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Pepsin Activity vs pH: Scientific Investigation

Exploration: An investigation to examine the impact
of varying pH on the enzymatic activity of pepsin on
Aim: To examine the impact of varying pH on the rate of reaction of pepsin with
Research Question: To what extent does pH affect the rate of
reaction of pepsin with ovalbumin?
This study seeks to examine the extent to which the pH of a solution affects the rate of reaction of
pepsin on ovalbumin. The pH will be varied by using different buffer solutions, and its impacts on
enzyme activity will be measured by observing the clarity of the pepsin-ovalbumin solution using
a colorimeter, where clearer solutions translate into more enzymatic activity.
Background Information:
One of the more common food pairings known in the western world is a glass of orange juice with
a classic breakfast of eggs. The two seem to naturally complement each other, both in terms of
taste as well as nutritional value. But there is a scientific theory that could suggest more grounded
evidence of orange juice aiding the digestion of eggs itself.
Most digestive processes start off with the enzyme-catalyzed breakdown of large
macromolecules. Enzymes are globular proteins that consist of amino acids linked by amide and
peptide bonds. They are also catalysts of a reaction, meaning they speed up the rate of reaction
without being used up in the process themself, and reduce the overall activation energy. Enzymes
have an active site on their surface, a location where macromolecules, also known as substrates,
can bind to. The enzyme’s active site orientates the substrate such that chemical bonds within the
substrate to be more readily broken and formed. Once the reaction is catalyzed, the active site of
the enzyme releases the byproduct of the reaction.
The surrounding pH of where the enzyme affects the rate of reaction. The rate of digestion of
most nutrient molecules is typically highest at a pH of 7, with this being the general pH of the
human digestive system, with digestive enzymes working best in a neutral environment.
However, it is important to note that there are exceptions to this overview. One of the most notable
cases is the pH of the human stomach, which has an acidic pH due to the presence of
hydrochloric acid, which kills off pathogens and aids the breakdown of nutrient macromolecules.
The enzyme pepsin is also secreted within the stomach and is used to break down proteins into
amino acids. One of the many proteins pepsin breaks down is ovalbumin, a storage
macromolecule found in the white of chicken eggs.
With the pH of orange juice being acidic in nature, with its primary constituent being citric acid,
this could hint at a reason behind its potential as an aid to the digestion of egg. The pH of citric
acid is around 2.2, a value that falls in the range of the stomach acid pH of 1.5-3.5. It can therefore
be inferred that the low pH of orange juice aids the digestion of the ovalbumin components within
the egg white due to similarity to the pH of the stomach. With this knowledge in mind, the
optimum working pH of the enzyme pepsin can be predicted to be relatively acidic. However, I’d
like to conduct an investigation to determine the ideal working pH of the enzyme pepsin acting on
ovalbumin, and how this can scientifically justify the food pairing of a breakfast of eggs and
orange juice.
Hypothesis/ justification:
My hypothesis is that as the pH of the pepsin-ovalbumin solution approaches 2, the
enzymatic activity will increase, and as the pH level strays further away from 2, the
enzymatic activity will subsequently decrease. This is due to the resemblance of this low
pH environment to the pH of the stomach. Based on my prior knowledge of how
enzymes work, seen in the graph below, I predict that the data will be normally
distributed, taking the form of a bell curve when modeled. I intend to use statistical
analysis of normal distribution to prove this.
(Adam Day, 2018)
Selecting Variables:
Preliminary Data:
Through the conduction of preliminary trials within this experiment, the method of this
investigation was established, along with the control variables and dependent variable.
The use of a colorimeter, which measures the clarity of a solution was determined to be
the most appropriate way to measure enzymatic activity, as the ovalbumin solution
would get noticeably clearer when the pH of the solution was close to the optimum.
Greenlight (of wavelength 565 nm) was selected as the light to be used as this gave the
largest range of % transmittance across all pH levels. Control values were decided based
on their practicality, for example, the amount of substance used that could fit in a 20ml
test tube along with their resemblance to the conditions of the human body, which was
most evident in the value decided for the control temperature (37ºC).
Independent variable:
The variable that will be changed will be the pH of the enzyme-substrate solution. It will
be changed by using pH buffer solutions from a range of 1 to 9, values created by the
concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution.
Controlled/ Monitored variables:
Explanation of why variables need to be controlled.
