Weekending UNIT FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. 15 6.2 SMALL LIVESTOCK: TOPIC Slaughtering,Processing And Marketing OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: EVALUATION Teaching and learning activities Learning or Teaching resources -Demostrate the slaughtering and dressing of broilers -Calculate dressing out percentage -Identify market for broilers -Slaughtering -Dressing -Marketing -Slaughtering and dressing broilers using different methods -Carrying market research for broilers National syllabus Work cards Group works Text books ICT tools Pictures Map templates - Know the reasons for tilling the land - Tillage types - Advantages and disadvantages of each tillage type -Identify tillage implements to use -Implements used during ploughing -Implements used during secondary tillage Pictures Map Templates I.c.t Tools School map School garden Spade or shovel hoe 09 FIELD PREPARATIONS: *Ploughing *Leveling 2 0 1 7 1 Agriculture Scheme ZJC Refferences Competences Agriculture Today book 4 by I.M Mujaya Zph Syllabus code 5034 Dynamics of Agriculture By M. Mandizvidza School syllabus School garden Tools:Hoe Spade Rake Mouldboard plough Spike tooth harrow -Decision Making -Self Management -Critical Thinking -Enterprise Dvpment -I.c.t and Innovation -Communication -Conflict Management -Communication -Problem Solving -Leadership -Enterprise Dvpment GENERAL INDIVIDUAL TOPIC UNIT Weekending FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Teaching and learning activities Learning or Teaching resources EVALUATION Refference s Competences -Decision Making -Self Management -Critical Thinking -Enterprise Dvpment -I.c.t and Innovation Communication -Conflict Management Communication -Problem Solving -Leadership -Enterprise Dvpment ANIMAL HEALTHY: -Pathogens and hygiene -Explain causes of diseases -Justify the importance of hygiene in the prevention and control of diseases -Pathogens -Sanitation -Surveying on causes of diseases in animals -Disinfection of poultry houses -Investigating and discussing remedies to prevent and control diseases National syllabus Work cards Group works Text books ICT tools Pictures Map templates Agriculture Today book 4 by I.M Mujaya Zph Syllabus code 5034 Dynamics of Agriculture By M. Mandizvidza 2 Planting: -Outline the 0 Types of planting Dry planting Water planting Rain planting advantages and disadvantages of each type of planting -Describe how the practice are done - Write notes on the types of planting - Practice each type of planting on planting field beans and maize Pictures Map Templates I.c.t Tools School map Watering can Maize and Bean seeds School syllabus School garden Tools: tape measure Peggs Wheelbarro w Chalkboard 22 6.2 09 1 7 2 Agriculture Scheme ZJC GENERAL INDIVIDUAL Weekending UNIT FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. 29 6.2 FARM TOPIC 09 STRUCTURES AND MACHINERY:Far m ImplementsAdjustment of animal drawn implements 2 WATER CONSERVATION: *Materials Revision Exercise 0 OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: 7 3 Agriculture Scheme ZJC Teaching and learning activities -Carry out adjustments on animal drawn implements -Adjust for : Depth Width -Adjusting the depth and width of the mouldboard plough,cultivator,and harrow -Explain the cost of each material -Explain other ways of conserving moisture in the soil -Explain the advantages of conserving water -Answer ,Draw and Solve the questions,Diagrams and Problems presented to them respectively on the chalk board 1 EVALUATION -Present answers in their answer sheets and hand over the answer scripts for marking Learning or Teaching resources Refferences Competences National syllabus Work cards Group works Text books ICT tools Pictures Agriculture Today book 3 by I.M Mujaya Zph Syllabus code 5034 Dynamics of Agriculture By M. Mandizvidza *School garden *soil profile *Pictures *Grass *Stones *Dead leaves School syllabus Wheelbarrow Dead grass Leaves from trees Small and medium stones -Decision Making -Self Management -Critical Thinking -Enterprise Dvpment -I.c.t and Innovation Communication -Conflict Management Communication -Problem Solving -Leadership -Enterprise Dvpment *Chalkboard *question papers *Test and exercise books Question papers Chalkboard GENERAL INDIVIDUAL Weekending UNIT FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. 06 6.2 FENCING: TOPIC -Fencing and materials and tools OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: EVALUATION Teaching and learning activities Learning or Teaching resources -Identify fencing materials and tools -Discuss advantages and disadvantages of different fencing materials -Fencing materials and tools -Select suitable fencing material -Using tools safely and correctly -Textbooks -I.C.T tools -Resource person(mrs Chipunza) -Pictures -Nat Syllabus -Types of fences -pegg storm drains upstream -devide the the gully into 3 sections -Reclaim each section of the gully bed Descuss the advantages and disadvantages of storm drains -Dig out the contour Pictures School map School garden Rocks Brushwood Planting sisal 10 PEGGING STORM DRAINS:dimensions And features of a good storm drain -buffer -berm -channel -crest 2 0 1 7 4 Agriculture Scheme ZJC channeland build up theearth bank to specifications Outline the advantages and disadvantages Refferences Competences Agriculture Today book 3 by I.M Mujaya Zph Syllabus code 5034 Dynamics of Agriculture By M. Mandizvidza School syllabus School garden Wheelbarrow Hoes Agric today bk 3 by I.M Mujaya page 39. -Decision Making -Self Management -Critical Thinking -Enterprise Dvpment -I.c.t and Innovation -Communication -Conflict Management -Communication -Problem Solving -Leadership -Enterprise Dvpment GENERAL INDIVIDUAL Weekending UNIT FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. 