Energy Convers. Mgmt Vol. 37, No. 12, pp. 1703-1711, 1996 Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in Great Britain. All fights reserved PII: S0196-8904(96)00021-0 0196-8904/96 $15.00+ 0.00 Pergamon LUMINOUS EFFICACY OF DAYLIGHT UNDER DIFFERENT SKY CONDITIONS JOSEPH C. LAM and DANNY H. W. LI Department of Building and Construction, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Received 9 June 1995) Abstraet--Daylighting is recognised as an important and useful strategy in terms of energy-efficient building design in hot climates. However, daylighting is always accompanied by unwanted solar heat gain, particularly during the cooling season. To achieve and evaluate daylighting design, solar radiation and outdoor illuminance data are needed. In 1991, a measuring station was installed at the City University of Hong Kong to measure global and diffuse solar radiation and outdoor illuminance. The measured data are analysed, and empirical models to determine luminous efficacy under different sky conditions are developed and presented. Implications for energy efficiency in building designs are discussed. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd Global Direct Diffuse Efficacy Irradiance Illuminance Energy NOMENCLATURE C = Eb¢ = E~ = E~ = Ib¢ = ldc = I~ = K= Kb~ = Kac = Ksc = Kdo = Kso = Kap = Ksv = Kt = ct = Cloud cover Direct (beam) outdoor illuminance for clear sky (lm/m:) Diffuse outdoor illuminance for clear sky (lm/m 2) Global outdoor illuminance for clear sky (lm/m 2) Direct (beam) solar irradiance for clear sky (W/m 2) Diffuse solar irradiance for clear sky (W/m:) Global solar irradiance for clear sky (W/m 2) Diffuse fraction (ratio of diffuse to global solar radiation) Direct (beam) luminous efficacy for clear sky (lm/W) Diffuse luminous efficacy for clear sky (lm/W) Global luminous efficacy for clear sky (lm/W) Diffuse luminous efficacy for overcast sky (lm/W) Global luminous efficacy for overcast sky (lm/W) Diffuse luminous efficacy for partly cloudy sky (lm/W) Global luminous efficacy for partly cloudy sky (lm/W) Clearness index (ratio of global to extraterrestrial solar radiation) Solar altitude INTRODUCTION It has been shown that daylighting design with lighting control can achieve significant energy savings in office buildings, up to 40% of electric lighting usage [1, 2]. Daylighting is particularly attractive in hot climates since it reduces electricity use, not only for artificial lighting but also for air-conditioning, due to less heat dissipation from electric light fittings [3]. A recent study in Hong Kong has revealed that very few buildings in Hong Kong have incorporated daylighting schemes, and daylighting has been identified as one of the key areas in an energy-efficient design strategy [4]. The objective of daylighting design is to maximize the utilization of available outdoor illuminance without imposing excessive cooling load and causing glare. In subtropical Hong Kong the solar heat gain is a major component of building cooling load, accounting for nearly half of the total building envelope load for both residential and office buildings [5, 6]. To evaluate the daylighting design, we need to know the incident solar irradiation data and the corresponding outdoor daylight illuminance, so that the trade-off between solar heat gain and daylighting benefits can be properly assessed. This paper presents work on solar radiation and daylight illuminance measurements and analysis. 