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Nuclear Plant Operation Standard

Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian State Concern for production of electricity and
thermal energy at nuclear plants” (Rosenergoatom Concern)
Effective date 2008-01-07
1. DEVELOPED by the Branch office of the FSUE Rosenergoatom Concern by the
Scientific and technical centre for emergency and technical works (NTTs ATR).
Director of the branch office of the Rosenergoatom Concern NTTs ATR - development
manager V. K. Vukolov.
Executor, the division head deputy TP KTS A. V. Gaidadei
2. INTRODUCED by the production and technical department
3. ACCEPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Order of the FSUE Rosenergoatom
Concern dated December 06, 2007 No. 1254.
1 Application scope..................................................................................................................... 5
2 Regulatory references............................................................................................................... 5
3 Abbreviations........................................................................................................................... 9
4 Pre-start adjustment works. NP unit commissioning ............................................................... 14
5 Arrangement of NP operation. ................................................................................................ 21
5.1 Tasks and organizational structure....................................................................................... 21
5.2 Quality assurance ................................................................................................................ 24
5.3 Maintenance, repair, modernization and control of resource characteristics of the NP
equipment ................................................................................................................................. 27
5.4 NP operation experience distribution and application .......................................................... 28
5.5 Inspection and control of the operating agency over quality assurance and observation of the
rules and norms in the field of nuclear energy usage.................................................................. 29
5.6 Control of NP operation efficiency ...................................................................................... 30
5.7 Metal state control............................................................................................................... 31
5.8 Metrological support ........................................................................................................... 33
5.9 Collection, storage, transportation and disposal of radioactive waste, decontamination........ 36
6 Prolongation of existing NP unit operation period. NP power unit decommissioning .............. 39
6.1 Decision making ................................................................................................................. 39
6.2 Prolongation of NP power unit operation period .................................................................. 39
6.3 NP unit decommissioning .................................................................................................... 41
7 Safety provision during NP operation ..................................................................................... 43
7.1 General provisions .............................................................................................................. 43
7.2 Physical barriers system ...................................................................................................... 44
7.3 System of technical and organizational measures ................................................................ 44
7.4 Safety culture ...................................................................................................................... 45
7.5 Self-estimation of operational safety ................................................................................... 45
7.6 Nuclear safety ..................................................................................................................... 45
7.7. Radiation safety ................................................................................................................. 50
7.7.1 General provisions ........................................................................................................... 50
7.7.2. Basic criteria and limits ................................................................................................... 52
7.8 Occupational safety ............................................................................................................. 53
7.9 Fire safety ........................................................................................................................... 55
7.10 Environment protection ..................................................................................................... 56
7.11 Physical protection of nuclear materials, nuclear facilities and nuclear material storage
facilities at NPPs ....................................................................................................................... 58
7.12 Emergency prevention and management at NPP ................................................................ 60
8 Technical documentation ....................................................................................................... 63
9 Personnel selection, training and qualification maintenance ................................................... 68
10 Requirements for buildings, facilities, equipment and technological processes ..................... 70
10.1 Site.................................................................................................................................... 70
10.2 Industrial buildings, structures, sanitary and technical equipment ...................................... 71
10.3 Hydraulic engineering structures and water services of NPP.............................................. 73
10.3.1 Hydraulic engineering structures and their mechanical equipment .................................. 73
10.3.2 NPP water supply facility and its hydrological and meteorological maintenance............. 78
10.3.3 Technical water supply ................................................................................................... 80
10.4 Thermal and Mechanical Equipment of Nuclear Power Plants and Heating Networks ....... 82
10.4.1 Fuel and Transportation Facilities ................................................................................... 82
10.4.2 Acceptance, Storage and Preparation for Liquid Fuel Burning ........................................ 83
10.4.3 Boiler plants ................................................................................................................... 85
10.4.4 Steam Turbine Plants...................................................................................................... 89
10.4.5 Water conditioning and water chemistry......................................................................... 98
10.4.6 Chemical control .......................................................................................................... 100
10.4.7 Pipelines and valves ..................................................................................................... 101
10.4.8 Heating cogeneration plants.......................................................................................... 104
10.4.9 Heat networks .............................................................................................................. 107
10.5 Automated technological process control systems of nuclear power plants, thermal
automatics and measurements ................................................................................................. 113
10.6 Special equipment of NP ................................................................................................. 118
10.6.1 Nuclear Fuel. Transport-Technological Procedures....................................................... 118
10.6.2 Reactor plant (RP) ........................................................................................................ 121
10.6.3 Ventilation and gaseous radioactive waste removal system ........................................... 127
10.7 Nuclear power plant electric equipment ........................................................................... 128
10.7.1 Generators .................................................................................................................... 128
10.7.2 Electric motors ............................................................................................................. 137
10.7.3 Power transformers and oil-immersed reactors ............................................................. 139
10.7.4 Switchgears .................................................................................................................. 143
10.7.8 Grounding devices........................................................................................................ 159
10.7.9 Overvoltage protection ................................................................................................. 160
10.7.10 Electric measurement gauges ...................................................................................... 166
10.7.11 Lighting...................................................................................................................... 167
10.7.12 Emergency power supply system ................................................................................ 168
10.7.13 Electrolysis plants....................................................................................................... 170
11 Operational Dispatching Management of production and consumption of heat and electric
power...................................................................................................................................... 174
11.1 Operational Dispatching Management in Unified Electric Power System ........................ 174
11.1.3 Control of power facilities operation modes.................................................................. 179
11.1.4 Power facilities equipment management ....................................................................... 181
11.2 Arrangement of the communication system for operation and emergency response actions
control at NP ........................................................................................................................... 190
11.3 Electrical energy and power control and tracking ............................................................ 193
11.4 Immediate conversations ................................................................................................. 194
11.5 Operational switching at the plant.................................................................................... 196
11.5.1 General requirements to routine switching, equipment switching on and switching off . 196
11.5.3 Switches in process circuits .......................................................................................... 201
11.5.4 Switches in thermal automatics and measurements circuits ........................................... 202
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................... 204
1 Application scope
This organization standard “Basic rules of nuclear plants operation provision” (hereinafter –
the Standard) establishes basic requirements to arrangement and implementation of safe, reliable
and efficient operation of nuclear plants (NP).
Itemized requirements to the equipment, procedures (documentation), processes and
personnel of NP are set by the regulatory documents of FSUE Rosenergoatom Concern
(hereinafter – operating organization), organization standards (СТО) and regulatory documents
(РД ЭО) and by the national documents and regulatory legal acts of the Federal Executive
Agencies put into effect in the operating organization.
This Standard is mandatory for nuclear plants, scientific and research institutes, design,
project, construction and mounting, repair and adjustment agencies that perform works and
render services to nuclear plants.
This Standard does not cancel requirements of the general and special technical regulations,
other regulatory legal acts in the sphere of nuclear energy use and regulatory documents existing
in the operating organization.
Terms according to НП-001-97 are represented in this Standard.
2 Regulatory references
References to the following regulatory documents are used in this standard.
NP-001-97 General safety provisions for nuclear power plants (OПБ-88/97),
NP-005-98 Provisions on the emergency announcement procedure, urgent information
transmission and arrangement of urgent assistance to NP in the case of radiation – hazardous
situations, approved by the Decree of the Gosatomnadzor of Russia of August 30 2002 No. 8.
NP-006-98 Requirements to content of report for justification of NP safety with reactors of
VVER type
NP-011-99 Requirements to the quality assurance program for nuclear plants
NP-012-99 Rules of safety provision at decommissioning of the nuclear plant unit
NP-015-2000 Standard content of the action plan for personnel protection in the case of
accident at nuclear plant
NP-017-2000 Basic requirements to prolongation of the nuclear plant unit operation period
NP-018-2005 Requirements to content of report on safety justification of NP with fast neutron
NP-030-05 Basic rules of nuclear materials accounting and control
NP-031-01 Aseismic nuclear power plants design standards
NP-032-01 Location of nuclear power plants. Main criteria and requirements to safety
NP-044-03 Rules for design and safe operation of pressure vessels for nuclear energy
NP-045-03 Rules of arrangement and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines and hot
water for nuclear power facilities
OSPORB-99 Basic sanitary rules of radiation safety provision approved by the Chief State
Medical Officer of the Russian Federation 27.12.99
PNAE G-1-024-90 Nuclear safety rules for reactor units at nuclear power plants (ПБЯ РУ
ПНАЭ Г-1-004-87 Standard content of the technical safety justification of the reactor plant
(for unit No. 3 of Kalinin NPP and unit No. 2 of Rostov NPP (ТС ТОБ РУ-87)
PMAE G-002-87 Standards for nuclear power unit equipment and pipelines strength
ПНАЭ Г-7-008-89 Rules of arrangement and safe operation of equipment and pipelines of
nuclear power plants
PNAE G -9-026-90 General provisions on design and operation of emergency power supply
systems of nuclear power plants
PNAE G-10-012-89 Standards of strength calculation of nuclear plants steel containments
RB-013-2000 Requirements to the content of nuclear plant unit decommissioning program
SP Radiation safety rules for operation of nuclear plants (ПРБ АС-99)
SP Radiation safety rules (НРБ-99)
SP AS-03 Sanitary rules for nuclear plants design and operation
GOST 2.601-95 Unified design documentation system. Operational documents.
GOST 2.602-95 Unified design documentation system. Repair documents.
GOST 2.604-2000 Unified design documentation system Repair drawings. General
GOST 12.0.004-90 Occupation safety standards system. Training arrangement in occupation
safety. General provisions
GOST 14202-69 Pipelines of industrial enterprises. Identification colors, warning signs and
marking boards
GOST 24277-91 Stationary steam turbine plants for nuclear plants. General specifications
GOST 23118-99 Steel construction structures
GOST R 8.563-96 State System for Ensuring Uniform Measurement Measurements methods.
GOST R 8.565-96 State System for Ensuring Uniform Measurement Metrological support of
nuclear plants operation. General provisions
GOST R 51232-98 Potable water. General requirements to arrangement and methods of
quality control
SanPinN Potable water. Hygiene requirements to water quality of the
centralized systems of potable water supply. Quality control
SNiP2.01.51-90 Civil defense technical. Engineering measures
SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply pipeline and sewage systems of buildings
SNiP 11-01-2002 Instruction on the procedure of design, agreement, approval and content of
design documentation for construction of plants, buildings and facilities
SNiP 11-02-96 Engineering surveys for construction. General provisions
SNiP 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction. General requirements
SNiP 41-02-2003 Heating networks
Document Arrangement of work with personnel at nuclear plants approved by the Order of
Rosatom No. 60 dated 15 February 2006
Document List and content of documents that compose the investment project of operation
period prolongation for nuclear plants power units, approved by the Order of Rosatom No. 55 of
9 February 2005.
SPPNAE-93 Basic requirements to development of the feasibility study for nuclear plant
construction. Provisions on the procedure of construction site selection approved by the Order of
Minatom of Russia No. 471 of 1 November 1994
RD-04-02-2006 Requirements to the components of the set and content of documents
justifying safety within additional period of the NP unit operation.
RD-04-27-2006 Requirements to the components of the set and content of documents
justifying provision of nuclear and radiation safety of the nuclear plant, storages, radiation source
and/or declared operations (for nuclear plants).
RD153-34.0-45.512 Standard operation manual of gas and oil system for generators hydrogen
RD 34.30.310 Methodical guidelines for check and test of steam turbines automatic control
and protection systems
RD 34.45-51.300-97 Scope and norms of electric equipment tests
RD 95 10524-00 Provisions on the certificate of nuclear plant metrological service procedure
for preparation and keeping of documentation
RD 95 10525-2000 Instruction for preparation of lists of measuring instrumentation
component operated at nuclear plants and subject to verification, calibration and of the same
transferred to indicators class
Guideline on maintenance of redundant diesel electrical stations of the Mimatomenergo of the
USSR approved by the Mimatomenergo of the USSR dated 28 December 1988
СО 153-34.03.603-2003 Instruction on application and test of protection devices used in the
electrical installations
СО 153-34.20.518-2003 Standard instruction on protection of heating networks against
external corrosion
SP PNAE -4.1-87 Basic requirements on components and scope of surveys for selection of
NP location and site, approved by the Mimatomenergo of the USSR in 1989
Operation and maintenance manual of uninterrupted power supply units at nuclear plants
approved by the Order of the Rosenergoatom Concern No. 18 dated 26 January 1999
RD EO 0007-2005 Standard operation manual for production buildings and facilities of
nuclear plants
RD EO 0052-00 Diesel-generator units of nuclear plants. General technical requirements
RD EO 0069-97 Arrangement rules for maintenance and repair of nuclear plant systems and
RD EO 0085-97 Maintenance and repair of nuclear plants systems and equipment. Standard
duration of NP units repair duration
RD EO 0086-97 Maintenance and repair of nuclear plants systems and equipment. Quality
Assurance. General provisions
RD EO 0127-98 Maintenance and repair of nuclear plants systems and equipment. Rules of
works arrangement with equipment opening
RD EO 0134-01 Provisions on control system of an enterprise occupational safety of the
Rosenergoatom Concern
RD EO 0145-99 Instruction. Procedure of preparation, agreement and approval of methods
lists for measurements to be implemented at nuclear plants
RD EO 0158-99 Instruction. Procedure of preparation, agreement and approval of project,
design and process documentation lists for nuclear plants related to metrological support
RD EO 0202-00 Initial calibration of measuring instrumentation. Arrangement and
implementation procedure
RD EO 0214-2005 General quality guidelines
RD EO 0274-01 Technical requirements to verification laboratories of nuclear plants
RD EO 0296-01 Methodical guidelines for technical report drawn up related to efficiency and
thermal economy of nuclear plant operation
RD EO 0318-01 Metrological support of non-destructive control and diagnostics at nuclear
plants. General provisions
RD EO 0329-01 Arrangement of maintenance, operation and construction of dispatching and
process control systems in nuclear power facilities. General provisions
RD EO 0431-02 Provisions on certification of NP metrological services personnel
Arrangement and implementation procedure
RD EO 0466-03 Basic rules for environment protection of nuclear plants (with no view of
radiation factor)
RD EO 0470-05 Provisions on checking NP readiness to isolation and elimination of natural
and technogenic emergencies
RD EO 0494-03 Provisions on investigations of extraordinary or emergency exposures of the
Rosenergoatom Concern personnel
RD EO 0516-04 Provision on metrological service of the Rosenergoatom Concern
ST EO 0143-2005 Provisions on annual reports for safety estimation at NP power units
СSR EO 0542-2006 Standard of operating organization. Procedure of systems and equipment
modernization arrangement and implementation
3 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are accepted in the standard:
ASPSS – Automatic Standby Power Supply Switching–in
AMIS EPCA – Automated Measuring and Information System for Electric Power Control and
JSC– Joint Stock Company
AEC – Automatic Excitation Controller
PFAC – Power and Frequency Automatic Controller
NP – Nuclear Plant
APCS – Automated Process Control System
ATS – Automated Telephone Station
EC– Emergency Centre
ETC– Emergency Technical Centre
SP– Storage Pool
FNR– Fast Neutron Reactor
APU– Air Purification Unit
RP– Refueling Pool
MCR – Main Control Room
VVER– Pressurized Water Reactor
LERC– Leading Engineer for Reactor Control
OL – Overhead Line
MCG – Main Cutoff Gate
HOMS – Head Organization of Metrological Service for Metrological Support of NP
Development and Operation
RCP – Reactor Coolant Pump
MCC – Main Circulation Circuit
PRL– Permissible Release Limit
PDL – Permissible Discharge Limit
UES– Unified Energy System
LRW – Liquid Radioactive Waste
MA – Monitoring Area
PCERM– Protected Centre of Emergency Response ManagementISG– Indoor Switchgear
Ci– Carbonate Index
I&C – Instrumentation and Control System
MFCC – Multiple Forced Circulation Circuit
MCS – Metal-Clad Switchgears
OMCS – Outdoor Metal-Clad Switchgear
CL – Control Level
CC – Crisis Centre of the Rosenergoatom Concern
CEPM – Commission for Emergency Prevention and Management and Fire Safety
CEPMC – Commission for Emergency Prevention and Management and Fire Safety of the
Concern (operating organization)
CEPMF – Commission for Emergency Prevention and Management and Fire Safety of the
Facility (nuclear plant)
MM – Measurement Methods
MCL – Minimum Controlled Level
MDBA – Maximum Design Basis Accident
MU – Medical Unit
НД – Regulatory Documentation
НП – Norms and Rules
RSN – Radiation Safety Norms
SS – Shift Supervisor
USS – Unit Shift Supervisor
LSS – Line Shift Supervisor
OJSC – Open Joint Stock Company
CDC – Combined Dispatch Control
EIT – Certification of Equipment, Articles and Technologies for Nuclear Plants, Radiation
Sources and Storages
SAR– Safety Analysis Report
UANP – Urgent Assistance to Nuclear Plants
OSG – Open Switchgear
SFA – Spent Fuel Assembly
TCD – Technical Control Department
IPS – Integrated Power System
ECD – Emergency Control Devices
PRL – Permissible Release Limit
MAC – Maximum Allowable Concentration
MAD – Maximum Allowable Discharge
PCO – Pre–commissioning Operations
PDPD – Project, Design and Process Documentation
NPQAP (G) – General Quality Assurance Program for NP Units or NP
NPQAP (SS) – Quality Assurance Program at Site Selection for Allocation of NP Unit or NP
NPQAP (D) – Quality Assurance Program at Design of NP Units or NP
NPQAP (RU) – Quality Assurance Program at Design of Reactor Unit of NP Unit or NP
NPQAP (Dv) – Quality Assurance Program at Development of Equipment, Articles and
Systems Critical for NP Safety
NPQAP (M) – Quality Assurance Program at Manufacturing of Equipment, Articles and
Systems Critical for NP Safety
NPQAP (C) – Quality Assurance Program at Construction of NP Units or NP
NPQAP (Cm) – Quality Assurance Program at Commissioning of NP Units or NP
NPQAP (O) – Quality Assurance Program at Operation of NP Units or NP
NPQAP (DC) – Quality Assurance Program at Decommissioning of NP Units or NP
SPM – Scheduled Preventive Maintenance
PTD – Production and Technical Department
ESR – Electrical Safety Rules
PEM – Production Environmental Monitoring
EOM – Emergency Operations Manager
RBMK – High Power Channel Type Reactor
RS – Radioactive Substances
РД – Guideline Document
RDC – Regional Dispatcher Control
EDS – Expected Dispatcher Schedule
RDES – Redundant Diesel Electrical Station
RPA – Relay Protection And Electrical Automatics
LVR – Load Voltage Regulation
RUERS – Russian Unified Emergency Rescue Service
RP– Reactor Plant
SG– Switchgear
SCR – Standby Control Room
EPSS – Emergency Power Supply System
SRS – Safety–related System
SPA – Sanitary Protection Area
DPCE – Dispatcher and Process Control Equipment
MI – Measuring Instrumentation
PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
CMS –Crisis Management Centre
AN – Auxiliary Needs
СНиП – Construction Rules and Regulations
SO – System Operator
UES SO CDC – System Operator – Central Dispatch Control of Unified Energy System
CPS – Control and Protection System
PPS – Physical Protection System
EPMSC – Emergency Prevention and Management System of the Concern (operating
EPMSF – Emergency Prevention and Management System of the Facility (nuclear plant)
TI&C – Thermal Instrumentation and Control
FA– Fuel Assembly
FE– Fuel Element
TA – Technical Assignment
PT – Process Train
SRW –Solid Radioactive Waste
TS – Technical Specifications
FS – Feasibility Study
TС– Training Centre
PS – Position Sensor
SBP – Stuck Breaker Protection
ETS – Educational Training Station
ETC – Educational Training Centre
FGC – Functional Group Control
FTS – Federal Tariff Service
LWST – Liquid Waste Storage Tank
SWST – Solid Waste Storage Tank
TAMW – Thermal Automatics and Measuring Workshop
ES– Emergency Situation
EHC – Electrohydraulic Converter
ETL – Electrotechnical Laboratory
NM – Nuclear Materials
NF – Nuclear Fuel
4 Pre-start adjustment works. NP unit commissioning
4.1 The new or expanded NP, their individual lines and startup systems are commissioned in
accordance to the RD “Commissioning regulations of completed construction of nuclear plants
power units” and other existing norms and rules.
4.2 Commissioning of nuclear plants and components of the same is implemented within the
frames of the startup system that shall be designed and submitted by the NP project designer.
4.3 NP power units are commissioned by the State Acceptance commission in two stages: test
and industrial operation.
Test commissioning shall be implemented upon stable power unit operation during 72 hours
at the thermal power level at least 50% of the rated. The test industrial operation is implemented
within the time required for reaching the designed capacity and for tests implementation in full
scope according to the program of the power startup and of the test and industrial operation.
Industrial operation commissioning of NP power unit is implemented by the State Acceptance
Commission upon completion of the test operation and after comprehensive test at the rated
4.4 General administration, control and coordination of works for NP power unit
commissioning (startup system) commissioning shall be implemented by the operating
organization with participation of the reactor plant and nuclear plant designer.
NP authorities shall provide observation of the safety requirements at NP power unit (startup
system) commissioning.
4.5 The operating organization shall develop the Program for the NP unit commissioning and
the Quality Assurance Program for NP unit and NP commissioning for provision of the safe and
high quality works related to the NP power unit (startup system) commissioning. The program of
the NP unit commissioning and the Quality Assurance Program at NP unit commissioning NPQAP (Cm).
The program of NP unit commissioning shall include the requirements to completeness and
sequence of tests for the equipment, systems and NP power unit on the whole implementation of
which provides safe commissioning of the NP power unit (startup system).
The Quality Assurance Program at NP unit or NP commissioning shall be a system of
organizational and technical measures for works completion at NP power unit (startup system)
commissioning in compliance with the requirements of the safety norms and rules, project and
design documentation, and for control over the works. The Program shall specify rights,
obligations and liability of the organizations and enterprises engaged in the provision of the
power unit (startup system) commissioning and interaction of the same.
4.6 The NP shall provide development and agreement of the programs of the pre-start
adjustment works, physical and power startups and of the test and industrial operation. The
Programs shall be approved by the operating organization and be submitted in due order to the
Rostekhnadzor for obtaining permissions for individual work stages.
4.7 To perform works related to NP power unit (startup system) commissioning the NP
operating organization shall have the permission from the Rostekhnadzor for works performance
in the sphere of nuclear energy use.
4.8 The following shall be implemented prior to the industrial operation commissioning of the
NP power unit (startup system) in the order established by the norms and rules in compliance
with the NP unit commissioning program agreed with the Rostekhnadzor agencies:
- Pre-commissioning operations (PCO) started from the voltage receipt by the power supply
system of the NP power unit with design circuit and are completed as soon as the power unit of
the nuclear plant is ready for physical stratup,
- Physical startup that shall be started with the nuclear fuel loading to the reactor and is
completed with the required experiments according to the physical startup program,
- Power startup is the NP commissioning stage from the completion of the physical startup up
to the beginning of electrical power generation,
- Test and industrial operation that envisages comprehensive tests and commissioning – the
stagewise increase of the NP power unit capacity with performance of the required tests of
equipment and systems for confirmation of the design parameters.
Requirements to the sequence and scope of the pre-start adjustment works, of physical and
power startups and commissioning criteria for commissioned NP equipment and systems shall be
specified in the NP project.
4.9 At NP power unit commissioning and before its industrial operation commissioning it is
necessary to provide the conditions of safe operation that are established by the existing norms
and rules in the sphere of nuclear energy use and by the regulatory documents of the operating
4.10 Startup Control Group presided by the NP Chief Engineer shall be appointed directly at
the NP and shall include representatives of enterprises and organizations that implement
scientific and technical and designer supervision of the NP (power unit) startup for operational
and scientific and technical control of the power unit commissioning for the period from PCO
start and up to the low power tests.
4.11 In the process of works related to the NP power unit (startup system) commissioning
design characteristics of the equipment and systems shall be proved with documentation and
process restrictions, limits and conditions of the NP power unit safe operation shall be itemized.
4.12 Equipment and systems shall be tested according to the design diagrams upon
completion of all construction and mounting works on the assembly. Tests shall be performed
according to programs. before the tests it is necessary to check compliance with requirements of
the program as well as of this Standard, construction norms and rules, requirements of the State
safety regulation agencies, electrical installation code, occupational safety and industrial sanitary
rules, rules of explosions and fire safety, requirements to environment protection, instructions of
the manufacturers, requirements of the project and design documentation and equipment
installation instructions .
4.13 Operational mode shall be set at the equipment and systems from the moment of
approval of the equipment and systems readiness act for works performance on the power unit
(startup system) commissioning and maintenance of the equipment and systems shall be
implemented by the operational personnel.
Based on the approved process procedures, equipment and NP designer documentation the NP
shall provide before the pre-start adjustment works development of commissioning instructions
that then shall be corrected according to the results of the NP power unit commissioning.
4.14 Defects and subquality works made in the course of construction and mounting and
equipment defects detected in the process of the pre-start adjustment works, physical and power
startups shall be eliminated by the construction and mounting organizations and manufacturers
respectively before the next stage .
If the detected defects and subquality works result in infringes of the existing regulatory
documents for safety in nuclear power engineering the equipment, systems or NP power unit
shall be transferred to safe state until the detected defects and subquality works are eliminated.
4.15 Acceptance of equipment and systems to pre-start adjustment works, physical and power
startups, including the comprehensive test and commissioning of the power unit (startup system)
shall be implemented by the working commissions appointed in due order.
If necessary the working commissions may form specialized sub-commissions (construction,
turbine, hydrotechnical, electrical, on control and administration systems, etc.). The subcommissions shall draw up acts on the state of the part of the facility that corresponds to their
profile and its readiness to the pre-start adjustment works, physical and power startups and to the
comprehensive tests and commissioning of the power unit (startup system) that shall be approved
by the working commission.
4.16 The decision on the pre-start adjustment works, physical and power startups and power
unit (startup system) commissioning shall be made by the State Acceptance Commission
appointed in the due order based on the working commission acts if respective permissions of the
State safety regulation agencies are available.
Works at each stage (sub-stage) of the NP power unit (startup system) commissioning shall be
started at full readiness of the buildings and facilities (rooms), equipment and power unit systems
to the specific stage (sub-stage) and if all works of the previous stage (sub-stage) were completed
successfully and if permissions from the Rostekhnadzor were obtained. Completion of each stage
(sub-stage) works shall be accompanied with the analysis of the test results implemented at the
stage (sub-stage) and working commission act shall be drawn up.
4.17 Before power startup, conditions for the reliable and safe operation of the power unit
(startup system) shall be created, operational and repair personnel shall be staffed and trained
(with examinations), operational instructions and operational diagrams, technical documentation
for accounting and reporting shall be developed, nuclear fuel and materials stock shall be
prepared as well as spare parts, equipment and systems maintenance and repair tools, dispatch
and process control equipment (DPCE) shall be introduced with the communication lines, fire
alarm and firefighting systems, radiation control, control and protection, ventilation, radioactive
waste processing and storage, equipment operation permissions shall be obtained from the
Rostekhnadzor and from other State safety regulation agencies, from the sanitary inspection and
Rostrud inspection .
At the power startup operability of equipment and process flow charts, safety of their
operation, verification and adjustment of all control and administration systems shall be
implemented including checks of automated controllers, protection and blocking devices,
signaling devices and instrumentation.
4.18 Comprehensive test of the NP power unit (startup system) shall be implemented by the
personnel of the nuclear plant.
Comprehensive tests shall include the combined operation of the principle and auxiliary
equipment under load.
Never perform comprehensive tests of the equipment (installation) according to diagrams if
the same are not envisaged by the project.
During comprehensive tests instrumentation, blockings, signaling and remote control devices,
protection devices, automatic regulators and APCS shall be actuated.
The comprehensive tests of the power unit (startup system) shall, be deemed to have been
completed under the condition of the normal and continuous operation within 15 days at the
constant or alternate operation of the auxiliary equipment according to the project diagram at the
rated power of the power unit in the basic mode.
4.19 The working commission shall accept equipment after comprehensive tests of the power
unit (startup system) and elimination of the detected defects and subquality works under an act,
and to draw up an act on readiness of the buildings and facilities construction completion for
submission to the State Acceptance Commission.
4.20 The general subcontractor building organization shall submit the documentation within
the scope provided by the construction norms and rules and regulatory documents existing in the
nuclear power engineering at acceptance of the equipment, buildings and facilities by the
working commission.
4.21 The NP authorities shall control elimination of defects and subquality works detected by
the working commission.
4.22 NP power unit (startup system) shall be commissioned for industrial operation by the
State Acceptance Commission only after the test industrial operation and full completion of the
required tests, results of which shall confirm manufacture and functioning of the equipment and
systems in compliance with the project requirements, after comprehensive test of the NP power
unit (startup system) at the rated power in the basic mode.
4.23 Commisioning of the equipment, buildings and facilities with defects and subquality
works shall not be permitted.
After comprehensive tests and elimination of defects and subquality works the State
Acceptance Commission shall draw up the industrial operation commissioning act of the
equipment with related buildings and facilities.
4.24 Documentation prepared by the working commission within the scope provided by the
construction norms and rules and regulatory documents existing in the nuclear power
engineering shall be submitted to the State Acceptance Commission.
All documents shall be registered in the common catalogue and certified lists of the content
shall be arranged in form of individual folders.
The documents shall be kept in technical archive of NP together with the documents drawn up
by the State Acceptance Commission.
4.25 Completed construction of the detached buildings, facilities and electrotechnical devices,
built-in or build-on rooms of the production, utility and auxiliary purpose with equipment,
control and communication devices mounted in the same, facilities, civil defense rooms included
to the NP composition shall be commissioned by the working commission as soon as they are
ready before acceptance of the power unit (startup system) for their represenation to the State
Acceptance Commission.
4.26 Physical and power startups of the RP of the newly commissioned unit shall be
implemented by the NP personnel under guidance of the NP Chief Engineer in compliance with
the programs of the physical and power startups approved by the operating organization. The
programs shall be submitted to the Rostekhnadzor in the due order.
Startup Research advisor appointed by the operating organization shall control experiments
performed in compliance with the programs of the physical and power startups. Supervising
physicist via the NP unit shift engineer shall control the experiments according to the program of
physical startup and in compliance with the shift assignment.
4.27 The newly commissioned RP after installation shall be washed in compliance with the
program of the pre-start adjustment works.
After washing RP circuits shall be filled with coolant quality of which shall comply with the
requirements specified by the respective regulatory documents.
4.28 All startup works starting from the nuclear fuel loading into the core of the nuclear
reactor shall be completed with actuated core state control devices (all control channels’ sensors
shall be installed in the maximum sensitivity area), dose monitoring equipment with provision of
personnel engaged in startup control with individual dose monitoring devices.
4.29 All NP safety systems shall be tested and commissioned before the RP physical startup.
4.30 Experimental data on the neutron and physical parameters of the core, reactivity effects,
characteristics of CPS actuating devices, working characteristics of the equipment and systems
shall be itemized as well as safe operation limits and conditions shall be obtained in the process
of physical and power startup of the newly commissioned RP.
4.31 Reaching of the RP preset power level shall be implemented in compliance with the
working process of the NP power unit (power units) operation and in compliance with the RP
operation manual.
NP operational personnel shall control reactor plant state twice more frequent than during the
long-term operation within the first 72 hours of the newly commissioned unit operation under
4.32 APCS commissioning shall be implemented in two stages: industrial test stage and
industrial stage.
Test industrial commissioning of the APCS prototype models shall be implemented with
participation of the APCS designer.
Duration of the industrial test operation of the APCS in terms of its functions performance
shall be determined the reach of the criteria set by the test programs and by the project
APCS technical devices and subsystems required for the startup adjustment works, for
physical and power startups shall be commissioned for the test and industrial operation before
the said stages of the power unit commissioning.
4.33 At commissioning of the cable lines exceeding 1.000 V the following shall be prepared
and submitted to the NP apart from the documentation envisaged by the construction norms and
rules and industrial acceptance rules:
- As-built drawing of the route with specification of connecting couplings installation, drawn
on the scale 1:200 and 1:500 depending on the communications development in this route
- Corrected project of the cable line which shall be agreed with the cables manufacturer and
with the operating organization for the cable lines of the voltage 110 kV and higher,
- Cable line drawing in the places of roads cross and other communications for cable lines of
the voltage 35 kV and for specifically complicated cable line routes of the voltage from 6 to 10
- Acts of cables state on the cable cylinder and reports of sample dressing and inspection, in
the case of necessity (for imported cables dressing is mandatory),
- Cable log,
- Inventory list of all components of the cable line,
- Acts of construction and hidden works with specification of the cables crossing and
approximation with all underground communications,
- Acts of cable couplings installation,
- Acceptance acts of trenches, units, pipes and channels,
- Acts for installation of the cable protection devices against electrochemical corrosion, and
results of the corrosion tests in compliance with the project,
- Test report of the increased voltage cable line insulation after laying,
- Insulation resistance measuring results,
- Acts of cables inspection laid in trenches and ducts before closing,
- Reports of warming cables on cylinders before laying at low temperatures,
- Check and test act of automated stationary installations of the firefighting and fire alarm
Apart from the above documentation the following shall be submitted to the NP by the
installation agency at commissioning of the cable line exceeding 110 kV:
- As-built cable and feeding devices elevations (for the low pressure lines from 100 to 220
- Oil test results in all line components,
- Results of soaking tests,
- Results of run-up and tests of the feeder devices on high pressure lines,
- Results of pressure signaling systems check,
- Acts on pulling tension at embedding,
- Acts on tests of protective covers with increased voltage after laying,
- Reports of factory tests of cables, couplings and feeder devices,
- Test results of the couplings automated warming devices,
- Current measuring results on current-bearing cords and sheathes (shields) of each phase,
- Measurements results of cable cords capacity,
- Active insulation resistance measuring results,
- Measurement results of wells and end couplings earthing resistance.
When cable lines of the voltage up to 1000 V are commissioned the following shall be
executed and submitted to the Customer:
- Cable log,
- Corrected line project,
- Acts,
- Tests and measurements reports.
4.34 Underwater part of all hydraulic engineering structures (with embedded measuring
instrumentation and equipment) shall be performed in the scope of the startup system and
accepted by the working commission before their flooding.