What could happen if it is not?
How it is controlled and Value/s
Temperature is another factor that affects enzymatic
activity, so if it is not controlled, both pH and temperature
will affect the results of the data
Test tubes containing
enzyme-solution mixture will be
kept in a hot water bath set at
The amount of substrate molecules per unit of solution
will affect the number of interactions between the
enzymes and substrate, due to the nature of
enzyme-substrate collisions, and will thus create
inconsistencies in measurements of enzyme activity
15 grams of ovalbumin powder
per 100 ml of water will be the
concentration of the substrate
Enzyme activity is dependent on the number of enzymes
per unit of the solution, and different concentrations of the
enzyme will result in differing values of enzymatic activity
5% pepsin solution will be used
Time taken for
the reaction to
More time that is given for an enzyme-substrate
interaction to occur means that higher levels of enzymatic
activity could be recorded
The enzyme will be added to the
substrate for 10 minutes
Volume of
Different amounts of pepsin would result in different
readings taken for their reactions due to the nature of
more particles resulting in more reactions occurring.
5ml of pepsin solution will be
added to each test tube
Volume of
Different amounts of ovalbumin would result in different
readings taken for their reactions due to the nature of
more particles resulting in more reactions occurring.
5ml of ovalbumin solution will be
added to each test tube
The volume of
pH buffer
The volume of pH also needs to stay constant in order to
have the desired impact on the pH of the solution.
5ml of pH buffer will be added to
each test tube
Number of stirs
when mixing
stock solution
Differing amounts of stirs when mixing ovalbumin with
water will result in different amounts of ovalbumin
dissolved per unit of water, which could result in more or
less enzymatic activity and different
More than 100 stirs will be used to
mix ovalbumin and water
Time taken for
solution to heat
The substrate requires time to heat up to reach the
enzyme’s optimum working temperature, in order to
provide the environment for the maximum enzymatic
activity to occur
A stock solution of ovalbumin and
water should be kept in a hot
water bath of 37ºC for 10 minutes
before mixing with pepsin and
should be verified by direct
measurement using the
Time taken for
the enzyme to
heat up
The enzyme requires time to heat up to its optimum
working temperature, and the optimum working
temperature must be reached in order to keep the level of
enzymatic activity constant
Pepsin should be kept in the hot
water bath of 37ºC for 10 minutes
before mixing with ovalbumin
Dependent Variable:
Enzymatic activity will be measured by observing the clarity of the solution after 10 minutes of
pepsin-ovalbumin interaction. A colorimeter will be used to measure the transparency of the
solution, which shines a light of fixed wavelength through a cuvette containing solution, and
measures the percentage of light that is transmitted through the cuvette. The clearer the solution,
the more ovalbumin the pepsin has broken down, showing more enzymatic activity.
Size / concentration/ Volume
Size 10ml
±0.1 ml
Standard Size
Safety Goggles
Top Pan Balance
Pepsin Solution
Computer with Logger Pro
ovalbumin Powder
Distilled Water
Test Tubes
Hot Water Bath
Set to 37ºC
Colorimeter Equipment (+ USB to
USBC Adapter)
Set to 565nm (green light)
± 25 mV
250ml of 5% concentration
Glass Stirring Rod
pH buffer solutions
pH from 1-9
Create a stock solution of ovalbumin and water, using 45 grams of ovalbumin powder and
300 ml water, using a top-pan balance + spatula and measuring cylinder (100ml)
2. Fill hot water bath to 50% capacity, and set the temperature to 37ºC
3. Set up the colorimeter, plugging it into a computer using logger pro to record data
4. Calibrate the colorimeter using the stock solution, using a wavelength of 565 nm (green
5. Distribute 5ml stock solution into 9 test tubes using a 10ml syringe
6. Wear gloves and safety goggles.
7. Label 9 test tubes numbers 1 through 9
8. Add a 5ml of pH buffer solution to each test tube, ranging from pH 1-9, using a different
syringe for each pH, and place in the hot water bath (37ºC) for 10 mins alongside the
beaker of pepsin solution
9. Mix 5ml pepsin solution into each test tube containing ovalbumin-pH buffer solution
whilst inside the hot water bath, and start the stopwatch
10. After ten minutes has elapsed, transfer the contents of each test tube into a cuvette,
labeling each cuvette the number of its respective test tube, from 1-9
11. Place cuvette inside colorimeter and establish the transmittance of each solution by
starting the logger pro programme
12. Record the results from the colorimeter after transmittance has stabilized, and repeat
steps 4-11 four more times
Sufficient & Reliable Data:
The enzyme will be varied by using pH buffer solutions from a range of 1-9, in order to establish
the optimum working pH of the solution. I have chosen this range as my hypothesis predicts that
the optimum pH of pepsin lies close to 2 or 3, and have involved 5 trials for each in order to
establish a reliable mean transmittance of light through each solution.
