CELL OBJECTIVE: Identify different parts of plant and animal cells CELL is a basic unit of life. a) Animal cell 1 b) Plant cell 2 SOME PARTS REVEALED UNDER AN ELECTRON MICROSCOPE CELL SURFACE MEMBRANE Partially permeable membrane which controls movement substances in and out of the cell. CYTOPLASM Made out of water, other dissolved substances like amino acids and sugars. Metabolic reactions occur in the cytoplasm and organelles. NUCLEUS Control all chemical reaction in a cell, it stores genetic information of the organism; cell division start in the nucleus. MITOCHONDRION Site for liberation of energy during aerobic respiration RIBOSOME for assembling of amino acids to form proteins of the organism PARTS FOUND IN PALNT CELLS ONLY CELL WALL Freely permeable and made up of cellulose. Cell wall gives plant cell its rigid shape ( provide structural support.) Protect against damage or bursting caused by osmotic intake of water. Being freely permeable allows water and dissolved substances to pass through it. VACUOLE Large and central in a plant cell. Animal may have tiny or temporary vacuoles. Its contents are called cell sap. Accumulation of water in a vacuole provides the cell with turgor pressure, making the cell to be firm. Cell sap is made up of water and dissolved substances. 3 CHLOROPLASTS Plastids containing chloroplasts trap light energy used in photosynthesis. QUESTIONS LIST FIVE SIMILARITIES AND FIVE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A PLANT CELL AND AN ANIMAL CELL. 4 SPECIALISED CELLS OBJECTIVE: Describe the relationship between cell structure and function using an animal cell and a plant cell as examples This means cells: Do one particular job Developed a distinctive shape Special kinds of chemical changes take place in their cytoplasm NB: This enables the cell to carry out its special function EXAMPLES OF SPECIALISED CELLS: 1. ROOT HAIR CELL FUNTION OF A ROOT HAIR CELL IN PLANTS Its function is to absorb water and mineral ions from the cell. ADAPTATIONS Has an extension which increases surface area, making absorption/diffusion rapid. Cell wall of the elongation is very thin making it more permeable to water and mineral ions. 5 Vacuole is relatively large for accumulation of water and mineral ions. 2. PALASADE CELLS FUNTION OF A PALISADE CELL These are the most photosynthesizing cells in a leaf. ADAPTATIONS Numerous chloroplasts with highest concentration of chlorophyll for maximum absorption of light. Large vacuole for accumulation of more water needed in photosynthesis. 6 EXAMPLES OF SPECIALISED CELLS IN ANIMALS: 1. RED BLOOD CELL FUNTION OF A RED BLOOD CELL The function is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the different cells of the body. ADAPTATIONS Shape : Flat biconcave disc; this shape creates a larger surface area for rapid absorption of oxygen. Have no nucleus, this increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the cell. Have a pliable surface membrane to squeeze through narrow blood capillaries. Have haemoglobin, which has affinity to oxygen, forming oxy-haemoglobin 7 2. NERVE CELL FUNTION OF A NERVE CELL Conducts electrical impulses in the body ADAPTATIONS Has a long cytoplasm /nerve fibre stretching through length of the body to carry the electrical impulses. Has myelin (fatty) sheath which insulates the nerve fibre preventing loss of impulses and making transmission faster. Has many branches to link the neurone to other neurones. 8 3. SPERM CELL FUNTION OF A SPERM CELL Its function is to fertilise an ovum (its nucleus fuses with that of an ovum. ADAPTATIONS Has a tail which allows it to swim or be highly mobile to reach an ovum. Has a middle piece with numerous mitochondria to generate energy for the cell in order for it to move. Acrosome has enzymes that just digest the wall of the ovum. CELL ORGANISTION OBJECTIVE: Define tissue, organ, system, and organism 1. TISSUE A group of similar cells with the same functions. EXAMPLES OF ANIMAL TISSUES MUSCLE TISSUE- Contracts to support and move the body. EPITHELUM – Lines tubes such as the gut and covers surfaces such as the skin. NERVOUS TISSUE- Sets up nerve impulses and transmits them around. 9 EXAMPLES OF PLANT TISSUES EPIDERMIS-Protecting against water loss and may be involved in absorption of water and ions. VASCULAR TISSUE-Transports materials through the plant. XYLEM- Transports water and mineral ions up the plant PHLOEM-Molecules conducts soluble food molecules from the leaves to different parts of the plant. XYLEM TISSUE Walls have lignin deposits to make water-proof and strong enough to prevent them from collapsing inwards. No cytoplasm or organelles, cells dead. The hollowed structure is for flow of water minerals ion. PHLOEM TISSUE Phloem tissue contains sieve tubes and companion cell. It is adapted for the transport of the organic products of photosynthesis. Mesophlly – Photosynthesising cell. 2. ORGAN ORGAN is a group of different tissues working together. Examples of plant organs: leaves, flowers, roots, stems and fruits Examples of animal organs: mouth, stomach, liver, heart, penis, eye, ear, etc 3. ORGAN SYSTEM ORGAN SYSTEM is different organs working together. This is found in complex organisms such as animals. Examples of organs are: Digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system, endocrine system, reproductive system, etc. 4. ORGANISM ORGANISM is all organ system working together. Examples : mophane plant, human being etc 10 DIFFUSION OBJECTIVE: Definition of diffusion DIFFUSION: The movement of molecules or ions from a region where they are at a higher concentration to a region where they are at a lower concentration (i.e. down a concentration gradient). OBJECTIVE: * Describe how concentration gradient, particle size, thickness of membrane and temperature affect diffusion rate. FACTORS AFFECTING RATE OF DIFFUSION 1. 2. 3. 4. CONCENTRATION GRADIENT( concentration difference) The steeper the concentration gradient the higher the rate of diffusion. SIZE OF MOLECULES The smaller the size of the molecules the higher the rate of diffusion. Smaller molecules use less kinetic energy to move, whilst larger ones need more energy. THICKNES OF MOLECULES/WALL The thicker thermometer wall or wall the lower the rate of diffusion. The thinner the membrane/wall the higher the rate of diffusion. However generally cell membranes generally have the same thickness, but thickness of cell walls may differ from cell to cell. TEMPERATURE: Increase of temperature increases kinetic energy of particles, and the rate of diffusion of particles will increase. Decrease of temperature decreases kinetic energy of particles, and the rate of diffusion of particles will decrease. SOME EXAMPLES OF DIFFUSION IN LIVING ORGANISMS ANIMAL Gaseous exchange in lungs Movement of food molecules/mineral ions into cells or from alimentary canal into bloodstream. Movement of water molecule from tissue fluid into blood stream or vice. PLANTS Movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules into or out the of the plant via stomata. Movement of water molecules in cells of the plant or out of the cells ( special diffusion – osmosis) Movement of mineral ions into or out of the cell. 11 OBJECTIVE: Definition of osmosis OSMOSIS OSMOSIS is the movement of water molecules from an area of where they are highly concentrated to an area where they are less concentrated through a selective or partially permeable membrane. 12 Water molecules are highly concentrated outside the visking tubing compared to the inside of the visking tubing. Therefore water molecules moved into the visking tubing Volume of the solution in the visking tubing increased and solutions level in the capillary tube rose. OBJECTIVE: Describe the effect of concentration gradient in the uptake of water by plants Higher concentration gradient of water particles make absorption of water rapid Lower concentration gradient of water particles make absorption of water slow OBJECTIVE: State how osmosis is a special form of diffusion Osmosis is specifically movement of water molecules from area of higher concentration to area of lower concentration The water molecules pass through a partially/selectively permeable membrane OBJECTIVE: Describe the effect of osmosis on plant cells, in terms of flaccid cells, turgid cells, wilting and plasmolysis. diagrams OBJECTIVE: Describe the effect of osmosis on animal cells,B [refer to bursting and shrinking]. diagrams OBJECTIVE: Experiment, observation, on how solutions of varying concentration affect plant tissue EFFECT OF OSMOSIS ON PLANT TISSUE INVESTIGATION TOPIC: OSMOSIS 13 AIM To find out how different concentration of sugar solutions affect plant tissues. APPARATUS USED Potato cylinder ( diameter 5mm, length 40mm) Solutions 0.55%,55%,10%, sugar Distilled water Forceps 4 Beakers PROCEDURES Distilled water, 0.5% sugar solutions,5% sugar solution, 10% of sugar solution were each poured into a beaker up to the 100ml mark of the beaker. Potato cylinder (of known size) was weighed, mass recorded then placed in the beaker of distilled water. This was repeated using sugar of the following concentrations : 0.55,5%10% Each cylinder was left in its medium for 60 minutes Mass of each cylinder was measured and recorded. ACTIVE TRANSPORT OBJECTIVE: Define active transport Active Transport is movement of molecules or ions from the region of lower concentration to the region of higher concentration using energy generated by the cell. Movement from lower concentration to higher concentration is movement against concentration gradient. OBJECTIVE: Define passive transport Passive transport is a non- energy consuming process in which substances are transferred down their concentration gradient. OBJECTIVE: Distinguish active transport from osmosis and diffusion, which are passive processes DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ACTIVE TRANSPORT AND PASSIVE TRANSPORT ACTIVE TRANSPORT Molecules move from region of PASSIVE TRANSPORT Molecules move from region of 14 lower Concentration to region of higher concentration/molecules more against concentration gradient Energy from used /ATP from cell used Living cell membrane needed/occurs only in living cells Direction of movement of molecules /ions not reversible higher Concentration to region of lower concentration/molecules move down the concentration gradient No energy from cell used /no ATP used from cell No living cell membrane needed/occurs both living and non living cells Direction of movement of molecules/ions reversible DIVERSITY OF ORGANISMS: Objective: Discusss the concept of diversity of organisms with examples in Botswana There are millions of organisms on earth. classified according to the important features they have The Whittaker 5-kingdom scheme has five kingdoms, namely: Monera, Protoctista, Fungi, Plants and Animals Kingdom Monera: Chromosomes are not organized into nucleus e.g. bacteria Kingdom Protoctista: Chromosomes are enclosed in a nucleus e.g. protozoa Kingdom Fungi: Are made up of threads like hyphae rather than cells e.g. Mushrooms Kingdom Plants: Multicellular photosynthetic organisms whose cell walls are made from cellulose e.g. Zea may plant Kingdom Animals: e.g. Multicellular organisms whose cells have no cell wall. Most ingest solid food and digest it externally e.g. insect Objective: * List at least 3 main characteristics of protozoa, viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Green algae, athropoda and vertebrates. copy notes from the other hand out 15 Objective: Discuss the role of protozoa and mosquitoes in causing malaria Objective: Describe control of malaria copy notes from the other hand out NUTRITION TYPES OF NUTRITION OBJECTIVE: Describe autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition 16 1. AUTOTROPHIC NUTRITION- When an organism makes organic food molecules from simple inorganic molecules such as water and carbon dioxide. TWO FORMS OF AUTOTROPHIC NUTRITION 2. PHOTO – Autotrophic nutrition whereby an organism uses light energy to make organic food molecules- Plants are examples of photo – autotrophs. CHEMO – Autotrophic nutrition: Whereby an organism uses chemical energy to make food molecules. Some bacteria are chemo – autotrophs HETEROTROPHIC NUTRION: Whereby an organism feed on ready made food molecules. Below are examples of heterotrophs. HOLOZOIC: Feed on materials of other organisms and digest the material internally Herbivores Omnivores Carnivores. PARASITES: Completely dependent on other organisms ( host organism) to obtain food e.g. tick and some fungi. SAPROPHITES: Digest food externally and absorb simple food molecules e.g bacteria and fungi. LEAF STRUCTURE OBJECTIVE: Identify and label the cellular and tissue structure of a dicotyledonous leaf, as seen in cross section under the microscope drawing 17 OBJECTIVE: Describe the significance of the cellular and tissue structure of a dicotyledon leaf in terms of: Destribution of chloroplasts - photosynthesis Stomata and mesophyll cells - gaseous exchange Vascular bundles - transport Cuticle: Reduces water loss from the plant. Epidermis: Closely fitting cells reducing evaporation and prevent bacteria and fungi from entering the leaf. Mesophyll: Found between the upper and lower epidermis. It consists of the palisade mesophyll and the lower spongy mesophyll. Palisade mesophyll - Have the highest concentration of Chloroplasts, for maximal absorption of light. This is the most photosynthetic tissue in the leaf. Spongy mesophyll – Cells vary in shape and fit loosely together, leaving many air spaces between them. The inter-cellular spaces allow air to circulate in the leaf. Vein: Water is supplied through the vascular bundles present in the leaf as vein. Ample water must be conducted to photosynthesizing cells. Sugars formed from photosynthesis are conducted out of the leaf to other parts of the plant by the phloems in the vascular bundles. Stoma: Consists of a pair of guard cells facing each other. Turgidity of the pair of guard cells results in the stoma opening and flaccidity results in closing of the stoma. Adaptation of leaves for photosynthesis Their broad, flat shape offers a large surface area for absorption of sunlight and carbon dioxide. Most leaves are thin and the carbon dioxide has to diffuse across short distance to reach inner cells. The large spaces between cells inside the leaf provide an easy passage through which carbon dioxide can diffuse. There are many stomata (pore) in the lower surface of the leaf. These allow the exchange off carbon dioxide and oxygen There are more chloroplast in the upper cells than in the lower cells. The palisade cells, being on the upper surface, will receive most sunlight and this will reach the chloroplast without being absorbed by too many cell walls. The branching network of veins provide a good supply of water to the photosynthesing cells. PHOTOSYNTHESIS OBJECTIVE: Describe trapping of light by chlorophyll , conversion of light energy into chemical energy, the formation of carbohydrates, their subsequent storage, and the release of oxygen. 18 PHOTOSYNTHESIS:- Process by which light energy is transformed into chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates molecules. Carbon dioxide and water react together using energy absorbed by chlorophyll to produce glucose and oxygen. The photosynthesis process occurs in chloroplast in two stages: a) LIGHT REACTION:- A light – dependent stage which requires light energy. During the light reaction, photosynthesis of water occurs i.e photochemical splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Using light energy trapped by chlorophyll present in chloroplasts The light energy is also converted to chemical energy in the form of ATP(Adenosive triphosphate.) b) DARK REACTION:- Carbondioxide is reduced by hydrogen(produced in the light stage) to form glucose using ATP produced in the light stage. This is a temperature dependent stage as enzymes are involved. c) Glucose made during photosynthesis is stored in photosynthesizing leave cells as starch EQUATIONS: OBJECTIVE: State both word and symbol equation WORD EQUATION: Light Carbondioxide +Water glucose + Oxygen Chloropyll SYMBOL EQUATION: Light 6CO2 + 6H2O C 6H12 O6 + 6O2 Chloropyll INTAKE OF CARBON DIOXIDE BY A PLANT OBJECTIVE: Describe intake of carbon dioxide Carbondioxide from the atmosphere diffuse into the leaf through the stomatas. In the leaf, carbon dioxide dissolves in the thin film of water surrounding the mesophyll cells; Carbon dioxide diffuse into the chloroplasts within the cells, where its used for photosynthesis. 19 FACTORS AFFECTING RATE OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS OBJECTIVE: *Discuss the effect of varying light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis (e.g. in submerged aquatic plants) The chief factors are: Light intensity Temperature Carbon dioxide concentration a) LIGHT INTENSITY The rate of photosynthesis increased by increasing the light intensity up to the light saturation point where further increase in light intensity has no effect on the rate of photosynthesis. In the absence of light, photosynthesis does not occur only respiration continues. As light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis increases until the amount of carbon dioxide released from respiration is equal to the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed for photosynthesis. At higher light intensities, a net uptake of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen is reached and the amount of carbohydrates in the plant will increase. Very high light intensity will slow down photosynthesis, excessive amounts of ultra violet rays damage chlorophyll molecule. b) TEMPERATURE The reactions in the dark stage of the photosynthetic process are enzyme controlled; therefore temperature has an effect on the rate of photosynthesis. Increasing temperature up to 40c will increase the rate of photosynthesis due to the increased enzyme activity. At temperature above 40c, the rate of photosynthesis decreases as the enzyme gradually becomes denatured. c) CARBON DIOXIDE The normal percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmospheric air is 0.03%. Increasing carbon dioxide level increases the rate of photosynthesis up to the carbon dioxide saturation point where further increase in carbon dioxide level; has no effect. A carbon dioxide level above 0.1% has no effect on the rate of photosynthesis. THE GRAPH WAS PRODUCED USING CO2 CONCENTRATIOPN OF0.05% THE GRAPHS SHOW RATES OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS WHEN CO2 CONCENTRATION WAS AT 0.05% Suggest how the rate of photosynthesis can be further increased beyond when temperature is at 40oC Increase CO2 concentration 3 limiting factors of rate of photosynthesis when temperature at 25oC carbon dioxide concentration low temperature 20 surface area of leaves INVESTIGATING NECESSITY OF CHLOROPHYLL, LIGHT AND CARBON DIOXIDE IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS OBJECTIVE: Discuss the necessity for chlorophyll, light and carbon dioxide in photosynthesis ELEMEMTS NEEDED BY PLANTS OBJECTIVE: explain importance of nitrogen containing ions for protein synthesis 1. NITROGEN Nitrogen is absorbed by plants as nitrates Nitrogen is used to form protein or Amino acids molecules. Lack f nitrates in the soil results in the stunted growth of plant and yellowing of leaves. Addition of magnesium to the soil is by any compound containing magnesium such as: potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate. OBJECTIVE: explain importance of magnesium containing ions for chlorophyll synthesis 2. MAGNESIUM Magnesium is absorbed by plants as magnesium ions. Magnesium is to form chlorophyll molecules. Lack of magnesium in the soil results in the following: yellow leaves. Addition of magnesium to the soil is by any compound containing magnesium such as: magnesium sulphate. EXPLAIN HOW LACK OF MAGNESIUM IONS AND NITROGENS IN THE SOIL MAY LEAD TO STUNTED GROWTH NITRATE IONS Needed for synthesizing proteins which are needed by plant to grow since they are used for the formation of new cells. Lack of nitrate ions in the soil will cause stunted growth since proteins are not synthesised. MAGNESIUM IONS The chlorophyll molecules need magnesium to be present. The absence of this metallic element can lead to leaves have less chlorophyll which leads to less carbohydrates being formed. There will not be enough energy generated by cells and cell division will be less leading to the slow growing of a plant. 21 OBJECTIVE: Investigate the effect of nitrogen deprivation on plant copy from the back part of the note book ENZYMES OBJECTIVE: Define term enzyme An enzyme is a protein which functions as biological catalysts to speed up chemical reaction in living organisms. PROPERTIES OF ENZYMES Enzymes are produced in minute quantities by cells. A minute amount of enzymes is required to produce a rapid change in their rate of chemical reaction. Enzymes remain unchanged at the end of the reaction and can be used over and over again. Enzymes work on specific types of substrates molecules. Each enzymes has a specific shape and its active site will bind to a substrate that has a complementary shape. Enzymes are easily destroyed by heat, sensitive to Ph and inactivated by poisons. The active site of an enzyme altered by heat and Ph. Enzyme activity is inhibited as the substrate molecules will no longer fit into the active site of the enzyme. GROUPING OF ENZYMES 1. CATABOLIC AND ANABOLIC ENZYMES OBJECTIVE: Discuss the importance of enzyme in anabolic and catabolic reactions. Enzymes act on catabolic reactions (reactions which involve break down of larger molecules to smaller molecules. Enzymes act on anabolic reactions( reactions which involve building of larger molecules by use of smaller molecules. 2. INTRACELLULAR AND EXTRACELLULAR ENZYMES: OBJECTIVE: Describe intra-cellular and extra-cellular enzymes. INTRACELLULAR ENZYMES are enzymes functioning inside the cell where they are made. The enzymes speed up the chemical reactions inside the cells. 22 EXTRACELLULAR ENZYMES are enzymes functioning outside the cells that made them. e.g digestive enzymes. CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO SUBSTRATE Enzymes can be classified according to the type of substrate they act on. Digestive enzymes are classified according to the food they digest. a. AMYLASE are a group of enzymes which breakdown starch to glucose. b. LIPASE are a group of enzymes which breakdown fats and oils to the component fatty acids and glycerol c. PROTEASE are a group of enzymes which breakdown proteins to their component amino acids. EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON ENZYME ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE: Investigate and describe effect of temperature on enzyme activity 1. In general, increase in temperature, from 5oC to around 40oC increases enzyme activity. At temperature below 5oC, enzymes are inactivated. At temperature above 50oC, enzymes become progressively denatured. 2. Rise in temperature increases the rate of metabolic reactions as the frequency of collisions between substrate and enzyme molecules increases but at temperatures above 50oC enzymes become chemically altered, denatured. 3. Enzyme function best at a temperature known as optimum temperature. For every enzyme there is an optimum temperature at which the enzyme works fastest. 4. Human enzymes have an optimum temperature of 37oC. Graphs on back part of the note book EFFECT OF pH ON ENZYME ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE: Investigate and describe effect of pH on enzyme activity Enzymes are influenced by the acidity and alkalinity of the medium in which they function. 23 Each enzyme requires a specific pH level for optimum efficiently. This is the optimum pH of the enzyme. Optimum pH of pepsin in the stomach is pH 2 and that of trypsin in the duodenum is pH 8. Graphs on back part of the note book FOOD Food is required as a source of energy For formation of new protoplasm during growth repair of body tissues for metabolic reactions to keep organism healthy and warm OBJECTIVE: Define a balanced diet Balanced diet is a meal with all the nutrients needed by the body in right quantities and correct proportions. OBJECTIVE: List the chemical elements which make up: carbohydrates, proteins and fats Classes of energy providing foods: carbohydrates, proteins, fats/oils A SUMMARY OF CARBOHYDRATES, PROTEINS AND FATS /OILS IS SHOWN BELOW. ELEMENTS CARBOHYDRATES Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen MAIN SOURCES BASIC UNIT TYPE Proteins, fruits, cereals, grains, rice, bread, sugar cane and other plant storage organs Monosaccharide Single sugar unit Monosaccharide e.g. glucose, fructose Disaccharide e.g. maltose, sucrose, PROTEINS Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulphur Lean meat, fish, liver, milk, cheese ,egg white, legumes, soya beans and cereal grains Amino acids Animal and plant proteins In which humans, non essential amino acids are 24 FATS/OILS Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen with different proportions to carbohydrates Egg yolk, butter, cream, fatty meat, cheese, vegetables One molecule of glycerol and fatty acid molecules Fats from animals are solid at room temperature and certain a high proportion of saturated fatty acids. Oils from plant sources are liquid lactose Polysaccharide e.g. starch cellulose. CARBOHYDRATES Main source of energy in the diet. Glucose is the main respiratory substrate carbohydrate Cellulose cannot be digest Provide bulk to food assist in peristaltic movement along the alimentary canal. FUNCTIONS ENERGY SUPPLY joined together in any number or order to form different proteins (may be folded, twisted or straight). at room temperature and have a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids PROTEINS FATS/OILS A source of Component of amino acids for cell growth of new membranes, tissues and hormones, replacement of mylin sheath cell surrounding components nerve fibres. To build up Stored in a body structures adipose tissue e.g hair, cell beneath skin membranes and and around red blood cells. body organs as insulator. Formation of muscles, Fats around tendons and delicate organs ligaments protect them from physical Formation of damage. enzymes and antibodies. As an energy reserve CARBOHYDRATES 1g of carbohydrates respires to give 17kJ of energy Immediate source of energy PROTEINS 1g of protein respires to give 17kJ of energy Only oxidized when carbohydrates, glycogen and fats have been used up. FATS/OILS 1g of fat respires to give 37kJ of energy OBJECTIVE: Explain why diet, especially energy intake, should be related to age, sex and physical activity of an individual Food Intake in human depends on the following factors: sex, age, occupation and lifestyle. 1. SEX 25 Males need more carbohydrates and proteins than female. Carbohydrates provide energy for the formation of new cells. Proteins from many compacted cells of the muscles. 2. OCCUPATION Labourer needs more proteins and carbohydrates than someone doing a white collar job. Carbohydrates provide energy for the formation of new cells. Proteins from many muscles cells wearing off during physical work. 3. AGE Younger people need more carbohydrates and proteins than older people. Carbohydrates provide energy for formation of new cells, new cells are needed for growth of younger person Proteins from many cells needed in growth Younger people are more active, carbohydrate generate energy for contraction and relaxation of muscles; movements. 4. Someone who exercises regularly needs more carbohydrates and proteins than someone who never exercises. Carbohydrates provide energy for formation of new cells Proteins form many muscle cells wearing off during physical work. OBJECTIVE: Describe tests for starch (iodine solution), reducing sugars (Benedict’s solution), protein (biuret test) and fats (ethanol). FOOD TESTS TEST 1)CARBOHYDRATES: CHEMICAL TEST BENEDICT TEST PROCEDURE To about 5ml of a food 26 OBSERVATION If reducing REDUCING a)SUGARS(e.g glucose) b)STARCH IODINE TEST sample in a solution form, add about 4 drops of Benedict’s solution. Gently shake to mix. Place the test tube with the mixture in a hot water bath Place a drop or two drops of iodine solution into a test tube containing a food sample in solution form 2.PROTEINS BIURET TEST 3.FATS/OILS ETHANOL EMULSION TEST To about 2ml of a solution of a food sample in a test tube, add about 2ml of 1% sodium hydroxide, gently shake then add about 2ml of 1% of copper (II) Sulphate, gently shake and observe after adding each drop. To a test tube with 2ml of a food sample in add about 5ml of ethanol. Shake thoroughly then transfer the liquid part of the mixture into an empty test tube. To the liquid mixture add distilled water drop by drop. Observe after adding each drop. 27 sugar is absent, mixture remains blue. If present the mixture turns from blue to green, then to yellow then to orange and finally brick red If starch is absent the mixture remains brown with iodine solution. If starch is present the mixture turns blue-black If proteins are absent the mixture remains blue, if present the mixture turns purple or violet If fats /oils are absent the mixture remains clear. If fats /oils are present a cloudy white emulsion is formed. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM FEEDING HOLOZOIC NUTRITION in human consists of five main stages. 1. INGESTION: Where food is taken into the alimentary canal via the mouth 2. DIGESTION: Which a process whereby large molecules of food is broken-down into smaller molecules which can be absorbed into the blood system. It is also known as extracellular digestion because it takes place outside the cells of the body. DIGESTION is achieved by both physical and chemical means. The physical action is achieved by the teeth (mastication) stomach contracts and bile (emulsification). Chemical breakdown is achieved by digestive enzymes contained in saliva, gastric juices, pancreatic juices and intestinal juices. The chemical bonds in the complex food substances are broken-down by specific enzymes in the presence of water –a process called hydrolysis. 