13 6.2 FARM ROADS: TOPIC Siting of farm roads OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: -Discuss factors to be considered when siting a farm road -List equipment needed when siting farm roads -Describe characteristics of well sited farm roads EVALUATION Teaching and learning activities Learning or Teaching resources Refferences Competences -Siting a farm road -Siting equipment -Maintaining roads -Cleaning drains -Siting a farm road -Textbooks -I.C.T tools -Resource person(mrs Chipunza) -Pictures -Nat Syllabus Agriculture Today book 4 by I.M Mujaya Zph Syllabus code 5034 Dynamics of Agriculture By M. Mandizvidza -Decision Making -Self Management -Critical Thinking -Enterprise Dvpment -I.c.t and Innovation Communication -Watching photos of different pests -Observing the damaged caused by pests to crops I.c.t tools Photos School garden Grasshoppers Aphids Nematodes Maize stalkeborer School syllabus Agric today book 3 page 82 by I.M Mujaya -Conflict Management Communication -Problem Solving -Leadership -Enterprise Dvpment 10 COLLECTING PESTS: Identify pests -type of damage *Bitting and chewing *piercing and sucking *Boring *Nematodes 2 0 Revision Test 1 7 5 Agriculture Scheme ZJC -Identify the pests arcoding to feeding habbits,features -Identify the difference between each type of pest -Answer ,Draw and Solve the questions,Diagrams and Problems presented to them respectively on the chalk board Present answers in their answer sheets and hand over the answer scripts for marking *Chalkboard *question papers *Test and exercise books Question papers Chalkboard GENERAL INDIVIDUAL Weekending UNIT FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. TOPIC 20 2.6 HARNESSI NG:Harnes ses OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Teaching and learning activities -Describe materials used for harnesses -Harness specific animals -Materials for marking harnesses -Mark harnesse using locally available materials -Harnessing specific animals -Textbooks -I.C.T tools -Resource person(Mr Mbuzana) -Pictures -Nat Syllabus Agriculture Today book 3 by I.M Mujaya Zph Syllabus code 5034 Dynamics of Agriculture By M. Mandizvidza WEEDING -Remove weeds from the Identify different methods of erradicatin g weeds in the garden fields -Identify the different methods and use them to eradicate the weeds -Remove weeds in the garden and sorroundings -Record in the practical book what they have done in the practical Practical Test:tool Identificati on -Identify the tools the are laid on the ground and state the use of each tool -Tool identification and marks awarded per each tool School syllabus School garden Hoes Garden fork Weeds- Black jack,Wondering jew Tool of agriculture Primary tillage Secondary tools School syllabus Agriculture Today book 3 by I.M Mujaya -Local fields Hoe Rake Spade Mattock pick 10 2 0 1 Learning or Teaching resources 7 6 Agriculture Scheme ZJC EVALUATION Refferences Competences GENERAL -Decision Making -Self Management -Critical Thinking -Enterprise Dvpment -I.c.t and Innovation Communication -Conflict Management Communication -Problem Solving -Leadership -Enterprise Dvpment INDIVIDUAL FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. Weekending UNIT EVALUATION 27 6.2 TOPIC AGRI-BUSINESS: FARM RECORDS AND ACCOUNTS-Profit and loss 10 Dosing: -reasons for dosing and how to handle the animals when dosing 2 0 Revision Exercise 1 7 7 Agriculture Scheme ZJC OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Teaching and learning activities Learning or Teaching resources -Explain the functions of profit and loss account -Design a profit and loss account -Identify the income and expensesof a farm enterprise -Calculate the income from an agriculture enterprise -Profit and loss accounts -Income and expenditure accounts -Discuss the role of profit and loss accounts in agric -know the type of drugs that are used in dosing Identify the reasons for dosing animals Handle animals without hurting them -Answer ,Draw and Solve the questions,Diagrams and Problems presented to them respectively on the chalk board Dosing the goats And how to measure the drug according to the specifications Present answers in their answer sheets and hand over the answer scripts for marking Refferences Competences -Textbooks -I.C.T tools -Resource person(mr Mbuzana) -Pictures -Nat Syllabus Agriculture Today book 4 by I.M Mujaya Syllabus code 5034 Dynamics of Agriculture By M. Mandizvidza -Decision Making -Self Management -Critical Thinking -Enterprise Dvpment -I.c.t and Innovation -Communication Vulbazen/sistamex Roppes,dossing guns The directions for use on the container of the chemical Writting in the diary what has been done School syllabus Goats Chicken Drugs:vulbazen or sistamex Question papers Chalkboard -Conflict Management -Communication -Problem Solving -Leadership -Enterprise Dvpment *Chalkboard *question papers *Test and exercise books GENERAL INDIVIDUAL OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: TOPIC UNIT Weekending FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. 