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Universal Studios: Baby Boomer Marketing Strategy

Boomers :
Studios Ad!
Kristen Crose
Gautam Dutta
Herick Isago
Matilda Torres
Universal Studios
Universal Orlando Resort (Orlando, FL)
Universal Studios Hollywood (Universal City, CA).
• Universal Studios amusement & theme parks comprise the tourism and hospitality arm of NBC
Entertainment industry
o Movies
o Television Series
Parks offer unique fantasy experiences such as
• Rides
• Rollercoasters
• Shopping centers & Side Shops
• Water parks
• Shows
• Parades
• Resort hotels
• Dining options ranging from fine to convenience.
Universal Studios has around 50 million visitors annually,
2nd most visited theme parks globally
Employer of more than 20,000 people worldwide.
To create a draw for Baby
Boomer retirees &
vacationers to choose
Universal as their vacation
destination via their most
used digital mediums.
The Ad will appeal
to those who are:
Looking to recapture or
celebrate their youthfulness
and adventurousness.
Looking for a destination that
will satisfy & accommodate
their vacationing friend group.
Looking for budget friendly,
but exciting vacation options.
Target Audience: Baby Boomers
• Born between the years 1946-1964
• 59 to 77 years ( Retirement age!)
• Approximately 74 million
• Largest generation in American
• High Involvement consumers
o Informed
o Evaluate a product’s value through research.
• One of the most prosperous generations
• Retirement more than 70% of the nation’s disposable income
• Significant purchasing power.
• A blended marketing campaign using baby boomers 3 most used
digital mediums
• Email
o Most common online purchase channel for baby boomers.
o 62% of baby boomers have made a purchase from an email in the last year
o 92% of baby boomers check their email at least once a day
• Search engine pop ups & side panel adso Top marketing channel according to a DMN3 study
• Facebook
o 82.3% belong to a social media platform,
o Facebook is primary Social Media Platform used
o 73% use their platform to stay connected & informed with friends &
Marketing Strategy
Facebook campaign ads
will use advanced
targeting to identify
prospective customers
within the demographic.
Customer demographic
will be identified through
proper keyword targeting
with the use of search
engine optimization
Links are provided to the
Universal site for group
package information and
details, and the AARP site for
discounted rate pricing so the
baby boomer customer feels
thoroughly informed about
the product and its value.
 Spending time with loved ones
is a major priority
o Friends
o Family
 Think of themselves as more
youthful than their age.
o Self-assured
o Hard-working
Concept to Appeal
Humorous & Emotional Appeal
o Image of friends in a youthful, carefree pose.
o Feelings of fun, Happiness, and Youthfulness!
“Get Your Kicks at Universal” – A Pop Culture reference
Rational Appeal
o Easily accessible information with links
o Easy scrolling directing the eye to the bottom
o Links to the Universal website and AARP discount website are
Ad Test Result
 Positive Response
o Tagline and image conveying nostalgia
enthusiasm, youthfulness,
& companionship
o Clearly resonated & communicated the
intended message.
 Negative Feedback
o The information along the bottom of
the image needed larger and bolder
o The blue banner needs to change to a
color of higher contrast.
Thank You