3. ABSORPTION: Where by food molecules pass through the gut wall into the blood stream. 4. ASSIMILATION: This is the distribution and use of some of these small molecules as an energy source and conversion of other substances required for growth. 5. EGESTION: where undigested food and other gut contents are removed as feces, via the anus (also called defecation). 28 THE HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM OBJECTIVE: Using diagrams and models identify the main regions of the alimentary canal and the associated organs: mouth, salivary glands, oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, ileum, colon, rectum and anus The human alimentary canal is differential into a series of specialized regions. 29 Below is a summary of functions of parts of the digestive system. OBJECTIVE: Describe the main functions of the identified parts of the alimentary canal in relation to ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion of food, as appropriate PARTS OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM MOUTH {ingestion, digestion [physical and chemical means]} a) Teeth b) Savary glands SECRETIONS AND ENZYMES Salivary secreted by salivary glands contains: i) water ii) Mucus iii) amylase c) Tongue OESOPHAGUS(Peristal sis) MUCUS FUNCTIONS OBJECTIVE: OBJECTIVE:describe describechewing chewing Cut and grind large pieces of food to smaller – mastication/chewing. This increases pieces Cut and grind large pieces of food to surface area of food for enzymatic action. smaller pieces – mastication/chewing. This increases surface area of food for Used as a solvent and in the hydrolysis of enzymatic action. food. Binds food particles and lubricates the food to help in swallowing process. amylase Starch maltose Mixes food with saliva and rolls food into a ball of bolus from which is easy to be swallowed Has muscular walls made up of circular and longitudinal muscles under involuntary control. Transports food to stomach by peristalsis Aids in the passage of food into the stomach by reducing friction between food bolus and walls of oesophagus 30 STOMACH Ph 1(acidic) digestion [physical and chemical means] Gastric glands secrete gastric juice which contains: i.) WATER DUODENUM p H 7-8 (Slightly alkaline) PANCREASE {digestion [physical and chemical means]} Bile from the gall bladder produced by the liver Has muscular walls made up of circular and longitudinal muscles which are under involuntary control. i.) Churns food and mixes it with gastric juice to food chime ii.) Absorbs alcohol and glucose iii.) Stores food temporarily(chime is held by sphincter muscles in the stomach for about four hours. Used as a solvent and in the hydrolysis of food Protects stomach wall from the action of acidic gastric juice. Acts as a lubricant for movement of food within stomach. ii.) MUCUS iii.) HYDROCHLORIC ACID iv.) ENZYME PEPSIN a) Secrets pancreatic juice which contains i)trypsin ii)Amylase iii)Lipase iv) Water b)Hormone insulin c) Hormone glucagon Produce bile using pigments from old red blood cells broken down in the liver. Bile is an alkaline solution of 31 Provides the acidic medium (optimum pH) for enzymatic action. Kills bacteria brought in with the food. Activates enzymes in gastric juice. pepsin Protein polypeptides Hydrolysis of food in duodenum trypsin polypeptides peptides amylase Starch maltose lipase Fats Fatty acids + Glycerol Used as a solvent and in the hydrolysis makes liver cells to converts excess glucose to glycogen makes liver cells to converts excess glucose to glycogen increase of pH of acidic chime from the stomach by sodium hydrogen carbonate and provides alkaline pH for enzyme action in small intestines bile salts ILEUM {digestion [chemical means] and absorption } Bile salts breakdown large globule of fats and oils into smaller droplets – a process called emulsification. This increases the surface area for digestion of fats. Walls of secrete intestinal juices with enzymes: i). maltase maltose ii). sucrase sucrose iii).lactase lactose iv). erepsin/peptidase peptides COLON (absorption) RECTUM OBJECTIVE: describe peristalsis PERISTALSIS 32 maltase sucrase lactase glucose glucose + fructose glucose + galactose erepsin/peptidase amino acids The main function is absorption of soluble digested food To aid in absorption, the surface area of the small intestine is increased by villi in epithelial and microvilli in the epithelial cells Absorbs almost all the water from undigested residues Absorbs mineral ions Stores feces prior to removal via anus (egestion) Peristalsis is the contraction of circular and longitudinal muscles along the length of the alimentary canal resulting in the movement of food. OBJECTIVE: describe the absorption and the significance of villi in increasing the intestinal surface area ABSORPTION OF DIGESTED FOOD 33 Digested food is absorbed in the ileum. The ileum is adapted to facilitate rapid absorption of digested food substances in the following ways: a) The folded internal surface of the ileum is covered with numerous finger like projections called villi(singular:villus) to increase the surface area for absorption. b) The surface area of each villus is further increased by microvilli which are tiny microscopic projections from the epithelial cells of the villus. c) The long length of the ileum also helps to increase surface area for absorption. 34 d) Each villus contains a dense capillary network close to the epithelium to carry away the absorbed food substances as quickly as possible. This helps to maintain the concentration gradient between the solution of nutrients in the ileum and the blood cell plasma in the blood capillaries for rapid diffusion. e) The epithelium of the villus is one – cell thick allowing digested food substances to diffuse rapidly over a short distance into the blood capillaries of the villus. 2. End product of digestion are soluble in water (e.g glucose amino acids) enter the blood system by diffusing into the capillary network of the villi. FATE OF THE PRODUCTS OF DIGESTION OBJECTIVE: describe assimilation and how large molecules are synthesised from smaller basic units: I. starch from simple sugars II. proteins from amino acids III. lipids from glycerol and fatty acids The end-products of digestion are assimilated (utilized in the body in various ways) according to the needs as shown in the table below END PRODUCT OF DIGESTION GLUCOSE PATH TAKEN TO EACH BODY CELLS AMINO ACIDS FATTY ACIDS Ileum hepatic portal vein liver hepatic vein venacava right heart lungs left heart all parts of the body FATE OF THE END PRODUCTS 1. Utilsed by all cells in respiration 2. Excess glucose is converted to glycogen by insulin and stored in liver. 3. Makes starch and glycogen 1. Used to make new protoplasm hormones and enzymes 2. Used in repair of worn out tissues 3. Utility by the cells in respiration only when glucose and glycogen are used up. 4. Make proteins. 1.Fatty acids and glycerol recombine in lacteal to form fat globules. 35 2. Fats stored under skin and around organs as an energy store and for heat insulation. 3. Utilsed by the cells in respiration only when glucose and glycogen are used up. OBJECTIVE: State the function of the hepatic portal vein as the route taken by most of the food absorbed from the small intestines drawing from a chart 1. LIVER is a large, reddish brown organ concerned with maintaining the concentration and composition of blood (homeostasis) and excretion. It lies just below the diaphragm and partly overlaps the stomach. The blood vessels serving the liver are:a) HEPATIC PORTAL VEIN:- Carries blood containing digested food substances absorbed in ileum to the liver. Blood capillaries in the villi of ileum join to form the hepatic portal vein. b) HEPATIC ARTERY:- Carries containing oxygen to liver c) HEPATIC VEIN: - Carries blood containing waste products and substances produced by liver cells away from the liver. OBJECTIVE: Describe the role of the liver in the metabolism of glucose, as a storage organ, deamination and detoxification 2.) THE MAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE LIVER ARE: a) FORMATION OF BILE Contains bile salts produced by the liver cells and bile pigments from the breakdown of old red blood cells in the liver. Bile is stored in gall bladder and used to emulsify fats before digestion by lipase in duodenum. b.)STORAGE OF GLUCOSE c.) Helps maintain concentration of glucose in blood by converting glucose which is excess of the body’s needs to glycogen by hormone insulin. Insulin is secreted by the pancrease and carried to the liver by blood. DEAMATION Formation of urea. Amino acids that are excess of the body’s needs cannot be stored. The amino group (-NH2 part) of the amino acids is removed and converted to urea. The residue is converted to glucose for metabolism or storage. 36 d.) DETOXIFICATION e.) Poisonous substances , used hormones and alcohol are converted to harmless substances by liver cells. PRODUCTION OF PLASMA PROTEINS Blood clotting proteins such as fibrinogen and plasma proteins phothrombin are made by liver cells. F.) STORAGE OF IRON Old red blood cells are destroyed in the liver and the iron and vitamins from haemoglobin is stored for the manufacture of new red blood cells in the bone marrow. Fat soluble vitamins (A, B, D) taken in the diet are stored in liver. Vitamin B12 is used in the manufacture of red blood cells. g.) PRODUCTION The many chemical reactions taking place in the liver result in the formation of heat. The heat produced is distributed throughout the body by the circulatory system and helps to maintain a constant body temperature. OBJECTIVE: Investgate action of amylase on starch Inv estigation : Action of amylase on starch RESPIRATION OBJECTIVE: Define respiration RESPIRATION is the release of energy from food substances in all living cells. OBJECTIVE: Describe uses of energy in living organisms 37 Most of the energy is lost as heat energy and remaining energy is used up for the vital activities of the cells such as: a) b) c) d) e) f) Cell division for growth and repair of tissues Metabolic reactions e.g. synthesis of proteins, hormones, enzymes e.tc Contraction of skeletal muscles, heart muscles e.tc Transport of materials in and out of cells e.g. active transport Conduction of nerve impulses Maintenance of a constant body temperature OBJECTIVE: Describe respiration ATP AND ENERGY TRANSFER The energy release when glucose is broken down is not used directly in the cell instead it is transferred to the chemicals which act as a store of readily available. One of these chemicals is adenosine triphosphate (ATP).Adenosine combines with one,two or three phosphate groups. Energy released when the glucose molecule breaks down is used to combine a phosphate ion ( PO2 2- ) with a molecule of adenosine triphosphate. When there is need of energy in a cell, in the presence of an appropriate enzyme, ATP readily breaks down to ADP, releasing energy and phosphate ion. The energy can be used to drive other chemical reactions such as those producing muscle contraction. ATP ADP +PO3 muscle contraction AEROBIC AND ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION OBJECTIVE: Define aerobic respiration AEROBIC RESPIRATION is release of relatively large amount of energy by break down of food in the presence of oxygen 38 A chain of enzyme controlled chemical reactions are involved and the total effect is OBJECTIVE: State the equations of aerobic respiration Word equation: Glucose + Oxygen Carbon dioxide + Water + energy Symbol equation: C6 H12O6 + 6O2 respiratory enzymes 6CO2+6H2O+Energy OBJECTIVE: Define anaerobic respiration ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION is release of relatively small amount of energy by the break down of food in the absence of oxygen OBJECTIVE: Describe fermentation Fermentation is a form of anaerobic respiraton. Fermentation is also used more broadly to refer to the bulk growth of microorganisms on a growth medium OBJECTIVE: State the equations of anaerobic respiration 1. Alcoholic (yeast) fermentation: Word equation: Glucose Alcohol + Carbon dioxide + energy Symbol equation: C6 H12O12 2. Lactate fermentation: Word equation: Glucose 2C2H5OH+2CO2+2ATP ( lactic acid + energy Symbol equation: 39 G=-210kJ/mol) C6 H12O12 2C3H6O3+2ATP ( G=-150kJ/mol) 3. Differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration CONDITION RESPIRATORY PRODUCTS AEROBIC RESPIRATION Presence of oxygen Carbon dioxide, water and a relatively large amount of energy for both plants and animals ENERGY LILBERATED Release all the available energy within each glucose molecule ORGANIC All organisms breathe in air (oxygen) yeast can also respire aerobically ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION Absence of oxygen Ethanol carbon dioxide and a little energy for plants A process called Alcoholic fermentation Lactic acid and a little energy for animals Lactic acid is toxic in large amount Release for less energy because glucose is not completely broken down Yeasts, bacteria, organisms living in stagnant water or mud e.g. worms Muscles of human and other mammals during strenuous exercise Mammals which dive for a long period of time in the ocean e.g. seals and whales. OBJECTIVE: Describe the production of lactic acid in muscles during exercising 4. ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION IN HUMAN SKELTAL MUSCLES Anaerobic respiration occurs during strenuous exercise or vigorous activity over a period of time. Despite the increased heart rate, the oxygen cannot be transported to the muscles fast enough for tissue respiration Insufficient oxygen causes the muscles to respire anaerobically to release energy. Glucose is broken down to lactic acid instead of carbon dioxide Lactic acid accumulates in the muscles and mucus and causes muscle cramps Oxygen debt incurred during the period of anaerobic respiration The oxygen debt is paid off by rapid breathing in the recovery period after the exercise to break down the lactic acid built up. OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate release of energy through anaerobic respiration using yeast 40 Experiment (d) To Demonstrate Anaerobic Respiration by Living Organisms Boil water for 15 minutes to remove all the dissolved oxygen. Almost fill two flasks with the water, allow them to cool to 25°C in the sealed flasks - sealed to prevent re-oxygenation. Dissolve glucose in each flask. Add live yeast to one - the experiment. No yeast in the other - the control. Place a thin layer of oil on the top of the water in each - the water remains deoxygenated by preventing contact with air. Insert a thin glass tube from each stoppered flask into a test tube of limewater. Maintain the temperature at 25°C in a water bath or heating tray. OBJECTIVE: Describe the role of the exchange surface of the alveoli in gaseouse exchange GASEOUS EXCHANGE IN MAN Gaseous exchange takes place in the lungs where oxygen from atmospheric air is absorbed by blood and carbondioxide carried by blood is released in to the environment Breathing is the process by which external air is brought into contact with the respiratory surface of the lungs for gaseous exchange The complete gas exchange systems consists of the nasal passages, pharynx,larynx,trachea,broncholi,lungs and the muscles involved in the breathing movements. OBJECTIVE: Identify on diagram and name the larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli and associated capillaries 41 The main respiratory organs and their role in the gas exchange system are summarized below. STRUCTURE Nasal passages and phalynx Lined with ciliated cells and goblet cells LARYNX TRACHEA THE WINDPIPE LINED WITH ALLIATED MUCOUS MEMBRANE AND SUPPORTED BY C-SHAPED CARTILAGE BRONCHI AND BRONCHILES FUNCTIONS Air passing through is warmed to body temperature and moistened. goblet cells produce mucus which traps dust a ciliated cells have cilia which flicks in a certain direction causing mucus to move (flow or stream) in that direction Dust and bacteria in air removed by hair and mucous The pharynx is a common passage for air and food The voice box for sound production Air passage Air passage to the lungs via the bronchi Dust and bacteria in air removed LUNGS - SPONGY,LOBED ORGANS MADE UP OF NUMEROUS AIR SACS CALLED ALVEOLI -: HAVE RICH BLOOD SUPPLY DIAPHRAGM - A sheet of muscular tissue with air cumference attached to thoracic cavity Air passage Bronchioles terminate in air sacs or aveoli Site of gaseous exchange of gases between blood system and atmospheric air. Separates thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity Changes the volume of the thoracic cavity for breathing STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION AF ALVEOLUS: 42 1. Alveoli are efficient gas exchange surfaces because of : a) The very large surface area provided by the numerous alveoli b) The one cell thick walls of alveoli which allow rapid diffusion of gases. c) The presence of a thin film of moisture on the internal surface of alveoli which oxygen can dissolve. d) The dense network of capillary around the alveoli which allows rapid efficient gas exchange. 2. Oxygen from the air in the lungs dissolves in thin film of moisture on the cells lining the alveolus. The oxygen then diffuses across the alveolus wall and through the wall of the capillary into the blood plasma. The oxygen in the plasma then diffuses into the red blood cells and combines with haemoglobin to from oxy-haemoglobin. 43 3. The carbon dioxide carried as bicarbonate ions in deoxygenated blood breaks down to liberate carbon dioxide which diffuses out of the capillary wall and across the alveolus wall into the alveolus. The carbon dioxide is expelled out of the lungs together with water vapour from the water film on the alveolus during expiration. 4. The concentration gradient required for rapid diffusion of gases in and out of the alveolus is maintained by: a) Keeping the oxygen concentration high in the alveolus by replenishing air in alveolus. b) the rapid absorption of oxygen across the thin alveolus and capillary wall and the formation of oxy-haemoglobin. c) the constant replacement of oxygenated blood by deoxygenated blood by blood flow. GAS Oxygen Carbondioxide Nitrogen Water Vapour INSPIRED AIR(15 VOLUME) 21 0.04 79 Varies EXPIRED AIR (5 VOLUME) 16 4 79 Saturated OBJECTIVE: Describe the role of the diaphragm, ribs and intercostals muscles in breathing. 44 BREATHING MOVEMENTS IN MAN Breathing is the physical process resulting in the exchange of gases at a gas exchange surface. INSPIRATION Diaphragm contracts and flattens External intercostals muscles between ribs contract, internal intercostals muscles relax Ribcage moves upwards and outwards EXPIRATION Diaphragm relaxes and becomes dome shape External intercostals muscles between ribs relax internal intercostals muscles contract Ribcage moves down wards and inwards Volume of chest cavity increases Volume of chest cavity decreases Air pressure inside chest cavity and lungs decreases Air pressure inside chest cavity and lungs increases Atmospheric pressure drives air into lungs Air is forced out of lungs NB: EXPIRATION is the opposite of Inspiration Rib cage Diaphragm Volume Pressure Intercostals and External muscles Air pressure pushes air inwards 45 Control of breathing rate: a) The rate of breathing is influenced by the carbon dioxide content in the blood An increase in carbon dioxide level in the blood during exercise stimulates the respiratory centre in the brain to send more nerve impulses to the intercostals muscles between the ribs and the diaphragm to contract and relax faster resulting in faster breathing rate. b) Breathing rate is increased during anxiety, anger and fight due to the action of the hormone adrenaline. c) Breathing rate is faster when the metabolic rate of the body is higher. Thus, children and infants have faster breathing rates than adults d) Breathing rate is slowed down or even stopped by metabolic poisons which inhibit enzyme controlled reactions in tissue respiration and paralyse breathing movements. RESPIRATORY DISEASES OBJECTIVE: Describe the effect of tobacco smoke and its major toxic components (nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide) on health: strong association with bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer and heart disease, and the association between smoking during pregnancy and reduced birth weight. There is a strong link between smoking and respiratory diseases (cigarette/tobacco smoke) has a complex composition of many harmful chemical substances. The constituents of smoke drawn into lungs with each inhabitation can be classified into irritant substances. MAIN EFFECTS ON HUMAN BODY CONSTITUENT NICOTINE A stimulant in small amounts, causes body to release hormone adrenaline, thus increasing heart rate and blood pressure Causes blood vessels to constrict makes blood clots more easily, thus increasing the risk of developing coronary heart disease Causes addiction. Smokers who stop smoking experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritation and tension. CARBON Colourless, odourless poisonous MONOXIDE gas Causes a reduction of oxygen supply to heart as carbon 46 ASSOCIATED RESPIRATOTY DISEASE Thrombosis formed as the increased blood pressure irritates the lining of the arteries Chronic bronchitis, Emphysema TAR IRRITANT SUBSTANCES monoxide combines 200 times more readily with haemoglobin than oxygen to form carboxyhaemoglobin than oxygen to form carboxyhaemoglobin This reaction is irreversible Damages lining of blood vessels and increases fatty deposition on the walls of bold vessels. Dark brown, sticky substance containing cancer causing chemicals. forms yellowish brown stains on smokers teeth and fingers causes the persistent smokers cough and shortens of breath deposits in the lungs and may cause cell changes leading to uncontrolled abnormal growth and spread of cancerous cells in lungs and to other parts of the body. Carbon particles oxides of nitrogen, etc irritate the nose, eyes and throat cause narrowing of air passages Paralyse cilia and affect the cleaning action of the cilia in the air passages which removes dust and bacteria from the air entering the lungs Stimulate excessive secretion of mucous Lung cancer Throat cancer Mouth cancer Chronic bronchitis Emphysema 1. In pregnant women who smoke, nicotine also constricts blood vessels in the placenta, therefore reducing the blood supply to the foetus. Carbon dioxide combines irreversibly with haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin, thus decreasing oxygen supplied to the foetus. When a pregnant women smoke, their babies are smaller at birth and there is a higher risk of miscarriage, stillbirth and infant death. There is also a tendency for slower physical and intellectual development among the babies of women who smoke. 2. Passive smoker (non – smoker exposed to cigarette smoke continuously) has a higher risk of developing lung cancer. They may inhale in as much of the harmful constituents of cigarette smoke as a smoker because side – stream smoke is unfiltered and contains higher concentration of harmful than main streams smoke inhaled through the cigarette. 47 3. The main signs and symptoms of the main respiratory diseases associated with smoking are: RESPIRATORY DISEASE CHRONIC BRONCHITIS EMPHYSEMA CAUSES SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Smoking: continual Inflammation of the membrane exposure and inhalation of of the trachea and the bronchi polluted air excessive production of phlegm chronic cough difficulty in breathing lungs become susceptible to infection may result in emphysema and lung failure Smoking, continual exposure and inhalation of polluted air: developed from chronic bronchitis LUNG CANCER Smoking, continual exposure and inhalation of smoke; polluted air and vehicle exhaust fumes Chronic coughing from chronic, bronchitis causes destruction of thin alveolous walls. Alveoli enlarged and surface area is reduced Lungs expand and lose elasticity great difficulty in breathing leading to strain on the heat lung tissue is damaged beyond repair Uncontrolled growth of cells in a small area of lungs may spread throughout lungs and block bronchioles The cancerous growth may eventually spread throughout the body difficulty in breathing blood in spitum weight loss NOTE: These signs and symptoms are not noticeable in the early stages of lung cancer OBJECTIVE: Investigate the effect of physical activity on the rate and depth of breathing Effect of exercise on breathing During exercise, the muscle cells respire more than they do at rest. This means: Oxygen and glucose must be delivered to them more quickly Waste carbon dioxide must be removed more quickly 48 This is achieved by increasing the breathing rate and heart rate. The increase in heart rate can be detected by measuring the pulse rate. The stroke volume also increases – this is the volume of blood pumped each beat. The total cardiac output can be calculated using the equation: Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate During hard exercise, the oxygen supply may not be enough for the needs of the muscle cells. When this happens, anaerobic respiration takes place, as well as aerobic respiration. TRANSPORT IN PLASMA TYPICAL STRUCTURE OF STEM TYPICAL STRUCTURES OF A ROOT FUNCTIONS OF THE MAIN TISSUES IN THE STEM AND ROOT TYPES OF TISSUE EPIDERMIS PACKING TISSUE SUPPORTING TISSUE VASCULAR TISSUE COMBIUM FUCTION A thin layer of living cells of root and stem Epidermis maintain the shape and protects against bacterial or fungal infection. The epidermis of roots develop projections called root hairs which absorb water from soil Several layers of relatively large, thin walled living cells found in the cortex i.e. between the epidermis and pith. The cells are highly permeable to water and dissolved solutes Intercellular air spaces in the cortex allows oxygen to diffuse into the stem or root for cell respiration Starch granules may be present. Beneath epidermis – living cells with cellulose thickening in cell corners In vascular bundle – no-living xylem vessels with cellulose and lignin thickening Provide mechanical support. Found in the central part of the root: arranged in a ring in a dicotyledons stems and scattered irregularly in a monocotyledons plant Contains conducting tissues: xylem and phloem Actively dividing cells found between xylem and phloem. Cells undergo mitotic divisions to produce new cells from growth found in (meristems) region of active growth and cell multiplications) Form xylem and phloem for secondary growth in older stems and roots 49 TRANSPORT IN PLANTS Objective: identify vascular tissues in cross sections of stem roots and leaves of dicotyledons and monocotyledons . 1.1 Typical structures of stem A cross section of a monocotelydonous stem A cross section of a dicotelydonous stem List two differences between a monocotelydonous stem and a dicotelydonous stem 1.2 Typical structures of root A cross section of a monocotelydonous root A cross section of a dicotelydonous root List two differences between a monocotelydonous root and a dicotelydonous root Transverse section of leave: Drawing from text book 1.3 Functions of the main tissues in the stem and root: 50 Objective: Describe the structure and function of root hairs in relation to their surface area, and to water and ions uptake. see notes for root hair cell 51 Objective:Describe absorption of water in terms of osmosis Water: Absorption of water: root hair cells absorb water absorption of water occurs b y process osmosis water molecules are highly concentrated in the soil than in root hair cell water molecule diffuse in root hair cells; from root hair cells molecules will diffuse into other into other root cells; *Objective: Describe absorption of mineral ions in terms of active transport Mineral ions: absorption of mineral ions can occur by active transport If mineral ions are less concentrated in the soil than in root hair cell mineral ions move by active transport from the area of lower concentration outside the root hair cell to the area of higher concentration inside the root hair cell from root hair cells the mineral ions will be actively transported to other root cells; Objective: Describe the structure and functions of vascular tissues (xylem vessels and phloem tissues) 2.2 Xylem and Phloem Xylem tissue is for transport of water and mineral salts from the root, through the stem and to the leaves. Phloem tissue are responsible for translocation of products of photosynthesis from leaves to the rest of the plants. 52 Structure Xylem Xylem consists of non-living, long, hollow fine tube-like vessels with thick lignified cellulose walls The strong lignified walls provide mechanical support as they resist pressure changes and prevents the vessels from collapsing 53 Phloem Phloem consists of thin and elongated living cells joined end to end to form living long tubes. The cells contain very fine strands of cytoplasm and have perforated end walls called sieve plates to allow substances to pass from cell to cell Objective: Define translocation as movement of substances (water; mineral ions, and organic materials) through vascular tissue TRANSLOCATION: Translocation is the movement of organic soluble materials; water and mineral ions through the phloem and the xylem. 