Shoring Basics Tips for shoring system design, bracing, erection, and removal BY BOB RISSER ne of the contractor’s many responsibilities is the design and construction of shoring systems, which support the formwork system and construction loads. Improperly designed or constructed shoring systems can be extremely h a z a rd o u s, leading to damaged concrete or even catastrophic failure. Qualified and experienced formwork designers should develop shoring plans and schedule shore removal. Frequently the designer is a professional engineer who works for the contractor or shoring manufacturer. When necessary, the project engineer or architect reviews these plans for structural adequacy, especially for complex multistory construction. O Designing Shores The shoring system is a temporary structure designed to carry both vertical and horizontal loads during construction. These loads include the weight of the fresh conc re t e, forms, shores and other falsework; construction and equipment loads; and wind loads and other loads. Ho ri zontal shores, such as adjustable beams, trusses, or a combination of both, require special design attention because they distribute greater loads to few- Figure 2. Determination of l/d ratio for a 3x4 wood shore with different bracing plans. Bracing may be required in both directions to adequately reduce the l/d ratio below the maximum of 50. The larger ratio governs maximum load limits. er vertical supports. ACI 347 (Ref. 1) recommends using a minimum construction live load of 50 pounds per square foot (psf) for shore load calculations (75 psf if motorized carts are used to transport concrete). The minimum design load for combined dead and live loads should be 100 psf, or 125 psf if motorized carts are used. The weight of formwork and shores is typically assumed to be 10% of the dead load of the slab. If unusually heavy equipment or construction material loads are anticipated, include these loads in the analysis for shoring requirements. Reference 2 Figure 1. Bearing area between the shore and the horizontal formwork may be less than the total end area of the shore. Bearing loads or crushing of the shore ends against joists, stringers, or other supported hori zo n t a l formwork also must be considered in the shoring system design. Excessive deflections from bearing loads could make it very difficult to meet strict tolerance requirements. The allowable bearing stress at the interface of lumber shores and horizontal formwork may also govern the shore design rather than the capacity of the shore itself. The size of the loaded contact area between the shore and the supported formwork will determine the maximum allowable load. In some cases, the bearing area may be considerably less than the actual dimensions of the shore (Figure 1). Ha rd w o o d caps or metal bearing plates can distribute end loads from timber shores so full structural capacity of the shore can be utilized. Simplified design, typically satisfactory for standard shoring systems, assumes that each shore or scaffold leg supports an area which extends halfway to adjoining sup- p o rt s. Wood shores are treated as simple columns, with allowable loads based on the slenderness ratio l/d, where l is the unsupported length, in inches, and d is the net dimension of the wood face under consideration, in inches. For wood shores, l/d must not exceed 50. Ho ri zontal bracing is often used to reduce the size of the l/d ratio. When this is the only purpose of horizontal bracing, it is more properly called lacing. Figure 2 shows how slenderness ratios are calculated and adjusted by using lacing. The allowable load for simple wood shores is based on the magnitude of the l/d ratio and the compressive strength of different lumber types. Design round wood shores by assuming a square shore with the same cross-sectional area. For other shoring systems such as steel tubes, adjustable shore s, combinations of wood and steel, and tubular steel scaffold-type shoring, follow manufacturer recommendations on allow a b l e loads. Load limits should be based on actual load tests conducted on the products and devices under s t a n d a rd i zed conditions. Fo r TABLE 1. TYPICAL RANGE OF Type of Foundation Material Massive bedrock many patented systems, the analysis of allowable loads becomes so complex that only load tests will provide sufficient accuracy. Follow all manufacturer’s recommendations for bracing, assembly, and construction. Bracing Shores Adequate lateral bracing is extremely important to stability and safety in shoring construction, but all too often it is treated carelessly or even omitted entirely (Ref. 2). Shoring systems must be designed to carry all anticipated lateral forces due to wind, cable tensions, inclined supports, concrete placement, and starting and stopping of equipment. ACI 347 (Ref. 1) recommends a minimum