Imperial College London Financial Engineering Part 1 PRICING/HEDGING DERIVATIVES WITH TREES Enrico Biffis Overview One period Two periods Extensions 1 / 34 Imperial College London AGENDA 1 Overview 2 One period 3 Two periods 4 Extensions Overview One period Two periods Extensions 2 / 34 Imperial College London AGENDA 1 Overview 2 One period 3 Two periods 4 Extensions Overview One period Two periods Extensions 3 / 34 Imperial College London Overview Main objectives of this part: 1 Develop a pricing machinery based on binomial (and multinomial) trees. 2 Address the concepts of complete and incomplete market. Understand how they affect the pricing and hedging of derivatives. 3 Understand the value of early exercise in American derivatives. 4 Gain exposure to the most important Greeks (sensitivities) used to design hedging strategies. 5 Be in a position to revisit the Black & Scholes pricing formula as the continuous time limit of a tree-based pricing framework. Overview One period Two periods Extensions 4 / 34 Imperial College London AGENDA 1 Overview 2 One period 3 Two periods 4 Extensions Overview One period Two periods Extensions 5 / 34 Imperial College London One-period binomial model The simplest possible model: one-period (two dates: 0 and 1), binomial tree. Money market account yielding r > 0. Stock with current price S0 , and terminal random price S1 . Randomness is described by two outcomes, ‘up’ and ‘down’. Think of coin flipping and sates of the world H (Head) and T (Tail), so that S1 (H) = uS0 in state H, and S1 (T ) = dS0 in state T , for u > d. The coin may well be biased: we assume the ‘up’ probability to be p ∈ (0, 1). We require 0 < d < 1 + r < u: d > 0 by limited liability; d < 1 + r and u > 1 + r to prevent arbitrage opportunities (show how you could make free money in case d ≥ 1 + r or u ≤ 1 + r!). Overview One period Two periods Extensions 6 / 34 Imperial College London One-period binomial tree (draw it) Overview One period Two periods Extensions 7 / 34 Imperial College London Derivatives pricing Consider a derivative with terminal payoff V1 . In the case of (say) a call option, we have: V1 = max(S1 − K, 0) = (S1 − K)+ , where K ∈ (S1 (T ), S1 (H)) denotes the strike price. Replication argument: is it possible to set up a trading strategy replicating the terminal payoff of the option at maturity? If the answer is yes, then the price of the option must coincide with the cost of setting up such a strategy at inception (law of one price). Let us denote by X0 the market value of the strategy at time 0, and by ∆0 the units of stock purchased according to the strategy, so that X0 − ∆0 S0 is the amount invested in the money market account. Overview One period Two periods Extensions 8 / 34 Imperial College London Replicating Portfolio We look for a pair (X0 , ∆0 ) such that X1 = V1 , i.e., ( X1 (H) = (X0 − ∆0 S0 )(1 + r) + ∆0 S1 (H) = V1 (H) X1 (T ) = (X0 − ∆0 S0 )(1 + r) + ∆0 S1 (T ) = V1 (T ) The system can be easily solved to obtain ( 1 uV1 (T )−dV1 (H) X0 − ∆0 S0 = 1+r u−d V1 (H)−V1 (T ) 1 (T ) ∆0 = SV11 (H)−V = (H)−S1 (T ) S0 (u−d) Overview One period Two periods (1) Extensions 9 / 34 Imperial College London Risk-neutral pricing By no arbitrage we must have V0 = X0 , and from the above we can write 1 uV1 (T ) − dV1 (H) + ∆0 S0 1+r u−d 1 uV1 (T ) − dV1 (H) V1 (H) − V1 (T ) + = 1+r u−d u−d 1 1+r−d u−1−r = V1 (H) + V1 (T ) 1+r u−d u−d 1 = (e p V1 (H) + qe V1 (T )) 1+r V0 = Note that the parameters pe, qe we introduced are positive and satisfy pe + qe = 1. We thus have the risk neutral valuation (RNV) formula: 1 e e V1 V0 = E [V1 ] = E 1+r 1+r Overview One period Two periods Extensions (2) 10 / 34 Imperial College London Market-implied probabilities Typically, you observe the market price of financial instruments and recover risk-neutral probabilities via RNV. Such probabilities are therefore called market-implied. We now have the following system of equations, which is the counterpart of the replicating portfolio considered in (1): ( 1 V0 = 1+r [e pV1 (H) + qeV1 (T )] pe + qe = 1, Note that V1 (H) and V1 (T ), as well as V0 , are all given. When V0 is not available, we can recover pe and qe by writing the above system for S0 and then obtain V0 via RNV. Overview One period Two periods Extensions 11 / 34 Imperial College London Comments The pricing formula ignores the real world probabilities (p, 1 − p) of stock movement: the only thing that matters is the size of the moves (derivatives pricing depends on the volatility of the underlying, not its mean growth rate). RNV says that under no arbitrage market prices must be martingales after deflation by the money market account