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CSC211 Software Engineering (Project Phases 1 & 2 Cover Sheet)

E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
Discussions Scheduled for Week 14 (Monday | Tuesday)
o Print 1 copies of this cover sheet and attach both to a printed copy of the documentation
(SRS, … etc.). You must submit a CD including softcopies of all your documents and Project
o Please write all your names in English.
o Please make sure that your students’ IDs are correct.
o Handwritten Signatures for the attendance of all team members should be filled in the cover
sheet copy before the discussion.
o Please attend the discussion on time (announced separately), late teams will lose 3 grades.
Project Name: 5 Seasons
Project Leader Name: Ayman Hamdy Metwaly
Team Information (typed not handwritten, except for the attendance signature):
Full Name
[Ordered by ID]
[In English]
Ayman Hamdy Metwaly
2 320220057
Hamed Ahmed Daoud
3 320220041
Youssef Walid Arafa
Grading Criteria:
Functional Requirements
Non-Functional Requirements
Use-Case Diagram(s) including general use-cases for the system,
and the detailed use-cases description
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
Activity Diagram(s)
Database Specification (ERD, Tables)
System Architecture – including applied Architectural Pattern(s)
Sequence Diagram(s)
System Sequence Diagrams (SSDs)
Collaboration/Communication Diagram(s)
Class Diagram (2 versions)
1) An initial version based on the requirements and Use4
Case/Activity diagrams.
2) An intermediate version based on the interaction
Object Diagrams (Including object diagrams that illustrate the
preconditions and the post-conditions of selected functions)
Package Diagram(s)
Self-Study Component 1: State-Machine Diagrams (for selected
state-dependent objects)
Self-Study Component 2: Deployment diagram(s)
Front End Design for all Functions Desk-Top or (HTML,
Implementation based on the submitted Requirements &
Design. Should include at least 4 of the following modules (in
addition of course to modules specific to your individual
1) User Role Management Module.
2) User manipulation Module (Login, Add / Delete / Update /
Search, List).
3) Controlling Resources Module (Rooms, Orders, Products,
... etc.).
4) Reservation and Rescheduling Module.
5) Generating Reports Module (PDFs, … etc.).
6) Sending Emails or Notifications Module.
Presentation Skills
1 per
Teaching-Assistant’s Signature: ____________________
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
1-Functional Requirements:
1. Signup and Login:
The system provides sign up and info validation to ensure uniqueness.
the user can log in to view his data and information
2. Room Booking:
Showing all available rooms.
Check availability of rooms at certain dates.
showing the reservation history for the user.
Guest must be able to select a room and enter guest information.
System must display reservation details to the guest.
The system provides a payment page
3. Guest Check-In/Check-Out:
Guest must be able to check in by providing reservation ID.
Staff must be able to verify guest information and assign a room.
System must update room availability and guest status upon check-in.
//Guest must be able to check out by providing room number.
4. Inventory Management:
System must track room availability based on reservations.
the system keeps track of the number of users and the number of reservations.
5. Payment Processing:
Accepting credit card payment
Generating bill upon check out
6. Billing:
System must automatically generate bills for guests upon check-out.
7. Reporting:
System must generate reports on number of reservations, number of users, revenue and average
Staff must be able to export reports in PDF
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
2. Non-functional Requirements:
1. Performance:
System must respond to user requests within 2 seconds.
System must be able to handle a high volume of concurrent users.
2. Security:
System must use secure encryption to protect guest data.
3. Usability:
User interface must be easy to use and navigate.
4. Reliability:
System must be available for 99.9% of the time.
System must recover quickly from failures.
5. Maintainability:
System must be well-documented and easy to maintain.
System must be flexible to accommodate future changes and upgrades.
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
3. Use case diagram:
Use Case: User Registration (Signup)
Actors: User
1. Preconditions:
o The user navigates to the signup page.
o The system is operational and accessible.
