Market Evidence on the Effective Maturity of Bank Assets and Liabilities Author(s): Mark J. Flannery and Christopher M. James Source: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking , Nov., 1984, Vol. 16, No. 4, Part 1 (Nov., 1984), pp. 435-445 Published by: Ohio State University Press Stable URL: REFERENCES Linked references are available on JSTOR for this article: You may need to log in to JSTOR to access the linked references. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at Wiley and Ohio State University Press are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Money, Credit and Banking This content downloaded from on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:17:04 +00:00 All use subject to MARK J. FLANNERY CHRISTOPHER M. JAMES Market Evidence on the Effective Maturity of Bank Assets and Liabilities THE RECENT YEARS' increase in interest rate volatility has intensified concern over the exposure of commercial banks to interest rate or "funding" risk. Since the effect of interest rate changes on the equity value of a bank depends on the maturity or duration of the bank's assets and liabilities, assessing an individual bank's interest rate risk exposure requires information about the maturity composition of its portfolio. It is difficult, however, to assess a bank's risk exposure from balance sheet data because several important asset and liability items have theoretically ambiguous effective maturities. In a frictionless market, a security's effective maturity will equal its stated maturity (or time to repricing). With market imperfections (e.g., depositors' transaction or information costs), however, the equilibrium cost of some deposit items may respond sluggishly or incompletely to market rate changes (see Hester and Pierce 1975 or Flannery 1982). Such liabilities' market values (discounted at market rates) would therefore fluctuate with the level of interest rates. These liabilities are sometimes called "core deposits," which manifest "sticky" responses to market rate changes. We define an asset or liability's "effective maturity" as the maturity of a fixed rate, perfectly elastically supplied security with the same market-value elasticity as the bank balance sheet item under consideration. Naturally, a balance sheet item's effective maturity is the relevant determinant of its contribution to the bank's overall interest rate risk sensitivity. Kathi Martell, Diane Mayer, and Sally Collier provided excellent research assistance in conjunction with this project. The authors also benefited from the comments of seminar participants at the University of North Carolina, Washington University, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, and two anonymous referees. A portion of this study was undertaken while the first author was research adviser at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and the second author was a consultant to the Comptroller of the Currency. The views expressed here in no way represent those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia or the Comptroller of the Currency. MARK J. FLANNERY is associate professor of finance, University of North Carolina. CHRISTOPHER M. JAMES is associate professor of finance, University of Oregon. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol. 16, No. 4 (November 1984, Part 1) Copyright (C) 1984 by the Ohio State University Press This content downloaded from on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:17:04 +00:00 All use subject to 436 : MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING Reported bank income and balance sheet data are inadequate for inferring individual bank liabilities' interest rate adjustment characteristics. We have therefore employed stock price data to infer the effective maturities of four items with ambiguous stated maturities: demand deposits, regular savings accounts, small denomination time deposits, and cash asset items. Because these items comprise a substantial proportion of bank assets and liabilities (on net over 37 percent of total U.S. banking assets at year-end 1981), their effective maturities play an important role in assessing bank interest rate risk exposure. These deposit items are payable on short notice, implying their effective maturities may be very short. On the other hand, the core deposit concept maintains that at least some bank deposits with short stated maturities are relatively inelastic with respect to market interest rate changes. Their contribution to bank interest rate risk exposure may therefore resemble that of a longer-term, fixed-rate security. Our methodology for inferring effective maturities involves a two-stage procedure. First, we estimate the relation between interest rate changes and the common stock returns of commercial banks. This step provides a measure of the