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ADM 2337 - HRM all notes

7/25/23, 8:50 PM
ADM 2337 - HRM all notes
Njhuy7h 6i8ijjiADM 2337 - HRM
- Managing human talent to achieve organizational goals
Importance of HRM
- Work occupies much of our waking time
- HRM issues have an impact on our well being
- HRM issues impact organizational success - the bottom line
- Every manager is an HR manager
- Employees leave managers more than they leave the organization
- Set organizations apart from one another
- Business plans can be copied
- Products can be copied
- People cannot be copied
- People are unique
Chapter 1
Competitive challenges of the organization
- Changes in the marketplace and economy
- Globalization
- Technology
- Cost containment
- Leveraging employee differences
- Sustainability and CSR
Employee concerns
- Job security
- Health care issues
- Age and generational work issues
- Retirement issues
- Gender issues
- Educational levels
- Employee rights
- Privacy issues
- Work attitudes
- Family concerns
January 10th
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ADM 2337 - HRM all notes
Chapter 2
Step 1 : mission, vision, and values
- The basic purpose of the organization
- The reason the organization exists
- Looking into the future
- Where are you heading as an organization
Core values
- Things that the organization holds near to the heart
- Ex : CSR
Step 2 : Environmental analysis
Environmental scan
- What are the economic factors that present opportunities or threats
- Ex: economic downturns
- Trends in the industry
- Changes in technology
- Legislation changes
- Social and demographic trends
Step 3 : Internal analysis
- The people, processes of the organization
- The composition of the workforce
- Who are we hiring
- What positions do we put them in
- What skills do we need in our organization
- Getting a sense of who we are at the core of our organization
- The soul of the organization
3 factors of culture
- Observable artifacts
- Espoused values
- Basic underlying assumptions
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Artifacts and creations
- What you hear, see and feel about the culture of an organization
- The physical aspects of the organization
- Material symbols
- Physical structure
- Rituals and ceremonies
- Language
- Stories of the organization
Demand of employees
- Attempting to have the right people in the right positions
- Using the trend analysis
Supply of employees
- Markov analysis
- The movement of employee within the organization
- Who is moving where in the organization
- Helps calculate turnover, promotion and retention numbers for employees
- Replacement charts
- Used for higher level positions
- Allow us to have a sense of whos going to be promoted
Step 4 : formulating strategy
Developing 3 strategies
- Corporate strategy
- Business strategy
- Functional strategy
Step 5 : strategy implementation
- You have established trends in supply and demand already
2 courses of action
1) Increase workforce
a) Recruitment
b) Selection
2) Decrease workforce
a) Attrition
b) Hiring freeze
c) Termination
d) Layoffs
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ADM 2337 - HRM all notes
Step 6 : Evaluation and assessment
Lecture 4 - January 16th
Group of related activities and duties
- The set of duties performed by one employee
Job analysis
- A group of methods used to get information on
- duties , tasks or activities performed on the job
- The situation in which the job is performed
- The human attributes needed to perform the job
Important outcomes of the job analysis
- KSAO : knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics
- Competencies: collections of KSAO’s
What job analysis information is important for :
- Job descriptions
- Job design and redesign
- Job recruitment
- Assessment and selection
- Training and development
- Promotions and career transitions
- Performance evaluation and management, such as disciplinary actions
- Compensation
- Occupational health and safety
- HR legal compliance
- HR planning, growth and reduction of internal workplace
Job analysis
- The cornerstone of human resources management
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ADM 2337 - HRM all notes
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ADM 2337 - HRM all notes
Problems with job descriptions
- May be poorly written / vague
- Out of date
- Contain irrelevant information
- Limiting
Who is involved in a job analysis
- Members of the HR department
- HR consultants, ie : a job analyst, may be hired
