Prepared by: Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi Diploma in Records Management Tanzania Public Service College – DSM CONTACTS: +255 +255 +255 +255 712 211 641 782 211 641 768 211 641 622 211 641 E-MAIL: ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 176 MUGUMU/SERENGETI © 2016 Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 1 INTRODUCTION TO REGISTRY AND REGISTRY MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION The word Registry is derived from the word Registration. Registry its name from the offices which in the ealies years, maintained “REGISTERS’’ in which were entered the particulars of the incoming and outgoing letter/mails Today Registry work involves procedures which include; - Receiving, Recording Tracing, classification, indexing, filing and storing papers etc. The work therefore requires organized common sense and if certain procedures are not adhered to some difficulties in tracing documents are encountered Since at present Registry work has become so complex and the term “Registry” is rather obsolete and its does not give a clear picture of what is actually done in with records instead the term “Record management” is more appropriate In view of this the term Registry should now change to “Records office” In this topic the word Registry will be used frequently as it is the most commonly used word in connection with our day office routine DEFINITION i. Registry: is the administrative unit for the receipt control and maintenance of current record ii. Registry : is the place where the records of the organization are kept maintained iii. Registry: is the central mail room i.e. that part of the office where records of the organization or office are kept and maintained REGISTRY MANAGEMENT This is the study where registry skills and methods are applied in achieving efficiency and economy in managing Registries for the day to day functions of an organization/office Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi |Introduction to registry and registry management. 1 ROLE OF REGISTRY The registry exists in order to serve the office or organization PURPOSE OR TARGET OF THE REGISTRY Purpose or target of the registry is to send to the action officers the right selection of papers or data in the right file at the right time. FACTORS TO CONSIDER THE SUCCESS OF REGISTRY Trained Staff. Good Work System/Procedures. Co-operation from Senior Officer (User of Registry). Effective/Good Supervision. Adequate and Serviceable Equipment. FUNCTION OF REGISTRY Receiving, sorting, and distribution of incoming mail. Filing letters. Control movement of file. Prepare retention schedule. Dispose all outdated document. Tracing and producing paper when needed. Prepare keyword list with co-operation of senior officer. Make bring up (BU) and put away (PA) arrangement. Dispatching outward or outgoing mail. Decongestion exercise. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 2 STANDARDIZATION OF REGISTRY PROCEDURES This means to makes uniform the registry procedures in all registries of the same organization. OR This is the establishment of making uniform all registry procedures in government offices. ADVANTAGE OF STANDARDIZATION OF REGISTRY i. The training of new employed as well as services employers in the organization is simplified. It‟s easier to enter change the staff i.e. transfer or movement of staff from one office ii. to another. iii. Manpower requirement on the part of records cadre can easily be estimated by getting new employees from government colleges. iv. Standard work performance on the records side will easily be realized by the government throughout the country. STAFF REQUIRED IN THE REGISTRY Office supervisor/registry supervisor. Records management assistant. Office Assistant. Driver. Watchmen. KEY CUSTOMER OF REGISTRY Permanent Secretary Minister Director Head of department/Section Functional officer Other workers Member of the public Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 3 TYPES OF REGISTRY 1. Open Registry This is where ordinal mail/unclassified letter are handled sometimes is known as GENERAL OFFICE. 2. Confidential Registry This is where classified letter are handled i.e. confidential, secret and top secret. NB: Its restricted place and only those working there are allowed to enter. CHARACTERISTICS OF OPEN REGISTRY Quite and pleasant surroundings. The floors space available. Fire prevention measure. Good ventilation. The size and number of desk, tables and chair. CHARACTERISTICS OF CONFIDENTIAL REGISTRY Not labeled Should be in reasonably private and secure accommodation Key put at one Centre combination lock Unauthorized people are not allowed to enter confidential registry Employee vetted Confidential/secret/ top secret matters Good ventilation/good condition (Air) Fire prevention measure Roof sound proof Window with grill Cabinet properly bricked in with proper lacks Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 4 Basic characteristics of an effective records management assistant i. Knowledgeable and well educated. ii. Understanding the system. iii. Security minded. iv. Customers care. v. Good time manager. vi. Co-operative and flexible. vii. Tolerant. viii. Self confident. ix. Good in communication skills. x. Committed. xi. Vetted. xii. Trainable. xiii. Self discipline. xiv. Smart. xv. Keep records and good memory. xvi. Obedient. xvii. Self motivated. xviii. Initiative. xix. Ability to work with others (team building). xx. Hard working. xxi. Ambitious. File Movement Control This is the system whereby files are controlled in order to avoid misplacement of when needed. Question Why it‟s necessary to have file movement system? Answer It‟s necessary to have file movement system in order to avoid misplacement of file when needed. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 5 CONTROL TOOL The followings are the control tools used in the registry;i. Bring Up Diary ii. Dispatch Book iii. File Census/Morning List/Daily marking iv. File Diary v. File Movement Slip vi. File Transit Sheet vii. Incoming Mail Register viii. Outgoing Mail Register ix. Paper Transfer Slip/Form x. Register Mail book xi. Transit Ladder/Marking Grid xii. Valuable Register book SPECIMENS OF CONTROL FORMS/TOOL 1. File diary This is a register of file by date of opening. SN DATE FILE OPENED NUMBER PREVIOUS TITLE FILE NUMBER Table 1 Specimen of file diary Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 6 2. File transit sheet This is the file movement sheet which controls the movement of specific file whenever the file is called outside the registry. CLASSIFICATION FILE NUMBER FILE TITLE INDEX HEADING PREVIOUS FILE NUMBER SENT TO DATE SUBSEQUENT FILE NUMBER SENT TO DATE SENT TO DATE Table 2 Specimen of file transit sheet 3. Transit ladder/marking grid This is the five columned sheet of paper put on a file to show where the file is going. OFFICER OR FOR ACTION SECTION F/M INITIAL DATE ACTION TAKEN F/M Table 3 Specimen of transit ladder/marking grid Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 7 4. File movement slip This is the slips used when a file is sent from one action officer to another to enable the registry to know where about of a particular file. Please complete this form and send it to the registry when every you pass a file to another officer. This will enable the registry to insure its records are accurate. FILE NUMBER: ……………………………………………….. FILE TITLE: …………………………………………………… PASSED TO: …………………………………………………… DATE: ………………………………………………………….. SIGNATURE: …………………………………………………. Table 4 Specimen of file movement slip 5. Bring up diary This is a diary kept in registry which is used to records all files requested by action officers in later date DATE OF BRING UP FILE NUMBER FILE TITLE REQUIRED BY Table 5 Specimen of bring up diary 6. File census form/morning list This is a list or record of files taken every morning before the starting hours to show the where about of file in various offices. DATE FILE NUMBER FILE TITLE LOCATION Table 6 Specimen of file census form/morning list Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 8 7. Incoming correspondence register This is the book which used to record particulars of important official letters received in the office daily. Date Date on Reference From received letter on letter whom Subject Date filed and File number passed to action officer Table 7 Specimen of incoming correspondence register 8. Outgoing correspondence register This is the book which used to record particulars of important official letters send out the office daily. Date received Date To whom Reference for dispatch dispatched sent on letter For post Subject office/dispatch register number Table 8 Specimen of outgoing correspondence register 9. Dispatch book This is a five columned book used for sending outgoing letters to local addresses within the office or surrounding office by hand of an office assistant. DATE OF DATE OF LETTER DISPATCH TO WHOM SEND REFERENCE ON LETTER SIGNATURE OF RECEIVING OFFICE/DATE Table 9 Specimen of dispatch book Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 9 10. Paper transfer slip This is a form used to replace a letter in a file which has been transferred to another file. FILE NUMBER …………………………………….. FOLIO NUMBER …………………………………….. FROM WHOM …………………………………….. TO WHOM …………………………………….. REFERENCE NUMBER …………………………………….. DATE …………………………………….. SUBJECT …………………………………….. DATE …………………………………….. Table 10 Specimen of Paper Transfer slip 11. Register Mail book This is a four column book kept in the registry to records all registered articles from the post office. Date Received Post Register No. Content/Name Disposal Name Table 11 Specimen of registered mail book 12. Valuable register book Valuables All valuables e.g. cheque, cash, bank draft, money order and other valuable items must be recorded in a valuable register. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 10 By definition A valuable register: is an eight columned book used to records valuable items received in the mail registered e.g. cheque, cash, postal orders, bank draft etc. Date From To received whom whom Registers Amount Cheque or Signature money of register order No. officer Signature of account section officer Table 12 Specimen of valuable register book FILING This is the process of keeping and indexing records so that they can be seen or located easily when needed. REASONS FOR FILING i. To keep records tidy and clean ii. To preserve for future reference iii. To make them easily available when required needed iv. Keeping together related paper in one file Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 11 PROCEDURE OF FILING Before filing of the documents the filing clerk will sort the mail/letter into two groups a. Those quoting the office reference number, trace the files b. Those which do not quoting office reference number look for the file number in the file index/list AFTER COLLECTING THE FILE DO THE FOLLOWING i. Place the letter into the right file. ii. Punch a hole on the letter at the top left hand corner (one inch from the top) then put the letters into the file with a tag. iii. Write a folio number at the top right hand corner and circle it e.g. 10 the enclosure if any, should bear the same number e.g. 10A iv. Cross reference the letter where necessary. v. Fill the four columns of transit ladder. vi. Remove the file movement card from the file and fill the two columns and send the file to action officer. N.B: Enclosures which are to be returned should not be filled but attached to the letter with a clip. REASON OF DELAY OF FILING i. File is under action ii. File is lost iii. The file is misplaced iv. The letter is new v. The filing clerk is too lazy vi. The latter has been received too late vii. Too much work on the part of filing clerk Question What are unconnected paper folder/outstanding papers? Answer Is a file/folder which is used to keep unfilled or pending letter. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 12 FUNDAMENTAL RESOURCE OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT i. Accommodation ii. Financial iii. Information iv. Human resource/people v. Facilities/equipment ADVANTAGE OF FILE SERIES I. II. It simplify retrieval of file It show function and activities of an organization III. Faster access of information IV. It reduce customer complain V. Enhance efficiency and accountability to the staffs DUTIES OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT (RMA) i. Manage and direct all incoming mails ii. Ensure security and safety of records iii. Supervise the records staff in the records office iv. To ensure cleanes of records office v. Control day to day activities within the records office in accordance with the accepted policy Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 13 PROCEDURE OF DEALING WITH INCOMING MAIL Incoming Mail/Correspondence Means letters and parcel received from various places such as post office (PO), Mail Clearing Centre (MCC) etc. PROCEDURE OF HANDLING INCOMING MAIL 1. Sort Into Three Groups That Is: i. Personal/Private Mail ii. Official Mail iii. Registered Slips 2. Action to Be Taken After Sorting: a) For Individual Mails: i. Giving such letters to office attendant to distribute to individuals. OR ii. Putting them in pigeon holes for individual officer to collect. OR iii. By re-directing a letter to person's on leave or transfer b) For Registered Slip: i. Records in the Registered Mail Book before Collecting from Post Office after Receiving the Register, They Should Be Opened In front Of a Witness c) For Official Mail i. Open the Official Mail In The Presence Of another Officer and Ensure That Contents Are Not Damaged. ii. Date Stamp All the Mail except Photographs, Original Certificates, Licenses, Insurance Cheque, Legal Documents. iii. All Mail And Valuable Items Must Be Recorded In The Relevant Registers. iv. Enclosures Should Be attached To the Appropriate Covering Letter. If There Is Any Enclosure Missing, a Note Should Be Made On the Letter and the Sender Should Be Informed Immediately. v. Put All The Mail In A Folder Or Mail Box For PREVIEW. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 14 IN SUMMARIZATION PROCEDURE OF HANDLING INCOMING MAIL INCLUDE 1. Receiving 2. Sorting 3. Opening 4. Date stamp 5. Recording into relevant register such as Incoming mail register and valuable register Book 6. Preview 7. Filing Outgoing mail These are letters parcel etc. dispatches out the office to various places through post office, MCC, local dispatch etc. Objectives/target The objective or target of the registry is to dispatch all the mail on the day it is signed. Source of outgoing mail i. Reply of incoming mail. ii. Requesting information from outside offices Part of outgoing mail There are three parties of connected to outgoing mail i. Typist/Personal secretary ii. Signing officer iii. Dispatch clerk (in the registry) Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 15 DUTIES OF TYPIST IN CONNECT WITH OUTGOING MAIL i. To read through the draft. Reasons for reading draft a) Make correction if necessary. b) Determine the size or paper to be used. c) To know the number copies required. ii. To type the letter neatly and accurately. iii. To proof read the