interest rate sensitivity of bank equity values. The second stage of our analysis documents a highly significant cross-sectional relationship between measured interest rate sensitivities and balance sheet composition. To infer the effective maturities of our four uncertain balance sheet items, we test hypotheses that they affect bank stock prices in the same way as balance sheet items with known maturities. Our evidence strongly supports the view that a substantial proportion of bank deposit balances behave as core deposits despite their short- stated maturities. This paper is organized as follows. Section l describes and explains the procedure used to estimate bank interest rate sensitivity. We describe our stock price data, then report regression results for a portfolio of banks and for the individual banks. Section 2 explains cross-sectional variation in bank interest rate sensitivities using balance sheet data. We test several hypotheses about the effective maturities of demand deposits, small time deposits, savings accounts, and cash assets. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of our results for measuring banks' interest rate risk exposure. 1. THE SENSITIVITY OF BANK STOCK PRICES TO MARKET INTEREST RATES Financial firms hold primarily nominal assets and liabilities: assets and liabilities with prespecified dollar payments at predetermined future dates. ' The impact, therefore, of changes in market interest rates on the common stock value of these firms will depend on the maturity composition (in the sense of "time to repricing") of their assets and liabilities. As an extreme example, consider an unlevered firm whose only asset is a consol. If all earnings are promptly paid out as dividends, the firm's stock price should move precise;ly with the consol's market value. More generally, a 'For the banks in our sample, nominal assets account for about 98 percent of total bank assets; equity constitutes about 6 percent. This content downloaded from on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:17:04 +00:00 All use subject to MARK J. FLANNERY AND CHRISTOPHER M. JAMES : 437 bank's common stock will be priced like a bond whose duration equals the average net duration of its assets and liabilities. This observation allows us to infer the maturity of selected bank balance sheet items, provided we have interest rate sensitivity estimates for a sample of individual banks. . . We estlmate t le lnterest rate sensitivity of a bank's common stock with the following model: RJ, = POJ + mJRMf + ,S,JR,, + £J,, (1) where Rj, = the holding period return on the jth bank stock over period t Rmt = the holding period return on an equally weighted portfolio of common stocks over period t R,, = the holding period return on a constant maturity index of default free bonds over period t. Our primary concern is with jlXlJ the estimated effect of interest rate changes on the jth bank's stock. The coefficient on the common stock index, ,BmJ, is included only to control for the effects of shocks other than interest rates on the bank's market value.2 In this study, equation (1) was estimated using weekly returns data for the period from January 1, 1976, to November 1, 1981. Weekly common stock returns were obtained for a sample of sixty-seven commercial banking firms from the Data Resources Incorporated (D1tI) Security Price File. Banks were included in the sample if they met the following criteria: (1) they traded at least weekly during the period from January 1976 through November 1981; (2) they had an identifiable lead bank (in the case of multibank holding companies); (3) the lead bank was large enough to file the large bank supplement to the FDIC Call Report in each sample year. Only banks that traded every week during the sample period were included to avoid biased coefficient estimates due to infrequent trading3 (see Dimson 1979). Only bank holding companies with an identifiable lead bank were included in the by ,S,,. (This situation is similar to the difference between a partial derivative and a total derivative.) To determine if our cross-section results are sensitive to how the model (1) is specified, we orthogonalized the bond and stock return series and reestimated (1); that is, we calculated Rmt as the residuals from the model Rmt = lSo + 8XRst + Ht and then substituted Rmt for Rmt in (1). The resulting cross-section conclusions were similar to those reported in section 2 below. The same cross-section conclusions also follow when (1) is estimated using R,tt, and R,*, where R,* is the residuals from the model R,, = 70 + rYlRmt + , 3Transactions prices (as opposed to dealer quotes) were used in constructing the return series. DRI's Securities Price File contains trading information as well as closing prices for securities traded over the counter and on the major