03 EVALUATION Teaching and learning activities Learning or Teaching resources MARKETING: -Types of markets -Distinguish between controlled and uncontrolled markets -Describe formal and informal markets for major crops and animals in agriculture -Controlled and uncontrolled markets -Formal and informal markets -Discuss types of markets for local agricultural products -Market system in community -Textbooks -Nat syllabus -Pictures IRRIGATION: Water harvesting techniques and methods,reasons Outline the reasons for harvesting water Methods of harvesting water Giving the reasons for harvesting water Advantages and disadvantages of harvesting water using different techniques -Text books -School syllabus Dams Tanks Ponds 11 2 0 1 7 8 Agriculture Scheme ZJC Refferences Competences Agriculture Today book 3 by I.M Mujaya Zph Syllabus code 5034 Dynamics of Agriculture By M. Mandizvidza School syllabus Water points Agriculture Today book 3 by I.M Mujaya -Decision Making -Self Management -Critical Thinking -Enterprise Dvpment -I.c.t and Innovation -Communication -Conflict Management -Communication -Problem Solving -Leadership -Enterprise Dvpment GENERAL INDIVIDUAL 10 OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: UNIT Weekending FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. TOPIC 2.6 AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVES: -Cooperatives 2 0 Revision Exercise 1 7 9 Agriculture Scheme ZJC Learning or Teaching resources EVALUATION Refferences Competences -Explain benefits of agricultural cooperatives -Identify problems associated with agricultural cooperatives -Agricultural cooperatives -Disscussing the benefits of agricultural cooperatives -Dramatising problems of cooperatives -Researching on the problems linked to local agricultural cooperatives Community trust fund cooperativ e textbooks nal syllabus pictures Agriculture Today book 4 by I.M Mujaya Syllabus code 5034 Dynamics of Agriculture By M. Mandizvidza -Decision Making -Self Management -Critical Thinking -Enterprise Dvpment -I.c.t and Innovation -Communication -Describe mulching -Advantages and disadvantages -Explain the cost of each material -Explain other ways of conserving moisture in the soil -Mulching of field beans and maize using different materials in the locality -Explain the advantages of conserving water *Pictures *Grass *Stones *Dead leaves Question papers Chalkboard Agriculture Today book 4 by I.M Mujaya Syllabus code 5034 Dynamics of Agriculture By M. Mandizvidza -Conflict Management -Communication -Problem Solving -Leadership -Enterprise Dvpment 11 WATER CONSERVATION : *Mulching Teaching and learning activities -Answer ,Draw and Solve the questions,Diagrams and Problems presented to them respectively on the chalk board Present answers in their answer sheets and hand over the answer scripts for marking ICT Textbooks broilers *Chalkboar d *question papers *Test and exercise books GENERAL INDIVIDUAL Weekending UNIT FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. TOPIC 17 2.6 REVISION: ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: -Reproduction in Poultry -livestock nutrients 11 2 Experiment on drainage of soil -Sand -Clay -Loam 0 1 7 10 Agriculture Scheme ZJC OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: -Draw and label reproductive system of a hen and cock -Describe the process of egg formation -State functions of each part of an egg -Name the main nutrients required by farm livestocks -Explain functions of each nutrient -Sources of nutrients -Identify the drainage speed of water in different soil types -Explain the effects of poor drainage on crops EVALUATION Teaching and learning activities Learning or Teaching resources -Reproductive parts -egg -Livestock Nutrients -Observing and identifying symptoms of mulnutritions -Pour water the different types of soils and identify which soil type drains faster -Explain the problems associated with water logging Refferences Competences Textbooks I CT tools Resource person Pictures Feeds Poultry birds Agric today by I.M Mujaya bk 4 and Syllabus code 5034 Mr Mbuzana F Dynamics of Agriculture By M. Mandizvidza -Decision Making -Self Management -Critical Thinking -Enterprise Dvpment -I.c.t and Innovation -Communication -Soil samples -School syllabus -water buckets Agriculture book 3 by I.M Mujaya School garden -Conflict Management -Communication -Problem Solving -Leadership -Enterprise Dvpment GENERAL INDIVIDUAL 24 TOPIC UNIT Weekending FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. 