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Responsible Liquor Service Quiz - Saskatchewan Duty of Care

Question 1| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 6 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
A customer who arrived at your workplace appears to be intoxicated. How can you do your duty
of care?
Call the police and ask them to take the customer
Do not allow the customer in to your place of work or event. You do not need to do
anything to help them
Ask the customer for the name of the place that over-served him
Call a taxi or a sober (someone who is not intoxicated) friend or family member and ask
them to give the customer a ride home
Question 2| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 2 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Which of the following is an example of a primary service provider?
Food and beverage server
All of the above
Question 3| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 1 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Which of the following is an example of a secondary service provider?
Host or hostess
Food and beverage server
Question 4| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 3 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Duty of care means...
The identification of danger or harm
Your responsibility to not serve liquor
Your responsibility to your customers to make sure liquor is sold or served in a safe and
responsible way
All of the above
Question 5| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 5 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
What proactive steps can you take to prevent forseeable harm and carry out your duty of care?
Offer to call a taxi, a sober friend or family member of the customer
Always ask for ID from customers who appear to be under 25 years old
Do not allow customers who are minors or who appear intoxicated to enter the premises
Say "No" to customers who appear to be intoxicated, but try to buy more liquor
Question 6| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 3 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
You must do what you can to prevent foreseeable harm to customers who have been drinking,
even after they leave.
Question 7| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 2 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
What is the legal drinking age in Saskatchewan?
Question 8| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 4 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
If you do not do your duty of care to your customers, you could:
Lose your Drivers Licence
Be held legally responsible for any harm or damage they may cause
Be suspended from your job for up to one week
Expect that your tips will be small
Evaluator Marked
Question 1| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 10 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
I can be legally responsible or liable for what I do or do not do to keep customers, property and
others safe.
Question 2| Answered: Yes| Score: 0| Time Spent: 10 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
A minor (someone under 19 years old) can fix a broken piece of equipment in a bar or nightclub
where minors are not allowed to be (minors prohibited areas).
Question 3| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 16 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
When does your duty of care to your customers begin?
When they are getting ready to leave
When they enter your workplace
After they have finished their first drink
When they start to show signs of intoxication
Question 4| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 20 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
In this program, duty of care means that you have a responsibility to your customers to make
sure liquor is sold or served in a safe and responsible way. It means that you must make sure
that no one is hurt because of the way you've done your job.
Question 5| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 21 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Which of the following statements puts you and your employer at risk of liability if you do not do
your duty of care to your customers?
A customer is nodding her head in time to the music
A customer is laughing very loudly
A customer has too much to drink and falls while walking
All of the above
Question 6| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 28 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Which of the following statements DOES NOT put you and your employer at risk of liability if you
do not do your duty of care to your customers?
A customer is laughing very loudly
A customer has too much to drink and falls while walking
A customer trips over some broken floor
A customer drinks 5 drinks in 30 minutes and then drives away in his car
A customer starts yelling and swearing at people at another table
Question 7| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 29 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Your customer is showing signs of having had too much to drink. She pays her bill, stands up
and loses her balance. When you ask if she is okay, she mumbles and drops her purse. She
then pulls her car keys from her purse, stumbles and pushes past you as she makes her way to
the door. Which of the following is the best step that you can take to do your duty of care for this
Offer to call a sober family member, friend or a taxi to drive her home
Monitor the customer's rate of drinking
Slow down or stop service
Prevent her from leaving your workplace
Question 8| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 21 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Which of the following are proactive steps that you can take in a case where a minor has entered
a Minors Prohibited establishment such as a nightclub and wants to be served liquor?
Ask the customer for valid ID
Ask the customer to leave
Do not serve the customer
Ask the customer if they are meeting an adult
Question 9| Answered: Yes| Score: 0| Time Spent: 20 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
____________ is any danger that you can reasonably expect or imagine happening because of
what is taking place now.
A sign of intoxication
Criminal activity
Foreseeable harm
Question 10| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 19 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Foreseeable harm is a danger that cannot be prevented.
Question 11| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 30 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Which of the following is a foreseeable harm that cannot be prevented by staff or volunteers?
A customer drives home from your place of work after having several drinks and is
involved in a collision. The customer is charged with impaired driving.
A customer is drinking and being very loud. Her comments and behaviour disturbs the
customers who are sitting nearby and they are becoming angry.
A customer chokes on a piece of food while eating.
A customer gets intoxicated and starts a fight with another customer.
Question 12| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 40 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
If your workplace has a Tavern Permit such as a bar, minors are not allowed to enter the
premises while liquor is being sold unless they are doing emergency maintenance.
Question 13| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 12 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
It is against the law to sell or serve liquor to someone whom you suspect is intoxicated or high on
Question 14| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 24 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
The security staff at your bar have escorted a group of customers out the door because they
appeared intoxicated and were bothering your other customers. Two of them come back and
demand to be let back in. What does the law allow you to do?
