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Multicultural Communication Worksheet

Purposive Communication - Chapter III-A Local and Global Communication in Multicultural
Name: _____________________________________
Output 1. On the blank provided before the number, write T if the statement is true. If false, write F.
________1. In a global environment, the ability to communicate effectively is not anymore a challenge.
________2. Cultural proficiency means memorizing every cultural nuance of every market.
________3. In some ways technology has united the world and mankind, has eliminated our diversity.
________4. Like the globe, ours is a diverse country, but global communications have made our country
a small city of intelligence.
________5. Technology has influenced the dynamic development of our cultural identities.
________6. During the early days of human civilization, direct, mainly verbal communication using a
particular language was not one of the elements of our cultural identity.
________7. Now we are truly globalized.
________8. The efforts to achieve global competitiveness and the sense of national identity has
Eliminated distinctive regional cultures.
________9. Today, our globe is circled by superhighways of optical fiber cable systems providing almost
an unlimited bandwidth of information transmission.
________10. Through communications, the global world is now filled with information and
entertainment that potentially have an impact on our value systems, religious beliefs, business activities,
taste in and choice of entertainment.
Output 2: On the blank provided before the number, indicate a / if the statement is culturally
sensitive, gender sensitive, and/or politically correct. If otherwise, indicate an X and encircle the word
or phrase that makes the statement culturally or gender insensitive and/or politically incorrect.
Indian nationals have body odor.
Black Americans are mostly criminals.
Moslems are terrorists.
Our office is underman.
The congressmen voted in favour of the bill.
The fire fighter arrived at the scene on time.
The informal settlers have all been relocated.
The rape victim testified in court.
The parking space is reserved for disabled persons.
Let us all welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jose Morales!
Women should always wash the dishes.
The chairman of the board of judges is Wilma Balon.
Verna, the sexy mother of three, is elected as President of the Faculty Club.
It is a pity that June comes from a dysfunctional family.
Fat people should pay double the fare in jeepneys.
Dear Sir/Madam...
Little people should not be ridiculed for their size.
Ilocanos are spend thrift.
All men are promiscuous.
All beauticians are gays.
Output 3.
1. Research on various cultural and intercultural modes of communication (e.g. words and gestures
used to show respect) in countries in the following regions. Choose only one region among the list.
a. Africa
d. Europe
b. Asia
e. North America and Oceania
c. Latin America and the Caribbean
2.Write down the information that you have researched on.