4.35 Acceptance of the hydraulic engineering structures of nuclear plants shall be completed
in the due order.
4.36 The date of the NP power unit (startup system) commissioning for industrial operation
shall be the signing date of the State Acceptance Commission act .
4.37 Operation of the NP power unit (startup system) shall be permitted only if the operation
permission (license) of the Rostekhnadzor, executed in the due order, is available.
5 Arrangement of NP operation.
5.1 Tasks and organizational structure
5.1.1 The following are the main duties of the NP operating organization, nuclear plants,
enterprises and organizations that directly provide NP operation:
- Observation of NP (NP unit) safe operation limits and conditions,
- Provision of reliable and efficient NP equipment operation,
- Reduction of harmful production effect on human beings and environment,
- Observation of operational and dispatching discipline,
- Maintaining of normal quality of the output energy, rated frequency and voltage of electrical
current, steam and hot water pressure, temperature for the heat supply needs,
- Increase of the electrical energy production economic efficiency by NP operation modes
5.1.2 The NP personnel shall realize clearly specific features of the thermal and electrical
energy production, basic requirements, imposed by the electrical energy (power) market on the
producers of electrical energy, personnel shall observe labor and technological discipline,
observe this Standard, occupational safety rules, rules of radiation, nuclear, technical and fire
safety, instructions and other guiding documents related to its activity, personal hygiene rules
and internal regulations.
5.1.3 Nuclear plants shall provide:
- Production and supply of electrical and thermal energy to the wholesale marker buyers of
electrical energy (power),
- Safe, reliable, fault-free operation of equipment, facilities, devices and control systems,
- Renewal of the principle production funds by technical re-equipment and equipment
- Efficiency perfection of the installed equipment application,
- Observation of requirements and regulations of electrical energy (power) market,
- High quality selection, high-level professional training and required personnel qualification
maintenance within the whole NP operation period,
- Maintaining and development of the safety culture,
- Introduction and assimilation of new equipment, repair and operation technologies, effective
and safe production and labor arrangement methods,
- Collection, processing, analysis of information about equipment failures and personnel
actions in the case of NP operation disturbances,
- Provision of operation quality and NPQAP (O) at the NP,
- Planning, arrangement and implementation of the system of organizational and engineering
– technical measures for NP personnel against ES of natural and technogenic character,
- Investigation of NP operation disturbance cases, development and implementation of
corrective measures preventing recurrence of disturbance reasons,
- Use of genuine and adopted experience at the NP,
5.1.4 Nuclear plants function as the component of the energy system that is the network of
electrical stations, boilers, electrical and heat networks, interconnected by the common operation
mode and operational control implemented by dispatch service.
Several energy systems with common operation mode and common dispatch control form the
combined energy system.
The combined energy systems connected by inter-system links with the common operation
mode and central dispatch control that cover significant part of the country territory form the
unified energy system.
5.1.5 Organizations and persons liable for NP safe operation:
- Operating organization is liable for the NP safety and for safe handling of NM and RM. It is
not released from the said liability in the connection with independent activity and liability of the
organizations that perform works or render services to the NP. The operating agency controls
NP safety, arranges spread and use of genuine and adopted experience at the NP,
- NP personnel is liable for safe NP operation within the limits established by the job
instructions and labor contracts concluded with the personnel,
- Liability for justification and completeness of the project solutions (including upgrade
solutions) at all NP lifetime stages shall be that of the designer (project designer) within the
limits of its design,
- Liability for the project solutions made (including reconstruction and upgrades) that provide
safety and reliability of the reactor plant, for reach of the design parameters within the frames of
the technical design is imposed on the reactor plant designer;
- Organizations engaged (mounting, adjustment, scientific –and- research, manufacturers,
etc.) shall be liable for the completeness and quality of the works performed and for observation
of safety rules by the personnel during production (performance) of works at the NP.
5.1.6 Each case of NP operation disturbance shall be carefully investigated and registered in
compliance with НП “Provisions on investigation and registration procedure in nuclear plants
operation disturbance”.
The NP shall immediately inform in the due order the operating organization, State safety
regulation agencies and organizations concerned in the case of accidents and disturbances in NP
equipment operation that resulted in release of radioactive substances and (or) ionizing radiation
beyond the limits provided by the normal operation in the amounts exceeding the set NP safe
operation limits.
The NP shall immediately inform organizations concerned and the State safety regulation
agencies in compliance with requirements of НП “Provisions on investigation and registration
procedure in nuclear plants operation disturbance” in the case if safety critical systems and
equipment fail with no threat of radioactive substances release beyond the limits provided by the
project for NP normal operation.
5.1.7 The following shall be developed and observed at the NP for provision of NP transition
within the climatic periods:
- Action plan for NP facilities preparation to continuous operation in the raised water periods
- Action plan for thunderstorms period preparation and pass,
- Action plan for NP preparation to operation in the conditions of autumn-and –winter loads
NP preparedness to the climatic periods shall be checked by commission and the check act
shall be drawn up before the said periods.
5.1.8 The nuclear plant shall develop and issue, on the results of operation of a year, report on
the current level of safety in compliance with the standard of operating agency “Provisions on
annual reports for safety state assessment at operation of NP power units”.
5.1.9 Delimitation of scope of activities of the managers and subdivisions and services areas
by the subdivisions shall be implemented by the respective provisions and delimitation sheets
approved by the NP Director.
5.1.10 General operation management of the NP and power unit shall be implemented by the
plant shift engineer and unit (line) shift engineer. Personnel of the workshops (services)
implements operational maintenance of the NP units as appropriate.
5.2 Quality assurance
5.2.1 Quality assurance is the planned and systematically performed activity aimed at due
performance of all works at the stages of the NP site selection, design, construction,
commissioning and decommissioning as well as design and manufacture of systems for the same
and results of the above shall comply with the requirements imposed.
5.2.2 Quality assurance activities of the NP operating agency cover all NP lifetime cycles
from ground (site) allocation to decommissioning completion.
5.2.3 Provision of the nuclear, radiation, technical, fire, environmental and occupational
safety are the priorities in NP quality assurance.
5.2.4 Quality assurance policy shall be determined, driven to personnel and observed in the
NP operating agency.
Aware of the quality assurance policy is mandatory for the employees of the NP and nuclear
plants operating agency.
5.2.5 Provision (perfection) of the performed works quality and of the services rendered shall
be included to the scope of basic tasks of the NP and nuclear plants operating agency employees
and shall be implemented in the day-to-day activities.
5.2.6 To provide the required quality of activities and services performed at the NP and for
the NP the quality assurance system shall be created and function in the NP operating agency
and at NP.
5.2.7 The quality assurance system of the NP is a combination of organizational structure,
authorities and responsibilities of the personnel, processes and procedures, material, human and
financial resources required for safe and effective enterprise functioning.
The following shall be implemented within the system frames:
- To develop, document and drive to the personnel and analyze periodically policy in the
quality sphere to confirm compliance of the organization targets imposed by the authorities and
of the currently performed activities,
- To create organizational NP control structure where:
a) Official in charge for quality is determineв, chosen from the NP authorities;
b) Quality assurance division is envisaged,
c) Duties and responsibilities (quality inclusive) of the NP authorities and personnel are
- To document activities implemented at the NP in the form of administrative instructions,
organizational, operational and other documents, determine principle and auxiliary processes,
establish interaction between the same and responsibility for administration, execution and
control and to resolve other matters related to their arrangement,
- To allocate the quality related required labor, material, technical and financial resources;
- To arrange employees training in effective work performance methods and to perfect their
- To envisaged regular internal and external quality inspections with further development,
realization, control and efficiency assessment of corrective and preventive measures,
- To provide regular measures for selection and control of products and services suppliers,
- To provide analysis of the enterprise quality system efficient functioning by the NP
authorities with further measures development for perfection of the same.
Requirements to elements of the quality assurance system shall take into account equipment,
systems and facilities classification in terms of their affect on the NP safety.
5.2.8 The following principles shall permanently exist in the quality assurance system of the
NP and nuclear plants operating agencies:
- Each employee (works managers and executors) are responsible for their work quality,
- All works at the NP are performed in compliance with the established procedure,
- The quality assurance duties shall be distinguished between the managers and executors to
exclude duties duplication,
- Interaction procedure and works distinguishing limits shall be established between
subdivisions at various activities implementation,
- Managers of the NP and nuclear plants operating organization and managers of the structural
subdivisions shall control and analyze periodically directions of their activities,
- Tests, inspections and expertises shall be performed by competent experts.
5.2.9 The quality assurance system of the NP and organizations providing services to the NP
operating organizations and to the NP shall be described in the quality assurance programs in
compliance with the Regulation “Requirements to quality assurance program for nuclear plants”.
5.2.10 If the NP operating agency, nuclear plants and organizations performing works or
rendering services for the NP or nuclear plants operating organization have implemented and
documented the Quality Management System according to ISO 9000 series standard, the quality
assurance program may include references to the respective elements of the system.
5.2.11 In compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On nuclear power usage” [1],
ОПБ and НП “Requirements to the quality assurance program for nuclear plants” the operating
agency performs the following duties to ensure that the quality assurance system functions:
- Provides and perfects organizational structures of the NP and nuclear plants operating
- Plans quality management activity,
- Develops, introduces and maintains General Quality management and quality documents,
- Provides development, approval, revision and performance of NPQAP (G) and individual
programs: NPQAP (Cm), NPQAP (O), NPQAP (DC),
- Forms the list of safety norms and regulations existing in the nuclear power engineering,
industrial standards, organization standards, guiding documents of the operating organization,
- Sets requirements to the quality assurance programs of the enterprises and organizations
performing works and rendering services to the NO and operating agency nuclear plants,
- Arranges works in compliance with RD setting requirements to specific types of activity,
- Arranges bid based works for quality assurance of purchased products and services,
- Includes requirements on availability of the quality plan or certificate in the EAT
(equipment, articles, technology) system into standard contract form for supply of equipment,
services rendering by suppliers, provides control over nuclear fuel and equipment manufacture
and acceptance quality for nuclear plants,
- Implements checks of the quality assurance programs performance by nuclear plants and
organizations rendering services, for compliance with the set requirements,
- Provides development of the standard and guiding quality assurance documents,
- Arranges information collection and analysis on the works performed and services rendered
- Arranges works for update of the quality assurance system in compliance with the
requirements of ISO standards,
- Analyses quality level, corrective measures for provision of the required quality level,
controls resources for the said matter solution.
5.2.12 The operating agency tests according to the approved schedules, NPQAP (SS),
NPQAP (D), NPQAP (RU), NPQAP (C), NPQAP (Dv) and NPQAP (M) for compliance with
the set requirements
5.2.13 Nuclear plants check NPQAP (G) and NPQAP (O) in compliance with the working
programs and check schedules once a year.
5.3 Maintenance, repair, modernization and control of resource
characteristics of the NP equipment
5.3.1 Maintenance and repair of the equipment and systems, repair of the buildings and
facilities and, if necessary, NP equipment and systems upgrades shall be arranged at each NP for
provision of safe operation and reliability.
5.3.2 The NP authorities are responsible for arrangement and implementation of maintenance
and repair of the equipment and systems, buildings and facilities, NP equipment and system
5.3.3 NP buildings and facilities are repaired according to the long-range and annual
schedules and beyond the schedule by the results of their state inspection.
5.3.4 Arrangement of maintenance and repair of the NP equipment and systems shall comply
with the requirements of the guiding documents “Arrangement rules for maintenance and repair
of nuclear plant systems and equipment”, “Maintenance and repair of nuclear plants systems and
equipment”. “Standard duration of the NP power units repair”, “Maintenance and repair of
nuclear plants systems and equipment. Quality Assurance Basic provisions”, “Maintenance and
repair of nuclear plants systems and equipment. Works arrangement rules with equipment
opening” and of the maintenance and repair procedures of NP safety critical systems.
After completion of maintenance and repair systems and equipment critical for safety shall be
subjected to trials (tests) for operability and compliance with the repair regulatory documents.
The trials (tests) shall be implemented in compliance with the requirements of the RD
“Arrangement rules for maintenance and repair of nuclear plant systems and equipment”,
“Maintenance and repair of nuclear plants systems and equipment”, technical procedures for NP
power units operation, operation manuals of systems and equipment.
5.3.5 When safety systems are in maintenance, repair or if they are tried or tested safety
assurance requirements set in the process procedure and operation manuals shall be observed.
5.3.6 Requirements of nuclear, technical and radiation safety rules as well as the occupational
and fire safety rules shall be observed during maintenance and repair works at the NP.
5.3.7 Prototype equipment models at NP are repaired within the deadlines and in the scope
compliable with the program of the controlled organization agreed with the manufacturer
(designer) and approved by the operating agency.
5.3.8 Equipment removal from operation (reserve) for repair or tests shall be implemented
according to the operational orders in the due order.
5.3.9 Procedure of upgrades arrangement and implementation for the NP systems and
equipment is specified by the standard of the operating agency “Procedure of upgrades
arrangement and implementation for systems and equipment”.
Requirements of the norms and rules in the field of nuclear power use shall be met during
works for upgrade of the NP systems and equipment.
5.3.10 Equipment resource characteristics management shall meet the requirements of the
norms and rules in the field of nuclear power use and guiding documents of the operating
5.4 NP operation experience distribution and application
5.4.1 Experience of NP operation is the most important information source within the frames
of the process for formation and making of decisions intended for provision of safe, reliable and
efficient NP operation and shall be used within the entire NP operation period by the NP
operating agency, nuclear plants, organizations performing works and rendering services to NP.
5.4.2 Operation experience is considered, spread and used in the process of the following both
at the domestic and foreign NP:
- Conferences, meetings, managers and specialists councils of nuclear plants, NP operating
agency and organizations performing works and providing works to NP in terms of activities
type and NP operation matters,
- Checks of nuclear plants operation state by departmental and international commissions,
missions with participation of the managers and specialists of the NP operating agency and
nuclear plants,
- Functioning of industrial information analysis system on nuclear plants operation experience
that provides accumulation, analysis, spread and use of information on NP operation experience.
5.4.3 Functioning of industrial information analysis system on nuclear plants operation
experience is arranged by the NP operating organization and is implemented based on the РД
“Basic provisions on industrial information analysis system arrangement of the Concern
Rosenergoatom on experience of nuclear plants operation”.
5.4.4 Within the frames of the industrial information analysis system on nuclear plants
operation experience:
a) Nuclear plants shall provide:
- Registration (accounting), collection, processing, accumulation and analysis of information
on internal and external operation experience,
- Development and implementation of measures for operation experience use,
- Transmission of operation experience information to the industrial information analysis
b) NP operating organization provides:
- Administration of the analysis system and NP operation experience and control of the
operation experience use efficiency,
- Functioning of industrial information analysis system on NP operation experience.
5.4.5 Use of NP operation experience is implemented in the design and operational solutions,
administrative and regulatory documents.
5.5 Inspection and control of the operating agency over quality assurance and
observation of the rules and norms in the field of nuclear energy usage
5.5.1 Control and inspection of the operating organization shall include detection and
prevention of shortcomings and their reasons in safety provision, reliability and efficiency of NP
operation, in the works performance quality at all stages of the NP lifetime, in functions
performance for NP safety provision by the operating operations.
5.5.2 Target of inspection and control of the operating organization is the quality assurance
and observation provision of requirements of norms and regulations in the nuclear power use at
all stages of the NP lifetime.
Principle tasks of the inspection and control of the operating organization are:
- NP safety inspection and control;
- Inspection and control of off activity types critical for NP safety,
- Inspection and control of the enterprises (organizations) activity in works performance or
services rendering to the NP operating organization,
- Control of the environment radiation state in the sanitary-protection area and in the area of
- Control of the environmental law observation at the NP,
- Control over NP use only for the purposes for which it has been designed and constructed,
- Inspection and control of conditions observation of permissions (licenses) validity issued by
the State safety regulation authorities to the operating organization for performance of the types
of activity in the sphere oа nuclear power usage.
5.5.3 The following shall be implemented within the inspection and control frames:
- Implementation of inspections and tests for quality assurance and observation of the norms
and regulations of nuclear power use by nuclear plants, enterprises (organizations) and their
officials at all stages of nuclear plant lifetime cycle,
- Control over requirements observation of the norms and rules for provision of uniformity of
measurements in the sphere of nuclear power use,
- Control over development and realization of measures (if necessary) for introduction of new
RD for NP safety and quality,
- Efficiency assessment of NP quality assurance programs at all stages of NP life cycle,
- Tests implementation of directorates activity of NP constructed on requirements observation
of the norms and regulations in the field of nuclear power use at the stages of NP construction,
equipment installation, pre-operation commissioning,
- Tests of NP availability to localization and liquidation of extraordinary situations of natural
and technogenic character;
- Sufficiency control of organizational and technical measures for physical protection of NP,
nuclear and radioactive materials and prevention of unauthorized access to the NP,
- Efficiency analysis of functions performance by the operating organization, development
and realization of corrective measures.
5.5.4 Tests of overhauls quality of NO power units by commissions of the operating
organization shall be implemented in compliance with the orders of the operating organization.
5.5.5 Specific guiding and regulatory documentation of the inspection and control activity at
all stages of the NP life cycle shall be developed in the due order.
Components of the said documents shall be determined by the list of guiding documents of
the inspection and control system.
5.5.6 Inspection and control of quality assurance and requirements observation of the norms
and regulations in the field of nuclear power use is implemented by the operating organization in
compliance with the legal and other regulatory legal acts.
5.6 Control of NP operation efficiency
5.6.1 Analysis of technical-and-economic indices for assessment of the equipment state, its
operation mode, compliance with the rated and actual efficiency indices of the implemented
organizational and technical measures shall be arranged at the NP.
5.6.2 NP shall develop energy characteristics of equipment that set the correlation of its
operation technical-and-economic indices in absolute or relative statement from electrical and/or
thermal loads.
5.6.3 Energy characteristics of equipment and norm of individual indices shall be represented
to the operational personnel in the form of parameter charts, instructions, tables, graphs and shall
comply with the existing guiding documents in terms of scope and content.
5.6.4 NP shall arrange registration of equipment operation indices (per-shift, daily, monthly,
yearly), according to the established forms, for control of its cost-efficiency, reliability and
lifetime, based on the readings of the instrumentation, information and measuring systems, test
results, measurements, calculations, diagnostics of the heat-exchange equipment (condensers,
regeneration heaters) pumping equipment and valves shall be implemented.
Reports on efficiency and heat cost-efficiency of NP operation according to blank “3ТЭК(АС)” (NP FPC) shall be issued once a month.
5.6.5 NP shall provide authenticity of the instrumentation and correctness of accounting and
reporting in compliance with requirements of the existing regulatory documents.
5.6.6 Operation results of subdivisions shall be analyzed at production meetings of NP shifts,
workshops and divisions once a month minimum.
5.6.7 NP shall develop and perform measures on perfection of equipment reliability and costefficiency, power –saving, including fuel saving and other energy resources, losses in heat
5.6.8 Operational efficiency of NP equipment shall be assessed by the technical and economic
indices based on RD “Methodical guidelines for technical report draw up on efficiency and heat
efficiency of nuclear plant operation”. At the same time design and actual power indices within
the reported period shall be provided and reasons of possible electricity generation losses shall
be detected.
NP operation results shall be assessed on the following technical and economic indices:
- Production and output of the set electric power volumes and power to the wholesale market,
- Operating power, factor of the generating capacity use, readiness factor to load-bearing,
- NP readiness for electric power generation,
- Electric power consumption for auxiliary needs included to the electric power generation,
- Specific heat consumption against output electrical power
- Consumption of heat energy, demineralized water, condensate, chemical agents, oils, resins
and other operational media (materials) for auxiliary needs.
5.7 Metal state control
5.7.1 To perfect reliability and safety of the NP thermo mechanical equipment and pipelines,
for prevention of damages that may be caused by defects in manufactured components and for
control over development processes of erosion, corrosion, reduction of strength characteristics of
metal and welded joints in the operation process, control over main, weld metal and welded
joints metal (hereinafter – metal) shall be envisaged.
5.7.2 Control of metal state is divided into pre-operational, periodical and extraordinary. Preoperational control shall be implemented before equipment and pipelines commissioning to
detect initial metal state in compliance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation,
registration of permissible damages (discontinuity flaws) for their observation during operation
process, detection of manufacture and mounting defects.
Periodical control is implemented during the equipment and pipelines operation process to
detect and register damages, changes of physical and mechanical properties and structure of
metal and for its state assessment
Extraordinary control is implemented in compliance with the requirements of the regulatory
documentation for control over metal state in NP equipment and pipelines, by the decision of
authorities of the NP, operating organization or State supervision age authorities.
5.7.3 Specific list of equipment and pipelines subject to control is set by the standard control
programs developed by the operating agency.
Standard programs shall be agreed with the NP design and reactor plant designers, approved
by the operating organizations and approved by the Rostekhnadzor in proper order.
5.7.4 Standard control program of equipment and pipelines metal shall be drawn up for each
NP type and set specific types of equipment and pipelines, control types and methods according
to areas, control periodicity and scope with specification of the special control devices and
norms for control results assessment.
5.7.5 List of characteristics specified on check test pieces, their installation places in
equipment and pipelines and the test program shall be developed (or specified) by the design
(project) organization.
Number of test samples shall be sufficient for dependency determination of the measured
characteristics from neutron fluence, temperature, hydraulic and chemical conditions.
5.7.6 Working program with identification of specific for the power unit list of controlled
equipment and pipelines, description (or reference to the respective documents) of control
methods, results processing methods and of the reporting documentation required for the
organizational and technical measures and requirements in safety methods shall be developed for
each NP power unit.
The said working program shall be approved by the NP Chief Engineer.
5.7.7 NP implements control of metal state with engagement of the specialized organizations,
if necessary. NP authorities are responsible for control.
Control results shall be registered in the reports, conclusions or acts which are the control
reporting documentation.
5.7.8 NP shall arrange collection and analysis of information on the control results and metal
damages for development of the measures excluding equipment emergency shutdowns and
5.7.9 Documentation on metal control shall be kept at NP within the entire operation period of
the equipment and pipelines.
5.7.10 Metrological support of the control devices shall be implemented in compliance with
Para 5.9 of this Standard and requirements of RD “Metrological support of non-destructive
control and diagnostics at nuclear plants. Basic provisions”.
Operation of measuring instrumentation that have not passed metrological maintenance –
calibration (verification) or with invalid (expired or damaged) prints of calibration (verification)
stamps shall not be permitted.
5.7.11 Controllers (specialists, NDT inspectors, technical control laboratory assistants that
directly implement the control) shall be certified in due order
5.8 Metrological support
5.8.1. Metrological support of NP development and operation (hereinafter – metrological
support) is the activity intended for establishment and application of scientific and organizational
grounds, technical devices, rules and norms required for reaching of uniformity and required
accuracy of measures at NP.
The metrological support shall be implemented at the design stages of equipment, technical
devices and procedures for NP, NP design, construction, commissioning, operation and
decommissioning and shall be implemented in compliance with:
- Federal Law “On nuclear energy use” [1],
- Federal Law “On technical regulation” [2],
- Russian Law “On provision of measurements uniformity” [3],
- Standard “Metrological support of nuclear plants operation. General provisions”,
- Requirements of regulatory documents of the Rostekhregulironavie (Federal agency for
technical regulation and metrology), Rosatom and of the operating agency.
5.8.2. Metrological support is implemented for obtaining of measurements results which use
- Implement effectively and with high quality process flow at NP with observation of the
safety regulations at NP,
- To exclude or minimize risk of erroneous decisions and actions at NP control and its
- To control reliably safety of the NP personnel and environment state.
5.8.3. The following are the metrological support objects:
- Process flows at NP on the whole, their elements or operations,
- Systems of applied technical devices and systems, their subsystems, individual devices and
elements, including software systems for measurement information processing, transmission and
5.8.4. Metrological support is based on:
- Use of units permitted for use,
- Use of accuracy norms of parameters measurement subject to control at NP operation,
- Use of instrumentation (including measuring systems, control, diagnostic, test and other
measuring equipment) permitted to application in the order established by the
Rostekhregulironavie, Rostekhnadzor and the operating agency,
- Periodical instrumentation metrological service which includes mandatory instrumentation
calibration (verification),
- Application of certified measurement implementation methods (hereinafter – MIM),
- Application of verified standards and certified verification and auxiliary equipment,
- Application of certified standard samples of substances and materials composition and
- Metrological expertise (analysis and assessment of technical and organizational solutions
related top selection of the measured parameters, requirements establishment to measurements
accuracy, selection of methods and instrumentation, methods of measurements results
processing, methods of instrumentation metrological service) project, design and process
documentation (hereinafter – PDPD),
- Metrological service of the Concern Rosenergoatom functions in compliance with the РД
“Provisions on metrological service of the Concern Rosenergoatom” and РД “Technical
requirements to calibration laboratories of nuclear plants”,
- Metrological control and supervision over measurements state, observation of rules and
norms in the sphere of metrological support,
- Technical competency of the metrological service staff and their adherence to the safety
culture principles,
- Development and maintaining of the NP metrological service certificate in compliance with
РД “Provisions on the metrological service certificate of nuclear plant. Development and
recording procedure”,
- Development and maintaining of instrumentation Lists (Registers) in compliance with РД
“Instruction for development of measuring instrumentation component lists operated at nuclear
plants and subject to verification, calibration and of the same transferred to indicators class” ,
- Development and maintaining of MIM Lists (Registers) in compliance with the Procedure of
development, agreement and approval of methods lists for measurement applied at nuclear
- Development and maintaining of Lusts (Registers) PDPD in compliance with the instruction
“Procedure of drawing up, agreement and approval of the lists of project, design and process
documentation of nuclear plants related to the sphere of metrological support”,
- Development and maintaining of the standard samples list used at NP and of the Register of
enterprise standard samples,
- Development and maintaining of the reference stock in the metrological sphere,
- Use of unified terminology in the sphere of metrology, of standard reference data on
physical constants and properties of substances and materials.
5.8.5. Instrumentation used at the NP shall be of the approved type and registered in the State
Registry (Gosreestr), shall pass test and initial metrological service at release and the incoming
metrological control at NP.
Instrumentation which type approval is inexpedient (non-standardized instrumentation) shall
be subject to the initial metrological service at commissioning – to the initial calibration in
compliance with the methodical guidelines “Initial calibration of measuring devices.
Arrangement and implementation procedure”.
Note – type approval inexpediency is determined by the technical solution prepared and
signed by the division chief of instrumentation designer (manufacturer) or by NP division chief –
instrumentation holder, agreed with the Chief Metrologist and approved by the Chief Engineer.
5.8.6. Instrumentation that has not passed metrological service –calibration (verification),
with expired or damaged prints of verification stamps and (or) in the case of non-availability of
respective records in the certificates (logbooks) for MI shall not be operated.
5.8.7. MI metrological service during operation, development and certification of MIM,
metrological expertise of PDPD, metrological control and supervision and other types of
metrological operations shall be implemented by the NP metrological services, other
organizations with certified technical competence in specific works in compliance with the РД of
the operating agency and Rostekhregulironaviye.
5.8.8. Metrological service in the Concern Rosenergoatom functions in compliance with the
requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On provision of measurements uniformity”
[3] and РД “Provisions on metrological service of the Concern Rosenergoatom”.
Metrological service of the Concern includes:
- Metrological services of nuclear plants,
- Basic organization of metrological service,
- Head organization of metrological service,
- Chief Metrologist service of the Concern.
NP metrological services are the foundation of the metrological service of the Concern
Rosenergoatom. Independent metrological subdivisions function in the nuclear plants structures.
NP metrological service includes the metrological division and personnel of other NP divisions
completing individual metrological support functions in compliance with the specification.
NP metrological services shall be equipped with the required standards, auxiliary equipment,
rooms, and reference stock in compliance with РД “Technical requirements to verification
laboratories of nuclear plants”, and manned with qualified and certified staff (in compliance with
РД “Certification provisions of NP metrological services personnel”).
Functions of basic organizations of the metrological service in terms of measurements and
metrological activity types are imposed on the NP metrological services in compliance with РД
“Provisions on metrological service of the Concern Rosenergoatom”.
Functions of the head organization of the metrological service for metrological support of NP
development and operation are imposed on the operating agency (Chief Metrologist service).
5.8.9. Functions of metrological control and supervision of measurements state at the NP are
implemented by the Chief Metrologists of the NP in compliance with РД “Provisions on
metrological service of the Concern Rosenergoatom” and provisions on the NP metrological
HOMS in compliance with the РД “Provisions on metrological service of the Concern
Rosenergoatom” implements functions of metrological control and supervision of the
metrological support.
State control of the requirements of standards and rules on metrology and certification in the
sphere of nuclear energy use observation is implemented by the Federal Executive Agency that
implements control over nuclear energy use in compliance with Article 20 of the Federal Law
“On nuclear energy use” [1].
5.8.10 Chief Engineer of the NP is responsible for the metrological support. Responsibilities
of the Chief Metrologist are determined in the provisions on NP metrological service.
Chiefs of the NP structural subdivisions operating MI and (or) providing their maintenance
and repair are responsible for timely technical readiness of MI to metrological service.
5.9 Collection, storage, transportation and disposal of radioactive waste,
5.9.1. Collection, storage, transportation, handling, conditioning and disposal of radioactive
waste shall be implemented in compliance with the existing rules and instructions with the view
of the requirements of НП “Safety rules for handling radioactive wastes of nuclear plants”.
5.9.2 Classification of liquid radioactive waste is implemented by the volumetric activity
value in compliance with NP SR. LRW shall be stored in special storages (LRWS).
5.9.3. Radiation monitoring of gamma-radiation and aerosols concentration in the air shall be
monitored in LRWS rooms.
5.9.4. Storage of liquid radioactive waste shall be arranged to avoid formation in the tanks
explosion hazardous mixtures and waste temperature increase above the set values.
5.9.5.Control of liquid waste leaks from pipelines, control of channels, trays, collection and
removal of possible leak products shall be provided.
5.9.6. The NP shall control air-tightness of LRWS tanks (by measurement of water activity in
special wells protected against choking, and by other methods). Control of the groundwater level
in check boreholes and radionuclides content along the perimeter of the liquid and solid
radioactive waste storage shall be implemented once per quarter minimum.
5.9.7. LRW stored at the NP are subject to concentrating, processing, purification and
solidification in compliance with the approved technologies.
5.9.8 NP shall register strictly intakes of liquid radioactive waste from intermediate tanks in
LRWS in compliance with the requirements of the State system for radioactive waste and
radioactive substances registration.
Authorities of workshop that includes LRWS bears responsibility for waste registration,
storage and correct operation of LRWS.
5.9.9. Radioactive water from the NP process systems is used in the NP circulating water
supply system after its purification from radionuclides and unbalanced waters may be discharged
to the surface water bodies or to soil stack of the site.
Conditions for purified water discharge shall meet requirements of ОСПОРБ-99 and [4]
“Rules of surface water protection”.
Uncontrolled water discharge from the special sewage system to surface water bodies, on
earth surface and to the soil stack and production storm drains is forbidden.
The NP shall develop the norms for LRW and SRW generation during process flows,
decontamination and any works in the controlled access area and measures for LRW and SRW
volumes reduction and their timely removal. The norms shall be approved by the NP Chief
LRW shall be collected for temporary storage in special tanks, pulps of ion-exchange resins,
pearlite and activated charcoal shall be collected in special tanks.
Combustible LRW shall be collected separately and be delivered to the waste incineration
plants with exhaust gases purification from radioactive substances.
5.9.10. Solid radioactive waste shall be collected to special return containers located in rooms
at specially allocated points and shall be stored in SRWS.
Solid radioactive waste shall be classified in compliance with the requirements of СП АС-03.
NP personnel shall prevent mixing of various radioactive degree and ingress of nonradioactive solid waste to radioactive.
5.9.11 Measures shall be undertaken for prevention of water ingress to SRWS. Storage state
shall be controlled systematically (once a month minimum).
If water ingresses the storage measures for its collection, removal and processing shall be
5.9.12 SRW shall be transported to the storage and disposal places on the specially equipped
trucks in transport containers on the routes agreed with the local Sanitary and Epidemiological
Inspection and Traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Containers with SRW shall be subject to dose monitoring before they are forwarded to the
place of processing, storage or disposal.
Transported SRW shall be registered in special log.
5.9.13 Solid radioactive waste are subject to processing for reduction of their volume through
incineration, pressing, grinding and by other methods.
Non-conditioned radioactive waste of sodium systems shall be washed up from alkali metals
before disposal. Spreading of radioactive substances shall not be permitted at processing and
5.9.14 The NP shall provide for periodical decontamination of equipment and rooms which
surfaces contact in the operation process with technical environments contaminated with
radioactive substances.
Decontamination efficiency shall be controlled.
5.9.15 NP shall maintain operability of the equipment and rooms decontamination systems
during NP operation.
5.9.16 The NP shall provide minimum supply level of decontaminating agents and washing
detergents stored in the specially allocated places.
Washing detergents for decontamination shall be selected to provide radioactive substances
washing off and prevention of their re-settlement on decontaminated surface. Washing
detergents shall not cause corrosive damages of equipment returned to the process cycle after
5.9.17 Equipment, tools, dishware and other items removed from the shelter (boxes, cabinets,
etc.), from non-serviced or periodically serviced rooms of the controlled access area to other
rooms shall be subject to decontamination in situ for reduction of contamination to the levels set
for the rooms and items that cannot be decontaminated to the permitted level shall be regarded as
radioactive waste.
5.9.18 Daily wet cleaning and monthly (at least) full cleaning with washing of walls, floors,
doors and outer surfaces of the equipment shall be implemented in all rooms of permanent
personnel attendance where works with open form radioactive substances are implemented.
5.9.19 Each worker (or special personnel) shall clean his (her) workstation and decontaminate
dishware and tools if necessary upon works completion.
Generated solid radioactive waste shall be removed to the specially allocated places.
5.9.20 Industrial waste ground for non-radioactive solid NP waste shall be arranged and
special industrial waste ground shall be arranged for solid waste that contain radionuclides.
Removal of non-radioactive NP waste except household waste and construction debris that
passed dose monitoring shall not be permitted to city dumps and other general purpose dumps.
