Uploaded by akpavie ekemena


# Lab Instructions: Object Oriented Programming
> ### **Tips: Before you Begin**
> #### **To view your code and instructions side-by-side**, select the following in your VSCode toolbar:
> - View -> Editor Layout -> Two Columns
> - To view this file in Preview mode, right click on this README.md file and `Open Preview`
> - Select your code file in the code tree, which will open it up in a new VSCode tab.
> - Drag your assessment code files over to the second column. > - Great work! You can now see instructions and code at the same time. > - Questions about using VSCode? Please see our support resources here: > [Visual Studio Code on Coursera](https://www.coursera.org/learn/programming-with-javascript/supplement/roMvE/visual-studio-code-on-coursera)
> #### **To run your JavaScript code**
> - Select your JavaScript file
> - Select the "Run Code" button in the upper right hand toolbar of VSCode. > Ex: It looks like a triangular "Play" button. <br><br>
## Task 1: Code a Person class
Code a Person class, with three parameters in the constructor: name, age, and energy.
Set the default parameters in the Person class as follows:
name = "Tom"
age = 20
energy = 100
Code two methods in the `Person` class. Name those methods `sleep()` and `doSomethingFun()`.
The `sleep()` method should take the existing energy level and increase it by 10.
The doSomethingFun() method should take the existing energy level and decrease it by 10.
## Task 2: Code a Worker class
Code a sub-class, inheriting from the `Person` class, and name it `Worker`.
The `Worker` class has two additional parameters in the constructor: - xp (for "experience points")
- hourlyWage.
These properties are set to the following default values:
xp = 0
hourlyWage = 10
The `Worker` class has all the paramerters and methods of its super-class.
Additionally, it has the `goToWork()` method, which, whenever it's run, increases the value of the `xp` property by 10.
## Task 3: Code a intern object
Inside the intern function instantiate the `Worker` class to code a new intern object.
The intern should have the following characteristics:
name: Bob
age: 21
energy: 110
xp: 0
hourlyWage: 10
Run the `goToWork()` method on the intern object. Then `return` the intern object.
## Task 4: Code a manager object
Inside the manager function instantiate the `Worker` class to code a new `manager` object.
The manager object should have the following characteristics:
name: Alice
age: 30
energy: 120
xp: 100
hourlyWage: 30
Run the `doSomethingFun()` method on the manager object. Then `return` the manager object.
### Nice work! 