- Job incumbents
- Supervisors
Approaches to collecting job analysis information
- Examine existing job documents
- Interview subject matter experts
- Ask incumbents to keep diaries
- Observe job incumbents
- Do the job
- Databases
Position analysis questionnaire
Standardized instrument
- 187 items related to work activities and situations grouped into 6 categories
- Information input
- Mental processes
- Work output
- Relationships with other persons
- Job context
- Other job characteristics
Critical incidents method
- Record of behaviours leading to particularly successful or unsuccessful performance
All critical incidents
- Description of the situation
- Description of the employees behaviour
- The consequences of the behaviour
Job analysis databases
- National occupation classification
- O*net
National occupational classification
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Canada's national system for describing occupations
Job information :
- Job titles
- Tasks lists
- Workers KSAO including requirements
- US based job description and career exploration database
- Job information :
- Task lists
- Worker KSAO including requirements
- Work context
- Work interests, styles and values
- Labor market related information
Job analysis methods
- Can be broadly defined as :
- Task oriented methods
- Focus on generating a list of concise task statements that define the job
- Task clusters
- Work oriented methods
- Focus is on getting a list of KSAO statements
- KSAO clusters
- Many methods generate both types of information
Job design
- Changing the structure of jobs to improve
- Organizational efficiency
- Employee satisfaction
Approaches to job design
Job characteristics model
- Job enrichment
Job enrichment
- Follows the principles of the job characteristics model
- Expands jobs by providing increased levels of core job characteristics
- Skill, variety, identity, significance, autonomy, feedback
Employee empowerment
- Granting employees authority to :
- Initiate change
- Engage in autonomous decision making
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Flexible work schedules
- Compressed workweek
- Flex time
- Job sharing
- Telecommuting
Additional job design characteristics
- Ergonomic job designs
Chapter 5 - Recruitment and careers
- Any activity carried out by the organization to identify and attract potential employees
The recruitment process
- Identify job openings
- Specify job requirements
- Select methods of recruitment
- Generate pool of qualified applicants
Recruiting and branding
- Know your brand and leverage it
Who should do the recruiting?
- HR recruiters or HR generalists, for large firm's
- Managers or supervisors , for smaller firm's
- Work teams
- Recruiting process outsourcing
Where do we recruit?
- Internal vs external recruitment
Internal recruitment
- Internal job postings
- Manager referrals
- HR records and performance appraisals
- Skills inventories
- Replacement charts
External recruitment
- Walk ins
- Job fairs
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Employee referrals
Employee agencies
- Public or private
Traditional print advertisement
Job boards
- Ie: monster, career nuilder
Social media
- Linkedin
- Facebook
- Instagram
Professional associations
Executive search firms
Social media
- Make sure you are aware of legislation
Realistic job previews
- Provide a balanced picture of the job and the organization
Lecture 6 - January 28th
Psychological contracts
- Unwritten set of expectations new entrants have about the job or organization
- Vs formal written employment contract
Recruiting metrics
- Quality of fill
- If new recruits are meeting their performance expectations
- Time to fill
- How long it takes to fill empty and vacant positions
- Cost of recruitment
- Which methods of recruitment are paying off to the greatest extent
- Yield ratios
- Recruiting yield pyramid
Recruiting yield pyramid
- Leads generated - 6:1
- Candidates invited - 4:3
- Candidates interviewed - 3:2
- Offers made - 2:1
- New hires - 1:1
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Career management and development over time
- Help employees remain and thrive in an organization
- Dual responsibility and roles
- Employee
- Organization
- Textbook : pg. 181-189
- Career related
- Psychosocial
What to see in textbook
- Networking page 192
- Career self management page 193
Chapter 6 - employee assessment and selection
Employee selection
- Decision making about organizational membership
- Why is this important?
