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Shifat Farhana Khan - Banking Resume

House # 339 (2nd floor), Road # 03, Baitul Aman Housing Society (Adabor), Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207,
Bangladesh. Cell : +8801714010587. shifat.fkhan@gmail.com
Career synopsis:
I have been working for Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. (MTB) for more than sixteen years, starting from
December, 2007 to till now. I have acquired in-depth knowledge on financial sector of Bangladesh
including micro and macro-economic business environment. I have expertise in cash management, antimoney laundering (AML), client onboarding including SMEs and corporate clients, local clearing and
payments framework, credit operations, trade business including cross-border import and export
business, prevention of trade-based money laundering, and performance management and evaluation,
training and supervision of employees.
Mutual Trust Bank Limited (MTB)
1. Customer Service Manager, Mohammadpur Branch, December 2019 – Present
 Acting as lead point of contact for any customer queries that occur at the branch level.
 Continuously monitoring the deposit portfolio with a key focus on maintaining the ideal CASA deposit mix.
 Supervising around 8,000 bank accounts of one full-fledged branch with deposit portfolio of BDT
 Delegating responsibilities, and evaluating performance of thirteen employees as their direct supervisor.
2. Customer Service Manager, Corporate Branch, Feb 2018 – Dec 2019
 Acting as lead point of contact for any customer queries that occur at the branch level.
 Continuously monitoring the deposit portfolio with a key focus on maintaining the ideal CASA deposit mix.
 Supervising around 12,000 bank accounts of one full-fledged branch and two sub-branches with deposit
portfolio of BDT 3550Million.
Delegating responsibilities, and ensuring best service to the customers as well as walking and regular
 Credit-In-Charge, Mohammadpur Branch,
June 2013 – Feb 2018
 Led a team of five members and managed more than fifty clients including Modern Diagnostics Ltd. (a
renowned Hospital and diagnostic center in Bangladesh) and Hatil Complex Ltd. with credit facilities
having portfolio size of BDT 700 Million
Prepared credit notes, analyzed financial statements and reviewed credit applications.
3. General Banking In-Charge, Bashandhara City Branch,
May-2007–June 2013
 Received training in all vital areas of Banking Operations including General Banking Department,
Credit operations and Trade Service operations for both local and foreign trade.
 Monitoring all kinds of account opening related jobs and customer service related activities for a better
support to a vast number of clients.
 Trainings :
Sl. No
Workshop on �Money Laundering Prevention and Combating the Financing of
Training Program on �Green Banking
Awareness program on “Information & Cyber Security”
“Risk Awareness Program (RAP)”
Zoom based end-user training on “Know Your Customer (KYC) and Extensive
Customer Searching in AML&CFT Compliance Solution
National University:
Masters of Commerce in Management.
 Year of Passing -1999
 Academics Result: Second Class.
National University
Bachelors of Commerce
 Year of Passing -1995
 Academics Result: Second Division
Chartered Accountant Course Completed on 01-05-2000.
Language Skills : Fluent in English (IELTS Score: Overall 5.5) and Bengali
Software Skills: Professionally adept in Office including Microsoft Excel and Web application.