2. Main Flow:
o User provides necessary information (e.g., name, email, password).
o System validates the provided data for uniqueness and correctness.
o Upon successful validation, the system creates a new user account.
o Confirmation message or email is sent to the user for account verification.
3. Post-conditions:
o User account is created and stored in the system database.
o User can proceed to log in with the registered credentials.
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
4. Alternate Flow:
o If the provided information is invalid or incomplete, the system prompts the user to correct
the errors.
o If the system encounters technical issues, it displays an error message and suggests retrying
Use Case: User Login
Actors: User
1. Preconditions:
o User accesses the login page.
o A registered user account exists in the system.
2. Main Flow:
o User inputs their registered email/username and password.
o The system authenticates the provided credentials against stored data.
o Upon successful authentication, the system grants access to the user account.
3. Post-conditions:
o User gains access to their account dashboard with personalized information and options.
4. Alternate Flow:
o If the credentials entered are incorrect, the system prompts the user to re-enter the
o In case of technical issues, the system displays an error message and suggests retrying later.
Use Case: Room Booking
Actors: User
1. Preconditions:
o User is logged into their account.
o The system displays the room booking interface.
2. Main Flow:
o User browses available rooms, filtered by dates and preferences.
o User selects a room and inputs guest details (number of guests, additional requests, etc.).
o System checks room availability for the selected dates and guest count.
o Upon availability confirmation, the system reserves the room for the specified period.
3. Post-conditions:
o Room is booked and marked as reserved in the system database.
o Reservation details, including costs, are displayed to the user.
o The system redirects the user to a payment page for confirmation and payment processing.
4. Alternate Flow:
o If the selected room is unavailable or there's an issue during booking, the system informs the
user and suggests alternative options.
o Technical errors prompt the system to display an error message and recommend retrying
Use Case: Guest Check-In
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
Actors: Receptionist, Guest
1. Preconditions:
o Guest arrives at the hotel and approaches the reception.
o The receptionist has access to the system and is logged in.
2. Main Flow:
o Guest provides the reservation ID or relevant details for identification.
o Receptionist verifies the guest's reservation and assigns an available room.
o The system updates room availability and marks the guest as checked-in.
3. Post-conditions:
o Guest receives room keys/access cards and settles additional services if required.
o Room status changes to occupied in the system's inventory.
4. Alternate Flow:
o If the guest's reservation details are incorrect or unavailable, the receptionist assists in
resolving the issue.
o Technical issues prompt the system to display an error message and suggest retrying later.
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
4. Activity diagram:
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
5. Database specification:
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
6. System Architecture:
1. User Management Module:
o Responsible for user registration, authentication, and account management.
o Handles user data validation and storage in the user database.
o Includes functionalities for signup, login, and user profile management.
2. Booking Management Module:
o Manages room booking functionalities and reservation processes.
o Interacts with the room inventory to check room availability.
o Handles the creation, modification, and cancellation of reservations.
3. Room Inventory Module:
o Keeps track of available rooms, their types, and status (occupied, available).
o Updates room availability based on reservations and check-in/check-out statuses.
o Provides information to the booking module regarding available rooms.
4. Check-In/Check-Out Module:
o Handles guest check-in and check-out processes.
o Interacts with the room inventory to assign rooms upon check-in and update room statuses
upon check-out.
5. Payment Processing Module:
o Manages payment transactions and billing functionalities.
o Integrates with external payment gateways for credit card processing.
o Generates bills and handles financial transactions upon check-out.
6. Reporting Module:
o Collects data from various modules for generating reports.
o Processes information on reservations, users, revenue, and ratings.
o Provides functionalities for staff to generate and export reports in PDF format.
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
7. Sequence diagram:
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
8. SSD:
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
9. Communication diagram:
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
10. class diagram:
Initial version:
Intermediate version:
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
11. Object diagram:
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
12. Package Diagram:
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
13. State machine diagram:
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E-JUST University - Computer Science and Information Technology Programs –
General Division
Module: Software Engineering (CSC211)
14. Deployment Diagram:
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