6 Prolongation of existing NP unit operation period. NP power unit
6.1 Decision making
6.1.1 The operating agency shall make the decision on NP unit preparation to its operation
period prolongation or to its decommissioning 5 years minimum before expiration of the
designed operation period (lifetime) of the unit in operation.
6.1.2 Decision making on the NP unit operation period prolongation (OPP) is based on the
results of comprehensive NP unit inspection, its safely assessment and cost-efficiency of the NP
unit OPP.
6.1.3 If in the result off safety assessment the operating agency reveals factors preventing safe
operation of the NP unit within the additional operation period which elimination is
economically inexpedient the decision on NP unit preparation to decommissioning shall be
6.2 Prolongation of NP power unit operation period
6.2.1 NP unit operation above the designated lifetime is set with the view of the technical and
economic aspects, including:
- Safety provision and maintaining at NP unit operation,
- Availability of the required remaining life of NP unit non-repairable equipment,
- Availability of temporary storage possibility of additional SNF amount or removal of the
same from NP site,
- Possibility of safety provision at radioactive waste handling that are generated within the
additional operation period,
- Possibility of NP unit safety provision during decommissioning.
6.2.2 Operation of the existing NP units is prolonged based on the duly approved prolongation
program of NP units operation period and investment projects developed in compliance with the
- Federal Special-Purpose Program “Energy-efficient economy for 2002-2005 and perspective
up to 2010” [5], “Development of nuclear power generation complex of Russia for 2007-2010
and for the perspective up to 2015” [6],
- НП “Basic requirements to operation period prolongation of the nuclear plant unit”,
- Federal Law “ON investment activity in the Russian Federation implemented in the form of
capital investments” [7],
- Rosatom document “List and content of documents composing investment operation
prolongation project of nuclear plants power units”,
- Document “Methodical assessment basics of investment projects and Rosenergoatom
programs efficiency” [8].
6.2.3 OPP works for NP unit shall include two stages:
The first stage (OPP investment project formation):
- Formation of investment intention,
- Comprehensive inspection and safety assessment of power unit,
- Assessment of power unit OPP cost efficiency,
- Development of design and estimate documentation.
By the results of the said works the operating agency makes decision, 5 years before
expiration of the designated lifetime, on the unit preparation to OPP.
6.2.4 After decision making on NP unit preparation to OPP the second stage of works
(realization of OPP investment project) shall be implemented:
- Justification of lifetime prolongation of non-repairable components,
- Modernization of power unit,
- Safety profound assessment.
6.2.5 OPP works complex shall be realized within the designated lifetime (before license for
power unit operation in additional period is obtained).
Modernization works within preparation to OPP shall be performed within the frames of
scheduled repairs within five years minimum preceding prolongation of the power units
operation period.
This contributes to effective use of scheduled repairs at preparation to OPP, uniform
distribution of financial resources from year to year, uniform specialists loading of supply
organization and NP engaged in OPP works.
6.2.6 Individual wide-scale modernization works may be performed according to individual
projects before investment OPP project is formed (6-10 years before completion of the
designated operation period of the power unit).
The said works may include modernization of control and protection systems as well as other
special systems and replacement of technological channels (on units with HPCR), replacement of
steam generators, modernization of control, administration and reactor protection systems as well
as the safety systems, replacement of the upper reactor unit cover (on units with WWER),
replacement of steam generators modules (on units with FN).
6.2.7 Operational documentation shall be brought in compliance with changes of the NO unit
project performed in the modernization process.
6.2.8 The operating agency shall execute act on the results of the NP power unit OPP works
6.2.9 After establishment of the NP unit new operation period the regulation for elements
technical state control shall be itemized and approved with the view of the equipment ageing
6.2.10 The following shall be implemented by the results of OPP works:
- Rosatom makes the decision on NP unit operation within the additional lifetime (new power
unit lifetime shall be established),
- Operating agency prepares in compliance with the requirements of РД “Requirements to the
components of the set and content of documents that justify safety in the period of the NP unit
additional operation period” justification documents of the power unit safety in the additional
operation period and submits them to the Rostekhnadzor to obtain license for NP power unit
operation within additional lifetime.
6.2.11 NP unit within the additional lifetime is operated based on the Rostekhnadzor licenses
obtained in due order.
6.3 NP unit decommissioning
6.3.1 NP unit decommissioning is the process of organizational and technical measures
performance after nuclear fuel and materials removal from the NP unit that excludes NP unit use
as the power source and provides safety of the personnel, population and environment.
6.3.2 The operating agency activities for preparation to NP unit decommissioning shall
implemented in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation as
well as the rules and norms existing in the sphere of nuclear power use.
6.3.3 Project, technical and organizational solutions shall be envisaged at the design stage of
the NP unit that permit reducing costs for the NP unit decommissioning without reduction of the
unit operational parameters.
6.3.4 Collection, processing and storage of information required for development of the unit
decommissioning program and project within the entire operation period.
6.3.5 The operating agency shall provide development of the NP unit decommissioning
program 5 years latest before expiration of the designated operation period (lifetime) of the NP
unit, based on the results of the comprehensive engineering and radiation inspection in
compliance with the document “Requirements to the content of NP unit decommissioning” and
submit the program to the Rostekhnadzor for the due execution of changes in the Rostekhnadzor
license conditions for the NP unit operation.
Deadlines of the comprehensive engineering and radiation inspection of the NP unit shall be
specified in the NP unit decommissioning program.
6.3.6 To obtain the license of the Rostekhnadzor for the NP unit decommissioning the NP
operating agency shall provide development of the decommissioning project and the whole set of
the documents in compliance with Annex 18 РД “Requirements to the components and content
of documents justifying provision of nuclear and radiation safety of the nuclear plant, storages,
radiation source and/or declared activity (for nuclear plants)”.
6.3.7 NP unit decommissioning shall be started after the Rostekhnadzor license is obtained for
the unit decommissioning.
Operations related to the NP unit decommissioning shall be performed in compliance with the
NP unit decommissioning program and project.
6.3.8 All works during preparation for NP unit decommissioning shall be performed with
observation of the requirements to nuclear, radiation, technical, fire and occupational safety.
6.3.9 The NP unit shutdown for decommissioning shall be considered in operation until
nuclear fuel is removed from the NP unit.
All requirements to personnel, documentation, etc. shall be maintained as for the operating
NP unit.
Decommissioning of individual systems and elements, maintenance scope, personnel number
reduction shall be implemented in compliance with the changes entered in the due order to the
operational license conditions.
To obtain the license of the Rostekhnadzor for works performance at the NP unit shutdown
for decommissioning the NP operating agency shall provide development of the set of
documents in compliance with Annex 17 РД “Requirements to the components and content of
documents justifying provision of nuclear and radiation safety of the nuclear plant, storages,
radiation source and/or declared activity (for nuclear plants)”.
6.3.10 The operating agency shall provide the following in preparation to NP unit
- Removal of nuclear fuel and nuclear materials from the reactor core, storage pool and NP
unit rooms and transfer of the same to the nuclear-safe state,
- Removal of radioactive working environments from the equipment and process systems of
the NP unit removed from operation after final shutdown of the NP unit,
- Standard decontamination of the equipment, systems, rooms and construction structures of
the NP unit within the scope required for the NP unit decommissioning,
- Processing and/or removal of radioactive waste accumulated at NP unit within its operation
- Transfer of the NP unit to the predicted state (in terms of resource, equipment components,
storages use, etc.).
6.3.11 Do the following to provide safety at the NP unit decommissioning:
- Develop and maintain of the safety culture,
- Develop quality assurance programs for the works performed,
- Maintain operability of the equipment, systems and structures required for safe NP unit
- Select personnel and maintain the required qualification level of the same permitting NP unit
- Provide works safety at radioactive substances and radioactive waste handling as well as
their registration and control,
- Provide physical protection of the NP unit , radioactive substances and radioactive waste.
6.3.12 NP shall implement control, analysis and comparison with the initial parameters (as of
the NP unit decommissioning works commencement) of radiation situation in NP rooms and at
the site within the entire time of decommissioning works.
6.3.13 Each stage of the NP unit decommissioning shall be started from preparation of the
organizational and technical measures envisaged by the NP unit decommissioning program or
project and directed on the safety provision at woks performance at the stage.
6.3.14 Time intervals and assessment criteria of each decommissioning stage completion shall
be determined by the NP unit decommissioning.
6.3.15 The operating agency makes the decision on completion of the NP unit
decommissioning works jointly with the State safety regulation agencies and with other
organizations concerned and on the basis of the duly executed documents certifying the
compliance of the NO unit state reached in the course of works with the requirements of the unit
decommissioning project.
7 Safety provision during NP operation
7.1 General provisions
Nuclear plant meets the safety requirements if its radiation affect on the personnel, population
and environment at normal operation, normal operation disturbances, including the design basis
accidents, does not result in excess of the designated personal irradiation doses for the personnel
and population, regulations on emissions and discharges, content of radioactive substances in the
environment and is restricted during the beyond the design basis accident. Probability of the
design basis and the beyond the design basis accidents shall not exceed the designated values.
The safety function is the specific target and actions that provide achievement of the same are
directed on prevention of accidents or their consequences restriction.
Based on the safety functions the Federal safety norms and rules at nuclear energy use set the
basic safety criteria and principles, i.e. such parameters values, characteristics and conditions
which provide reaching of the set target.
List of Federal safety rules and norms in the sphere of nuclear energy use and changes and
supplements to the said list shall be approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
NP safety shall be provided by the consecutive realization of the defense in depths based on
application of the physical barriers system on the way of ionizing radiation and radiation
substances emission to the environment and of the technical and organizational measures system
for the barriers protection and their efficiency preservation and for protection of personnel,
population and environment.
The defense in depths concept is implemented at all activities stages related to the NP safety
provision in the part which is covered by the activities.
7.2 Physical barriers system
The physical barriers systems includes:
a) fuel matrix, such properties shall be selected as the nuclear fuel materials which at normal
operation conditions, emergency situations and design basis accident were such as to restrict
fission products emission under FE cladding and provide at direct contact with the coolant the
minimum permissible radioactive contamination of the coolant cooling the reactor core,
b) FE cladding, structural properties of the FE cladding shall provide, in their operation
conditions, exclusion (mitigation) of FE damage intended for non-excess (restriction) of ionizing
radiation and radioactive products affect on the personnel, population and environment,
c) boundary of the reactor coolant circuit, the circuit structure, diagnostic system,
maintenance and repair procedure and other technical and organizational measures shall provide
integrity of the circuit with the view of the protective systems operation and in the conditions of
tensions, loads and temperature effects,
d) hermetic boundary of the reactor plant, this barrier on the way of radioactive products
spread is intended for prevention or spread restriction of radioactive substances and emissions
beyond the limits set by the project and their release to the environment,
e) biological protection, barrier for prevention or restriction of radiation effect on personnel at
normal operation, normal operation disturbances including the design basis accidents.
7.3 System of technical and organizational measures
The technical and organizational measures system shall include the following levels of the
defense in depths:
- Level 1, NP location conditions and prevention of the normal operation disturbances,
- Level 2, prevention of the design basis accidents by the normal operation systems,
- Level 3, prevention of the beyond the design basis accidents by the safety systems,
- Level 4, control of the beyond the design basis accidents,
- Level 5, planning and implementation of the measures for personnel protection, stable NP
operation in extraordinary situations of the natural and technogenic character.
7.4 Safety culture
7.4.1 Safety culture is the qualification and psychological preparedness of all persons at which
the NP safety provision if the priority target and internal need which results in responsibility selfawareness and self-control at works performance affecting safety.
7.4.2 The safety culture is provided by:
- Structure of administration and control over activities for nuclear plants safe operation,
- The required level of the personnel qualification at duties performance envisaged in the due
7.4.3 The notion of the safety culture for personnel includes the following elements:
- Strictly regulated and weighted approach at activities implementation for the NP safe
- Knowledge and competence provided by the required personnel training,
- Development and strict observation of the existing instruction requirements at activity
implementation for the NP safe operation,
- Adherence to safety that determine NP safety as the vital matter of the highest priority,
- Control including the revisions and expertise practice,
- Preparedness to critical situation response,
- Clear understanding of rights, duties and responsibilities by each employee.
7.5 Self-estimation of operational safety
7.5.1 Self-estimation of operational safety is the integral part of the NP control system and is
implemented for determination of efficiency and further perfection of the existing system of the
NP operation arrangement. The self-estimation target is the perfection of the NP safety and
efficiency level by direct personnel engagement into the process of critical study and perfection
of its activity for imposed tasks achievement.
7.5.2 The self-estimation process is aimed at detection of insignificant incompliance or
tendencies for elimination at early stages and exclusion of more serious disturbances occurrence
affecting safety and reliability of the NP operation. Self-estimation also permits detecting the
positive experience for its spread in other structural subdivisions of the NP.
7.5.3 Nuclear plants develop and observe documents that reflect the self-estimation procedure
based on [9] “Self-estimation of operational safety of nuclear plants. Guideline”.
7.6 Nuclear safety
7.6.1 Arrangement, operation and repair of the reactor plant equipment shall comply with the
requirements of the safety provision rules and norms at nuclear energy use.
7.6.2 The Director of nuclear plant is the person in charge for safety provision at NP, Chief
Engineer is held responsible for operations arrangement for nuclear safety provision at NP.
Other officials and personnel of the NP are responsible for nuclear safety within the limits set
by the job instructions and labor contracts concluded with the same.
7.6.3 To maintain ability of the systems critical for safety to meet the design requirements
their regular maintenance, repair and rests shall be implemented.
The NP authorities (Director, Chief Engineer) arrange development of the following on the
basis of the design materials with the view of the process procedure requirements for the safety
significant systems:
- Inspections and tests instructions (programs),
- Maintenance regulations (schedules) on system and element repair operations,
- Schedules of tests and inspections for the safety system functioning.
7.6.4 Technical and organizational solutions made for the nuclear plant safety provision shall
be proved by the previous experience or tests, by the respective researches, prototypes operation
experience and comply with the norms and regulations accepted for the nuclear power
7.6.5 All reactor plants of the NP shall have the certificates issued by Rostekhnadzor.
Nuclear safety state at the NP shall be inspected:
- By NP commission once a year minimum,
- Operating organization commission – once in two years.
7.6.6 All cases of the NP nuclear safety disturbance shall be investigated in compliance with
the НП “Provisions on the of NP operation disturbances investigation and registration
procedure” and measures shall be undertaken aimed at prevention of such cases recurrence.
7.6.7 The reactor administration and control system shall provide the following at the NP
- Startup and transfer of the reactor core to the sub-critical state without disturbance of the
safe operation limits at normal operation disturbance,
- Automatic maintaining of the preset power level (chain reaction intensity),
- Control of neutron flux in the entire range of neutron flux density change in the core from
1×10-7 % to 120 % of the rated level that is implemented by three minimum inter-independent
channels of the neutron flux density measurement with the indicating devices (at least two of the
three control channels shall be equipped with recorders);
- Control of reactivity change,
- Measurement of the neutron power (neutron flux) at any power level with three independent
channels with indicating (self-recording) devices,
- Emergency reactor protection at all power levels independent from the power supply sources
availability and state,
- Reliable reactor maintaining in the sub-critical state and control devices of the core subcriticality,
- Overlapping by at least one order of the measured value change at the coherent transition
from one group of measuring channels to the other,
- Automatic SG power reduction envisaged by the project at process parameters change or at
shutdown of the operated equipment.
7.6.8 Electrical diagram of CPS devices movement control shall provide automatic absorbers
entry to the nuclear reactor after the EP actuation. Entry of positive reactivity through reactivity
impact devices envisaged by the RP technical project shall be excluded of the working devices of
the emergency protection are not brought to service. Service position of the EP working devices
and their removal procedure shall be specified in the RP project.
7.6.9 Rate of the positive reactivity input by the CPS servo devices shall be provided at 0.07
Vef/s. If the servo devices have the efficiency above 0.07 Vef, the positive reactivity input shall
be stepwise with the step weight 0.3 Vef/ maximum.
7.6.10 The reactor core sub-criticality at any moment of the campaign after bringing of the EP
working devices to the working position with other CPS devices input to the core shall be 0.01
minimum in the core state with maximum multiplication factor.
7.6.11 The number, location, efficiency and rate of the EP servo devices input shall provide
the following at any emergency situation without one most effective device:
- Rate of the nuclear reactor power efficient for prevention of the FE safe operation limits at
normal operation disturbance,
- Reactor bringing to the sub-critical and its maintaining in the state with the view of possible
reactivity increase within the time sufficient for input of other, slower CPS devices,
- Prevention of local critical masses formation.
7.6.12 Nuclear reactor transfer to sub-critical state and to power operation state is permitted if
the following conditions are met:
- EP working devices shall be in the loaded position,
- Automatic regulation devices (for channel-type reactor) shall be in the intermediate position,
- Control of the neutron flux and reactor runway period shall be implemented,
- Reactor emergency protection shall meet the requirements of 7.6.7 and 7.6.11,
- The control and protection system shall include all reactor CPS servo devices,
- The emergency power supply system shall be operable and be in the state of availability for
operation, the diesel fuel stock specified by the manual shall be available,
- The system of liquid neutrons absorber input shall be operable and be in the state of
availability for operation, the set stock and concentration of liquid absorber shall be provided,
- The reactor signaling and blockings system shall be tested and be in operable condition,
- The reactor emergency cooling system and accidents localization systems shall be operable
and be in the state of availability for operation.
- Other conditions specified by the project and process procedure of the NP power unit (power
units) operation.
7.6.13 Reactor transfer to the critical state before power automatic regulator actuation shall be
implemented at the presence of the person in charge for startup in compliance with the
requirements of the process procedures for NP power units operation.
7.6.14 Control over reactor shutdown when the nuclear fuel is in the core shall be
implemented continuously within the entire time and at fuel loading and unloading.
The following is subject to mandatory control:
- Neutron flux,
- Rate of neutron flux increase (or reactivity),
- Absorber concentration in the coolant (if the liquid control system is envisaged by the
7.6.15 If deviations from normal operation occur at RP the reasons of their occurrence shall
be detected and eliminated and measures for RP normal operation recovery shall be taken.
If pre-emergency situation occurs at RP it shall be stopped and measures for RP normal
operation recovery shall be taken.
RP operation may be continued only after the pre-emergency situation reasons are detected
and eliminated by the written instruction of the NP Chief Engineer.
RP operator (LERC) has the right and shall transfer independently the reactor to the subcritical state in the following cases:
- Envisaged by the process procedure,
- If the operator has no information sufficient for decision making on the further safe
- If the operator considers that the further operation will result in threat for human beings life,
or nuclear, or radiation accidents danger.
7.6.16 All works related to fresh and spent fuel shall be implemented with observation of the
nuclear safety rules according to the approved plan and instructions.
The procedure of refueling shall be determined by the program, operating schedule, refueling
schedule, drawn up with the view of the nuclear safety provision.
7.6.17 In the reactors where loading is implemented with CPS working devices
disengagement, it shall be performed with CPS working devices put to the core as well as other
reactivity affect devices, at the same time the minimum reactor sub-criticality in the reloading
process shall be 0.02 minimum with the view of possible errors. AT the same time reactivity is
compensated by the liquid absorber solution, its concentration shall be brought to the value at
which reactor sub-criticality of 0.02 minimum is provided (with the view of possible errors)
(with no view of the input CPS working devices). In this case possibility of pure condensate
supply to the reactor and primary circuit shall be excluded by the technical and organizational
Fuel reloading at shutdown train-type reactor shall be implemented with input EP working
devices, at the same time minimum sub-criticality of the reactor shall be 0.02 with the view of
possible errors. In RP at which reloading is implemented at the reactor power operation it shall
be implemented at the permissible operations modes justified in the project and at availability of
the devices efficiency of which is sufficient for suppression of excess reactivity input of which is
possible due to loading error and unforeseen reactivity effects.
7.6.18 List of nuclear-dangerous works shall be specified for each RP. The nuclear-dangerous
works shall be performed according to the special technical solution (program) approved by the
NP Chief Engineer at the shutdown reactor, as a rule, of the sub-criticality 0,02 minimum for the
core state with maximum effective multiplication factor.
Technical solution (program) shall include:
- Target of nuclear-dangerous works,
- List of nuclear-dangerous works and their performance procedure,
- Technical and organizational measures for nuclear safety provision,
- Criteria and control of the nuclear-dangerous works correct completion,
- Instruction on appointment of the person in charge for the nuclear-dangerous works.
7.6.19 In compliance with the requirements of ОПБ-88/97 the NP authorities arranges, based
on the technical regulation and the NP SAR, development and issue of instructions and
guidelines that determine the personnel actions for safety provision at the design basis and
beyond the design basis accidents.
7.6.20 The operation manuals of the NP systems and equipment that regulate reactors
operation and procedures of the nuclear fuel handling shall contain the nuclear safety
7.7. Radiation safety
7.7.1 General provisions Requirements of the Federal Law “On radiation safety of population” [10], НРБ-99,
ОСПОРБ-99, СП АС-03, ПРБ АС-99 and of other regulatory documents in the sphere of
radiation safety shall be observed at NP operation and removal from operation. Provision of the radiation safety at NP is imposed on the NP Director, works
arrangement for radiation safety provision at the NP is imposed on the NP Chief Engineer. Chiefs of the NP structural subdivisions shall be responsible for provision of radiation
safety in their subdivisions and the controlled equipment. Implementation of radiation control at the NP, in the sanitary protection area and NP
area of observation, methodical guidance of the works for radiation safety provision and control
of observation of radiation rules by all NP staff are imposed on the division (workshop, service)
of the NP radiation safety.
The division (workshop, service) structure of radiation safety shall provide effective radiation
control and comply with the standard structure approved by the operating organization. Instruction (procedure) of radiation safety with the view of provisions of the radiation
safety regulatory documents which requirements shall be aimed at the observation of the
radiation safety basic principles (justification, optimization, rating) shall be developed at each
NP. Requirements of the radiation safety instruction (procedure) shall be observed by the
NP personnel and by the organization performing works and rendering services to the NP and
engaged in the works with ionizing radiation sources.
Chiefs of third parties shall ensure that personnel seconded to the NP had the documents
confirming authorization to work in the ionizing radiation conditions, examination in radiation
safety and permitted dose per for the period of work at the NP. Personnel of the NP and organizations performing works and rendering services to the
NP shall:
- Know and observe requirements of the radiation safety instruction (procedure) in
compliance with the scope determined for the position,
- Strive to performance of their job duties with receipt of the least exposure doses taking into
account the non-threshold radiation effect on the organism,
- Use the personal and individual radiation monitoring devices (control devices of hands,
body, cloths, etc. contamination) carefully,
- Use the prescribed main and additional personal protection equipment that reduces doses of
internal and external exposure from the ionizing radiation sources,
- Do not permit spread of radioactive contaminations from the works performance place.
- Observe all instructions of the radiation safety division (workshop, service) employees
related to radiation safety provision at works performance,
- Observe the established requirements for prevention of radiation accident and rules of
conduct in the case of its occurrence,
- Inform immediately the direct manager and the radiation safety division (workshop, service)
about all faults in operation of the plants, devices and units that are the sources of radiation,
- To leave the workstations after work completion if further presence is not demanded by the
operational needs. Access to information on radiation situation at the NP and on measures undertaken for
perfection of the same shall be provided, in the established order, to the personnel, executive
power authorities, State safety regulation authorities and to the citizens, public unions and mass
media. The following are the NP radiation safety indices:
- Number of disturbances in the NP operation with radiation consequences,
- Personnel irradiation level of the NP and organizations performing works and rendering
services to the NP,
- Activity of the gas-and-aerosol emissions,
- Activity of liquid discharges with unbalanced water. Works in the conditions of actual or potential radiation hazard that require
preparation of the workstation and restriction of work duration at which performance individual
irradiation doses may exceed 0.2 mSv shall be performed according to the job order or by
instruction with dose job list.
The works that do not require preparation of the workstation for the radiation safety provision
and restriction of work duration at performance of which individual irradiation doses may exceed
0.2 mSv shall be performed according to the job order or by instruction without dosimetric job
The specifically radiation-dangerous work at which the anticipated collective dose may
exceed 0.5 person Sv or 10 mSv in terms of effective individual dose shall be performed
according to the special program of radiation safety provision agreed with the territorial authority
of the GosSanEpidemNadzor of the Federal Bio-Medical Agency and be approved by the NP
Chief Engineer.
When work that may result in the collective dose exceeding 1 person Sv or maximum
individual dose may exceed 15 mSv the program shall be agreed additionally by the operating
agency. Control levels of the radiation factors effect at the NP and in the environment (except
for CL of the personnel group A irradiation dose established by the operating agency and CL of
the gas and aerosol emissions established by the document “Sanitary rules of nuclear plants
design and operation” shall be set at the NP.
List and numerical values of the control levels established at the NP are subject to agreement
with the GosSanEpidemNadzor of the Federal Bio-Medical Agency. The planned increased irradiation of the personnel above the basic dose limits are
permitted only in the case of consequences liquidation after radiation accident in the order
established by НРБ-99 and as agreed with the operating organization. All cases of radiation safety rules infringe that became the reason of unscheduled
increased personnel irradiation or radioactive contamination of equipment, rooms and territory
above the permissible levels shall be investigated in compliance with НП “Provisions on
procedure of disturbances in NP operation investigation and registration” and measures
preventing recurrence of the above shall be taken. Information about such infringes and results of
their investigation shall be transmitted to the operating organization and respective State safety
regulation agencies. Administrative and technical officials that failed to provide observation of the rules
and did not undertake the required measures for the infringes prevention and the persons that
infringed the rules shall be liable for the infringe of the radiation safety rules in compliance with
the existing legislation. Automated radiation motoring system and automated radiation situation monitoring
system shall be established and be in continuous operation at each NP. Data transmission of the
automated radiation situation monitoring system to the internal and external NP emergency
centers and the Crises Center shall be provided. Metrological support of the radiation motoring devices shall be implemented in
compliance with 5.8 of this standard.
It is prohibited to operate measurement devices that were not subject to metrological
maintenance - calibration (verification) or with invalid (expired or damaged) reprints of
calibration stamps.
7.7.2. Basic criteria and limits Nuclear plant shall be considered safe if at normal operation and design basis
accidents its radiation effect on the personnel, population and environment is restricted by the
limits established for these NP states. At the NP which projects were approved before July 2 1999 –the effective date of
НРБ-99, consequences of radiation accidents shall not result, in terms of emissions and
discharges of radioactive substances to the environment, to the population irradiation doses that
require mandatory measures for protection of the population at the initial accident stage, i.e.
population irradiation doses shall not exceed the criteria levels (level “Б”) regulated by НРБ-99. At the NP which projects were approved after July 2 1999 consequences of design
basis radiation accidents shall not result, in terms of emissions and discharges of radioactive
substances to the environment, to the population irradiation doses that require mandatory
measures for protection of the population at the initial accident stage, i.e. population irradiation
doses shall not exceed the bottom criteria level (level “A”) regulated by НРБ-99. The safe operation limits of each NP units in terms of emissions and discharges shall
be established at the level PRL and MPD and operational limits shall be established at the levels
PR and PD , however values of safe operation limits and operational limits shall not be exceeded
at operation of all NP power units. All NP shall have in the process procedures the values of operational limits and values
of safe operation limits in terms of radiation parameters including the limits values specified in
7.7.3 The NP authorities shall provide registration of the amount, displacement and location
place of all fissile and radioactive materials, ionizing radiation sources, fresh and spent fuel,
dismounted radioactive equipment, contaminated tools, cloths, production waste and other
ionizing radiation sources and observation of the radiation safety requirements by the personnel
when handling the above.
7.8 Occupational safety
7.8.1 Operation, maintenance and repair of the NP buildings and facilities shall be
implemented considering the occupational safety requirements observation.
7.8.2 Provisions on the occupational safety control system that considers all specific features
and particularities of specific NP and organizations shall be developed at NP and in
organizations that provide directly nuclear plants operation based on the РД “Provision on the
occupational safety control system of enterprise, organization of the Rosenergoatom Concern.”
7.8.3 Authorities of NP and organizations that provide directly nuclear plants operation bear
personal responsibility and general administration and the chief engineers are responsible for
arrangement of the occupation and radiation safety works.
Chiefs of subdivisions, shifts and foremen shall provide implementation of organizational and
technical measures for creation of safe labor conditions, training and briefing in safe work
performance methods, and control implementation over observation of occupational and
radiation safety.
7.8.4 The following shall be provided in due order at NP and organizations that provide
directly nuclear plants operation:
- Employees safety at operation of buildings, facilities, equipment, technological processes
implementation and tools, raw stock and appliances used in production,
- Application of certified personal and collective protection equipment for the employees,
- Labor and rest modes shall be in compliance with the Labor Code and other regulatory legal
acts that contain the Labor Code norms and local regulatory acts that contain the Labor Code
norms ,
- Training in safe methods and techniques of works performance and first aid to the injured at
the production, occupational safety training, on-job training, training and examination in the
occupational safety requirements,
- Certification of workstations in terms of labor conditions with the further certification of the
occupational safety works arrangement,
- Mandatory preliminary at employment and periodic medical exams (inspections)
- Psychophysical inspections of employees for detection of physiological and psychophysical
adequacy to safe works performance in individual operations and work types,
-Pre-shift medical exams of the nuclear plants operation personnel,
- Pre-trip medical exams of vehicles drivers,
- Healthful and dietary meals and sanitary and household service,
- Development and approval of occupational safety rules and instructions for the employees
with the view of the opinion of the elected primary trade union or other body authorized by the
employees in the due order.
7.8.5 Thermo mechanical equipment, devices and other equipment and installations covered
by the norms and rules of the State safety regulation agency shall be registered with the
certificate execution and be subjected to tests in compliance with the said norms and rules
7.8.6 The personal protection equipment, appliances and tools used at the repair and
maintenance of equipment, buildings and facilities of the nuclear power entities shall be subject
to inspection and tests in compliance with the existing norms and rules.
7.8.7 The employer bears responsibility for incidents, Professional diseases (poisoning)1 and
cases of unscheduled personnel irradiation that occurred at the production.
7.8.8 Each incident, each case of increased personnel irradiation and all other cases of the
occupational and radiation safety rules shall be investigated, reasons of their occurrence shall be
detected and measures for their recurrence prevention shall be undertaken.
Information on incidents, their investigation and registration shall be implemented in
compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation [11].
Information on the cases of the personnel increased irradiation, their investigation and
registration shall be implemented in compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
[11] and РД “Provisions on investigation of unscheduled or emergency personnel irradiation of
the Rosenergoatom Concern branches”.
7.8.9 Each case of professional disease of the personnel shall be investigated, reasons shall be
detected, as well as the persons guilty in their occurrence, measures for prevention of the cases
recurrence shall be undertaken in compliance with [12] “Provisions on investigation and
registration of professional diseases”.
7.8.10 Materials on incidents , cases of unscheduled personnel irradiation and professional
diseases at the production site shall be analyzed with the personnel and used at the measures
development for similar cases prevention.
In compliance with [15] “”Provisions on investigation and registration of professional diseases”
the “acute professional disease (poisoning) shall mean the disease that is , as a rule, the result of
single (within one working day, one working shift minimum) effect of harmful production factor
(factors) on the employee that resulted in temporary or stable loss of occupational capacity”.
7.8.11 The entire production personnel of the NP and organizations that provide directly the
nuclear plants operation shall be trained in practical methods of an employee release from under
electric shock effect and first aid and methods of the first aid in the case of other incidents.
7.8.12 Agreed occupation safety measures, radiation, explosion and fire safety measures with
the view of interaction with the NP and responsibility of the subdivisions performing the works
shall be developed by the seconded personnel at construction and mounting works, adjustment
and repair works, maintenance of equipment at the existing nuclear plants.
Managers of the respective organizations bear responsibility for execution of the specified
Authorization of the seconded personnel to the works at operated plants shall be based on the
job orders, general job orders and dose job lists in the due order.
Authorization of the construction and mounting organizations to the works at operated NP
shall be implemented after execution of the operations certificate according to СНиП
“Occupational safety in construction. General requirements”.
7.8.13 Personnel seconded to the NP for works performance in the controlled access area shall
pass the medical exam in the established order and training in occupational safety in compliance
with the existing rules and norms.
7.8.14 Sanitary household and medical and preventive service of the employees in compliance
with the occupational safety requirements shall be provided at the NP as well as employees
transportation that fell ill at the workstation to a medical institution in the case emergency
medical care.
7.8.15 Places for the first aid medicine boxes shall be specified at each NP and means for
transportation of the injured and medications and medication and dressing permanent stock in the
medical kits shall be provided in agreement with the EMERCOM.
7.8.16 Personnel present in the rooms with operated power equipment (excluding control
boards, relay rooms, etc.) in NP enclosed and open switchgears, wells, chambers, trains and
tunnels, heat networks, on construction site and in the repair area shall wear safety helmets.
7.9 Fire safety
7.9.1 At provision of fire safety of NPP equipment, buildings and structures one shall be
guided by regulations governing fire safety requirements that are in force at NPP and in
In accordance with the applicable laws personal responsibility for ensuring fire safety of NPP
and its departments is imposed on the heads of those.
Personal responsibility for fire safety of rooms, equipment, buildings and structures is
imposed by NPP director order.
7.9.2 A fire-fighting plan shall be developed and implemented at the NPP.
Personnel fire-fighting training shall be conducted in accordance with instructions and
regulations on organization and conduct of fire-fighting training that are in force at the NPP.
7.9.3 At the NPP fire-technical committees headed by chief engineers and personnel
minimum fire-technical training are organized. Each employee shall be aware of and strictly
follow fire safety regulations with respect to the serviced site.
7.9.4 NPP and organizations heads shall ensure that commissioning of new facilities and
facilities after reconstruction are in absolute compliance with design and the requirements of
existing regulations on fire safety.
7.9.5 Systems of automatic fire detection and fire extinguishing shall be constantly supervised
by specially assigned employees. Systems to be supervised by a certain employee are approved
by the director; the schedule of system checks is approved by NPP chief engineer.
7.9.6 Each case of fire shall be investigated in accordance with existing regulations by
specifically appointed committee with participation of State Fire Service employees in order to
find out causes of fire and the development of fire prevention measures.
