Instrument and Control Lab Exam using NI Multisim submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of ETZC344-Instrumentation and Control by Name: Shridhara N (ID NO:201718BT578) WORK INTEGRATED LEARNING PROGRAM DIVISION BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, PILANI Fourth Semester 2019 -2020 BITS Pilani Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad LAB EXAM: Problem 2 Lab exam, Problem Description T h e o r e ti c a l C a l c u l a ti o n • Vout= -R2/R1* Vin= A*Vin – • Taken Assumption R1=1K ohm and R2 = 5K ohm Vout= -(5k/1k)*3V= -15V • As per given problem statement Gain 5. – Since theoretical Calculation and Practical output is same, It is proved. 180 degree phase shift you can observe in this R e s u l ts Input 3v Sinusoidal voltage Output voltage with 180degree phase shift S ave d F i l e Pa t h i n N e t wo rk f o l d e r. Instrument and Control Lab Exam using NI Multisim submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of ETZC344-Instrumentation and Control by Name: Shridhara N (ID NO:201718BT578) WORK INTEGRATED LEARNING PROGRAM DIVISION BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, PILANI Fourth Semester 2019 -2020 BITS Pilani Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad Thank you