IFRS 15 REVENUE – SALE OF PRODUTS AND SERVICE When to recognize sale of product? Sale of product is recognized “at a point of time” i.e,when seller transfers significant risk and reward to the buyer. Seller transfers title of the goods to the buyer. Title is transferred when the goods is delivered to the buyer. When to recognize sale of service? Sale of service is recognized “over a period of time”. Combo offer When there is combo offer, the reduced amount is proportionally divided among individual products and services. Consignment sale PRINCIPAL ---------------------AGENT------------------------THIRD PARTIES REVENUE RECOGNITION IN THE BOOKS OF PRINCIPAL When the agent sells goods to third parties. Inventories/receivables are recorded in the books of the principal. The revenue that is recognized by the agent is the commission received on the sale of goods/services to third parties. Sale on approval/return basis In this type of sale the buyer has an option either to accept the product or return it back to the buyer within a specific period. If the product is not returned by the buyer within the time period, it is assumed that the seller has accepted the product. REVENUE RECOGNITION IN THE BOOKS OF SELLER Sale is recorded in the books of the seller on the earliest of the following dates: On approval On the expiry of the time period for return back. Factoring arrangement It is the sale of receivable. There are two types of factoring: Without recourse: Risk of bad debt is transferred to factor With recourse: Risk of bad debt is not transferred to factor JOURNAL ENTRIES WITHOUT RECOURSE DR. Cash DR. Administrative expense/operating expense CR. Receivables WITH RECOURSE DR. Cash CR. Loan (Financial liability)