7.9.7 Production, auxiliary, ancillary and utility buildings and structures of NPP shall be
inspected by fire-technical committee at least once a quarter. Defects detected shall be
eliminated in the terms established by the committee.
7.9.8 Electric welding, gas welding and other fire and fire-hazardous works shall comply with
fire safety rules.
7.9.9 Work related to shutdown of automatic detection and extinguishing systems, sections of
fire-fighting water supply pipeline and blocking of roads and driveways shall be carried out only
when they are approved in writing by NPP chief engineer and after notification of fire-fighting
service and persons responsible for fire safety at relevant site.
7.9.10 NPP shift head will conduct fire extinguishing before arrival of fire-fighting service.
Upon arrival of fire-fighting service fire extinguishing shall be conducted by senior
operational supervisor and NPP shift supervisor shall inform him on condition of equipment,
radiation levels, methods of personal protection and the possibility of fire-fighting operations.
7.10 Environment protection
7.10.1 Location, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants
shall comply with requirements of the Federal Law “Оn Environment protection” [13] РД “Basic
Rules for the protection of nuclear power plants environment (excluding the radiation factor)”
existing laws and regulations in force in the field of environment protection.
7.10.2 Person responsible for state of environment protection at NPP is NPP director;
responsibility for organization of works to ensure environment protection at the NPP is imposed
on chief engineer.
NPP personnel are responsible for compliance with requirements of environment protection
within the job descriptions and operation instructions.
7.10.3 Implementation of environmental control at nuclear plant in sanitary protection zone,
guidance of works to ensure environment protection and control of compliance with rules of
environment protection of nuclear power plants (excluding the radiation factor) by all the nuclear
plant personnel is imposed on nuclear plant Environment protection Department.
7.10.4 At the stage of site selection for nuclear plant construction nuclear plant impact on the
environment and population shall be studied, section "Assessment of Environmental Impact"
shall be developed, initial "background" data on the state of the environment in the nuclear plant
vicinity shall be prepared that will be basis for further evaluation of operating nuclear plant
In the development of project documentation (technical and economic assessment or work
project) for construction (reconstruction, expansion, modernization or decommissioning) of
facilities section “Environment protection” shall be developed.
All project materials on nuclear plant structures (facilities) scheduled for implementation are
subject to state environmental review.
7.10.5 In the plant operation rational use of natural resources, compliance with environmental
quality standards and the standards of permissible impact on it shall be provided; under condition
of compliance with these standards stable operation of natural ecological systems is ensured. It
is necessary to take measures to restore natural environment, land reclamation, landscaping in
accordance with the law.
7.10.6 The amount of pollutants entering into the environment shall not be above the
maximum allowable or temporarily agreed emissions and discharges .according to the
established procedure.
In carrying out activities in the field of hazardous waste treatment it is unacceptable violate
developed and approved standards for hazardous waste generation and disposal limits.
7.10.7 For prevention natural and human induced emergencies and development of most
effective environmental and economic solutions for nuclear plant operational environmental
monitoring is organized. Operational environmental monitoring is carried out within NP site,
SPA and AO. For each nuclear plant volume and frequency of work performed under the
operational environmental monitoring is determined by environment, a list of significant
environmental issues and natural and human induced hazards.
7.10.8 To ensure compliance with standards of permissible impact on the environment
ensuring population and environmental objects safety operational environmental control of
nuclear plant air emissions and pollutants discharges into water facilities is organized in
accordance with applicable regulations.
7.10.9 At each nuclear plant measures shall be developed to prevent emergency and burst
pollutant emissions and discharges into environment.
7.10.10 Before pre-start adjustment works sewage purification and treatment facilities shall be
7.10.11 Waste Management at nuclear plant shall be in accordance with the requirements of
the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Wastes” [14], the laws and regulations in
force in the field of hazardous waste management.
Nuclear plants shall ensure storage and disposal of hazardous waste in specially equipped
facilities intended for waste disposal.
7.10.12 When engaging third parties to perform work at the nuclear plants plant contracts and
other organizational and administrative documents shall state that these organizations shall fulfill
the requirements of legislation and regulations in force in the field of environment protection.
7.10.13 Nuclear plants are obliged to control and account for emissions and discharges of
pollutants into the environment, production and consumption waste disposal volume, volume of
water taken from the water objects and discharged water volume.
7.10.14 Metrological provision of means to control emissions and discharges shall be in
accordance with p. 5.8 of this standard.
7.11 Physical protection of nuclear materials, nuclear facilities and nuclear
material storage facilities at NPPs
7.11.1 The physical protection of nuclear materials, nuclear facilities and nuclear material
storage facilities (hereinafter referred to as physical protection) is provided by nuclear plant PPS,
providing a unified system of planning, coordination, control and implementation of complex
technical and organizational measures and actions aimed at achieving the set objectives.
7.11.2 The objectives of the nuclear plant operating organization PPS are:
- prevention of theft or damage to nuclear material;
- prevention of unauthorized putting out of operation the nuclear plant, nuclear material
storage facility.
7.11.3 Nuclear plant PPS objectives are achieved by fulfillment of the following tasks:
- prevention of unauthorized access to the territory of the nuclear plant;
- timely warning of unauthorized actions;
- mounting of barriers on the likely routes of violators of physical barriers (engineered
barriers), providing inhibition (delay) of achieving their goals necessary for security to take
response actions;
- prevention of unauthorized actions;
- arresting of persons involved in the preparation or committing an act of sabotage or theft of
nuclear materials.
7.11.4 Physical protection shall be implemented at all stages of design, construction,
operation and decommissioning of indicated nuclear facilities, as well as the handling of nuclear
materials, including transportation of nuclear materials.
Without physical protection the above mentioned activities are prohibited.
7.11.5 Requirements for physical protection are stated by the Federal Law “On the nuclear
power usage” [1] and [15] “Rules for the physical protection of nuclear materials, nuclear
facilities and nuclear material storage facilities,” rules and regulations in the field of nuclear
7.11.6 Physical protection shall be in accordance with the international obligations of the
Russian Federation in the field of nuclear energy.
7.11.7 NPP PPS shall include arrangements, engineering and technical means and actions of
the nuclear plant administration, staff, and security divisions aimed to achieve the set objectives.
7.11.8 Arrangements under the physical protection shall include a set of measures
implemented by the administration of the nuclear plant and management of nuclear plant security
divisions on the basis of regulations governing these measures.
7.11.9 Technical means of nuclear plant PPS shall be certified in accordance with the law of
the Russian Federation.
7.11.10 At organizing nuclear plant PPS it is required to:
- take into account the features of the nuclear plant and the requirements of nuclear, radiation,
environmental, technical and fire safety in the field of atomic energy use;
- ensure the system stable operation at which failure of separate element does not lead to
system failure as a whole and does not result in other elements failure;
- restrict to a minimum number of persons having access to nuclear materials and reactor
7.11.11 The main requirements to nuclear plant PPS are as follows:
- measures (levels) of physical protection shall be adequate to category of nuclear material
and degree of potential threats;
- zonal principle of nuclear plant PPS structure;
- strength balance of protected boundary;
- restriction to minimum of number of persons having access to nuclear materials and nuclear
plant objects of protection.
- restriction to minimum of the probability of unauthorized persons entering into the territory
and premises of the nuclear plant;
- maintaining constant control over the objects of protection of the nuclear plant and the
adjacent area;
- consideration of the physical protection in the early stages of nuclear plant designing;
- consideration in NP PPS of measures provided in the nuclear plant for safety purposes;
- restriction of unauthorized persons access to information about a specific nuclear plant PPS.
7.11.12 Responsibility for ensuring the physical protection of nuclear plant is imposed on its
7.11.13 The operating organization shall ensure the implementation of nuclear plant physical
protection and the control of its condition and operation.
7.11.14 Federal Agency for Atomic Energy within limits of its powers:
- organizes and coordinates the activities of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of
constituent units of the Russian Federation and the organizations that have subordinated nuclear
hazardous objects concerning physical protection;
- functions as a central state authority and communication point in accordance with the
provisions of the International Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and
functions as national competent authority to meet the obligations of the Russian Federation in the
IAEA and other international organizations in the field of physical protection;
- functions as state authority on nuclear and radiation safety for transporting of nuclear
- certifies the technical means used in the system of physical protection;
- provides institutional control over the state and physical protection system functioning in
their respective nuclear hazardous facilities.
7.11.15 To perform functions of physical protection within their powers Interior Ministry and
Federal Security Service of Russia are involved .
7.11.16 State supervision over physical protection shall be carried out by Rostekhnadzor
within its powers.
7.11.17 The federal executive authorities and organizations that have information on the
systems of physical protection, as well as the NPP, shall take measures to protect information on
their organization and functioning.
7.11.18 Training of security divisions in interaction with the Interior Ministry and Federal
Security Service of Russia shall be carried out at the NPP to test the effectiveness of nuclear
plant PPS.
7.11.19. Operating organization, Rosatom, the bodies of Federal Security Service of Russia,
the Russian Interior Ministry and Rostekhnadzor shall be notified of all occurring cases of
unauthorized activities involving nuclear materials, nuclear facilities and nuclear material storage
7.12 Emergency prevention and management at NPP
7.12.1 In accordance with the requirements of [16] “Regulation on Russian Unified
Emergency Rescue Service (RUERS)” and [17] “On the functional subsystem of emergency
prevention and management” the following bodies are established:
- at the level of the operating organization - emergency prevention and management system of
FSUE Rosenergoatom Concern (EPMSC);
- at the level of NPP - emergency prevention and management system of the facility
7.12.2 The main objectives and functions, organizational structure and management system,
operating modes and order of activities, personnel training of management and forces, financing
of EPMSC and EPMSF are stipulated by [18] “Regulations on Commission for Prevention and
Emergency Management and Fire Safety of FSUE Rosenergoatom Concern (EPMSC)” and the
relevant provisions of the nuclear plant.
7.12.3 Coordinating bodies of emergency prevention and management system are
Commission for Emergency Prevention and Management and Fire Safety Provision (CEPMFS):
- in operating organization - FSUE Rosenergoatom Concern Commission (CEPMFSC) [19];
- at NPP – Facility Commission (CEPMFSF).
7.12.4 The main tasks, functions and powers, modes of operation, organization and operation
of CEPMFSC and CEPMFSF are determined by regulations for these commissions.
7.12.5 Members of CEPMFSC are assigned by order of the nuclear plant operating
organization head. CEPMFSC includes members of nuclear plant emergency response group (list
0). Head of CEPMFSC is head of nuclear plant emergency response group.
CEPMFSF members are assigned by nuclear plant director.
7.12.6 The main activities undertaken by EPMSF management and forces in different modes
of operation are stated by the Regulations on EPMSF, Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan of
Personnel Protection other guides, plans, emergency instructions stating requirements for
organizing and conducting emergency prevention and management activities at nuclear plant.
7.12.7 The criteria for decision to declare an emergency situation at nuclear plant, the
procedure for rapid information transference and assistance to the nuclear plant by operating
organization a during emergencies are stated in НП “Regulations on procedure of emergency
situation declaring at nuclear plant, rapid information transfer and organization of emergency
assistance to nuclear plants in case of radiation hazardous situation”.
7.12.8 Nuclear plant shall inform the local authorities and other bodies in accordance with the
НП “Regulations on procedure of emergency situation declaring at nuclear plant, rapid
information transfer and organization of emergency assistance to nuclear plants in case of
radiation hazardous situation” of accident at nuclear plant and recommend authorities of
constituent units of the Russian Federation where nuclear plant is located as well as local
authorities to implement appropriate plans of public protection in case if established criteria have
been reached.
7.12.9. If radiological situation at the nuclear plant changes for worse without achieving
established criteria personnel protection measures shall be taken in accordance with the
instructions and guidelines, without implementation of NP Emergency Action Plan of Personnel
Protection (hereinafter referred to as Action Plan).
7.12.10 When the established criteria are achieved personnel protection measures shall be
taken in accordance with the Action Plan.
The decision on Action Plan implementation is taken by nuclear plant director (chief
engineer) after declaration of “Emergency Preparedness” and (or) “Emergency situation” state of
nuclear plant.
7.12.11 Control over forces and means raised for emergency response in nuclear plant and
SPA organization of their interaction is carried out by head of emergency operations, i.e. NPP
director, who is also the chairman of CEPMF.
7.12.12 Administration of forces actions aimed to locate and manage emergency at a nuclear
power plant depending on existing situation is carried out from the Shielded Accident
Management Center at NPP with internal accident center (AC), from the Shielded Accident
Management Center in the city/town with external AC, from the Shielded Accident Management
Center in the evacuation area with information and control panel and / or mobile control panel of
the emergency operations manager (mobile communication unit of AC). In the operating
organization management is performed from the Crisis Center and / or mobile communication
unit of UANP group.
7.12.13 Scientific and technical support of accident nuclear plant and UANP group is carried
- Within the operating organization from the Crisis Center of FSUE Rosenergoatom Concern
- Within the industry of the Situation and Crisis Center of Rosatom (SCC),
- Within organizations and companies within UANP group from the Technical Assistance
Center (TAC).
7.12.14 Engineering support is provided from Emergency Technical Center of operating
7.12.15 Internal and external nuclear plant accident centers, Crisis Center should be equipped
with equipment, devices, alarm systems and communications software and hardware necessary
to generate a common information space that provides control of forces and monitoring and
control equipment, emergency prevention and management at nuclear plant.
7.12.16 Protection of NPP personnel shall be carried out in protective structures that meet the
requirements of СНиП “Civil defense technical engineering measures”. Life support systems in
these protective structures must be designed for a five-day stay of sheltered personnel.
7.12.17 Check of nuclear plant readiness for emergency location and management is carried
out in accordance with the requirements of the РД “Regulation on inspection of nuclear plant
readiness for natural and human induced emergency location and management.” Inspections are
carried out in accordance with the schedule approved by the head of the nuclear plant operating
7.12.18 Training of EPMSC and EPMSF control bodies and forces are organized within
united system of people training in the area of emergency civil defense and fire safety insurance.
Knowledge and skills improving of EPMSC and EPMSF control bodies and forces and the rest
nuclear plant operating organization and nuclear plant personnel in the field of emergency
protection is carried out in the course of drills, exercises and trainings frequency of which is set
by the nuclear plant operating organization and nuclear plant.
8 Technical documentation
8.1 Nuclear plant technical documentation consists of the following types:
- Regulatory documentation,
- Operating (including repair) documentation,
- Management and technical documentation,
- Reference and information documentation,
- Design and estimate documentation,
- Design, technology and manufacturer documentation,
- Installation and commissioning documentation.
8.2 Content, design and labeling of technical documentation, rules for development, handling,
and withdrawal of handling shall comply with the requirements established by standards and
regulatory documents of the operating organization.
8.3 At the nuclear power plant an index (list) of regulatory documents governing safe
operation of nuclear plant shall be developed. The index is developed based on the “Index of
main current regulatory documents for safe operation of NPP power units” by Rosenergoatom
Concern and is approved by nuclear power plant chief engineer.
8.4 For each nuclear power plant structural unit a list of necessary documentation including
technical documentation on its functioning shall be developed. Lists of documentation for
nuclear plant structural units are approved by nuclear plant chief engineer and revised every
three years. Structural units shall be equipped with the necessary documentation in accordance
with the lists.
8.5 For each nuclear plant structural unit a list of working positions that need to be equipped
with necessary documentation shall be developed. The list of working positions of operational
personnel provided with documentation is approved by nuclear plant chief engineer. The list of
working positions of other personnel provided with documentation is approved by structural unit
For each working position included in the list of working positions, provided with
documentation a list of necessary documentation including technical documentation shall be
developed. This list shall include all documents that the employee shall learn or be familiar with
in accordance with the job description.
Lists of necessary documentation in the working positions of operating personnel shall be
approved by the chief engineer.
Lists of necessary documentation in the working positions of other personnel is developed
based on a list of necessary documentation for structural unit and approved by a structural unit
It is allowed to develop a common list of documentation for several working positions located
in the same premise or block of premises. This list is compiled on the basis of job descriptions of
all employees whose working places are in the premise or block of premises.
Working places shall be equipped with necessary documentation in accordance with the lists.
8.6 All copies of documents included in the lists must be registered in the manner prescribed
at nuclear plant and maintained by the unit, in which this particular working place is included,
according to the actual state of power unit. It is allowed to use electronic copies of documents
for working places provision except for the working places of operational and operational and
maintenance personnel.
When using electronic copies of documents the measures should be taken to eliminate
unauthorized access to the control version of the document.
8.7 Lists of nuclear plant structural units’ documents shall be reviewed every 3 years.
8.8 At each nuclear power plant the following documentation shall be provided:
- Approved design documentation with all subsequent amendments,
- Technical safety justification as a part of the project or report of in-depth safety assessment,
- Technological regulations of nuclear power plant’s units operation,
- Technical solutions for all design changes during operation,
- General layout with all buildings and structures, including underground premises,
- Executive and working drawings of equipment and structures, drawings of all the
underground units,
- Executive and operational diagrams of primary and secondary electrical connections,
- Acts of state acceptance commission and working acceptance commission,
- Acts of land plots allocation,
- Geological, hydrological, and other data on the territory with soil test and analysis of
groundwater results,
- Acts of laying of the foundations with pits cuts,
- Acts of hidden works acceptance,
- Acts and drawings (or field books) of buildings, structures and foundations for equipment
state control,
- Regulatory documents (operating organization standards and guidance documents, applied
national standards, and other organizations’ regulatory documentation),
- Operational, including repair, maintenance documentation on process, on maintenance of
buildings and structures, on confirmation of design characteristics, on ensuring of serviceable
condition and on emergency preparedness,
- Management and technical documentation on planning and implementation of industrial
activity, on ensuring of production activities, on production control, accounting, reporting, and
statistical documentation,
- Design, technology, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, reference and information
documentation necessary for nuclear plant operation,
- Reactor plant certificate issued by Rostekhnadzor,
- Nuclear power plant ecological certificate,
- Permissions (licenses) issued by specially authorized state bodies of executive power,
- Quality certificates of safety related system equipment,
- Certificates of accreditation of metrological works types issued in due course, certificate of
the nuclear power plant metrological service,
- Data sheets for nuclear power plant buildings, facilities and equipment, electrical and
heating systems,
- Investigation reports of nuclear plant operation failures.
The above documents must be recorded and stored in accordance with procedures
established at the nuclear power plant.
8.9 Nuclear power plant design, executive documentation for nuclear power plant
construction, the acts of tests and executive documentation on maintenance and repair of safety
systems (components), and safety significant components of Classes 1 and 2 (defined by ОПБ
88/97) must be registered and stored at nuclear power plant for its lifetime.
8.10 Any changes of design configuration of buildings, structures, systems, and equipment
must be carried out:
- Concerning elements of 1 or 2 classes system of ОПБ-88/97 or groups “А” or “Б” of
ПНАЭ “Rules of arrangement and safe operation of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power
plants” by decision of operating organization,
- In other cases by technical decision of nuclear power plant.
8.11 At nuclear plant procedure for monitoring of solutions (technical solutions)
implementation shall be defined and procedure of sending notifications of solutions
implementation to
- Interested organizations (design, engineering and manufacturing organizations),
- Nuclear plant divisions responsible for the maintenance, repair and operational management
of facilities, for changes in operational documentation, for personnel training, for consideration
and use of operation experience.
8.12 The main document defining nuclear plant unit safe operation is the process regulation
containing the rules and basic techniques of safe operation, the total order of operations related
to safety as well as the limits and conditions of safe operation.
The development of process regulation is organized by the operating organization together
with nuclear plant and reactor plant design developers based on nuclear plant design materials,
nuclear plant safety analysis report (nuclear plant technical safety analysis report, report on indepth safety analysis, depending on what generation reactor plant refers), the normative
documents in force in the field of nuclear plant safety and standard process regulations for
nuclear plant RP safe operation (for the types of units for which such regulations are available),
or typical process regulation.
Developed process regulations shall be adjusted based on pre-operation commissioning,
physical and power start-up of nuclear plant unit. Further adjustment of the regulations is based
on operating experience of nuclear plant unit, similar units of other nuclear plants and changes in
normative documentation.
Changes to process regulations shall be agreed with organization that developed nuclear plant
and RP design and approved in the due course.
8.13 On the basis of areas served by divisions as approved by the director of nuclear plant,
and division lists, exhaustive lists of systems, equipment, buildings and structures for each
division and for the whole nuclear plant showing the boundaries of divisions responsibility shall
be developed and approved by nuclear plant chief engineer.
8.14 For all systems and / or equipment operation instruction shall be developed prior to their
acceptance (commissioning).
Operation instructions are developed on the basis of design, manufacturer, engineering,
installation and adjustment documentation taking into account the experience of similar
equipment operation. The provisions of the operation instructions shall comply with process
In operation instructions of systems and equipment, control and safety system devices, relay
protection devices, telemetry, communications and complex technical tools of APCS sections
shall be indicated according to relevant standard of organization.
8.15 In operation instructions of systems and equipment, control and safety system devices,
relay protection devices, telemetry and alarm devices the following items shall be included:
- Designation, brief description and properties,
- Operation order,
- Operation safety measures,
- Conditions of safe operation and operating limits,
- List of protection and blocking and condition of their actuation,
8.16 In operation instructions of buildings and structures the following shall be included:
- A brief description,
- Specific requirements for safety, nuclear, radiation, explosive and fire safety,
- Operation order,
- Order of obtaining permission for the examination and repair.
8.17 Operation instructions shall be signed by the head of possessing this equipment (division
operating it) and approved by the chief engineer of the plant.
8.18 All changes in nuclear plant systems and equipment performed on the stage of
preparation, commissioning and construction in accordance with established procedure shall be
included in the instructions and diagrams before commissioning of systems and equipment.
Changes made to the existing power unit in the course of regular preventive maintenance
shutdowns, or for troubleshooting are recorded in technical order register specifying the timing
of record in operating documentation.
Information on changes in instructions and diagrams shall be made familiar against signature
to all employees who need to be aware of these instructions and diagrams.
8.19 Operation instructions, operational plans for fire-fighting shall be reviewed:
- At least once in 3 years with a mark of review, except for RP operation instruction,
- When new normative documentation is issued with necessary changes and additions.
At least once every 5 years the following shall be revised and revision mark is put:
- Process regulations of nuclear plant unit operation,
- RP operation instructions,
- Nuclear plant emergency management instructions,
- Electrical failures elimination instructions,
- Guidelines for the management of beyond design basis accidents,
- Regulations, programs, and technical specifications for repair of systems and equipment of
nuclear plant,
- Programs for regulative tests and inspections of nuclear plants systems and equipment.
It is allowed to extend validity date of process regulation for operation of nuclear plant units
nuclear plant emergency management instructions, guidelines for the management of beyond
design basis accidents agreed and approved in the prescribed manner, in case of justification
approved by nuclear plant chief engineer conformity of these documents the requirements of
normative documentation, design and manufacturer documentation, as well as standard
documentation changes.
Process, electrical, of primary and secondary connections, etc. operation diagrams shall be
checked for their compliance with actual state at least once in 2 and revision mark shall be put by
assigned person.
Terms of the rest technical documents revision (programs, schedules, procedures, lists,
manuals, etc.) shall be in accordance with revision frequency of technical documentation on the
basis of which it is determined by nuclear plant administration.
8.20 Conducting operating personnel shall maintain operational records, amount of which is
determined by nuclear plant chief engineer.
By decision of the chief engineer it is permitted to maintain operation documentation in
electronic form.
8.21 Daily statements (including ones in electronic form) in operating service areas of
operational personnel shall be conducted in the manner set at the nuclear plant.
8.22 Operational documentation shall be reviewed by designated experts and heads of
structural units, deputy chief engineer, chief engineer and director during workplaces passaround according to administrative and technical staff pass-around schedule; they also determine
the measures necessary to eliminate defects in the equipment and personnel operation.
8.23 Operational documentation and diagrams of the recording and instrumentation devices,
records of dispatcher and operating staff negotiations and outcome documents generated by
operation and information complex of APCS after the nuclear plant operation failure are to be
kept in the prescribed manner specified in administrative instructions, regulations or standards of
organization .
8.24 At nuclear plant storage of technical documentation shall be organized, storage location
and period shall be identified. The design and executive documentation as well as decisions to
change the design documentation shall be kept during nuclear plant lifetime.
9 Personnel selection, training and qualification maintenance
9.1 Selection, training and qualification maintenance of nuclear plant personnel and personnel
of organizations that perform work and provide services at nuclear plant in the field of design,
construction, operation, technical maintenance, repair, reconstruction, adjustment and testing of
power equipment shall be in accordance with the requirements of federal law, rules and
regulations in the field of atomic energy and the document “organization of work with staff at
nuclear plants” and regulations of the operating organization.
9.2 Personnel selection, training and qualification maintenance is one of the main
responsibilities of the heads of nuclear plant operating organization, nuclear plant and
organizations mentioned in paragraph 9.1. of this standard.
9.3. Recruitment at nuclear plant shall be conducted in accordance with the qualification
requirements set out in regulations and accounting opportunities for further professional growth
of an employee.
Qualification requirements for those specialists among employees who are depending upon
the activities they perform shall get permission to carry out work in the field of nuclear energy
are established in accordance with Federal Law “On the use of nuclear energy” [1].
9.4. In accordance with Articles 69 and 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation [11]
nuclear plant director shall organize a compulsory preliminary (at entry) and periodic (in the
process of working activity), medical examinations (surveys) of employees engaged in work
with harmful or hazardous conditions of labor and unfavorable production factors.
9.5 Nuclear plant specialists from the employees, who are depending upon the activities they
perform shall get permission to carry out work in the field of nuclear energy are subject to
preliminary and mandatory annual medical examinations and psychological examinations in
accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the list of medical
contraindications the list of positions that are subject to these contraindications, as well as the
requirements for conducting of medical examinations of workers and psycho physiological
studies at nuclear facilities” [20].
The list of medical contraindications and the list of positions that are subject to these
contraindications, as well as the requirements for medical examinations and psychophysiological
studies approved by the Government of the Russian Federation “On the list of medical
contraindications and the list of positions that are subject to these contraindications, as well as
the requirements for the medical inspections and psychophysiological surveys of employees at
nuclear facilities” [20].
9.6 Employees that have not passed medical and psychophysiological check (examination) or
have contraindications according to results medical examinations and psychophysiological
examinations are not permitted to perform work duties in accordance with the laws of the
Russian Federation.
9.7 Training of nuclear plant personnel for position shall ensure that employees receive
professional knowledge and practical skills of work and shall be conducted by training programs
for a position in accordance with document “Organization of work with personnel at nuclear
9.8 In order to control the level of knowledge required for employee to perform job duties
check of knowledge is carried out in accordance with the requirements of document
“Organization of work with personnel at nuclear plants.”
9.9. Newly hired employees or employees who had taken a break in work for more than six
months, as well as employees who have successfully completed training in connection with the
transfer to the new position shall be allowed for an independent work by issuance of
administrative document of nuclear plant in accordance with document “Organization of work
with personnel at nuclear stations.”
Admission to the independent work of nuclear plant director is carried out by order of
operating organization head.
9.10 Annual maintenance of personnel qualification shall ensure that employees maintain
professional knowledge and practical skills necessary to carry out their job duties and shall be
conducted by qualification maintenance programs in accordance with document “Organization
of work with personnel at nuclear plants.”
9.11 Employees of organizations mentioned in p. 9.1 of this standard, shall be trained for a
working position test knowledge and maintain qualification in their organizations in accordance
with the requirements of document “Organization of work with personnel at nuclear plants.”
10 Requirements for buildings, facilities, equipment and technological
10.1 Site
10.1.1 Nuclear plant site shall meet the requirements of СП АС-03, ПРБ АС-99, НД “The
basic requirements for development of a feasibility study for construction of nuclear power plant.
Regulations on the procedure of site selection for nuclear plant construction” and normative
documentation on environmental protection.
10.1.2 To ensure adequate operational and sanitary condition of the site, buildings and
structures and compliance with environmental protection requirements the following shall be
implemented and maintained in good order and in good condition:
- Systems for removal of surface water and groundwater from the entire nuclear plant site,
from its buildings and structures (drains, interception ditches, gutters, drainage channels, etc.),
- Systems for purification of air emissions from dust, radioactive gases and aerosols,
- Facilities for contaminated wastewater and surface wastewater treatment,
- Lines of water supply, sewerage, drainage, central heating, gas supply and their facilities,
- Sources of drinking water, water facilities and sanitary protection zones of water sources,
- Railroad tracks and crossings, roads, entrances to fire hydrants, tanks and cooling towers,
bridges, crossings, etc.,
- Landslide, and shore protection structures,
- Basic and operational benchmarks, and marks,
- Piezometers and monitoring wells to monitor groundwater state,
- Systems for control of the radiation situation in the nuclear plant site, nuclear plant SPA and
buffer zone area,
- Fencing, lighting and landscaping.
10.1.3 Hidden underground lines of water supply, sewerage, district heating, gas supply, air
ducts and cables shall be marked with signs on the surface of the earth.
10.1.4 Passage for vehicles and machinery shall be provided to all structures and buildings
located within nuclear plant as well as along water supply and outlet channels, water affluent and
protecting dams, underground pipelines routes.
10.1.5 Pedestrian roads of nuclear plant site shall interconnect all the buildings and ensure
safety of movement at places of intersection with transport communications.
10.1.6 Nuclear plant site shall be planted with trees in accordance with regulatory
requirements and a special design.
10.1.7 In case of ground currents detection in nuclear plant site corrosion protection of
underground metallic structures and communications shall be provided.
10.1.8 All drainage network and devices shall be inspected and prepared to drain spring melt
water, places of passage of cables, pipes, air ducts through the walls of buildings shall be sealed
and bilge mechanisms shall be available.
10.1.9 Control over groundwater state or water level in the control wells (piezometers) shall
be carried out: in the first year of operation at least once a month, in subsequent years depending
on changes in groundwater levels, but not less than once in the quarter.
In karst areas and control of ground water state shall be established according to special
programs and within the time provided by instruction.
Measurement of water temperature and water sampling from wells for chemical analysis shall
be conducted in accordance with instruction.
Control of groundwater activity shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the
department (service) for radiation safety and requirements of sanitary supervisory authorities.
The results of observations shall be recorded in a special log.
10.1.10 On nuclear plant area (site) the main entrance and at least two reserve entrances on
the site perimeter, equipped with checkpoints for the radiation monitoring of every person and
vehicle leaving nuclear plant people as well as carried or handed down materials, equipment,
instruments, etc. If necessary before leaving nuclear plant vehicles will be decontaminated in
specially equipped places.
10.1.11 Transportation of radioactive materials, waste, contaminated equipment and devices
and isotopes within nuclear plant site shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of
transportation of radioactive materials and sources of ionizing radiation using a design process
flow diagrams, equipment and accessories.
Transportation of spent fuel, liquid and solid radioactive waste within nuclear plant by routes
not provided by the project may be carried out if approved by nuclear plant chief engineer and in
compliance with established rules.
10.2 Industrial buildings, structures, sanitary and technical equipment
10.2.1 Buildings where equipment with radioactive coolant is located, radioactive waste
storages, as well as other buildings or separate rooms working with radioactive substances,
materials and equipment is carried out including repair of radiation equipment shall be designed
and operated in accordance with the СП АС-03 and ПРБ АС-99.
10.2.2 State of constructions of industrial buildings and structures shall be inspected
systematically to the extent determined by instructions, developed on the basis of РД “Standard
operation manual for production buildings and facilities of nuclear plants.”
In addition to systematic monitoring twice a year (in spring and fall) a general inspection to
detect defects and damages shall be carried out, and after a natural disaster (hurricane winds,
heavy rainfall or snowfall, fires, earthquakes) or accidents an unscheduled inspection is carried
10.2.3 During spring technical inspection scope of works on buildings and structures repair to
be performed in summer is specified, and scope of capital repair works to be included in plan for
next year is defined.
During fall technical inspection buildings preparedness for winters shall be checked.
10.2.4 Industrial buildings and structures erected on areas subsided with underground
workings, on subsiding soils and in areas of permafrost as well as those operated under a
constant vibration shall be carefully controlled.
10.2.5 At nuclear plant foundation settlement of buildings, structures and equipment shall be
controlled three times in the first year of operation, two times in the second year and further once
a year till foundation settlement and once every 5 years after foundation settlement (1 mm per
year or less).
10.2.6 In observation of buildings and structures safety state of mobile bearing of expansion
joints, welded, riveted and bolted joints, joints and fixings of precast concrete structures (in case
corrosion or deformation) and zones subject to dynamic and thermal loads and impacts shall be
10.2.7 Upon detection of cracks, fractures in structures and other external signs of damage
these structures shall control with use of lead. Detected defects shall be recorded in the log of
technical condition of buildings and structures with indication of period they shall be eliminated.
10.2.8 Ventilation ducts of nuclear plant (stacks boiler plants) shall be subjected to external
inspection once a year (in spring) and an internal inspection in 5 years after commissioning and
further as necessary but not less than once every 15 years. Internal inspection of stacks with
brick and monolithic lining may be replaced with thermal surveys carried out not less frequently
than every five years.
10.2.9 Punching of holes and openings, installation, suspension and mounting of
technological equipment, vehicles, pipelines and other devices not provided by the design
without consent of project organization and the person responsible for the operation of the
building (room) are not allowed.
Additional loads, openings, holes may be allowed only after verification calculation of
building structures and, if necessary after strengthening them.
For each section of floor on the basis of design data limit load shall be defined and indicated
on plates installed at prominent places.
10.2.10 Metal construction of buildings and structures shall be protected from corrosion;
efficiency of corrosion protection shall be controlled.
10.2.11 Painting of nuclear plant premises and equipment shall meet the requirements of
industrial aesthetics and sanitation as well as rules and regulations of the nuclear industry.
10.2.12 Building structures, equipment and structures foundations shall be protected from oil,
steam and water.
10.2.13 Ventilation and aeration equipment shall be operational and provide the optimum
parameters of air in production facilities, ensure reliability of equipment operation and durability
of building structures to the extent determined by local instruction.
10.3 Hydraulic engineering structures and water services of NPP
10.3.1 Hydraulic engineering structures and their mechanical equipment The stages of designing, operation and decommissioning shall be fulfilled in
compliance with the requirements of laws of Russian Federation and regulatory documents
regarding the hydraulic engineering structures safety.
