1. 1. T F T F 5. F T F T F 10. F 11. T F F T? 15. F F T T F 20. T 2. a) Parameter tuning is done before running the algorithm. Parameter control is done during the algorithm. b) Crossover: both parents are identical (child is also identical). Mutation: same as N != 1 c) Cost function is used to determine whether we have gone too far on a wrong path. Heuristic function is used to determine where to go next. d) Short-term memory is used to prevent undoing recent actions, allowing intensification by trying new operations. Long-term memory is used to prevent getting stuck in local minima, allowing diversification by preventing the same components from being in the solution for too long. e) ? 3. Algorithm b) c) BFS ABCDFHMEKIJLG (13) ACFEJG DFS ABMCFEIJG (0) ACFEJG UCS ACDBHFKMELJG (12) ADHKLJG greedy ACFEJG (6) ACFEJG A* ACDHKFLJG (9) ADHKLJG d) Yes, the heuristic cost is always <= actual cost to goal. 4. a) i) 0, ii) approx. 0.422 iii) approx. 0.578 b) i) 20, ii) 5, iii) 1? c) Ant density - each ant adds constant amt of pheromone. Ant quantity - pheromone amt depends on arc length. d) alpha = 0 ignore pheromone, only use path length beta = 0 ignore path length, use only pheromone e) i) Near-parameter free, ii) Max-min, iii) ACSGA, iv) Ant Colony System, v) Ant System 5. a) i) physical, ii) star, iii) social, iv) Von Neumann, v) ring b) X2 = [27183645], V2 = {(1,3), (2,6), (4,7), (5,8)} c) Create new tribe 4 consisting of: - N connected to E in tribe 1 - N connected to E in tribe 2 Delete G2 in tribe 3. 6. a) Roulette can be dominated by 1 comparatively very fit individual. Use Baker's Stochastic Universal Sampling. No selection pressure at the end of run when fitnesses are all similar. Use rank-based selection. b) The permutation property is not preserved. For example, parents [12345] and [25134] with crossover at index 3 produce children [12134] and [25345]. These are not valid permutations for TSP. c) In order, Initialization, Parent selection, Crossover + mutation, Survivor selection, Termination d) i) O(10!) ii) binary string of length 10. 1 at index i means include file i, 0 means don't. iii) fitness = total playing time of the DVD e) i) [54287361] and [16758423], ii) [18372645] and [4836275]