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Simon Bolivar & Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was a venezuelan political and military leader who helped to lead several
revolutionary movements in south and central america against the spanish crown.
Causes/Goals for his revolution(s):
● Creoles (people of european descent born in the american colonies) wanted to
overthrow the power of the Peninsulares (spanish colonists born in spain)
● Mercantilism prevented colonists from having the economic freedom to trade with
nations other than Spain and spain refused to offer a fair price to american merchants
● Other enlightenment inspired revolutions gave them hope of success (ie American
revolution, French revolution, Haitian revolution, ect)
● Spanish crown was no longer able to protect them from foreign threats (which violates
enlightenment idea that governments should only exist to protect the people and that if a
government fails it deserves to be overthrown
● Wanted to overthrow the monarchy and form a republic
● Wanted to form a larger federal republic encompassing New Granada (Panama and
Colombia), Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia in order to ensure continued
independence (Simon Bolivar’s idea)
● Spanish colonies were also forced to pay higher taxes to pay off war debt form spain's
involvement in european wars and the American revolutionary war
● Colonists wanted to implement ideas found in enlightenment writings
● Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia gained independence from
the spanish crown.
● Simon’s idea of a unified south america starting with Gran Colombia failed due to
mounting political/social divisions and financial issues.
● Poor leadership and corruption led to growing instability and poor class
● Latin american countries gained economic freedom and the freedom to trade with any
country (chiefly the US and UK).
● Slavery and the slave trade was abolished in many of the new nations
● Many new constitutions ratified in these new states implemented enlightenment ideals
such as freedom of speech and press.
1:30 to 2 minutes
Simon Bolivar was a venezuelan born to a wealthy family but was inspired by enlightenment
ideas (introduced to him by his tutor, and visits to Revolutionary France and the USA) to fight for
the independence for south america and as such became a revered military and political leader.
He also gained the title “El Libertador” for his prominent role in the Latin American Revolutions.
But he was not alone in his desire for independence and self governance as many of his beliefs
were shared by other Creoles. Creoles were upset that the Peninsulares held all the power.
Colonists saw enlightenment ideas such as the end to mercantilism/higher taxes, equal rights
for Creoles and people of color, and lack of protection from the spanish crown against invaders
as justification for revolution. They were inspired by the enlightened revolutions of France, US,
and Haiti to start a revolution of their own.
Were they successful?
Kind of
They were able to shake off the chains of the spanish crown. Colonists and Creoles gained
more economic and political freedom. Many of the new constitution protected the freedom of
press and speech. Slavery was also abolished and a large republic was formed. However they
basically changed one set of chains into a new one. Due to financial issues for funding so many
campaigns and increasing regional/political division , Simon Bolivar’s dream unified rubicle,
Gran Colombia broke apart. This left many economic/political problems for the new nations. This
new found instability proved to be a breeding ground for dictators and many of the previous
rights were subsequently undone by various succeeding governments.