Operator2 of hydraulic structure is responsible for its safety in compliance with the federal
law “On the hydraulic engineering structures safety” and shall provide the following:
- Fulfillment of safety norms and rules regarding hydraulic engineering structures,
- Hydraulic engineering structure condition parameters monitoring, hydraulic engineering
structure safety assessment,
- Submitting of the safety declaration to the state supervision authorities in accordance with
the established procedure and obtain the hydraulic engineering structure safety activities license. The damages to concrete hydraulic engineering structures, caused by concrete
corrosion, cavitation, cracking, excess deformation and other undesirable effects, connected to
water and load impacts shall be eliminated in proper time. If necessary concrete strength check
shall be conducted on the sections, affected by filtered water and situated in variable level zones.
If constructions strength of structures is lower than the reliability criteria prescribed by the
design, the strengthening measures shall be developed and repair (reconstruction) works shall be
performed. Earth dams shall be protected from washaway. Slope fixtures and rainwater sewerage
shall be maintained in operable condition. Earth structures, in particular channels in mounds and
permeable soils as well as dams shall be protected from being damaged by animals.
In case of soil carrying-out measures shall be taken to eliminate it.
Channel berms and ditches shall be cleared from soil carryovers and slides. Loads warehousing and structure building, including berths on the berms and clopes
of channel and dams, near the retaining walls within the limits of design sliding wedge is
prohibited without design control. Danger area shall be marked on site with special signs. Earth dams slopes sectors, in case of shallow ground waters location in the
downstream side wedge, shall have drain or warmth-keeping equipment to avoid frost
penetration and destruction.
Operator is a state or municipal unitary enterprise or any other legal form of organization on
the balance sheet of which the hydraulic engineering structure is registered. Drain devices for filtered-down water removal shall be equipped with watermeasuring devices and maintained in operable condition. Water from the drain devices shall be
removed from the structures constantly. In case of soil carryover detection by the filtering water,
measures shall be taken to eliminate it. Water speed in the channel shall be provided in the way to avoid accretion and
washing out of canal slopes and bottom. Uninterrupted water supply shall be provided in case of
the ice formation. Maximum and minimum water speed shall be provided in accordance with the
designed values and registered in local guidelines. Water filling and dumping of reservoirs, pools, channels and pressure pipelines as
well as water level changing shall be performed gradually with such speed that avoids
inadmissibly big pressure outside the structure liner, slopes slide, vacuum and shock effect
appearance in the pipelines. Admissible speed of water filling and dumping shall correspond
with the designed values and shall be mentioned in a local guideline. The following conditions shall be provided during the pipeline operations:
- Containment extra vibration shall be eliminated, normal operation of all supports shall be
- Normal operation of compensative devices shall be provided,
- Automatically operated safety devices, provided by the design in case of pipeline break,
shall be ready for use. Aeration devices of the pressure pipelines shall be properly jacketed for warmth
keeping and if necessary equipped with a warming device. Aeration equipment checks shall be
performed with periodicity in accordance the guideline. Metal pressure pipelines and all metal parts of hydraulic engineering structures,
including cooling towers and spray tanks, shall be protected from corrosion and abrasive wear,
and all wooden parts shall be protected from rot. Proper operation of deformational seam seals shall be provided. Every NPP shall have a guideline with a plan of personnel actions for the case of
hydraulic engineering structures emergency situation. Personnel duties, ways of emergency
elimination, materials stock volume, communication and alarm facilities, transport and
transportation routes shall be defined in the plan. Emergency response devices, water-removing and water-rescue facilities shall be
maintained in operable condition and be ready for use. Capital repair of hydraulic engineering structures shall be performed selectively,
depending on their condition and, if possible, not disturbing NPP units operation. Passages shall be provided along the water supply and water bypass channels and
restraining dams as well as large diameter subsurface pipelines for their inspection.
All the damages of hydraulic engineering structures, imposing risks for people and
equipment, shall be removed immediately. Systematic monitoring of NPP hydraulic engineering structures is the main means
of their operating conditions assessment. In accordance with the Federal law “On hydraulic engineering structures safety”
[21], the responsible for hydraulic engineering structures conditions monitoring and early
detection of emergencies are:
- Building organization (general contractor) during construction up to the commissioning of
the completed hydrosystem,
- NPP during the operation and decommissioning. The following shall be transferred to the Customer at commissioning:
- Instrumentation equipment and monitoring data of those collected during the construction by the construction organization,
- Full scope analysis conclusions data, including maximum permissible instrumentation
values, according to strength and stability requirements – be the designer. The range of instrumentation installed on hydraulic engineering structures is
determined by the design and depends on solidity class of the structure. For the third and the
fourth class of solidity structures, as a rule, only visual check is sufficient.
In accordance with the decision of the operator, the range of instrumentation and scope of
monitoring can be reduced or expanded during operation, depending on hydraulic structures
NPP shall have the list and location scheme of all the instrumentation, with installation date
and default values. Instrumentation condition shall be checked in time, as provided by the local
guideline. Every NPP shall have the local full scope monitoring program, confirmed by the
NPP chief engineer. In accordance with the period and volume of this program monitoring of the
following things shall be performed:
- Settlements and displacements of structures and their foundations, deformations, cracks in
structures and linings, deformational and constructional seams conditions, dams, channels and
hollows slopes fixtures, pipeline condition.
- Filtering mode in the foundation and body of the earth and concrete structures, off-shore
junctions, drain and filtration-proof devices operation, ground water conditions in the area.
- Flow influence on the structures, in particular downstream and rear apron, bottom and shore
washing out, lining corrosion and galling, subsidence, slides, siltup and weediness of channel
and tanks, reservoir shores changing.
- Ice influence on structures and ice formation
If necessary monitoring of structure vibration, seismic loads, concrete strength and
waterproofing, stained condition and temperature behavior of the structures, metal and concrete
corrosion, longitudinal seams condition, gas release in the certain structure section shall be
performed. If an essential change of operation conditions occurs, additional monitoring shall be
Criteria of each pressure hydraulic structure reliable condition shall be mentioned in the
guidelines. The data of instrumentation measurement shall be compared with these criteria. In all hydraulic engineering structures operational and basis settlement marks shall
be provided. The axes of hydraulic engineering structures shall be properly marked on site, with
help of the signs and connected with basis settlement marks. Anchorage supports of pressure
pipelines shall have marks, defining the supports position in plan and along the full vertical
Water-retaining and water-limiting dams, channel and tunnels shall have the signs, marking
the length of structure by sections, the end, the beginning and blunt points radiuses, as well as
location of devices, covered with water and soil. Instrumentation shall be protected from damages. Piezometers and check boreholes
be protected from choking and frost. Water pumping from piezometers is prohibited without
proper reason. Upper elevations of piezometers shall be checked by levelling survey regularly
but not less than one a year. Annually before the time of spring flood and sometimes during the summer-fall
flood, special commissions shall be appointed on NPP. The commission provides visual
inspection and checking of the readiness for flood of all hydraulic structures, their mechanical
and lifting equipment, supervises the flood development and performs the inspection after the
end of the flood. Inspection of underwater parts of structures and tunnels in accordance with the
design and guideline shall be performed after the first two years of operation and later if
necessary not less than once in five years. Mechanical instrumentation of hydraulic engineering structures (gates and
protective barriers with their mechanisms), its remote control and alarm devices, as well as
lifting and transporting devices for public use shall be maintained in operable condition and
ready for use. The possibility of operating water discharge gates designed for use in case of
flood, shall be provided by the means of ice removal before the spring flood. Mechanical instrumentation of hydraulic engineering structures shall be inspected
and checked regularly in accordance with the established schedule. Main gates shall have the opening height marks. Certain lifting mechanisms and
embedded parts of the gates shall be connected with the basis settlement mark. In case of gates operation their moving shall be free, without any vibrations, jumps
and supporting part deformation and with the correctly positioned running gear. Gates
waterproofing, their right positioning on threshold and firm adherence to the support circuit shall
be provided. Gates shall have no cocking and inadmissible deformations during pressure
It is forbidden to position gates in a such way, that extra vibration of gates or structures
occurs. Full closing of gates, installed on the pressure channels, shall be performed only
with the properly operating aeration devices. Trash rack structures (including screens, grids and traps) shall be cleaned regularly
from the trash.
Every NPP shall have the defined margins set in accordance with the values of strength and
efficiency conditions on trash screens.
Mechanical instrumentation shall be protected from the corrosion and zebra mussel fouling. If necessary, the warmth-keeping and warming shall be provided for the grooves,
bearing devices, gates superstructures and trash screens, designed to work in winter conditions. An inspection of the cooling tower main constructions (tower elements, anti-icing
entrance, water-catcher, sprinklers, water-distributing device, ventilation equipment) and
spraying devices shall be performed annually during the spring and the autumn periods. Detected
defects shall be removed. Turning boards of the entrance shall be positioned horizontally if the
air temperature is above zero.
Anticorrosion coating of metal structures shall be restored when it is necessary. Water
collectors as well as asbestos cement sheets of water towers coating shall have proper
waterproofing. Water-distributing systems of all water towers and spray ponds shall be washed at
least twice a year during the spring and the autumn period. Choked nozzles shall be cleaned in
time, broken nozzles shall be replaced. Water collectors of the water towers shall be cleaned
from sludge and trash at least once in two years. Water tower sprinkler constructions shall be cleaned from mineral and organic
deposits. Racks and screens of the water towers and spraying devices shall be inspected once
per a shift, and if necessary, cleaned to avoid water drop value above design level
Louver type boards of the water towers shall be maneuvered by workshop personnel,
responsible for their operation. During the water tower and spraying devices operation in winter conditions the ice
formation on the surface of the cooler construction elements and adjoining area shall be avoided.
Spraying devices shall operate with lower pressure in order to avoid ice formation on the
surface of the construction elements and adjoining area. In case of water flow reduction,
peripheral nozzles shall be blanked off and limiting water-distribution pipelines shall be cut off.
Pressure reduction of spraying nozzles shall be provided by the cooled water total flow
reduction for as many operating sections as possible, as well as water removal without cooling
directly to the water collector. Water temperature at the spraying device outlet shall be at least
10 °С. If water towers operation and total water flow reduction in winter occurs
simultaneously, spray density in the water towers shall be at least 6 m3 per hour for 1 m2 of
spraying area and outflow water temperature no less than 10 °С in order to avoid ice formation
on the surface of the sprinkler. In case of short shutdown of the water towers and spraying device, in winter time
hot water circulation shall be provided in the pool in order to avoid ice formation. Comprehensive inspection of exhaust towers metal frames of shielded water towers
shall be performed at least once a decade. Comprehensive inspection of reinforced concrete
closings shall be performed at least once in five years.
10.3.2 NPP water supply facility and its hydrological and meteorological
maintenance During the NPP water supply facilities operation the following shall be provided:
uninterrupted water supply in appropriate amounts, temperature regulation, in order to maintain
effective vacuum and avoid condensers and circulation pipes pollution. Simultaneously the needs
of non-energetic economy sectors (for example fishing, water transport, water supply and
irrigation) as well as environmental issues shall be taken into account By the NPP commissioning date the following data shall be transmitted to the plant
Direction by the design organization.
- Reservoir operation rules, approved by the concerned organizations,
- Hydraulic features of the water gateways.
Reservoir operation rules and hydraulic characteristics shall be extended and specified during
acquisition of operational data. Before the appearance of zero temperatures, sludge ice chutes and collectors shall be
checked and repaired, water receiving devices and water supply channels shall be cleaned as well
as the racks and grooves of the gates. Warming devices shall be ready for use in the gates racks
and grooves. Microthermometers and sludge indicators shall be checked. Along the structures, not designed to experience the pressure of solid ice field, ice
hole shall be performed, that is to be maintained clear during the winter. In case of once through, mixed or circulating NPP water supply types with the use of
cooler reservoirs, (if necessary) the recirculation of warm water shall be performed in order to
remove the sludge and warm the racks of the water intake. Recirculation actuation shall prevent
the sludge appearance on the water intake section. The actuation conditions shall be mentioned
in the local guideline. Before and during the ice formation systematic measurements (at least once per day)
of water temperature shall be performed on sections of water intakes in order to detect its
overcooling. Actuation procedure of warming and cleaning devices shall be defined in the local
guideline. In case of reservoirs, ponds, pools and channels silting the washing of ponds,
reservoirs and water intake thresholds is required, as well as water purification in a sump. It is
also required to prevent reservoirs from silting by performing routine operations, implement
shore and accretion retaining devices or remove the accretions mechanically. In case of accretions penetration into the water intake structures, short-term, intense
washings shall be performed. If washing is impossible or ineffective, accretions removal shall be
performed using machinery. On every NPP reservoir that have peat deposits, buoyant peat pulps entrapment shall
be provided above the section line in areas of floating-up. Trapped peat shall be transported to
the bays and banks and properly fixed. In case of weediness of cooling reservoirs, spray ponds and water towers, following
active measures shall be implemented: mechanical, biological, chemical. The implementation of
chemical measures is admissible if it is approved by the governing bodies of Natural resources
Ministry of Russian Federation, Rostekhnadzor and Federal Fishery Agency. The tasks of hydrological and meteorological maintenance are the following:
- Hydrological and meteorological data obtaining in order to provide proper operating
conditions of NPP, water resources exploitation planning and correct hydraulic engineering
structures maintenance organization,
- Water resources exploitation supervision at NPP,
- Data obtaining in order to regulate water outlet volume, as well as flood supervision,
irrigation and sanitary water admission, water supply maintenance,
- Data obtaining in order to avoid or minimize the damages caused by natural phenomena. NPPs shall regularly obtain environmental monitoring data from the Federal Service
for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring:
- Water drain data (flow rate, water level and temperature, ice formation, accretions),
- Water balance of reservoirs of long-term, one year and season control,
- Meteorological data (temperature, humidity, amount of precipitations, wind direction and
strength, glaze ice formation, storm and hail alerts),
- Meteorological and hydrological forecasts, necessary for NPP operation.
If necessary NPPs shall receive meteorological and hydrological data from the state
meteorological and hydrological monitoring agency. These data may include physical, chemical
and hydrobiological indicators and water pollution levels as well as emergency information. Forecasts or alerts scope and transmitting periods are set by the Federal Service for
Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring individually for every NPP.
The Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring forecasts as well
as actual hydrological and meteorological effects are registered at NPP. Monitoring of the following things shall be organized at every NPP in accordance
with the periods defined in the field studies program:
- Levels of water in ponds of water pressure structures, at the water intake structures and in
- Water flow through hydraulic engineering structures and technologic equipment in use,
- Ice conditions of waterway (reservoir, pond or river) near the structures,
- Presence of accretion and its deposition in reservoirs (basins),
- Water and air temperature,
- Quality indicators of used or discharged water (taking into account local conditions). Determination of average water flow per day shall be performed with the use of
flow meter. If water measuring devices are not available, flow rate can be assessed with the use
of tared technological instrumentation characteristics or other methods. Water measuring stations shall be regularly checked by levelling survey, at least
once in five years. Near rods and piles ice shall be broken and the automatic stations shall be
made coldproof in winter time. Information about NP emergency emissions of pollutants, as well as the violation of
established rules for water bodies usage shall be immediately reported by the NPP to the local
supervising bodies of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. Water quality supervision shall be performed on the cooling reservoirs and if
necessary measures shall be taken to prevent water pollution with industrial, radioactive and
other wastes, causing sanitary norms violation, NPP equipment corrosion and pollution.
10.3.3 Technical water supply During the NPP water supply systems operation the following shall be provided:
- Uninterrupted supply of cooling water of proper temperature, quantity and quality,
- Preventing pollution of turbine condensers, heat exchanging equipment and technical water
supply pipelines,
- Compliance with all the norms and rules regarding environmental protection. In order to avoid deposits formation on the pipes of turbine condensers and other heat
exchange equipment, corrosion, flowering or weediness of cooling reservoirs preventive
measures shall be taken.
Measure selection shall be determined by the local conditions and effectiveness of the
measures as well as availability of heat exchanging equipment with regard to environmental
Heat exchange equipment, circulation pipelines and channels clearing shall be performed
when it is necessary.
Clearing heat exchange equipment of the safety system as well as of other safety-related
systems shall be performed in accordance with the schedules and methods approved by the NPP
chief engineer.
Aquatic vegetation removal and cooling reservoirs flowering prevention with implementation
of chemicals is only admissible by approval of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and
Federal Fishery Agency. If the cooling water may provoke scale formation, the following measures shall be
performed at NPP operation:
a) In the reverse water supply system with cooling towers and spray ponds acidification shall
be performed:
- In case of additional water acidification with sulphuric and hydrochloric acid, alkaline buffer
shall be maintained at the level of at least 0.5 mg-eq/kg,
- In case of acid injection into the circulation water the alkalinity shall be maintained at the
level of at least 2.0 mg-eq/kg,
- In case of sulphuric acid implementation, concentration of the sulphates in circulation water
shall not reach the level, causing concrete constructions damaging and calcium sulfate
In case of oxiethylenediphosphonic acid implementation its concentration in circulation water
shall be maintained from 0.25 to 4.0 mg-eq/kg and in blowdown water it shall be restricted by
MAC up to 0.9 mg-eq/kg:
b) in the reverse circulation water supply system with cooling reservoirs water exchange shall
be performed at the best water condition in a makeup source. If the cooling water may provoke
scale formation, as well as if it contains silt, sand and aquatic organisms able to settle in heat
exchange equipment pipes, the system of ball cleaning with elastic, spongy rubber balls for the
turbine condensers shall be commissioned simultaneously with the NPP.
For regular clearing of turbine condensers and other heat exchangers acid, washing devices
and washing solution clearing devices shall be implemented. In case of technical water supply systems (coarse racks surfaces, screens construction
elements, water intake chambers and pressure reservoirs) fouling with zebra mussel or other
organisms special nonfouling coatings shall be implemented and tract washing with hot water
shall be performed. It is admissible to use other fouling removal methods including chemicals if
approved by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Federal Fishery Agency.
For zebra mussel removal it is required to keep the water speed in pipelines above 1.5 m/s and
avoid stagnant zones formation in the technical water supply systems.
Dead zebra mussel removal is performed by means of filter-traps installation on pipelines and
by removing zebra mussel from supply line connected to unit pump station. The frequency of air removal from circulation ducts shall be sufficient to avoid
siphon height reduction by more than 0.3 m against the design value. During circulation water coolers operation the following shall be provided:
- Optimum condition to reach most effective (economy) vacuum in the turbine condensers,
- Cooling effectiveness in accordance with the established regulatory parameters. Optimum operational conditions of the water intake and discharge structures
hydrocoolers shall be selected in accordance with parameter charts, designed for particular
meteorological conditions and condensation loads of NPP.
If the average day cooling water temperature downstream the cooler increases by 1 °С or
more in comparison with the normative value, measures shall be taken to detect and eliminate
the causes of undercooling. Technical water supply systems of important consumers (support safety systems), as
well as safety-related hydraulic engineering structures shall be operated in accordance with the
instructions based on the design and technical regulations of the NPP unit operation.
10.4 Thermal and Mechanical Equipment of Nuclear Power Plants and
Heating Networks
10.4.1 Fuel and Transportation Facilities During operation of fuel and transportation facilities there shall be provided:
- Uninterrupted performance of nuclear power plant railway transport and mechanically
propelled discharging of railway cars, tank cisterns and ships within the established time limits
and in compliance with the Federal Law “On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation” [22],
[23] “The Charter of Railway Transport in the Russian Federation”, [24] “The Rules of
Technical Operation of Railways in The Russian Federation” and [25] “The Code of Inland
Water Transport of the Russian Federation”,
- Acceptance of fuel from suppliers and control of its quantity and quality,
- Automated warehousing and storage of established fuel reserve,
- Timely and continuous fuel preparation and supply. The quality of supplied nuclear power plant fuel should comply with the standards
and specifications for delivery.
The contracts for liquid fuel supply should contain fuel specification and sulfur limits, also
there shall be provided equal (according to the schedule) fuel shipment. At the nuclear power plants, the tests of incoming liquid fuel, as well as, control tests
of fuel shall be conducted periodically in all the questionable cases, concerning compliance with
fuel standards and supply terms.
The samples of incoming fuel shall be selected according to the applicable standards and
regulations. In case of discrepancies with data from the supplier, he shall be asserted a claim in
accordance with the established procedure. Accounting of all incoming fuel amount shall be provided at the nuclear power plant.
Weight of all liquid fuel shall be determined by weighing or by measuring in tank cisterns
(when it is delivered by railway or by road), by measuring on vessels using calibration tables
(when it is delivered by water). The scales, used for measurements, shall be examined and adjusted by the schedule,
approved by the nuclear power plant director. Moreover, the scales shall be presented to the state
verification officers within the time limits, established by the Federal Agency of Technical
Regulation and Metrology. The arrived train with fuel shall be inspected. In case of detection of damaged cars or
tank cisterns and in case of visible fuel loss on the way there shall be drawn up an act with a
claim to the railway.
In case of detection fuel shortage, that exceeds established rated values of normal wastage
during transportation and errors of measuring and weighing devices, the nuclear power plant
should assert a claim to the transportation organization or to the fuel suppliers. The train traffic, as well as cars placing and removal shall be organized in accordance
with [26] “Railway Shipping Rules” and carried on in accordance with a uniform technological
procedure of the power stations access ways and connecting stations operation, composed with
the respect to a certain nuclear power plant, and taking into account the order of cars and cisterns
unloading accepted in the project, as well as in accordance with [26] “Railway Shipping Rules”.
Transportation contracts and freight forwarding agreements are signed in accordance with the
Civil Code of the Russian Federation, transport charters and codes, and issued in compliance
with them other regulations and legal acts. Facilities and equipment of the railways near the plant, the alarm system and
communications, as well as rolling stock, held by the power plant shall be kept and maintained in
accordance with the requirements of the Federal Agency of Railway Transport. Monitoring, automatic and remote control equipment, process protection and
interlock systems of unloading and unfreezing devices, machinery and fuel feeding devices shall
be kept in good order and checked from time to time.
10.4.2 Acceptance, Storage and Preparation for Liquid Fuel Burning Passports of the set form shall be drawn up for liquid fuel pressure pipelines. The drain trays shall be kept in good order and clean. Fuel oil shall be fully drained
from the trays after discharge, and the trays shall be closed with covers.
All the trays, hydraulic locks, flashboards and filters, set before receiving tanks, shall be
cleaned from time to time. During fuel oil draining, steam pressure in the steam pipeline of discharging section
shall be from 0.82 MPa to 1.3 MPa (from 8 to 13 kgf/cm2) and the temperature shall be from
190°C to 250°C. The warming up devices nozzles of trestles for fuel oil draining shall not consume
more than 900 kg/h of total steam rate per tank cistern. In the receiving tanks, the fuel oil shall be warmed up to the temperature ensuring
normal operation of transporting pumps.
Warming up of fuel oil in receiving tanks and storage tanks to the temperature more than
90 °С is forbidden. Metal containers, kept in areas with mean annual temperature of +9 °С and lower,
shall be heat-insulated. The insulation shall be kept in good order. Fuel oil tanks shall be cleaned from bottom sediments when necessary.
Internal examination with removing of drawbacks shall be performed at least once in 5 years. Liquid fuel residuals removed during cleaning of containers, trays, receiving tanks,
filters, fuel oil warming up devices and other units shall be burnt at special places. Storage of
these residuals at the power plant territory is strongly forbidden. For all receiving tanks and
containers for liquid fuel storage, calibration tables shall be drawn up and then approved by the
principal engineer of the nuclear power plant.
Fuel flow rate shall be accounted by measuring of its amount in tanks or by flow rate meters. Operation of the liquid fuel facilities shall ensure uninterrupted supply of warmed up
and filtered fuel in the amount required by load of boilers and with pressure and viscosity,
required for nozzles normal operation. In pressure pipelines of boiler rooms, equipped with mechanical nozzles, the rated
liquid fuel pressure with fluctuations of not more than +0.1 MPa (+1 kgf/cm2) shall be
maintained. Fuel oil viscosity in the boiler room shall not exceed the following values (relative
- For power plants, using mechanical and steam-mechanical nozzles – 2.5,
- In case of using steam and rotator nozzles – 6. Filters shall be cleaned at their resistance increase by 50% compared to the initial
value (clean state) at the rated load.
Annealing of the filter screen during the process of cleaning is forbidden.
The fuel oil heaters shall be cleaned at their heat power reduced for 30% of the rated value. Standby pumps, heaters, and filters shall be kept available for immediate operation
A standby pump start by automatic throw-over equipment shall be checked in accordance
with established schedule, but at least once a month. Pressure and circulation pipelines for liquid fuel shall always be in operation in the
boiler room. Before pipeline maintenance, it shall be thoroughly disconnected from active ones,
thoroughly drained, and steamed. Prior to fuel oil tanks starting-up after long-time fuel storage, a fuel oil sample from
the bottom layer (up to 0.5 m) shall be taken for analysis of water content, and the measures shall
be taken to avoid ingress of fuel oil with high water content into the boiler room. Routine and full repair of the liquid fuel pumps shall be performed in accordance
with established schedule and within the time limits corresponding to the requirements of
manufacturer. According to the established schedule, but at least once a week, operation of
signaling system actuated at extreme increase and decrease of temperature and pressure of the
fuel supplied to the machinery, as well as the accuracy of data displayed at the control panel of
the remote level gages measuring fuel in tanks, shall be examined.
According to the schedule, the following actions shall be performed:
- External examination of fuel oil pipelines and valves - at least once a year, and valves spot
check – at least once in four years. Acceptance, storage, and preparation to the fuel oil substitutes burning shall be
carried on in compliance with the guidelines and local regulations.
10.4.3 Boiler plants During boiler plants operation the following shall be provided:
- Operational reliability of the whole main and auxiliary equipment,
- Possibility of rated capacity, steam and water parameters achievement,
- Economy operation mode established based on tests and factory documentation. Newly commissioned boilers and hot-water boilers shall be alkaline rinsed prior to
the commissioning.
Immediately after alkaline rinsing, cleaned surfaces shall be protected from downtime
corrosion. Before start-up of a boiler after maintenance or long-term reserve holding (more than
3 days), its good condition and readiness for connection of auxiliary equipment, instrumentation,
means of remote control of valves and mechanisms, automatic regulators, protection and
interlocks, and operational communication devices shall be checked. The faults thereat detected
shall be eliminated. In case of malfunction of the protection system used for boiler shutdown, its
start-up is forbidden. The boiler shall be started-up under the direction of shift master or senior mechanic,
and after overhaul or medium repair – under the direction of works manager or its deputy. Prior to boiler start-up, it shall be filled with air-free feed water only. Filling of a
warm drum boiler for its start-up is allowed at the temperature specified in technical
documentation of the manufacturer.
If temperature at any point of the drum exceeds 140°C, it is forbidden to fill it with water for
hydrotesting. Prior to boiler start-up and shutdown, the furnace and gas ducts, including recirculating ones, shall be ventilated by the exhaust fan and blower fan with air flow rate at least
25% of the rated value for at least 10 minutes. Start-up of a boiler operating with sulphide fuel oil shall be carried on with preactivated system of air heating (calorifiers, hot air recirculation system, etc.). During the initial
period, the temperature of air heated before the air heater shall be, as a rule, at least 90 °C. By starting boiler kindling one shall control a water level in a drum.
The upper water gauges blowdown shall be carried out:
- For boilers with 3.9 MPa (40 kgfs/cm2) pressure - about 0.1 MPa (1 kgf/cm2) at the excess
pressure in a boiler and again before inclusion in the general steam pipeline,
- For boilers with more than 3.9 MPa (40 kgfs/cm2) pressure – 0.3 MPa (3 kgfs/cm2) at the
excess pressure in a boiler and again at pressure from 1.5 to 3 MPa (from 15 to 30 kgfs/cm2).
The water level decrease shall be verified with water gauges in the course of kindling (given
amendments). The boiler kindling from various thermal conditions shall be carried out in
accordance with the start-up schedules, made up on the basis of startup modes tests, and the
manufacturer’s instructions. In the course of a boiler kindling from a cold state after major and average
maintenance, but at least once a year, one shall check thermal moving of drums and collectors by
reference points.
At the boilers kindling and shutdown one shall control the temperature mode of a drum.
Speed of warming up and temperature drop between upper and lower forming drums shall not
exceed allowable values. If before boiler start-up its flange connections and hatches were dismantled, at
excess pressure from 0.3 to 0.5 MPa (from 3 to 5 kgfs/cm2) one shall tighten bolted connections.
It is forbidden to tighten bolted connections at a higher pressure. The boilers operating mode shall be carried out in strict conformity with the
parameter chart made on the basis of facility tests and manuals. The parameter chart shall be
corrected in case of boiler reconstruction or fuel type change. At the boiler operation the upper limit level of water in a drum shall not exceed, and
lower shall not be below the levels established on the basis of manufacturer’s data and tests. The boilers, which burn black oil with sulfur content more than 0.5 % as the basic
fuel shall be carried out the organization of its burning, as a rule, at small (from 1.02 to 1.03)
factors of air excess at the output from a fire chamber at obligatory performance of the
established actions complex for transfer of boilers into this mode (fuel preparation, application of
corresponding burner devices and nozzles, fire chamber tightening, boiler equipping with
additional control devices and automatics of burning process). Mechanical and steam mechanical black oil nozzles before installation into place
shall be tested at the water bench for the purpose of productivity, atomization and the flare
opening angle check. Application of non-classified nozzles is forbidden. Every steam generating
unit shall be equipped with the spare set of nozzles.
The difference in nominal productivity of separate nozzles in set shall not exceed 1.5 %. At the boilers operation temperature (°С) of air fed in the air heater shall be
maintained at the following minimal level:
- Black oil with sulfur content of more than 0.5 % - 110,
- Black oil with sulfur content of less than 0.5 % - 90
In cases of burning black oil with extremely small factors of air excess at the output from a
fire chamber (less than 1.02) or applications of effective anticorrosive means (additives,
materials, coverings) air temperature upstream air heaters can be lowered against the specified
values and is established on the basis of operating experience.
Air upstream a water-heating boiler shall be warmed up to positive temperatures It is forbidden to use black oil nozzles, including pilots, without air supply arranged.
The scheme of steam supply for a blowdown of mechanical nozzles and fuel oil pipeline
within a boiler shall exclude any possibility of black oil appearing in a steam line. The boiler lining must be maintained in good condition. At the ambient temperature
of 25 °С the temperature on a lining surface shall not exceed 45 °С. Loss of heat from the
surface of boiler lining shall not exceed 300 kcal / (m2·h). Air suctions shall be controlled by inspections of facility and the control gas
analysis, which shall be implemented at least once a month, and also before and after current,
intermediate and capital repair.
The suctions in a fire chamber shall be set once in a year. Leakiness points of a fire chamber
and gas ducts of a boiler shall be eliminated at a working boiler (where it is allowed by the safety
requirements) and at its shutdowns. Operational tests of a boiler shall be carried out at its commissioning, after
construction changes, upon transition to other type or brand of fuel, and also for clarification of
parameters deviation causes.
Boilers shall have facilities necessary to carry out operational tests. At a boiler transference to standby state or putting under repair, it is necessary to
take measures for preservation of heating surfaces of boilers and heaters in accordance with
operating guidelines on preservation of the heat power equipment. It is forbidden to feed the stopped boiler using dewatering to accelerate the process
of drum cooling. Water discharge from the stopped boiler with natural circulation is allowed after
decreasing its pressure down to atmospheric, and upon availability of expanded joints – at the
water temperature 80 °C or lower through a water-heating boiler. The temperature in gas ducts
shall be above 0 °C. Supervision of the personnel on duty over the stopped boiler shall be conducted
before complete decrease of its pressure and deenergization of electric motors.
Performing control over gas and air temperature in the air heater area and exhaust gases in the
water-heating boiler can be finished not earlier than 24 hours after shutdown. The boiler shall be immediately stopped and disconnected by protections action or
by personnel in cases of:
- Inadmissible increase or decrease of water level in a drum or failure of all the water gauges,
- Fast decrease of water level in a drum despite the intensified boiler feed,
- Failure of all the flowmeters of feed water of the direct-flow and water-heating boiler (if
there are any violations of mode demanding feed readjusting) or the feed termination of any
streams of a direct-flow boiler more, than on 30 seconds,
- Breakdown of all the feeding devices (pumps),
- Inadmissible pressure increase in a water-steam circuit,
- Shutdown of more than 50 % of safety valves or other safety devices replacing them,
- Inadmissible pressure increase or decrease in a circuit of a direct-flow boiler to the built-in
gates, inadmissible pressure decrease in a circuit of a water-heating boiler for more than 10
- Rupture of steam-and-water circuit pipes or detection of cracks, bulges, skips in welded
seams in basic elements of a boiler (a drum, a collector, an external separator, steam-, watercirculating tubes and downcomers, in steam lines, feeding pipelines and steam-and-water valves,
- Flare failure in a fire chamber,
- Inadmissible pressure decrease of gas or fuel oil behind the regulating valve (at boiler work
with one of these fuel types),
- Explosion in a fire chamber, explosion or burning of combustible deposits in gas ducts and a
soot filter, a warming up the bearing beams of framework up to red color at a lining collapse, and
also other risks for the personnel or the equipment,
- Decrease in water flow through a water-heating boiler below minimum admissible value for
more than 10 seconds,
- Water pressure drop upstream water-heating boiler lower than the admissible value,
- Water temperature increase on the output from a water-heating boiler above the admissible
value on boiling conditions (by 10 °C lower than the temperature of saturation, corresponding to
working pressure in output collector),
- Fire imposing a risk for the personnel or the equipment, and also chains of remote control of
the disconnecting valves included into the system of boiler protection,
- No tension on remote and automatic control devices as well as all the instrumentation,
- Black oil pipeline or gas pipeline rupture within boiler. The boiler shall be shut down in cases:
- Detection of fistulas in heating surfaces pipelines, steam, water-circulating tubes and
downcomers of boilers, collectors, feeding pipelines, and also leaks and steaming in fittings,
flange and expanded joints,
- Inadmissible excess of temperature of heating surfaces metal if it is not possible to reduce
temperature by changing of an operating mode of a boiler,
- Failure of all the remote water gauges in a boiler drum,
- Sudden deterioration of feedwater against the established norms,
- Malfunctions of separate protection or remote and automatic control devices, and also
Time of boiler shutdown in these cases is defined by (NPP) chief engineer.