assumed horizontal load of 100 pounds per linear foot of floor edge, or 2% of the total dead load on the form, whichever is greater. Unless the shoring system has enough internal X-bracing to provide internal rigidity, the shoring and formwork system should transfer all horizontal loads to the ground or to already-completed construction. Place diagonal brac- MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURES Maximum Allowable Bearing Pressure, lb. per sq. ft. 200,000 Foliated or laminated rock including sound limestone, schist, slate 40,000-80,000 Sedimentary rock including shale and sandstone 20,000-50,000 Soft or broken rock 10,000-20,000 Hardpan 16,000-20,000 Gravel soils 8,000-20,000 Sands 4,000-13,000 Gravelly sands 6,000-16,000 Silt and clay soils, inorganic, medium to stiff 1,200-10,000 Soft and organic deposits (Reference 2) Values below 500 psf are common ing in both vertical and horizontal planes where needed to provide stability to individual shoring members. Even though horizontal lacing is used to decrease the l/d ratio, increasing the load capacity of the individual shores, some diagonal bracing is desirable in all shoring systems to increase the stability of the shores and resist lateral loads. Braced bays, bracing lines, or bracing tied to completed walls are three common schemes used to provide stability and lateral support (Figure 3). Do not mix different types of shoring systems or individual shores of different materials on the same level. The different characteristics of each system can lead to nonuniform deflections under the imposed load, creating stresses in the structure and shoring system for which they are not designed. Follow manufacturer recommendations for bracing patented shoring systems. Although bracing may not be specifically recommended by the manufacturer to increase the system’s load-carrying capacity, it may be needed to increase the safety and stability of the entire formwork assembly. Mudsills for Shoring The shoring system must be capable of carrying the concrete and construction loads without excessive deflections. If shores are supported on soil, the load the soil can support must be known or conservatively estimated. Table 1 shows typical allowable bearing pressures for foundation materials. Because new soils tests can be costly, some contractors choose to use larger mudsills based on very conservative estimates of soil strength. One rough estimate of soil strength is the “heel test.” An ave ra g e - s i ze d man walking on compacted soil without leaving heel marks indicates a soil-bearing strength of at least 3,000 psf. Mudsills are typically used to distribute shore loads to the soil. Where the soil’s bearing capacity is low or uncertain (Figure 4), mudsills (a) (b) Figure 3. Braced bays (a) require no exterior guys or anchors. Bays marked with dashed X-lines have complete X-bracing system on vertical lines in both directions as well as horizontal X-bracing. Distance between braced bays depends on such factors as bay size, weight on form, form height, and live load. Center shores are tied with strut bracing. Completed columns or walls (b) can be used for bracing. Dashed lines indicate one line of strut braces to columns cast earlier. Solid lines represent X-bracing also tied into existing columns. Intermediate lines are needed if shores are spliced. must be capable of evenly distributing shore load over a large enough area to avoid unequal or excessive settlement. Do not place mudsills on frozen ground, recently placed backfill, or where rainwater will flow over the area. To determine the required area of the mudsill, divide the total load on the shore by the allowable soil-bearing pressure. Even when care is taken to properly design the mudsill for the shore load, formwork is typically set slightly higher than specified to accommodate a small amount of settlement and reduce the size of final adjustments with wedges and jacks. If the soil is very poor or likely to become unstable during construction, other techniques such as t e m p o ra ry concrete sills, piles, or soil stabilization may be re q u i re d to support the shore loads. Erecting Shores Before erecting the formwork support system, check to see that the appropriate shores are being used. This is especially important when using rented equipment. Load ratings can vary considerably based on bracing configurations and assumptions of the extended height of the shore post or scaffoldtype shoring system. One contractor matches serial numbers on equipment orders to those on de- l i ve red materials to ensure proper load-carrying capacity. In addition to checking for the appropriate materials, check that: • Single-post shore members are straight and true without twists or bends • Metal shores are free of excessive corrosion which reduces structural capacity • All metal shore connections