letter. iv. To file a file copy and cross-reference (if necessary). v. Send the letter to the signing officer. DUTIES OF SIGNING OFFICER i. To date and signing the original. ii. To sign or name stamp and date any copies for dispatch. iii. Initial date the file copy and the flimsy copy. iv. Enter the appropriate making on the transit ladder and send it together with the original letter to the file dispatch clerk. v. If he wishes to retain (copy) the file he may send the original and all copies to the dispatch clerk and carry on working with the file DUTIES OF DISPATCH CLERK i. Check that the original and all other copies has been signed, initialed and dated. ii. Check that alterations made on the original by the signing officer have been carried on the other copies as well. iii. Check that any enclosures that are to accompany the letter are attached. iv. Prepare envelope for all addresses (if necessary), use economic labels whenever possible. NOTE: all letters for one addressee should be placed in one envelope. v. Place flimsy copies in a folder for circulation of officer. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 16 FLIMSIES These are extra copies of outgoing letters kept for circulation to officers so that they may keep in touch with the general affairs of the department organization. OR These are extra copies of the outgoing letters kept in the registry for circulation to officer. Advantage of maintaining flimsy copy i. They serve as a temporary reference in case the file copy is misplaced. ii. They keep officer in other departments informed of what is going on in organization. Disadvantage of maintaining flimsy copy i. This is waste of stationary because every outgoing mail letter must be having flimsy copy which is of a temporary nature. CREATING A NEW FILE (reasons for opening new file) Here are some of the reasons why create a new file i. A file has been closed as a result of being too thick i.e. 3cm or 99 folio. ii. The subject is new. iii. A new file is required by management. iv. A file which covers too many issues is also hard to use. v. A present file is full. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 17 CRITERIA TO FOLLOW WHEN OPENING NEW (factor to consider when opening new) i. ii. Do not open a new file or a new part of an existing file until you have the first document to put on it and the head of records office has agreed that a new file is needed. Broad title covering „‟GENERAL OR MISCELLANIOUS‟‟ must be avoided at all coast iii. When approval has been given take a new title and enter neatly and legible, the file number and the file part number if it is a new part The date on which your are opening the file Use proper index Headings = (KEY WORDS) Insert the tag if the cover and then file letters on the right hand side Inter the details the file or part: The file diary The file index A new transit sheet Prepare required materials for creating records i.e. Treasury tag/Green tag Minute sheets File transit sheet File jackets Transit ladder etc. FILE COVERS This is a hard folded piece of paper used to keep document. The type of file cover commonly used in the office is made of hard sheet with a printed face and a punched hole at the top left corner through which to thread a tag. Leaving ends inside the file cover. When writing the title and a number care should be taken to ensure that letters and figures are clear. A stencil ruler gives good results, but it is slow compared to good hand writing. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 18 Types of file cover i. Plastic files. ii. Box files. iii. Manila files. iv. Flat files. v. Spring files. METHOD OF HOUSING FILES (storing of files) There are many types of filing equipments to be used, for housing files in the office. The mostly commonly used filing equipments may include the following:1. Filing cabinet It is metallic equipment with four drawers used for housing files in the offices. Advantage i. It gives security to the files against file, dust. rain, etc. ii. File are hidden inside, they cannot be taken easily. iii. Files can be located easily due to alphabetical or number. Disadvantage i. Pulling out of drawers to get a file wastes much of the room space. ii. It is expensive to buy. iii. If the key is lost you cannot get files easily 2. Filing shelves This is a horizontal method of housing files shelves are made of wood, sometimes from iron. Files are stored upright like books. Advantage i. It is cheap. ii. It is easy to get a file from the shelves. iii. They save the room space because they have no drawers. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 19 Disadvantage i. They can easily be destroyed in case of outbreak of fire. ii. The exposed files on shelves may be spoilt by dash rain etc. iii. The exposed files on shelves may be stolen easily. 