Iqra Basit Email: RESEARCH INTERESTS: My research interests include Geospatial techniques and technologies, Hydrology, Climate Change, Environmental monitoring and sustainability, Environmental pollution (Dumping sites and thermal power plants), and disasters. SKILLS AND TOOLS: PROGRAMMING (R, PYTHON) GIS software (ARCGIS, QGIS, GOOGLE EARTH ENGINE) ERDAS ORIGIN POSTGRES (SQL) PANOPLY LATEX EDUCATION MPhil.Geomatics, College of Earth and Environ. Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, 2017; Research Thesis on “Analyzing the Impact Of Interannual Climate Variation On Crop Calendar And Crop Yield Using Geographical Information System, Remote Sensing Imagery And Regression Model” (CGPA: 3.71/4.00) B.Sc. Space Sciences, Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, 2014 (Passed with distinction); Research Thesis on “A Study of GIS Based Water Quality Indexing By Using Interpolation Method” (CGPA: 3.65/4.00) RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tariq, A., Ali, S., Basit, I., Jamil, A., Farmonov, N., Khorrami, B., ... & Hatamleh, W. A. (2023). Terrestrial and groundwater storage characteristics and their quantification in the Chitral (Pakistan) and Kabul (Afghanistan) river basins using GRACE/GRACE-FO satellite data. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 23, 100990. Basit, I., Faizi, F., Mahmood, K., Bilgili, M. S., Yildirim, Y., & Mushtaq, F. (2022). Geospatial alternatives for quantification of bio-thermal influence zone in the vicinity of a solid waste dump. Waste Management & Research, 0734242X221126417. Ali, S.;Khorrami; B.;Jehanzaib, M.;Tariq, A.;Ajmal, M.;Arshad, A.;Shafeeque, M.;Dilawar, A.; Basit, I.; Zhang, L.;et al. Spatial Downscaling of GRACE Data Based on XGBoost Model for Improved Understanding of Hydrological Droughts in the Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS). Remote Sens. 2023, 15, x. Mahmood, K., Basit, I., & Faizi, F. (2022). Multi-control spatial history of groundwater reservoirs in Pakistan using satellite-driven data. Acta Geophysica, 1-14. Faizi, F., Basit, I., Mahmood, K., Yildrim, Y., Bilgili, M. S., & Mushtaq, F. (2022). A geospatial assessment of bio-thermal influence around Çatalagzı power plant region. Geocarto International, 1-14. Faizi, F., Mahmood, K. & Basit, I. Geospatial passives for dynamic vegetation monitoring around thermal power plants. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022). Imran, M., Basit, I., Khan, M. R., & Ahmad, S. R. (2018). Analyzing the impact of spatio-temporal climate variations on the rice crop calendar in Pakistan. International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, 12(6), 177-184. RESEARCH SUPERVISION: 1. 2. 3. Distribution of Evapotranspiration in Northern Punjab using RS and GIS (2023) A study of evapotranspiration using RS and GIS in Southern Punjab (2023) A Study of Satellite Based Spatio - Temporal Analysis Of Groundwater Fluctuation (2022) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: 1. Batool R., Mahmood K., Hafiza Qimrah, Iqra Basit, Samia Rubab, 2015. Selection of the optimal interpolation method for groundwater quality. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Working as Assistant-GIS from 15th April, 2023 to present at “ Provincial Disaster Management Authority, Board of Revenue”, Pakistan Working as a Research Assistant-GIS from February, 2021 to 31st March, 2023 at “Remote Sensing, GIS and Climatic Research Lab (RSGCRL)” funded by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan. Collection and Preparation of Geospatial data Process and Analyze Geospatial Data Working on remote sensing based hydrological components Developing indices for environmental sustainability Working on research reports, projects and papers Supervise students in the field of Geospatial technologies Organizing workshops and trainings Exploring new techniques and technologies Assist Supervisor in academic domain Worked as a Research Associate-GIS from February, 2017 to September,2020 at Flood Emergency Reconstruction and Resilience Project (FERRP) funded by Asian Development Bank. This project aims to enhance physical and fiscal resilience through structural and non-structural mitigation measures including climate change adaptations for flood resilient infrastructure and institutional capacity strengthening under portfolios of PDMA, C&W, Irrigation and P&D Departments. Prepare and analysis geospatial data for Data Clearinghouse Web Application, Road Score Card, Site Selection Application Prepare and apply Geospatial techniques for irrigation assets management system Data Engineering and generation of Geodatabases for analysis and web development Monitoring Ground Water data using Grace Satellite and GLDAS Designing of Data Clearinghouse manual Designing of maps that describe and interpret findings for the assigned projects (Preparation of maps, analysis and interpretations of map MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES International Water Resources Association (IWRA) AWARD AND PRIZES: Research Appreciation Award By The VICE CHANCELLOR Of The University Of The Punjab At Remote Sensing, GIS And Climatic Research Lab, National Center Of GIS And Space Applications. Center For Remote Sensing, University Of The Punjab MAJOR PROJECTS AND INTERNSHIPS Attended one day workshop on “Analyzing Hydro-climatic Projections using CDO” Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Flood Modelling and Disaster Management in CEWRE, UET, Lahore (Participated as Resource Person) ISNET / SUPARCO Distance Training Course on "Web GIS and Spatial Database Development using Free and Open Source Software Two day workshop on “Promoting Research Excellence in Academics across Pakistan” (1st and 2nd February, 2022) organized by HEC Gender Mainstreaming in Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop organized by Asian Development Bank SOCIO-ENVIRONMENT ENGAGEMENT: A GIS PERSPECTIVE ARRANGED IN THE CONTEXT OF GIS day ; 8th November, 2021 Two days training on advance techniques for reservoir sediment management in CEWRE, UET, Lahore Application of SWAT model for soil and water conservation in CEWRE, UET, Lahore Summer School On ‘Water Informatics: Science and Systems’ in LUMS One-month short course on GIS from Institute Of Geology, University Of the Punjab Internship as GIS analyst at Transport Planning and Unit, Lahore (two months) Internship as Meteorologist (6 weeks) at Pakistan Meteorological Department, Lahore International Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering Participated as co-Author of Research Paper jointly organized by Suparco, Institute of Space Technology Reference REFERENCES: 1. Dr Khalid Mahmood Co- PI, Remote Sensing GIS and Climatic Research Lab, Center for Remote Sensing Associate Professor, Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab ( 2. Dr. Zia Ul Haq PI, Remote Sensing GIS and Climatic Research Lab, Center for Remote Sensing Assistant Professor, Center for Remote Sensing, University of the Punjab (