and under a risk adjusted probability e (This clearly applies to S as well: apply (2) to S1 to verify it!) measure P. e are equivalent, in the The condition 0 < d < 1 + r < u ensures that P and P e is sense that they assign zero probability to the same events. The measure P therefore usually referred to as Equivalent Martingale Measure (EMM). The amount invested in the underlying stock, ∆0 , is usually referred to as Delta and is the most important sensitivity (or ‘Greek’) we discuss in this part. It represents the (first order) sensitivity of the derivative’s market value to (small) changes in the market price of the underlying stock. Overview One period Two periods Extensions 12 / 34 Imperial College London Example Consider the following market parameters: S0 = 4, u = 2, d = 0.5, r = 0.25, p = 60%. Consider a call option on the stock with strike price K = 5. We have V1 (H) = (8 − 5)+ = 3 and V1 (T ) = (2 − 5)+ = 0. For the replicating portfolio we find ∆0 = 0.5 and X0 − ∆0 S0 = −0.8, and hence the no arbitrage price of the call option is V0 = 1.2. • Interpretation: if we sell the option for $1.2, we can hedge out our position by going long 0.5 units of the stock, which can be implemented by borrowing $0.8 at the risk free rate (it costs $2 to go long the stock!). Verify the price via RNV, noting that pe = 50%. You will also realize that in the above we never considered the real world probabilities (p, 1 − p). Overview One period Two periods Extensions 13 / 34 Imperial College London Market completeness vs. incompleteness We were able to find a unique solution for the replicating strategy because there is one source of risk (up or down move in the stock price), and one tradeable asset spanning such source of risk. This is the case of a complete market, in which every contingent claim can be perfectly replicated. If there is “more randomness” than the tradeable assets can span, the market is said to be incomplete: perfect replication is no longer possible; there are infinitely many prices consistent with no arbitrage and infinitely many EMMs. Incomplete market pricing techniques use the notion of approximate hedging. For given approximation criterion chosen, you determine the best possible (optimal) strategy delivering approximate replication. The initial cost of setting up the strategy then gives the price of the derivative of interest. Let’s see more on this... Overview One period Two periods Extensions 14 / 34 Imperial College London Trinomial model The simplest example of incomplete market model is obtained by extending our one-period setting to a trinomial model. There are now three states of the world at time 1 (states H, M , and T ): with prob. pH S1 (H) = uS0 S1 = S1 (M ) = mS0 with prob. pM S1 (T ) = dS0 with prob. pT . Suppose we want to price a derivative with terminal payoff V1 via RNV: V0 = 1 1 e E[V1 ] = [e pH V1 (H) + peM V1 (M ) + peT V1 (T )] , 1+r 1+r (3) for some risk adjusted probabilities peH , peM , peT . Overview One period Two periods Extensions 15 / 34 Imperial College London Trinomial model (draw the tree) Overview One period Two periods Extensions 16 / 34 Imperial College London Market incompleteness By using market information, we know that the relevant EMM (i.e., the market implied RN probabilities) would be identified via the system∗ ( 1 pH S1 (H) + peM S1 (M ) + peT S1 (T )] = S0 1+r [e peH + peM + peT = 1, which has infinitely many solutions (two equations with three unknowns). There are two main ways to proceed here: 1. Market completion. 2. Incomplete market pricing methods. ∗ The system’s first equation is equivalent to peH u + peM m + peT d = 1 + r. Overview One period Two periods Extensions 17 / 34 Imperial College London 1. Completing the market We complete the market by adding information on a tradeable asset with random payoff (say) U1 and current price U0 . Think of considering not just a stock, but also an option on the stock. By no-arbitrage, RNV must apply to both instruments simultaneously. The relevant system of equations is now peH u + peM m + peT d = 1 + r peH U1 (H) + peM U1 (M ) + peT U1 (T ) = (1 + r)U0 peH + peM + peT = 1, where the first equation is nothing else than the pricing equation for the stock written in the previous slide. If the system admits a unique solution (e pH , peM , peT ), then we can price any other derivative with payoff (say) V1 via the RNV formula (3). Overview One period Two periods Extensions 18 / 34 Imperial College London 2. Incomplete market pricing methods If we cannot complete the market, we can add some constraints to the problem, for example by imposing conditions on the hedging quality we can achieve (recall that perfect replication is no longer possible here). In the following examples, think of a structurer selling a derivative with terminal payoff V1 to a counterparty (i.e., V1 is the seller’s liability at maturity). Quadratic risk minimization. Look for hedging strategies minimizing the mean square hedging error, i.e., the following objective function: h i 2 E (X1 − V1 ) . Shortfall risk minimization. Look for hedging strategies minimizing the expected shortfall, i.e., the following objective function: h i + E (V1 − X1 ) . Overview One period Two periods Extensions 19 / 34 Imperial College London AGENDA 1 Overview 2 One period 3 Two periods 4 Extensions Overview One period Two periods Extensions 20 / 34 Imperial College London Two-period binomial model We extend the previous model to a two-period setting with a recombining tree (simpler to handle when covering multiple periods later on). At time 1, each node of the first-period biniomial model can branch into two possible outcomes for the stock price. We therefore have that S2 can take three possible values: 2 w. prob. p2 S2 (HH) = uS1 (H) = u S0 S2 = S2 (HT ) = S2 (T H) = dS1 (H) = uS1 (T ) = udS0 w. prob. 2p(1 − p) S2 (T T ) = dS1 (T ) = d2 S0 w. prob. (1 − p)2 Note that for a derivative with terminal value V2 we may not have V2 (HT ) = V2 (T H) in general. You will see an exercise on path-dependent derivatives as an example. Overview One period Two periods Extensions 21 / 34 Imperial College London Two-period binomial model (draw the tree) Overview One period Two periods Extensions 22 / 34 Imperial College London Two-period binomial pricing We price any derivative by working on the tree from the terminal date backwards. To fix ideas, consider a call option with payoff V2 = (S2 − K)+ . Here’s the algo: 1. Build up the tree of asset prices (S0 , S1 , S2 ) along times 0, 1, 2. 2. Write down the terminal payoff of the derivative at maturity, V2 . 3. Consider the one-period binomial trees leading to the final outcomes at the terminal date. For each binomial tree determine the pair ∆1 , X1 across states H and T . 4. Consider the first one-period binomial tree leading to the outcomes available at the end of the first time period. Determine ∆0 , X0 based on the quantities ∆1 (H), X1 (H) and ∆1 (T ), X1 (T ) determined at point 3. 5. Write down the price of the derivative as V0 = X0 Overview One period Two periods Extensions 23 / 34 Imperial College London Details for step 3 At time 1, we solve for (X1 (H), ∆1 (H)) by replication as follows: ( X2 (HH) = [X1 (H) − ∆1 (H)S1 (H)] (1 + r) + ∆1 (H)S2 (HH) = V2 (HH) X2 (HT ) = [X1 (H) − ∆1 (H)S1 (H)] (1 + r) + ∆1 (H)S2 (HT ) = V2 (HT ) At time 1, we solve for (X1 (T ), ∆1 (T )) by replication as follows: ( X2 (T H) = [X1 (T ) − ∆1 (T )S1 (T )] (1 + r) + ∆1 (T )S2 (T H) = V2 (T H) X2 (T T ) = [X1 (T ) − ∆1 (T )S1 (T )] (1 + r) + ∆1 (T )S2 (T T ) = V2 (T T ) These are the same systems of equations as in page 9. The solutions are similar and reported in the next page for convenience. Overview One period Two periods Extensions 24 / 34 Imperial College London Details for steps 3 and 4 Solutions for the cash and stock positions at time 1 in state H: ( 1 uV2 (HT )−dV2 (HH) X1 (H) − ∆1 (H)S1 (H) = 1+r u−d V2 (HH)−V2 (HT ) 2 (HT ) ∆1 (H) = S2 (HH)−S2 (HT ) = V2 (HH)−V S1 (H)(u−d) (4) Solutions for the cash and stock positions at time 1 in state T : ( 1 uV2 (T T )−dV2 (T H) X1 (T ) − ∆1 (T )S1 (T ) = 1+r u−d H)−V2 (T T ) V2 (T H)−V2 (T T ) ∆1 (T ) = SV22 (T = (T H)−S2 (T T ) S1 (T )(u−d) The solution for the time 0 positions is finally given by: ( 1 uX1 (T )−dX1 (H) X0 − ∆0 S0 = 1+r u−d X1 (H)−X1 (T ) 1 (T ) ∆0 = S1 (H)−S1 (T ) = X1 (H)−X S0 (u−d) Overview One period Two periods Extensions 25 / 34 Imperial College London Comments We saw that the replicating strategy now entails state contingent stock and cash positions. This is referred to as dynamic hedging. In particular, the Delta relevant at time 0 (∆0 ) needs to be adjusted based on the realization of the stock price at time 1 (∆1 (H) or ∆1 (T )). The sensitivity of Delta to changes in the underlying instrument is called Gamma. One can verify that RNV applies at each time and state. For example, from system (4) in the previous page we can write the market value of the replicating strategy as follows " # 1 V 2 e X1 (H) = [e pV2 (HH) + qeV2 (HT )] = E F1 , 1+r 1+r where the risk adjusted probabilities (e p, qe) are defined on p. 10. The above defines V1 (H), the market value of the derivative at time 1 and in state H. Overview One period Two periods Extensions 26 / 34 Imperial College London American option pricing In the case of European