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English Vocabulary Test B

Ім’я та прізвище: __________________________________________________________
Клас: ____
1 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
1 My friends and I often go shopping or to the cinema to chill ______.
2 Julia is a very outgoing person and she gets ______ well with everybody.
3 My brother is very sad – he’s just broken ______ with his girlfriend.
4 It’s one of my household chores to put ______ the rubbish.
5 Bye! Please keep ______ touch!
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6 Mr Jones is the best teacher in our school and definitely a person to look up ______.
2 Read the questions and write the correct words.
What do you call:
1 a child who doesn’t have any brothers or sisters? ______ ______
2 a boy or girl who is growing into a man or a woman? ______
3 your brothers and/or sisters? ______
4 a man who helps the groom during the wedding? ______ ______
5 a child who was made a part of a family by law? ______ ______
6 a person who lives next-door? ______
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7 a woman who is getting married? ______
3 Translate the Ukrainian parts of the sentences into English.
1 What (є пенсійний вік) ___________________ in Ukraine?
2 I had lots of homework to do, so I decided to (налаштувати будильник) ___________________ for 5 am to do it in the
3 It’s so frustrating – my parents always (стають на бік мого брата) ___________________ when we have an argument.
4 Their marriage wasn’t happy, so they decided to (розлучитися) ___________________.
5 Do you enjoy (розв’язувати кросворди) ___________________?
6 (Вітаю) ___________________ your new baby boy! He’s so sweet.
7 He was a good-looking man (за п’ятдесят) ___________________.
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4 Complete the text with the correct words. The first letters have been given.
I don’t really enjoy the company of my cousin, Kate. We’re not closely related – she’s a (1) d__________ cousin.
Although she’s already (2) t__________ 18, she is still very (3) i__________ and childish – she does not behave like
an adult person. It is really annoying to listen to her – she keeps going on about a (4) g__________ card she got from
her boyfriend for her birthday, make-up and discos. I’m glad we only see each other once or twice a year, as we
are (5) c__________ opposites and do not have anything in common.
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5 Complete the second sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. Do not
change the word given.
1 Betty decided to make herself cleaner and tidier before she went to meet her boyfriend. UP
Betty decided to __________________ before she went to meet her boyfriend.
2 Parents should always try to understand their children’s opinions, even if they think the opinions are
unreasonable. AGAINST
Parents should always try to understand their children’s opinions, even if they are __________________.
3 My father worked for this company for 35 years so when he retired, he was given a large amount of money
as a reward. GOLDEN
My father worked for this company for 35 years so when he retired, he was given a __________________.
4 When Peter started to date Paul’s ex-girlfriend, they began to hate each other. SWORN
When Peter started to date Pau’s ex-girlfriend, they became __________________.
5 I had a fight with my teenage son, and he isn’t speaking to me right now. SILENT
I had a fight with my teenage son, and he’s __________________ right now.
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TOTAL: ___ /20
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