1703 1704 LAM and LI: DAYLIGHTUNDER DIFFERENT SKY CONDITIONS LOCAL CLIMATE Hong Kong is situated along the southern coast of China within the subtropical region and experiences distinct seasonal changes in weather due to its location on the southern edge of the continent of Asia, facing a vast expanse of ocean. Winter months are between December and February. The mean temperature is around 15-18°C with monsoon winds from the North and Northeast. Spring is from March till early May and is usually cloudy with periods of light rain. The summer season spans from May to September with monsoon winds from the South and Southeast with an average temperature of 27-29°C. It is hot and humid with occasional showers and thunderstorms. At times, the typhoon strikes Hong Kong and brings heavy rain and strong winds. Autumn is short and normally runs from October to November. Sunny bright skies dominate autumn with dry conditions and a mean temperature of 25°C. THE MEASURING STATION Hourly data of solar radiation and outdoor illuminance on the horizontal plane have been measured since 1991. The measuring station is located on the roof of the City University of Hong Kong, free of obstruction. Two pyranometers (CM 11) manufactured by Kipp and Zonen, Netherlands, are used to measure the solar radiation. The diffuse radiation pyranometer is fitted with a shadow-ring (CM121) to shade the thermopile from the direct sun. The two pyranometers are connected to an integrator (CM12) which calculates the radiation over selected periods. A Pascal program has been written to capture the data from the integrator and store the data on a microcomputer. Details of the solar radiation measurement can be found in Ref. [7]. For outdoor illuminance measurement, silicon photovoltaic cells with cosine and colour correction, measuring outdoor illuminance level up to around 150 klx, are used. Measured data are converted into digital signals by an analog/digital converter, captured and stored in a microcomputer. All measurements are referred to true solar time. This facilitates computations which involve solar altitude and extraterrestrial radiation on a unit horizontal surface and comparison of data for different locations. DATA ANALYSIS Kittler et al. [8] suggested a number of formulae as well as graphical methods for the evaluation and presentation of solar radiation and outdoor illumination data. For building energy analysis, many researchers use the luminous efficacy to correlate solar irradiance and daylight iUuminance [9-11]. In the calculation of daylight availability and lighting energy use in buildings, the luminous efficacy enables daylight data to be generated from the more widely measured solar radiation data for places where measured outdoor iUuminance data are not available. In this study, three-years (1991-1993) of measured hourly data were sorted into three categories according to the clearness index Kt: clear, partly cloudy and overcast sky conditions as follows: (a) clear sky (Kt > 0.65) (b) partly cloudy sky (0.3 < Kt ~<0.65) (c) overcast sky (0 < Kt ~<0.3) where Kt = global solar radiation/extraterrestrial solar radiation. Clear sky Monthly-average-hourly direct illuminance and solar radiation data were used to determine the direct luminous efficacy K~, which is defined as the ratio ofilluminance to solar irradiance. Figure 1 shows the variation of average K~ with respect to solar altitude ~t. It can be seen that K~ has a strong correlation with ~t. Regression analysis has been carried out and K~ can be expressed in terms of • as follows: K~ = 59.15 + 1.12~ - 0.0061u 2 (lm/W) (R=0.91, R 2=0.82 and RMSE=4.21m/W) (1) LAM and LI: DAYLIGHT UNDER DIFFERENT SKY CONDITIONS 1705 140 120 u V E 100 n [] [] o o ¢: 80 . m u) o¢- 60 E 40 o a 20-- 0 0 I 10 I 20 I 30 I 40 t 60 I 50 I 70 I 80 90 Solar altitude a, Fig. 1. Direct luminous efficacyfor clear sky against solar altitude. where R, R 2 and RMSE are the correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination and root-meansquare error, respectively. An R 2 of 0.82 indicates that 82% of the variation in direct luminous efficacy can be explained by changes in solar altitude. Figure 1 also indicates that Kb~ increases with ~t. Similar findings have been reported by Littlefair [10, 11] for the U.K. and other locations. Diffuse efficacy was calculated as the ratio of diffuse illuminance to its corresponding diffuse radiation. The diffuse efficacy under clear sky Kd¢ has an average value of 130.6 lm/W with a