If anyone adds to this keep the number and put the solution below so there's no overlap Most examples are from lecture slides and less likely to be on the test compared to exercises Ex7.6 Ex7.7 Ex7.8 Ex7.9 Ex7.10 7-47 7-48 7-49/50 7-53 7-55 7-61 7-76 7-77 8-32 8-33 Ex8.1 8-4 8-3 Ex8.2 Ex8.3 Ex8.5 Ex8.6 8-16 8-17 8-25 8-59 9.9 9.10 9-61 9-60 9-62 9.11/12 9.13/14 9.15/16 9-6 9-11/12 9-63 9-65 9-121 9-126 9-127 9-130