeches pertaining to each topic
- Each delegate must present an opening speech.
- 30 - 120 seconds
Prefer motion to Moderated debate first. Discuss points of interest or significance.
- Guided questions are good prompts
- 30 sec speaking time
- 20 mins total.
- Open to extensions, change of topic, etc.
Motion to unmod preferred
- Creation of resolutions
- Encourage mixing, etc.
- Instruct to close laptops/tablets at end of session
- Submit via plaintext email (ecosocbestsoc@gmail.com)
- Open to motions to extend.
Entertain resolutions
- Chose based on either sponsors, relevance or interest (towards end)
- Call up main authors to read clauses
- Open to points of info?
- Ideally yes. If no, move on.
- Moderate for 5 mins or so, then yield.
- Authors sit down, open to points for or against.
- Moderate 5 mins, ~30 seconds speaking.
- Entertain amendments, submitted paper. If during reading none submitted, write directly
to delegates.
- Invite delegate to take floor, talk for short period on proposal. Yields
- Anyone wishing to speak for/against…
- Optional prompts from chairs
- Enter voting procedure
- For, against, abstaining
- Majority wins. If tie, vote again without abstaining.
- Applause not in order.
- Entertain further ammendments.
- If none and wanted, encourage delegates to submit
- Motion to enter voting procedure/further discussion.
- Standard voting procedure
- Pass, applause is in order. Not-pass, not in order.
- Entertain further resolutions. Follow above.
- Allow motions for mod, unmod, etc.
Close session.
By /u/TheManlyBanana. Contact on reddit for further enquiries.