- Think of the costs of poor decisions
Job performance
- Task performance
- The things that people are hired to do
- What is outlined in job descriptions
- Organizational citizenship behaviours
- Counterproductive job behaviours
- What we are trying to predict
- Our criterion
The logic of presentation
- We know which KSAO are necessary for successful job performance
- If a person demonstrates the KSAOs at the time of selection, then they are likely to
demonstrate them once hired
Maximizing “HITS”
- Measure important KSAOs during the selection process
- A selection is reliable when it gives consistent results
- Across different versions of the same test
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The extent to which a selection tool is measuring what it was intended to measure
Criterion related validity
- Predictive
- Concurrent
Knowledge of HRM
- Required for task performance as HR specialist
- Measured reliably and validly by CHRP national knowledge examination
- CHRP national knowledge knowledge examination score are correlated with task
1. Candidate signals interest in position
a. Application or drop off resume
2. Initial screening
3. Main assessment
a. Interviews, employment tests
4. Post assessment checks
a. references , background, etc
5. Reaching a selection decision
Initial screening
- Cover letters and resumes
- Application forms
- Phone screening
- Internet checks
Employment tests
- Job knowledge
- Asking how the candidate would do part of the job
- Assessment of the job content information
- Written or oral
- Work sample
- Ask candidate to do part of the job
Lecture 7 - February 4
Big five personality model
- Conscientiousness
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
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Openness to experience
Physical ability tests
- Crawford small parts dexterity test
Employment tests
- Assessment centers
- Biodata test
- Polygraph test
- Honesty and integrity tess
- Medical exams
- Drug tests
- The most frequent type of selection method used
- Advantages
- Liked by managers and applicants
- Helps to share information about the organization
- Allows for some social contact with the candidate
- Disadvantages
- Often poorly conducted
- Time consuming
- Expensive
- Considering how much time is worth
- Difficult to use with large candidate pools
Structure continuum
- Structured to unstructured interviews
Unstructured interviews
- Non directive
- Different interviews with different applicants
- Potentially collecting information that you shouldn't have
- The less structured, the less legally defensible the interview is
What contributes to interview structure?
- Develop questions based on a job analysis
- Ask the same questions to all the candidates
- Limit probing
- Rate each answer on a pre established scale
- Take notes
- Use the same interviewer for all candidates
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Use multiple interviewers - panel interviewers
Train interviewers
Use situational behavioural description interview questions
Types of questions
Behavioural description interview (BDI)
- Past oriented
- Ask candidate to describe past job related behavior
- Each question will focus on one or more KSAOs required for the job
- Are couched in situations necessitating the KSAO
Please describe a situation in which you had to juggle multiple competing tasks at the
same time
- Future oriented
- Ask candidate how he or she would respond to a hypothetical scenario
Post assessment checks
- Reference checks
- Background checks
- Credit checks
Reaching a selection decision
- Summarizing information about applicants
- Decision making strategy
- Clinical strategy
- Subjective and holistic
- Statistical method
- Objective and rational (compensatory, minimum, sequential)
Midterm Review
35 multiple choice questions
10 fill in the blanks
2 short answer questions
What is hrm
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Ch 2
ADM 2337 - HRM all notes
Why hrm matters
The overall framework for human resources management
Strategic planning steps
1. Knowing mission, vision and values
2. Environmental analysis
3. Internal analysis
4. Strategy formulation
5. Strategy implementation
6. Evaluation and assessment
Ch 3
Why abide by employment law?
Legal framework
- Federal vs provincial vs territorial
- Human rights
- Employment standards
- Health and safety
Human rights
- Canadian charter of rights and freedoms
- Canadian human rights act
- Federal employment equity act
- provincial human rights act or code
- Discrimination
- Direct, disparate treatment, indirect
- Accessibility laws
- Federal, provincial, duty to accommodate , BFOR
- Pay equality and equity
Employment standards
- Minimum job entitlements, both provincial and federal
- Health and safety
- Violence and harassment
Ch 4
Job vs. Position
Job descriptions
- Purpose, problems, components
Job analysis
- Definition, outcomes, uses of the job analysis
- Who is involved in a job analysis?
