Panna Szöke (649416) and Sanni Hirvonen (653802) In-class graded assignment 2 - week 3 Group J 24.11.2022 Lecturer: Zheng, L. Word count: 274 1) Calculations by hand 3. SPSS exercise a, Unit of analysis of the dataset: YouTube videos b, Level of measurement of the variable theme is nominal because it cannot be ranked and labeled as categories. c, The median number of likes of videos is 9894.50. d, e, Conclusion: The Category is dependent on the likes a video got, because in the category Autos & Vehicles 87.5% of videos has under 9894.50 likes (the median) whereas in the category Comedy, 33.5% of videos have under 9894.50 likes (the median). In addition, Autos & Vehicles get 12.5% above 9894.50 likes as opposed to Comedy which gets 66.5% likes. Concluding from this, the amount of likes depends on the category, because the amount of likes the videos in the category Comedy get, are above the mean (9894.50) than the category Autos & Vehicles. Exercise 4 - Theory a, It is statistically true, because of the fact of restriction of range. The problem of restriction of range arises when the range of data for a correlated factor in a sample is limited or restricted, compared to the range of data of the population from where the sample was taken. b, Apart from the sample size, standard error also makes it harder to generalize results. Statistically when the sample size (n) is smaller, there is a bigger chance for the standard error. The sample error represents how much the sample mean deviates from the population mean, so the larger error leads to larger deviation. Therefore, the bigger the sample size is, the smaller the sample error arises, so that it is more representative for the population. The appropriate formula is ��=�/√