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Nursing Care of Children with Mumps

Nursing Care of Children with
Pediatric Nursing (2)
Lesson Plan
I. Principles of Pediatric Nursing
1. Health promotion and illness prevention( W1)
2. Maintaining the health of children (W1)
II. Nurses Role in Promoting Growth
and Development
V. Nursing Care of a Child with Vaccine-Preventable
Diseases (W6)
1. Nursing Care of children with Rubella
2. Nursing care of children with Mumps
3. Nursing care of children with Poliomyelitis
1. Revision of developmental stages and child
behavior ( W1)
2. General observation and health promotion for
the following age groups
A. Infants and toddlers (W1)
B. School age children (W2)
C. Adolescents (W2)
VI. Nursing Care of a Child with GI Diseases (W7)
III. Nurses‘ Role in the Identification of
Types of Injury and Prevention
VIII. Nursing Care of a Child with Respiratory
1. Accidental injury ( W3)
2. Non - Accidental injury ( W4)
IV. Immunization
1. National Immunization Program ( W4)
2. Cold chain preparation, storage, and use of
vaccines (W5)
3. Calculating vaccine and syringe for ordering
requirements ( W5)
1. Nursing Care of children with dietary reflux
2. Nursing Care of children with Gastro-enteritis
VII. Nursing Care of a Child with in flammatories (W7)
1. Nursing Care of children with Laryngitis
2. Nursing Care of children with Epiglottis
1. Nursing Care of children with Bronchitis (W8)
2. Nursing Care of children with Bronchiolitis (W8)
3. Nursing Care of children with Pneumonia (W9)
IX. Nursing Care of a Child with Malnutrition
1. Screening for malnutrition (W10)
2. Hospitalized care for severe malnutrition ( W10)
 Recall the cause of mumps.
 List causes of the disease.
 Describe the common clinical manifestations.
 Describe assessment parameters and diagnostic finding for the
client with mumps.
 Perform nursing management with proper procedures.
 Develop nursing care plan and goals.
 Implement appropriate nursing interventions and evaluation.
• Mumps is an acute virus infection that causes
enlargement of the parotid glands (salivary
glands in the cheeks at the angle of the jaw).
• Mumps is caused by a virus from the
myxovirus group that is paramyxovirus.
Incubation and Communicable Periods
• Incubation period:
14-21 days
• Communicable period:
 Immediately before and after parotid gland
swelling begin
Source and Transmission
• Source:
– Saliva of infected person and possibly urine.
• Transmission:
– Direct contact or droplet spread from an infected
Clinical features
1. Fever
2. Headache and malaise
3. Anorexia
4. Jaw or ear pain aggravated by chewing follow
by parotid glandular swelling
5. Orchitis may occur (swollen, tender, inflamed
 Base on clinical signs:
• Face swelling
• Headache
• Fever
• Anxiety
• Muscle pain
• Malaise
• Cough
Nursing Care Planning
• Educate patient about mumps
• Encourage hydration and rest
• Educate about hand washing
• Tell patient to keep away from school or work
until symptoms subside
Nursing Care Planning
• Educate caregiver on vaccination
• Take acetaminophen for pain
• Use saltwater gargles for sore throat
• Evaluate patient for other complications like
pancreatitis, orchitis, aseptic meningitis,
weakness, etc.
Nursing Interventions
The following are the nursing interventions for a patient with mumps:
• Institute droplet precautions.
• Provide the bed rest until the parotid gland swelling subsides.
• Avoid food that require chewing.
• Apply hot or cold compresses as prescribed to the neck.
• Apply warmth and local support with tight-fitting underpants to
relieve orchitis.