exchanges. This content downloaded from on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:17:04 +00:00 All use subject to 438 : MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING sample so that balance sheet items obtained from the lead bank's call report would adequately reflect the holding company's balance sheet composition. (For bank holding companies included in our sample, the lead bank constituted on average about 84 percent of the holding company's total banking assets.) It was required that the lead bank file the large bank supplement because the supplement contains detailed information on bank asset and liability maturities. The market portfolio return and interest rate indexes were also obtained from DRI. The equity market index employed in this study was the weekly return on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) composite index. (Substituting the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ) composite index for the NYSE had no substantial effect on the results.) For the interest rate index, holding period returns on United States Treasury or Federally guaranteed debt were used in order to avoid return fluctuations due solely to changes in default premiums. We used three alternative interest rate series to assure the robustness of our results: 1. The return on Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) 8 percent certificates, calculated as the weekly holding period return using the offer price of the most recently issued GNMA 8 percent certificate at the close of trading on Friday of each week (denoted RGNMA) 2. The weekly percentage change in yield to maturity on an index of seven-year government bonds (denoted RG7)-4 3. The return on one-year Treasury bills, calculated as the weekly holding period return using the offer price at the close of trading on Friday of each week (denoted RTB ) Note that these holding period return series move inversely with the level of market rates (calculated as yield to maturity). Of course, a bank's stock price will react primarily to unanticipated changes in market rates, which means that the relevant measure of RJ, should follow a white-noise process. To ensure that we include only unanticipated bond returns, we estimated an AR(3) model for each alternative interest rate series employed and estimated (1) using the autocorrelation model's residuals.5 Results for the raw returns were virtually identical to those reported here. (See Flannery and James (1984) for additional discussion of this estimation procedure . ) Table 1 reports the results of estimating equation (1) for an equally weighted portfolio of commercial bank stocks. These estimates strongly support our interpretation of ,X3, as a measure of interest rate sensitivity. Regardless of the bond index used, interest rate movements are significantly correlated with the common stock 4The yield relative was calculated as the negative of [(y, - y,_ ,)/y, ,], where y, is the yield to maturity. This expression overstates the bond's holding-period return, which is (1 - e-m") [(y,, - y,)/y, ,] for a bond initially selling at par, where m is the bond's remaining term to maturity. sAs noted below, we used three alternative bond return series: one-year Treasury bills, GNMA certificates, and a constant-maturity government bond. The AR(3) model was chosen because the one-year Treasury bill returns showed that the first three autocorrelates were significantly different from zero (at the 0.01 level). The AR(3) model was estimated for the GNMA and government bond returns series for consistency. This content downloaded from on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:17:04 +00:00 All use subject to MARK J. FLANNERY AND CHRISTOPHER M. JAMES : 439 TABLE 1 ESTIMATES OF INTEREST RATE SENSITIVITY: RCB, = /30 + /3MRMt + /3SRSt + E, Index RGNMA ,Bo ,sm ,BS R2 0.002 0.556 0.133 (0.001) (0.030) (0.038) D-W 0.57 1.74 RG7 0.002 0.560 0.069 (0.001) (0.031) (0.027) 0.56 1.73 RTB 0.001 0.555 0.515 (0.001) (0.031) (0. 160) 0.57 1.73 NOTES: Standard elTors are sn parentheses. RCB,, IS the weekly return on the portfollo of commerclal bank stocks. returns of commercial banks. (,X3, > O indicates a positive relation between bond and stock returns or a negative relation between interest rates and stock returns.) The magnitude of ,X3, varies with the return series employed because bond prices (and hence weekly returns) fluctuate more the longer is the bond's maturity. The estimated ,X3ms are stable across the three regressions, and the hypothesis of zero autocorrelation cannot be rejected.6 To obtain the dependent variables for our cross-section analysis, we estimated (1) for each bank individually over the 1976-81 sample period. Because the dependent variable in Table 1 is the return on an equally weighted portfolio of bank stocks, the mean interest rate coefficient for individual banks equals the ,X3, reported in Table 1. The median ,X3IJ iS 0.507 for RTB, O. 131 for RGNMA, and 0 049 for RG7 These three sets of ,X3IJ were used in the cross-sectional analysis as alternative measures of bank interest rate sensitivity. 