6.2 And 6.1 11 2 0 1 OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: EVALUATION Teaching and learning activities Learning or Teaching resources Refferences Competences END OF TERM EXAMS: -Slaughtering and marketing of broilers -farm implements -fencing Farm roads Harnessing Farm records Marketing cooperatives Answer all the objective questions in the end of term examination Invigilating Learners attempting the problems on the question papers Question papers Answer sheets Invigilator Syllabus code 5034 Question papers -Decision Making -Self Management -Critical Thinking -Enterprise Dvpment -I.c.t and Innovation -Communication Identification of weeds Methods of harvesting water Methods of conserving moisture Tools used in dosing animals Recall what they have learnt through the term Teacher to set some practical questions and learners to attempt on their own Practical site Garden and animal section All Agriculture implements and tools the learner wish to use -Conflict Management -Communication -Problem Solving -Leadership -Enterprise Dvpment 7 11 Agriculture Scheme ZJC GENERAL INDIVIDUAL 01 UNIT Weekending FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. TOPIC 6.1 And 6.2 CLOSING WEEK -Cleaning Recording Report writtng Issueing of reports Balancing of registers CLOSING WEEK -Cleaning Recording Report writtng Issueing of reports Balancing of registers 12 2 0 1 OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Receiving duties to do Receiving the marked papers reports Receiving duties to do Receiving the marked papers reports 7 12 Agriculture Scheme ZJC EVALUATION Learning or Teaching resources Refferences Competences Delegating duties to learners Stock taking on assets of the department Stock registers Report cards Class registers Record books Answer scripts Stock registers Report cards Class registers Record books Answer scripts Self Management Decision making Communication Critical thinking Delegating duties to learners Stock taking on assets of the department Stock registers Report cards Class registers Record books Answer scripts Stock registers Report cards Class registers Record books Answer scripts Self Management Decision making Communication Critical thinking Teaching and learning activities GENERAL INDIVIDUAL TOPIC UNIT Weekending FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. CLOSING WEEKs -Cleaning Recording Report writtng Issueing of reports Balancing of registers CLOSING WEEKS -Cleaning Recording Report writtng Issueing of reports Balancing of registers 07 12 2 0 1 OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Receiving duties to do Receiving the marked papers reports Receiving duties to do Receiving the marked papers reports 7 13 Agriculture Scheme ZJC EVALUATION Learning or Teaching resources Refferences Competences Delegating duties to learners Stock taking on assets of the department Stock registers Report cards Class registers Record books Answer scripts Stock registers Report cards Class registers Record books Answer scripts Self Management Decision making Communication Critical thinking Delegating duties to learners Stock taking on assets of the department Stock registers Report cards Class registers Record books Answer scripts Stock registers Report cards Class registers Record books Answer scripts Self Management Decision making Communication Critical thinking Teaching and learning activities GENERAL INDIVIDUAL TOPIC UNIT Weekending FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. CLOSING WEEK -Cleaning Recording Report writtng Issueing of reports Balancing of registers CLOSING WEEK -Cleaning Recording Report writtng Issueing of reports Balancing of registers OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Receiving duties to do Receiving the marked papers reports Receiving duties to do Receiving the marked papers reports 14 Agriculture Scheme ZJC EVALUATION Learning or Teaching resources Refferences Competences Delegating duties to learners Stock taking on assets of the department Stock registers Report cards Class registers Record books Answer scripts Stock registers Report cards Class registers Record books Answer scripts Self Management Decision making Communication Critical thinking Delegating duties to learners Stock taking on assets of the department Stock registers Report cards Class registers Record books Answer scripts Stock registers Report cards Class registers Record books Answer scripts Self Management Decision making Communication Critical thinking Teaching and learning activities GENERAL INDIVIDUAL FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. Agriculture Scheme ZJC FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. Agriculture Scheme ZJC FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. Agriculture Scheme ZJC FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. Agriculture Scheme ZJC FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. Agriculture Scheme ZJC FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. Agriculture Scheme ZJC FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. Agriculture Scheme ZJC FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. Agriculture Scheme ZJC FORM TWO SCHEME CUM PLAN 2017 AIM: To develop learners to.............................................................................................. Agriculture Scheme ZJC