10.4.4 Steam Turbine Plants. The operation of steam turbine plants must include:
- Reliability of the basic and auxiliary facilities,
- Readiness to the nominal electric and thermal loadings,
- Standard indicators of profitability of the basic and auxiliary facilities. The system of automatic control of the turbine shall meet the following requirements:
- Steadily maintain electric and thermal loadings and to provide possibility of their smooth
- Steadily support frequency of the turbine rotor’s rotation idling and change it smoothly to
(within a working range of the mechanism of turbine’s exploitation) at nominal and starting
steam parameters,
- To keep frequency of the turbine’s rotation below level of control of operation of the
machine safety regulator at instant dumping electric loading to zero (including the disconnection
of the generator from a net), corresponding to the maximum steam consumption at its nominal
parameters. Values of the key parameters characterizing the quality of work of systems Steam
Turbine Plants regulations, shall meet the level specified in a current standard “The stationery
steam turbine plants for Nuclear Power Plant. General specifications”. All the checks and tests of regulating and protecting turbines system from the
increase of rotation frequency shall be carried out according to requirements of instructions of
turbines manufacturers and regulatory documents, coming into force by operating organization
in the stated order. The machine safety regulator shall be actuated at the excess of turbine rotor rotation
frequency for the amount of 10 % to 12 % over nominal or to the value specified by the
According to manufacturer’s indications, at operation of the machine gun of safety, valves,
such as locking, regulating, gate-type must close. The system of protection of the turbine against rotation frequency increase (including
all the elements) if there are no special indications of manufacturer, shall be tested by increase in
frequency of rotation with obligatory action test of all the circuit in the following cases:
- after turbine installation,
- Before regulation system testing by loading dumping with disconnection of the generator
from a net,
- After long (more than 30 days) idle time,
- After dismantling of the machine safety regulator.
Besides, protection shall be tested after dismantling of the regulation system, and also its
separate units and periodically at least once in 4 months. In these cases test without increase in
frequency of rotation is allowed.
Turbine protection by increase in frequency of rotation tests shall be made under the direction
of the workshop chief or his deputy. Stop and regulating valves of fresh steam and steam after reheating shall be dense.
The criterion of density is a frequency of rotation of a rotor of the turbine which is set after
complete closing of checked valves at a full (nominal) or partial vapor pressure in front of these
valves. Admissible value of frequency of rotation is determined by the manufacturer ‘s
instruction or active РД “Methodical instructions by check and tests of automatic systems of
regulation and protection of steam turbines”, and for the turbines which criteria of check aren't
stipulated by instructions of manufacturer or methodical instructions, 50 % nominal shall not be
higher at nominal parameters of fresh steam in front of checked valves and nominal counterpressure (vacuum).
At simultaneous closing of all the locking and regulating valves and nominal parameters of
fresh steam and counter-pressure (vacuum) the steam admission through them shall not cause
rotation of a rotor of the turbine.
Check of density of valves shall be carried out after turbine installation, before testing of the
machine safety regulator by increase of frequency of rotation, before stopping turbines to major
maintenance, at start-up after it, but once in 1.5 years. At identification in use turbines of signs of
decrease in density of valves (at start-up or stop turbines) extraordinary check of their density
shall be carried out. Check of density of valves is made separately for stop and regulating valves
of fresh steam. Stop and regulating valves of fresh steam and steam reheating , stop (shutoff) and
regulating valves (diaphragms) of steam selections, shutoff valves on steam lines of
communication with outer sources of steam shall be ran in: at full capacity - before start-up of
the turbine and in the cases provided by the local instruction or the manufacturer’s instruction,
on a part of a course - in turbine operating time according to manufacturer’s indications (every
day in the absence of such instructions).
At run in of valves at full capacity, smoothness of their course and fitting shall be checked. Fitting of check valves of all the extraction pipes shall be checked before each startup and at shutdown turbine and periodically according to requirements and manufacturer
methods. At malfunction of the check valve operation of the turbine with the corresponding
steam extraction is forbidden. Check of stop (safety, shutoff) valves, and also removal of characteristics of system
of regulation on the stopped turbine and at its work idling for check of their compliance to
requirements 8.3.3 presents of a standard and to data of manufacturer shall be carried out:
- After turbine installation,
- Directly before major maintenance or repair of the main knots of the regulation system or a
steam distribution.
Besides, after installation of the turbine or its major maintenance, and also repair of the main
knots of the regulation system and a steam distribution regulation characteristics shall be
removed at operation of the turbine under the loading, necessary for creating the static
characteristic. Test of the regulation system of the turbine by instant dumping of the loading
corresponding to the maximum consumption of steam, shall be carried out:
- At acceptance of turbines in operation after installation,
- After the reconstruction changing a dynamic characteristics of a turbine unit or static and
dynamic characteristics of the regulation system.
Tests of the regulation system of the serial turbines equipped with electrohydraulic converters,
can be made by a way of steam dumping of loading (instant closing only regulating valves)
without disconnection of the generator from a net.
The head samples of turbines and the first samples of the turbines which have undergone
reconstruction (with change of a dynamic characteristics of the unit or regulation characteristics),
and all the turbines which have not been equipped with electrohydraulic converters, shall be
tested with electric load dumping by disconnection of the generator from the network. At detection of deviations of the actual characteristics of regulation and protection
from standard values, at increase of valves closing-time over specified by manufacturer or in
instructions or at deteriorations of their density the reasons of these deviations shall be defined. Operation of turbines with the operating limiter of capacity is allowed as a
temporary action only based on conditions of a mechanical state of the turbine plant with the
permission of the NPP chief engineer. Thus loading of the turbine shall be lower than a limiter
setting at least for 5 %.
The limiter of turbines capacity of power units with reactors of RBMK type is put in
operation according to NPP with RBMK reactors operating regulations At operation of turbine plant oil supply systems the following shall be provided:
- Reliability of units operation at all the modes,
- Fire safety,
- Maintenance of normal oil quality temperature mode,
- Prevention of oil leakages and oil getting into the cooling system and environment. Standby and emergency oil pumps of lubrication system, regulation and sealing
systems and the devices of automatic switching of those shall be checked in operation two times
a month at turbine unit operation, and also before every start-up and shutdown.
For turbines at which operating, standby and emergency oil pump systems of lubrication,
regulation, sealing, hydraulic lifting of rotors have individual electric drives, check of automatic
inclusion of a redundancy before the shutdown is not carried out. At the turbines equipped with systems of prevention of oil burning development on
a turbine unit, the electric circuit of protection system “Fire – oil” shall be checked before startup from a cold state. The cutoff valves placed on lubrication system lines, of the regulation and the
sealing system, erroneous switching of which can lead to shutdown or to equipment damage,
shall be sealed up in operating position. At operation of condensation installation economic and reliable operation of the
turbine in all modes of operation with maintenance of optimum vacuum, observance of standard
temperature pressures in the condenser and standards of quality of condensate shall be provided. By operating condensation installation one shall carry out:
- Actions for prevention of pollution of the condenser tubes from cooling water (processing of
cooling water by chemical reagents and physical methods, application of treating facilities, etc.),
- Periodic cleaning of condensers at increase of pressure of the fulfilled steam in comparison
with normal values on 0.5 kPas (0.005 kgfs/cm2) because of pollution of surfaces of cooling,
- Monitoring of surface cleanliness of cooling and trumpet boards of the condenser,
- Monitoring of a consumption of cooling water (direct measurement of an expense or on
thermal balance of condensers), optimization of a consumption of cooling water according to its
temperature and steam loading of the condenser,
- Check of density of vacuum system and its sealing, air inflows (kg/h) in a range of change of
steam loading of the condenser of 40-100 % shall be not above the values determined by a
Gb = 1.5 · (8 + 0.065 N),
where N - rated electric power of a NPP turbine plant on a condensation mode, MWt,
- Check of water density of the condenser by systematic control of the condensate salinity,
- Verification of the content of oxygen in condensate after condensational pumps,
- Monitoring of radioactivity of condensate and a steam-gas mix on an exhaust from steamjet ejector units (for the NPP steam turbine plants).
Control methods behind work of condensational installation and its periodicity are defined by
the local instruction depending on specific conditions of operation. At operation of the equipment of system of regeneration according to specifications
of the project the following shall be provided:
- Standard temperatures of feedwater (condensate) behind each heater and its final heating,
- Reliability of heat exchangers in all operating modes of a turbine plant.
Heating of feedwater (condensate), temperature pressures, overcooling of condensate of
heating steam in heaters of regeneration system shall be checked before major maintenance of a
turbine plant, after repair of heaters and periodically according to the schedule approved by the
NPP chief engineer. It is prohibited to operate high-pressure heater (HPH) when protection elements are
not available or abnormal and level control valves are defective.
At availability of the group emergency HPH bypass and at non-availability or failure of
protection elements or failure of level control valves at least on single of HPH as well as at steam
disconnection of any HPH, operation of the entire group is prohibited unless otherwise provided
by design documentation.
Make-up water supply to HPH is prohibited without protection switch-on.
At detection of heater protection failure or level control valve fault, HPH or HPH group
should be immediately disconnected.
At failure of any level automatic control system elements except for the valve and nonavailability of the fast defect elimination on operating equipment, the heater (or HPH group)
should be out of service within time specified by the NPP Cheif Engineer. Standby feeding pumps as well as other pumps in automatic standby mode except
for those listed in should be serviceable and in instant readiness for start-up – with
open valves on inlet and outlet pipelines.
Verification of their start-up and planned transfer from operating pump to the standby one
should be scheduled, but at least once a month. Prior to the turbine start-up from repair or shutdown for more than 3 hours,
operability and readiness for switching of main and auxiliary equipment, interlocks, process
protection means, remote automatic control, instruments, information means and operational
communication should be checked. The faults thereat detected shall be eliminated.
Protection means and interlocks at the unit start-up at other statuses should be verified in
compliance with the instructions.
The turbine start-up should be made by NPP operative personnel according to the operating
manual and job instructions, and after its overhaul and medium repair – in presence of the works
manager or its service deputy. The turbine start-up is prohibited in the following cases:
- Deviations of the heat and mechanical turbine status indices from admissible values,
- Failure of at least one protection device intended for the turbine shutdown,
- Defects of control and steam distribution systems, that may lead to the turbine acceleration,
- Failure of at least one lubrication pump, control units, generator sealing, or ASPSS,
- Oil quality deviation from operation oil standards or oil temperature reduction below the
limit stipulated by the manufacturer plant. Without switching of the shaft-turning device, steam supply to the turbine seals, hot
water and steam release to the condenser unit, steam supply for turbine heating is prohibited.
Conditions of the steam supply to the turbine without shaft-turning device should be stipulated in
the operating manual.
Release of operating medium from the steam lines to the condenser and steam supply to the
turbine for its start-up should be made at steam pressures in the condenser specified in the
operating manual and other documents issued by turbine manufacturers but not higher than 60
kPa (0.6 kgf/cm2). At turbine equipment operation, the mean square values of bearing assemblies
vibration speed should not exceed 4.5 mm/s.
When the rated vibration value is exceeded, the measures for its reduction should be applied
within not more than 30 days.
When vibration exceeds 7.1 mm/s, it is prohibited to operate the turbine equipment more than
7 days. In case the vibration limit range protection system is available, the pickup setting should
be adjusted for the turbine equipment disconnection at the vibration of 11.2 mm/s.
The turbine should be immediately stopped if the simultaneous sudden vibration change of
two columns of one rotor, or adjacent columns, or two vibration components of one column for 1
mm/s and more from any initial level takes place.
The turbine should be unloaded and stopped if within 1 to 3 days a smooth increase of any
vibration component of one bearing column for 2 mm/s takes place.
The turbine equipment operation at low frequency vibration exceeding 1.8 mm/s is
inadmissible. In case of low frequency vibration exceeding 1 mm/s, measures for its elimination
should be taken within the time specified by the Chief Engineer but not more than in 7 days.
The vibration should be measured and registered using stationary continuous control
equipment ensuring vibration measurement for all support and support axial bearings of the
turbine units in three mutually perpendicular directions: vertical, horizontal-transverse and
horizontal-axial in relation to the turbine unit shaft axis.
Temporary prior to the equipping with required devices, the vibration control is permitted over vibration
displacement range. Comparison of measured vibration ranges with rated mean square vibration speed values is
made based on the following correlations:
Mean square vibration speed, mm/s
Equivalent value of vibration displacement range, mcm, at the turbine
rotation frequency:
1500 rpm
3000 rpm
For the turbine units of capacity less than 200 MW use of removable vibration measurement equipment is allowed.
Control periodicity should be stipulated by the local operating manual depending on the turbine unit vibration state,
but at least once per month. For control of flow tube of the turbine working on direct overheated steam and its
contamination with salts at least once per month, the steam pressure values should be verified in
the control turbine stages via controlled compartments at steam consumption close to rated
Pressure excess in the control stages against rated value at that steam consumption should be
not more than 10 %. At that, pressure value should not exceed limit values stipulated by the
When the limit pressure values in the control stages due to salt drift are exceeded, flushing or
treatment of the turbine flow tube should be performed. Flushing or treatment method should be
selected based on composition or character of debris and local conditions. The turbine unit efficiency in operation should be continuously controlled by
systematic analysis of values describing equipment operation.
To define the reasons of the turbine unit operation efficiency reduction, as well as evaluation
of the repair efficiency operation equipment testing (express) should be provided.
The pilot models of turbines and the turbines reconstructed or upgraded with possible
efficiency change should undergo balance testing.
When the turbine equipment operation values deviate from the rated ones, the equipment
defects and operation faults should be eliminated. The personnel shall disconnect the turbine by impact action on the switch
(emergency disconnection button) at unavailability or shutdown of respective protection devices
in the following cases:
а) Rotor rotating speed increase above the automatic safety device actuation setting,
b) Inadmissible axial rotor shift,
c) Inadmissible change of the rotor position respectively to the cylinders,
d) Inadmissible oil pressure reduction (fire-resistant fluid) in the lubricating system,
e) Inadmissible oil level reduction in the oil tank,
f) Inadmissible oil temperature increase on discharge of any of the bearings, generator shaft
seal bearings, any shoe of the turbine unit thrust bearing,
g) Oil ignition on the turbine unit, turbine generator, or hydrogen on the turbine generator,
h) Inadmissible “oil-hydrogen” pressure drop reduction in the generator shaft sealing system,
i) Inadmissible oil level reduction in the damper tank of the generator shaft sealing system,
j) Disconnection of all oil pump units of the hydrogen cooling system (for non-injector
sealing oil supply circuits),
k) Switching-off of the generator due to internal damage,
l) Inadmissible pressure increase in the condenser unit,
m) Sudden vibration increase in the turbine unit,
n) Appearance of metal sounds and unusual noises inside the turbine unit or generator,
o) Appearance of sparks or smoke from the bearings and end glands of the turbine or
p) Inadmissible temperature reduction of live steam or steam after industrial preheat,
q) Appearance of hydraulic impacts in the live steam lines, preheat lines or in the turbine,
r) Appearance of ring fire on contact rotor rings of the turbine generator or excitator,
s) Detection of rupture or through crack on non-disconnected sections of oil ducts and watersteam pipe lines, steam distribution lines,
t) Cease of cooling water flow via generator stator,
u) Inadmissible cooling water flow rate reduction to the gas coolers,
v) Loss of voltage on remote and automatic control devices or in all instruments.
Requirement in vacuum rupture at the turbine shutdown should be specified in the local
operating manual in accordance with the manufacturer instructions.
The local operating manual should strictly specify inadmissible deviations of controlled
values for the unit. The turbine should be unloaded and stopped within the period defined by the Chief
power plant engineer (with notification of the power system dispatcher), in the following cases:
- Jam of stop valves of live steam or steam after intermediate reheat,
- Jam of control valves or rupture of their stems, jam of diaphragms or sampling check valves,
- Failures in the control system,
- Violation of the normal auxiliary equipment operation, unit circuit and communications, if
the violation causes elimination is impossible without the turbine stop,
- Detection of failures of process protection devices, intended for equipment shutdown,
- Detection of oil leakages from bearings, pipelines and valves involving fire hazard,
- Detection of blowholes in water-steam piping areas not disconnected for repair works,
- Detection of inadmissible hydrogen concentration in the bearing casings, current leads, oil
tank, the same for hydrogen concentration exceeding the norm of hydrogen leakage from the
generator casing,
- Increase of the supports vibration more than 7.1 mm/s.
The guidelines should provide specific instructions on failures, violations of normal operation
of the auxiliary equipment, unit circuits and communications, hydrogen concentration in the
bearing casings, current leads, oil tank, as well as exceedance of the norm of the hydrogen
leakage from generator casing. Duration of the rotor rundown should be specified for each turbine at shutdown with
normal pressure of treated steam and at shutdown with vacuum rupture. When this duration
changes, the deviation limits should be detected and eliminated. The rotor rundown duration
should be controlled at all turbine shutdowns. When the turbine is standby for 10 days and more, measures on its temporary
preservation should be taken.
Preservation method and methods of its quality control are accepted in accordance with valid
regulatory guidelines and manufacturer recommendations or instructions on heat power
equipment temporary preservation. Operation of the turbines with circuits and in modes non-foreseen by supply
specifications is allowed only by the manufacturer permit. At reconstruction and modernization of NPP turbine equipment, maximum
automation control degree should be provided as well as high maintenance ability indices.
10.4.5 Water conditioning and water chemistry Requirements for NPP water chemistry mode are the following:
- NPP water chemistry mode should be established, arranged, and maintained to ensure
integrity of protection barriers (enclosures of heat emitting elements, boundaries of the coolant
circuit, tight fencing of the isolating safety systems),
- Within NPP operation period corrosion resistance of the structural materials of the
equipment and pipelines should be ensured. Corrosive and corrosive-erosive impact of medium
and other operating fluids on structural materials of NPP system equipment and pipelines should
not cause violation of limits and conditions of NPP safe operation,
- NPP water chemistry should ensure minimum amount of deposits on the heat transfer
surfaces of equipment and pipelines,
- With the purpose to ensure radiation safety of NPP personnel water chemistry should be
aimed for reduction of radiation fields arising as a result of ionic radiation of the activated
corrosion products, creating deposits on the surfaces of NPP equipment and system pipelines
considering mass transfer of activated corrosion products in the equipment and pipelines. Organization and control over NPP water chemistry operation mode should be
provided by the chemical workshop personnel.
Inner inspections of the heat power equipment, sampling of deposit samples, sampling for
analysis, development of inspection acts as well as investigation of emergency cases and failures
related to water chemistry mode should be ensured with participation of the chemical workshop
personnel. Readiness of the make-up water treatment units, treatment of contaminated and waste
waters with all auxiliary equipment (including storages with reagents), treatment of turbine
condensate, contaminated condensates, blow-down water, radioactive waters, correction water
treatment, plant-wide tanks with demineralized water and condensate to respective stages (substages) of the power unit commissioning are specified by NPP power unit commissioning
program. Main technological treatment processes for natural water, condensates, contaminated
and waste waters, as well as correction of the water mode should be automated. Equipment, pipelines and valves of all water conditioning units, units for treatment of
condensate and industrial waste waters, which surfaces under impact of corrosive-aggressive
fluids as well as construction structures under impact of corrosive-aggressive fluids should be
made of corrosion-resistant materials or their surface should be protected with corrosion-resistant
Within operation process, protective coatings should be visually inspected and restored if
Equipment and pipelines of the units, intended for treatment of radioactive waters, should be
produced from materials resistant to impact of corrosive-aggressive fluids, radioactive
contaminations and allowing deactivation. Valves, impulse lines, and instrument gauges applied
in such units should be made of stainless steel. Evaporation units intended for treatment of strong mineralized waters and waters
contaminated with radioactive substances and various washing agents (drain and flushing waters,
waters from decontamination centers and special laundries, regeneration waters from respective
ion-change units, etc.), should be equipped with devices allowing water-chemical treatment with
the purpose to delete appeared deposits, and deactivation if required. For operation with alkalis, ammonia, hydrazine, chloride, chloride lime, concentrated
acids, and other aggressive reagents, the equipment ensuring convenient and safe unloading,
storage, transportation, and use of these reagents and their solutions should be applied. Works
with such reagents and their solutions should be performed at strict adherence to the safety
arrangement rules. NPP waste waters, containing alkalis, acids, ammonia, hydrazine, oil products,
radioactive and other hazardous substances, prior to discharge into water bodies should be
treated if the amount of hazardous substances in them is above maximum permissible
concentration at discharge.
Waste waters should be discharged in accordance with valid documents [4] “Rules for surface
waters conservation», «Rules of radiation safety in operation of nuclear power plants”, “Sanitary
rules for nuclear power plants design and operation” and “Radiation safety standards”.
In case waste waters can not be forwarded immediately for treatment and if they appear in
amounts exceeding capacity of process units these waters should be accumulated in special tank
storages and be provided to treatment further. At repair or inspection of the drain devices and protection coatings of the unit filters,
intended for treatment of various waters from radioactive substances, filtering material should be
overloaded by hydraulic method either to the radioactive waste storage or to special vessels, if
required the inner surface of filters should be deactivated. Quality of coolants of reactor units, steam generators, condensate-feed ducts,
reactor control and protection system cooling circuit, quality of saturated steam, filling and
make-up waters, waters of safety systems and biological protection cooling systems vessels,
industrial circuits, storage and FAs refueling pools, as well as personnel actions at deviations are
regulated by requirements of process codes on operation of NPP power units and regulatory
documents valid in the nuclear engineering. Water quality of auxiliary systems and gas of gas systems at NPP is regulated by
standards stipulated in due order. The bypass treatment should be provided for water chemistry mode of the reactor
coolant circuit. Continuous and periodic blow-down of steam generators should be provided to
maintain water chemistry of NPP steam generators with VVER type reactors.
Blow-down scope is subject to requirements of process provisions for safe operation of NPP
power units with VVER reactors. Nuclear power plants equipped with VVER type reactors should be provided with
make-up water treatment for steam generators and turbine condensate with ammonia and/or
hydrazine and/or other chemical reagents permitted for use in due order. Application of new water conditioning methods and water chemistry at the nuclear
power plants should be agreed in due order and approved by the Operator. Summary steam and condensate losses at the nuclear power plant with reactors of
VVER and BN type should not exceed 1%, whereas for RBMK type – 0.5 % of the rated reactor
unit steam-generating capacity. Quality of make-up water for heat communications should meet the requirements
of the valid regulatory documents.
10.4.6 Chemical control Chemical control at nuclear power plants should provide determination of quality
indices of process fluids by chemical and physical-chemical methods in the scope and with
periodicity set by chemical control regulations approved in the nuclear power plant. Chemical control regulations of water, solutions, deposits, gases, oils, ion-exchange
materials, and reagents should be developed considering valid regulatory and operating manuals. Control scope and periodicity should ensure receipt of operative information that
objectively reflects current quality of process fluids.
During deactivations, chemical treatment, prestart flushing and other technical operations
scope and periodicity of chemical control are defined by programs executed in due order. Control results should be recorded in logs (including electronic) of operative and day
(periodic) chemical control. Chemical laboratories (workshops, subdivisions) should have isolated premises
specially equipped for analysis implementation. Premises of chemical laboratories should be
equipped with plenum-exhaust ventilation and special sewer system. Chemical laboratories should be provided with measurement devices, auxiliary
equipment, reagents, consumption materials, etc., required for analysis of NPP process fluid
samples in accordance with requirements of measurement methods. Technical provision of chemical control should include complex of technical means
and equipment intended for sampling, transportation, and pretreatment of the process fluid
samples. All prepared samples of the steam-water line should have the following parameters:
- Temperature, С, not exceeding 45,
- Pressure, МPа, not exceeding 0.16. Continuous flow of the prepared sample should be ensured at automatic control via
measurement gauges with flow rate stipulated by operating manuals for measurement devices. Applied measurement means should be certified, metrological service of the
measurement means should be made with due periodicity. Sets of operating manuals for devices
should contain complete information on operation in all stages of the equipment life cycle.
Applied materials, reagents, etc. should meet the requirements of measurement techniques. Metrological chemical control provision should be made in compliance with p. 5.8
of this standard. Chemical control should be made with the use of modern, generally automatic
measurement means. Accumulation, processing, archiving, and displaying of chemical control results
should be ensured by the system application of up-to-date means of computing equipment and
software. Rated quality values of NPP process fluids should be measured using certified
measurement techniques. Sampling of process fluids and deposits for laboratory control (chemical analysis of
the final sample volume) should be made in accordance with requirements of operating codes for
process units and measurement techniques. Distribution of obligations on provision of operability of chemical control technical
means should be provided by the NPP Chief engineer.
10.4.7 Pipelines and valves Prior to commissioning, pipelines and valves should be thoroughly inspected. After
repair or long disconnection (more than 10 days), operability of heat insulation, indicators of
heat shifts, non-movable supports, sliding and spring attachments, possibility of free piping
expansions at heating, state of drainages and air vents, safety devices and heat control equipment
shall be checked. Main circulating pipelines of the primary (radioactive) circuit of NPP head units are
subject to strain-gauging at commissioning. At operation of pipelines and equipment in accordance with valid instructions the
following should be controlled:
- Sizes of heat shifts of pipelines for which it is provided by design, and their correspondence
to design values upon readings of indicators,
- Absence of jams and piping vibration,
- Periodic control of metal and welded connections,
- Tightness in relation to external fluid of safe, control, and isolating valves and flange
- Temperature conditions of metal at start-ups and shutdowns,
- Tightening degree of suspension springs and supports in operating and cold conditions,
- Correspondence of position pointers indications of the control valves on control boards to
actual position,
- Availability of lubrication on driving assemblies, screw pairs “spindle – thread plug”. Diagram of pipelines and their operation should eliminate possibility of damage of
LP piping at availability of connection with HP pipelines.
Prior to pressure increase in the circuit, LP pipelines of the auxiliary systems should be
reliably disconnected (pipelines of cooldown systems, filling and drainage, LP compressed gas
supply, etc.).
The design and operating manuals should foresee managerial and technical measures on
elimination of erroneous connection of LP systems to HP systems.
Disconnection of these pipelines should be controlled by NPP shift managers (shift managers
of NPP power unit) with record in the operations log based on reports of shift workshops
Reliability of disconnection of above specified pipelines should be monthly controlled by
workshops operating personnel with the reporting to NPP shift managers (NPP power unit shift
managers). Warm steam lines with fluid (at start-ups and pressure checks), as well as warm main
NPP circulating pipelines should be filled under control of temperature drop of pipeline wall and
medium, that should not exceed design values. For discharge via drainages, steam lines with any parameters should be mounted with
slope of horizontal areas not less than 0.004 along the fluid path. This slope value should be
provided at metal temperatures in the range from 0 °С to the temperature corresponding to
saturation at operating fluid pressure.
System of drainages should provide complete moisture removal at heating, cooling down and
discharge of pipelines.
When drain lines of several pipelines are united, each of them should be equipped with cut-off
Condensate and heat of permanent drainages should be used in the heating circuit. Layout of pipelines and valves subject to periodic control during operation process
should ensure access to them for inspection and repair. Control places should have platforms. The valves should have designations or marking according to piping schemes, as well
as wheel rotation indicators. Control valves should have indicators of the control body opening
degree, whereas cut-off valves should have cut-off body position indicators (open, closed).
Valves that are continuously or long under rarefaction should have hydraulic or any other sealing
of stems. Repair of pipelines and valves should be made simultaneously with respective units.
Repair works as well as installation and dismantling of plugs, that indicate the piping area under
repair, should be made based on work permit in accordance with requirements of safety rules and
radiation safety rules.
Implementation of organizational and technical measures on prevention of ingress of
contaminations and foreign objects inside the inner NPP system equipment cavities at
implementation of repair works should be made in accordance with requirements of design
documents “Maintenance and repair of equipment systems of nuclear power plants. Rules of
arrangement of works with equipment opening”. Valves repaired with removal from the installation place (with cut-out from the
pipeline) should be tested for tightness of stop valve, gland, sylphon and flange seals with
pressure equal to 1.25 of operating value.
The valves repaired without cutting-out from the pipeline should be tested with the fluid
operating pressure in line with the pipeline; stop valve state should be visually inspected during
repair on contact of sealing surfaces.
At significant defects of the stop valve the valves should be repaired with cutting-out from
pipeline and consequent test on tightness with pressure equal to 1.25 of operating value. Flange connections of the steam lines and valves, operating at steam pressure 8.8
kPa (90 kgf/cm2) and more, as well as NPP pipelines of diameter exceeding 300 mm tightening
of fastening pins should be controlled using special devices, overload of pins above allowable
values is not permitted. Heat insulation of pipeline and valves should be maintained in working condition.
Temperature on its surface at ambient air temperature +25°С should not exceed 45 °С.
Heat insulation of flange connections, valves and piping areas subject to periodic control
(welded connections, bosses for creeping measurement, and etc.) should be fast removable.
Heat insulation of main pipelines, pipelines located on open air as well as surface areas with
fluid temperature above 200°С, close to oil tanks, oil ducts, and fuel oil lines as well as close to
cable lines should have metallic or other protective coating.
Facilities with fluid temperature below ambient air temperature should have hydraulic
protection and heat insulation.
Materials applied for heat insulation should not have corrosive impact on pipelines. Insulation of pipelines without protective coating should be painted. At detection of cracks, wormholes in base metal of feed pipelines, live steam
pipelines as well as in their valves, rapid measures should be taken to disconnect damaged area
by remote drivers.
If it is impossible to isolate the damaged area at disconnection, then respective equipment
connected with the area should be stopped. Use of control valves as cut-off ones and cut-off valves as control ones is not
10.4.8 Heating cogeneration plants Heating cogeneration plants operation (supply line and return line pressure) shall be
maintained according to the assignment of district heating dispatching.
Feed line temperature of water heating system according to the temperature chart approved
for the system shall be set by average temperature of outside air within the interval from 12 to 24
hour, determined by heat network dispatching subject to networks length, climatic conditions
etc., temperature control method can be selected otherwise and maintained by instructions.
When the water flaw rate is set by heat network operator, deviations from the mode set shall
not exceed the following values:
- Temperature of water, supplied to the heating network, ± 2°С,
- Supply pipeline pressure ± 5 %,
- Return pipeline pressure ± 20 kPa (kgf/cm2).
In case of set water flow rate is exceeded, heat network operator should take measures to
restore flow rate or correct the mode.
Average return water temperature from the heating network shall not exceed the set value for
more than 2°С. The unscheduled temperature reduction of the return water is not limited.
Pressure and temperature deviations of steam, supplied to the consumer, shall not exceed ±
5 % of set parameters. According to design data and tests the following should be set for each heater and
group of heaters:
- Design heating performance rate and corresponding parameters of heating and heated media,
- Temperature head and maximum water heating temperature,
- Maximum permissible pressure for heated and heating media,
- Design rate flow of system water and corresponding head losses.
Besides, maximum head losses in boilers, pipelines and auxiliary equipment of heating
cogeneration plant should be set based on testing data.
Tests shall be carried out on reinstalled heating cogeneration plants and periodically one time
in four years during the operation. Water temperature change on the heating system outlets shall be made gradually and
uniformly at the rate not exceeding 30°C/h . During network heaters operation the following shall be provided:
- Control of condensate level and operation of devices intended for automatic level
maintaining and condensate devices,
- Non-condensing gases removal from the steam chamber to air ejecting system or turbine
condenser. Heat network makeup shall be performed continuously in order to maintain set
pressure on the sucking side of network heating pumps in operation mode of heat supply
networks and heating pumps shutdown.
Makeup water shall be supplied to the return header of heat network or to each main
connected to it, if the design is developed before new rules introduction, and in case if open
system it also shall be supplied to the supply header and to each main connected to it for
operation in summer time. Unit for heat network makeup shall provide their make up by chemically treated
deaerated water during operating mode and emergency make-up by natural water from the
systems of domestic potable (for open heat supply system) or industrial water supply to the
extent specified by the document “Technical design standards for power plants”.
Each case of natural water supply shall be recorded in operations log with indication of
supplied water volume and source.
In the pipe connections of make-up device with the pipes of technical, circulation or main
water a gage cock between two closed gate valves shall be provided. During normal operation of
heat supply networks, the gage cock shall be open. If there are accumulator tanks, control of their operation shall be provided.
The working volume of make-up accumulator tanks and their position at heat sources and in
heating networks shall to comply with СНиП “Internal water supply pipeline and sewage
systems of buildings”.
Internal and external surfaces of accumulator tanks shall be protected against corrosion, and
water surface – from aeration. External surface of accumulator tanks shall be coated with thermal
Storage tank filling is permitted only with deaerated water with temperature not exceeding
95 С.
Storage tank filling rate shall comply with vent pipe capacity.
Internal and external inspections of accumulator tanks, pipelines balancing units and vent
pipes condition shall be carried out annually.
Steel constructions thickness shall be checked once per 3 years, they also shall be checked by
supersonic techniques, drilling or other methods from the inside of the tanks after their emptying
for metal corrosion wear. In case of walls, roofs or bottoms corrosion wear, exceeding 20% of
metal thickness, the tanks shall be immediately sent for repair.
After installation or repair, the accumulator tanks shall be tested in accordance with the
requirements of the standard “Steel construction structures”. On each accumulator tank, accepted
for operation, a certificate shall be made. Operation of network heating pumps, condensate pumps and make-up pumps in case
of failed check valves is not allowed.
Upstream the network heating pumps of a water heating unit, mud collector shall be installed.
Devices for automatic switching of standby units shall constantly be ready for operation and
shall be regularly checked. The boundaries of power plants heating equipment lay by separating gate valves,
installed in the territory of the plant or a wall (barrier), the matter in every specific case is
determined by NPP in due order. Separating gate valves are under the authority and maintenance
of NPP personnel.
In case of instrumentation installation at the heating system section downstream separating
gate valves (barrier of the plant territory), sensors of the devices, first cut-off valves, pulse lines,
and the devices themselves are to be under the authority and maintenance of NPP personnel. Heating equipment shall be repaired as required in accordance with schedule agreed
upon with the entity of heat supply networks.
