Name: Ezranita Judhitira NIM: 21020084017/CIPE 2021A Summary: Teachers are encouraged to develop their material in addition to using the accessing textbook. The material can be in the form of anything. Anything can be a visual form that teachers can use to facilitate the teaching and learning process. The advantages of using teacher-produced materials are the functional context that can fulfil students’ needs, the materials are more personal and is timeliness. However, there are also disadvantages to using teacher-produced materials. The burdens are less organized material, time-consuming for teachers, and the quality may be lower than the published textbook. When teachers want to develop their material, they need to consider these factors: material that should be aligned with the curriculum, teachers’ competence, copyright compliance, and time. There are guidelines for teachers who want to develop their teaching materials. The guidelines are: the material must be contextualized in terms of the curriculum and topics, it must stimulate interactions, promote learning strategies, focus on form and function, offer opportunities for integrated language use, provide authentic texts and tasks, attractive, have appropriate instructions, and encourage language use beyond the classroom. Teachers can use a Corpus-based approach to help them develop the materials. Even though there are some disadvantages and obstacles, it is still worth trying and worth doing. The new insight is that teachers sometimes depend on published textbook materials. Still, teachers must also be creative to produce their teaching materials that can be specified and fulfil students’ needs.