2. MAKING INFERENCES FROM THE ESTIMATED ,(S,, Grove (1974) demonstrates that the effect of an interest rate change on the value of equity will depend on the relation between the value-weighted duration of the firm's assets and liabilities. A short-funded bank's (i.e., a bank with value-weighted duration of assets greater than the value-weighted duration of liabilities) equity will move inversely with interest rates (and vice versa for a long-funded bank). There- fore, a ceteris paribus increase in the proportion of long assets should raise ,X3IJ, whereas an increase in the proportion of long-term liabilities will lower it. In this paper, we assume that each bank's estimated ,X3IJ reflects the market's assessment of its maturity gap. Using detailed data on balance sheet composition we can then compare the uncertain balance sheet items with items whose effective maturities are known. Methodology For each of the sixty-seven bank and bank holding company stocks analyzed in section 1, we obtained balance sheet data from the March 31 FDIC Report of 6The results in Table 1 are not substantially affected if ( 1) is estimated using excess returns (above the holding period yield on a thirty-day Treasury bill) instead of gross unadjusted returns. We also bisected the six-year sample period and did a Chow test: the hypothesis that equation (1) is homogeneous across the entire period could not be rejected. This content downloaded from on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:17:04 +00:00 All use subject to 440 : MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING Condition for 1976 through 1981. These data are assumed to be indicative of the bank's balance sheet position for the entire year. A potential source of error arises because stock price data in many instances are for the bank holding company, whereas gap measures are computed only for the lead bank. Our sample selection techniques should minimize the effects of this error since we included only holding companies with a large, well-defined lead bank. To the extent that sample bank holding companies differ systematically in their nonbanking activities, however, our results may be affected. A second problem could arise if banks have substantial "off-balance sheet" activities that generate fee income. Interest rate fluctuations may then change the present value of anticipated fee income, conveying an interest sensitivity to bank equity unrelated to its balance sheet structure. (This effect will be small, however, if fees represent a real income flow and real interest rate changes are relatively small.) In the ensuing analysis, we assume that the predominant reason for cross-sectional differences in bank interest rate sensitivity is the composition of the assets and liabilities recorded in the call reports. The call report format makes it most convenient and accurate to use one year as the dividing line between "long" and "short" securities. Any item that matures or is repriced within one year was considered short term. Although most asset and liability items can be sorted unambiguously into the "over one year" or "under one year" category, several prominent items cannot. The ambiguity arises because market imperfections might make some security supplies relatively insensitive to changes in the market rate. The most important of these are demand deposits, savings (passbook) accounts, time deposits under $100,000, and cash assets (including Federal Reserve and other "due from" demand balances, vault cash, and cash items in process of collection). These four items net out to 40.2 percent of the average sample bank's total assets, making any gap measurement extremely sensi- tive to one's assessment of their true maturity. On the one hand, such items could be withdrawn at any time and might therefore be considered short term and subject to repricing within one year.7 Alternatively, the "core deposits" view asserts that these markets are imperfect and deposit stocks sticky, giving these items a long effective maturity. Relating stock price interest sensitivity to balance sheet data requires an appropriate scale variable. We used two alternatives: book value of the lead bank's equity and the bank or holding company's market value of common stock outstanding (calculated as the average of year-end market values in 1975 and 1981). We report only the results using book equity, though the market value deflator yielded similar conclusions. Our basic regression specification for testing the uncertain items' effective matu. . . rltleS 1S ZSHORT\ /DD\ 