standard deviation of 10.9. Figure 2 plots Ka¢ against ~. It can be seen that the data are very scattered and no clear pattern or relationship can be observed. Generally, K~c is much higher than Kb¢ particularly at low solar altitude. Figure 3 shows the plot of global efficacy Kgc against ct. Through regression analysis, K~ can be expressed as: Kgc = 78.51 + 1.1 let - 0.0094~t 2 (3)(lm/W) (R=0.80, R2=0.64 and (2) RMSE=3.01m/W) The correlation between global efficacy and ~t is not so strong as that between direct efficacy and ct as R 2 is only 0.64. This is due to the influence of the diffuse component on the global efficacy. Global radiation has direct and diffuse components, and K~ can be regarded as a combination of direct luminous efficacy K~ and diffuse luminous efficacy Kd~ and can be written as: K, = E ~ = E ~ + Eo~=K~I~ + Ko~Io~ I~ I~ Ig~ = Kb~(1 -- K) + KacK (3) 1706 LAM and LI: D A Y L I G H T U N D E R DIFFERENT SKY CONDITIONS 160 iO • 150 I E 140 0 m ~ • >, ° 0 ¢l ¢..) = u 130 II • B i • B • i1 a • B °~ ¢: 0 q) U (/) 0 r- 0 • 120 • U U II E i q) o3 C3 1 1 0 -- 1 O0 -- 90 0 I 10 I 20 I 30 I 40 I 50 f 60 I 70 I 80 90 Solar altitude oc Fig. 2. Diffuse luminous efficacy for clear sky against solar altitude. where E~, E,~ and Eb¢ are the global, diffuse and direct illuminance; Ig¢, I,~ and I~¢ the corresponding solar irradiance; and Kg¢, Kd¢ and K~ their respective luminous efficacies. The diffuse fraction K is the ratio of diffuse to global radiation. For clear sky, Kb¢ dominates, as K is very small. T h u s , / ~ increases with =, but more gradually than Kb¢. Overcast sky Overcast sky means no direct solar component is measured. Global efficacy K~ is very close to diffuse efficacy Kdo under overcast sky conditions, ranging from 82 to 142.5 lm/W. Similarly to diffuse efficacy under clear sky, Kao does not correlate well with =. Average luminous efficacy under overcast sky is 116.2 lm/W with a standard deviation of 13.5, which is close to the 115 lm/W reported for the U.K. [11]. Luminous efficacy under an overcast sky is generally less t h a n / ~ . This may be due to the interreflections between the clouds near the horizon and the buildings surrounding the measuring station. Partly cloudy sky Global luminous efficacy Kgp plotted against solar altitude is shown in Fig. 4. The scatter of data points, especially at low solar altitude, can be observed. This is due to different cloud conditions for a given value of clearness index Kt. Partly cloudy sky can be treated as a combination of clear and overcast skies: the direct component in the clear sky and the diffuse component scattered in both the clear and cloudy parts of the sky. Thus, the direct luminous efficacy can simply be determined from equation (1), and the diffuse luminous efficacy under partly cloudy sky conditions can be considered as a linear combination of the diffuse efficacy under clear and overcast sky conditions with cloud cover C as an indicator of the actual sky condition. Hence: Kdp = (1 -- C ) K ~ + CKdo. (4) LAM and LI: DAYLIGHT UNDER DIFFERENT SKY CONDITIONS 1707 120 • •0 , . . • ° 1 O0 80 t~ O °m t~ 60-- O ¢..m E _.= 40- t~ .Q O C.9 20-- 0 I 10 0 1 20 t 30 I 40 L 50 I 60 I 70 t 80 90 S o l a r a l t i t u d e ~. Fig. 3. Global luminous efficacy for clear sky against solar altitude. 160 m a B| .i El 140 D % !1 | i: , "[: [ 120 in Da 1 O0 i" .!! •m • i! I R 8O :I • I o (.9 • D 60 _= [] °" Q I 40 0 K I I I I I I I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Solar altitude cL Fig. 4. Global luminous efficacy for partly cloudy sky against solar altitude. ECM 37/12--B 90 1708 L A M and LI: D A Y L I G H T U N D E R D I F F E R E N T S K Y C O N D I T I O N S For subtropical Hong Kong, average measured K~ and Kdo have been found to be 130.6 and 116.2 Ira/W, respectively. Substituting these values into equation (4) gives: Kdp = 130.6 -- 14.4C (lm/W) (5) As shown in equation (3), the global luminous efficacy can be obtained from the direct and diffuse