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Electronic Devices: BJT Transistors & Amplifiers

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Q&A được lập trên website https://courses.uet.vnu.edu.vn/
1) ELECTRONIC DEVICES, 9th edition, Thomas L. Floyd, Prentice Hall
2) Semiconductor Physics And Devices, 3rd ed. - J. Neamen
3) Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit
Prentice Hall
4) Linh kiện bán dẫn và vi mạch, Hồ Văn Sung, NXB Giáo Dục, 2007
5) Giáo trình linh kiện điện tử, Trương Văn Tám, ĐH Cần Thơ, 2003.
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Theory, 8th Edition,
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
The invention of the
1948 ushered in a
revolution in electronics
 The bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is constructed with three doped
semiconductor regions separated by two pn junctions
 Regions are called emitter, base and collector
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices2
Vi = 200 mV  VL = 50V
 Increase x250 times
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices3
Power transistors
and packages.
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices4
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices5
CB Configuration
CC Configuration
CE Configuration
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices6
The base–emitter and collector–base junctions of a transistor are
both reverse-biased.
The base–emitter and collector–base junctions are forward-biased.
The base–emitter junction is forward-biased, whereas the collector–
base junction is reverse-biased.
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices7
Cutoff mode
The base–emitter and collector–base
junctions of a transistor are both
Saturation mode
The base–emitter and collector–base
junctions of a transistor are both
VCE ≈ 0
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện bán dẫn và vi mạch
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices8
Active mode
The base–emitter junction is forward-biased, whereas the
collector– base junction is reverse-biased.
(npn) UC>UB>UE
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
(pnp) UC<UB<UE
Linh kiện bán dẫn và vi mạch
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices9
Active mode
The base–emitter junction is forward-biased, whereas the
collector– base junction is reverse-biased.
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Chuyển tiếp P-N giữa cực Base và cực
Emitter được phân cực thuận bởi nguồn
VEE. Chuyển tiếp P-N giữa cực Base và
cực Collector được phân cực nghịch bởi
nguồn VCC.
Điện tử từ cực âm của nguồn VEE di
chuyển vào vùng Emitter qua vùng
Base, đáng lẽ trở về cực dương của
nguồn VEE nhưng vì:
+ Vì vùng Base rất hẹp với 2 vùng kia
+ Nguồn VCC >> VEE cho nên đa số điện
tử bị hấp dẫn về nó
Dòng đi vào cực Base dgl dòng IB;
Dòng đi vào cực Collector dgl dòng IC;
Dòng đi vào cực Emitter dgl dòng IE.
Do đó, số lượng điện tử từ vùng Base
vào vùng thu tới cực dương của nguồn
VCC rất nhiều so với số lượng điện tử từ
vùng Base tới cực dương của nguồn VEE.
Sự dịch chuyển của điện tử tạo thành
dòng điện.
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Quy ước về chiều dòng điện là chiều từ cực dương đi qua
dây dẫn và các linh kiện tiêu thụ điện tới cực âm của
nguồn điện.
Trong trường hợp npn, dòng dịch chuyển của các electron
tích điện âm dịch chuyển ngược chiều với chiều của dòng
 npn còn được gọi là đèn (bóng) bán dẫn, BJT, ngược.
Trong trường hợp pnp, dòng dịch chuyển của các lỗ trống
tích điện dương dịch chuyển cùng chiều chiều với chiều của
dòng điện
 pnp còn được gọi là đèn (bóng) bán dẫn, BJT, thuận.
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
We have
(1) IE = IB + IC
(2) IC = α IE where α ≈ 0.95~0.99
Replace (2) into (1)
α, β:
Current gains (Current
amplification factors)
The collector current is comprised of
two currents:
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Using empirical methods, measure the parameters of the
circuit to draw BJT characteristic curves.
