1 Library Research Annotated Bibliography Isabella Gilarranz Broward College IDH2121: Honors Studies Dr. Williams Liner December 11, 2023 2 Library Research Annotated Bibliography History.com editors. (Jan 26, 2021). Voting Rights Act of 1965. History.com. https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/voting-rights-act The source presents a historical timeline that explains the events leading up to the acceptance of the Voting Rights Act on May 26, 1965, as well as the consequences that followed its approval. By providing a brief definition of the impact of characters such as President Johnson and Martin Luther King, the article accurately describes the incidents surrounding the implementation of literacy tests in the South, the start of voting turnouts in the South, and more. The credibility of the source, presented by the History.com editors, is corroborated by their association with the official History Channel, a television program supported by historians to promote history education. It must be mentioned that there is a debate on whether this source can be considered scholarly due to History.com being an entertainment website and not a scholarly source. However, the website does provide regular fact-checks supported by editors and writers to provide readers with accurate information. Netflix. (Sep 28, 2020). Whose Vote Counts, Explained. [Video]. YouTube | 24.51 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn36tY7rNUM The first episode of the miniseries, produced by Vox in collaboration with Appian Way, opens a discussion around the Right to Vote. Most topics exposed focus on whether voting in America is a right or a privilege. The credibility of the source is based on the company’s reliability. By interviewing different democrats and republicans, as well as historians and activists, the episode provides a critical analysis of historical events that highlight the importance of voting in America. Additionally, the source mentions the 3 impact of the election right after the pandemic and explores the implications of the voteby-mail system. Furthermore, the episode explores the reality of the government’s criminalization of blackness and minorities to maintain political power. AJ+. (2016b, January 29). What is environmental racism? [Video]. YouTube | 2.56 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrbeuJRPM0o As a global news community channel, AJ+ introduces environmental racism as a topic that greatly impacts minority communities. Dena Takruri narrates the video and presents multiple facts and evidence on cases such as "Flint, Michigan," "Detroit, Michigan," and "Cancer Alley." Dr. Robert Bullard is also featured in the video as an important narrator and facts provider. The video goes beyond focusing on the environmental consequences presented by chemical pollution; it also emphasizes the lack of government intervention in addressing and resolving community issues. Many argue about the accuracy of AJ+ due to political factors, such as its association with left-wing politicians; however, the facts provided in the video may be corroborated by others if further research is conducted. Leonard, Annie. The Story of Bottled Water – Zinn Education Project. (2023, February 24). Zinn Education Project. https://www.zinnedproject.org/materials/story-of-bottled-water The source provided by the Zinn Education Project offers an insight of the video “The Story of Bottled Water.” The film was created by Annie Leonard in collaboration with Free Range Studios. “The Story of Bottled Water” offers an introduction to the debate between tap water and bottled water by providing the viewer with brief contrasting topics. The video mentions the global impact of bottled water by making 4 remarks such as “people in the USA buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week. That is enough to circle the globe more than 5 times.” The previous quote provides information that allows the reader to understand the debated topic. Additionally, the video dives into manufactured demand and its impact in the country’s economy. The credibility of the source is based on Zinn Project’s reputation and its association to Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change. Herman, J. (2022, March 15). Environmental racism has left Black communities especially vulnerable to COVID-19. The Century Foundation. https://tcf.org/content/commentary/environmental-racism-left-black-communitiesespecially-vulnerable-covid-19/?agreed=1&agreed=1 The source written by Casey Berkovitz, focuses on the relationship between environmental racism and the impact of COVID-19 on minority communities in the United States. While focusing on the effects of racial segregation in communities, Berkovitz provides the reader with an appropriate timeline that dives into the health consequences on environmental injustice. The article also explores early studies linking COVID-19 outcomes to air pollution levels. By providing international perspectives and strategies to address the issue, the report opens doors for a further argument on the environmental topic. The Century Foundation’s credibility is based on its reputation and critical evaluation of data. TEDx Talks. (2010, December 17). TEDxGreatPacificGarbagePatch - Van Jones Environmental Justice [Video]. YouTube | 1:15:59 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WMgNlU_vxQ 5 In his TED Talk, Van Jones explores the repercussions of plastic pollution and its involvement in environmental injustice. By providing the viewer with a focus on marginalized communities, Jones describes a series of events, such as “Cancer Alley,” and the reasons behind its name. Furthermore, he explains how the residents of the region continue to be severely affected by the petrochemical industry. Van Jones also mentions how the “addiction to disposability” affects societies globally; he uses the example of polluted air traveling from Asia to California. Van Jones credibility is backed by his involvement with companies such as CNN. Additionally, the video invites the viewer to reflect on the relationship between environmental justice and social justice. In other words, Jones accurately sends the message that people need to start joining movements that will help the world be equal and overall safer for everyone.