54 3.1 Transpiration Objective: Define transpiration as loss of water vapour from the stomata Transpiration is the process by which water vapour is lost from the aerial part of the plant via the stomata *Objective: Discuss how transpiration is related to cell surfaces, stomata and intercellular air spaces. Water is evaporated from the surface of the spongy mesophyll cells into the air spaces in the leaf and finally diffuse through the stomata into the surrounding atmosphere Objective: Describe transpiration stream as a process of water movement throough xylem vessels. Transpiration pull is a suction force generated by transpiration which draws water from the soil up the xylem vessels in the stem to the leaves of a plant. The thin, continous column of water which flows up the plant from roots through the stem to the leaves in the xylem vessels is called the transpiration stream 55 56 Objective: Discuss factors that affect transpiration Objective: Discuss effect of temperature, humidity and wind on the rate of transpiration Objective: Discuss adaptations for controlling transpiration 57 Objective: Investigate effect of temperature, humidity and wind on the rate of transpiration Potometer: A potometer is used to measure the rate of water uptake which can be an indirect measure of the rate of transpiration. A shoot inserted in a photometer can be subjected to different conditions such as: 1. lower speed of air and higher speed of air 2. lower temperature and higher temperature 3. lower humidity and higher humidity Objective: Demonstrate wilting, a result of excessive transpiration Wilting: 58 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 1. The Human Transport System OBJECTIVE: describe the circulatory system as consisting of tubes(blood vessels) with a pump (heart) and valves to ensure one-way flow of blood The transport system in the human body consists of the blood, the blood vessels and the heart. It is made up of a continuous sytem of blood vessels with a muscular pump (the heart) and valves which ensures that the blood flow is always in one direction. The transport medium of the body is blood tissue which distributed essential substances to body cells and collect their metabolic waste. The blood is circulated by the muscular contraction of the heart. OBJECTIVE: Explain why multicellullar animals need a circulatory system A circulation system is required because: The body is multi-cellular and small surface area to volume ratio. Diffusion alone is far too slow a process for adequate distribution of oxygen and dissolved food substance to substance to cells and the removal of waste from cells. 2. The Double (Dual) Circulation System. OBJECTIVE :Describe circulation as consisting of pulmonary and systemic circuits. The human transport system is an efficient and complete double circulatory system. It is made up of two main system which are connected of the heart. Pulmonary circulation – blood circulation from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart. System circulation - blood circulation from the heart to the body parts and back to the heart. Therefore, in one complete circulation blood passes twice through the heart. The heart has two halves that are completely separated by a septum. Therefore, there is no mixing of deoxygenated blood from the body and oxygenated blood from the lungs. 59 OBJECTIVE: Discuss the difference between the two circuits (pulmonary and systemic) in terms of pressure, direction of blood flow and quality of blood: Systemic Circuit Pulmonary Circuit Blood is from the heart to the body parts the back to the heart. Blood is from the heart then to the lungs then back to the heart Oxygenated blood flows away from the heart /deoxygenated blood flows towards the heart. Oxygenated blood flows towards the heart /deoxygenated blood flows away from the heart. Oxygenated blood flows along arteries and deoxygenated blood flows along veins Oxygenated blood flows along veins and deoxygenated blood flows along arteries Blood covers a longer distance Blood covers a shorter distance Blood is at relatively high pressure Blood at relatively low pressure 60 3. The Structure, Function, And Action Of The Heart OBJECTIVE: Describe the structure and function of the heart 61 Structure Position in the heart Function Superior vena cava Main vein which comes from the upper part of the body Returns deoxygenated blood from the head and upper limbs to the heart Inferior vena cava Main vein which comes from the lower part of the body Returns deoxygenated blood from the organs and lower limbs to the heart Right atrium Upper cambers from the heart Receives deoxygenated blood from the vena cava Semi-lunar valves Found at the opening of the pulmonary artery Prevents back flow of blood from the pulmonary artery into the right ventricle when the right atrium relaxes. Tricuspid valve Between right atrium and right ventricle consists of flaps Prevents backflow of blood to the right atrium when the right ventricle contracts Right ventricle Lower chamber of the heart (right) Pumps blood the lungs via pulmonary artery Septum Muscular wall separating the left and right chambers. Prevents mixing of deoxygenated blood in the right side of the heart with the oxygenated blood from the left side of the heart Bicuspid valve Between left atrium and left ventricle. Consists of two flaps. Prevents back flow of blood to the left atrium when the left ventricle contracts. Chordae tendineae Elastic tendons which attach valve flaps to the capillary muscles. Tendons become taut and prevent the valve from flapping back into the atrium under the blood pressure generated during the contraction of the ventricles Left ventricle Lower chambers of the heart, the most muscular part Pumps blood to all parts of the body (except the lungs) via the aorta Left atrium Upper chamber of the heart Receives oxygenated blood from the lungs via pulmonary vein Pulmonary artery Arises from the top of the right atrium , forms two branches one each lungs Carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs. Pulmonary vein Empties into the left atrium Carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart. Aorta Largest artery of the body Carries oxygenated blood to all parts of the body except the lungs. 62 Semilunar valves Prevents backflow of oxygenated blood from the aorta into the left ventricle when the left ventricle relaxes Found at the opening of the aorta The walls of the ventricles of the heart are more muscular than those of the atria because the ventricles have to pump blood over a greater distance : to the lung the rest of the body whereas the atria only pump blood into the ventricles. The left ventricle has a much thick wall than the right ventricle because a higher pressure is required to pump the blood to the rest of the body. 4. The Heart Beat The heart contracts rhythmically with a period of relaxation and rest between each contraction. The contraction period is called systole and the relaxation period is called diastole. During rest, a healthy adult has a heart beat rate of about 72 beats per minute. The direction of blood flow in the major arteries and veins of the circulatory system is shown below The walls of the ventricles of the heart are more muscular than those of the atria because the ventricles have to pump blood over a greater distance – to the lungs and the rest of the body whereas the atria only pump blood into the ventricles. The left ventricle has a much thicker wall than the right ventricles because a higher pressure is required to pump the blood to the rest of the body. 63 ATRIAL DIASTOLE Both left and right atria contract and force blood into the ventricles Bicuspid valve of the left side of the heart and tricuspid valve of the right side of the heart Semi – lunar valves of the pulmonary artery close to prevent backflow of blood Left and right ventricles relax VENTRICULAR SYSTOLE Both left and right ventricles contract and force blood under pressure, into the pulmonary vein and artery respectively Bicuspid valve and tricuspid valve close to prevent backflow of blood into the left and right atria respectively Semi-lunar valves of the pulmonary artery open Left and right ventricles 5. BLOOD PRESSURE AND PULSE RATE OBJECTIVE: Locate pulse points and count the pulse rate The high blood pressure exerted on the elastic and muscular walls of the aorta during ventricular contraction causes a wave of contraction to pass along the main arteries of the body. This succession of waves can be felt as a pulse in many places where the arteries are sufficiently superficial such as the wrist and the neck The blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood on the walls of the blood vessels as a result of the contraction and relaxation of the heart. Blood pressure varies with the distance of the blood vessels from the heart, the phase of the heartbeat, the activity and physiological state of the body and age. Blood pressure is highest in the aorta and lowest in the veins. Blood pressure is higher during ventricular contraction and lower during relaxation During vigorous physical activities e.g. exercise; hormone adrenaline secreted causes an increase in the rate of heartbeat and a rise in blood pressure. Blood pressure increases with age. Heart beats can be measured by counting the pulse rate. OBJECTIVE: Investigate the effect of physical activity on pulse rate insert tables from back part of the note book including explanation 64 BLOOD FLOW IN VEINS IS MAINTAINED BY: Flow of blood from the capillaries Pressure from the surrounding organs, especially from the contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscle Pairs of valves along the length of the veins which prevent backflow. 6. Coronary Heart Disease OBJECTIVE: Describe coronary heart disease in terms of occlusion of coronary arteries A heart attack or heart failure is the sudden slowing or stoppage of the heartbeat due to severe damage or death of the heart (cardiac) muscles. A heart attack is caused by a blockage in either of the two coronary arteries which branch out of the aorta to supply oxygen and soluble substances to the heart muscles. The blockage stops the flow of blood and deprives that part of the heart muscles of oxygen and food. Less respiration will occur at the heart muscles and less energy will be liberated. This will cause severe damage to the heart and failure of contraction of the heart muscles at the affected part Resulting in death. Two main conditions which cause a blockage in the coronary artery: Atherosclerosis – The narrowing and Hardening of artery due to fatty deposits (cholesterol) on the walls of artery. 65 Coronary thrombosis - The formation of a blood clot inside the artery. Thrombosis is more likely to occur in narrow arteries with fatty Occurance of both atherosclerosis and coronary thrombosis in the human body. 66 OBJECTIVE: Discuss possible causes of coronary heart diseases (diet, stress, smoking) The main factors which contribute to increase risk of coronary heart disease are: Smoking - Nicotine Increase heart rate by increasing secretion of hormone adrenalin Constricts blood vessels increasing blood pressure Causes blood to clot more easily Carbon monoxide increases the rate of deposition of cholesterol and decreases oxygen supply to heat. 67 Diet A diet rich in cholesterol and saturated fats results in high blood cholesterol level. This increases deposition of fat on inner surface of the artery. Stress Hormone adrenaline secreted under stress conditions increases heart rate and blood pressure. Forceful thrust of blood makes fats to be deposited on the inner surface of the arteries, causing narrowing of the artery. Preventative Measures of Coronary Heart Disease OBJECTIVE: Discuss preventative measures of coronary heart diseases Avoid smoking : no nicotine in the body which and less narrowing of blood vessels no carbon monoxide and less atherosclerosis Diet with less fat: less cholesterol and saturated fats results in high blood less deposition of fat on inner surface of the artery Avoid Stress: less adrenaline secreted normal heart rate and normal blood pressure less fats deposited on the inner surface of the arteries less narrowing of the arteries. 68 THE GENERAL CIRCLATORY SYSTEM OBJECTIVE: Name and identify the main blood vessels to and from the heart, lungs , liver and kidneys Fig. A 69 Fig. B ****TASK**** Label fig. A above using information in Fig. B 70 THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF ARTERIES, VEINS AND CAPILLARIES OBJECTIVE: compare the structure and functions of arteries, veins and capillaries A comparison of the structure and functions of arteries, veins and capillaries FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENCES: ARTERIES VEINS CAPILLARIES All arteries transport blood away from the heart All veins transport blood towards the heart Capillaries transport blood from artery to vein All arteries carry oxygenated blood except the pulmonary artery All veins carry deoxygenated blood except the pulmonary vein They carry blood at intermediate pressure. The repeatedly branched fine capillaries provide a large surface area for exchange of substances between the blood and tissue cells. The rate of blood flow is slow allowing maximum time for diffusion of substances No pulse Pulse is strong No pulse STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES: ARTERIES VEINS CAPILLARIES Thick muscular, elastic walls Thinner, inelastic and less muscular walls Walls are not permeable Walls are not permeable Relatively small lumens Relatively large lumens Circular cross-section Oval cross - section 71 Thin, one cell thick walls, no muscle and elastic tissue Walls are permeable to tissue fluid and phagocytes Very small lumens (smallest blood vessels) Circular cross -section Exchange of Materials Between Capillaries and Tissue fluid OBJECTIVE: describe the transfer of materials between capillaries and tissue fluid blood entering the capillary from the arteriole is at higher pressure fluids exude out through the capillary walls to bath cells, forming tissue fluid water, oxygen, glucose, phagocytes and other smaller molecules pass through the capillary walls into tissue fluid carbon dioxide, urea and other wastes diffuse from the tissue fluid into the capillary water re-enters the capillary by osmosis 72 BLOOD OBJECTIVE: list components of blood as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma Blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma OBJECTIVE: Identify red and white blood cells as seen in diagrams and/ photomicrographs. OBJECTIVE:Describe the function of: I.red blood cells – haemoglobin and oxygen transport II.white blood cells – phagocytosis, antibody formation and tissue rejection III.platelets – fibrinogen to fibrin causing clotting IV.plasma – transport of blood cells, ions, end products of digestion, hormones, carbon dioxide, urea, vitamins, plasma proteins BLOOD CELLS: red blood cells white blood cells platelets CELL STRUCTURE VOL/mm3 1.Red blood cell 5 SITE OF FORMATION Red bone marrow BLOOD CELLS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS million (particularly the ribs) FUNCTION OF CELL Lungs Haemoglobin Oxyhaemoglobin (purplish red) (bright red) + Oxygen a) Haemoglobin is a pigment which contains iron. It is capable of combining reversibly with oxygen b) Red blood cell has a short life span of about 120 days. The dead cells are broken down in the spleen and liver. Iron is stored in the liver and the rest of the haemoglobin molecule forms bile pigments Biconcave disc without nucleus Has elastic cell membrane 73 White blood cell large than red blood cell contains nucleus 1 Phagocytes 7000 million 2. Lymphocyte PLATELET 0.25 Lymph Engulf, ingest and digest foreign particles. Lymph Produces antibodies which destroy invading bacteria/foreign particles and neutralize toxins produced by bacteria Red bone marrow Forms a temporary plug at wound or cut. Damaged tissues and platelets form enzyme Throbokinase + Calcium ions a) Prothrombin thrombin A tiny fragment of cell without nucleus b) c) thrombin Fibrinogen Fibrin Fibrin mesh traps blood cells and forms blood clot to seal up wound PLASMA (Straw-colored liquid) CONSISTS OF water (90%) Soluble food substances e.g glucose, amino acids,oil droplets mineral salts e.g sodium,calcium, chloride ions and bicarbonate ions (HCO-3) plasma proteins e.g fibrinogen and antibodies waste e.g carbondioxide and urea hormones in minute quantities e.g adrenalin and insulin enzymes gases in mall quantities e.g oxygen and nitrogen 74 IMMUNITY ANTIBODY Antibody is a protein molecule produced by the body in response to an antigen. Each different antigen stimulates the production of the particular type of antibody that will destroy that antigen. Once the lymphocytes have learnt to make a particular type of antibody in response to the antigen on an infective organism, the body begins to recover as the organisms or pathogens are destroyed. It takes a few days to produce antibodies, so the infected individual will show some symptoms of the disease. LYMPHOCYTES The types are: B – LYMPHOCYTES – Produce antibodies T – LYMPHOCYTES – either attack pathogens directly, or produce chemicals which coordinate the activity of all cells in the immune system. OBJECTIVE: explain why immunity often results after an infection or vaccination IMMUNITY After an infection, some lymphocytes are kept as a memory which helps the body to quickly form antibodies that defend the body against further attacks by the same antigen/pathogen . The memory cells may last for years, and the body is said to be immune to the disease. VACCINES Vaccine is an example of active artificial immunity Vaccines are produced in several ways: Dead pathogens, e.g. whooping rough vaccine Weakened pathogens e.g. oral polio vaccine Genetically engineered fragments – Protein from the pathogens surface which are recognized by lymphocytes, e.g. hepatitis B viral coat protein a vaccine causes formation of memory cells against a specific pathogen which will help the body to quickly form antibodies when there is a real attack by the same pathogen 75 IMMUNITY MAY BE: 1.ACTIVE Individual makes his or her own antibodies NATURAL (Pathogen infects individual) ARTIFICIAL (Weakened pathogen (vaccine) Individual contracts disease Vaccine does not cause disease but lymphocyte but survives, makes do produce antibodies. antibodies and is now immune Individual is now immune to this pathogen.e.g to further infection by the same vaccination against rubella virus ( which causes pathogen, e.g. immunity develops German measles) in teenage girls. to different strains of the common cold. 76 2.PASSIVE Individual is given ready –made antibodies NATURAL ARTIFICIAL Mother antibodies cross the placenta and are in breast milk – new born for which mother produced antibodies e.g gust infections. Adult is now immune to disease used if disease is too fast – acting for the immune system to deal with, e.g injection of anti tetanus antibodies following a deep, dirty cut or wound This offers only a temporary immunity, since the body is not producing antibodies. OBJECTIVE: explain why people do not become immune to some diseases Some diseases have pathogens than mutate easely the memory cells formed in the body will form antibodies that are unable to attack the mutant pathogen BLOOD GROUPS AND BLOOD TRANSFUSSION OBJECTIVE: describe the four blood group (A, B, AB, O) in terms of antigen present in the blood and antibody production THE ABO BLOOD GROUPING IS BASED ON: Two antigens called agglutinogens, symbolized as A and B, are genetically determined carbohydrate molecules carried on the surface membrane of the red blood cells. Red blood cell shows agglutinogen A A Red blood cell shows agglutinogen B 77 Red blood cell shows both A nor B agglutinogen Red blood cell shows neither A or B agglutinogen Two antibodies called agglutinins, anti-A and anti – B, carried in the blood plasma. OBJECTIVE: Discuss blood transfusion in terms of donors and recipient and precautions to be taken A blood transfusion may be necessary to make up blood volume following hemorrhage or during surgery. Only compatible blood should be transfused, or agglutination and haemolysis may occur. Agglutinated (clumped) cells may block capillaries and cause kidney or brain damage, or even death. Haemolysed cells ‘leak’ haemoglobin so oxygen transport is affected. Transfusion of Blood: Donor RECIPIENT A (anti – B) B (anti – A) AB ( no anti-A and no anti –B) O (anti –A and anti- B) A antigen A B antigen B AB antigen A and antigen B compatible clumping clumping or or agglutination agglutination O no antigen compatible clumping or compatible agglutination clumping or agglutination compatible compatible compatible compatible compatible clumping clumping clumping or or or agglutination agglutination agglutination compatible An incomplete transfussion: blood group B red blood cells are clumped by anti – B agglutinins/antibody in plasma of blood group A The agglutinins/antibodies in the donor blood are ignored – they are in too low a concentration to cause major damage. AB is the universal recipient since its plasma contains no agglutinins antibodies to clump donor’s red blood cells. 78 BLOOD RELATED DISEASES: OBJECTIVE: discuss common blood diseases e.g. HIV/AIDS, malaria, leukemia, and anemia OBJECTIVE: discuss how blood related diseases can be prevented These are diseases that are related to blood. They include the following; Leukaemia, Anaemia, haemophilia, malaria, HIV/AIDS e.t.c. 1.Leukaemia/cancer of the blood This is overproduction of white blood cells Many of the white blood cells fail to mature and the overproduction leads to overcrowding of the cells out of the bone marrow cells which produce the red blood cells and the platelets. This leads to bleeding (bleeding can occur in the gums, nose, and rectum. Other symptoms include, infection of the mouth, throat and fever, anaemia, extreme weakness and headache, excessive bleeding in children, enlargement of lymph nodes The disease can be hereditary. Can be treated by transplanting healthy bone marrow from a close relative, after their own bone marrow has been destroyed using radiation. An individual who has Leukaemia has a high chance of getting HIV/AIDS why? Weakened immune system. Infections with HIV is not resisted Easy for leukemia patient with HIV to develop AIDS because of few normal lymphocytes. 2. Haemophilia o It is a sex linked diseases linked to the males because it is carried in the X chromosome. o A condition where the blood cannot clot and once the individual starts bleeding, without any help he/she can die. o Haemophiliacs may require blood transfusion for fairly minor injuries to replace lost blood and may need to inject themselves with the missing blood clot factor. 79 3. Anaemia All other blood related diseases show anaemia as a symptom and there are many forms of anaemia. This results when there are a few red blood cells in the bloodstream or if the concentration of haemoglobin is low. This can be due to a diet lacking iron or the inability to absorb vitamin B12 from the alimentary canal. Pregnant women. Therefore one has to take a diet rich in iron and taking iron supplements (in tablets). Sickle cell anaemia: a hereditary form of anaemia where the red blood cells become deformed and form a sickle shape. This anaemia reduces the large surface area of the red blood cell and therefore hinders/reduces the diffusion of O2 into the red blood cell. This usually results in extreme fatigue, pale skin, low red blood cell count and general body weakness. The condition however is important in reducing excessive blood loss in case of accident/injuries, lack of iron e.g. during pregnancy, and helps control plasmodium. 4.HIV/AIDS AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The disease is caused by a virus, human immuno-deficiency virus. The HI virus attacks the T-lymphocytes and reduces their count to very low levels. When T-lymphocytes are too few, the body fails to fight opportunistic infections, eventually AIDS develops. Transmitted through exchange of body fluids such as blood and sexual fluids Sign/symptoms: loss of weight, TB, skin cancer, prolonged diarrhea. Treatment: ARVs to reduce viral load in blood. Prevention: avoid exchange of body fluids with infected person, and use condoms and gloves when handling blood. *****For malaria check your previous notes***** 80 HOMEOSTASIS OBJECTIVE: Define homeostasis. 1. HOMEOSTASIS is the control and maintenance of a constant internal environment around the cells in the body despite unfavorable fluctuations in the external environment. OBJECTIVE: locate and name the main organs which maintain a constant internal environment, namely pancreas and liver ( blood glocuse), kidneys (water content) and skin (temperature). 2. The composition of the tissue fluid that surrounds the cells kept constant by the action of a number of different organs which constantly regulates particular factors in the blood. ORGANS LUNGS BLOOD FACTORS REGULATED Carbon dioxide and Oxygen KIDNEYS Water, Urea and Excess mineral salts LIVER and PANCREASE Blood glucose SKIN AND LIVER Temperature MECHANISM OF CONTROL Breathing rate and carbon dioxide level in blood are regulated via the respiratory canters in the brain Amount of water reabsorbed by kidney tubules is regulated in the action of anti-diuretic hormone. Urea and excess mineral salts are removed from the blood and are excreted in urine. Glucose level is regulated by hormones insulin and glucagon A combination of involuntary actions are controlled and coordinated by the hypothalamus of the brain. SKIN AND TEMPERATURE REGULATIONS 1. The functions of the skin a) A continuous covering to protect body tissues from ultra violet radiation as well as mechanical damage, entry of bacteria and excessive loss of water by evaporation. b) A sense organ to detect pain, pressure changes and temperature c) For temperature regulation to maintain a constant body temperature d) Removes excess salts, water and urea from the body in the form of sweat as a homeostatic organ and not an excretory one. 81 2. The structure of skin and its functions are summarized below: OBJECTIVE: Identify and label on the diagram of the skin: hairs, sweat, sweat glands receptors and blood vessels PARTS OF SKIN FUNCTIONS EPIDERMIS 1. Cornified layer Protect layer Top most layer which consists of flat, dead cells that continually wear off. 2. Granular layer Contains living cells which is gradually pushed up to replace the worn – out cells in the cornified layer. DERMIS SEBACIOUS GLANDS Contains actively dividing cells to produce new epidermis. Has pigment melanin that gives skin its colour and absorbs ultra violet radiation A layer of connective tissue with many collagen fibres and some elastic fibres. It contains most of the important structures found in skin. Secrete oily sebum to lubricate skin HAIR FOLLICLE AND HAIR A deep pit of granular and malpighian layer where cells multiply 3. Malpighian layer 82 ERECTOR MUSCLE SWEAT GLANDS SENSORY NERVE ENDINGS BLOOD CAPILLARIES to form a hair inside the follicle Controls the erection of hair- contracts to raise the hair and relaxes to make the hair lie down. Absorbs salts and water from blood capillaries to produce sweat for temperature regulation and excretion Detect pain, changes in temperature and pressure on skin Regulate temperature by vascular constriction or dilation. 3. A negative feed back mechanism is used in homeostasis. A summary of this mechanism used is illustrated by the diagram below. Hypothalamus: OBJECTIVE: Discuss the coordinating role of the brain in maintaining a constant body temperature In the hypothalamus there is a thermoregulatory center The thermoregulatory center monitors the temperature of the blood passing through it and also receives sensory nerve impulses from temperature receptors in the skin. A rise in body temperature is detected by the thermoregulatory center of hypothalamus: It then sends nerve impulses to the skin which results in vasodilation and sweating A fall in body temperature is detected by the thermoregulatory center of hypothalamus: It then sends nerve impulses to the skin which results in vasoconstriction, minimal sweating and decrease of exothermic reactions of the liver. 83 4. THE ROLE OF THE SKIN IN TEMPERATURE REGULATION Temperature of blood decreases 1. Increase production of sweat, evaporation of liquid in sweat, latent heat energy lost from the body, the body cools 2. Hair erector muscles relax, hair lie close to skin surface (for furry mammals only). 3. Blood arterioles near surface of skin dilate (vasodilation) more blood flows closer to skin , more heat lost from the body by radiation. 4. Metabolic rate decreases stimulates Normal blood Rise in temperature of blood stimulates Hypothalamus (brain) stimulates temperature Drop in temperature of blood Temperature of blood increases 1. Shivering occurs, contraction of muscle fibres , friction between muscle fibres, heat released 2. Hair erector muscles contract, hairs stand on ends forming an insulating layer of air between hairs (for furry mammals only). 3.Blood arterioles near surface of skin constrict (vasoconstriction),less blood flows closer to skin surface of skin. Less heat lost by the radiation. 4. Metabolic rate reaction in the liver (exothermic reactions) 84 Hypothalamus (brain) 85 EXCRETION OBJECTIVE: Define excrtion as given below 1. Excretion is the removal of metabolic waste products and toxic materials from organisms, to maintain constant internal environment. 2. The accumulation of these substances can interfere with the proper functioning of cells and change the concentration of tissue fluid around. 3. A variety of excretory products are removed from the body by the excretory organs. EXCRETORY ORGANS Lungs Kidneys Liver TYPES OF WASTE EXCRETED Carbon dioxide Urea, excess water, and mineral salts Urea ( from the breakdown of amino acids), pigment Heat, excess water, mineral salts and urea Skin 4. Used hormones, drugs and toxic substances such as alcohol are also excreted. THE HUMAN URINARY SYSTEM OBJECTIVE: Identify parts of the urinary system: kidneys, ureter,bladder; urethra. 