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Nawal Pandit
Jonesboro, AR | 870-938-5985 | nawal.pt19@gmail.com | http://www.linkedin.com/in/nawalpandit
Passionate design and development enthusiast dedicated to creating visually captivating experiences. Eager to thrive in a
dynamic team, aspiring to contribute creativity and a keen design eye to elevate projects within a vibrant environment.
Arkansas State University
Bachelor's of Science In Digital Technology and Design with an emphasis in Mobile App
Development (GPA 3.63 / 4)
Jonesboro, AR
Graduation Date: Dec
Nov 2023 - Present
Product Designer
Lead design initiatives for a startup Fitness Tracking App, taking charge of crafting engaging user experiences.
Collaborate closely with developers to ensure a cohesive integration of design and development, contributing to the
codebase using Swift.
Arkansas State University
Jonesboro, AR
Admissions Analyst
May 2022 - Present
Provide personalized assistance to new international and domestic students, addressing inquiries and overseeing the
accurate and efficient processing of admission documents.
Organize and actively contribute to international and domestic recruitment events, as well as new student
orientations, fostering engagement and a positive onboarding experience.
Jonesboro, AR
Software - Xcode, UIKit, Figma
Nov 2023 - Present
Initiated and designed the simple UI for the onboarding and login screens using Figma. Additionally, crafted a
dynamic launch screen animation using UIKit. Ongoing efforts towards refining and enhancing various elements as
the app gears up for launch in the coming months.
Sneakers App (Personal Project)
Jonesboro, AR
Oct 2023 - Present
Software - Xcode, SwiftUI, Figma
Initiated the design and development of the first page for the Sneakers app, currently a work in progress.
Demonstrated proficiency in crafting a visually appealing and user-friendly homepage, with a focus on clean coding
practices to ensure a seamless experience.
To Do List App (Personal Project)
Jonesboro, AR
Software - Xcode, SwiftUI, Figma
Sep 2023 - Oct 2023
Designed and developed a To-Do List app using the MVVM architecture, prioritizing a clean and intuitive user
interface. Implemented efficient task management functionalities to enhance user experience and streamline
Sneaker Store Landing Page (Personal Project)
Jonesboro, AR
Jul 2023 - Jul 2023
Software - Figma
Created an interactive Sneaker Store landing page with Figma, featuring dynamic elements such as sliders and
engaging visuals to enhance user experience and showcase product highlights
Programming Languages: Swift, Python, C#, HTML, Kotlin
Design Tools: Figma, Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Sketch, Adobe XD, InVision, Canva
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