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AP Human Geography: Political Geography Key Terms

Hildebrant, Human Geography for the AP Course 1e - Module 25
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political geography
A branch of human geography concerned with the spatial analysis
of political systems
political map
A map that shows the spatial organization of the countries and
territories on the entire globe at a given point in time
state or country
An independent political unit with a centralized authority that
makes claim to sole legal, political, and economic jurisdiction over
a region with defined boundaries
independent state
A state that rules itself and is not subject to the authority of another
sovereign state
A state that possesses the sole authority over the land and people
within its boundaries
A community of people bound to a homeland and possessing a
common identity based on shared cultural traits such as language,
ethnicity, and religion
The ideal political geographical unit; one in which the nation's
geographic boundaries (a people and its culture) exactly match
the state's territorial boundaries (governance and authority)
nation-state ideal
The idea that political authorities govern in the name of all a country's citizens, modern mass communications link all residents,
and statebased citizenship rights reinforce the idea of a national
Sense of belonging to and selfidentifying with a national culture;
people with a strong sense of nationalism derive a significant part
of their social identity from a sense of belonging to a nation
stateless nation
An ethnic group or nation that does not possess its own state and
is not the majority population in any nation-state
multinational state
A country containing multiple national, ethnic, and religious groups
within its boundaries
multistate nations
Ethnic groups territorially divided by one or more international
autonomous region
A subdivision or dependent territory of a country that has a degree
of self-government, or autonomy, in its decision making
semiautonomous region
A subdivision or dependent territory of a country that has some
degree of, but not complete, self-government