86 OBJECTIVE: Describe the functions of : kidneys, ureter, bladder; urethra. STRUCTURE KIDNEY RENAL ARTERY RENAL VEIN URETER BLADDER SPINCHER MUSCLE URETHRA FUNCTIONS Filters blood and excretes nitrogenous wastes, excess salts and water as urine Branching from the aorta, the renal artery carries oxygenated blood to the kidney Carries deoxygenated blood away from the kidney to the vena cava Peristallic waves of contraction in the thin tube carries urine produced by the kidneys to the urinary bladder A distensible sac in which urine is temporarily stored Voluntarily relaxes to release urine from the bladder Passage of urine out of the body is through the urethra STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE MAMMALIAN KIDNEY 1. The kidney contains about one million microscopic urine formation units called kidney tubules or nephrons. STRUCTURE OF KIDNEY OBJECTIVE: Draw and label a cross section of a mammalian kidney 87 2. The various regions in the internal structure of the mammalian kidney and their functions are summarized in Table 2 REGION IN THE KIDNEY Outer Cortex ( dark colour) FUNCTION Contains the Brownman’s capsules and glomeruliol. The nephrons. The dark colour is due to the millions of coiled capillaries of the glomeruli. Contains U – Shaped top of hale and the collecting dusts Cone shaped areas in medulla where urine produced by the kidney tubules drain into the pelvis of the ureter. Funnel – Shaped spaces formed by the top of the ureter collects urine. Peristaltic waves of contraction in the thin tube carries urine produced by the kidneys to the bladder. INNER MEDULLA( light clour) PYRAMIDS PELVIS URETER STRUCTURE OF A KIDNEY NEPHRON OBJECTIVE: Discuss the structure and function of the nephron 88 FORMATION OF URINE OBJECTIVE: Describe the removal of water and urea through the kidneys. 1. Urine is formed in two stages a) HIGH BLOOD FILTRATION (ULTRAFILTRATION) The blood in the glomerulus of Browman’s capsule is under high pressure. This causes the plasma of the blood to filter through thin capillary walls and to collect in the Browman’s capsule. The filtrate contains glucose, amino acids, salts and nitrogenous products dissolved in water. Blood cells and blood proteins remain in the capillaries 2. SELECTIVE REABSORPTION As the filtrate flows down the nephron, all useful substances such as glucose, amino acids, salts and water required by the body are reabsorbed back into the network capillaries surrounding the coiled parts of the tubules. This reabsorption process is against the concentration gradient (active transport) and therefore, requires energy from respiration within the cells of the nephron. The remaining liquid, which is urine, passes down the collecting duct to the renal pelvis. 3. The composition of liquids at different regions of the nephron 89 SUBSTANCE Water Glucose Mineral Salts Urea Proteins % IN PLASMA 90 – 93 0.1 0.35 0.03 7-9 % IN BROWMAN’S CAPSULE 99 0.1 0.35 0.03 0 % IN URINE 95 0 2 2 0 4. The actual composition of urine fluctuates depending on the changes in the amount of water and concentration of substances dissolved in the blood entering the kidney. If there is excess water in the blood, less water is reabsorbed by the kidney tubules and urine becomes more dilute. If blood is more concentrated, more water is reabsorbed by the kidney tubules and urine becomes more concentrated and smaller in volume. 5. The hormone ADH (anti – diuretic hormone) controls the re-absorption of water by altering the permeability of the cell membranes of the kidney tubules. More solute concentrated blood results in pituitary gland secreting more ADH. Increase of levels of ADH in blood make the walls of the nephrons more permeable to water molecules , therefore more re-absorption of water into the blood stream. Urine becomes more concentrated and smaller in volume. More dilute blood results in pituitary gland secreting less ADH. Decrease of levels of ADH in blood make the walls of the nephrons less permeable to water molecules, therefore less re-absorption of water into the blood stream. Urine becomes more dilute and large in volume. KIDNEY FAILURE AND THE DIALYSIS MACHINE *OBJECTIVE: Describe dialysis in kidney machines as the diffusion of waste products and salts (small molecules) through a partially or selectively permeable membrane. 1. Kidney diseases can reduce the efficiency of the kidney and can cause kidney failure. One or both kidneys may cease to function properly. A person with one functional kidney can survive and leave a more or less normal life but failure of both kidneys results in the accumulation of nitrogenous waste and toxins leading to death. 2. The condition can be alleviated by the use of a dialysis machine or an artificial kidney which eliminates the excess salts and nitrogenous waste from the patient’s blood. 90 a. The patient’s blood is led from the radial artery in his arm through the coiled cellophane tube in the dialysis machine and then returned to a vein in the same arm. The cellophane tubule is a partially permeable membrane which allows small molecules of dissolved substances to diffuse through and prevents the passage of blood cells and large proteins. b. The coiled cellophane tube is bathed in a sterile dialysis fluid which contains a carefully regulated amount of dissolved salts and sugars with a composition similar to the blood plasma ( without nitrogenous waste.) A diffusion gradient is set up and nitrogenous waste, excess mineral salts and other toxins diffuse from patient’s blood across the cellophane into the dialysis fluid. 91 The dialysis fluid is changed regularly to remove the waste substances and to maintain the diffusion gradient between the patient’s blood and the dialysis fluid. The temperature of the dialysis fluid is maintained at body temperature. 3. Patients with permanent kidney failure become totally dependent on the kidney machine. They have to keep a strict diet (restricted salt, water and protein) and usually undergo 3 sessions of dialysis per week for 4 – 5 hours per session. Patients suffer from tiredness, anemia, develop bone problems and risk being infected by diseases transmitted by blood such as AIDS. The stress and difficulty in accepting and adjusting to a rigid a restricted lifestyle and poor employment opportunities can cause psychological problems. 4. An alternative treatment is a KIDNEY TRANSPLANT 92 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 1. The main function of the nervous system is to transmit messages. ( Carried via nerves) rapidly from one part of the body to another and to coordinate the organism’s actions. OBJECTIVE: Discuss the relationship of sensory (receptor) cells, sense organs and the effector organs. The human body has sensory organs with receptor cells that generate electrical /nerve impulses when stimulated by specific stimuli. The nerve impulses are sent to the effectors that change to make a response. The table below shows the relationship between sensory organs and the stimulus Sensory Organ Receptor cell Stimulus Eye photo receptors light ear sound receptors sound nose chemo receptors chemicals Skin pressure receptors pressure pain receptors pain thermo receptors temperature chemo receptors chemicals tongue 2. Composition of the nervous system: Comprises of the Central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Central nervous system comprises of the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system comprises of the cranial nerves and the spinal nerves. 93 NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM PEREPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (CNS) Brain is protected by Spinal cord is protected Cranial nerves Spinal nerve cranium by vertebral column that arise from the brain that arise from the surface cord. OBJECTIVE: Discuss the principle of detecting change in the environment and responding to it. 3. Changes in the environment are called stimuli ( singular stimulus) and they are detected by receptors with special types of nerves ends. Receptors transmit a message via a nerve to the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS which consists of the brain and the spinal cord causes a response brought about by the effectors. An effector may be a gland or a muscle which responds to the stimulus. The whole process is represented in the fig. below. CNS sensory nerve stimulus motor nerve Effector (muscles or glands) receptor cells 94 4. The CNS interacts with the peripheral nervous system, both receiving and sending messages. The pheripheral nervous system is made up of all the nerves which connect the body to the CNS. The cranial nerves supply areas in the head such as the eyes and ears, and the spinal nerves supply areas in the rest of the body such as the arms and legs. 5. The brain and the spinal cord are surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid which acts as a shock absorber and a source of nutrients for the nerve cells. NEURONES AND NERVOUS IMPULSES A nerve is made up of hundreds of microscopic nerve cells bundled together called neurons. A neurone is the basic unit of the nervous system. Neurones link the receptors, the CNS and the effectors together. A neurone consists of 3 main parts; a. CELL BODY –Contains the cell membrane, cytoplasm and the nucleus. They are grey in colour and make up the grey matter of the brain and spinal cord. b. AXON – A long fibre that extends from the cell body to the effector and carries impulses away from the cell body. The impulses are carried over long or short distances depending on its length. The axon is surrounded by a fatty structure called a myelin sheath and has small constrictions along its length called Nodes of Ranvier. The myelin sheath acts as an electrical insulator and helps to speed up the transmission of impulses. At the end of an axon are terminals that release neurotransmitters which are chemicals that cause the effectors to act. They are white in colour and make up the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. c. DENDRONS – Dendrons arise from the cell body and branch to small, fine fibres called the dendrites. They receive messages from axons of other neurones and carry these impulses towards the cell body. THERE ARE THREE TYPES OF NEURONES IN THE HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM: 1. SENSORY NEURONES OBJECTIVE: Describe the function of a sensory neurone. Transmit messages from the sensory receptors to the CNS. Receptors are the ends of terminals of sensory. They have a long Dendron and short axon. Their cell body’s are found outside the CNS in the dorsal root ganglion of the spinal cord. 95 OBJECTIVE: Draw a labelled diagram of a sensory neurone. 2. MOTOR NEURONES: OBJECTIVE: Describe the function of a motor neurone Transmit messages from the CNS to effector ( muscles and glands). They link intermediate (relay) neurones in the CNS to effectors. They have long axons and short dendrons. Their axons branch repeatedly in the muscle it is supplying, with each branch terminating in a motor end place on a single muscle fibre. OBJECTIVE: Draw a labelled diagram of a motor neurone. 96 3. INTERMEDIATE ( RELAY) NEURONES OBJECTIVE: Describe the function of a relay neurone They are found in the brain and spinalcord where they link the sensory neurons with the motor neurones. They transmit messages directly from sensory to motor neurones in the CNS. OBJECTIVE: Draw a labelled diagram of a relay neurone. Nervous impulses are generated by direct electrical stimulation or by a variety of different stimuli such as pressure, temperature, chemicals, pain, light e.t.c. These stimuli will initiate nervous impulses to occur in the appropriate receptors. Neurones transmit messages in the form of electrical impulses. An electrical impulse is a wave of electrical charge (caused by chemical changes in and around the neurone). It is known as a nervous impulses. Transmission of nervous impulse requires energy from aerobic respiration. Nervous impulses travel rapidly in one direction starting at the dendrites and finishing at the axon of each neurone. 97 THE SPINAL CORD The spinal cord is the continuation of the brain. It is dorsal in position and occupies the neural canal of the vertebral column, protected by the vertebrae. It is surrounded by protective membranes and cerebrospinal fluid. Between the vertebrae, spinal nerves arising from the spinal cord merge and run to all parts of the body concerned with spinal reflexes. All the sensory fibres enter through the dorsal root of the spinal cord. The motor fibres enter through the ventral root of the spinal cord. The cell bodies of all the sensory fibres are situated in the dorsal root forming dorsal root ganglion. It is composed of white matter ( composed of nerve fibres) enclosing the central portion of grey matter ( composed of nerve cells of motor and intermediate neurones). A central canal which is continuous with the cavities in the brain runs through the centre of the spinal cord and contains cerebrospinal fluid. The spinal cord receives and transmits messages to and the brain. It coordinates body reflex arcs which occur via the spinal cord. The spinal nerves carry snsory impulses to the brain or motor impulses from the brain to the effector organs of the body. 98 THE SYNAPE A synape is a tiny space at the junction between the axon terminal of one neurone and the dendrites of the next neurone or effector cell. When a nervous impulse reaches the terminals of an axon, it stimulates the secretion of minute amounts of chemicals called neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine. The neurotransmitters are contained in small vesicles within the terminal of the axon. The chemical quickly diffuses across the synapse and activates a new impulse in the next neurone. The neurone transmitters are then broken down by enzymes. The higher the frequency of the nervous impulse, the greater the amount of neurotransmitters formed. 99 TYPES OF REACTIONS THERE ARE THREE MAIN TYPES OF REACTIONS IN THE HUMAN NEVOUS SYSTEM 1. VOLUNTARY ACTIONS These are under the conscious control of the cerebral cortex of the brain. They are intelligent responses which require conscious effort and involve processing of information and conscious decision. 2. THE INVOLUNTARY These are rapid actions not under conscious control of the brain. They are automatic, inborn, instinctive and learned responses to external stimulus which have a high survival value e.g immediate and rapid response to danger. Examples of reflex actions: blinking, yawning, knee jerk, sneezing, coughing, secretion, breathing, withdrawing hands from a hot object pupils responding to light intensity changes. OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate and describe a reflex action 3. REFLECTION ACTION – involuntary, Rapid action that often lack thinking, does not involve the brain, uncontrolled, protects the body from danger. There are two types of reflex action: Spinal reflex – Nervous impulses in these automatic responses pass through the spinal cord and do not involve the brain ( below the neck Stimulus receptors sensory neurones relay neurones in spinal cord motor neurones effector Cranial reflex – Nervous impulses in these automatic responses pass through the brain and the brain can control and coordinate reflex 100 Stimulus receptors sensory relay neurone neurones in brain motor neurone effector Examples of cranial reflexes are blinking, yawnings, secretion of saliva. An external stimulus such as the sight of a sharp object approaching the eye is detected by the photoreceptors in the retina of the eye and initiates nerve impulses in the sensory neurones. The nerve impulses travel along sensory neurones, which join to form the optic nerve, to the visual region in the cerebral cortex of the brain. The processed information is sent out of the brain and is carried by motor neurones to the eyelid muscles which contract to close the eyelids to protect eyes. A reflex arc is the route or pathway along which nervous impulses travel, bringing about a reflex action (pathway of impulses during a reflex action). OBJECTIVE: Describe, with the aid of a labelled diagram, a reflex arc. 1. A typical knee jerk reflex arc is shown below 101 2. Touching a hot object reflex arc OBJECTIVE: Measure and explain reaction time. Reaction time: Time taken for a stimulus to cause a response. It is not very easy to measure the time. Experiment 1. Reaction time It is necessary to work in pairs for this experiment. (a) Copy Table 1 into your notebook (b) The subject marks a pencil line down the centre of his thumb-nail and sits sideways at a bench or table with the forearm resting flat on the bench and the hand over the edge (Fig. 1). (c) The experimenter holds a ruler vertically between the subject's first finger and thumb with the zero opposite the line on the thumb but not quite touching either the thumb or fingers. (d) The subject watches the zero mark and, as soon as the experimenter releases the ruler, the subject grips it between finger and thumb to stop it falling any further. The distance on the ruler opposite the mark on the thumb is recorded in column 2 of Table 1. (e) This is repeated 4 times and the average distance calculated. This distance can be converted to a time by consulting Table 3. (f) The ruler is now used to measure the distance from the subject's eye to the base of the neck and along the arm to the middle of the forearm. This distance is recorded in the table. (g) The experiment is now repeated with the same subject but this time the subject lets the ruler rest lightly against the thumb or fingers, with closed eyes, and grips the ruler as quickly as possible after he or she feels it begin to fall. The experiment is repeated 4 times and the results recorded in column 4 of Table 1. (h) The total distance is measured from the finger-tips to the head, and the head to forearm, and recorded in the table. 102 (i) Copy Table 2 into your notebook and collect the reaction times for your class and calculate the average in both cases. Table 1 Speed of response Speed of response to sight to touch 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Total Total Average Average Time Time Distance (nerve pathway) Distance (nerve pathway) THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE HUMAN BRAIN 1. The brain is a direct continuation of the spinal cord and consists of three main parts. OBJECTIVE: Identify and label on diagram of the human central nervous system the cerebrum, cerebellum, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, medulla and spinal cord. *OBJECTIVE: Describe the function of the cerebrum, cerebellum, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, medulla and spinal cord. 103 The main parts of the human brain and their function are summarized in that follows: PARTS OF THE BRAIN CEREBRUM (FORE – BRAIN) CEREBELLUM MEDULLA OBLONGATA HYPOTHALAMUS PITUARY GLAND ( the master gland) STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS Consists of 2 cerebral hemispheres that make up 70% of brain. The cerebral cortex (outer surface) of the hemispheres is covered by grey matter and has many folding which dramatically increase the amount of surface area for grey matter. Controls all voluntary actions. Cerebral cortex is divided into regions containing specialized groups of neurones responsible for generating and coordinating sensations such as touch, vision, hearing, taste and smell. Responsible for human intelligence, reasoning, speech, processing and storage of information. The left cerebral hemisphere is responsible for coordinating actions on the right side of the body and the right cerebral hemisphere controls the left side of the body. Controls and coordinates muscles to maintain balance and make precise movements. Part of the brain stem. Controls involuntary ( automatic) functions such as heartbeat, breathing movements blood circulation etc. Controls blood pressure, heart rate and peristaltic movements in the alimentary canal. Contains osmoreceptors and thermal receptors to detect changes in the concentration and temperature of blood to help regulate water balance and temperature to maintain a constant environment in the body. Also responsible for feelings of pleasure and pain. An endocrine gland which secrets a number of hormones directly into the bloodstream to control and regulate various body’s activities: 1. Growth hormone which controls the rate of bone growth 2. Thyroid – stimulating hormone which stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete hormone. Thyroxine influence growth (especially in childhood) by controlling respiration and the rate of metabolic process. 3. Gonad - stimulating hormone which stimulates the gonads (ovaries and testes) to secrete sex hormones. 4. Anti – diuretic hormone which promotes reabsorption of water in kidney nephrons and reduces urine volume 104 THE HUMAN EYE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE HUMAN EYE OBJECTIVE: Describe the gross structure of the eyes as seen in front view OBJECTIVE: Draw and label the longitudinal section of the eye a.) Each eye is set in a deep cavity called the orbit in the skull that encloses and protects all except the front of the eyeball. The main parts of the human eye and their functions are summarized in Table 1. PART OF THE EYE EYELID AND EYELASH DESCRIPTIONS AND FUNCTIONS Eyelid opens under voluntary or reflex action to protect the eye. Blinking (rapid reflex) serves to distribute tears over the surface of the eye to keep conjunctiva clean and moist. It also protects the eye 105 CONJUCTIVA SCEROTIC LAYER ( Sclera) CORNEA CHOROID LAYER ( CHOROID) RETINA YELLOW SPOT ( FORVEA CENTRALIS) BLIND SPOT OPTIC NERVE LENS CILIARY BODY (muscle) SUSPENSORY LIGAMNETS from injury. Eyelash traps large air –borne particles. A thin transparent epithelium covering exposed parts of the eye including the front of the sclera. It is a self – repairing skin kept moist and clean by tears and reflex blinking movements A tough, non elastic fibrous coat on the outside of eyeball. It is opaque and helps to maintain the shape of the eyeball by exerting an opposing force against the outward pressure exerted by aqueous and vitreous humor A transparent region in the front part of the sclerotic coat. The curved surface of the cornea refracts light passing through and causes light rays to converge at the lens. A layer of tissue lining the inside of the sclerotic coat. It contains black pigment which prevents internal reflection of light in the eye and carries a network of blood vessels which supply oxygen and nutrients to the eye. A light – sensitive layer of the eye made of specialized nerve cells ( photoreceptors): rods ( for black and white vision) and the cones ( for bright light and colour vision) The region of the retina where most cones are located. Most light sensitive region for sharp colour vision A non – photosensitive disc that is devoid of light sensitive cells. It is the region where nerve fibres connecting the rods and cones leave the eye as the optic nerve. Made up of sensory nerve fibres from rods and cones in the retina. It transmits impulses initiated by different wavelengths of light to the visual region of the brain where the information is processed to form an image. Made up of soft transparent and elastic material which refracts light entering the eye onto the retina. It can become more or less biconvex to focus light from near or fat objects on retina. A ring of muscle fibres which alter the shape of the lens for focusing. They hold lens in place and connect the lens to the cilliary body. 106 IRIS PUPIL AQUEOUS HUMOUR VITREOUS HUMOUR TEAR GLAND EYE MUSCLES The coloured part of the eye which regulates the amount of light entering the eye. It consists of radial and circular involuntary muscles which act antagonistically to change the size of pupil. The round hole at the centre of the iris through which light passes from the front to the back of eyes. A transport watery liquid in the front cavity of eye. It acts as a medium for the diffusion of oxygen and nutrients from the network of blood vessels in the chroid layer to the cornea and the lens. Also helps to refract light which enters eye and maintains the shape of the eyeball. A transparent jelly (mainly protein) in the rear cavity of eye exerts an outward pressure on the eyeball to maintain the shape of the eye. Also helps to refract light which enters eye Exocrine gland which secretes tears - a protective anti- bacterial fluid to lubricate the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye. Hold eyes in place in their orbits Allow coordinated movements on both eyes in their sockets. b). PHOTORECEPTIVE NERVE CELLS The table below summarises the differences in the action of two kinds of light sensitive nerve cells in the retina of the human eye. CHARACTERISTIC SHAPE NUMBERS TYPE OF VISION CONES Cone shaped About 7 million Highly concentrated and closely packed at the centre of the retina, particularly in the yellow spot Respond to high light intensity and sharp colour vision, effectiveness decreases 107 RODS Rod - shaped About 12 million Less closely packed than cones in the more peripheral parts of the retina Insensitive to colour, Produces black and white and less distinct vision. Responsible for night/dim light vision. Contain a pigment called visual purple ( as light intensity decreases Three kinds of cone present, each is particularly sensitive to blue, green or yellow light. The different degree and proportion of stimulation of these cones by different wave length of light is interpreted and distinguished by the brain as different colours. requires Vit A for formation) which bleaches (breaks down) in bright light and reforms in the dark. The difference in action of two kinds of light sensitive nerve cells in the retina of the human eye. c). IMAGE FORMATION 1. Light rays from objects enter the eye are refracted by the cornea, the lens, the aqueous and vitreous humours and becomes, focused on to the retina. 2. The image formed on the retina is real, upside – down and diminished. The light falling on the retina stimulates the photoreceptors in the retina and initiates nerve impulses. These nerve impulses carry information about the object focused. The nerve impulses are interpreted and translated into a three dimensional, upright and coloured image in action. The image is, however, temporary unlike that of the image in a camera which can be recorded permanently on a film. 3. Each eye sees a slightly different view and sends a set of impulses to the brain. The brain puts the two views together from each eye into one three dimensional impression or stereoscopic view. Stereoscopic or three dimensional vision makes it possible for humans to judge distances up to about 50 metres. ACCOMODATION OBJECTIVE: Discuss how the eye produces a focused image of near and distant objects (accommodation) 1. Accommodation is the adjustments made in the eye to focus on near or distinct objects sharply on the retina. 2. In the eye, focusing is accomplished by the refraction of the light by the cornea and most importantly, the lens of the eye. The curvature of the lens can be altered by the 108 action of the cilliary muscles in the cilliary body so that light is always focused onto the retina. Distant objects Near objects a.) b.) c.) Cilliary muscles relax Suspensory ligaments become taut Lens stretches to a longer and flatter shape i.e less convex and refracts light less d.) Circular muscles fibres in the iris contract, the size of the pupil is reduced and less light is admitted. 109 a.) Cilliary muscles contract b.) Suspensory ligaments slacken c.) lens shortens and become thicker i.e more convex and refracts light more d.) Circular muscles fibres in the iris relax, the size of the pupil is increased and more is admitted. CONTROL OF LIGHT INTENSITY OBJECTIVE: Describe the pupil reflex in response to bright and dim light 1. The size of the pupil changes with changing light conditions. The pupil dilates in the dark and constricts in bright light to protect the retina from damage by high light intensity. 2. The regulations of the size of the pupil by the circular and radial muscles in the iris is a reflex action with light acting as a stimulus. Each eye makes the same adjustment depending on the intensity of the light stimulus. Dim light Bright light drawing a.)Circular muscles relax, radial muscles contract b.) Pupil dilates (widens) c.) More light is admitted into the eye, brightness of image drawing a.) Circular muscles contract, radial muscles relax b.) Pupil constricts (narrows) c.) Less light is admitted into the eye, increases 110 HORMONES OBJECTIVE: Define a hormone 1. A hormone is a chemical substance, produced directly into the blood stream by a ductless gland, carried by blood, which alters the activity of one of more target organs.. 2. Hormones are secreted by the endocrine system which consists of ductless glands called endocrine glands. Each endocrine gland produces a particular hormone or hormones and each hormone affects the body in a different way. 3. Hormones are produced in minute concentrations and their effect lasts longer than nerve impulses. 4. Spent hormones are destroyed by the liver. 