efficacies with the diffuse fraction K as an indicator of the relative importance of the direct and diffuse components under a particular sky condition. Therefore, from equations (1), (3) and (5), the global luminous efficacy is given by K~ = K(130.6-14.4C) -t- (1 - K)(59.15 -4- 1.12~t - 0.0061a 2) (lm/W). (6) Equations (1), (5) and (6) were used to predict, respectively, the direct, diffuse and global efficacies under partly cloudy sky conditions. The predicted efficacies were compared with the measured data for 1993. The root-mean-square errors are 17.7, 10.5 and 9.5 lm/W for the direct, diffuse and global efficacies, respectively; representing 19, 8.2 and 8.5% of the mean measured values. AVERAGE SKY CONDITIONS Average efficacy under all sky conditions for different times of the day and different seasons will be useful to architects and building engineers. This will give designers an indication of the prevailing relationship between daylight illuminance and solar irradiance. Tables 1 and 2 show the average values of global and diffuse luminous effieacies on a horizontal plane, respectively. Each value is the ratio of the measured average illuminance for that hour to the corresponding average radiation. Knowing the average radiation data, the corresponding average illuminance level can be readily determined by using these luminous efficacies. The yearly average global luminous efficacy is 110.1 lm/W with a standard deviation of 14.3, and the yearly average diffuse luminous efficacy is 120.5 lm/W with a standard deviation of 16.4. Diffuse Table 1. Average global luminous efficacy (lm/W) Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jan. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 6 7 8 9 10 ---95 94 100 I00 95 83 ---- 78 82 92 117 123 109 121 119 II0 84 86 76 87 103 ll2 111 124 ll5 126 125 118 I00 94 95 98 118 ll9 108 127 117 125 126 121 106 102 108 103 124 113 ll6 125 126 129 129 123 109 107 104 True solar time 11 12 13 106 122 118 113 126 125 128 132 124 113 107 114 107 127 105 104 125 126 127 132 126 114 I09 Ill 106 136 103 104 114 131 128 133 122 114 108 109 14 15 16 17 18 104 131 101 106 125 124 130 133 123 114 108 107 101 133 100 125 128 123 131 132 123 108 104 103 88 116 91 102 ll9 121 130 132 118 I01 95 90 80 85 84 100 113 115 124 124 I12 83 80 74 ---107 98 105 I18 106 94 ---- Table 2. Average diffuse luminous efficacy (Ira/W) True solar time Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ---90 99 99 102 106 110 ---- 70 73 93 133 123 117 132 131 134 75 77 89 114 I14 114 131 129 120 133 133 132 105 106 102 131 121 121 125 135 128 133 134 129 116 119 112 134 130 130 138 131 129 132 134 130 123 118 126 139 132 132 135 134 130 131 132 130 120 121 130 135 135 135 128 134 131 130 131 130 118 124 127 140 132 132 126 136 135 130 129 127 115 128 128 139 126 126 127 125 135 134 128 128 113 126 124 133 120 120 129 125 132 136 129 127 103 122 117 119 121 121 120 123 130 135 131 130 ll0 117 101 75 84 85 120 108 124 132 130 130 78 75 70 ---88 99 102 125 127 130 ---- LAM and LI: DAYLIGHT UNDER DIFFERENT SKY CONDITIONS 1709 100 80 v (D t-,'. (D 60 o r~ Q) ._> 40 E 0 20 0 I 0 I 10 I 20 I 30 I 40 I 50 I 60 I 70 I 80 I 90 I 100 I~"~'--~ 110 120 Global illuminance (klx) Fig. 5. Cumulative frequency distribution for measured outdoor global luminance. luminous efficacy is generally higher than global luminous efficacy, indicating that the diffuse component in daylighting design is more energy-efficient. Data at low altitude (i.e. near sunrise and sunset) are the major contributors to the standard deviation. Global luminous efficacies from May to September are higher than those of the same hour in other months, mainly due to high direct luminous efficacy at high solar altitude in the summer. LIGHTING DESIGN AND ENERGY IMPLICATIONS The main application of luminous efficacy data is to enable illuminance data to be generated from measured solar irradiance. For daylighting design and calculations, a cumulative frequency distribution