3. By using lateral filing This is metallic equipment similar to a cupboard in shape; with many suspended pockets attached to special railing inside each drawer (normally six) each auctioned file can therefore be housed in each suspended pocket laterally side by side. Advantage i. Because it is compact. It saves much of file space in the registry. ii. Because of its design (shape) it can keep (house) the most numerous files of all other housing methods used in the registry. iii. It is metallic thus files can be stored quite safety. Disadvantage i. Files can easily get dust because the drawers are open. ii. It is expensive to buy. 4. By using a cupboard It is made of wood with fixed drawers inside. Advantage i. It is cheap. ii. Files are safe because are secured inside. Disadvantage i. It can be destroyed by fire, ii. It is not suitable where there are many files to be stored in the registry. FILING SYSTEMS This is the method of arranging papers into subjects, and subjects into files and files into groups so that papers which filed together and can easily and quickly be found. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 20 1. File classification system. This is a predetermined scheme for the physical and intellectual arrangement storage and retrieval of files. 2. A file. This is an organized physical assembly (usually) within the folder or document grouped together for current use because they relate to the some subject, activities or transaction. OR This is a file cover including the documents. Contents of complete file i. Station The name of the place of the file ii. File number The number to be written to all letters to be dispatched from the office iii. File title Name of file iv. Transit ladder Paper showing where the file is sent v. Correspondences in the file vi. File movement card vii. A minute sheet Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 21 Personal file This is a file which is opened for every employee. It is opened when a person is employed to keep his personal particulars during the term of his employment. Personal particulars includes i. Letter of appointment. ii. Letter of contract. iii. Next of kin card. iv. Medical assessment from/medical examination. 3. Requirement of a filing system. i. A filing system should support business or organizational requirements. ii. It should suit the organization it serves and support decision making. iii. It should provide the best easiest and simplest solution. iv. A filing system should be easy to understand use and maintain. v. It should be based on logic or common sense. vi. It should be understand by operator‟s staff and it should be independent of human memory. vii. It should use simple processes. viii. It should be flexible and allow for expansion. ix. A filing system should be backed up by procedures manual and training materials. x. It should be clearly and comprehensively documented. xi. All procedures should be explained and easy to follow steps. xii. It should provide master copies of all forms with completed examples. xiii. It should inspire confidence in operators and users. xiv. A filing system should be;- Precise It should minimize doubt about where to file a paper. It should allow the quick identification and retrieval of files. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 22 Put Away (PA) This means that the file is no long required by the officer in charge so that can be put back into its appropriate cabinet or rack. OR Means return the file to its place as no further action is to be returned. Bring Up Diary (BU) This is a diary kept in registry which is used to records all files requested by action officers in later date. OR Means the file is to be sent back to the action officer on the specified date for his/her action. Minute sheet This is a sheet paper put inside the left hand side of a particular file. Treasury Tag/Green Tag This is a physical device used to secure document to file cover. Preview of Mail/Letters This is the advance reading of opened incoming mail/letters by scheduled officers, before such letters are filled. Advantage of preview of mail/letters i. It enables the schedule officer to keep in touch with the business of the office daily for general enlightenment. ii. It enables the previewing officer to delegate work and eventually follow up assignment to junior staff. iii. It enables the previewing officer to recognize any letter needed urgent action. Disadvantage of preview of mail/letters i. It cause delay in filing of the opened letters if the previewing officer is away. ii. Letters may get lost or misplaced during the previewing process. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 23 Mail Clearing Centre (MCC) This is a government postal office which all official mail are received and dispatched to other places of the country and the word. REASONS FOR THE LEAKAGE OF CLASSIED INFORMATION i. Access of confidential registry by unauthorized staff. ii. Lack of enough security knowledge by staff of the registry in handling such information. iii. Poor records management system of the organization. iv. Staff Not Vetted. v. Staffs are not trustworthy on matters pertaining to classified documents. WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO STOP LEAKAGE OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION i. Restrict unauthorized staff access to confidential registry and classified file. ii. Vetting of staff. iii. Training staff on security of documents. iv. Arranging seminars to all records and registry staff on matters related to security of document/information. v. To establish good records management system of the organization. APPRAISAL OF RECORDS Appraisal – This is the process of determining the value of records for further used for whatever purpose and the length of time for which that value will continue. PURPOSE OF APPRAISAL OF RECORDS Appraisal which is sometimes called "Evaluation" has two purposes:a) Involves deciding what records need to be kept and for how long. b) Involves deciding what records need permanent preservation as archives because they have enduring value purpose other than those for which they were created. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 24 COMMON DEFECT IN THE REGISTRY/SHORTCOMING 1. Mail taking too long to reach action officers. Reasons: a) Poor messenger service. b) If they filing clerk is too busy due to heavy load of work. c) Poor file movement control. d) Too many offices previewing the mail. Remedies: a) Limit preview to the head of department only. b) Establish/improve control of file movements. c) Improve supervision of the clerk and messengers. 2. Failure to produce files when needed. Reasons: a) Poor movement of control of files. b) Poor co-operation between officers (user) and registry staff. c) Misplacement of files when returned in the registry. d) Files taken in the cabinet without informing the registry staff. Remedies: a) Improve the file index. b) Introduce file movement control mechanism. c) Enforce procedures by improved supervision. 3. Failure to trace documents received in the office. Reasons: a) Poor classification of files. b) Poor standard of indexing/listing of files. c) Lack of numerical/alphabetical indexes. Remedies: a) Establish file indexes and use them. b) Prepare a good classification method. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 25 4. Failure to dispatch litter in time. Reasons: a) Poor messenger service. b) The typist indicating the date on the letter when signing officer is absent. c) Too much work on the part of dispatch clerk. Remedies: a) A typist should type year and month only, leaving the date to be Written by signing officer. b) Messengers should be supervised effectively. DECONGESTION OF RECORDS Sentencing: is the determining what closed file to return in the records centre and which one to destroy STEPS OF DECONGESTION OF RECORDS Decongestion: is the systematic process of indentifying records that are no longer needed day to day administrative business of any organization IT S STEPS 1) Set criteria i.e. 20 years and above /2 – 5 years. 2) Mark/label storage location i.e. FC,WS,MS 3) Retrieve a file from the storage location 4) Retrieve the title of the file 5) Read the year of the first folio in the file 6) Judge whether the file is active or inactive according to the criteria set 7) Record to the appropriate forms and inactive file to the record center transfer forms 8) Mark on the top of the jacket the location of the file from which you have obtained i.e. FC 1/1 If the file is active 9) If the file is inactive after recording close the file and write the date in which the file is closed 10) Put the file in a box or tie up with a string/rope 11) Transfer the boxes to the departmental record centre. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 26 IN SUMMARIZATION STEPS FOR DECONGESTION i. Set the decongestion criteria. ii. Marking up file storage location. iii. Listing files from shelves. iv. Re-shelves active files. v. Boxing in-active files. vi. Retrieval of listed files. vii. Reactivated in-active files. CHALLENGES OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT No security measure Poor storage facilities Poor environment control that lead severe deterioration of records Poor Management of semi current records Inadequate of trained staff Inadequate of accommodation Insufficient supply of stationary material Understaffing SYMPTOMS OF POOR RECORDS MANAGEMENT Records piled up on the desk To many unregistered mail Over duplication of document Papers put on wrong file No retention/disposal list Files/papers cannot located quickly Staff maintain private system Staff do not know Records Management system and procedure Non-active and active record keep together Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 27 PROBLEMSOF POOR RECORDS MANAGEMENT Loss of management information Leakage of information Complaints from the customers and stakeholders Loss of confidence Poor decision making Loss of ability to provide information to general public Question; Describe three method of classification used in filing of office documents and list their advantages and disadvantage for each. 1. Alphabetical classification Under this system letters are filled in the alphabetical order of the names e.g. Telephone Advantage i. File can be located immediately. ii. Number of file can be reduced. iii. Its self index. Disadvantage i. Mistake creep in under common names. ii. There is also difficult if names are misspelled. 