5. Both the endocrine and nervous system coordinate the body’s activities in different ways. *OBJECTIVE: Compare the nervous system and the endocrine system A comparison of nervous control and hormonal control in the body is shown below: NERVOUS CONTROL HORMONAL CONTROL Message Electrical impulses Chemical messenger Hormone Rate of conduction Rapid Usually slower Conductor Neurones Blood plasma (blood stream) Effectors Specific effectors, mainly muscles or glands specific target organ(s) or whole body Type of response Responses are localised Responses may be widespread e.g. effect of adrenaline Duration of reponse Rapid and Short term Often slow long lasting e.g growth, sexual development Type of control Both voluntary and involuntary Involuntary control OBJECTIVE: Identify and label on diagram the endocrine glands of the human body 111 MAIN ENDOCRINE GLANDS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS OBJECTIVE: Name the hormone produced by the endocrine glands in the human body . ENDOCRINE GLAND PITUATARY GLAND HORMONE FUNCTION Growth hormone Controls the rate of bone growth Thyroid – stimulating hormone Ganad stimulating hormone Anti - diuretic hormone Stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine Thyroxine Stimulates the gonads (ovaries and testes) to secrete sex hormones. Promotes reabsorption of water in kidney nephrons and reduces urine volume Influences growth (especially in childhood) by controlling respiration and rate of metabolic process. ( MASTER GLAND) THYROID GLAND 112 PANCREAS 1. insulin 3. Glucagon ADRENALINE GLANDS Adrenaline OVARIES Oestrogen Progesterone Testosterone TESTES 2. Regulates the amount of blood glucose. Promoting the storage of excess glucose as glycogen in liver and muscles 4. Regulates the amount of blood glucose by promoting conversion of glycogen in liver and muscles to glucose when concentration of blood glucose is low Prepares the body for action and emergency Controls ovulation and secondary sexual characteristics Responsible for thickening of uterus lining after ovulation Controls sperm production and secondary sexual characteristics ACTION OF ADRENALINE OBJECTIVE: Discuss the functions of adrenaline 1) Adrenaline is secreted by the adrenal medulla (inner region) of the two glands, each of which is located just above each of the kidneys. 2) Adrenaline is secreted during a.) emotional excitement, anger, stress or fear b.) situations that require sudden bursts of physical activity. The sensory receptors detect the stimuli and initiates nerve impulses that are sent to the hypothalamus of the brain which sends nerve impulses to stimulate the adrenaline gland to produce adrenaline. 3) THE EFFECTS OF ADRENALINE ON THE BODY ARE: a.) Increased heart rate and breathing rate so that oxygen and glucose are carried faster to the muscles. b.) Dilation of the pupils of eyes c.) Constriction of blood vessels to the skin and digestive system and dilation of blood vessels to the muscles and brain results in more blood directed to the muscles and brain. 113 d.) Increasing blood glucose level due to conversion of glycogen stored in liver to glucose. e.) Increased metabolic rate to release more energy to cope with the situation. f.) Contraction of hair erector muscle producing ( goose pimples) on skin The overall effect is to prepare the body for fight or flight. CONTROL OF BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL BY INSULIN AND GLUCAGON OBJECTIVE: Discuss the functions of insulin 1.) Insulin is secreted by the islets of Langerhans in the pancrease 2.) Insulin controls blood sugar level by increasing the rate at which liver converts glucose to glycogen and the utilization of glucose by cells. Insulin also increases the rate of uptake and metabolisation of glucose by the muscles. 3.) Diabetis (Diabetis mellitus) is a disease caused by the failure of pancrease to secrete sufficient insulin to regulate the blood glucose level. The signs and symptoms of the disease are: a.) High blood glucose levels b.) Glucose excreted in urine c.) Persistent redness d.) Loss of weight e.) Increased thirst OTHER COMPLICATIONS INCLUDE: a.) Premature thickening and narrowing of arteries causing poor blood to vital organs resulting in high blood pressure, heart attack, blindness and poor healing of wounds which may develop in to gangrene which requires amputation of limb. b.) Diabetes can be treated by regular injection of insulin and controlling the intake of carbohydrates in the diet. 4.) Summary of the homeostatic regulations of blood glucose level: 114 increases Pancrease secretes more insulin which causes liver to convert excess glucoses to glycogen. Insulin also increases the metabolism of glucose in cells: increases uptake of glucose of in cells It promotes the convertion of glu -cose to fats; slows down the conv -ersion of protein to glucose Returns to normal Normal glucose normal glucose Concentration in blood Concentration in blood decreases Pancrease secretes more glucagon which Retuns to normal causes liver cells to convert glycogen to glucose. It stimulates the breakdown of proteins fats to carbohydrates. Both glucagon and adrenalin activi -vates enzyme which stimulate brea -kdown of glycogen to glucose OBJECTIVE: Discuss the functions of glucagon 1).Glucagon is release in response to a fall of blood glucose level in. 2). Glucagon makes liver cells to convert glycogen to glucose. 3). It stimulates conversion of proteins and fats carbohydrates/glucose. 4). The hormone adrenaline accelerates the conversion of glycogen in liver to glucose during emotional excitement and dangerous situations. 5). Action of glucagon is similar to that of adrenaline. 115 OBJECTIVE: Discuss the functions of testosterone and oestrogen Secondary sexual characteristics of male and female developed by sex hormones: HORMONE Testosterone (Male 12 – 16 years puberty) Oestrogen (Female 10 – 14 years puberty) above 42 Years SEXUAL DEVELOPMENTS Pituitary gland secretes gonad – stimulating hormone which stimulates testes to produce testosterone SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERISTICS a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) testis starts to produce sperm enlargement of the prostate gland and penis voice ( breaks) and becomes deeper growth of hair on face, body and pubic region Increase in growth rate Pituitary gland secretes ganad – stimulating hormone which stimulates ovaries to produce oestrogen SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERISTICS menstruation begins i.e start of ovulation enlargement of breasts growth of hair in armpit and pubic region widening of the pelvic girdle ( hip) increase in the size of the uterus and vagina Increase growth rate. Production of oestrogen stops. Ovaries stop producing ovum, ovulation and menstrual cycle cease. MENOPAUSE Endocrine glands and Exocrine glands: *OBJECTIVE: Distinguish between exocrine and endocrine system Endocrine glands Exocrine glands Ductless glands glands with ducts Contents carried by blood contents carried by ducts produce hormones smaller quantities produce fluids in larger quantities e.g. thyroid gland; pancreas, adrenal glands e.g. salivary glands; pancreas 116 NEGATIVE FEEDBACK *OBJECTIVE: Explain the concept of negative feedback When a change sets off a response that cancels out the change. A constant internal environment in the human body is maintained by negative feedback The diagram explains how negative feedback keeps variable factors within the narrow suitable for life. Negative feedback mechanism regulate hormone level in blood, the diagram below explains that. 117 Any change from the set point is a deviation. This deviation acts as a signal to the control center Level Defention outside the normal range may of not be controlled by homeostasis and can Factor in lead to disease . Blood This is the range of this factor that can be controlled by homeostasis. Cells work well within this range Time This is the norm or set point for the homeostatic control system . This would be the ideal level of this factor for cells to work 118 Control centre sets off the correct responses. Response cancels out the deviation and returns the factor towards its set point TROPISMS OBJECTIVE: Geotropism as the growth response of a plant to gravity 1. Although plants do not have a nervous system and muscle system to control and coordinate their activities, they do have ability to detect and respond to external stimuli. 2. A tropic response is a growth movement in response to an external stimulus. It is a directional movement either growing towards or away from the source of the stimulus. 3. The main external stimuli to which plants respond are light, gravity and water. The parts and structure of plants respond to external stimuli in different ways. The main tropic responses in plant are summarized in Table 1. 4. Changes in the growth of any part of the plant are under the influence of plant hormone auxin. OBJECTIVE: Define geotropism as the growth response of a plant to gravity OBJECTIVE: Define phototropism as the growth response of a plant to gravity TROPIC RESPONSE STIMULUS Phototropism Light RESPONSE OF PLANT Geotropism Gravity Hydrotropism Water Shoots grow towards light source to absorb maximum light for photosynthesis,( positive phototropism) Roots grow away from light source, ( negative phototropism) Leaves orientate in such a away to receive maximum sunlight for photosynthesis. Roots grow downwards into the soil in the direction of the gravitational pull.( positive geotropism) This ensures that the roots are in contact with soil water and nutrients and they grow deep into the soil to anchor plant firmly on the ground. Shoots grow upwards away from gravity. ( negative geotropism) The roots grow towards moisture and soil water *OBJECTIVE: Describe geotropism and phototropism in term of auxin regulating growth CONTROL OF GROWTH AND TROPIC MOVEMENTS BY PLANT HORMONES 1. The growth and tropic movements of plants are controlled by a combination of external stimuli and plant hormones. One of the most important plant hormone is auxin which is produced at the tips of shoots and roots. Auxin promotes growth by elongation of cells. 2. The distribution of auxin affects the growth of shoots and roots. There is a strong indication that the growth curvatures formed in tropism are due to the redistribution of auxin in the shoot and root tips under the influence of the external stimulus. The unequal distribution of 119 auxin concentration results in different rates of growth and elongation of cells in the shoot and root tips resulting in growth curvatures. 3. The possible explanations for the various tropisms are summarized in Table 2. *OBJECTIVE: Describe the control of plant growth by auxins 4. Growth of plants is restricted to the meristems of the plant. Meristems occur at the tips of the root and shoot of a plant. Rapid cell division occurs at the meristems (zone of cell 120 division). Now cells produced grow to maximum size and differentiate into the various plant tissues. The main regions of growth in the tip of a shoot and root are shown in Fig. 1 SHOOT TIP (DRAWING) ROOT TIP (DRAWING) a) A range of synthetic plant hormones have been manufactured commercially for control of plant growth in agriculture. b) AUXIN – Like growth substances are used in the artificial propagation of plants to stimulate and promote the growth of roots in stem cuttings. c) Synthetic plant hormones are also used to encourage fruiting and cause fruits to develop even without fertilization. d) Herbicides are used as hormone weed killers. Most herbicides are selective and accelerate the growth of weed plants so rapidly that the weeds exhaust themselves and die. 121 OBJECTIVE: Investigate the effects of removing the apical bud fromplant seedlings Some experiments to test the auxin theory: 1 2 122 3 4 5 123 6 124 USE AND ABUSE OF DRUGS OBJECTIVE: Define a drug DEFINITION OF DRUGS An externally administered substance which modifies or affects chemical reactions in the body. ADMINISTRATION OF DRUGS Drugs are administered orally, by injection, application on the skin or inhalation. Objective: Describe medicinal use of drugs including antibiotics, painkillers, antacids CLASSIFICATION ANTACIDS EFFECTS Neutralises acids in the stomach PAIN KILLERS Block transmission of pain signals or suppress the part of the brain responsible for the sense of pain Cure bacterial diseases – by destroying bacteria ANTIBIOTICS EXAMPLES Sodium bicarbonate, Milk of magnesia Aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol, morphinel Penicilin, Tetracyline COMMON MEDICINAL DRUGS AND THEIR USES COMMON NAME DRUG TYPE USE SIDE EFFECTS Aspirin Painkiller Relieve pain and fever, reduce inflammation Prevents blood clotting, ran cause irritations to the stomach bleeding; not recommended for children under 12 years old as it causes fatal liver and brain damage Ibruprofen Pain killer Relieve severe pain Paracetamol Mild pain killer Relieve mild pain and fever Milk of magnesia Antacid Neutralised in the stomach Sodium bicarbonate Antacid Relieve indigestion and discomfort 125 Overdose can damage liver and kidney Penicilin Antibiotic Treats common bacterial infection ( stops bacterial infection ( stops bacteria from multiplying) Can cause allergic reactions Tetracyline Antibiotic Treats pneumonia, bronchitis and chest pains Nausea and vomiting CLASIFICATION OF DRUGS (ON THE BASIS OF THEIR EFFECTS ON THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSYTEM OBJECTIVE: Describe non-medicinal (abusive) drugs according to their effect on the central nervous system: depressant, stimulant, hallucinogen CLASSIFICATION STIMULANTS DEPRESANTS NARCOTICS HALLUCINOGENS EFFECTS Speed up transmission of nerve impulses Slow down transmission of nerve impulses Produce a sense of euphoria or well being (sense of enhanced energy, excitement and alertness. Causes a pronounced alteration of perception EXAMPLES Caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, amphetamines Alcohol, barbiturates, tranquilizers opiates Heroin, morphine, codeine LSD, PCP, Marijuana, Harshis, peyote, ganja OBJECTIVE: Distinguish between medicinal drugs and non-medicinal drugs Medicinal drugs Non-medicinal drugs alleviate diseases, relieve symptoms, ease pain and provide other benefits to the body taken for habitual satisfaction prescribed by doctors not prescribed by doctors administered at prescribed doses administered at any dose to the satisfaction of user legal drugs mostly illegal drugs 126 *OBJECTIVE :Discuss dependence (emotional/psychological and physical) and tolerance of medicinal drugs Objective: Discuss the dangers of drug abuse such as dependence and body tissues damage DEFINITIONS Drug abuse; the means international improper use of drugs Drug addiction; this means intense habitual craving for drugs or physical and psychological dependence on drugs. Drug dependence : compulsive use of drugs resulting in physical or psychological dependence ( condition where user cannot do without do the substance) Physical dependence; occurs when the body adapts to a drug and increases its tolerance, this leads to larger and uncontrolled doses of the drug to achieve the original effect; physical dependence produces severe physical withdrawal symptoms if the drug is not taken. Psychological dependence; intense mental craving for a drug if the drug is unavailable or withdrawn Drug tolerance; this occurs as a result of regular use of a drug. Eventually the body requires higher doses of the drug to achieve the same effect. Withdrawal symptoms; illness - like symptoms / signs which occurs when one stops taking a drug. Physical symptoms which shown when the substance is withheld i.e. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscular pain, uncontrollable shaking Overall effect of drugs on the body is damage to tissues of organs such as the liver, lungs, brain, and alimentary canal. OBJECTIVE: Discuss allergic reactions to drugs and other substances. Allergy simply defined as hypersensitivity to various substances which would normally be harmless to the average person. It is a result of the immune system not being able to distinguish between a pathogen and a relatively harmful substance. An allergen is a substance that triggers an allergic reaction. ALLERGEN FOOD ALLERGENS: Dairy products(eggs and cows’ milk) nuts, shell, fish, strawberries, beef, fish, food additives etc. RESPIRATORY ALLERGENS; Pollen, dust mites, pet fur, inhalants etc CONTACT ALLERGENS; Rubber, chemicals ( irritants) nickel, copper, certain plants, certain animals, lanolin e.t.c SYMPTOMS Swelling of lips or mouth, Stomach upsets, itchy rash TREATMENT Antihistamines cromoglycate for some allergies Sneezing, running nose, asthma Eczema, rash, itchiness 127 Adrenaline, or corticosteroid drugs to relieve acute symptoms cromoglycate, etc Antihistamines( adrenaline or corticosteroid drugs to relieve acute symptoms) COMMONLY ABUSED DRUGS Objective: Find out which drugs are commonly abused in the community e.g. dagga/marijuana, solvents, glue, alcohol Objective: Classify a named drug of abuse e.g. dagga/marijuana: uses, dangers of taking the drug, signs of dependence, withdrawal symptoms and popular names DRUG ( STREET NAME) CLASSIFICATION IN BRACKETS IMMEDIATE EFFECTS EFFECTS ON HEALTH WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS Mrijuana(ganja, weed, herb,dagga etc & harshish from cannabis sativa HALLUCINOGEN Enhanced vitality, energy and enthusiasm, euphoria, relaxation, hallucinations, loss of self control, intense yearning for food, dryness of mouth, perspiration, brightness and ruddiness of eyes, intellectual difficulties, decrease in short term memory and speech impediments), poor motor coordination Damage to brain, heart, damage to the respiratory system, increases appetite, poor absorption in the alimentary canal, depressed immune system, lowers sperm count and diminishes sexual drive Irritability, insomnia, restlessness, hallucinations may occur ( flash backs) Heroin Narcotic and Pain killer Euphoria, insensitivity to pain, loss of appetite Tooth decay, gingivitis, poor sight, facial boils weight loss, anaemia, digestive difficulties and constipation, sexual dysfunction, menstrual disorder Restlessness, fever, diarrhea nausea, vomiting, cramps, watery eyes, running nose etc Increase in body temperature dilation of pupils, injury Depression, sleepiness, hunger, disorientation to nostrils and nasal septum, respiratory infections, impotence, cardio vascular problems etc Cocaine (crack) Stimulant Euphoria, mental alertness, reduced tiredness, reduced appetite 128 Risk of hepatitis and HIV infection Sexual Nicotine( in tobacco) Stimulant Relaxation, tension reduction Cardiovascular diseases Irritability, hostility, anger, excessive drowsiness Caffeine ( in tea, coffee, cocoa and coke Stimulant Wakefulness, increased heartbeat, nervousness Insomnia, gastritis, more uric acid in body, arrhythmia, osteoporosis, miscarriage mammary cysts, hypertension and risk of heart attack Tiredness, irritability, inability to concentrate headache, dizziness, trembling EFFECTS OF EXCESSIVE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL OBJECTIVE: Describe the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol:reduced self-control, depressant, effects of effect on reaction time, damage to liver, social implication Alcohol (ethanol) is a CNS depressant. It reduces anxiety, tensions and inhibitions. It dilates small blood vessels, particularly those in skin, leading to flushing. IMMEDIATE EFFECTS i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Speech is slurred Double vision Loss of balance Poor coordination of muscles ( causing staggering and unsteadiness) Nausea and vomiting Impaired concentration and judgment It slows down the speed of transmission of nerve impulses involved reacting to an emergency situation) increases reaction time. Violent or aggressive behavior Loss of consciousness SOCIAL EFFECTS i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Fatal road accidents Lack of productivity leading to jobs loss Accidents in the work place Abuse, vandalism and delinquency Suicides Sexual assaults 129 vii. Huge economic impact on public health ( due to medical bills in treating diseases caused directly or indirectly related to alcohol consumption e.g AIDS, Cancers) LONG TERM EFFECTS AND HEALTH HAZARDS i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Malnutrition and nutritional deficiency diseases Liver diseases: hepatitis, fatty liver and liver cirihosis Blood diseases; enlarged RBC’s, reduction in clotting factors, low WBC ‘s count ( weak immune system) Diseases on the nervous system : damage to the CNS (brain atrophy), paralysis of the extremities Cardiovascular disease: Fatty heart, hypertension Pancreatitis and sugar diabetes Cancers: Cancer of esophagus, pharynx, liver and larynx Babies born to abnormalities of the heart, face and the skull structure (foetal alcohol syndrome ) Ulcers and infernal bleeding Testicular atrophy and impotence Enlargement of mammary glands in men Amenorrhea ( absence of menstruation WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Nausea and vomiting Trembling ( shaking) Abdominal pains and cramps Restlessness Sweating Severe craving for alcohol 130 SUPPORT, MOVEMENT AND LOCOMOTION The vertebrate skeleton 1. The human skeleton is an endoskeleton (internal skeleton) composed of bone and cartilage which are formed by living cells. 2. Bone and cartilage contain non – living mineral substances such as calcium phosphates and calcium carbonates. 3. Bones are hard, rigid and non – elastic tissues. Cartilage is softer than bone, less rigid and slightly elastic. 4. A summary of the main parts of a vertebrate: THE VERTEBRATE SKELETON AXIAL SKELETON Skull (cranium) APPENDICULAR SKELETON a) Vertebral column Pectoral girdle b) Ribs Sternum a) Shoulder a) Hip b) Arms b) Legs 131 Pelvic girdle OBJECTIVE: Identify from diagrams, photographs and real specimens, the main bones of the forelimb (scapula, humerus, radius,ulna) of a mammal. SKELETON 132 FUNCTIONS OF THE HUMAN VERTEBRATE SKELETON SUPPORT A rigid skeleton to support soft parts of the body To raise body from the ground and maintain shape of the body during movement and muscular activity The arrangement of the bones gives shape to the body as a whole. MOVEMENT The skeleton is joined to allow movement. Movement is achieved by muscles which are attached to the bones. The bones act as leavers and the muscles contract to pull them in different positions. PROTECTION To protect the more delicate parts of the body e.g the cranium protects the brain, the rib cage protects the heart and the lungs, and the vertebral column surrounds the spinal cord. PRODUCTION Production of red and white blood cells in the bone marrow. THE DIFFERENT TYPE OF JOINTS OBJECTIVE: Describe the type of movement permitted by the ball and socket joint and the hinge joint of the fore-limb Where two bones meet a joint is formed. Bones can move in relation to one another at joints. Joints are classified according to the degree of movement possible between the articulating surfaces. TYPE OF JOINT MOVEMENT LOCATION IN SKELETAL SYSTEM FIXED JOINT No movement permitted 133 Structures between the bones of the skull Pelvic girdle GLIDING JOINT Limitted sliding movement PIVOT JOINT Allow nodding and limited rotation of head HINGE JOINT Allows movement in one plane BALL AND SOCKET JOINT Allows movement in 3 planes The vertebrae of the vertebral column Wrist Neck Elbow Knee Shoulder Hip The largest movement occurs at the synovial joints such as the ball and socket joint and the hinge joint. STRUCTURE OF A SYMBOL JOINT The structure and functions of the various parts of the synovial joint are shown below. PARTS OF THE SYNOVIAL JOINT FUNCTIONS 1. Synovial capsule A tough , fibrous capsule which holds the joint together. It surrounds the joint, synovial membrane and contains the synovial fluid 2. Synovial membrane Secrets the synovial fluid and seals in the synovial fluid 3. Synovial Fluid Acts as a lubricant between bones and also provides nutrients to the bone surfaces. 4. Cartilage Soft, slippery, slightly elastic tissue covering the heads of the bones allow friction free movement, acts as a shock absorber and prevents wearing of the bones at the joint 5. Ligament Elastic connective tissue which connects bones to bone. 134 Provides external support and strengthens the joint 135 THE STRUCTURE OF THE FOREARM OBJECTIVE: Describe the component bones of the fore-limb of a mammal 1. The forearm is made up of the humerus ( upper arm) the ulna and the radius. 2. The wrist and the hand are made up of small carpal bones metacarpal and phalanges 3. The humerus forms a ball and socket joint with the scapula at the shoulder and a hinge joint is formed between the humerus and the ulna at the elbow. ACTION OF ANTAGONISTIC MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM OBJECTIVE: Describe the action of antagonistic muscles at the hinge joint 1. The skeletal muscles are attached to the projections or ridges in the bones of the fore arm by tendons which are non – elastic fibrous tissues connecting muscles to bones. One end of the muscle must be attached to the bone that is to be moved while the other end is anchored to a part of the skeleton to be held stationery with respect to the moving part. 2. Movement in the forearm is brought about by the alternate contraction and relaxation of a pair of antagonistic muscles in the forearm. 136 3. In the forearm, the antagonistic pair of flexor and extensor muscles are arranged in such a way that when they contract, they pull in opposite directions 4. A summary of the action of the antagonistic muscles in the forearm. BENDING FOREARM (FLEXIN) STRAIGHTENING OF FOREARM( EXTENSION) 1. Biceps (flexor) contract and 1. Triceps contract and become shorter and thicker become shorter and thicker 2. Triceps ( extensor) relax Ulna and radius pull closer to the humerus 2. Biceps relax 3. Ulna and radius pull away from the humerus 137 REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS OBJECTIVE: Describe asexual reproduction as the process resulting in the production of genetically identically offspring from one parent ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION It is the process resulting in the production of genetically identical offspring(s) from one parent. PLANTS OBJECTIVE: Give examples of asexual reproduction in plants and animals There are two main methods of asexual reproduction in flowering plants: a) Vegetative propagation b) Artificial propagation VEGETATATIVE PROPAGATION Plants which reproduce this way have special food storage organs which enable them to grow year after year. Examples of this plant are: tubers, corns and rhizomes. Perennating Food storage organ Tubers (Underground stem) Features Young shoot from terminal bud Mainly starch, vitamin C and water in swollen stem. Scale leaf Lateral bud at the node 138 ‘eye’ Rhizomes (Underground stem) Mainly starch. Adventitious roots Vegetative reproduction takes place when the lateral bud on the node develops into a new shoot Bulbs (Underground shoot) Mainly water and sugar (glucose) stored in fleshy leaves White, fleshy storage scale leaves Thin, dry. brown scale leaves Young shoot Condensed stem Lateral bud which will grow into a new bulb Terminal bud which will grow into new shoot 139 Corm (Underground shoot) Mainly water and sugar stored in the short and swollen stem. flower bud Aerial shoot Node Internode Adventitious roots OBJECTIVE: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of reproducing asexually ADVANTAGES OF VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION ARE: a) It reproduces daughter plants identical to parent within a short period of time. This ensures that desirable characteristics of the parent plant such as hardness and high fruit yield will persist b) Parent plant supplies food to offspring until they are independent c) Stored food from parent organ can be used for rapid growth of aerial shoots and so avoids competition with other species d) Plants are independent of pollinating agents and formation of gametes is not necessary. e) There are no hazards of seed dispersal and germination ( in sexual reproduction as vegetative propagation only occurs under favourable conditions. DISADVANTAGES OF VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION ARE: a) Overcrowding which rise from the dense growth of daughter plants near to the parent plant. This results in competition between plants for mineral salts, water and sunlight 140 b) Since daughter plants are identical to parent, there is no genetic variation for natural selection. Species are unlikely to colonise new habitats and may die out if environmental conditions change. OBJECTIVE: Describe one commercially important application of asexual reproduction in plants and animals ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION a) Artificial Propagation is a form of vegetative propagation used by man to propagate and to preserve useful in bred characteristics of plant such as good fruits or flowers. b) By using artificial propagation, gardeners can produce any number of plants with identical genetic composition and characteristics. Two important methods of artificial propagation include cutting and grafting. CUTTINGS A cutting is any portion of a root or shoot removed from the parent plant. The cutting is usually treated with plant hormone to promote root growth. It is placed in most soil or dipped in water until adventitious roots appear to support plant and absorb water . The cutting may also be covered with a transparent plastic to reduce water loss by transpiration. GRAFTING Grafting is a popular method used to maintain or build up certain desirable characteristics in plants. It is used to propagate fruits (e.g. apple, pear) which are difficult to grow from seed. The bud /shoot /scion of the desired variety is inserted into a T-shaped cut made on the stem of another closely related plant ( the stock). The scion is tied into position on to the stock with its cambium layer in contact with the vascular will soon produce vascular tissue which unite the scion and the stock. The stock is obtained by growing a plant from a seed and then cutting away the shoot. The type of stock usually affects the ultimate size of the plant and the time it takes to mature. The scion is a branch of a bud cut from a cultivated variety with the desired fruit or flower characteristics. 