are sound • All locking devices, coupling pins, and pivoted cross-braces TABLE 2. MINIMUM TIME SUPPORTS SHOULD REMAIN IN PLACE (If no concrete strength requirements are provided) Less Than Structural Design Dead Load More Than Structural Design Dead Load Arch centers 14 Days 7 Days Joist, beam, or girder soffits Under 10 ft. clear span between structural supports 7 Days 4 Days 10 to 20 ft. clear span between structural supports 14 Days 7 Days Over 20 ft. clear span between structural supports 21 Days 14 Days 4 Days 3 Days 10 to 20 ft. clear span between structural supports 7 Days 4 Days Over 20 ft. clear span between structural supports 10 Days 7 Days Where Structural Design Live Load is: One-way floor slabs Under 10 ft. clear span between structural supports * Assumes 50° F ambient temperature around concrete. (Reference 1) on prefabricated shoring systems are working Follow the shoring layout plan closely, keeping a copy on the jobsite at all times. Changes made to the layout or timing of shore removal should be approved by the shoring designer, engineer, or architect. Keep extra shores or other necessary accessories Figure 4. Spread-type wood mudsills are recommended for fair and poor bearing or heavy loads. on the jobsite for use in an emergency. Plumb them during concrete placement. termine the earliest time to remove all shore posts or scaffold legs to Adjustable shores and other shores and forms. minimize lateral loads and signifipatented devices usually contain a Concrete strength gain va ri e s cant reductions in vertical load cajack or screw-type mechanism for widely depending on job condipacity. making elevation adjustments. Foltions. ACI 347 recommends removMulti-tier shoring with singlelow manufacturer recommendaing supports from horizontal conpost shores is considered dangertions on maximum extension of crete beams and slabs only after the ous and is not recommended by these shores, since load ratings are concrete has gained at least 70% of ACI 347. Field constructed butt or usually based on these configuraits design strength, unless earlier lap splices of timber shores are altions. Additional diagonal bracing support removal is approved by the so not recommended by ACI unless may be required to extend the engineer-architect. splices are made with approved shore further. If strength tests are used to deterfabricated hardware (Ref. 1). OSHA mine shore removal, be sure all requires vertical alignment of the Removing Shores parties involved in the construction spliced shores, splicing to pre ve n t Shores cannot be removed from understand: misalignment, splices on each a slab or beam until concrete is • The tests to be used shore face (three splices for round strong enough to hold its own • Appropriate handling and testshores), perpendicular bracing at weight. Reshores may be needed to ing procedures the splice level, and diagonal braccarry approved construction loads • Who will make concrete speciing in two directions. after the shores are removed. Almens Where slab forms are continuous though design, construction, and • How many specimens will be across several supporting shores, safety aspects of the formwork are made and who will test them concrete placed in one area can cause the contractor’s responsibility, the • The minimum required conuplift of the formwork in an adjacent required concrete strength and crete strength area. Positively attach the shores to time period before shore removal Cure concrete specimens at the deck forms to resist this uplift and to should be specified by the engijobsite under conditions no better keep shores from falling out. neer-architect. than those the concrete in the Vertical shores must bear firmly Removing shores and other constructure are cured under to obtain against the formwork they support crete formwork supports should not a conservative estimate of the inand be unable to tilt under conproduce excessive deflections, displace concrete strength. Se ve ra l struction loads. Jacks or wedges altortions, or damage to the concrete. nondestructive testing techniques low positive adjustment for formRemove shores in a sequence that are also recommended by ACI 318 work settlement and final does not produce stresses in the (Ref. 3) for determining in-place alignments prior to placing conconcrete for which it is not designed. concrete strength: penetration rec re t e. These devices also facilitate For typical slabs and beams, begin sistance, pullout strength, and mastripping the forms after the conshore removal in the middle of the turity measurement. crete has attained sufficient bay or beam, working out toward If no strength requirements are strength. Wedges can be used eisupporting walls or columns. This provided by the engineer or local ther at the top or the bottom of the ensures that the slab or beam will codes, refer to Table 2, which gives