Serve them on the outdoor patio
Let them back in if they promise to behave
Physically threaten them
Refuse to let them enter and call the police if they do not leave
Question 15| Answered: Yes| Score: 0| Time Spent: 20 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Which of the following is NOT controlled by law in Saskatchewan?
Hours of sale and consumption
Removing liquor from permitted premises
Entertainment on premises
Height and width of bar service area
Product promotions
Liquor delivery
Liquor sales to minors
Question 16| Answered: Yes| Score: 0| Time Spent: 97 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
What are some of the things that could happen if a permitted premises does not follow the law
and/or SLGA policies? SLGA could:
Fire or dismiss the staff
Issue a fine
Suspend or cancel the liquor permit
Take evidence (such as receipts, records, incident logs, liquor samples) without providing
a copy or receipt
Issue a warning to the permitee
Put conditions on the liquor permit
Question 17| Answered: Yes| Score: 0| Time Spent: 7 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
It is against SLGA policy to serve liquor that was produced in a U-Brew or U-Vin.
Question 1| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 9 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
When a customer switches between beer, wine and spirits, they will get intoxicated faster.
Question 2| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 4 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Which organ does a person's body use to process the alcohol he or she has consumed?
Question 3| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 6 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
The amount of pure alcohol in one drink depends on the percentage of alcohol in the liquor used
and the size of the serving.
Question 4| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 13 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
What is the only way to sober up a person who is intoxicated?
Feed them steak and coffee
Get them outside for a run
Give their body time to process the alcohol
Get them to drink a lot of water
Question 5| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 26 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
You have two customers who are drinking together. Both have had two bottles (341 mL) of beer.
When you check with them, one wants another beer but the other one wants a single 1.5 oz (43
mL) shot of whiskey. They order the same thing later. Based only on the amount and types of
liquor they drank, which of these customers would have had more alcohol?
The customer who drank only beer
The customers would be the same
The customer who drank beer and then switched to whiskey
Question 6| Answered: Yes| Score: 0| Time Spent: 6 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
In Canada, a standard drink is any drink that has ______ oz. of pure alcohol in it.
Question 7| Answered: Yes| Score: 0| Time Spent: 12 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
The best way to keep track of how much a customer has had to drink is to count the glasses that
you have delivered to the table.
Evaluator Marked
Question 1| Answered: Yes| Score: 0| Time Spent: 8 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
A baby can be born with FASD if a pregnant woman drinks alcohol.
Question 2| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 2 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
FASD can be cured.
Question 3| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 12 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
What is the best thing a pregnant woman can do to protect her unborn baby from FASD?
Drink no alcohol for the first 6 months of the pregnancy
Drink no alcohol during the pregnancy
Drink only on special occasions until the baby is born
Drink only a small amount of alcohol every day
Question 4| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 13 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
According to Canada's Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines, women should have no more than two
drinks a day, 10 per week, with an extra drink allowed on special occasions.
Question 5| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 4 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
According to Canada's Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines, men should have no more than three
drinks a day, 15 per week, with an extra drink allowed on special occasions.
Question 6| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 20 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Which of the following is a side effect that can happen if a person has too many energy drinks
mixed with alcohol?
High or irregular heart rate and heart palpitations
Alcohol poisoning
All of the above
Question 7| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 34 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
A person who is binge drinking drinks a lot of liquor on one occasion.
Question 1| Answered: Yes| Score: 0| Time Spent: 14 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
As a server, you should recommend to your customers that they determine their blood alcohol
concentration by using a BAC chart to determine if it is safe for them to drive.
Question 2| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 33 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
You have just served your customer a double rum and coke. You see him take some pills and
then drink half of the drink you just served. He notices you watching and says, "These are just
some pain killers my doctor gave me for my knee. No worries! They go down easier with rum".
What should you do?
Call the police to report a potentially dangerous driver
Take his drink away and ask him to leave
Monitor him for signs of intoxication
Ask to see his prescription
Question 3| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 8 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
People who are larger, heavier and muscular, will generally show the effects of alcohol more
slowly than someone who is thin, light and small.
Question 4| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 38 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
A customer enters your premises. You notice that she walks with difficulty and that her speech is
not clear. As you continue to watch her, you notice that her friends have to help her sit down in
her chair. Can you be sure that this person is definitely intoxicated?
Question 5| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 11 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
Which one of the following best describes a person who is intoxicated?
They are laughing too much
They have problems opening a door
They smell of alcohol and have difficulty keeping their balance
They talk quietly and mumble
Question 6| Answered: Yes| Score: 1| Time Spent: 13 seconds | Category: Uncategorized
When looking for signs of intoxication, you need to be aware of:
How much the customer has had to drink
Your customer's body type and weight
How quickly the customer is drinking
All of the above
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