141 A bud graft A bud graft with desired characteristics is cut A T-shaped slit is made in the bark of the stock to expose cambium tissue. "Stock of a closely related variety”. The bud graft (scion) is slipped inside the T-shaped slit of the stock. The cambium of the scion is in contact with the cambium of the stock. The scion is held in place with tape and wax to exclude fungi and reduce evaporation Asexual Reproduction in Animals Few animals reproduce asexually. Aphids( belonging to class insect) reproduce asexually by parthenogensis. Asexual Reproduction in micro-orgainsms Some common examples of asexual reproduction in micro – organisms are: Binary Fission; Budding 142 SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS OBJECTIVE: Describe sexual reproduction as the process involving the fusion of nuclei from two different gametes to form a zygote OBJECTIVE: Identify the sepals, petals, stamens and carpels of one locally available insect pollinated flower OBJECTIVE: Observe using a hand lens the sepals, petals, stamens and carpels of one locally available insect pollinated flower and draw the parts OBJECTIVE: Use a hand lens to identify stamens and carpels of one locally available wind pollinated flowee. Flowers are reproductive structures which contain the reproductive organs of the plant. OBJECTIVE: describe the functions of the sepals, petals, stamens and carpels. FUNCTIONS OF PARTS OF A FLOWER 1. CALYX A ring of sepals (small, green leaf – like) outside petals. Protects the petals of the flower when it is in the bud stage. 2. COROLLA Consists of 4 – 10 petals, may be separated or joined together. 143 Encloses reproductive organs. Usually large, brightly coloured and scented to attract insects to pollinate flower. Small and leaf – like structures in wind pollinated flowers. 3. ANDROECIUM Consists of stamens, each of which has an anther borne on a stalk called the filament . Male consists of four pollen sacks in which the pollen grains are produced by cell division Meosis occurs in the anthers to form haploid male gametes in pollen grains. When the pollen is fully formed, the anthers split and release the matured pollen grains. 4. 5. GYNOECIUM (PISTIL) Female reproductive organs. Consists of carpels. Each carpel has an ovary containing one or more ovules and bears a style which terminates in a sticky surface, the stigma. Development of egg cells proceeds in the ovary, ovules containing the female gamete arise from the inner wall of the carpel. The style holds up the stigma on which pollen lands during pollination. RECEPTACLE Expanded end of a flower stalk For attachment of all other flower parts. In some cases, after fertilization it becomes, fleshy and edible such as apple, pear, strawberry. POLLINATION OBJECTIVE: Discuss pollination in terms of types, agents and methods Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anthers to the stigma of a flower. The two types of pollination are: o Cross pollination o Self pollination 144 Cross pollination is transfer of pollen grains from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of another flower on another plant of the same species. o There is cross fertilization therefore out breeding. o Anther of flowers which cross pollinate mature before the ovary and may be self incompatible i.e. pollen grains from the same flower will not germinate on the stigma of the same flower. Self pollination is transfer of pollen grains from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of the same flower or another flower on the same plant. o This leads to self – fertilization therefore inbreeding. Agents of Pollination Insects and wind are the main two agents of natural pollination. The general modifications which adapt flower to their methods of pollination are summarised below. 145 OBJECTIVE: Compare wind pollinated and insect pollinated flower using fresh specimens OBJECTIVE: Prepare a slide of the pollen grains from the stamens of a wind and insect pollinated flower and examine them under a microscope PARTS OF FLOWER Size of a flower INSECT POLLINATION Large flowers Corolla Coloured and scented to attract a variety of insects Has honey guides( dark lines) on petals that help to direct the insects to the nectaries With nectarines at the base of the outer stamens. Has short filaments and stamens are arranged within the flower Small, inconspicuous flower Without scent or sepals usually small, green petals. Without nectaries Heavy, sticky and rough surfaced, adhere easily to insects body Produced in smaller quantities Stigma is small and sticky and is found inside the flower Large, pendulous stamens which projects outside the flower Produced in larger quantities Stigma is large and feathery Projecting outside the flower to act as a net ( large surface area) to trap passing pollen grains. Nectary Stamens Pollen grains Stigma WIND POLLINATION Pollination By An Insect When an insect visits a mature flower to collect nectar, pollen grains released by the ripe mature anthers are likely to adhere to its long tube - like mouth [ parts (e.g. butterfly)] or hairy body (e.g. bee) These pollen grains are transferred to the stigma of another flower when the insect visits it for nectar. As the insect pushes its way into to reach the nectarines at the base of the filaments, its body brushes onto the sticky surface of the stigma which pick up the pollen grains on its body. Pollination is complete when the pollen grain has landed on a stigma. 146 FERTILISATION OBJECTIVE: Describe the growth of the pollen tube and its entry into the ovule followed by fertilization. When a pollen grain lands on the stigma, it absorbs liquid from the stigma and germinates to from a pollen tube. The pollen tube grows through the tissues of the style towards the ovary. As the pollen tube grows, its nucleus divides to form two male gametes. The pollen tube enters the ovule at the micropyle and releases two male garmetes. One of male gametes fuses with the ovum to form the zygote ( fertilization) and the other fuses with the secondary nucleus in the embryo sac to form the endosperm nucleus. The zygote now has the normal diploid of chromosomes for the plant cell. Dispersal of Fruits Fruits and seeds may be dispersed by external agents such as humans, animals, wind or by self-dispersal explosion mechanism. Advantages of fruit and seed dispersal OBJECTIVE: State the advantages of seed dispersal Dispersal of fruits and seeds some distance away from the parent plant reduces overcrowding and reduces the competition for light, mineral salts and water between plants. It also enhances the survival of that species of plant by distributing the plants to new habitats. 147 The main adaptations of fruits and seeds to the various dispersal methods are summarised below OBJECTIVE: Describe modes of seed dispersal Dispersal method Wind dispersal Main adaptation features Examples • Small size. 1 Parachute or tuft of hairs projecting from fruit or seed. Examples: Tridex and dandelion. •Wing-like outgrowths extension from ovary wall of fruit. Example: winged fruits of shorea and angsana. Dandelion Open seed case shaken by wind. Example: small, light seeds of poppy. Angsana Animal dispersal 1. 'Hooked and hairy fruits -hooks caught in the fur of passing animals and the seeds fall out as the mammals move about. Examples: Urena fruit and spear grass. 2. Succulent, brightly coloured and scented fruits - when eaten by animals and birds, undigested seeds pass out with faeces. Examples: Papaya, mango and berries. 148 Shorea Dispersal method Explosive mechanism Main adaptation features Examples Pericarp dries in the sun and shrink. The tension generated splits fruit longitudinally into two halves suddenly and ejects seeds. Example: pods of leguminous plants. Fruit pod Garden pea pod 149 GERMINATION OF DICOTYLEDONOUS SEED OBJECTIVE: Examine the structure of a seed (both endospermicand non-endospermic) Non-endospermic seed OBJECTIVE: Describe the structure and function of parts of a seed in terms of embryo, (radical and plumule) cotyledons and testa Parts of the seed: Embryo: grows to form a root and a shoot. The plumule forms the shoot and the radicle forms the root. Cotyledon: stores food to be used by the embryo to grow. Testa: a tough coat which protects the seed from mechanical damage; reduces loss of water from the seed and reduces entry of micro-organisms. Micropyle : a small hole in the testa and an important route for entry of water in some seeds Germination Germination is when the embryo part of seed begins to grow. Conditions for germination are: o A supply of water. o Temperature suitable for enzymes involved in germination. o Oxygen for aerobic respiration. The requirements are explained more fully in the diagram below: 150 OBJECTIVE: Investigate the environmental conditions which affect germination of seeds OBJECTIVE: Describe the role of enzymes in seed germination 151 Germination of Dicotyledonous Seed The graph below shows the changes in the dry mass and fresh mass of the seed during germination. The dry mass of the seed is the mass of the actual amount of organic matter present in the seed whereas the fresh mass includes the amount of water absorbed by the seed. As the seed germinates, its dry mass decreases gradually as the stored food in its cotyledons is oxidised during respiration to produce energy needed for germination and growth of new tissues. The dry weight continues to decrease until the first foliage leaf are matured enough to carry out photosynthesis at a rate faster than respiration of the plant cells. The fresh mass increases continuously as the seed absorbs water, grows roots and begins making food by photosynthesis. 152 SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN MAN Objective: describe the functions of the testes, scrotum, sperm ducts, prostate gland, seminal vesicle, urethra and penis. Male Reproductive System: The main parts of the human male reproductive system and their functions are summarized below 153 Objective: Use a diagram of the male reproductive system to identify testes, scrotum, sperm ducts, prostate gland, seminal vesicle, urethra and penis. 154 Female Reproductive System: The main parts of the human female reproductive system and their functions are summarized below Objective: Use a diagram of the female reproductive system to identify ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix, bladder and vagina. 155 Objective: describe the function of the ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix, bladder and vagina. 156 Objective: compare the male and female gametes in term of size, number, mobility and life span. Difference between a sperm and an ovum Sperm Ovum It is very small in size (in fact it is the smallest cell in the body). Is larger than the sperm (in fact it is the largest cell in the body). It is mobile/can move by swimming with the help of the tail. The ova cannot swim because it does not have a tail, but the peristaltic movements and the tiny cilia hairs in the oviducts help move it. It is produced in large numbers (millions) per day. for 2 to 3 days survives is produced per month. for 24 hours Only one ovum survives Objective: Discuss the menstrual cycle The Menstrual Cycle: For a girl, the first sign of puberty is the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus via the vagina. This is called menstruation and it occurs in a cycle called the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is sometimes referred to as the oestrous cycle. It is controlled by some hormones such as, 157 progesterone and Oestrogen hormones working hand in hand with FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Lutenising hormone). The menstrual cycle, on average takes about 28 days. It is a long term process controlled by a number of hormones, which; Prepare the uterus to receive any fertilized egg Control the development of mature ova. The menstrual cycle occurs in four stages/phases: 1. Menstruation: The uterus lining is shed, and blood and fragments of tissue leave the body through the vagina. Menstruation triggers a decrease in the progesterone levels. Blood is lost and at this stage and it needs to be replaced during a repair phase. Menstruation takes about 46 days depending on the amount of blood lost. About 60-75cm3 of blood is lost along with the mucus and uterus cells. 2. Repair phase/safe period phase: More blood vessels grow in the lining of the uterus, and the lining thickens and becomes more stable. These changes are triggered by Oestrogen hormone. At this point, the FSH stimulates primary follicles to mature and become Graafian follicle. The Graafian follicle contains an egg surrounded by follicle cells and a fluid filled space. The Graafian follicle ruptures and releases an egg into the oviduct and this marks Ovulation which occurs when the Oestrogen levels are high. Ovulation is triggered by the release of a hormone secreted by from the anterior pituitary gland the LH (Lutenising Hormone) this hormone also helps in the development of corpus luteum from the remains of the follicle. 3. Receptive Phase: The lining of the uterus and its blood vessels are now well developed, if fertilization occurred, the embryo can be implanted in its lining. At this point any unprotected sexual activity will lead to pregnancy. 4. Premenstrual phase: The lining of the uterus degenerates as the progesterone levels drop unless implantation has occurred. After ovulation, the follicle develops into Corpus luteum, which secretes the female hormone Progesterone. The progesterone keeps the walls to remain thick in order to receive a fertilized egg for implantation. This phase is usually characterized with some contraction of the uterus leading to period pains. 158 159 Objective: Describe the effects of diet and emotional state on the menstrual cycle Factors affecting the menstrual Cycle: 1 Stress over excitement mental fatigue and illness may alter or stop the menstrual 2 Diet - An unbalanced diet or malnutrition may also cause the period to be very irregular or stop completely. A girl who has reached puberty has to eat food rich in iron, why? Change of environment 3 Objective: Discuss the functions of the placenta and umbilical cord in relation to exchange of dissolved nutrients, gases and wastes. FERTILISATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF ZYGOTE: ovum to form a zygote form a ball of cells. Fertilisation is the fusion of nucleus of the sperm and nucleus of the Fertilisation occurs in the oviduct in human After fertilisation the zygote under goes several mitotic divisions to The ball of cells is moved along the oviduct by the sweeping action of cilia and peristaltic contractions of the walls of the oviduct until it reaches the uterus. The journey of the ball of cells to reach the uterus may take 4 to 7 days, By the time the ball of cells reaches the uterus it has developed finger like projections, villi, for implantation in the uterus wall. THE PLACENTA AND THE UMBILICAL CORD: The implanted embryo undergoes mitosis and forms embryonic tissues, extra-embryonic membranes and the placenta. The placenta develops partly from the embryo’s tissues and partly from the uterus wall. It is a large, thick mass of uterus lining containing blood spaces filled with the mother’s blood and numerous finger-like projections called villi which grow into the uterus wall. The foetus is attached to the placenta by the umbilical cord, which carries 2 umbilical arteries and an umbilical vein from embryo’s circulatory system The main blood vessels of the placenta lead to an immense network of capillaries in the villi. The embryo’s blood system and the maternal blood system are separated by the capillary walls and the membrane covering each villus. Substances which diffuse from mother’s blood system to embryo’s blood system are: 1. Dissolved food molecules such as glucose and amino acids 160 2. 3. 4. blood system are: 1. 2. 3. Oxygen Mineral ions such as iron, calcium, phosphates Antibodies Substances which diffuse from embryo’s blood system to mother’s Urea Carbon dioxide Other nitrogenous wastes The placenta functions like the digestive system, respiratory system and the excretory system of the embryo The rate of diffusion at the placenta is increased by: 1. The close proximity between mothers blood system and the embryo’s blood system 2. The large surface area provided by the numerous villi and the network of capillaries in the villi The embryo and maternal bloodstreams are not mixed. The reasons are: 1. The delicate embryo’s blood vessels could be easily damaged by the high blood pressure of the mother’ s blood system. 2. Agglutination could occur due to the mixing of different blood groups from mother and embryo 3. To reduces chances of transmission of diseases from mother to embryo Umbilical cord: transports substance to and from the baby from the placenta in an artery and vein. The umbilical artery takes deoxygenated blood with waste substances from the foetus to the mother. The umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood with the nutrients and antibodies to the foetus’ heart. 161 162 Objective: Discuss the functions of the amniotic sac and amniotic fluid During the whole gestation/pregnancy period (9 months), the foetus is enclosed in a fluid filled sac called the Amniotic sac which surrounded by a tough fibrous material called the chorion. The fluid (amniotic fluid) provides a watery medium in which the foetus can move freely in it, which protects it against external shocks and dehydration, which protects against change in temperature and malformation of the foetus due to gravity. During pregnancy the amniotic fluid lubricates and reduces friction in the birth canal (vagina). 163 Objective: Distinguish between identical and fraternal twins Differences Between fraternal and identical twins: Fraternal Twins Identical Twins Develop from: Two different eggs fertilized by two different sperm cells The splitting of the same fertilized egg into two Genetic code: Like any other sibling; not identical identical Gender: Usually different Always the same In utero: Develop separate sacs in utero (amniotic sac and chorion). May be contained in one sac in utero (amniotic sac and chorion). Objective: Describe the special dietary needs of a pregnant woman Dietary Requirements of a Pregnant Woman: Carbohydrates: To provide energy to the life processes of the baby and an extra energy for carrying the extra mass of the baby around. Iron: for the formation of haemoglobin in the red blood cells. Proteins: making and repairing worn out tissues. Replacing old tissues. Vitamin D, Calcium and Phosphorus: formation of the foetus’ bones. Iodine to prevent slow mental development. Objective: Discuss the advantages of breast milk compared to bottle milk Advantages of Bottle Feeding: Readily available, cheap more hygienic than bottle, clean nutrients in correct proportion ready made anti-bodies obtained by the baby from the milk improve mother to baby bond 164 Objective: Discuss the following methods of birth control: Natural Hormonal/chemical, Physical/mechanical and Surgical methods METHODS OF BIRTH CONTROL/CONTRACEPTIVES Contraceptives: An agent or device intended to prevent conception. Contraception is the birth control by the use of devices (diaphragm or intrauterine device or condom) or drugs or surgery. Contraceptives are used for family planning as they prevent pregnancy. They help couples decide whether or not to have children and some of them are used to prevent STDs even though their main job is to prevent conception. Contraceptives can be divided into four groups; 1. 2. 3. 4. Natural Hormonal/chemical Physical/mechanical Surgical methods 1. Natural methods Method Abstinence: no sexual intercourse at all. advantages Disadvantages 100% effective against pregnancy and STDs Withdraw (Coitus interruptus); Purely natural and does not depend on artificial penis withdrawn from the devices. vagina before ejaculation o No disadvantage o Highly unreliable as there is a preejaculation fluid which can be secreted and contains sperms and it is not easy for the man to withdraw his penis as he will be at the peak of pleasure. o There is high pregnancy risk. o STDs are spread with this method. Rhythm (safe period): sexual intercourse done only during the safe periods and avoided during fertile periods (when fertilization is likely to lead to pregnancy). Uses the mucus, calendar and temperature method. Acceptable in most religions. Can be effective against pregnancy if the dates are noted well. 165 o It is unreliable because keeping track of ovulation can be difficult as it can change any time and it is difficult t be certain about the safe period length. o Encourages the spread of STDs Prolonged breastfeeding (cultural method) o Not effective against STDs Very effective against pregnancy. 2. Hormonal/chemical methods Method Pill e.g. RU486: two kinds minipill (contains progesterone which causes changes in the uterus lining preventing implantation) and combined pill (contains Oestrogen and progesterone and this prevents ovulation) advantages Disadvantages Easy to use. o Does to prevent STDs. Reversible o Must be taken daily. o Have side effects to women’s health; Does not interfere breast swelling, cervical cancer, nausea, with sexual activity. diarrhoea and weight gain. 99% safe at preventing ovulation and pregnancy. Can be administered by individuals Implant contraceptives: Needs Long term protection o trained personnel to insert and remove against pregnancy chemicals that contain it. 99% effective (just synthetic Oestrogen and like the pill) progesterone and placed under o Encourages the skin to prevent ovulation. It No need to visit the spread of STDs. lasts for 5 years. health centres. o Has some side effects e.g. prolonged periods and Reversible. irregular menstrual bleeding during the first month of use. Spermicides: kills sperms, must Kill sperms. be applied inside the vagina as far up as possible ten minutes Effective when used with the diaphragm before sexual intercourse. o o It is messy. Serves as a lubricant for the vagina. o Unreliable Easy to be used/applied. o o 166 Must be applied before every sexual activity. when used alone. prevent STDs. used with the diaphragm. Does not Has to be Injection (Depo-Provera): injected into the body every 3 months. Stops ovulation by preventing formation of ova in the ovaries. o Can lead to sterility. Reversible. 99% effective against o Administered by a doctor. pregnancy. o Causes abnormalities in the period. o Can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding. o Have side effects like; dizziness, weight gain. o Does not protect against STDs. Morning-after pill: Used after Effective against pregnancy if taken intercourse has taken place. before 3 days of Contains hormones which sexual act. cause lining of the uterus to be shed. It is to be taken 48-72 hours after sexual intercourse especially if pregnancy poses a risk. o Only prescribed by a doctor in case of risk it is not for regular use. o Therefore not easily accessible. 3. Physical/mechanical/barrier Methods Method advantages Disadvantages Condom sheath (male: thin o Allergy of the lubricant or latex. 99 % effective in preventing pregnancy rubber covering fitted on an o Improper use can result leading to the and STDs erect penis. Has a bulb to spread of STDs. collect sperms after Easily available, ejaculation. Femidom/female o There is a possibility of bursting in case accessible of too mush friction during sexual act condom: thin sheath which No need for medical lines the vagina prevents assistance needed. entry of sperms. Can be used with Spermicides 167 Diaphragm/cap: it is a dome Fairly effective (98%) o High risk of infections. in blocking the sperms. shaped piece of rubber with a o Has to be used with other methods e.g. piece of metal worn by Does not have any side Spermicides. women fitted on the cervix effects. opening to prevent sperms o Possibility of discomfort if not inserted properly. from reaching the uterus. o In rare cases may lead to irritation to the penis or vagina. o Has to inserted by a physician o Correct size must be fitted Intra-Uterine Device (IUD)/Loop: small objects (spiral, loop, ring) made of steel or plastic which is inserted by a physician into the uterus. Fitted by straightening in a tube like instrument, pushing this through the cervix then pushing the IUD out at the tube’s end. The IUD interferes with implantation of the embryo) Reliable for women who already has children and those who do not live far from the health facilities o Has to be inserted by a qualified doctor. Stops implantation. o Do not protect against STDs. o There is need for pelvic examination to determine the size of the cervix. o Can cause excessive bleeding. Reversible. Long term contraception 4. Surgical methods Method advantages Disadvantages Vasectomy and Laparatomy (tubal ligation): Vasectomy in men sperm duct is cut and tied to prevent sperms from passing Permanent and 100 % to the urethra. effective. 168 o Does not prevent STDs o Irreversible In women (Laparatomy) oviduct cut and tied to prevent the sperms from reaching the egg in the oviduct. Safe and simple out patient o Has to be done at a hospital. operation. o Pains can be experienced after surgery. Sexual characteristics are not affected as the individual can still ejaculate o Not suitable for young people but for people who (men) already have children Objective: Describe the causes, transmission, symptoms/signs, effects and treatment of gonorrhea, syphilis and AIDS. Objective: Discuss the control of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Objective: Interpret data to establish prevalence rate of sexually transmitted diseases. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASAES 169 170 171 172 MITOSIS Objective: Describe stages in mitosis and meiosis Mitosis is cell division which results in formation two identical daughter cells with diploid number of chromosomes(2n). Mitosis occurs in somatic cells (these are cells which are not involved in the production of gametes). Below are changes occurring in a cell during mitosis 1.PROPHASE Organelles are synthesized and cell increases in size. Each chromosome replicates to form chromatids joined together by a centromeres. Chromosomes shorten an become thicker, two chromatids become visible in each chromosome. Centrioles migrate to the opposite poles of the cell. 173 2. METAPHSE The pairs of chromatids become attached to the spindle by spindle fibres at the centromeres. The chromatids move along the spindle until their centromeres line up across the “ equator” of the spindled and at right angles to the spindle axis. 3. ANAPHASE The centromeres split into two and the spindle fibres pull the daughter centromeres to opposite. The separated chromatids, now called chromosomes, are pulled along behind the centromeres. 174 The chromosomes reach the poles of the cell, uncoil, lengthen and lose the ability to be seen clearly. 175 4. TELOPHASE The spindle fibres disintegrate and the centrioles replicate. A nuclear envelope re-forms around the chromosomes at each pole and the nucleoli reappear. Division of cytoplasm and cell membrane will result in two daughter cells. 176 MEIOSIS Meiosis is division of cells which results in formation of gametes or cells with haploid number of chromosomes(n) 1. PROPHASE I Organelles are synthesized and cell increases in size. Each chromosome replicates to form chromatids joined together by a centromeres. Homologous chromosomes come together to form bivalents. Cross over of genes occur between chromatids of homologous chromosomes. Centrioles migrate to opposite poles, spindle fibres form and homologous chromosomes lineup along the ‘equator’ of the cell. 177 2. METAPHASE I Bevalent become arranged across the equatorial plate of the spindle The spindle fibres of pull the bivalents with crossed genes apart. Starting at the centromeres The homologous chromosomes, each made up of two chromatids, separate to occupy the opposite ends of the cell. The chromatids making the chromosomes are now not genetically identical due to crossover. 178 3. ANAPHASE I Spindles form again at right angle to the spindle axis of the first cell division. 4. TELOPHASE I The arrival of chromosomes, in the form of chromatids at opposite poles, marks the end of the first meiotic division. Reduction of chromosome number has occurred but each pole possesses chromosomes composed of two chromatids. As a result of crossing over, or chiasma formation, these chromosomes are not genetically identical and must be separated in the second meiotic division 179 5. PROPHASE II Centrioles, if present, move to opposite poles of the cells and spindle fibre appear. The spindle fibres are arranged at right-angles to the spindle axis of the first meiotic division. 6. METAPHASE II At this division the centromeres now behave as structurally double. They organize spindle fibres on each side to both poles and hence become aligned on the equator of the spindle. 7. ANAPHASE II The spindles separate the chromatids, now called chromosomes, to the new opposite poles. 8. ANAPHASE II Four new nuclear envelope form around the four sets of chromosomes. The cytoplasm and the cell membrane divide to form 4 new cells with haploid number of chromosomes. 