of outdoor illuminance can indicate the percentage of the working year in which a given illuminance is exceeded. The cumulative frequency distribution has been calculated for the measured outdoor global illuminance and is shown in Fig. 5. The data are based on typical office hours from 08:00 to 17:00 in Hong Kong. Assuming a 500 Ix indoor design illuminance for office space and a daylight factor of 2%, the required outdoor illuminance should be 25,000 Ix. From Fig. 5, it can be seen that just over 50% of the time in a year, the outdoor illuminance would be above 25,000 Ix. In other words, just over 50% of the time, daylighting alone would be adequate to achieve the 500 Ix indoor design lighting level for offices with a 2% daylight factor design. This has significant implications for energy efficiency in office building in Hong Kong, where electric lighting accounts for 20-30% of the total electricity use and is a major component in total cooling load [12]. Figure 6 shows the cumulative frequency distribution of the global luminous efficacy. The cumulative percentage drops rapidly from about 100 to 130 lm/W, indicating that, for most times of the year, the global luminous efficacy lies between these two values. In terms of energy efficiency, 1710 LAM and LI: DAYLIGHTUNDER DIFFERENT SKY CONDITIONS 100 80 - Q) t~ t~ c- 60- O 0} L-- Q. G) .> 40 - E 0 20 - 0 50 I 60 I 70 I 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Global luminous efficacy (Im/W) Fig. 6. Cumulative frequencydistribution for global luminous efficacy. this is much better than the 16-40 lm/W for incandescent and 50-80 lm/W for fluorescent lamps commonly installed at homes and in office buildings [13], because less heat is introduced to achieve the same lighting level and less cooling will be required. This is particularly beneficial to places with subtropical climates like Hong Kong, where air-conditioning during the hot summer months accounts for 40-60% of the total electricity consumption in buildings [12]. CONCLUSIONS Three-year measured outdoor illuminance and solar irradiance data have been gathered and analysed. It has been found that the direct luminous efficacy increases with solar altitude ~. The diffuse efficacy under clear sky has an average value of 130.6 lm/W and has no clear correlation with ~. The global luminous efficacy under clear sky conditions increases with ~, though more gradually than the direct luminous efficacy. The overcast sky luminous efficacy/~ has an average value of 116.2 lm/W. For partly cloudy conditions, it is believed that the global luminous efficacy K~ can be estimated from its corresponding diffuse fraction, cloud cover and ~. Yearly average global and diffuse luminous effcacies under average sky conditions are l l0.1 and 120.5 lm/W, respectively. In subtropical Hong Kong, just over 50% of the time, daylighting alone will be adequate for office space with a 2% daylight factor design. About 80% of the year, the global luminous effcacy lies between 100 and 130 lm/W, which is much higher than the luminous efficacy of most electric lighting schemes. This has great implications for energy efficiency in building designs. More work is needed to assess the likely energy savings and other environmental issues, such as glare and lighting controls. Acknowledgement--Danny H. W. Li is supported by a City Universityof Hong Kong Studentship. LAM and LI: DAYLIGHT UNDER DIFFERENT SKY CONDITIONS 1711 REFERENCES 1. F. C. Winkelmann and M. Lokmanhekim, Energy and Buildings 8, 1 (1985). 2. A. J. F. Ruttvn, Building and Environment 29, 105 (1994). 3. Y. J. Huang, B. Thorn and B. Ramandan, Proc. ASHRAE Far East Conf. on Air-Conditioning in Hot Climate, Kuala Lumpur, ASHRAE, 200 (1989). 4. C. J. Goodsall, Identifying Appropriate Energy Conservation Strategies for Buildings in Hang Kong. City University of Hong Kong (1994). 5. J. C. Lain, Architectural Science Review 36, 157 (1993). 6. J. 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