Pipe system of heat-exchange units is to be cleaned generally not less than one time a year
(before heating season) and during temperature head increasing higher than the set value.
NPP accepts terms of pipes systems treatment according to their pollution degree and
available standby heat-exchange units. NPP heat transfer is to be implemented via intermediate circuit between hot circuit
and heating system.
Single-circuit NPPs shall be provided with an intermediate circuit between steam turbine
extraction and heating network.
At double-circuit NPPs the role of intermediate circuit is fulfilled by the secondary circuit
with turbine steam extraction.
Network water pressure of heating cogeneration plants shall exceed pressure in the
intermediate circuit. Network water and intermediate circuit water radioactivity shall be continuously
controlled. If the radioactivity exceeds set standards, the network water at inlets and outlets of
the heating unit shall be disconnected. The water circulation of the intermediate circuit shall be stopped in case of
admissible limits exceedance:
- Water level and volume compensator pressure,
- Water pressure up- and downstream steam-water heat exchangers,
- Water temperature behind the steam-water heat exchangers,
-Water radioactivity.
Other cases of the intermediate circuit shutdown shall be determined by local instruction. During operation control and registration of pressure value of the turbine heating
steam extraction, intermediate circuit water and heat network (direct and return water) and
pressure differential in the heating media of the heating cogeneration plant shall be performed at
set points. Control of radioactive substances level in water shall include control of volumetric
activity and radionuclide content in heating media of the heating cogeneration plant, and in
network pipelines water.
Control of volumetric activity of the intermediate circuit water shall be continuous with
automatic indicators recording and sound-and-light alarm at the set level parameters reaching.
Control of volumetric activity of the network pipelines water shall be periodical and shall be
performed according to p. of this standard.
10.4.9 Heat networks During heat networks operation uninterruptible supply of consumers with heat, hot
water or steam with set values shall be provided when leakages of coolant and heat losses do not
exceed set values.
When actual power limit of heat resources and output capacity of the heat network lines is
reached, connection of additional consumers is prohibited. The boundaries of the heat networks maintenance shall be the following:
- From the heat source side – the boundaries, established according to p. of this
- From the heat consumer side - a chamber wall, where service loop gate valves of entities
(organizations) are installed. Organizations, operating heat networks, shall control the technical state and good
order of pipes and heat supply stations that are on consumers’ balance. The heating network operator shall control proper state of approach lanes to the
network facilities, and pavement surfaces and surface layout over underground constructions.
Earth surface layout on the heating network route shall exclude access of surface water to the
heat pipelines.
Commissioning of heat network pipelines without equipment for water blow-down and water
removal from each section is forbidden. Heating network operator shall provide structures enclosure serviceability,
preventing unauthorized persons from access to the equipment, valves and piping. Excavation works right above the network pipelines routes or near them performed
by third entities is allowed only with the heating network operator permission under control of its
responsible representative. The following shall be made by the heating network operator: heating network layout
(large-scale one), operational and operating (design) configurations, main heating pipeline
profiles for each line.
Annually before the heating season plan, diagrams and profiles shall be corrected in
accordance with the actual state of the heating system. Operating diagram of heating systems and adjustment of automatics and devices
process protection shall provide with the following:
- Safe heat supply for consumers and set level of the coolant flow rate and head values in
control points,
- Optimal coolant flow in heating systems,
- Redundancy of heating systems,
- Implementation of simultaneous operation of several heat sources in integrated heating
network and, if necessary, transfer to isolated sources operation,
- Preferential use of the most economical sources. All the heating mains, steam cells (branch lines), electrically-driven, makeup and
drain pumps, automatic control units, fixed supports, compensators and other heating network
equipments should have operation numbers, by which they are specified on plans, diagrams and
piezometric plots.
At the operating (design) diagrams all the subscribers systems, connected to the network, are
to be numbered, with section and cut-off valves on operational diagrams.
Valves, installed on the supply pipeline (steam pipeline), shall be denoted by an odd number,
and the valves, corresponding to it, shall be denoted at the return pipe (condensate line) by next
to it even number. Each area with heating system should have the list of gas-hazardous chambers and
passes. Before works starting, such chambers shall be tested for gas. Gas-hazardous chambers
shall be marked with special symbols, hatches painting and are to be kept under reliable lock.
All gas-hazardous chambers and route sections shall be marked on heating network
operational diagram.
The supervision of gas-hazardous chambers shall be implemented in accordance with safety
rules for gas equipment. During technical acceptance of the heating systems, heating units and systems for
heat consumption by Heating network personnel, the procedure of pressure testing of all the
equipment for allowable pressure, that should not exceed maximum allowable test pressure for
the networks, valves or heating devices, shall be performed after installation or repair. Permanent control of the quality of the return network water shall be arranged by
the heating systems operator. Pipelines of the heat networks before their commissioning after installation or repair
shall be subjected to the following cleaning:
- Steam pipes shall undergo blowing with steam emission to the atmosphere,
- Water networks in closed heating systems, and condensate pipelines shall undergo hydraulic
- Water networks in open heat supply systems shall undergo hydro and pneumatic washing,
and disinfection with subsequent washing with potable water.
The repeated washing after disinfection shall be carried out until the discharged water
parameters become compliant with health standards for potable water. It is prohibited to connect consumer heating networks not subjected to hydropneumatic flushing. All newly mounted pipelines of heating networks shall be checked for hydraulic
tightness prior to commissioning.
New heating mains from NPP and boiler rooms shall be tested for the coolant design
temperature within the first year of operation. Network pipeline filling, flushing, disinfection, circulation system engaging, steam
pipelines purging and heating, water or steam heating networks starting operations as well as
network or its separate elements and structures testing shall be carried out under the direction of
an executive officer according to the specially designed technical procedure approved by the
Heating Network supervisor and coordinated with the heat source company management. Heating networks shall be filled with water below 70°С with the heat consumption
systems off. The external surface of pipelines and metal structures of heating networks (beams,
supports, poles, bridges etc.) shall be protected with stable corrosion-resistant coatings.
It is prohibited to commission heating networks on the completion of construction or overhaul
without external corrosion-resistant covering of pipes and metal structures. Heating network pipelines, fittings, compensators and flange joints shall be
thermally insulated according to the design.
It is prohibited to use hydrophilic insulating fill in heating networks and rammed insulation
during pipelining in tubes (cases). It is prohibited to commission heating networks with the reducing drainage off. Passes and big unit chambers with electrical equipment shall be provided with
electric lighting according to the electrical installation regulations.
Combined extract and input ventilation of passes shall be operable. All heating network pipe joints shall be welded except for the places where flanged
fittings are used.
It is prohibited to use cotton and hemp packing for compensators and fittings. Where heating networks are pipelined above ground, electrically-driven gate valves
shall be placed indoors or encased in casings protecting fittings and electric drive against
atmospheric precipitates and preventing from strangers access. It is prohibited to connect hot water supply plants with faulty water temperature
controls and heat consuming systems with faulty metering devices to heating networks. Heat pipelines and heat points shall be regularly checked according to schedule for
the state of heating networks equipment and their operating mode. Preventive scheduled pitting shall be carried out annually for the control of the state
of building insulating structures, thermal insulation and underground heat supply pipelines. The
number of pits shall be determined from the state of underground pipelines and total length of
heating network.
The underground pipelines strength shall be estimated from annual hydraulic pressure tests
and the analysis of damage occurred.
Following the opening at the pitting places, the building and heat-insulating structures of the
heating network shall be restored and protected against moisture contact with the heat line. Systematic control of pipelines internal corrosion shall be arranged on water heating
networks and condensate lines by means of analyzing network water and condensate as well as
by internal corrosion indicators installed in the most distinguished points (at the NPP outlets, end
areas, two or three intermediate nodes of the main).
The idle heating network shall be filled with deaerated water only. Condensate shall be continuously vented from the saturated steam lines through
condensate traps.
It is prohibited to use condensate traps with the general condensate line without check valves
installed. The average annual coolant leakage from water heating networks shall not exceed
0.25% per hour of the average annual water volume in the heating network and connected heat
consumption systems irrespective of their connection scheme (except for the hot water supply
systems connected through water-heaters).
When the coolant leakage is detected, the water flow filling the heat lines and heat
consumption systems during their scheduled repairs and connection of new network areas and
consumers should not be considered. Following the repairs and prior to the heating season commencement, the hydraulic
testing of networks shall be carried out in order to check the tightness and strength of pipelines
and shutoff and control valves installed according to the document “Steam and Hot Water
Pipelines Construction and Safe Operation Regulations”.
The test pressure minimum value shall be 1.25 of operating pressure. The operating pressure
value shall be determined by the manager of the organization operating heating networks
according to the requirements of paragraph 1.1.4 of the document “Rules of arrangement and
safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines and hot water”.
The test pressure maximum value shall be determined according to paragraph 4.12.4 of the
document “Rules of arrangement and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines and hot
water” including maximum loads the fixed supports can carry.
Test pressure for each specific situation shall be specified by the engineering manager of the
organization operating heating networks within the above mentioned limits.
The simultaneous hydraulic testing of heating networks for strength and tightness and testing
for the coolant maximum temperature is prohibited. For the hydraulic testing for strength and tightness, heating network pipelines shall
be filled with water of the temperature above + 5°С and below + 40°С.
During the heating network testing with test pressure, the heat points and heat supply systems
shall be securely disabled. The heating networks testing for the coolant design temperature shall be carried out
at least once in 2 years. The whole heat supply source network to the heat points of heat
consumption systems shall be tested.
The simultaneous testing of heating networks for the coolant design temperature, strength and
tightness is prohibited.
The testing for the determination of heat and hydraulic loss in heating networks shall be
carried out on mains typical for such network with respect to the installation structure, life time
and operation conditions, once in 5 years according to the schedule approved by the chief
engineer. The scope and periodicity of heating networks testing for the ground currents
function shall comply with the document “Standard instruction on protection of heating
networks against external corrosion”. It is prohibited to disable process protection equipment during the heating network
The process protection equipment may be disabled during repairs or remedial action only
upon authorization of the chief engineer or his deputy. The operability of such equipment shall
be regularly checked on the due dates and to the extent specified in the instruction. For the double-pipe water heating networks, the central constant flow schedule shall
serve as a basis for the heat supply mode.
The minimum temperature of the water in the network supply pipeline with the hot water
supply load shall not be less than 70°С. The hydraulic modes of water heating networks shall be designed annually for the
heating and summer seasons; for the open heat supply systems during the heating season, the
modes shall be designed with the maximum water pumping from the supply and return pipelines,
as well as with no water pumping.
The consumers’ water regulation measures shall be arranged for each heating season.
The order of new mains and pump stations construction, provided for by the heat supply
scheme, shall be determined with due account for the actual growth of the heat load connected,
for which purpose hydraulic modes shall be designed by heating network operator for the period
from 3 to 5 years.
Heating networks shall provide for consumers heating measures in case of pumping plants
and separate parts of mains failure. The water pressure in the supply line of water heating networks during the network
pumps operation shall be at least 50 kPa (0.5 kgf/cm2) at any point. The water pressure in
pipelines and heat source, heating networks and heat points equipment, as well as at the top
points of the directly connected heat consumption systems, shall be provided with a reserve of at
least 50 kPa (0.5 kgf/cm2). The water pressure in the return line shall not exceed the permissible
level for the pipelines and heat source, heating networks and heat points equipment, as well as
for the directly connected heat consumption systems. Static pressure in heat supply systems shall ensure filling heating network pipes, as
well as all directly connected heat supply systems, with water. Static pressure shall be no higher
than the allowable value for pipes and equipment of the heat source, heating networks and
heating points, and directly connected heat supply systems.
Static pressure shall be defined conventionally for water temperature from 1 °C to 100 °C.
For mains of long-distance heat supply, operating at elevated temperatures of network water,
static pressure shall be determined on the basis of the calculated temperature of water in the
If static pressure in the individual points of the network exceeds the allowable pressure for the
equipment of source or heat supply systems, network division into hydraulically isolated zones
shall be automatically provided, in each of which admissible pressure shall be maintained. At the emergency termination of electricity supply to network and transfer pumps
the operator of the heating system shall provide pressure within the permissible range in the
heating networks and heat supply systems. If it is impossible to provide pressure within the
acceptable range, the installation of special devices for protection of heat supply system from
hydraulic impacts shall be provided. Pipes and equipment of heating networks, pumping stations, points of crosscuts of
the network into hydraulically isolated areas, as well as heating points shall be equipped with
means of technological control, automatic control and protection in accordance with СНиП
“Heating networks.” Repair of heating networks shall be performed if necessary, based on periodic
inspections, testing, and annual pressings and pitting. Heating network shall systematically
replace emergency pipelines by their relocation, as well as perform other functions aimed at
improving reliability of operation of equipment and networks, effective use of released heat,
reducing heat and network water losses. In the system of centralized hot water supply from the NP only water that meets
requirements of the document “Potable water and water supply of settlements” shall be used.
Water quality at all stages of its preparation and supply for population and other consumers
shall be determined by standard procedures according to specified rules and provided by relevant
services of heating networks operating. The following types of control shall be performed:
- Volumetric activity of water source of drinking water supply and makeup water of network
circuit once a month,
- Radionuclide composition of water source of drinking water supply and makeup water of
network circuit once in six months,
- Radionuclide composition of the network coolant once a quarter.
10.5 Automated technological process control systems of nuclear power
plants, thermal automatics and measurements
10.5.1 Automated technological process control systems of nuclear power plants (power units
of nuclear power plants) shall collect and process information, maintain a set of parameters
within the project, implement complex control actions by control parts to bring the parameters in
compliance with operating limits or to bring the NP (NP power unit) in a safe state by protection
APCS shall transfer technological and radiological parameters that characterize safety of the
reactor plant (power unit) into the internal and external emergency center of NP and crisis center
of the operator.
10.5.2 On the basis of design documentation, taking into account accepted and implemented
changes and additions for each power unit and general-unit facilities albums of algorithms of
technological protections and interlocks shall be developed.
Albums of algorithms of technological protections and interlocks shall be revised every 3
Changes in the albums of algorithms shall be made in the manner prescribed for operating
10.5.3 For each control room the alarm setting card with the name of the signal (display),
initial cause and actuation setting shall be performed.
Alarm setting cards shall be revised at least once in 3 years.
Changes in the alarm setting cards shall be made in the manner prescribed for operating
10.5.4 At the control rooms the cards (logs) of settings of technological protections and
interlocks approved by the chief engineer shall be presented. Setting values and time delays of
technological protections actuation are determined by project or equipment manufacturer. It is
permitted to combine card (log) of settings of technological protections and interlocks with
albums of technological protections and interlocks algorithms.
Protection equipment having devices for settings changing shall be sealed or stamped (except
recording devices). Seals (stamps) are allowed to be removed only by employees of TAMW with
a record included in the operation log.
10.5.5 The main objectives of APCS operation are:
- Ensuring the efficiency and compliance of APCS automation complex with the design
- Maintenance and repair of automation complex,
- Carrying out all types of automation complex repair in accordance with the requirements of
design and plant documentation, existing rules and regulations in the nuclear industry,
- Metrological support,
-Collecting and analyzing of data on the reliability of APCS automation complex. Keeping
documentation and information database on state and reliability of APCS automation complex,
- Maintenance of software and information systems,
- Analysis of the effectiveness of APCS and development of suggestions for improvement,
- Replacement of equipment and facilities in APCS automation complex with resource
- Tests and checks of APCS automation complex.
10.5.6 The air conditioning system (air temperature and humidity) in the rooms shall be kept
in a state that ensures reliable operation of APCS automation complex.
10.5.7 During the operation APCS automation complex shall be inspected for compliance
with design specifications by programs and schedules approved by the chief engineer of the
nuclear station. In case if direct testing is impossible, the tests shall be carried out under
conditions simulating the actual state of equipment and APCS automation complex.
10.5.8 Maintenance and repair of APCS automation complex shall be done in accordance with
the schedule approved by the chief engineer of the NP, developed on the basis of plant
documentation requirements and valid regulations in the nuclear industry.
10.5.9 Maintenance, repair and testing of APCS automation complex shall be subject to the
conditions and limits of safe operation of the NP power unit in the period specified in the design
and operating nuclear power regulations.
10.5.10 equipment installed on the panels, consoles, and on site, the primary transmitters,
valves and terminals shall have designations depending on purpose.
Boards, transition boxes, modular cable boxes, actuators shall be numbered.
All clips and wire cables matching to them, as well as pipe connection (impulse) lines shall be
10.5.11 impulse lines to automation and measurement equipment shall be installed in
compliance with building codes and regulations and systematically purged during the operation.
Impulse lines shall be purged by clean medium in the direction of the circuit when they are
connected to pipelines and devices, filled with radioactive substances with activity of more than
3.7·105 Bq/l (1·10-5 Ku/l).
Impulse lines, filled with radioactive substances shall be provided with tripping devices for
the case of rupture, and at laying of those in rooms of various categories - with separating vessels
at the rooms boundaries.
Installation of equalization and condensation vessels, laying of impulse lines, manufacturing
and installation of metering contraction instruments and flow meters shall be carried out in
accordance with current regulations.
10.5.12 Primary transducers and actuators of thermal automatics and measurement devices
shall be protected from contact with moisture. Intake devices shall have platforms for inspection,
repair, with free access to them.
10.5.13 State of regulators and locking devices of thermal and mechanical equipment used in
the circuits of heat automatics shall meet technical requirements in terms of density, flow
characteristics, and gaps.
10.5.14 Responsibility for the safety of heat automatics and measurement devices is imposed
on operating personnel of appropriate workshops of NP, sites of heat networks, where the
devices are installed.
Responsibility for the purity of the external parts of heat automatics and measurement
devices, located on the remote control boards is imposed on operational staff of corresponding
NP workshops that perform control (switching) on the panels.
Responsibility for the purity of the external parts of heat automatics and measurement devices
is imposed on staff of corresponding NP workshops in accordance with documents determining
service area of the equipment.
10.5.15 For the maintenance and repair of heat automatics and measurement devices,
including units of impulse safety devices pneumatic control, the workshop of heat automatics
and measurements shall be responsible.
Repair of control parts and their joints with their actuators, electric drive reducers, as well as
contraction devices of flow meters, valves and sampling equipment shall be performed by staff,
responsible for repair of technological equipment, and installation and acceptance of those shall
be conducted with the participation of staff of TAMW.
Installation and integrity provision of sensors that have direct contact with the media and do
not have devices disconnecting them from the technological equipment shall be performed by
staff, responsible for the repair of technological equipment, and installing and acceptance of
those shall be made with the participation of staff of TAMW.
Welded contraction devices at the NP are not subject to revision and checks.
Current repairs and overhauls as well as preventive tests of electric motors (except rewinding
of their coils), included in the complex of automatic control, protection and remote control shall
be performed by TAMW.
Winding of coils of the drives electric motors shall be carried out by maintenance works or
electrical workshop staff.
10.5.16 Heat automation devices shall be inspected periodically according to the current
techniques and regulations in accordance with schedules approved by the chief engineer of the
10.5.17 Commissioning of technological protections after installation or reconstruction shall
be performed by written order of the chief engineer of the NP.
10.5.18 Technological protections introduced in continuous operation shall be switched on
during the whole operation time of the equipment that they protect. It is prohibited to put
serviceable technological protections out of operation.
Putting working technological protection devices out of operation is permitted only in the
following cases:
- Necessity of disabling the protection, due to operational documentation (operating manual of
basic equipment, schedule inspections of serviceable equipment condition, program of work to
be performed on the equipment), approved by the chief engineer. Switching off shall be
performed by the order of the NP shift head with a record in the Input-output of protections and
interlocks Log,
- Detection of the apparent failure of protection. Switching off shall be performed by the order
of the NP shift head with a record in the Input-output of protections and interlocks Log with
obligatory notification of the Deputy Chief Engineer for the operation (chief engineer).
In all other cases, protections switching off shall be carried out by order of the Chief
The performance of repair and adjustment works at circuits, at impulse lines and sensors of
switched on protections is prohibited.
10.5.19 Frequency and volume of technological protections, automated and safety devices, as
well as valves operability checks shall comply with technical regulations of NP power units
10.5.20 Technological protection means (primary transmitters, gauges, terminals, keys and
switches, as well as cutoff valves of impulse lines, etc.) shall be marked distinctively.
Protection panels and equipment mounted on them shall be marked on both sides according to
their purpose.
On the equipment scales settings of protection operation shall be marked.
10.5.21 Checking the operability of the central part of the functional group control devices
(logic control cabinets) shall be carried out by staff maintaining control equipment, before
starting the equipment after downtime more than three days.
If, during the shutdowns of technological equipment for less than three days in circuits of
functional group control devices, the repair and adjustment works were carried out, and if similar
works were carried out earlier in the central part of the cabinets, performance testing of
functional group control shall be performed by staff of technological workshop and staff, serving
control devices, as a rule, with the acting on actuators (on signal) at the shut down equipment.
When testing of actuation operations is not appropriate related to the condition of equipment
verification of functional group control shall be carried out without acting on the actuators.
The scope and procedures for testing of functional group control operation shall be
determined by the technological regulations or manual of the equipment and approved by the
chief engineer of the NP.
10.5.22 .It is prohibited to perform repair and adjustment works at working equipment in the
actuating (external) control circuits of the functional group control devices.
Performance of adjustment operations in the central part of functional group control devices
is allowed after their disconnection from the actuating circuits. Connecting actuating circuits to
the central part of functional group control devices is permitted only at the stopped equipment.
10.5.23 Metrological support of measurement devices included in the APCS, shall be
performed in accordance with 5.8 of the given standard.
It is prohibited to operate measurement devices that were not subject to metrological
maintenance - calibration (verification) or with invalid (expired or damaged) reprints of
calibration stamps.
10.5.24 At operating of APCS on the NP the collection, processing, analysis and storage of
the information base about the failures of APCS automation complex shall be provided.
10.5.25 The unauthorized access to the rooms, in which the complexes of APCS means are
located, shall be excluded by the technical and organizational measures.
10.5.26 Subdivisions that provide maintenance of APCS shall register in the prescribed
manner the operational documentation according to the list, approved by the chief engineer of
the NP.
10.6 Special equipment of NP
10.6.1 Nuclear Fuel. Transport-Technological Procedures During the NP operation the following shall be provided:
- 100% accounting of nuclear fuel in places of its location at the NP, including transportation
of it within the NP site and beyond the boundaries of the NP,
- Fresh nuclear fuel storage for ensuring the smooth operation of the reactor plant,
- Receiving fresh nuclear fuel from the suppliers and its storage at the NP,
- Storage and dispatch to the reprocessing of spent NF,
- Timely supply of NF for the reactor refueling,
- Nuclear and radiation safety during operation, storage and transportation of NF within the
NP, as well as importing spent NF from the NP,
- Physical protection of nuclear fuel. By the order of the NP Director the accountable for assets for receipt and storage of
nuclear fuel shall be appointed. Transportation of fuel assemblies with fresh or spent fuel within or outside the NP
shall be performed only with the use of dedicated transport means for containers and other
necessary accessories. The contracts for the supply of nuclear fuel shall contain types and quantities of fuel
assemblies in accordance with specifications of the manufacturer. Fuel assemblies with fresh nuclear fuel shall arrive at the NP from the vendor in
sealed containers with relevant associated documents and accompanied by a manufacturer's
representative. On receipt of fresh nuclear fuel from the manufacturer the following shall be
- Associated documents,
- Quantity of containers with NF,
- Integrity of the intervention indicating devices (seals) installed on the vehicle and containers
with nuclear fuel,
- Matching of containers identifiers and intervention indicating devices (stamps) specified in
associated documents,
Measurements of gross weight of containers and check of the availability and types of nuclear
materials in the containers shall be performed.
Upon detection of violations corrective measures shall be taken in the prescribed manner Accounting and control of nuclear materials at the NP shall be conducted in
accordance with the requirements of [27] “Provisions on State Control and Accounting for
Nuclear Materials,” НП “Basic Regulations Concerning Control and Accounting for Nuclear
Materials,” as well as other regulations in force in the industry and in the organization. Fuel assemblies with fresh and spent fuel shall be stored in special facilities
(warehouses), or dedicated places (stores, ponds, pits, etc.) in accordance with the requirements
of ОПБ-88/97, the rules of nuclear and fire safety as well as local regulations.
Rooms (storages) shall be equipped with devices that prevent tilt or drop of fuel assemblies,
and relevant warning signs. At storing of fuel assemblies measures shall be taken to ensure the following:
-Subcriticality at least 0.05 both at the locating fuel assemblies, and in emergency filling of
fuel assemblies storage room with water,
- Impossibility of foreign objects getting into the fuel assembly, mechanical damage and
contamination of FA,
- Excluding the harmful effects on the environment (moisture, gas, etc.). It is forbidden to conduct construction and welding works at a distance closer than 3
meters from the products of nuclear fuel, except for welding of the springs connections with the
fuel assemblies for RBMK reactors, which shall be conducted according to instructions
(technology) approved by the chief engineer of the NP. sockets for installing of assemblies shall be inspected, calibrated and cleaned if
necessary prior to the performance of transport-technological operations with fuel assembly.
Purity of sockets surfaces shall be checked in accordance with the instruction
Rooms for fuel assemblies storage shall be checked for radioactive contamination in
accordance with the ПРБ АС-99. FA reloading from shipping containers into storages shall be carried out according
to the instructions, or programs with regard of the rules of nuclear and radiation safety and
occupational safety. Receipt and storage of fuel assemblies shall be performed in accordance with the
instructions (regulations), approved by the chief engineer of the NP in the prescribed manner. Spent fuel assemblies shall be stored in special pools or pits under a layer of water.
Loading in a shipping container of spent FA to be transported for recycling is allowed only
after reduction of the residual heat down to value that excludes damages due to overheating. If spent fuel assemblies are present in the storage pools (pits) the following shall be
- Subcriticality of at least 0.05 for all possible emergency situations,
- Excluding the possibility of spent FA overheating due to residual heat emission,
- Staff protection from radioactivity (gas, aerosol, and gamma radiation),
- Periodic purification of fuel storage pools (pits) water ,
- Excluding the possibility of fuel storage pools (pits) accidental discharge. Leaky spent FA shall be stored in casings. Nuclear fuel operations, including transport-technological procedures, related to
transportation of fresh and spent fuel assemblies are to be carried out according to instructions
and Nuclear Safety Rules Vehicles transporting fuel assemblies are to undergo radiation monitoring at the exit
out of transport corridors of reactor (reactor-turbine) workshop. Personnel escorting the vehicles
are to be given an entry reference according to form stated in Annex to ПРБ АС-99.
After the transportation within the plant and sending of spent nuclear fuel operations are
completed, the radiation situation in operation area is to be thoroughly examined. Chief Engineer of NPP shall develop and approve the systems of recording,
registration, identification, examination and maintenance of mechanisms and devices used in
transport-technological procedures with fuel assemblies and spent fuel assemblies.
Only standard mechanisms and facilities that were properly inspected, examined and tested
before operation are allowed for use while carrying out transport-technological procedures with
fuel assemblies and spent fuel assemblies.
Lifting mechanisms, subject to the jurisdiction of Rostekhnadzor, used in transporttechnological procedures with with fuel assemblies and spent fuel assemblies are to be operated
according to Rostekhnadzor regulations. Cargo transportation above the reactor and fuel storage pool is to be carried out
strictly according to transport-technological plan, approved by Chief Engineer of NPP. The quality requirements to water for filling fuel storage pools are stated in
technological regulations on NPP power units operation. Project-stated water supply is to be
created before the start of the operation. Every transport-technological procedure, related to transportation of fuel assemblies
and spent fuel assemblies, as well as any source of high and average level radiation and
contamination is to be registered in a manner established at the NPP, including information on
their location. Safety measures are defined by local instructions or programs.
All fuel assemblies, loaded from the reactor core are to be located in areas specified by the
project Upon loading of fuel assemblies from the reactor core, fuel storage pool and other rooms
safety measures to prevent radioactive coolant from getting onto equipment and rooms surfaces
are to be taken.
10.6.2 Reactor plant (RP) During reactor plant operation the following is to be ensured:
- Safe operation of all the equipment,
- Optimal fuel use,
- Operability of fuel assemblies within regulated safe operation limits. Reactor plant operation is to be carried out according to reactor plant manual and
system manual, developed by NPP administration based on project design documentation and
technological regulations for reactor plant operation, modified according to physical and
energetic start up results and operation experience.
Reactor plant manual is developed by NPP administration based on typical reactor plant
manual (if available for current project). Reactor plant developer is to develop the technological operation regulation,
maintenance regulation and safety-related system chekup and testing regulation for the reactor
plant and submit it to the NPP administration. The technological operation regulation is to
contain main operation rules and corresponding safety techniques, general safety operations
procedure as well as limits and conditions of reactor plant safe operation. The change of reactor plant structure and/or characteristics, reactor plant systems
inprotant for safety as well as limits and conditions stated by reactor plant technical project and
technological operation regulation are to be agreed upon in due order prior to implementation of
those at the reactor plant
NPP tests not considered in technological regulation and manuals are to be carried out
according to programs and methods containing necessary safety measures for the given tests.
Stated programs and testing methods are to be agreed upon by NPP project developers and
adopted by NPP operating organization. The tests shall be approved by Rostekhnadzor in due
order and carried out upon approval of NPP operating organization. Basic reactor plant equipment shall be inspected and undergo technical examination
prior to operation start and during operation at regular intervals according to instructions, rules of
corresponding state safety regulatory agencies and present standard.
During operation the condition of metal structures and reactor vessel, reactor plant circuits
equipment and bearing attachment of overall equipment is to be monitored according to
instructions. Technical examination of equipment and reactor plant pipes is to be carried out
within the time limit prescribed by “Rules of arrangement and safe operation of equipment and
pipelines of nuclear power plants”. The values of test pressure and temperature of equipment
walls and pipes in hydraulic tests are to meet the requirements stated in these rules. After the hydraulic tests of main circulation circuit the VVER type reactor cap (if
available in the project) is to be installed in its regular place.
After the hydraulic test of main circulation circuit the cross-beam of reactor (VVER type)
upper block is to be installed in its regular place. When loading the nuclear reactor, the following is to be constantly monitored:
- Neutron flux, implemented by three independent flux density measuring trains and three
independent flux density rate measuring trains, as well as (if provided by technical project) with
accident protections activated by neutron flux density and the rate of its change,
- Coolant availability in reactor vessel (of VVER and BN types), in both parts of MFCC and
PT of reactor (RBMK type), monitored by at least two control methods (two trains).
When using absorber fluid, it is necessary to control its concentration and provide for
circumstances, where no absorber fluid condensate or absorber fluid of higher concentration than
allowed by power unit (units) technological operation regulation enters the reactor, primary
circuit coolant and other systems, that are to be filled with absorber fluid of certain concentration
according to the project. Upon reactor start-up reactor plant parameters and systems are to be monitored
according to power unit (units) technological operation regulation; including the following:
- Neutron flux, implemented by at least three independent flux density measuring trains and
three independent flux density rate measuring trains,
- Coolant temperature and pressure,
- Boric acid concentration in coolant (if used),
- Water level in drum separators (for reactors of train type),
- Coolant level in pressurizer (for reactors of VVER type),
- Power distribution according to radius and height of reactor core (for reactors of train type).
In cases defined by the project audible and visual indication shall be actuates when the set
values of parameters and emergency protection conditions are reached.
Start-up is to be cancelled and reactor stopped when emergency protection settings are
triggered by any parameter, which is currently monitored according to power unit (units)
technological operation regulation, at any power level by the following parameters:
- Neutron flux density,
- Neutron flux density escalation rate. In case the start-up of nuclear reactor provides reactor core conditions without
coolant, it is necessary to prevent coolant from entering the reactor core. Subsequently reactor
core is to be filled with coolant in portions with additional control by “countdown” curves. Activation of reactor critical state and its operation at any power level, including
minimal control level, are allowed under conditions, specified by power unit (units) operation
technological regulation.
- Prior to reactor start-up operating devices of emergency protection are to be switched into
operating position,
- Emergency core cooling systems are to be in operating position,
- Emergency containment systems are to be ready for operation.
Besides, at train type reactors the following shall be provided:
- Automatic control rods set in operating position,
- Gas circulation carried out throuh the reactor brickwork,
- Required flow of coolant through each train ensured.
The reactor is to be transferred into a critical state according to NPP power unit (units)
technological operation regulation and reactor plant manuals.
The moment of reaching the critical state of the reactor is to be determined by steady power
escalation on neutron density meters and steady or decreasing period on period meters
(according to reactivity meters).
To ensure the necessary power level in reactor, a period of neutron flux density doubling is to
be specified according to requirements of technological regulation.
In case controlled parameters of neutron density meters or period meters go beyond
acceptable limits that trigger alert alarm, safe condition measures are to be taken immediately by
reactor control rods.
In case of pre-emergency situation all reactor core operation and physical start-up testing are
to be immediately terminated and the reactor is to be brought into reactor subcritical state. During reactor plant operation control and protection system bodies are to be
monitored, as well as tightness of fuel elements. In case operation limits are disrupted personnel is to carry out a certain sequence of
activities, prescribed by power unit (units) technological operation regulation and aimed at
bringing the reactor plant to normal operation state.
In case set limits and conditions cannot be fulfilled in power state of reactor, power unit is to
be stopped according to NPP power unit (units) technological operation regulation. Reactor plant warming, reaching the required power after refueling, overhaul or
intermediate maintenance, as well as outage of 3 or more days, are to be carried out only after
detecting reactor core subcritical state and reactivity margin.
Operating personnel is to have reactivity change graphs (tables) for the period since control
and protection system actuators reset at any time during the campaign.