180 181 INHERITANCE Objective: define gene, allele and chromosome Objective: Discuss the relationship between gene and chromosome Chromosomes and Genes Genetics is the study of inheritance of characters by transmission of gene from one generation to another. In the nuclei of cells are thread-like structure called chromosomes. Chromosomes are made up of many genes along their length and the genes determine the characteristics that are inherited. Chromosomes in normal cells exist in homologous pairs with both members having identical shape, size and length. One chromosome of the pair comes from the male parent, the other from the female parent when their gametes fuse together during fertilization to form a zygote. Genes are basic units of inheritance. Genes are made of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) which codes for the synthesis of functional proteins (enzymes) and structural proteins which determine the characteristics. The gene controlling a particular characteristic can exist in two in forms called alleles.The gene controlling a particular characteristic can exist in two forms called alleles. Each gene will have two alleles, one at a particular position (locus) on one chromosome. Objective: Distinguish between phenotype and genotype, recessive and dominant. Alleles can exist in dominant or recessive forms. The dominant form is expressed in capital letter and the recessive form is represented by the corresponding small letter. The genotype of an organism is its genetic make-up which is inherited from the individual parents. The two alleles for a particular characteristic can exist in three different combinations resulting in a homozygous dominant, homozygous recessive or heterozygous genotype as shown in below. The phenotype of an organism is its observable characteristics. The phenotype of an organism is influenced by both its genotype and the environment. When a dominant allele and recessive alleles are present together, only the dominant allele expresses itself in the phenotype. A recessive allele will only express itself in a homozygous recessive genotype (i.e. in the absence of a dominant allele). The transmission of chromosomes from generation to generation in sexually reproducing organisms is through the process of meiosis and subsequent fertilization. Fertilization involves a process of pairing 182 homologous chromosomes provided by haploid gametes to restore the species chromosome number in the zygote. The transmission of chromosome from cell to cell during growth or replacement is through the process of mitosis. Female Male Diploid cell in ovary Diploid (2n) cell in testis (46 Chromosomes) (46 Chromosomes) meiosis meiosis Haploid Haploid Female gametes Female gametes (23 chnromosomes) (23 chnromosomes) Fertilisation Diploid zygote (46 chromosome) Adult (46 chromosomes) 183 Objective :Describe monohybrid inheritance Monohybrid Inheritance Monohybrid in heritance refers to the inheritance of one characteristic that has two contrasting forms e.g. tall/dwarf for plant height, red/white for colour of flowers and normal pigmentation /albinism in human and animals. Each characteristic is controlled by one gene which consists of one pair of alleles which can exist as dominant or recessive alleles. The dominant allele controls the dominant character such tallness, red coloured flower and normal pigmentation. The recessive allele controls the recessive character which is only expressed in the homozygous state, white coloured flowers and absence of pigment (albinism). Objective: Discuss Mendelian Experiments in peas and maize Gregor Mendel’s investigations on monohybrid inheritance 1. Mendel’s First Law: The Principle of Segregation Alleles of genes exist in pairs, each on separate members of a homologous pair of chromosomes. The homologous chromosomes separate during meiosis resulting in the alleles separating into different gametes. The fusion of the male and female gametes during fertilization allows the alleles recombine again 2. Mendel’s Second Law: The Principle of independent assortment The segregation of a pair of alleles of a gene for a particular characteristic is independent of the segregation of the pair of alleles of another gene controlling a different characteristic. Therefore, the inheritance of one gene is not affected by another gene. Mendel observed discontinuous variation in some characteristics of pea plants. That is, characteristics exhibited only two alternative forms, e.g. tall/dwarf, round/wrinkled seeds. He started his experiment by pure breeding plants or pure lines. He later did hybridization which is the cross fertilization cross fertilization between pure line parents with strongly contrasting characteristics. 184 Diagram 1 below summarizes Mendel’s first experiment on inheritance of crossing pure lines in height of pea plants. Further investigations on monohybrid inheritance were carried out by self –pollination of offspring in F1 to form F2, the second filial generation. Diagram 2 summarises Mendel’s second experiment of crossing offsprings of parents in Diagram 1. 185 Objective : Predict results of simple crosses with ratio of 3:1 and 1:1 using terms homozygous, heterogygous, F1 and F2 generations Objective :Explain why observed ratio differ from expected ratios especially when there are small number of progeny From ratio of phenotypes in the offspring, the possible genotypes of the parents can be deduced. Ratio of phenotype in offspring Possible genotype of parents 1. Both homozygous dominat TT x TT 2. One homozygous dominant and one heterozygous TT x Tt All tall All short Both homozygous recessive tt x tt 1 tall:1 short One heterozygous and one homozygous recessive TT x tt 3 tall:1 short Both heterozygous Tt x Tt Some of the other characteristics studied in Mendel’s monohybrid crosses and results are summarized in below: P1 crosses F1 phenotype F2 phenotypic ratio Homozygous x Homozygous Dominant recessive (pure breed) (pure breed) Round x wrinkled seeds All round seeds 3 round : 1 wrinkled seeds seed Yellow x green cotyledons All yellow cotyledons Green x yellow pods All green pods 3 yellow : 1 green seeds seed 3 green pods:1 yellow pod Smooth x constricted pods All smooth pods 186 3 smooth pods: 1constricted pod Objective: Describe a back cross to determine the genotype of a dominant phenotype Back – Cross test A back-cross test distinguishes between organisms of the same dominant phenotype but different genotype for example, a heterozygous dominant genotype have the same phenotype. It is use in animal and plant breeding to detect and eliminate undesirable recessive conditions which are not observed in the phenotype of heterozygous individuals in the breeding stock. A back-cross involves crossing the offspring to be identified genetically with the recessive homozygous parent. If the suspected heterozygous individual is crossed with a homozygous recessive individual, the expected ratio to confirm the heterozygous state is 1:1 i.e. half of the offspring has the dominant phenotype and half with the recessive phenotype. If the suspected individual is homozygous dominant, all offspring will have the dominant phenotype. Objective :Discuss complete, *incomplete and *co-dominance Co-dominance Co-dominance is a situation in which both alleles are equally strong and both alleles are visible in a heterozygous genotype. An example of co-dominance is found in chickens. When white chickens are crossed with black chickens, the result is not a grey chicken, but a chicken with both black and white feathers. When expressing incomplete alleles, both alleles are written as superscript capital letters placed above the letter "i". The formation of roan coat colour in cattle by cross breeding cattle with red and white coat. 187 The formation of pink flower by crossing red-flowered snapdragon with white flowered snapdragon plants. The inheritance of ABO blood group in man IA and IB alleles are co dominant, resulting in the AB blood group. 188 Incomplete dominance This is where by both allele of the gene are expressed in a heterozygous genotype, however the a dominant allele does not mask completely the phenotypic expression of the recessive allele in a heterozygote, then a blending of both dominant and recessive traits takes place in the F1 and F2 heterozygotes. In northeast Kansas there is a creature know as a wildcat. It comes in three colors, blue, red, and purple. This trait is controlled by a single locus gene with incomplete dominance. A homozygous (BB) individual is blue, a homozygous (bb) individual is red, and a heterozygous (Bb) individual is purple. An excellent example of incomplete dominance is snapdragon flowers. When one crosses a red flowered snapdragon with a white flowered, all of the F1 generation have pink heterozygous flowers. It appears that the red and white colors were mixed together two create a pink pigment, but this proves to be untrue when you cross two plants from the F1 generation. The F2 generation has all three colors; red, pink and white, with a ratio of 1:2:1. *Objective : Explain co-dominance by referring to inheritance of the ABO blood group phenotypes (A, B, AB & O). Multiple Alleles Certain characteristics are controlled by more than two alleles. The gene that control the ABO bood group in man has three different alleles IA , IB and IO , however, there can be only two alleles in any one genotype. IA and IB are co dominant and IO is recessive to both IA and IB alleles. Genotypes of the three types of blood groups Blood group (Phenotype) Genotype A IAIA or IAIO B IBIB or IBIO AB IAIB O IOIO 189 Objective :Discuss the determination of sex in humans Sex Inheritance: The sex of an individual is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes. In humans, the 23 rd pair of chromosome is known as the sex chromosomes. In diploid female cells, the sex chromosomes exist as a homologous pair of two X chromosomes which are identical in length. In the diploid male cells, the sex chromosome is made up of a single long X and a single short Y chromosome. The female gametes produced by the ovaries by meiosis will contain one X chromosome. Half the sperms produced by the testes will contain an X chromosome and the other half a Y chromosome. Whether an X-carrying sperm or a Y-carrying sperm fertilizes the ovum determines the sex of the zygote and hence of the child as shown below. Since there is an equal chance of either an X or a Y sperm fertilizing the ovum, there are approximately equal numbers of males and females born. *Objective :Discuss sex linkage Sex-linked Inheritance: Certain characteristics are linked with the sex chromosomes. Some examples of sex-linked characteristics are red-green blindness, muscular dystrophy and haemophilia. In humans, the chromosomes may contain a recessive allele for colour blindness, muscular dystrophy or haemophilia. These inherited sex-linked characteristics frequently affected man but occur very rarely in women. They are expressed in males because of the lack of dominant counterpart on the Y chromosome. Only female who are homozygous recessive for the trait are affected. Female with heterozygous genotype are carries who do not show the conditions but carry a recessive allele which they may pass to their offspring. 190 In red-green colour-blindness, the dominant allele for normal vision is XC and the recessive allele for colour-blindness is XC. The possible genotype and phenotypes in female and males are: Genotype Female Male Phenotype X CX C normal colour vision X CX c normal colour vision carrier Xc Xc red-green colour-blindness X CY normal colour vision X CY red-green colour-blindness Haemophilia is a disease in which a person’s blood will not clot( (lack of clotting factor). The dominant allele XH produces blood clotting factor for clotting of blood. The recessive allele X h causes haemophilia. The possible genotype and phenotypes in female and males are: Genotype Female Male Phenotype X HXH normal XHXh normal carrier XhXh haemophiliac X HY normal XhY haemophiliac Objective : Construct pedigrees for monohybrid crosses 191 VARIATION AND SELECTION Variation Variation is the differences in characteristics which exist between individuals belonging to the same population or species. The variation between individuals in a population can be continuous and discontinuous variation. Objective: describe differences between continuous and discontinuous variation and give examples of each. A comparison of continuous and discontinuous variation is shown in below. Continuous variation 1.Continuous variation exhibits many intermediate charateristics In a population, this variation involves a wide range of individual, whose statistics wjll produce a nonnal distribution curve when plotted as a histogram. 2. The characteristic. are not easily Discontinuous variation 1.Has sharply contrasting characteristics with no intermediate forms between 2. The characteristics can be distinguished easily. distinguishable. 3. Environmental factors affect the way the 3. The environment has little or no effect onway the genes express themselves. Environmental or no effect on the changes prevent the genes from expressing its full effects. 4. It ls brought about by the combined effects of many Ilenes. S. Examples: intelligence. height. weight, colour of skin. genes genesexpress expressthemseives. themselves 4. It is brought about by one or only a only a few genes. 5. Examples: ABO blood group, ability to roll tongue, to taste phenylthiourea. 192 no.of no. of people people Height Continuous variation of height in In a population group AB A O B Discontinuous variation of ABO blood in a population 2.Variation is caused by new combinations of genes through sexual reproduction, mutation and immigration of individuals with new gene combination. (a) Continuous variation is caused by : (i) Random assortment of genes during gamete formation by meiosis. (ii) Random pairing of individual gametes during fertilisation gives rise to new sets of gene combinations in the offspring. (b) Discontinuous variation is caused by: (i) Mutations or sudden changes in chromosomes and genes in normal cells or gametes. Mutations occur spontaneously or due to the effects of certain drugs and radiation. (ii) Immigration of new individual which may bring new genes into the population. When new individuals reproduce with existing members of the population, new gene combinations can occur. The gene pool is the sum of all the genes for a population of a species. Mutation and immigration can introduce new genes into a gene pool whereas sexual reproduction can only produce new combinations of existing genes. Many farmers introduce new stock or crops to bring new and possibly better characteristics into their population. 3. Variation is an advantage because it increases the chances of survival for breeding and produces offspring that survive under new conditions. 4. Variation is an important source of differences within a species, These differences may be selected (by natural selection) for evolution. 193 Mutation 1. A mutation is a spontaneous change to a chromosome or a gene that causes it to code a different characteristic. Mutation can occur in ordinary cells or in gametes. 2. Since chromosomes and genes control the making of proteins, a change in the number, size of chromosomes and the chemical structure of a gene can result in a different protein or enzyme causing a different characteristic to arise. Factors Leading to Mutation: Objective: discuss factors which may lead to mutation Spontaneous mutation is very rare. However, the rate of mutation is greatly increased by the presence of mutagens. Environmental mutagens include ultraviolet light and high energy radiations. Chemicals such as artificial sweetener, cyclamates (now banned) and formaldehyde in certain concentrations are mutagenic to certain organisms. Two main Types of Mutation: 1. Gene Mutation Objective: describe gene mutation and discuss causes of gene mutation i. ii. iii. In gene mutation, the gene may mutate to become dominant or recessive The mutation can be inherited and may persist within a species. The gene may mutate again or revert back to the original state Examples of gene mutation in organisms: Gene mutation in bacteria and insects is generally beneficial and increases their chance of survival. Mutant forms of bacteria are usually resistant to antibiotics and mutant forms of flies and mosquitoes are resistant to the pesticide DDT. Gene mutation in humans leads to severe genetic disorder such as sickle-cell anaemia and haemophilia. Sickle-cell blood contains sickle-shaped (distorted) red blood cells which reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood causing anaemia. Haemophiliac blood lacks blood clotting factors. Most gene mutations are recessive and are masked by dominant normal genes. In the case of sickle-cell anaemia, the individual with a heterozygous incomplete dominance sickle- cell trait (Ss) is not anaemic but resistant to malaria. This gives a selective advantage to people living in areas where malaria is endemic. Persons with two recessive mutant genes (i,e. homozygous genotype, ss) usually die of fatal anaemia. 194 In the case of haemophilia, the gene on the X chromosome of the ovum mutates and becomes recessive, Females with genotype XHXh are carriers and do not suffer from haernophiha, Since there is no allele for normal blood in the Y chromosome, males with genotype XhY are haemophiliac. 2. Chromosome mutation Objective: describe chromosomal mutation and discuss causes of chromosomal mutation i. Chromosome mutation involves the change in number (lack of a chromosome or have an extra chromosome) and size of chromosomes resulting in a different phenotype. ii. It is caused by abnormal behaviour of chromosomes during meiosis. iii. Chromosome mutation in human beings leads to abnormal characteristics which are harmful. The genetic disorder Down's Syndrome is the effect of one extra chromosome in zygote i.e. individuals have 47 chromosomes in their cells instead of 46.The extra chromosome comes from the mother or the father. During meiosis an extra chromosome may result when one of the duplicate chromosomes does not separate. Individuals with Down's syndrome are born with characteristic facial features, physical defects and mental disability. iv. Mutation causes variations in the population wh.ich 8Ie the basis upon which natural selection operates. Individuals with advantageous variations resulting from mutations are selected for and they are more likely to mature and reproduce and thus passing on these variations to their offspring. Natural Selection Objective: Discuss effect of variation and competition to the survival of organisms in the environment. 1. Natural selection is the competition for existence between individuals in a population. It is a process whereby individuals which are better adapted to their environment tend to have an increased chance of survival and have a greater opportunity to reproduce themselves whereas poorly adapted individuals dies off even before they can reproduce. 2. Natural selection involves a struggle for survival and the fittest of all survives. Competition among members of the same species for the same requirements (e.g. food, water, spaces etc.) and the pressure of the environment force the weaker members of the population to die off or become limited in members. 3. Natural selection depends on variation within every species. Some of these variations help an organism to survive in the struggle of survival. Organisms with these advantageous variations tend to survive and reproduce and therefore pass onto their offspring favourable characteristics. Mutations can give rise to beneficial variations allowing a species to adapt to changes in the environment and even prevent their extinction. 195 How Natural Selection can Lead to Evolution: Objective: Assess the importance of natural selection as a possible mechanism for evolution Natural selection is an on-going process which promotes long term changes in a species over many generations. It is, therefore, a possible mechanism for evolution. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution proposes that existing species colonising different and isolated habitats could develop certain characteristics adapted to these environments as a result of natural selection over millions of years; this would eventually lead to the formation of a new species. Struggle for Survival Variation Organisms reproduce at a faster rate than food production rate leading to competition among members of the same species for resources like food, shelter and mates Particularly, discontinuous variation caused by mutation. Also caused by the inheritances of new gene combinations in continuous variation. Natural Selection Advantageous characteristics or variations are selected for Survival of the fittest Organism with best suited characteristics predominate in the population Inheritance of beneficial variations Favourable characteristics pass onto offspring over a period of many generations New Species Formation of genetically distinct species 196 Examples of natural selection: o The dark peppered moth Before the industrial revolution in England, light coloured peppered moth which rests on trunk of trees during the day are camouflaged by the light coloured lichen on the bark making it difficult for birds to prey on them. A sooty environment after the industrial revolution allowed the dark variation of the peppered moth to increase in number as they can survive predation from birds against soot blackened tree trunks. Hence, dark moths were selected for and the light coloured moths were selected against as they are better adapted than the light coloured moths to the new sooty environment. o Sickle-cell anaemia The mutant gene for sickle-cell anaemia is common in areas where malaria is endemic because it gives a selective advantage to individuals with the sickle-cell trait (Ss). These individuals have a slight immunity to malaria. o Penicillin-resistant bacteria Disease causing bacterium becomes resistant to penicillin because of a mutant allele which could prevent the cell from being destroyed by penicillin. This allele provides a selective advantage to the bacteria and is passed onto the offspring by natural selection. Therefore, the bacteria continue to multiply in the diseased organism despite treatment with penicillin. o Insecticide resistant Insects Some mutant forms of insects are resistant to the pesticide DDT. If the use of DDT is continued, the mutant species of insects will multiply and soon replace the entire species of insects which can be destroyed by DDT. 197 Artificial Selection Objective: Describe the role of artificial selection in the production of economically important and animals. 1. In artificial selection, man deliberately selects and interbreeds individual plants or animals to produce completely new varieties of animals and plants with desirable characteristics. 2. Artificial selection allows farmers and breeders to select the best and fittest offspring to improve agricultural livestock and crop plants. Plants and animals are selectively bred for specific characteristics. For example: (a) New varieties of crop plants such as wheat, barley and potatoes are bred for higher crop yield, better nutritional value and greater resistance to disease and a greater tolerance to extremes of environmental conditions. (b) Selective breeding of fruit trees results in larger and better quality fruits with improved taste. (c) Selective breeding of animals such as cattle could lead to higher meat and milk production. Similarly, sheep are selected for their wool quality, thickest and length of coat to improve the quality and yield of wool. (d) Horses and dogs are bred for hunting, racing and appearance. 3. There are two main types of artificial selection: (a) In-breeding which involves the crossing of closely related individuals in a species. In crop plants, self-pollination and self-fertilisation are carried out to maintain desirable characteristics of parent. In animals, related offspring from the same parents are mated e.g. highly bred pedigree dogs. This can also lead to the accumulation of harmful genes in the offspring resulting in physical and/or mental defects which reduce their chances of survival when they to return to the wild. (b) Out-breeding which involve the crossing of unrelated species. For example, crossing a wild species of grass with a strain of wheat produces a hybrid variety with increased resistance to diseases and adverse environmental conditions. 198 ENERGY FLOW, FOOD CHAINS AND FOOD WEB 1. Ecosystem: is the living and non-living components of a region which interact to produce a stable system. Components of the ecosystem are: Biotic component: living organisms such as the producers, preys, predators and parasites. Abiotic component: Non-living components of the environment which influence the living organisms such as climate, soil conditions, water, temperature, etc. Examples of ecosystem are a pond, seashore. Abiotic factors influence the distribution of organisms within an ecosystem while biotic factors affect the population of organisms within an ecosystem. An ecosystem consists of a network of a number of different habitats with their communities of organisms interlinked by the flow of energy and nutrients. Habitat : is a place where an organism lives. Population: is a group of individuals of one species found in the same habitat. Community: refers to all organisms that interact in an ecosystem. Objective: Describe energy transfer through an ecosystem 2. Food Chains and Energy Flow along Food chains: The living organisms in the ecosystem interact with each other via a chain of energy transfers called food chains. A food chain is a group of organisms linked or related by their feeding habitats Producer Green plants which Absorbs the sun’s energy And produce food by photosynthesis. Primary consumer Secondary Consumer Herbivores Feed on green plants as their sources of energy for growth, metabolic activities and reproduction. Carnivores(predators) prey upon herbivores as their source of energy for growth, metabolic activities and reproduction. Food chains end with decomposers: bacteria and fungi which promote the breakdown and decay of dead plants and animals and thus help return vital mineral salts to the soil. This improves soil fertility which in turn promotes healthy growth of more producers. Some examples of food chains: Wheat grasshopper sparrow Grass rabbit fox algae water fleas stickleback fish 199 hawk perch fish pike fish 3. Food Webs: Food webs are made up of several interconnected food chains. Ecosystems with complex food webs are more stable than those with simple ones. Within food webs, organisms obtain their food in different ways as shown below: Tree(wood, leaves, fruits) Woodlouse slug Caterpillar worm Blackbird Ground beetle Spider Bluetit Frog Shrew Grass snake Hawk Fox 4. Pyramids of Numbers, Biomass and Energy: Food chains can also be presented as a pyramid of numbers which shows the number of each organism at each trophic level. The position of an organism in a food chain is called its trophic level. In an ecosystem, there are usually far more organisms at lower trophic levels than at higher trohpic levels. Number of organisms at each level decreases Hawk Sparrow Grasshopper Wheat plant Tertiary consumer Secondary consumer Primary consumer Producer Number of organisms A pyramid ofbiomass shows the mass of material at each trophic level. The biomass of the successive trophic levels decreases progressively due to the loss of energy in respiration at each level. 200 Bird Biomass at each level decreases Tertiary consumer Secondary consumer Beetle Aphid Primary consumer Grass Producer Biomass There are situations where pyramids of numbers and biomasss can be inverted or shaped differently. These are situations which involve parasites in a food chain. Aphids Greenfly Plasmodium in mosquito Plasmodium in red blood cells Ticks Sheep Man Rose bush Objective: Describe the importance of the sun as the principal source of energy for biological systems. Objective: Describe the non cyclic nature of energy flow 5. Non-cyclical Nature of Energy Flow in Biological System: Energy from the sun enters the ecosystem through organic compounds (carbohydrates) produced by photosynthesis in green plants. However, only about 1% of sunlight striking a leaf is absorbed by chlorophyll and used in photosynthesis. Most of the light striking a leaf is reflected, or transmitted or converted to heat energy and lost by radiation. Energy from the sun passes along a food chain. The energy is progressively lost at each trophic level as heat energy in respiration. Successive members of a food chain incorporate into their biomass (as a new tissue) only about 10% of the energy available in the organism they consume. 201 The remainder 90% is lost as heat energy in respiration and a small amount lost through excretion. When a herbivore consumes a plant, only a small fraction of the sun’s energy (about 10%) stored in the plant is used by the herbivore for growth and formation of new tissues. The bulk of the energy is lost as heat in respiration to the surroundings, in urine and faeces. The energy flow in the food chain is non-cyclical. Energy flows in one direction and it is either utilized or lost into the surrounding but cannot be recycled. See diagram below: Producer sun 100% Pasture area(1m2) 20 000kJ 1% of energy incorporated in photosynthe sis 2 Primary consumer Secondary consumer 2 000kJ 200 kJ Tertiary consumer 20kJ 10% of 10% of energy energy incorporated incorporated in new in new tissues tissues of of herbivore new tissues herbivore 90% lost of herbivore .some material may not be eaten is .some material not digestible .some used in excretion & a lot used in respiration 10% of energy incorporated in new tissues of herbivore 99% lost by . being transmitted through . being reflected back 90% lost . not being correct .much of plant body e.g wavelength. lignin and cellulose may be undigestible, consumers rarely eat the whole plant .a lot of energy used in 90% lost respiration. .some material may not be eaten .some material not digestible . some used in excretion . a lot used in respiration. Energy loss at each trophic level results in insufficient energy to support higher trophic levels. Thus, the length of the food chain is limited. The longer the food chain the more energy will be lost, the shorter the chain, the more energy will be available for higher consumers. 202 Worldwide people feed mainly on plant foods. There is greater efficiency in supplying green plants as food because plant crops produced on a given area of land will provide more energy than the number of animals that could be raised on that area. 6. Accumulation of Substances along a Food Chain: Non-biodegradable substances, poisons and toxic substances can accumulate along a food chain reaching significant amounts in the bodies of consumers in the higher trophic levels. This is because small amount of such substances persist in the tissue of organisms, builds up in their bodies and passes onto the organism that feeds on it. DDT is an insecticide used to control mosquitoes, it is non-biodegradable. 