Uploaded by Basil Chin

TikTok Consistency 3

TikTok Organic
Videos go Viral for a ton of reasons
Funny content
Shorter content (watch time)
Hook in the first 3 seconds
Know your audience (entertain them) because views mean nothing, only revenue.
Use Instagram Reels to blow content up again
Copy other winning videos
Record on the app
TikTok Tips:
Getting started:
- Use Phone Number only.
- Never use the same number twice.
- Do Not Use VPN
- Do not access tiktok through desktop
How to get a number if you’ve already used yours:
- Google Voice
- Phone.com
Start Posting:
1. Always post 3 times a day 3-4 hours apart. There are 2 different ways to approach it: a. 7-15
second videos b. 45-1:20 second videos
2. Once you’ve chosen the length, do NOT change or swap out. You must hit the same time
frame every single time.
3. Do NOT miss a single day or a single post for the first 2-3 weeks. Consistency is key.
4. Hashtags: 3 per post. No more no less. More hashtags will show tiktok you're just trying to
push content out to make a quick buck. Less (1-2) will show tiktok you aren’t trying hard enough
(sounds crazy but it’s been tested).
- Looking for other viral videos & copy their hashtags if they make sense for you product. Two of
them should be product related & one should be more positioned around whats trending &
getting the most viewers. Note** Missing a day of posting will not get you the outcome you’re
looking for especially within the first 2 weeks.
Shadow Ban & Not Going Viral**
On average it should take you 2-4 weeks to know if your product will go viral. If you don’t have a
post that goes viral within the first 2-4 weeks either the product isn’t working or you’re shadow
Written With Love by Benny Billz and Jake ECC
Property Of Internet Accelerator