3z=o+at EQ JJ+ 2tE2}y 7 Nearly all retail time deposits can be withdrawn prior to maturity, though the depositor must pay an early withdrawal penalty. This content downloaded from on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:17:04 +00:00 All use subject to MARK J. FLANNERY AND CHRISTOPHER M. JAMES : 441 lSAX ZTDX /CASH tEQpy tEQSy t EQ + J, (2) where SHORT = net assets (dollar value of assets minus liabilities) subject to repricing within one year8 EQ = dollar value of the bank's book equity DD = demand deposits SA = regular savings deposits TD = time deposits under $100,000 CASH = the sum of vault cash, demand balances due from other banks, Federal Reserve balances, and CIPC. All balance sheet items are averages of the March call report values for 1976 through 198 1.9 Each coefficient in (2) measures the impact on ,B,> of shifting funds from the associated category into the excluded balance sheet items. '° An increase, for example, in the short-term asset share [SHORT/EQ] implies a corresponding decrease in (omitted) longer-term assets and/or an increase in (omitted) longer-term liabilities. A ceteris paribus increase in [SHORT/EQ] should therefore make the bank's stock return more positively correlated with market rates, which would lower :,J. This effect implies that [SHORT/EQ] will carry a negative cx l coefficient in (2). Using the same reasoning, liabilities considered by the market to be short term will carry positive coefficients in (2). Conversely, an asset or liability with an effective maturity equal to the omitted balance sheet items should have a coefficient in (2) insignificantly different from zero. Given the bank's balance sheet constraint, a decline in, say, demand deposits implies an increase in one or more omitted liabilities. A zero coefficient on DD would indicate that the market is indifferent to a shift between these two liability types, implying that the effective maturity of DD is equal to the omitted items' effective maturity. The structure of equation (2) thus allows us to infer the four uncertain items' effective maturities by comparing their estimated coefficients to cx,. After estimating (2), we test the restrictions that each of the cx, (i = 2, 3, 4, 5) equals cx, and that various combinations of the cx, all equal cx,. The null hypotheses are therefore that 8The definition of SHORT is: (net federal funds sold + investments maturing in less than one year + predetermined rate loans maturing in less than one year + floating rate loans + trading account securities + customers' liabilities to the bank for outstanding acceptances) - (domestic and foreign certificates of deposit in excess of $100,000 maturing in less than one year + other liabilities for borrowed money + the bank's liabilities on customers' acceptances outstanding). The mean value of [SHORT/EQ] is 0.223, with a sample standard deviation of 1.87. SHORT averages 2.84 percent of bank total assets (sample standard deviation = 0.105). About one-third of the sample banks have a negative value for SHORT. 9To determine whether our results were robust to aggregation over different time periods, we also estimated (1) and (2) for two subperiods (1976-78, 1979-81). The results were comparable to those reported in the text. '°The constant term in (2) captures the interest sensitivity of bank equity due to off-balance sheet activities or to a maturity (duration) mismatch between the assets and liabilities within SHORT or within the omitted items. This content downloaded from on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:17:04 +00:00 All use subject to 442 : MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING TABLE 2 ^ /SHORT\ /DD / SA \ /TD CROSS SECTION REGRESSION RESULTS: #(i'} = R° + ' EQ J + °g2VEQ , tEQJ, tEQ , + (CASH) + V Independent Variables ,B CNMA p SHORT ^ C7 ^ p ^ TB -0.0430** -0.0287** -0.161 ** (0.0124) (0.0087) (0.0575) DD -0.0054 -0.0228 -0.104 (0.0244) (0.0171) (0.113) SA -0.0051 0.0074 -0.0278 (0.0177) (0.0124) (0.0815) TD -0.0082 -0.0037 -0.0292 (0.0159) (0.0111) (0.0730) CASH 0.0088 0.0283 0.0893 (0.0367) (0.0255) (0.1675) Constant R2 0.171 0.0864 0.946* (0.0872) (0.0608) (0.4008) 0.314 F-statistic 0.293 5.21** Number observations of 0.272 4.71** 63 4.26** 63 63 NOTES: Standard errors are sn parentheses. Independent variables are deflated by book value of equlty *Signlflcant at the 5 percent level. **Signlficant at the I percent level. the uncertain asset and liability items singly and in combination have effective maturities equal to SHORT. The following hypotheses are tested. H1: DD has the same effective maturity as SHORT (Ct2 = -Ctl). H2: CASH has the same effective maturity as SHORT (Ct5 = Ctl). H3: SA has the same effective maturity as SHORT (Ct3 = H4: TD has the same effective maturity as SHORT (Ct4 = -R 1)- a I) - Results The results of estimating (2) for each of the three interest rate factors (RGNMA, RG7, RTB) are presented in Table 2.1l As expected, SHORT carries a significant negative sign for each interest sensitivity measure, though all the other balance sheet coefficients are indistinguishable from zero. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that the uncertain items' effective maturities are not equal to SHORTVS. We tested hypotheses H 1 through H4 to determine if the uncertain items had effective matu- rities similar to SHORT. These results are shown in Table 3. The data quite strongly reject the hypotheses that the three liabilities (DD, SA, TD) have effective maturities equal to SHORTVS. 12 For CASH, the evidence is less conclusive. CASH is composed "Table 2 shows sixty-three observations (instead of sixty-seven) because four sample banks turned out to be too small to file the Large Bank Supplement to the Report of Condition. '2Assuming that TD had a uniform maturity composition over this period is probably incorrect because six-month money market CD's (MMCD) were first introduced on June 1, 1978. Until March 1979, however, thrift institutions attracted the great majority of these accounts. By December 31, 1981, MMCD accounted for 61.1 percent of all retail TD, potentially lowering the average TD maturity below its This content downloaded from on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:17:04 +00:00 All use subject to MARK J. FLANNERY AND CHRISTOPHER M. JAMES : 443 TABLE 3 HYPOTHESIS TESTS ON THE UNCERTAIN BALANCE SHEET ITEMS EFFECTIVE MATURITIES p CNMA p c7 H1: Fl s7 4.02* 10.13** H2: Fl s7 2.10 5.34* H3: FX S7 6.71* 2.69 p TB 6.02* 2.32 4.58* H4: FX S7 7.79** 6.63* 5.88* HS: F4 57 6.49** 5.86** 5.24** H6: F4 s7 0.182 0.477 0.345 NOTES: H 1. DD has the same effective maturlty as SHORT (a2 = -a 1). H2: CASH has the same effectlve maturity as SHORT (ot5 = otl). H3: SA has the same effective maturity as SHORT (0t3 = -otl). H4: TD has the same effective maturity as SHORT (0t4 = -ot l). H5. All four uncertaln stems have the same effective matunty as SHORT (-a1 = a2 = a3 = a4 = -as)H6 All four uncertaln stems have the same effectlve maturlty as the omitted assets and llabllltles (a2 = a3 = a4 = as = 0). *NUII hypothesls rejected at 5 percent confldence level. **NUII hypothesls rejected at I percent confidence level. Of three separate types of assets. The first, reserves and vault cash, should manifest a long effective maturity because its own rate is permanently fixed at zero. The second component, due from balances, is more likely to generate implicit earnings that fluctuate promptly with market rate changes. The third component, cash items in the process of collection, does not represent resources currently available to the bank and would therefore have no prominent effect on its market value. The results for H2 provide ambiguous evidence about whether CASH, on average, is equivalent to SHORT or not. The restrictions in H 1 through H4 can also be imposed simultaneously. H5: All four uncertain items have the same effective maturity as SHORT (-at I = 0t2 = 0t3 = 0t4 = at5). Table 3 indicates that H 5 is easily rejected for joint hypothesis H6: All four uncertain items have the same effective maturity as the omitted assets and liabilities (at2 = 0t3 = 0t4 = 0t5 = 0) further confirms the evidence in Table 2 that the four uncertain items' coefficients are jointly zero. 13 In sum, the market appears to value the uncertain balance sheet items as if their effective maturities exceed SHORT's. Another perspective on the effective maturity of these four items is contained in Table 4, which reports regressions of the form pre-MMCD level. However, the data indicate that MMCD have not shortened retail time deposits to the point where they are equivalent to SHORT: we reestimated the market model (1) for two subperiods (before and after January 1, 1979). H4 was rejected at the 5 percent level in each subperiod. '3Some evidence on the power of these tests was obtained by estimating a regression like (2) with known LONG net assets (investments and fixed rate loans in excess of one year, long-term debentures, etc.) in place of SHORT. (In order to obtain information beyond that provided by regression (2), LONG included only a subset of the assets and liabilities excluded from the SHORT regressions.) These regressions did not reject the joint hypothesis that all four uncertain items had coefficients equal to the one on LONG. By contrast, the constraint that all four uncertain coefficients were zero (implying an effective maturity equal to SHORT) was strongly rejected. This content downloaded from on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:17:04 +00:00 All use subject to 444 : MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING TABLE 4 RESULTS FROM REGRESSION (3) A p A CNMA p