7. Relationship Between Prey and Predator: Predator starve and die as population of prey decreases population Prey number decreases due to Increased predator population fewer predators; allow prey to increase in number Time(yrs) The population size of prey and predator fluctuates together with the fluctuation in the predator population, which usually lag behind those of the prey. This is because the predator depends on the prey for food. 203 NUTRIENTS CYCLE IN NATURE Objective: Describe the use and retention of nutrients in the ecosystem Nutrient Cycling and Retention The elements organisms require for development, maintenance, and reproduction are called nutrients. Ecologists refer to the use, transformation, movement, and reuse of nutrients in ecosystems as nutrient cycling. Examples of nutrient cycling are: the carbon and nitrogen cycles. Element carbon is used in the ecosystem to form food molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats/oils in living organisms. Element nitrogen is used to form proteins in plants. Objective: Describe the carbon cycle including the role of photosynthesis, respiration, animal nutrition, decomposers, fossil fuels and combustion. Carbon Cycle 204 Photosynthesis: Plants use atmospheric carbon dioxide to make carbohydrate,sugar, by the process of photosynthesis. The animals the eat plant material obtaining the carbon in the form of carbohydrates, proteins and other carbon compounds made by the plant. Respiration: Animals, plant and micro-organisms such as bacteria and fungi break down carbohydrates in their cells to produce carbon dioxide and water Decay and Decomposition: Saprotrophs break down organic matter of dead plants and animals, especial bacteria and fungi. Then organic compounds such as carbohydrates are decompose be the micro-organisms to produce carbon dioxide. Fossil Fuels: These are formed from sedimentation of partly decomposed plant remains over millions of years. The fossil fuels are oil, coal and natural gases. Combustion: This is burning of the fossil fuels, oxidizing the carbon to carbon dioxide 205 Nitrogen Cycle Objective: Describe the nitrogen cycle in terms of decomposition, nitrogen fixation and absorption. leguminuous plants Decomposition: Saprophytic bacteria and fungi decompose plant and animal remains. One of the products of this decomposition is ammonia, which is washed into the soil. Excretory products from animals contain nitrogenous waste products such as ammonia, urea and uric acid. 206 The organic matter in animal droppings is also decomposed by soil bacteria. Nitrifying bacteria (nitrification): Bacteria living in the soil use ammonia from excretory products and decomposed organic material as a source of energy, in the process converting ammonia to nitrates. Nitrosomonas bacteria oxidizes ammonium compounds to nitrite (NH4- NH2-). Nitrobacter bacteria oxidizes nitrites to nitrates (NH 2- NH3-). 207 Nitrogen fixation (by nitrogen fixing bacteria): This is the process of converting the gas nitrogen to ammonium compounds by some special bacteria found in the soil and in root nodules of leguminous plants. Nitrogen fixation (by lightening): The high temperature of lightning discharge causes some of the nitrogen and oxygen in the air to combine and form oxides of nitrogen. These dissolve in the rain and are washed into the soil as weak acids, where they form nitrates 208 Poor Agricultural Practices Resulting in Destruction of the Ecosystem. Objective: discuss how poor agricultural practices result in destruction of the ecosystem e.g. monoculture, excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, overstocking, deforestation . Impact of Agriculture on the Ecosystem: 1. Deforestation – removal of natural vegetation such as forest from the land. One reason for deforestation is provide more land for agriculture. The harmful effects of deforestation are: (a) Destruction of natural habitats for plants and animals Food chains and food webs are affected causing an imbalance in ecosystem. With the removal of producers from ecosystem, herbivores may not be able to find alternative sources of food. Eventually they die and carnivores which feed on herbivores will also die out (b) Extinction of many plants and animal Plants and animals die out more rapidly than the can reproduce. Their population decrease to such a point that they become endangered species and may die out completely. (c) Soil erosion The roots of plant and trees, hold and bind soil particles together. Then there are removed the soil is exposed to direct rainfall and wind that gradually remove the fertile top soil, leaving the land infertile and uncultivable. (d) Reduction of rainfall With the removal of plants and trees, the amount of transpiration decreases drastically. This decreases water vapour content in the water cycle leading to reduction in rainfall. (e) Loss of robust species that can be used in artificial breeding to improve crops Wild species of plant are able to withstand changes in the environment. It is possible to develop stronger crop varieties with increased resistance to diseases and adverse conditions by cross-breeding with related species. (f) Increase in carbon dioxide level and temperature The carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere increases due to the drastic decreases in photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide, being a greenhouse gas, will trap sunlight and heat in the atmosphere causing a rise in temperature. Increase in temperature is also due to removal of shade provided by the leaves of the trees. (g) Decrease in gene pool The gene refers to the total variety of genes present in a population of plant and animals species in the ecosystem. With deforestation the gene pool decreases due to: - Loss/destruction of natural habitats of plants and animals resulting in reduction in the number and variety of species leading to endangered species and extinction of species. - Destruction of organisms by pesticides such as insecticides, fungicides which are used in agriculture to kill crop pests. These toxic chemicals kill organisms directly or through the food chains. 209 2. Eutrophication - Excessive use of fertlisers in agriculture results in nitrates and phosphates being carried away by water into ponds, lakes and rivers. The water become enrinched with nutrients and this causes rapid and excessive growth of algae on the water surface eutrophication. - This results in overcrowding and prevents penetration of light into water. The weds and the aquatic plants die and aerobic bacteria that decompose them increase in number and deplete oxygen in water. Since there is a reduction of photosynthesis and a decrease in dissolve oxygen available for consumers, both the producer and consumer populations in the aquatic ecosystem fall greatly. - Eutrophication can also be caused by the discharge of untreaded sewage, detergents (containing a lot phosphates) and animal waste into waterways. The organic waste pollutants are also decomposed by aerobic bacteria that deplete oxygen dissolve in water. - One method used to reduce the use of excessive artificial fertilizers is crop rotation. Different crop are grown on the same land in successive years. The two harvested crops, have different mineral requirements and often obtain them from different soil depths. Planting legumes and ploughing the leguminous plants back into the soil after harversting restore nitrogen compounds to the soil. 3. Pest Control - Agriculture promotes monoculture in crop production and in animal production. Because of these pests usually spread rapidly were there are agricultural practices. Therefore, use of insecticides and pesticides is in agriculture.to - Insectcides used in concentrations which seem harmless to man can be poisonous for other organisms like fish and birds. - DDT is a stable, non-biodegradable insecticides that is effective in killing pests and mosquitoes. However, DDT accumulates in the fat deposits of the bodies of consumers in higher trophic levels causing death (a) Birds consuming worms and insects contaminated with DDT from sprayed leave can accumulate lethal doses of DDT. (b) Insecticide may also destroy insect organisms in soil. (c) Insecticides washed off into the rivers and lakes can accumulate to significant amounts to poison fish and other aquatic l life. - Non-biodegradable pesticide are discouraged in many countries. Alternative less harmful but just effective methods used in pesticides are: (a) The use biodegradable organophosphates pesticides which are less harmful to the environment but toxic to man. (b) Biological control which uses a natural predator of the pest to control its numbers. 4. Monoculture: growing of a single species of crop on the same piece of land, year after year - Involves destruction organisms which feed on, compete with or infect the crop plant. This might result in extinction of other animal and plant species. 210 - The balanced life of a natural plant and animal community displaced from farmland and left to survive only in small areas of woodland, heath or hedgerow. 5. Overstocking: keeping of livestock whose number exceeds the carrying capacity of a piece of a piece of land. - Overstocking leads to over grazing which makes grass not to have time to complete its reproductive cycle. Therefore, resulting in some grass species becoming extinct. - Trampling of soil by some hoofed animals result in the soil forming a hard layer and the soil losing its properties. FAMINE Objective: Discuss the problem which contribute to famine such as unequal distribution of food, natural disasters (such as floods and droughts) and increase in population Famine: Lack of food over large geographical areas sufficiently long and severe to cause widespread disease and death from starvation. Problems Which Contribute To Famine: 1. Unequal distribution of food Some geographic feature of areas make food production difficult, therefore such area may remain with minimal chances of food production. Wars have also led to minimal food production in some regions of the continent 2. Increase in population Increase in population lead to increase in demand for food, and usage of land for food production. The rate of population growth often exceeds the rate of food production 3. Natural disasters Droughts – persistent shortage of rainfall over years leads to minimal food production and insufficient foods. Flooding – frequent floods can disturb food production in fields/farms, leading to minimal food production and starvation. 211 Pollution Objective: Describe a cause, effect and control of each of the following types of pollution: air, water and land. Pollution is contamination of air, water, or soil by substances that are harmful to living organisms. A pollutant is a harmful substance which contaminates the environment and causes harm to living organisms in the environment. The consequences of pollution are observed in the effects on living organisms and in possible long term effects on climate. 1. Air Pollution: Type of pollutants a) Sulphur dioxide Source of pollution Burning of fossil fuel. Car exhausts. Natural disasters such as volcano eruptions Effects of pollution Causes acid rain (sulphuric acid formed). Changes pH of soil and water ways. Damages plants leaves Irritates eyes and lungs when breathed in. Aggravates diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. Corrodes metal structures and erodes limestone in buildings and sculptures Causes acid rain (nitric acid formed). Irritates eyes and lungs when breathed in. Nitrogen dioxide combines with smoke in the presence of sunlight to produce destructive photochemical smog. b) Nitrogen Oxide Car exhausts. c) Carbon monoxide Burning of fossil fuels. Car exhaust. 212 Competes with oxygen for haemoglobin and therefore reduces the capacity of blood to carry oxygen. Colourless and Control Coal and Petroleum are treated to remove sulphur. Catalyctic convertors change nitrogen gas before it is released into atmosphere. Catalyctic convertors change carbon monoxide to carbon d) Lead e) Chlorofluorocarbon e) Smoke and dust Anti-knock in petrol Aerosol propellants. Cooling agents in refrigerators and air conditioning. Soot –unburnt carbon particles due to incomplete burning of fossil fuels. From quarries saw mills and asbestos factories. odourless gas –an increase of carbon monoxide level in blood causes death. Causes brain damage in children Breaks down ozone layer and allow more UV radiation to penetrate earth, may increase skin cancer incidence. Absorbs infrared radiation. Cause global warming Blacken buildings, covers plant leaves and reduces rate of photosynthesis. Irritates eyes and lungs when breathed in. Causes lung diseases. dioxide before it is released into atmosphere. Use unleaded petrol Reduce usage in industry Increase efficiency of combustion engines. 2. Water Pollution: Type of pollution Raw sewage Sources of Pollution Artificial Fertilisers Effect of Pollution Human and domestic waste. Detergents rich in phosphates. Farmyard waste. Industrial waste from food processing industries. Excessive use of fertilizer in farming. Encourages eutrophication. Increases population of bacteria and decreases oxygen content in water. Kills fish and aquatic organisms. Bacteria present in sewage can cause disease such as cholera and typhoid in man when the polluted water is consumed. Encourage eutrophication. Increases population of 213 Control Proper sewage disposal and sewage treatment systems. Use bioldegradable washing detergents Use of natural fertilizers. bacteria and decreases oxygen content in water. Soil erosion causes mineral salts to leach away into waterways. Inorganic waste (Toxic Chemical) Mercury Pesticides containing chlorine used in crop protection and control of disease vector such as mosquito Industrial wastes Lead cyanide Industrial waste Minute concentrations may be paralysis. Petroleum Tanker accidents and oil spillage. Clogs respiratiory systems of animals. Kills marine creatures and sea birds. Ruins beaches and destroy marine life. DDT Non-biodegradable. Accumulates in fat tissues of animals along food chains, reaching toxic levels in the consumers of higher trophic levels. Affects nervous system, causes paralysis. 214 Banned Use biodegrable pesticides. Use biological control of pesticides. Proper disposal of waste containing mercury. Proper disposal of waste containing lead cyanide and other toxic chemicals. Effective accident prevention and legislation. Efficient removal of oil slicks by special detergents. 3. Land Pollution: Type of Pollution Refuse/litter e.g. plastic, used paper, Source of Pollution Used plastic bags. Used papers Used cans and bottles Effect of pollution 215 Plastic is not digestible in alimentary canal of animals; blocks the alimentary canal of animals; causes death of animals Litter makes environment to be unattractive. Creates breeding place for disease vectors. Control Proper disposal of litter. Recycling of uses plastic, paper, bottle, can and metal scraps. Conservation Conservation is protection and preservation of natural resources and the environment. Conservation is adynamic process requiring active intervention and management on a global scale. Objective: Discuss reasons for conservation of species with reference to local plants and species Reasons for conservation of wild life species and forests: (a) Economic reasons: Many species of plants are useful sources of oil, fibre, rubber, food(Mowana and Mosukujane),chemicals(pyrethrum) and medicinal drugs(Sengaparile). Pyrethrum is a natural insecticide obtained from the flower of the pyrethrum plant. (b) Ecological reasons: (i) Forests provide many different habitats for living organisms and support a large number and variety of living organisms. (ii) A large gene pool is important in the process of artificial selection of new crops and cattle e.g. crossing a wild grass with a strain of wheat produced an improved variety. (iii) Conserve species for scientific studies and prevent extinction of species. (c) Climatic reasons: Prevent global warming, disruption of water cycle, reduction of rainfall etc. Objective: Find out from the local community which plant and animal have become scarce and why? Use the table below to identify scarce plants in your community and give a reason why they are scarce Plant identified as scarce Reason(s) for being scarce 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 216 Use the table below to identify scarce animals in your community and give a reason why they are scarce Animal identified as scarce Reason(s) for being scarce 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Objective: Investigate threatened species (plants and animals) and the need to conserve them (emphasise examples from Botswana). The table below identifies some of the threatened plants species. Give a reason why they have to be conserved. Plant threatened Reason(s) for being conserved 1. Mosukujane 2. Sengaparile 3. Monepenepe The table below identifies some of the threatened animals species. Give a reason why they have to be conserved. Animal threatened Reason(s) for being conserved 1. Rhino 2. Wild dog 3. Cheetah 217 Some common conservation measures are: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Restriction on the destruction of natural habitats. Replanting of trees(reforestation). Impose and enforce limits on the release of pollutants Preservation of sites of special scientific interest. Educate and raise public awareness of the importance of conservation. Setup organisations to legislate and enforce laws to safeguard environment and prevent deforestation and pollution. (g) Recycling of materials such as cloth, glass, metal, paper. Recycling Objective: discuss reasons for recycling of materials including sewage water, paper, bottles and tins. Reasons for recycling materials: (a) Reduce the usage of the natural resources which can be conserved. For example: recycling paper (which is made from wood pulp) will reduce the amount of timber used, therefore slows down the rate of deforestation. Water from treated sewage can be used as industrial water and for watering plants. The solid waste from treated sewage can be used as a fertilizer for plants. (b) Reduce the amount of waste materials(paper,plastic metals etc) disposed. (c) Conserve fossil fuels. Recycling of materials uses less energy and lower production cost than making new products. It takes far less energy to melt down scrap metal(iron, aluminium) and use it again than to produce it from its metal ore. Project: Objective: Carryout a project to identify natural resources conserved in Botswana 218 BIOTECHNOLOGY Objective:Difine biotechnology as the application of biological organisms, systems or processes to manufacturing and service industries BIOTECHNOLOGY can be defined as the application of biological organisms, systems or processes to manufacturing and service industries. USE OF MICRO-ORGANISMS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY Objective: Explain why micro-organisms are used in biotechnology MICRO – ORGANISMS ARE USED IN BIOTECHNOLOGY Because: They can be grown in large quantities in small vessels Reproduce very fast and products are obtained faster Micro-organism and their production can be produced in small scale trials in laboratories Micro-organisms can be easily genetically manipulated to achieve the desired products Pure products can be cheaply and safely produced by use of simple inorganic products Most bacteria produce extra cellular enzymes and other chemicals, making it easy to extract the products. ROLE OF MICRO-ORGANISMS IN FOOD PRODUCTION *Objective: Investigate the role of micro-organisms in food production e.g. bread, madila , chibuku, single cell protein 1. BREAD (yeast used) Wheat flour, a little sugar and salt, and yeast are mixed with water to form dough. Addition of water and suitable temperature activate amylase present in flour to digest starch into simple sugars, glucose Within the dough the yeast respires the simple sugars ana-erobically for hour at 350C; Alcohol and carbon dioxide are produced. The carbon dioxide makes the dough to rise or expand with bubbles. The risen dough is kneaded and cooked. carbon dioxide is trapped in the dough forming bubbles, this makes the dough to rise. During baking (200oC), yeast is killed, the small amount of ethanol produced evaporates Bubbles of carbon dioxide expand and trap heat in the bread improving its cooking. 219 2. MADILA(bacteria used) At commercial level, a specific species of bacteria is used and the conditions are carefully controlled to assure the quality of the product. First, milk is pasteurized (heated at 72oC for 15 minutes). This process kills most potential pathogenic micro-organisms and those that may interfere with the product quality A starter culture of bacteria (Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgarius) is used in fermentation of milk. The bacteria use the milk as a food source Bacteria turn lactose in milk to lactic acid, lowering pH of milk The milk proteins coagulates at pH 4.4 forming a thick cream of sour milk Fermantation is stopped by reducing temperature of sour milk from 46 OC to 5OC Amount of whey in sour milk can be reduced The product is then sealed in sterilized containers Raw Milk pasteurised Bacteria + milk Milk Proteins Coagulates due due to lactic acid Madila + Whey Madila Whey Removed 220 3. Beer Making (chibuku): Yeast fermentation is used to produce alcohol. A number of cereals are used to provide the sugars needed by yeast in fermentation. During the germination of barley/sorghum grains, enzymes are activated and start the digestion of starch to maltose and glucose. Barley grains germinate for 4 days. Enzymes in the barley digest starch to maltose. The barley is now called malt. Grains are dried at a temperature which kills seeds but do not denature enzymes. The dried grains are crushed (milled) Water is added to the milled malt to form marsh; digestion of starch continues and sugars dissolve in the water. Mash is boiled for 2½ hours to kill bacteria and wild yeast. Mixture is cooled and there is straining of some solids. The liquid filtrate is called wort. Yeast is added to the wort and left to ferment for 24days. Glucose is converted to ethanol, carbon dioxide and energy is released for the yeast Mature Chibuku is put in containers 221 4. SINGLE CELL PROTEIN – (myco protein): Mycoprotein is an example of a ‘single cell’ protein food Whole dried filaments of fungus Fusarium graminearum, produced in a continuous process fermenter. ( it is marked as Quorn, suitable as a meat substitute for humans. The hyphae have the same texture as meat fibres and are tasteless FUSARIUM GRAMINEARUM Cut and coloured to resemble meat GLUCOSE Add meat or Fish flavouring NUTRIENTS (high in nitrogen) Fusarium Graminearum ADVANTAGES OF MYCOPROTEINS Grow fast (doubles its mass every few hours) High in first class proteins and fibre Low in fat, with no cholesterol Rich protein source for vegetarians and vegans. DISADVANTAGES OF MYCOPROTEINS Can be indigestible and taste different May cause gout due to high RNA content. Costly at present. 222 Quorn ROLE OF MICRO – ORGANISM IN FUELS AND CHEMICALS Objective: Investigate the role of micro-organisms in fuels and chemicals e.g. biogas, alcohol, biological enzyme washing powder. 1. BIOGAS (METHANE) Methane is produced by use of anaerobic and methanogenic bacteria. Cow dung, human waete and vegetables waste are fed into an underground fermenter or biodigester. The bacteria digest the proteins, carbohydrate and fats. The anaerobic respiration will lead to production of methane and carbon dioxide. The gas piped to burners for cooking, heating or generating electricity. Gas supply to home gas Inlet Organic waste Enters here 0utlet Ground Discharged slurry used as manure Digestion vessel Organic waste Anaerobic bacteria Methanogenic bacteria Carbohydrates glucose ethanoic acid 223 methane + carbon dioxide 2. ENZYMES Can be produced commercially by fermentation using feedstock such as molasses.. Fungus(e.g. Aspergillus) or bacteria(e.g. Bacillus) are used to produce enzymes. The micro-organisms produce the enzyme in a fermenter. Air and the food to be digested are fed into the fermenter. Mixture coming from fermenter is filtered. Enzymes are then extracted from filtrate collected. They can be used either in solution or trapped in polymer beads (where they are less easily destroyed). USES OF ENZYMES PROCESS WASHING CLOTHES WASHING DISHES ENZYME FROM MICRO-ORGANISM USED Proteases Lipases Amylase CHEESE MAKING Rennin Lipase MEAT TENDERING Proteases PURPOSE Biological washing powders remove stains e.g. blood and fat Dishwasher powder remove starch smears on plates Curdles milk Speed up ripening of Danish blue cheese Begin break of protein fibres. 3. ALCOHOL: As a fuel: The country Brazil, in Southern America, uses ethanol produced by biotechnology from sugar cane as a fuel for their cars. This idea came around in the 1970's when the price of petrol rose to a very high level. Sugar cane, usually used to make sugar for human consumption, was grown. The juices containing sugar are extracted and yeasts are used to ferment the juice to make alcohol (ethanol). The resulting mixture is then distilled to concentrate the percentage of alcohol in the liquid. The waste material left over from the juices are extracted is burnt to supply the heat energy for the distillation process. 224 ROLE OF MICRO-ORGANISMS IN THE PRODUCTION OF MEDICINE SUCH AS Objective: Discuss the role of micro-organisms in the production of medicine such as antibiotics and vaccines 1. ANTI-BIOTICS Penicillin is produced by fungus PENICILLIUM notatum. Penicillin destroys cell walls of a wide range of pathogenic bacteria. As the fungus (Penicillium sp) grows aerobically in the fermenter . It uses up nutrients. Only when the nutrient level falls greatly does the fungus produce penicillin. Production of the antibiotic begins after about 40 hours in the fermenter and reaches its maximum after about 7 days. PENICILLIUM SP GLUCOSE NITRATES AND SULPHATES AIR FILTERING Dry fungus And cell as Animal feed Purify and Modify Penicillin 2. Vaccine: Vaccines have been made for many viral diseases. Vaccines can be made in several ways: Dead pathogens – e.g. whooping cough vaccine Weakened pathogens – oral polio vaccine Genetically engineered fragments – proteins from the pathogen’s surface which are recognized by lymphocytes, e.g. hepatitis B viral coat protein. The products are then made in solution form and are injected into bodies of animals 225 ROLE OF MICRO-ORGANISMS IN GENETIC ENGINEERING *Objective: Discuss the role of micro-organisms in genetic engineering e.g. insulin production, crop plant resistance, gene therapy GENETIC ENGINEERING This is the insertion genes from one species into another in order to produce desirable traits such as production of important substances, to develop resistances to diseases, pests, spoilage, and herbicides etc. General Procedure: Identification and isolation of the gene Insertion of the gene into bacterial plasmid (circular DNA molecules) The bacterium now has acquired the ability to produce the desired product Culture, extraction and purification of the product. E.g. 1. Production of insulin: Restriction enzymes in the bacteria are use to cut the plasmid open to allow the insertion of the insulin gene isolated from human pancreatic cells. The donor DNA is also cut by the restriction enzymes The enzyme ligase splices the human insulin gene into the plasmid to form recombinant plasmid The plasmid is then reintroduced into the bacteria The bacteria acquires the ability to produce insulin Bacteria can then be cultured in large fermenters and the insulin extracted and purified. 226 2. Crop plant resistance Bacillus thuringiensis produces toxin that kills insects by affecting their guts. Several different kinds of crop plants have been genetically engineered to produce this toxin. Some plants have genes that make them resistant to herbicides Agro bacterium tumefacien is an ideal cell for introducing desirable genes for crop resistance into host cell: Restriction enzymes cut desirable gene from the chromosome of a cell of plant that is resistant to herbicides Restriction enzymes in the bacteria are used to cut open the Ti plasmid found in the Agro bacterium so as to allow the insertion of the desirable gene. The enzyme ligase splices the desirable gene into the Ti plasmid to form recombinant plasmid A plant is then infected with the engineered Agro bacterium The Ti plasmid in the Agro bacterium causes formation of cancerous growth (tumour), called a crown gall, on the plant. Each cell in the gall contain the Ti plasmid with the desirable gene in place. Plantlets can then be cultured from small pieces of tissue cut out of the gall. The plantlets carrying the Ti plasmid are transferred to the soil. With the help of the desirable characteristic from the gene, the plantlets grow to form genetically identical mature plants. 3. Gene therapy Gene therapy is an attempt to correct a hereditary disease caused by an inheritance of a defective gene A normal gene is inserted into the defective cells. Identification and isolation of the gene Insertion of the gene into vector (disabled virus or liposome) the virus is introduced into the defective cell virus infects the defective cell the healthy gene repairs the diseased cell Cystic fibrosis is condition caused by lack of cell membrane protein leading to production of a thick, sticky mucus in the air passages The condition is a good candidate for gene therapy: the coat of an influenza virus is uses The disabled virus is sprayed into the passages. How Industries in Botswana can Benefit from Biotechnology 227 *Objective: Discuss how industries in Botswana can benefit from Biotechnology Benefit from Biotechnology: It creates employment Foreign exchange where money is generated by selling the products. Improved general health by drugs (vaccines and antibodies) Conservation of certain resources (using proteins produced from micro-organisms spares grass thus preventing overgrazing. 228