- Approaches to a job analysis
- Job documents
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Ch 5
Ch 6
ADM 2337 - HRM all notes
- Interviews
- Incumbents
- Doing the job
- Use of job analysis questionnaires
- Job analysis databases
- Worker vs task oriented
Job design
- Job characteristics model
- Job enrichment
- Empowerment
- Flexible work schedules
- Compressed, flextime, job sharing, telecommuting
Recruitment and branding
Who should do the recruitment
Internal and external recruitment
- Pros and cons
- Internal
- Job posting
- Manager referrals HR records
- Skills inventories
- Replacement charts
- External
- Walkins
- Job fairs
- Employee refferals
- Job boards
- Social media
- Professional associations
- Executive search firm's
Realistic job previews
Psychological contracts
Recruiting metrics
- Quality of fill, time to fill, cost of recruitment, yield ratios
Career development
- Mentoring
- Book pages
What is employee selection and why is it important ?
What are we trying to predict?
Hits vs misses in selection
- Test retests
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- Parallel forms
- Interrater
- Content
- Criterion
- Predictive
- Concurrent
Selection tools
- Initial screening
- Cover letters
- Resumes
- Application forms
- Phone screening
- Internet checks
- Employment tests
- Job knowledge
- Work sample
- Cognitive ability
- Personality
- Physical ability
- Interview
- Pros and cons
- Structure
- What contributes to it
- Behavioural description
- Situational questions
- Post assessment checks
- Reference
- Background
- Credit
- Selection decision
- Clinical
- Statistical
- Compensatory
- Multiple cutoff
- Multiple hurdles
Lecture 10 - February 11
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- Focused toward short term performance
- Focused towards broadening an individuals KSAOs for future responsibilities
Reasons for training and development
- New hires
- Changes in the job
- Personal growth and development
- Procedural/organizational training
Challenges in training and development
- Is training the solution to the problem?
- Are the goals clear and well chosen?
- Is it a good investment?
- How will we know if the program was effective?
- Is it ethical?
Strategic Model of training
Phase 1 : needs assessment
- Organizational analysis
- Task analysis
- Person analysis
Organizational analysis
- Determines appropriateness of training
- Considers
- Organizations strategy
- Organizations resources
- Management support
Task analysis
- Based on job analysis
- Identifies the tasks and KSAOs that training should emphasize
Person analysis
- Determines
- Who needs the training
- If the employees are ready for training
Phase 2 : designing the training program
- Instructional objectives
- KSAOS to be acquired
- Level of performance expected post training
- Conditions under which the trainee is to apply learning
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Trainee readiness
- Employee characterisitcs
- Ability
- Motivation attitudes
Work environment of trainess
- Situational constraints
- Support
Designing the training program
- Indivudal differences
- Goal setting
- Modelling active practice and repitition
Instructor characteristics
Phase 3 : implementing the training program
- Choosing the instriucional method
- Who will be trained
- What will be trained
- Managerial vs non managerial
- How many will be trained
On the job training
Apprenticeship training
Classroom instruction
Co op, internships, governmental training
Development methods for high potential employees
- On the job experiences
- Coaching and mentoring
- Special projects
- Job rotations
- Formal education
- Seminars and conferences
Phase 4 - Evaluating the training program
- Measuring training effectiveness
- Criterion 1 - reactions
- Criterion 2 - learning
- Criterion 3 - behaviour
- Transfer of training
- Criterion 4 - results
- Roi and benchmarks
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ADM 2337 - HRM all notes
Chapter 8 - Performance management
Performance management
- General process to make sure employees are performing to their best abilities
Performance evaluation
- Once a year , twice a year formal sit down with your boss
Primary goals of performance management
- Strategic
- Administrative
- Motivational
- Developmental
Feedback of performance management
- Infrequent
- One way and negative
- Surprising
Performance goals
- Lacking
- Unclear
- Unrelated to job descriptions
Best practices for performance management
- Timely
- Is specific, not general
- Focuses on behaviour
- Is developmental
- Adopts a problem solving mindset
- Is balanced
- Is prioritized
What to evaluate
- Is it relevant to the organization's strategy
- Is it a good measure of performance?
