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Smithsonian Learning Lab Resources for Educators

Susan Douglass <sld58@georgetown.edu>
Smithsonian Learning Lab Resources
1 message
Penic, Pier A. <PenicP@si.edu>
Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 11:35 AM
To: Susan Douglass <Susan.Douglass@georgetown.edu>, "Randolph, Brenda" <brenda.randolph@howard.edu>, "Oyugi,
Vanessa Akinyi" <vanessa.oyugi@howard.edu>
Greetings All!
All museum collections and resources are eventually transferring to the Smithsonian Learning Lab. I want to
invite you to look at the learning lab and feel free to register and share resources. I wanted to follow-up with
a few links that I hope will be helpful as you choose move forward with this:
Getting Started in the Smithsonian Learning Lab Guide – Please feel free to share this with others.
An Introduction to Japanese Painting – by the Freer and Sackler Galleries
Visual Connections between Buddhism and Ancient Greece
Portraying Global Citizenship – by Nicole Vance, National Portrait Gallery
Read Between the Brushstrokes: Using Visual Art as a Historical Source – by the National Museum of
African American History and Culture (NMAAHC has created a series of “Read Between the
Brushstrokes” collections that all share a similar organizational approach)
#ColorOurCollections at the National Portrait Gallery – by Caitlin Blake, National Portrait Gallery (a
great example of a low-tech activity created for this time of distance learning)
MAKE IT: Coffee Filter Sculpture – by the Hirshhorn (one in a series of new HIRSHHORN KIDS at
Home! collections to support art-making at home)