2. Geographical classification This is arrangement of files/documents according geographical order. Advantage i. Statistical data can be collected easily. ii. It‟s simple to operate. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 28 Disadvantage i. Index is required. ii. Clerk must be trained. iii. Geographical location must be known. 3. Numerical classification This is classifications which use numbers or dates to arrange information. Advantage i. Accuracy in filing system is greater. ii. It‟s simple to understand. iii. Good for expansion. Disadvantage i. Separated index is a must. ii. More time is required to located file. iii. Transposition of figures causes misfiling. Folio This is the number given to a filed letter to indicate a page number. Foliating Refer to the process of numbering documents consecutively on the file beginning with number in order which they are filed. Non-classified document These are official documents bearing no security classification. Classified document These are official documents bearing security classification. i.e. confidential, secret and top secret Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 29 File covers for classified documents Differently coloured file cover are used for classified files. The colours laid down in government security instructions are. 1. Top secrets: the cover folder should be RED. 2. Secret: the cover folder should be GREEN with a RED BOND DIAGONAL. 3. Confidential: covers are BLUE File title Title must appear not on the out the cover. The reference number should appear outside the file and title should be written inside the front cover. The need to know (principle) The circulation of classified documents/materials should be strictly restricted to officers who need them for efficiency performance of their duties and not because of their ranks or position. MINIMUMS STANDARD OF HOUSING CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS Nature of documents Insecure premises Secure premises A steel safe properly bricked Top secret documents A steel safe. in. Steel filing cabinet properly Steel filling cabinet filled bricked in and filled with Secret documents with a locking bar. security locking bar and six level pad lock. Steel filing cabinet filled Confidential documents Steel filling cabinet. with a locking bar. Table 13 Minimums standard of housing classified documents TRANSMISSION OF CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS TRANSMISSION OF DOCUMENTS BETWEEN OFFICES IN THE SAME BUILDING Classification Cover to be used Means of Transmission By hand of an officer Top secret documents No cover necessary. authorized to have access to top secret material. Secret documents Locked security box. By office assistant. Confidential documents Locked security box. By office assistant. Table 14 Transmission of documents between offices in the same building Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 30 TRANSMISSION OF DOCUMENTS BETWEEN OFFICES IN THE SAME TOWN Classification Cover to be used Means of Transmission By hand of an officer Top secret documents Single envelope. authorized to have access to top secret material. i. Single envelop in a locked security box. A dispatch book By office assistant Secret documents should accompany (Messengers). the box. ii. Double envelopes. Confidential documents By double envelopes. By registered post. Table 15 Transmission of documents between offices in the same town TRANSMISSION OF DOCUMENTS BETWEEN OFFICES IN TANZANIA Classification Cover to be used Means of Transmission i. By hand of „pilot bag” ii. By hand of an officer Top secret documents Single envelope. authorized to have access to top secret documents. i. By hand of „pilot i. Single envelop. bag” Secret documents ii. Double envelopes. ii. By security bag. iii. By registered post. i. Single envelop. i. By security bag. Confidential documents ii. Double envelopes. ii. By registered post. Table 16 Transmission of documents between offices in Tanzania Removing file from action officer’s desk A file on the action officer„s desk should never be removed without his/her permission i.e. inform the action officer before removing the file. Mail management Is the process of managing, controlling and organizing different types of mail E.g. incoming mail, outgoing mail, interlay created mail etc. Initial sorting Means the primary (or first sorting) of the incoming mail before its opened The first task of the registry on receipt of the mail is to sent it out into three categories i. Personal/private mail ii. Official mail iii. Register slip Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 31 i. Personal/private mail These are letter etc. addressed to individual by name E.g. J. Mbilinyi, P. O. Box 176, Mugumu/Serengeti ii. Official mail These are letters addressed by the name of office or rank of the head of the office/organization. E.g. Serengeti District Council, P. O. Box 176, Mugumu/Serengeti iii. Register slip These are printed slips which