shore post, but not in both areas. deflect and be loaded as designed. the minimum time shores should After the wedges are in position, To maximize form reuse, a reliremain in place. The table indicates toenail them to the shore to secure able system needs to be used to dethe total number of days needed, given an ambient temperature around the concrete of at least 50° F. The times can be shortened as approved by the engineer-architect if high-early-strength concrete is used to speed construction. If temperatures below 50° F occur following concrete placement, the engineer may decide to lengthen the minimum requirements. Contractors often use reshores to maximize form reuse and limit sag or creep in the new concrete. When reshores are used, forms and shores are removed after the concrete has sufficient strength to carry its own weight. After the beam or slab achieves its initial deflection, the reshores are placed under the concrete to carry additional construction loads or prevent further creep deflections. Place reshores as soon as possible after the forms are stripped, but at least by the end of the day the forms are removed. Reshores must be placed snugly without altering the deflected shape of the concrete. The engineer-architect should approve all reshoring plans. Multistory Construction In multistory work, the partially completed structure becomes part of the shoring support. In planning the shoring/reshoring system, the designer uses information on the structural design loads, usually obtained from the project drawings. Multistory construction presents special challenges for shoring proc e d u re s, especially in terms of removing the shores to maximize form reuse. Se ve ral stories need to be supported by shores and reshores to handle the dead load of the concrete and the construction loads before the concrete gains full design strength. Reshores are used after the formwork is stripped to distribute any further loads among the older, stronger slabs. Typical shoring and re s h o ri n g schemes for multistory construction use a rule of thumb or local custom: Contractors, for example, may build two stories of shoring for e ve ry one story of reshoring. Con- tractors find these traditional schemes acceptable on most projects for safely distributing concrete and construction to older, stronger floors. In some cases, howe ve r, these shoring and reshoring plans will not safely carry the constructions loads, and the contractor should use one or more of the following methods to ensure safe construction: • Increase the number of floors of shoring and reshoring • Use a longer cycle time for each floor • Either use a concrete mix or create curing conditions that produce faster concrete strength gain Calculation of the loads imposed on each floor during multistory construction can be complex. The shoring and reshoring plan should be approved by the project engineer or architect. This is particularly important for construction of commercial office buildings or other structures designed for relatively low live loads. If the ratio of the design live load to concrete dead load is low, the s t ru c t u re has very little reserve strength to carry the imposed construction loads and weight of fresh c o n c re t e. Often the construction live load and weight of new concrete are greater than the live load for which the slab is designed. De- pending on rate of construction, many floors may need to be interconnected with shores and reshores to safely carry the imposed load until the concrete reaches design strength. In multistory construction, the most heavily loaded shores are those at ground level which carry the load of all floors concreted before first-level shores have been removed. Depending on the construction sequence, loads on these shores can be several times the dead load of the slab itself. Place shores in the same location on each floor to avoid developing reversed bending or punching shear stresses the slab cannot carry. If offset placement is needed, recalculate the stresses to ensure that the slab has adequate re i n f o rc i n g in these areas to handle the reversed bending stresses that can develop (Figure 5). References 1. ACI Committee 347, “Guide to Formwork for Concrete,” (ACI 347R88), American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1988. 2. M.K. Hurd, Formwork for Concrete, SP-4, fifth edition, American Concrete Institute, 1989. 3. ACI Committee 318, “Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete,” (ACI 318-92), American Concrete Institute, 1992. Figure 5. Improper positioning of shores from floor to floor can create bending stresses for which the slab is not designed. Calculate for reversal stresses when reshores do not match shores above. Be sure shores resist uplift and cannot fall. PUBLICATION #C940856, Copyright © 1994, The Aberdeen Group, All rights reserved