Safety, Ethical and Environment Considerations:
The use of a hot water bath could potentially be dangerous. The level of water in the hot water
bath should not exceed half the length of the test tube, and the hot water bath should be opened
in the direction opposing the participant’s body. The acidic and alkaline pH buffer solutions could
also be a potential irritant, meaning that gloves should be used when extracting them from their
containers using a syringe. Safety goggles should be used at all times to minimize eye exposure
to pH buffers and water vapor. The laptop and colorimeter equipment used should be kept away
from the test tubes and hot water to minimize damage from water vapor and water from the hot
water bath. To minimize environmental implications, enzymes, substrate, and pH buffer mixture
should be disposed of in a waste disposal container, as opposed to pouring down the sink. The
waste should also be minimised by using small volumes of substrate, pH buffer, and enzyme
Data table(s)
Table 2: Processed data showing
average transmittance of green
light through solution and
Table 1: Raw data showing the clarity of
enzyme-substrate solutions after five trials
pH of
% Transmittance of Green Light Through
Cuvette ±0.7
pH of buffer
solution ±0.5
reading with
stock solution
ce of light
solution (%) Deviation
Data processing
Table 2 Row 1 sample calculations:
Average transmittance of light through solution=(t1+t2+t3+t4+t5)/5=(73+70+76+78+80)/5=75
Standard deviation = STDEV (73, 70, 76, 78, 80) = 4
Qualitative Data
At pHs 2 and 3, a white precipitate was observed at the bottom of the test tube containing the
substrate, ph buffer solution and enzyme after heating, and the liquid of the mixture was
significantly more transparent than higher pH solutions, in which no real difference could be
observed from the original stock solution.
Fig. 1: A line graph to show the effect of pH on the mean transmittance of green light
through a pepsin-ovalbumin solution:
Fig 2: A Gaussian curve showing the effect of pH on the mean transmittance of
green light through a pepsin-ovalbumin solution
Statistics: selection and support
In order to use statistics to justify my claims, I will use a null and alternative hypothesis to test for a
relationship between pH and enzymatic activity:
H0 (null hypothesis) - there is no distinction in enzymatic activity present between solutions of
differing pHs
H1 (alternative hypothesis) - high amounts of enzymatic activity will be concentrated around a
specific pH value, indicating an optimum working pH of the solution
The data gathered in Fig. 1 has been processed using a gaussian curve, as seen in Fig. 2, which
tests the normal distribution of data along a series of intervals. This is usually represented by a
histogram, where the frequency of occurrence can be represented over fixed intervals, but seeing
as there are fixed data points for this experiment, a bell curve can be drawn by using individual
data points. For the normal distribution, the bell curve tends to peak around the mean value of the
independent variable and indicates dependent values above and below the mean by using
positive and negative standard deviation values.
The original null hypothesis stated that there is no distinction in enzymatic activity present
between solutions of differing pHs, and the alternative hypothesis stated that high amounts of
enzymatic activity will be concentrated around a specific pH, indicating a normal distribution. n
this experiment, there were 9 data points and a correlation coefficient of 0.9883, as calculated by
the logger pro software.
This means that the data received from the experiment is very accurate, and it aligns with the
findings of previous studies about the distribution of enzymatic activity, with enzymatic activity
always being modeled using a bell/gaussian curve. The low RMSE (root mean square error)
value- a measurement to detect the variation of observed data with respect to a model- of 3.65,
calculated by the logger pro software compared to the range of the readings taken (55) also gives
credibility to the data and its processing.
In conclusion, the null hypothesis can be rejected and the alternative hypothesis can be
accepted, as the data fits the Gaussian curve to very high accuracy and there is a clear
relationship between pH and enzyme activity evident.