A C7 p TB Constant 0.138** 0.145* 0.054** 0.034 0.544** 0.649* (0.0177) (0.0697) (0.0126) (0.0482) (0.0816) (0.3090) SHORT, - 0.049** - 0.032** - 0.199** (0.0095) (0.0068) (0.0436) SHORTz R2 0 305 0.003 0.002 (0.0103) (0.0069) 0.001 0.269 0.001 0.023 (0.0463) 0.254 0.004 F-statistic 26.75** 0.060 22.43** 0.080 20.80** 0.250 Number of 63 63 63 63 63 63 observations NOTE: Standard elTors are in parentheses. *SIgnlficant at the S percent confidence level. **SIgnificant at the 1 percent confidence level. A -SHORTt ,(3 IJ =aO+al _ J EQ + UJ (3) where SHORTi is alternatively equal to SHORT (when i = 1) or to (SHORT + CASH - DD - TD-SA) (when i = 2). Recalling that a short asset should carry a negative sign in (3), Table 4 clearly indicates that SHORT2 does not behave as a proper short-term asset. SHORT2 is perversely signed within regression relations that are statistically insignificant at conventional levels. These results are uniform across the three interest rate measures. By contrast, SHORT1 always carries a significant negative coefficient and its regressions explain a surprisingly high proportion of the cross-sectional variation in ,B,>. Once again, the data strongly reject the hypothesis that investors have considered these four uncertain balance sheet items equivalent to known short-term bank assets and liabilities. 3. CONCLUSION Given the conceptual difficulty of inferring bank interest rate risk accounting data, we have utilized bank stock prices to infer the effective maturities of four prominent balance sheet items. The evidence indicates that demand, savings, and small time deposit balances do not affect bank interest rate sensitivity in the same way as SHORT. Because these items comprise such a large proportion of bank resources, their effective maturities have a prominent influence on any bank's estimated gap position. The empirical evidence suggests that demand, savings, and retail time deposit balances are "sticky" or imperfectly responsive to changes in market rates. When market interest rates rise (fall), the bank's effective cost of these liabilities changes by a smaller amount, raising (lowering) bank income, ceteris paribus. Higher portfolio shares of these deposits accordingly reduce the interest rate elasticity of bank equity. The evidence for CASH, which comprises 12.1 percent of our average bank's assets (211 percent of equity), is less strong. The practical significance of our results can be demonstrated by examining the implied gap measures. Assuming that the four uncertain items are subject to repric- This content downloaded from on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:17:04 +00:00 All use subject to MARK J. FLANNERY AND CHRISTOPHER M. JAMES : 445 ing within one year yields an estimated gap-short-term liabilities less sh assets-equal to 37.3 percent of assets or 655 percent of equity at our average sample bank. Such a bank would suffer significant income fluctuations when market rates change and might easily fail in the face of a large enough unanticipated rate increase. Properly recognizing these items' longer effective maturity, however, reduces the average short-term gap (liabilities less assets) to -2. 84 percent of assets or -22.3 percent of equity. The implied exposure to interest rate risk now appears much less serious. (Flannery (1981) comes to a similar conclusion after analyzing bank accounting data.) An operational method for measuring bank interest rate risk exposure will require substantially more research. For example, we must determine if the deposit supply inelasticities implied by our data have been seriously altered by the introduction of newer retail deposit accounts paying market rates. At a minimum, however, our results demonstrate the importance of distinguishing between stated and effective maturities in banking. LITERATURE CITED Dimson, Elroy. "Risk Measurement when Shares Are Subject to Infrequent Trading." Journal of Financial Economics 7 (June 1979), 197-226 . Flannery, Mark J. "Market Interest Rates and Commercial Bank Profitability: An Empirical Investigation." Journal of Finance 36 (December 1981), 1085-101. . "Retail Bank Deposits as Quasi-Fixed Factors of Production." American Economic Review 72 (June 1982), 527-36. Flannery, Mark J., and Christopher James. "The Effect of Interest Rate Changes on the Common Stock Returns of Financial Institutions." Journal of Finance (1984), in press. Grove, M. A. "On 'Duration' and Optimal Maturity Structure of the Balance Sheet." The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science S (Fall 1974), 696-709. Hester, Donald D., and James L. Pierce. Bank Management and Portfolio Behavior. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975. This content downloaded from on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:17:04 +00:00 All use subject to