Uploaded by Frein Jalloh Holm

Case: Chikane på arbejdspladsen - Lederens rolle

A case of harassment?
1. Læs ”Call 1”. Hvad vil du gøre som leder? Hvorfor?
2. Læs ”Call 2”. Hvad vil du gøre som leder? Hvorfor?
3. Læs ”Call 3”. Hvad vil du gøre som leder? Hvorfor?
Vurder evt. følgende svarmuligheder:
Mulige svar…
Du fyrer Chris
Du irettesætter Chris
Du vælger af flytte Chris til andre arbejdsopgaver og anden fysisk placering (væk fra Pat)
Du fyrer Pat
Du beder Pat om at bære lidt over med Chris
Du vælger af flytte Pat til andre arbejdsopgaver og anden fysisk placering (væk fra Pat)
Du fyrer Carson
Du irettesætter Carson
Du vælger af flytte Carson til andre arbejdsopgaver og anden fysisk placering (væk fra Pat og Chris)
4. Spørgsmål fra instruktor
Call 2 this morning, at 6:05. It is Chris, one of your best employees.
Chris is very upset and claims to be heartbroken because the person
in love with, Pat (another of your employees), ended their romantic
relationship. Chris is still madly in love with Pat, and last night asked
Pat to move in together. Pat refused and told Chris never to call
again and threatened to quit work at your company. Chris asks you
for permission to take the day off without pay in order to recover
from the blow.
You’re still not sure how to deal with all this (and still not really
awake yet), so you tell Chris to take the day off without pay and wait
for you to call.
Call 3 this morning, now at 6:10. It is Carson, one of your employees,
who works hard but never seems to accomplish his tasks on time. He
wants to resign because he feels so terrible about not meeting your
expectations. Knowing that Carson is sometimes excitable, you ask him
what has kept him from finishing the task. After beating around the
bush, Carson tells you that he’s not the kind of person who rats out
other people, but indeed that is his problem. Two other employees,
Chris and Pat, appear to be having an affair as Chris is always “all over”
Pat. They are so busy with each other that they are not getting
information to Carson that he needs in order to complete his work.
Still unsure about how to deal with this (but now starting to be awake ),
you tell Carson NOT to resign, and to come in to the office and do the
best that he can, and wait for you to call. You decide to call a meeting
with all your partners as soon as you get to the office.