Research Question
My original research question was: to what extent does pH affect the rate of reaction of pepsin
with ovalbumin? My hypothesis based on this question was that as pH approached a value of 2,
the enzymatic activity would increase, and pH values higher than or lower than 2 would result in
reduced enzymatic activity.
Looking at Fig. 1, a line graph, there is evidence to suggest that the enzymatic activity of pepsin is
highest at pH 2. However, this is largely due to the fact that the line graph is simply a connection
between the data points received in the experiment. After processing the data by looking at its
normal distribution in Fig. 2, it becomes clear that the highest distribution of enzymatic activity
occurs at a pH of approximately 2.2, and the rest of the data is distributed symmetrically in the
form of a bell curve around this point from pHs 1-5. However, at pHs beyond 6, there seems to be
little to no effect of varying pH on the enzymatic activity of pepsin.
With my original hypothesis predicting that the optimum working pH of pepsin would be 2, and
the value obtained from the experiment giving an optimum pH of 2.2, this hypothesis can be
accepted with relative confidence. With regards to my research question concerning the extent to
which pH affects the rate of reaction of pepsin on ovalbumin, I can safely conclude that pH has a
huge effect on the rate of reaction of pepsin on ovalbumin, which was quantitatively measured by
observing the clarity of the enzyme-substrate solution, with clearer solution meaning more
enzymatic activity. At more acidic pHs, the rate of reaction was highest, whilst at more neutral and
basic pHs, there was almost no enzymatic activity occurring, with the clarity of the solutions being
near identical to the clarity of the ovalbumin stock solution of 42%.
The qualitative results observed in this experiment also align with the quantitative results
gathered, as the breakdown of the ovalbumin solution into clear water and white amino acids for
pHs 2 and 3 show the optimal acidity of the solution.
Numerous figures give great credibility to the experiment conducted; the first being the small
error bars generated from low standard deviation values, which emphasize the data being
consistent throughout the numerous trials conducted. The second indicators of good are
produced by the Gaussian curve used to analyze the data, where the high correlation coefficient
(a calculation that maps out how well the data fits the model created) of 0.9883, and the low
RMSE (a value that calculates how far the data strays away from the model on average) value
shows a narrow range indicating more reliable results. The final conclusions of this experiment
also support the original thinking of the optimum pH of pepsin.
From the data collected from the experiment and the Gaussian curve used to analyze it, it
becomes clear that the optimum working pH of pepsin on ovalbumin is 2.2. All of the data points
lie very close to the curve, with zero anomalies, and the size of the error bars indicates low
variability within the experiment. As previously mentioned, this has to do with the location where
different substrates are digested within the human body, and in this particular case, ovalbumin,
the protein compound found in chicken eggs, is digested within the stomach, which has an acidic
pH in order to make food more readily digestible and to exterminate any pathogens that could
pose a threat to the body. In order for pepsin to digest the proteins in this environment, it must
have an optimum working pH similar to that of the stomach pH, which lies in between 1.5-3.5.
Fig. 3- Pepsin Structure (Cooper 1990)
Fig. 4- Ovalbumin Structure (Stein 1991)
Pepsin’s effectiveness to work in such a low pH is completely reliant on its molecular structure.
Pepsin’s original form is pepsinogen, an inactive enzyme that becomes activated when in contact
with stomach gastric acid. As mentioned previously, pepsin is a globular protein that is formed by
linking a series of amino acids. The structure of any protein is dictated by the amino acid
sequence, the interactions of adjacent hydrogen bonds, and the chemical reactions that occur in
2d and 3d forms. With pH being defined as -log10c, where c is the concentration of hydrogen ions
in moles/liter, it becomes clear that pH does in fact have a role with regards to the chemical
reactions that take place.
The carboxylic acid group on the amino acid located on pepsin’s active site needs to be in a
protonated state, meaning that it is bound to a hydrogen atom. This protonation is maintained at
low pHs, but at high pHs, the carboxylic acid becomes deprotonated, meaning that pepsin no
longer has the ability to act in chemical reactions with substrates (Updegraff). It is established that
at pH 2 pepsin is most active and that beyond a pH of 6.5, pepsin is rendered completely inactive,
matching the findings of the experiment I conducted. Along with deprotonation, which inhibits the
enzyme’s active site, high pHs also result in the denaturation of the entire enzyme as a whole,
where pepsin (Fig. 3) folds in on itself as part of the interactions of a solution with a more positive
charge (higher pH). However, up until pHs of 8.5, pepsin still has the ability to become active once
more, where it must overcome the folding barrier previously described (Cooper 222).
