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Mini Painters Ng Bayan Program Description

M.P.N.B: Mini Painters Ng Bayan
Summarization: This program aims to help younger kids ages 7 to 15, to express their love for
God and for art.
The title of the program is M.P.N.B which stands for Mini Painters Ng Bayan. Mini Painters Ng
Bayan is for helping young painters ages 7 to 15 years old, express and show their love for God
and their creativity in painting. Art is a way people express their emotions and talk without using
their actual voices. And especially nowadays, Filipino kids are using art to express their feelings
more and are extremely talented when it comes to art. In this program, we will help Filipino kids
showcase their artistry.
Our goal for M.P.N.B is to help our mini painters showcase their talents when it comes to
painting. This program is also open for new painters who want to try painting for the very first
time, to help them find their skills and talents. M.P.N.B. is also an opportunity for mini painters to
meet new friends with whom they have a common interest in art. Mini painters are free to paint
anything their heart desires and be creative as much as they want to be. After the painters finish
all of their paintings, the finished products will be displayed in our barangay’s mini-art exhibition.
Everyone is allowed to enter the Barangay’s Art Exhibition and see our mini painter’s amazing
paintings. The visitors are allowed to buy any paintings that catch their eye, And all of the
money will be used for donations to the church and to people in need like orphanages and
adoption centers. The kids will help with giving donations to the churches and to the orphanages
to help them have wisdom in helping the less fortunate.
Remember, it is important for kids to express themselves and to showcase their talents and
passion for something they truly love to do. Giving them the wisdom to help the less fortunate,
can help our kids to understand the value of helping other people. I would like to end this note
with a bible verse “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” from Philippians 4:13.
Always have faith in God because in him, anything is truly possible. Believe in your skills and
talents and never back down on a challenge because God gave you that challenge for you to be
stronger and grow as a person. Always remember that when it comes to God, nothing is