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Đặc tuyến ngõ vào IB (VBE)
Đặc tuyến truyền dẫn IC (VBE)
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Electronic Devices
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Common-Emitter Configuration
IB = f (VBE)|V
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
IC = f (VCE)|I
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Common-Collector Configuration
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Common-Collector Configuration
IB = f (VCB)|V
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo
IE = f (VCE)|I
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
BJT as a switch
A BJT can be used as a switching device in logic circuits to turn on
or off current to a load. As a switch, the transistor is normally in
either cutoff (load is OFF) or saturation (load is ON)
Switching action of an ideal transistor
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
BJT as an amplifier
Signal amplification can be understood as linearly increasing the
signal amplitude electrical signal. BJT can be used for signal
Let BJT amplify the signal the signal requires the BJT bias so that
Base-Emitter is forward biased and Collector-Base is reverse
In the amplifier circuit exists both direct (dc) and alternating
components (ac). One-dimensional quantities denoted according
to the primary index rule are capital letters Indexes are also
uppercase (example: IB). Alternating quantities are denoted
according the main index rule is the lower case sub-index is the
lower case (eg Ib)
The BJT is able to amplify signals due to the Collector current
approximately times the Base current. (IC = βIB)
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
The transistor can be employed as an amplifying device
There is an “exchange” of dc power to the ac domain that permits
establishing a higher output ac power.
A conversion efficiencyis defined by η=Po(ac)/Pi(dc) , where Po(ac) is
the ac power to the load and Pi(dc) is the dc power supplied.
The factor missing from the discussion above that permits an ac
power output greater than the input ac power is the applied dc
power. It is the principal contributor to the total output power
even though part of it is dissipated by the device and resistive
In other words, there is an “exchange” of dc power to the ac
domain that permits establishing a higher output ac power.
In fact, a conversion efficiencyis defined by h=Po(ac)/Pi(dc), where
Po(ac) is the ac power to the load and Pi(dc) is the dc power supplied
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Transistors as a Small Signal Amplifier
There are 2 analysis; dc analysis and ac analysis. The
purpose of dc analysis is to determine the initial operating
values of IC, IB and VCE (Q-point). The goal is to set the Q-point
such that it does not go into saturation or cutoff when an ac
signal is applied. If the Q-point is in active region, the transistor
can operate as an amplifier.
The purpose of ac analysis is to obtain the gain.
An amplifier is a system that has a gaining ability to amplify
where a small electrical signal will be converted into a strong
one. Amplifiers are classified as small signal amplifiers
(preamplifiers) and strong signal amplifiers (power amplifiers).
Amplifiers are able to amplify current, voltage and/or power.
In other words, only amplifiers are able to produce power gain
where as other devices such as transformer are only able to
produce voltage and current gain
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
For saturation mode and cutoff mode, we just provide a sufficiently
large (small) bias voltage so that the junction Base-Emitter , the
junction Collector-Base are both forward (reverse) biasses.
For active mode, in order to obtain the amplified signal without
distorting, a steady voltage dc must be supplied to the terminals of
the transistor (so that when adding an AC signal , the transistor does
not work into saturation or cutoff modes)
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
β: increases with increase in
|VBE|: decreases about 2.5 mV
per degree Celsius (°C) increase
in temperature
ICO(reverse saturation current):
doubles in value for every 10°C
increase in temperature
A stability factor (S) is defined for
each of the parameters affecting
bias stability as follows:
When the temperature changes,
the trasistor parameters will
change because IC = αIE + ICB0,
changes, the Q-point will change
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
thiên cố định)
Voltagedivider bias
(Mạch định
thiên phân áp)
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thiên hồi
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
With dc supply, f = 0 Hz,
dung kháng của tụ điện
XC = 1/ (2πfC) = 1/(2π0C) = ∝ Ω
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Forward Bias of Base–Emitter
Writing Kirchhoff’s voltage equation
for the loop
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Collector–Emitter Loop
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law
around the indicated closed loop
In the other words, we have
The magnitude of the collector
current is related directly to IB
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Because VE = 0V, so that
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Load-Line Analysis
The network of an output
equation that relates the
variables IC and VCE in the
following manner:
(y = ax +b)
Load-line analysis: (Left) the network;
(Right) the device characteristics
The load line established by
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Movement of the Q-point
with increasing level of IB
Effect of an increasing
level of RC on the load
line and the Q-point
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Effect of lower values of
VCC on the load line and
the Q-point
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
= IC x RC
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
BJT bias circuit with emitter resistor
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dc equivalent
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Base–Emitter Loop
Writing Kirchhoff’s voltage law around
the indicated loop