With regards to the relationship between the substrate and the enzyme used, pepsin falls into the
larger enzyme category of proteases, which digest proteins within the human body. Ovalbumin is
a storage glycoprotein located within the chicken egg white and is useful to humans by providing
a source of protein for muscle growth and repair whilst being low in cholesterol, calories, and lipid
concentration. Whilst the structure of ovalbumin is relatively unknown, it is thought to be a
connection between two peptide chains (Fig. 4), which are broken down by pepsin in a hydrolysis
reaction into independent peptide chains to be used in the human body (Abeyrathne 2686).
The optimum pH of pepsin determined in this experiment closely matches the claims made by
previous research, where the highest enzymatic activity occurred at more acidic pHs of 2. This
answers my original question of the extent to which pH affects the rate of reaction of pepsin,
which I now know is to a very large extent. It also addresses the science behind my interest in this
topic originally, where I discovered that the citric acid of orange juice can act as a buffer to reduce
the pH of the environment that ovalbumin is digested in, increasing the rate of reaction of pepsin.
Strengths & Limitations
This experiment underwent 5 trials per different pH buffer solution, meaning that the uncertainty
taken into account from random errors affecting each trial is minimized overall. The use of many
control variables, such as amount of substance used in each trial, as well as the temperature
controls and substrate concentration in each mixture, which are two factors which are known to
impact enzymatic activity.
Weaknesses and Improvements
Limitation/ Weakness
Significance of error
The ratio of ovalbumin to
water in-stock solution
There wasn’t enough albumin within the stock
solution, meaning that at the optimum pH of 2.2,
nearly all of the ovalbumin had been digested,
producing an almost perfectly transparent solution
with a transmittance of 99%. This could act as an
artificial ceiling to the findings of the experiment and
may cause errors in the model used to determine the
optimum pH
Increase ratio of albumin to
water from 15g:100ml to
Lack of stirring of stock
solution and pH buffer
Whilst the stock solution was adequately stirred in
order to create a consistent solution, the lack of the
mixing of the stock solution and pH buffer may cause
some portions of the mixture to have differing pHs,
which would result in inconsistent levels of
enzymatic activity recorded across the solution
Mix the stock solution and the
pH buffer before adding the
enzyme using a glass stirring rod
Lack of stirring of pepsin
and ovalbumin stock
Whilst the stock solution was adequately stirred in
order to create a consistent solution, pepsin would
only work at the point of contact of the two solutions,
and there would be sections of the mixture that
would have zero contact with the enzyme, resulting
in inconsistencies in the enzymatic activity measured
Mix the ovalbumin stock solution
and pepsin solution using a
glass stirring rod before heating
Failure to measure pH of
ovalbumin, pepsin, and pH
buffer solution
Whilst the pH buffer solution prepared gave some
indication as to the pH of the solution, the addition of
pepsin and albumin to the pH buffer could’ve
potentially altered the pH of the mixture as a whole,
giving false readings for the independent variable
recorded from each data set
Test whole solution after heating
by using a pH probe to establish
true pH value
Use of same ovalbumin
stock solution through the
whole experiment
Any error created by measuring quantities of
ovalbumin powder and water would’ve been
perpetuated through all of the trials, creating errors
in data gathering
Create 5 separate stock
solutions for each round of trials,
to ensure systematic errors
created by mistakes in
preparation of stock solution is
One of the extensions that would improve the quality of this experiment would be increasing the
number of intervals used when varying pH. Whilst the model created when analyzing the raw
data from the graph gives an optimum working pH of 2.2 for pepsin, which is consistent with
previous findings, by using intervals such as 0.2 instead of 1 for varying the pH, a more accurate
optimum pH could be observed by using a similar gaussian test for normal distribution, Another
investigation that could act as an extension of these findings could be observing the effect of
changing pH on the enzymatic activity of gastric lipase, an enzyme also found in the stomach that
targets lipids, and observing the relationship between the optimum working pH of pepsin and
gastric lipase. Seeing as quite a wide range of data was collected from varying the pH, from
transmittances of 45 to 99, it would be interesting to see the effect of varying the surrounding
temperature of pepsin, and observe whether pH or temperature alters the rate of reaction more.
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