derivatives, exercise can occur at maturity only, and hence any derivative payoff is captured by g(S2 ) for some payoff function g (or g(S0 , S1 , S2 ) for path-dependent derivatives). In the case of American derivatives, exercise can occur before maturity. We distinguish between the market value of the derivative in case we decide to exercise (payoff from early exercise) and the case in which we do not (continuation value). • The pricing/hedging algo outlined before can accommodate American derivatives as follows: when we go back one time period in the backward procedure, we simply need to check whether the continuation value of the derivative, X1 , is greater than the payoff from early exercise. • The market value of the option at time 1 is no longer simply given by V1 = X1 , but is replaced by V1 = max (g(S1 ), X1 ). Overview One period Two periods Extensions 27 / 34 Imperial College London American option pricing example I Consider the following market parameters: S0 = 4, u = 2, d = 0.5, r = 0.25. Consider an American put option on the stock with strike price K = 5. We have V2 (HH) = (5 − 16)+ = 0, V2 (HT ) = (5 − 4)+ = 1, and V2 (T T ) = (5 − 1)+ = 4. For the time-1 replicating portfolio in state H we find ( ∆1 (H) = −0.0833 X1 (H) − ∆1 (H)S1 (H) = 1.066, and hence X1 (H) = 0.4. We note that (5 − S1 (H))+ = (5 − 8)+ = 0 < X1 (H), and hence continuation is optimal at time 1 in state H. Overview One period Two periods Extensions 28 / 34 Imperial College London American option pricing example II For the time-1 replicating portfolio in state T we find ( ∆1 (T ) = −1 X1 (T ) − ∆1 (T )S1 (T ) = 4, and hence X1 (T ) = 2. We note that (5 − S1 (T ))+ = (5 − 2)+ = 3 > X1 (T ), and hence early exercise is optimal at time 1 in state T . • We therefore set V1 (H) = X1 (H) = 0.4, and V1 (T ) = 3 > X1 (T ). Overview One period Two periods Extensions 29 / 34 Imperial College London American option pricing example III We can solve for the replicating portfolio at time 0 by just using (1): ( 1 uV1 (T )−dV1 (H) 1 u3−d0.4 X0 − ∆0 S0 = 1+r = 1+r = 3.0933 u−d u−d V1 (H)−V1 (T ) 0.4−3 ∆0 = S1 (H)−S1 (T ) = S0 (u−d) = −0.4333 The put option price is therefore V0 = 1.36, which is clearly larger than the corresponding European option price of 0.96 (verify it!). The difference represents the market value of the option to exercise early the right to sell the stock at a fixed price (early exercise premium). Overview One period Two periods Extensions 30 / 34 Imperial College London AGENDA 1 Overview 2 One period 3 Two periods 4 Extensions Overview One period Two periods Extensions 31 / 34 Imperial College London Multi-period models Trees are usually helpful in discretizing a continuous time problem. In multi-period models, to be covered in the next section, each period refers to a small enough time step of the discretization procedure. Consider the time horizon [0, T ] and a discretization step of size h > 0. Then, the tree branches at dates 0, h, 2h, . . . , nh = T . Hence, the time step of the binomial model does not need to be unitary as we assumed so far. If h is small, it is common to allow for continous compounding in the risk free rate accrual, so that erh is what is earned on the money market account with continuous reinvestment of proceeds. Overview One period Two periods Extensions 32 / 34 Imperial College London Dividends In practice, stocks pay dividends and their impact on a derivative’s value can be sizeable. Assume a continuous dividend yield δ ≥ 0, which is reinvested continuously in the stock. Then the usual restrictions on the tree parameters now become eδh dS0 < S0 erh < eδh uS0 , thus yielding d < e(r−δ)h < u. The replication arguments developed earlier on carry over to the present setting, the only difference being that we need to take into account reinvestment of dividends. Using the one-period model as a reference benchmark, for example, this means that the cash and stock positions of the replicating strategy given in (1) are replaced by ( )−dVh (H) X0 − ∆0 S0 = e−rh uVh (Tu−d (5) V (H)−V (T ) h (T ) ∆0 = e−δh Shh (H)−Shh (T ) = e−δh Vh (H)−V S0 (u−d) Overview One period Two periods Extensions 33 / 34 Imperial College London RNV with dividends RNV applies to the case of dividends as follows: The cumulative gain process from holding a security (capital appreciation plus cumulative dividends) is a martingale under a risk adjusted probability measure and after deflation by the money market account. RNV formula (2) on p. 10, for example, now takes the form e e−r V1 , V0 = E with risk neutral probabilities ( pe = qe = Overview One period e(r−δ) −d u−d u−e(r−δ) u−d Two periods Extensions 34 / 34