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Collector–Emitter Loop
Writing Kirchhoff’s voltage law for the
indicated loop
VE is the voltage from emitter to
ground and is determined by
VC is the voltage from collector to
ground can be determined from
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Load-Line Analysis
The collector–emitter loop equation
that defines the load line is
The load line established by
Load line for the emitter-bias configuration
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Voltage-divider bias configuration
 Exact Analysis
Defining the Q-point for the voltage-divider
bias configuration
 Approximate Analysis
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Exact Analysis
Redrawing the input side of
the network
Determining RTh
DC components of the
voltage-divider configuration
Định lý Thevenin
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Exact Analysis
The voltage source VCC is returned to the
network and the open-circuit Thévenin
voltage of determined as follows by
applying the voltage-divider rule:
Determining ETh
IBQ can be determined by first applying
Kirchhoff’s voltage law in the clockwise
direction for the loop indicated:
Inserting the Thévenin
equivalent circuit
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Approximate Analysis
The resistance Ri is the equivalent
resistance between base and ground
The voltage across R2, which is actually
the base voltage determined using the
voltage-divider rule (hence the name for
the configuration)
Because Ri =(β +1)RE ≈ βRE the condition that will define whether the
approximate approach can be applied is
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Approximate Analysis
The level of VE can be calculated from
The emitter current can be determined from
The collector-to-emitter voltage is determined by
The Q-point (as determined by IC(Q) and VCE(Q)) is independent of β
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Load-Line Analysis
The similarities with the output circuit of the emitter-biased
configuration result in the same intersections for the load line of the
voltage-divider configuration
The level of IB is of course determined by a different equation for the
voltage-divider bias and the emitter-bias configurations.
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Base–Emitter Loop
DC bias circuit with voltage feedback
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the network
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Base–Emitter Loop
Writing Kirchhoff’s voltage law around
the indicated loop
IC’ = IC + IB
IC = β IB
IE = IC + IB
In general, the equation
for IB has the following
For the fixed-bias configuration, βR does
not exist.
For the emitter-bias setup (with β+1 ≈ β),
IC = β IB
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Collector–Emitter Loop
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around the
indicated loop
which is exactly as obtained for the emitterbias and voltage-divider bias configurations
Collector–emitter loop
for the network
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
The key to transistor small-signal analysis is the use of the
equivalent circuits (models)
The re model became the more desirable approach because an
important parameter of the equivalent circuit was determined by
the actual operating conditions
The re model is really a reduced version of the hybrid π model used
almost exclusively for high-frequency analysis. This model also
includes a connection between output and sinput to include the
feedback effect of the output voltage and the input quantities.
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Transistor circuit
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The network of next figure following
removal of the dc supply and
equivalent for the capacitors.
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Electronic Devices
parameters of any system
Demonstrating the reason for the
defined directions and polarities
For all the analysis to follow here, the directions of the currents, the
polarities of the voltages, and the direction of interest for the impedance
levels are as appearing in the left figure.
For example, in the right figure the input and output impedances for a
particular system are both resistive.
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Current gain
Circuit of a small figure redrawn for small-signal ac analysis
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
The ac equivalent of a transistor network is obtained by:
1. Setting all dc sources to zero and replacing them by a shortcircuit equivalent
2. Replacing all capacitors by a short-circuit equivalent
3. Removing all elements bypassed by the short-circuit equivalents
introduced by steps 1 and 2
4. Redrawing the network in a more convenient and logical form
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Common-Emitter Configuration
Finding the input
for a BJT transistor
Equivalent circuit
for the input side
of a BJT transistor
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BJT equivalent circuit
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Common-Emitter Configuration
Now, for the input side:
Solving for Vbe:
Dynamic resistance
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University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Common-Emitter Configuration
Improved BJT equivalent circuit
BJT equivalent circuit
re model for the common-emitter transistor
configuration including effects of ro
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Common-Base Configuration
No phase shift between the input and
output voltages
Common-base BJT transistor
Equivalent circuit for configuration
Of the above figure
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Common-Collector Configuration
For the common-collector configuration, the model defined for the
common-emitter configu-ration is normally applied rather than
defining a model for the common-collector configuration
npn versus pnp
The dc analysis of npn and pnp configurations is quite different in the
sense that the currents will have opposite directions and the voltages
opposite polarities.
