Final exam sheet cheat Depreciation & yr 1:costof the $10,000 x · asset. 100% = costofequipmentdepreciato Bookvalue endo fyuI: Since bookvalue then is & yr Section expensing:Assuming 179 1,600,000 $16,000 one 100% sec. 179 limit is $1,050,000 1,050,000 $550,000 = - Bonus depreciation & 100% · $550,000 - $550,000 1.2014:$150,000.50% $75,000 = 0 = b. 2018:$150,000. 100% $150,000 = I the value for yo 2 is also $ 120,000 C.2024:$150,000.80%: O D. 2026:$150,000. 20% $30,000 = is used. bonus depreciation · straightline depreciation SLD costsalvage value 76,000-0 5 yrs Doubling Declining beginning ofyo 4th year $150,000 - - = $30,400 ($150,000 (2/10) (3)) z $90,000 $30,400 $45,600 = Book Time 3 value:$45,600 = Bookvalue $18,240: $27,360 - (2/5) (27,360) $10,944 Book value:$27,360 10,944 $16,416 (2/s(9849.60) = = yr2:24.49% $9,849.30 yr3: = - 17.49% S25,000 - $104,000 $46,000 Salvage value) (Dep.rale) - gain! capital 15k S K = - loss & s,60,000 then = selling any gain since will be bookvalue a capital will be 0. Depreciation expense for the 4th yr =(150,000 15000) (12.49) $17,362.SO = - = 5k)(14.29 24.419 y57:8.73% 10000Bonusdeprecationen 10 xrS+ beyond:4.46% = endof 8th year: cost-salvagevalue) * (sum of ally rates 125 8.93% en $3939.84 $5,909.76 & He y24 12.49% $ 3,939.84 = Book value:$9,849.60 · = Dep.exp (Assetc ost yr1:14.29% = Book value:$16,416-$6,566.40 Time S year $150,000 20,000 = = Time 4 (2/5) (16,416) $6,566.48 = 8th end of MACRS = = - & (10,000.3) - cor-or-norcapitalgainnation - = @ 20k gold Oh year(Assetc ost salvage value) Bookvalue & Beginning (150,000 15,000. ($150,000 (2110) (7) $104,000 (2/5) (45,600 $18,240 = $50,000 : & S15000 = - Time value in 2021 20K-152 =Skcapital Sold = = Bookvalue:$76,000 Sold Depreciation Balance Double Declining (2/useful life) (2/10) = : sth yr:$13500 (s) $108,000 · Depreciation / year 5 10,000 Asset i n 2019 $50,000 Asset = Balance Depreciation 76,000 depreciation <S1150,000-$15,000-$13Ne $15,200 per yr = = $50,000 = DDBD useful life. Bookvalue & Time O $76,000 Time 1 2/5 Straight-line Useful life: 5 time Useful life = - · Cost:$76,000 salvage value.SO + & end Bookvalue 4.46) $101,212.50 = .... + 8 th of r $48,787.50 $150,000 $101,212.50 = - BOOKVO a Asset (150k state taxable income:S275,000 w - 1 taxrate 9.6% = au.s, 275,000 (9.6%) Federal taxable income $175,000 $264,000 3,248,000 = = manuman's 275,000 + 0.39(248,600 100,000 rate State tax = 9.6% = federal rate (1 0.21(1 + - = 25000 + (80,204 0.096) 0.28884 7000 2 Total state federal tax. 3,264,000+ s,soe = state tax $26,400 = Before-tax wor th: present combinedincremental state federal income tax rate - 14,000 8000 8000(P/5,1500s + + 3000 3.352 (P/FI/5%,s $27 = return Before-tax r ate of rate) i 20%, PW = = - 25,000 28.584% = i 25%, PW = = - 25000 8000(P/Ai(7000s + 8000(P/5,/010,5 + + 6000(PIF 3000(4/7, + 20% + 9%339770521.8 + 0.223 = 2500, 5 $13 = =- $1521.8 0.3277 2.689 RRB = ,2000S 22.3% = B Loan 550,000 v alue Present = additional of int.rat 15%/0 loan payment:PV/15%, = Gross loan to 4 eg. annual payments combined tax rate:18% be taken:(50,000 2141.23) (1 + .8 + 47S000 S,2,141.23 = 355,469.39 = 3,19,429.01 eq. annual paymentagainstloan:PMT (15%, 4, -55,469.39,0 18.12% effective loan rate:Rate (419429.01, -(50000 2141.23), 0) = = + After tax loan:18.12% of cost (1 40%) 13.046% = - Depreciation Accumulated yo Basis % 11M33.33 Expense Depreciation EndingbookDepresentation expense. value 3333,3003333,3003666.700 yr1 40% $133,320 = yV2 $177,800 = yr3 $59,240 = Annual Pre-taxprofit =$700,000 5,200,000 3,500,000 - = 10.3) 5300,000 Annual post-taxprofit $500,000 = : : = 2 I M 44.45S444,500 3 In 1481 5148,100 $175,000 S777,800 3222,200 salvage value 3,925,900 s74,100 Boouvalves--A8 74,100)(0.4) = - 40,360 = 123,00800 30reta M · SL depreciation = #000 90x = - 7300t 42% = MARRAfter 245000 After taxpresentworth Pw = Fc - $3,750 = 12% = ax + cost f irst of 45000 3780(P/A,12%,5) + $ 31,374 3.6048 - = PW savings 1 15,700 = 0.42(*(, 12%, 5 $32,825 = PUsalvage 5000(1-0.42)(P/F, 12%, 5) = $1646 = PW = 31374 32875 1646 + + $3097positive = value means company has hit the 12% least at Marr