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Ivy Tech Career Pathways: FAQ & Application Guide

Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are Professional Career Pathways at Ivy Tech?
a. Ivy Tech implemented professional career pathways during the 2021-22
academic year starting with advisors. In 2022-23, there will be professional
career pathways at Ivy Tech for advisors, recruiters, admissions and enrollment
staff, and K-14 coaches. There are three professional levels following the
employee’s staff position: Specialist, Senior, and Expert. These levels do not
supersede an employee’s job classification, but do come with an increase to
annual base salary and an ability to add their level to their title.
2. Who is eligible to apply for advancement?
a. All advisors, including Lead Advisors and Directors, and E-1 and E-2
classification staff in recruitment, admissions, enrollment and K-14 coaching are
eligible for advancement if they meet the requirements of the next level and
successfully complete the approval process.
3. What are the three levels and how do I know if I qualify for the next level?
a. Descriptions for each advancement level can be found below with additional
detailed criteria in the portfolio submission rubrics. Employees must apply for
levels sequentially (i.e. a Specialist can apply only for Senior).
Specialist – Can hire at this level. 3 years relevant experience. Must stay
at this level at least 2 years - $500.00 Base increase
Senior – Complete portfolio including success metrics and evidence. 4
years of Ivy Tech relevant experience - $1000 Base increase
Expert – Master’s Degree and 8 years of Ivy Tech relevant experience $1500 Base increase
4. When should employees start and submit their application?
a. We recommend employees start their portfolio as soon as possible! Senior and
Expert levels require evidence that might take time to collect. The application
period is now open as of November 7, 2022. Applications can be submitted up
until December 31, 2022 for advisors and February 28, 2022 for all other
staff positions. If not submitted by then, an employee must wait until next year’s
application period opens to submit their portfolio.
5. Where do I submit my application?
a. We ask that you first communicate your intent to submit a portfolio with your Vice
Chancellor and supervisor no later than December 1. Applicants should submit
all portfolio documents to their vice chancellor by the deadline (12/31 for advisors
and 2/28 for all other staff positions). After reviewing, vice chancellors will upload
all submission materials to an archive folder (linked below).
Advisors archive folders:
Recruiters, admissions, enrollment, and K14 coaches archive folders:
6. When will I know if I’m approved?
○ Portfolios are reviewed immediately after the submission deadline and decisions
will be shared with employees at the end of Spring 2023. Title changes and base
salary increases occur at the start of the following fiscal year.
7. Where do I find portfolio requirements?
○ Here! Portfolio requirements are linked below for each application:
■ Specialist:
■ Senior:
■ Expert:
8. Is there a general timeline this process will follow each year?
○ The submission and review process will follow this timeline.
Portfolio submission directions and rubrics are shared with VCs & submission window
December 1
Deadline for employee to share intent to submit portfolio for next level with VCs
February 28
Deadline for employee to submit portfolio
March 1
VCs and supervisors begin reviewing portfolio submissions
March 30
VCs and supervisors finish reviewing portfolio submissions
Review committee confirms submissions include all required materials
Employee notified of new title/annual salary change
New title and pay increase goes into effect