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Female Genital Mutilation: Definition, Types, and Impacts

Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting or female circumcision, is a deeply concerning
practice that involves altering or removing parts of the female genitalia. It is important to note that FGM is
internationally recognized as a human rights violation and is widely condemned.Five countries in Africa have been
noted to have prevailing cases of FGM are Sudan , Ethiopia, Djibouti , Egypt and Guinea.
The origins of FGM are complex and varied, with different theories and historical accounts. It is believed to have
originated in different regions of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, and its practice has spread to various communities
around the world through migration and cultural influences.
The figure 1 1 shows young girls in different societies as they initiate the Female Genital rituals .
FGM is deeply rooted in gender inequality, cultural tradition, and social norms, and its continuation is often
perpetuated by deeply ingrained beliefs regarding femininity, purity, marriageability, and control over women's
sexuality. However, it is essential to emphasize that FGM has no medical or health benefits and can cause severe
physical, psychological, and sexual health complications.
The practice of FGM involves different types, varying in severity. These types are often categorized by the World Health
Organization (WHO) as follows:
1. Type 1: Also known as clitoridectomy, this involves the partial or total removal of the clitoris, which is a highly
sensitive and crucial organ for sexual pleasure.
2. Type 2: Referred to as excision, this involves the partial or total removal of the clitoris and the inner labia (labia
3. Type 3: Known as infibulation, this is the most severe form and involves the removal of the clitoris, inner labia, and
part of the outer labia (labia majora). The remaining tissue is then stitched or sealed, leaving a small opening for urine
and menstrual blood.
4. Type 4: This category includes various other harmful procedures such as pricking, piercing, scraping, or cutting of the
genital area for non-medical reasons.
It is important to note that FGM is internationally condemned since it has negative impact on the young girls.They
include death , excessive loss of blood ,the alteration of the female part ,marriage conflict and spread of STDS.