- Fair and acceptable
- Legally compliant
- Reliability
- Criterion deficiency and contamination
Common errors in performance
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Contrast error
Similar to us
Halo error
Distributional errors
Performance evaluation methods
- Objective
- Outcome based
- Productivity measures
- Results focused
- Subjective
- Trait method
- Behavioural method
- Evaluation of employee by another person
- Involves human judgement
Behavioural methods
- Behavioural observation scale
- Behaviourally anchored rating scale
- Management by objective
- Balanced scorecard
Chapter 10 - Managing compensation
Total rewards approach
- Compensation
- Benefits
- Work life balance
- Performance and recognition
- Development and career opportunities
Total compensation
- Broken down into 3 components
Reasons for strategic compensation
- Rewards past performance
- Motivate future performance and ensure alignment with organizational goals
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Maintain salary equity among employees
Recruiting new talent
Retain talent
Be competitive in markup
Key influencers on Compensation
- Internal factors
- Vertical allignment with strategy
- Organizations ability to pay
- Worth of the job to the organization
- Worth of the employee to the organization
- External factors
- Local and global economic forces
- Legal requirements
- Unions
Employers compensation strategy
- Lead, lag, match competitors pay
- Fixed vs variable pay
Internal factors
- Worth of a job
- Equity theory
- Need to be treated fairly treated
- Motivation suffers when we believe we got less than we deserve
- Perceived equity of the distribution of rewards among employees
Components of equity theory
- Outcomes
- Inputs
- Comparison other
External factors
- Economic factors
- Labour market conditions
- Area wage rates
- Cost of living
- Wage surveys
Job evaluation methods
- Ranking system
- Classification system
- Point system
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ADM 2337 - HRM all notes
Work valuation
Point system
1. Go back to your job analysis
2. Identify benchmark jobs
3. Identify compensable factors
a. Skills
b. Efforts
c. Responsibility
d. Problem solving
e. Fiscal accountability
f. Supervision and leadership
g. Working conditions
Define factor degrees
Determine factor weights
4. Rate the value of the benchmark jobs on the compensable factors
a. Each job is given points for its level on each compensable factor
b. The sum of the points across factors provides the kobs value to the firm
5. Review the relative rating across the benchmark jobs
6. Calculate the pay function
a. Base salary = Beta * points + constant
b. The regression equation allows the organizaton to :
Determine the base salary of the remaining jobs
7. Rate all jobs on compensable factors
8. Record all information in the point manual
a. Create a job hierarchy
b. Classify jobs by grade levels
End result
- Job structure that respects internal equity
Lecture - March 10th
Compensation strategy
- Recognizes performance differences between employees within the same job or job
- Relevant to
- in crease in base pay
- Variable pay
Organization should
- Understand employees may ignore non rewarded goals
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ADM 2337 - HRM all notes
Tie performance goals to organization goals
- Goal setting theory
Employees should
- Believe they can reach performance standards
- Value the rewards
- Expectancy theory
- Believe the system is fair
- Equity theory
Types of incentive pay
Individual level
- Piecework pay
- Standard hour plans
- Merit raises
- Bonuses
- Sales commissions
- Recognition programs
Group level
- Gainsharing
- Group bonuses and team awards
Organizational level
- Profit sharing
- Stock ownership
- Scanlon plan
- Gainsharing
Group incentive plans
- Promote collaboration and the execution of team goals
- When your performance depends on the performance of the colleagues you work with
- Team incentives
- All members receive an incentive when standards are met by the entire team
- Gainsharing
- Operating similarly to team incentive plans
- Group based incentive programs that measure improvements in productivity and
- Distribute a portion of the financial gain that the employees were instrumental to
Why offer them
- Improve employee work satisfaction
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Meet employee health and security requirements
Attract and motivate employees
Retain top performing employees
Maintain a favorable competitive position
Basic benefit terminology
- Contributions
- Co-payments
- Deductible
- Flexible benefit plan
Legally required benefit s
- Canadian penison plan / quebec pension plan
- Employee insurance
- Workers compensation
- Statutory holdiarys and vacation days
- Leaves of absence and sick days
- Termination and severance pay