are Blue/Green in colour informing the office to collect registered article from the post office PROCEDURE letters/articles) OF HANDLING REGISTER SLIPS (receipt for registered i. Records its particulars in the registered mail book i.e. date received and register number post office. ii. Rubber stamps it with official stamp. iii. Date it. iv. Sign it (if you are authorized officer). v. Attach Box Renter‟s Authority Card (BRAC). vi. Send it to the Post Office for collection of registered letter. After collection of registered letter vii. Check the registered envelop/letter against entries in the registered mail book. viii. Open the registered envelop in front of a witness preferably an Office Assistant who brought it from the post office. ix. Records the contents in the 3rd column (if personal just records the name) x. Complete the disposal column (if personal the signature of the personal) Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 32 Registered mail book This is a four column book kept in the registry to records all registered articles from the post office. Date Received Post Register No. Content/Name Disposal Name Table 17 Specimen of registered mail book Box Renter’s Authority Card (BRAC) This is a printed card with specimen signature of Box Renter‟s by the Post Office Authorizing the box renter‟s to collect registered articles from the post office. DISTRIBUTION AND HANDLING INCOMING MAIL Soon after sorting the personal mail should be distributed as follow:i. ii. iii. Giving Such Letters to Office Attendant to Distribute To Individuals Putting Them in Pigeon Holes for Individual Officer to Collect By Re-Directing A Letter To Person's On Leave Or Transfer Omnibus letter These are letters which deals with more than one subject. Action More copies should be made so that each subject can be dealt with separately on its own file. Cross reference should be made to show where copies of extracts have been filed. Urgent letter These are letters required urgent action. Action They should be picked out at once and taken without delay to the officer who will deal with it. Circulation box/file This is the box /file used to circulate incoming mail or correspondence to officer before it is filed. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 33 Action officer This is an official engaged in the administrative of an Agency on implementation of its functions and activities. A split file system This is the system commonly used in public service offices i.e. incoming mail/copies of outgoing mail are filed on the right hand side of the file and minute sheet on the left hand side of the some file. Cross referencing This is the process of showing relationship between current letter and previous letter. PROCEDURE OF FILLING AND CROSS-REFERENCING An omnibus letter To produce a copy and put the original in one file and the other copy in the other file and cross reference as follow;i. ii. On the original show : On the copy show: Copy in file SDC/F.20/01 folio 20 Original in file SDC/A.30/05 folio 10 Date stamping This is the process of marking all opened official letters with a date month and year. Date stamp This is an instrument or device used in date stamping all opened official letters received in the registry office. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN DATE STAMPING A LETTER i. Adjust rubber stamp to show today‟s date. ii. Ensure that there is enough ink in the stamp pad iii. Date stamp/rubber stamp at one empty space on the letter. NB: Do not obliterate (destroy) the writing on the letter iv. Do not stamp upside down v. Never date stamp/rubber stamp any enclosure, original certificate, photographs, licenses, letter under UFS, insurance policies, legal documents etc. Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 34 Semi official letters These are letters addressed to the officers by name but such letters contain official matters. Action or treatment Semi official letter has to be distributed in fact to the individual officers (i.e. the addresses) as personal. Enclosures These are attachment to the incoming letter or outgoing letters e.g. A Photostat-copy of a certificate or document can be attached as enclosures to a letter. NB: i. Any loose enclosures found in the mail, must be attached to the appropriate or relevant covering letter. ii. If an enclosure mentioned in the letter is missing a note should be note in the letter e.g. enclosure not received and inform the sender accordingly so as to send you the missing enclosure quickly. Additional copies There are extra or additional copies e.g. circulars etc. received in the office Action or treatment i. One copy must be filed as usual, with a remark e.g. “10 extra copies retained/kept in the registry. i. The additional copies may be given to action officer, if necessary. ii. Such additional copies can be kept somewhere in the registry. An index This is the list of files, opened in the office which is kept in an alphabetical order. ALL THE BEST** ** “THANK YOU” Justine Yesaya Mbilinyi | Introduction to registry and registry management. 35