However, for an ac analysis where the signal will progress between
positive and negative values, the ac equivalent circuit will be the same.
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Common-emitter fixed-bias
Network of the left figure following the
removal of the effects of VCC, C1, and C2
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Electronic Devices
The re model
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
The re model
Note the explicit absence of β in the equation,
although we recognize that must be utilized to
determine re.
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Electronic Devices
Phase Relationship
The negative sign in the resulting equation for Av reveals that a
180°phase shift occurs between the input and output signals, as
shown in the figure
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Electronic Devices
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Substituting the re equivalent circuit into
the ac equivalent network of voltagedivider bias configuration
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
From the figure with Vi set to 0V,
resulting in Ib =0 mA and βIb =0 mA,
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Electronic Devices
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
The re model has the advantage that the parameters are defined by
the actual operating conditions, whereas the parameters of the
hybrid equivalent circuit are defined in general terms for any
operating conditions.
The description of the hybrid
equivalent model will begin with
the general two-port system
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Complete hybrid equivalent circuit
The re transistor model
h11  input resistance  hi
h12  reverse transfer voltage ratio  hr
h21  forward transfer current ratio  hf
h22  output conductance  ho
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Common-emitter configuration
Hybrid equivalent circuit
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Common-base configuration
Hybrid equivalent circuit
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Electronic Devices
Effect of removing hre and hoe from
the hybird equivalent circuit
Approximate hybrid
equivalent model
hrVo= 0
Because hr is normally a relatively small quantity, its removal is
approximated by hr = 0 and hrVo =0, resulting in a short-circuit
equivalent for the feedback element as shown in the left right. The
resistance determined by 1/ho is often large enough to be ignored in
comparison to a parallel load, permitting its replacement by an opencircuit equivalent for the CE and CB models.
The right figure is quite similar to the general structure of the commonbase and common-emitter equivalent circuits obtained with the re
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Hybrid versus re model: common-emitter configuration
Hybrid versus re model: common-base configuration
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
The analysis using the approximate hybrid equivalent circuit of the
common-emitter configuration and of the common-base configuration
is very similar eto that just performed using the re model.
Approximate common-emitter
hybrid equivalent circuit
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Approximate common-base
hybrid equivalent circuit
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Electronic Devices
Fixed-Bias Configuration
Substituting the approximate hybrid
equivalent network of the next figure
Using R’ =1/h
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we obtain
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Electronic Devices
Fixed-Bias Configuration
Voltage Gain:
Assuming that RB>>h ie and 1/hoe ≥10RC, we find Ib ≅Ii and Io=Ic=h Ib
=hfeIi , and so
Current Gain:
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Electronic Devices
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Two-port system
Substituting the complete hybrid equivalent circuit into the two-port system
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Electronic Devices
Current Gain, Ai = Io/ Ii
Applying Kirchhoff’s current law to the output circuit yields
Rewriting the equation above, we have
Note that the current gain reduces to
the familiar result of Ai =hf if the factor
hoRL is sufficiently small compared to 1
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Voltage Gain, Ai = Vo/ Vi
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to the input circuit results in
Solving for the ratio Vo/ V i yields
In this case, the familiar form of
Av =-hfRL /hi returns if the factor
(h iho–hf hr)RL is sufficiently small
compared to hi.
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Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Input impedance, Zi = Zo/ Zi
For the input circuit
The familiar form of Zi =hi is obtained if the second factor in the
denominator (hoRL) is sufficiently smaller than one.
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Output Impedance, Zo=Vo/Io
The output impedance of an amplifier is defined to be the ratio of the
output voltage to the output current with the signal Vs set to zero.
For the input circuit with Vs = 0,
In this case, the output impedance is
reduced to the familiar form Zo=1/ho
for the transis-tor when the second
sufficiently smaller than the first.
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices
Includes parameters that do not appear in the other two models
primarily to provide a more accurate model for high-frequency
hybrid π high-frequency transistor
small-signal ac equivalent circuit
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU
Linh kiện Điện tử
Electronic Devices