Find the detailed version of this roadmap Related Roadmaps along with resources and other roadmaps Backend Roadmap Software Design Roadmap https : // Backend roadmap till Language Selection DevOps Roadmap Important Note / Click here Python Type Casting, Exceptions Basic Syntax Variables and Data Types Learn the Basics Functions, Builtin Functions Conditionals Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries RegEx Datastructures and Algorithms Iterators Decorators Arrays and Linked Lists Lambdas Heaps, Stacks and Queues Advanced Topics OOP Classes Hash Tables Inheritance Modules Binary Search Trees Methods, Dunder Builtin Recursion Custom Sorting Algorithms Package Managers PyPI Django Pip Flask Conda Pyramid Learn a Framework List Comprehensions Generator Expressions FastAPI gevent Paradigms aiohttp Tornado doctest Sanic nose pytest unittest / pyUnit Testing your Apps For ecosystem and more, check other tracks involving Python Backend Roadmap Synchronous DevOps Roadmap Asynchronous