After the refueling all reactor core general project neutronal physical characteristics are to be
tested according to technological regulation requirements. Reactor cooling down mode (pressure and coolant decay, etc.) is to be carried out so
as not to damage fuel assemblies and the equipment (reactor vessel, regulation bodies, RCP, etc.)
cooling down rate shall not exceed the values stated in power unit (units) technological operation
regulations. During reactor plant cooling down the following procedures are to be monitored:
- Neutron flux in reactor and its subcritical state,
- Coolant pressure and temperature,
- Metal structures temperature,
- Radiation situation in sealed rooms,
- Gas and aerosol emission via the ventilation stack,
- Concentration of fluid absorber in coolant (for VVER type reactor),
- Other parameters provided by technical regulation and manuals. Nitrogen and air supplied to main circulation circuit to replace the coolant are to be
tested for oil presence. Oil presence in MCC is to be prevented. Before decompression of the main circulation circuit it has to be tested for excess
pressure. Operating personnel shall continuously perform monitoring of shut down reactor
plant during shutdown state irrespective of reactor state (cooled down, opened, etc.). After 3 or more days RP shutdown or after repair and prior to RP start-up the main
circulation circuit protection and blocking check-up shall be performed. In case protection and
blocking mechanisms failed, start-up and operation of main circulation circuit is prohibited. In
case interlocks ensuring operability failed, start-up and operation of main circulation circuit are
allowed only under permission of NPP chief engineer and with record in order log Main circulation circuit instruction is to contain a list of cases, when the operator
shall immediately stop main circulation circuit. Upon termination of main circulation circuit
reactor power is to be reduced according to requirements of power unit (units) technological
operation regulation Flange joint operations on main circulation circuit equipment are to be carried out
according to instruction with a specially designed instrument.
Power plant shall be equipped with blank-offs for slots, branch pipes in order to exclude
foreign objects penetration during repair works and checkups, as well as wrenchs for all sorts of
main circulation circulation circuit plug-ins, remote maintenance and repair devices. Technological regulation on nuclear plant power unit (units) operation (RP manual
or other documentation for steam generators operation) shall provide the following:
- Limits of water level and corresponding deviations, reaching and maintening of level during
filling, warming and operation,
- Accepted rates of reactor warming and cooling,
- Feed water temperature,
- Necessity of emergency shutdown including shutdown upon overactivity in secondary
circuit , cooling and draining procedure for steam generator in case of emergency shutdown,
- Other regulations, based on steam generator construction. Two circuit nuclear reactor power units shall be subject to additional monitoring
upon activity occurence in blowdown water of steam generators. Upon overactivity in blowdown
water exceeding the limits established by power unit (units) technological operation regulation,
operaing personnel shall take prescribed measures. When steam generators are filled with water from the secondary circuit in order to
carry out hydraulic testing, the disconnected circuit part is to be adjacent to reactor or
atmosphere or drained to exclude thermal overpressure of circuit part and steam generator on
first circuit, unless otherwise stated by project, construction or factory documentation or power
unit (units) technological operation regulation. During operation the temperature monitoring of heavy-walled equipment elements
in main circulation circuit is to be carried out, as well as plug-in density and leak monitoring in
equipment and pipes. During operation of pressurizers nominal coolant level is to be maintained When
coolant level is outside the defined limits of maximal or minimal levels, pressurizer operation is
prohibited, except for first circuit hydraulic testing or full first circuit at reactor fuel overload.
Electric heater use is prohibited, when pressurizer is not filled with coolant to the level of the
heaters to exclude their overburning. When the circuit is under pressure, nitrogen extract containers, bubblers and other
devices for reception of main circulation circuit pressure relief valve discharge are prohibited to
be operated upon. When shutting shut-off valves of main circulation circuit, devices increasing
tightening value as opposed to factory value are prohibited for use.
MCG locks are to be either open or closed, unless otherwise stated by project, construction,
factory documentation or technological power unit (units) operation regulation.
In case any main gate valve being faulty, further operation status is defined by power plant
chief engineer.
In case there's coolant pressure in circuit, tightening or replacement of packing seal is
prohibited. Upon decontaminating boxes or coolant leak elimination, as well as sprinkling
device response, all electric motors, cables, control equipment sensors, pressurizer heaters and
other electrotechnical equipment and devices are to be tested for insulation resistance. Before uploading fuel to reactor, after repair or replacement of elements,
influencing tightness and strength in case it is impossible to monitor them locally and at regular
intervals (at least once a year), the density of sealed enclosures is to be monitored in order to
confirm compliance with project tightness. Upon reactor plant safety-related systems and equipment repair works, their
operability checkup is to be conducted. Testing of pressurizer pressure relief valves, steam generators and drum separators
at regular intervals is to be carried out according to power unit (units) technological operation
regulation. Nitrogen concentration in biological safety tank (annular tank) and bubbler is not to
exceed the limit of 3%.
Monitoring of nitrogen concentration in biological safety tank is to be conducted
continuously, at manual operation monitoring is to be conducted at least once a week, bubbler
monitoring is to be conducted continuously, while reactor is in operation. During operation of reactor with boric control system the necessary emergency
boric acid supply is to be maintained continuously. Special system containers are to be ready for
primary circuit coolant intake.
During reactor operation boric acid feed systems of high and low pressure shall be operable
and ready according to power unit (units) technological operation regulation, all interlocks of
reactor core emergency cooling and spray system shall be active. According to project all standby systems and equipment shall be operable and ready
for automatic activation, if applicable. Procedure and conditions for putting of equipment and
systems out of standby condition shall be specified by instructions. Transfer from operating equipment to standby equipment shall be conducted at
regular intervals according to the schedule adopted by nuclear plant chief engineer. As a rule,
transfer from operating equipment to standby equipment is preceeded by checkup of all
protections and interlocks of standby equipment.
Checkup of protections and interlocks that cannot be carried out while the unit is operating,
are to be conducted in prescribed manner in periods of the unit shutdown. As a rule, checkup of
protections and interlocks shall be conducted by activation impulse generation at the whole
circuit operability, including equipment activation, valves opening, etc.
10.6.3 Ventilation and gaseous radioactive waste removal system At ventilation systems operation, fresh air shall be continuously supplied to all the
attended rooms according to the design conditions. In unoccupied and occasionally occupied
rooms where radioactive gases and aerial suspensions may be detected, the ventilation systems
should maintain under-pressure within design values, but not less than 50 Pa (5 kgf/m2) in all
standard operating modes (except for sealed compartments with double metal shell). In case of
repair, exhausted air volume shall be increased in these rooms due to exhaust system standby
unit start-up. It is forbidden to unite rooms with different pollution levels with air ducts of the
same ventilation system. Ventilation of the reactor hall shall be performed with an independent
ventilation system, air exchange within the hall (if it is attended by personnel) shall be carried
out at least once an hour. 100% redundancy of exhaust and supply fans (safety related systems) with their auto
start-up shall be ensured. Essential exhaust ventilation systems shall be connected to reliable
power grid and have an automatic restart function in case of break in power supply. At ventilation systems operation, the following parameters shall be controlled:
- Inside air pressure (under-pressure) and temperature,
- Fan pressure,
- Air (gas) flow rate,
- Filters resistance,
- Radioactive aerial suspensions specific activity downstream and upstream the filters,
- Radioactive gases specific activity in the rooms,
Control scope and periodicity are regulated by a ventilation system operation manual.
Radioactive gases and aerial suspensions within the pipeline shall be constantly monitored. When air and gases are purified with charcoal and aerosol filters, air (gases) relative
humidity shall not exceed 70%, unless otherwise specified in the design, reference, or
manufacturer documentation. When a humidity meter is off, it is forbidden to operate these
Efficiency of removed air purification of radioactive aerial suspensions and iodine compounds
by means of exhausting ventilation filters shall be at least 90%.
Efficiency of removed air purification of aerosol elements by means of supply ventilation
filters shall be at least 80%. Exceeding of permissible radioactive emission established by actual rules and
standards is not allowed at waste treatment and air removal systems operation. Radioactive gases and air removed from the equipment shall be purified before
discharging. In case of necessity, they shall be stored in special gas-holders.
In case of accident at NPP leading to radioactive nuclide release into the atmosphere in the
area of supply system air-take devices and auxiliary buildings it is necessary to switch off
supply-exhaust ventilation exchange systems that are not required for breakdown elimination
Waste treatment systems for purification of exhausted from process equipment gases shall be
equipped with instruments.
It is a remotely controlled system. Hydrogen concentration shall be systematically monitored in all gas accumulating
and purifying equipment, gas-holders and other containers where hydrogen can be released and
Hydrogen concentration in gases shall not exceed 3%.
Equipment elements under monitoring for released and accumulated hydrogen shall be listed
in the corresponding operation manual according to the design. Operation of hydrogen afterburning plant shall be performed according to special
regulations. It is forbidden to use this device when hydrogen bulk concentration next to catalytic
reactor is more than 1%. Hydrogen afterburning plant should not operate more than three hours if
temperature of the gas supplied to the catalytic reactor is below 120°С. Inspection of ventilation, gas waste treatment, and hydrogen afterburning systems
as well as testing of standby systems and switching to them shall be performed according to the
schedule. Overhaul and maintenance of this equipment is performed as required.
Repair of ventilation devices and replacement of repair ventilation filters should not be
performed during repairing or reloading of the equipment, except for standby ventilation
10.7 Nuclear power plant electric equipment
10.7.1 Generators Generators should operate continuously in admissible modes. They demand reliable
operation of excitation, cooling, and lubricating systems as well as control, protective, automatic,
and diagnostic equipment. Automatic excitation regulators (AER) shall be constantly in operation. AERs or
their parts (limiter of minimum excitation, etc.) may be shut down only for repair or inspection.
Setting and operation of AERs should correspond to generator admissible operational modes
and common and system automatic machinery.
AER basic settings shall be available to plant personnel.
Standby exciters shall be able to force excitation not less than 1.3 of rated rotor voltage. Settings of AER and operational excitation forcing devices should provide the
following conditions under planned under-voltage:
- Maximum steady state excitation voltage not less than double operational value, if this value
is not restricted by regulations and instructions for some out-of-date equipment,
- Rated excitation voltage rise rate,
- Auto constrain of forcing set duration.
At the plant generators with design allowing usage of turbine generator kinetic energy in the
emergency rundown mode, device constraining forcing duration is automatically turned off.
Maximum generator excitation shall be provided in case of need. Generators shall be put into operation with basic excitation.
During operation, switching between basic excitation mode and standby excitation mode and
vice versa shall be performed without generators shutdown.
As a rule, switching from operating excitation control channel to the standby one and
backwards is performed without changing of generator operation mode. All the generators with function of automatic field breaking and rotor circuit
breaking shall be equipped with special excess-voltage protection (discharger, etc.). This device
shall be continuously in operation. Standby turbine generator shaft sealing lubricating systems with hydrogen cooling
should automatically turn on when working source is shut down and oil pressure drops below
To support basic lubrication systems for generators with power 60 MW and more, surge tanks
shall be constantly in working condition. Oil reserve in the tanks should provide sufficient
supply of oil and maintenance of positive oil-hydrogen pressure difference at the shaft seals
within the whole period of turbine generator rundown with vacuum breakdown in case of all
lubricating systems failure. Turbine generators with hydrogen cooling after installation or repair should be put
into operation with rated hydrogen pressure.
On-load operation with air cooling is forbidden for turbine generators with direct hydrogen or
hydrogen-water cooling of active parts.
Short-term operation with air cooling is allowed at idle only without excitation and with air
temperature below the values indicated in the manufacturer’s documentation. Fire extinguishing devices for generators shall be always ready to provide quick
response in case of need.
Generators with air cooling shall be equipped with water sprinkle or inert gas fire
extinguishing system. At generators and their auxiliary devices startup and operation it is necessary to
monitor electrical characteristics of the stator, rotor and excitation systems, temperature of coil
and stator steel, of coolants for shaft sealing, bearings and end thrust bearings, of pressure,
including pressure difference at filters, of specific resistance and distillate flow through windings
and other active and constructive elements, of hydrogen purity and pressure, of oil pressure and
temperature, as well as oil-hydrogen pressure difference at the shaft seals, of water cooling
systems tightness, gas humidity within generators’ cases with hydrogen and all-water cooling
systems, of oil level at surge tanks and turbine generator float hydraulic locks, of turbine
generator bearings and contact rings vibration. Periodicity of performance indices determination for operating and standby
generator gas-oil and water systems shall be the following:
- For generator hydrogen dew point (humidity) temperature - at least once a week, and if unit
gas dehydration or dehumidifying system failed or when humidity is above maximum
permissible value - at least once a day,
- For machine body gas-tightness (daily hydrogen leakage) - at least once a month,
- For hydrogen purity within the machine body - at least once a week for control samplings
and continuously for automatic gas analyzer, if the gas analyzer failed - at least once per shift,
- For hydrogen concentration within stator windings and gas coolers gas traps (for turbine
generators with hydrogen-water cooling), when such traps are available and contain some gas,
within bearing housings, shaft seals draining oil lines (at the air side), screened electrical
pathways, line and neutral terminal covers - continuously with an automatic gas analyzer which
responds to the signal, and if such an analyzer failed or is not available, then sampling is
performed with a portable gas analyzer or a detector at least once a day,
- Oxygen concentration in hydrogen within the machine body, float hydraulic lock, blowdown tank and hydrogen-separating tank of the generator oil purification device - according to
approved schedule for chemical control,
- For distillate quality indices - according to the generator standard operation instructions. The
distillate is used for generator windings cooling system, as well as for cooling of some other
parts of the equipment. Hydrogen purity within generator bodies (with direct hydrogen cooling) shall be at
least 98%.
Hydrogen dew point temperature within a generator body at the operating pressure shall not
exceed 15°С and should always be below water temperature at the gas-coolers inlet. Oxygen concentration in hydrogen within generator body shall not exceed 0.8% (if
hydrogen purity is 98%), and in the float hydraulic lock, blow-down tank and hydrogenseparating tank this index shall not exceed 2%. Hydrogen concentration in bearing housings, shaft seals draining oil lines (at the air
side), screened electrical pathways and turbine generator line and neutral terminal covers shall be
below 1 %.
When hydrogen concentration within electrical pathways and line and neutral terminal covers
is 1% and more, or when hydrogen concentration within bearing housings is above 2%,
turbogenerator operation is forbidden. Hydrogen pressure fluctuations within the generator body at rated hydrogen
overpressure up to 100 kPa (1 kgf/cm2) shall not exceed 20%, when rated overpressure is above
the mentioned value, fluctuations shall not exceed ±20 kPa (± 0.2 kgf/cm2). Static and dynamic oil pressure in the seals of generator rotor should exceed hydrogen
pressure in the machine body. Minimum and maximum pressure difference shall be listed in
manufacturer's instructions. Oil pressure regulators (for sealing, pressing, and compensative pressure) of the
turbine generator shaft seals lubricating system shall be constantly in operation.
Valves installed in the generator lubricating, regulating, and sealing lines shall be sealed at
active position. Generator daily hydrogen leakage shall be no more than 5%, daily flow with
blowing-out taken into account - no more than 10% of the total gas amount at operating pressure. As a rule, generators are added to the circuit according to ideal synchronizing
When the ideal synchronizing method is used, any asynchronous actuation shall be prohibited.
It is forbidden to add the generator to the circuit by means of self-synchronization method,
excluding generators with power up to 220 MW (inclusive) in case of grid breakdown
elimination, if this is allowed by their specifications or was additionally approved by
manufacturers. In case of load release that does not result from the device failure or turbine control
system malfunction, it is permitted to add generators to the circuit without inspection and
examination. Generator voltage rise rate is not limited.
Resistive load rise rate for all the generators depends on turbine or reactor (diesel) operating
Resistive load change rate of the generators with indirect winding cooling is not limited, at
generators with direct winding cooling this rate shall not exceed resistive load rise rate, but it is
not limited in emergency situations. Generator rated power at minimum power factor (for the generators with power of
30 MW and more, as well as continuous maximum output power under set power factor values
and cooling indices) should be maintained at simultaneous voltage deviations ±5 % and
frequency deviations ±2.5 % of rated values provided that during operation with increased
voltage and decreased frequency total amount of voltage and frequency deviation absolute values
is no more than 6%, unless otherwise specified by manufacturers for some types of equipment.
Maximum rotor current under voltage deviation within ±5% is continuously admissible under
operation with rated power and rated coolant indices. In case of long operation at maximum
power, maximum rotor current voltage under deviations up to ±5% is continuously admissible
only if cooling indices correspond to the required values.
Generator maximum operating voltage shall not exceed 110% of the rated value. Under
voltage more that 105%, admissible total power of the generator shall be established according to
the manufacturer's guideline or according to test results.
Under generator voltage below 95% of the rated value, the stator current shall not exceed
105% of the continuously admissible value. It is prohibited to overload the generators by current over the rate, permissible at the
given temperature and pressure of cooling medium.
In case of emergency conditions, the generators are allowed to be overloaded for short period
by stator and rotor currents according to the manufacturer’s instructions, standards and
specifications. If there are no appropriate instructions, in case of accidents in the power system
the short-term overloads are allowed for generators by stator current with the current ratio in
relation to the nominal value, as it is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Permissible overload ratio of the generator by stator current
Overload duration (no
more than, min)
Direct cooling of the stator winding
with water
with hydrogen
Indirect cooling of
the stator winding
Permissible overload by the excitation current of the generator with indirect cooling is
determined by the permissible overload of stator. For turbine generators with indirect hydrogen
cooling of the stator winding the permissible overload by the excitation current shall be
determined by the current ratio in relation to the nominal value of the rotor current (Table 2).
Table 2. Permissible ratio of the turbine generator by the rotor current.
Turbine generators
Overload duration (no more
than, min)
(up to 500 MW inclusive)
2.0 In case of single-phased ground connection in the generator voltage circuit, the turbine
generators with a capacity of 150 MW shall be automatically shut down, and in case of
protection failure they shall be immediately unloaded and cut off the electric network. The same
measures shall be provided in case of ground connection in the stator winding of the turbine
generators of smaller capacity with closing current more than 5 A.
The permissible operation time of turbine generators with capacity less than 150 MW with
ground-fault current not exceeding 5 A shall not exceed 2 hours. After this time limit they shall
be disconnected.
If the place of the ground connection is not in the stator winding, at the discretion of the
principal engineer of nuclear power plant, the allowed operation duration of generator with
ground connections is up to 6 hours. In case of the signal or in case of detection during the measurements significant
reduction of the exciting circuit insulation resistance of the turbine generator with direct cooling
of the rotor winding down to 10 kiloohm, in an hour it shall be switched to the back-up
excitation. In case of the ground connection it shall be done immediately. If the insulation
resistance restores, the generator can remain in operation; if it remains lowered, the turbine
generator at the first opportunity, but not later than in 7 days, shall be put under repair (unless
otherwise stipulated in the plant documentation).
In case of further lowering of insulation resistance (below the value, specified in the
manufacturer’s instructions or other regulatory documents) during the operation in back-up
excitation mode, the turbine generator shall be unloaded for an hour, disconnected from the
electrical network and put under repair.
At the reduction of insulation resistance in the exciting circuits of the turbine generator with
brushless excitation system, measures on detection of the reasons of insulation degradation and
its restoring shall be taken. If the insulation resistance remains lowered, then, at the first
opportunity, but not later than in 7 days, the generator shall be put under repair.
In case if the warning stage protection from the ground connection in the excitation circuit has
been actuated, the generator shall be unloaded for 1 hour, disconnected from the electrical
network and put under repair.
In case of ground connection in the exciting circuit of the turbine generator with indirect rotor
winding cooling, it shall be switched to the back-up excitation. If the short circuit is not
available abymore, the generator can remain in operation. In case of ground connection detection
inside of the rotor winding, the turbine generator, shall be put under repair at the first
opportunity, Prior to putting it under repair, in case of fixed short circuit of rotor winding, the
body shall be equipped with protection against ground double short circuit in the rotor winding
with the effect on the signal. In case of the signal this turbine generator shall be immediately
unloaded and disconnected from the electrical network. Long-term operation is allowed with phase current difference, not exceeding 12%
of rated value for the turbine generators and 20% for the diesel-generators.
In all the cases, current of any phase shall not exceed the rated value unless unless otherwise
stipulated in the manufacturer’s specification. Non-synchronous operation of the separate excited generator in relation to the other
generator at the power plant is not allowed.
Admissible load and non-synchronous\operation duration without generators exciting shall be
based on the manufacturer’s instructions. In case if those are not available – according to the
dedicated test results. Permissibility of the non-synchronous modes of the generators according
to the impact on the electrical network shall be determined by means of calculations and tests. Permissibility and duration of generator operation in the electric motor mode are
limited by the turbine operating conditions and determined by the turbine manufacturer or
normative documents. Long-term generator operation with power factor lower than rated value and in the
overexcited mode (in the inductive quadrant) is allowed with excitation current up to long-term
permissible value under the given parameters of cooling media.
Permissible generator reactive load in the synchronous compensator mode (in the capacitive
quadrant) shall be based on the manufacturer’s instructions. In case those are not available –
according to the special thermal tests. Long-term generator operation with indirect cooling of windings is allowed in case
of power factor increasing from rated value to one while preserving the rated full power.
Permissible long-term generator loads in the underexcitation mode and at increasing of power
factor from rated value to one for the generators with direct cooling shall be set according to the
manufacturer’s instructions, taking into account provision of parallel operation stability in the
network and condition of the generator core steel.
At constant operation of the generator in underexcitation mode there shall be provided
automatic limitation of the minimum excitation current. The operation of the generators with direct liquid cooling of windings in case there
is no distillate circulation or oil in the windings in all the modes, except of idle operation mode,
is forbidden without excitation
In case of termination of cooling liquid circulation in the windings with direct liquid cooling,
the load shall be automatically removed within 2 minutes (if there is no stricter requirements for
separate types of generators), the generator shall be disconnected from the network and the
excitation shall be removed. The insulation resistance of the whole excitation circuit of generators with gas
cooling of the rotor winding and with air cooling of system elements, with voltage from 500 to
1000V measured by megohmmeter, shall be at least 0.5 Megaohm.
At water cooling of the rotor winding or the elements of excitation system the permissible
insulation resistance values of the excitation circuit are determined by the manufacturer’s
manuals for generators and excitation systems and the guideline “The Scope and Standards for
Electrical Equipment Testing”.
The operation of generators, having insulation resistance of excitation circuits lower than the
specified value, is allowed only under permission of the NPP chief engineer taking into account
p. 10.1.24. The quality of cooling medium (distillate, demineralized water, insulating oil),
circulating in the liquid cooling system of windings and rectifier units of generators shall comply
with standard and manufacturer manuals for generators and excitation systems.
The filters, installed in the system of liquid cooling, shall be constantly in operation. At reduction of cooling liquid specific resistance down to 100 kOhm·cm the
warning alarm shall be actuated, and at reduction down to 50 kOhm·cm, the generator shall be
unloaded, disconnected from the network, and the excitation shall be removed. The insulation resistance of bearings and shaft seal casings of the generators and
exciters with fully assembled oil pipelines, measured during assembling or repair works by
megohmmeter for 1000V voltage, shall be at least 1 Megaohm, if there is no stricter instructions
of the manufacturer.
Good condition of bearings and shaft seal casings insulation of turbine generators and exciters
shall be checked at least once a month. To prevent damages to the generator operating with the transformer jointly as a unit
during open-phase switching off or actuation of the switch, the generator shall be disconnected
by means of adjacent breakers of the section or busbar, to which the unit is connected. Vibration of turbine generators bearings shall meet the requirements of p. 8.3.26.
Vibration of turbine generators contact rings shall be measured at least once in 3 months and
shall make no more than 300 micron.
If the vibration of contact rings is more than 300 micron and is accompanied by the
depression of brush switching device performance, the turbine generator shall be put under repair
at the first opportunity under decision of the NPP chief engineer. The rings vibration after repair
shall not exceed 200 micron. As a rule, upon installation and overhaul generators may be started without drying.
Necessity in drying is determined by the РД “The Scope and Standards for Electrical Equipment
Testing”. Generators filling with immediate cooling of windings by hydrogen and
dehydrogenation shall be performed with a static rotor or when rotated by the barring gear.
In case of emergency dehydrogenation may be started during the machine rundown.
Hydrogen or air shall be forced out of the generator by means of carbon dioxide or nitrogen
pursuant to the РД “Standard operation manual of gas and oil system for generators hydrogen
cooling”. At NPP where a hydrogen cooled generator is installed supply of hydrogen shall
ensure its ten-day running consumption and a single filling of one generator with the largest gas
volume, and supply of carbon dioxide and nitrogen six-fold filling of the largest gas volume
If a power plant is equipped with a standby electrolyzer, supply of hydrogen may be reduced
by 50%. Maintenance and repair of the gas cooling system (gas pipes, valves, gas coolers),
elements of the direct liquid-cooled winding system, and other active and structural parts inside
the generator housing, as well as water and lube oil system equipment, switching from air to
hydrogen cooling of the generator and vice versa, participation in acceptance of oil seals after
repairs, maintenance of specified cleanness, humidity, and pressure of hydrogen in the generator
shall be performed by NPP electrical workshop.
Control of electromechanical parameters of stator, rotor and excitation system, winding
temperature and stator steel shall be performed by personnel of NPP electrical workshop.
Running control and repair of the shaft seal oil supply system (including oil pressure
regulators and labyrinth oil baffle), shaft oil seals of all types, equipment and distribution system
of cooling water to gas coolers, and equipment of the quench stock supply and discharge system
outside of the generator shall be performed by the turbine shop.
For NPPs with a special repair workshop, the latter shall repair the above equipment. Generators repair and overhaul shall be combined with turbine repair and overhaul.
The first workover with removal of the turbine generator rotor shall be performed within
8.000 hours upon commissioning, including strengthening of end-turn fastening, rewedging of
stator slots, bus and bracket fastening check, stator core attachment and pressing-in density
The turbine generator rotor shall be removed at further repairs if necessary and in compliance
with requirements of regulatory documents. A scheduled shutdown of the generator shall be prohibited in the case of positive
voltage at the machine contacts. Routine tests and measurements of generator parameters shall comply with the РД
“Scope and standards of electrical equipment testing”. At scheduled and emergency generator (generator-transformer unit) shutdowns the
main electrical circuit shall be immediately disassembled to prevent inadvertent or accidental
energizing of a stopping generator. There shall be no flashover on the contact rings of the turbine generator, auxiliary
generator, and on the exciter collector.
In the case of a flashover, personnel shall immediately shut down the turbine, remove
excitation, and disconnect the generator from the power supply.
10.7.2 Electric motors Safe startup and operation of electric motors and start-control devices shall be
ensured. At auxiliary buses voltage shall be within the range of 100 % to 105 % of the rated
voltage. If necessary, electric motors may be operated at voltage of 90% to 100% of the rated
voltage maintaining the rated power. Electric motors and mechanisms driven by the same shall be labeled with arrows
pointing their rotation direction. Electric motors and starters shall be labeled with a unit name
they are referred to. Forced ventilated electric motors installed in dusty and high-humidity rooms shall be
equipped with clean cooling air supply devices. Amount of air forced through an electric motor
and its parameters (temperature, impurity content, etc.) shall comply with the requirements of
manufacturer's documents.
Leak-tightness of the cooling duct (electric motor housing, air pipes, gate valves) shall be
checked at least annually.
Independent electric motors of external cooling fans shall be automatically started and
stopped at starting and stopping of the main electric motors. As a rule, electric motors with water cooling of rotor and stator active steel, and with
integrated wet-type air coolers shall be equipped with devices signaling presence of water in the
housing. Operation of water cooled equipment and condensate quality shall comply with
manufacturer's documents. Electric motors with forced bearing lubrication shall be equipped with protection
acting on a signal, and shutting down the same in the case of increased temperature of bearing
shells or no lubrication supplied. In case of auxiliary power supply break a self-starting of essential electric motors
shall be ensured upon re-energizing from the main or standby power supply with main
equipment process conditions preserved.
At ASPSS actuation, the power break interval determined by process and standby protection
dwell time shall not exceed 2.5 s.
As an exception, the break interval may be longer provided that electric motors are selfstarted, which shall be confirmed by estimates and tests. A permissible power break in supply of
the reactor main circulation pump shall depend on nuclear reactor protection conditions.
A list of essential mechanisms shall be approved by NPP chief engineer. Square-cage rotor electric motors may be cold started twice in a row, hot started
once, unless otherwise specified in manufacturer's documents.
Other startups may be performed upon the cooling down of an electric motor during a period
of time as specified in a manufacturer's manual for a given electric motor type.
6kV electric motors shall be restarted upon their shutting down by relay protection only upon
inspection and elimination of a tripping cause. For 6kV electric motors of essential mechanisms
without standby electric motors, an electric motor may be restarted once upon inspection of the
same and cable. A list of such electric motors (driving gears) shall be specified in electric motor
(driving gear) manuals.
NPP instructions shall regulate restarting of 0.4kV electric motors upon their shutting down
by relay protection or protection integrated into the switch. Electric motors standing ready for use for a long period of time shall be inspected
and tested together with mechanisms based on a schedule approved by a chief engineer. The
stator winding insulation resistance and absorption factor of outdoor electric motors without
heating shall be checked. Attending personnel of a shop servicing a machine shall monitor electric motor
load, brushing unit, vibration, temperature of elements and electric motor cooling media (stator
winding and core, air, bearings, etc.), maintain bearings (controlling a lube oil level) and supply
devices for cooling air and water to air coolers and windings, and starting and shutdown
In the case current conducting parts pass through cooler chambers, monitoring and
maintenance of an electric motor cooling system within such chambers shall be performed by
electric shop personnel. Electric motor shall be immediately disconnected from a power supply in the case
of accidents involving personnel, appearance of smoke or fire from an electric motor housing,
starters or exciters, and driven mechanism failure.
An electric motor shall be shut down upon the starting of a standby one (if applicable) in the
case of:
- Burnt insulation smell,
- Abrupt increase in vibration of an electric motor or mechanism,
- Non-permissible bearing temperature increase,
- Potential electric motor damage (flooding, steaming, abnormal noise, etc.). Stator current monitoring shall be performed for electric motors of devices subject
to process overloads. Vibration vertical and cross components (vibration velocity RMC value or total
amplitude of oscillations) measured on electric motor bearings coupled with devices shall not
exceed manufacturer's document values. Routine checks and repair of electric motors, their removal and installation during
repairs, repair of air coolers integrated in the stator, elements of the direct liquid-cooled winding
system, and other active and structural parts inside an electric motor housing, brush contact and
start-control devices shall be performed by electric shop personnel, to the exception of gate valve
electric motors maintained by the thermal instrumentation and control shop. The balancing of electric motor rotating parts and assembly alignment; removal,
repair and installation of couplings (half-couplings of an electric motor and device) and outboard
bearings; repair of electric motor slide bearing shells, foundations and frame, lube oil system (for
bearing forced lubrication), devices of air and water supply for winding cooling, coolers that are
not integrated into electric motor stators, disconnection and connection of flanges of the service
water and lube oil pipeline system shall be performed by personnel of a shop servicing a driven
device or a contractor repairing equipment of NPP. Routine checks and measurements of electric motors shall comply with the РД
“Scope and standards of electrical equipment testing”.
10.7.3 Power transformers and oil-immersed reactors Long-term and reliable operation of transformers (autotransformers) and oilimmersed reactors (hereinafter referred to as the reactors) shall be provided by:
- Keeping of loads, voltages and temperatures within accepted standards,
- Keeping of oil and insulation features within set limits,
- Maintaining of cooling, voltage regulation, oil protection, etc. devices in good condition. Installation of new transformers (reactors) equipped with gas protection devices shall
be monitored. Transformers (reactors) equipped with gas protection devices shall be installed so
that the cover ascends in the direction of the gas relay by at least 1%, and the oil pipe to the
expansion tank - by at least 2%. The exhaust pipe shall be connected to the expansion tank. If
necessary, a membrane on the exhaust pipe shall be replaced with a similar membrane supplied
by a manufacturer. High (3 m and above) parts of operating transformers and reactors shall be inspected
with binoculars from the ground level. Fixed fire extinguishing facilities, oil headers, drains and collectors shall be in good
working condition. Outdoor transformer and reactor tanks shall be marked with plant (sub-plant)
numbers. The same numbers shall be on doors and inside transformer rooms and chambers.
Single-phase transformer and reactor tanks shall be marked with a phase coloring.
Outdoor transformers and reactors shall be painted using weatherproof and oil-resisting light
colored coating. As a rule, transformer (reactor) cooling device electric motors shall be powered from
two sources, and for forced-oil transformers using ASPSS. On-load tap changers of tie-in transformers shall be operated in a mode determined
by the energy system technical superintendent of an autotransformer supervision.
As a rule, OLTCs of main and standby auxiliary transformers shall be in operation with
remote control. As per decision of the NPP chief engineer OLTCs may be operated
automatically, provided that OLTC operation is blocked under transient conditions (startup and
fault currents) and when OLTC is involved in process control. They shall be monitored by means
of operation counters.
The switching of an energized transformer OLTC manually (by means of a handle) is
prohibited. Ventilation of transformer substations and chambers shall ensure transformer
operation in all normal operation modes. For forced air and oil transformers and reactors (cooling type DC) and forced water
and oil transformers (cooling type C), cooling devices shall be automatically on (off) when a
transformer (reactor) is on (off). Forced oil circulation shall be continuous regardless of load. A
procedure for the switching on (off) of cooling systems shall be specified in manufacturer's
Operation of transformers and reactors with artificial cooling without oil or cooling water
circulation loss alarm or fan stop alarm is prohibited. For forced-air/natural-oil transformers (cooling type Д), fan electric motors shall be
automatically on when oil temperature reaches 55°С, or load is rated regardless of oil
temperature, and be off when oil temperature falls down to 45°С, provided that load current is
below the rated current.
Operating conditions of transformers with forced-air not supplied shall be specified by
manufacturer's documents. For transformer oil/water cooling, oil pressure in oil coolers shall be above pressure
of water circulating in the same by at least 10 kPa (0.1 kgf/cm2).
The water circulation system shall be on with an oil pump at a temperature of upper layers of
oil at least 15°С, and off when oil temperature falls down to 10°С.
Some measures shall be taken to prevent freezing of oil coolers, pumps and mains. Oil in an expansion tank of a non-operating transformer (reactor) shall be at a level
corresponding to transformer (reactor) oil temperature. At the rated load, a temperature of the upper layers of oil shall be (unless otherwise
specified by a manufacturer) 75°С for a DC cooled transformer (reactor); max 95°С for a
natural-oil M and D cooled transformer (reactor); for C cooled transformers oil temperature
entering an oil cooler shall be max. 70°С. A transformer (at a load up to a rated one) may be operated for a long period of time
provided that a voltage in any winding tap is up to 10% above a rated voltage for this tap.
Thereby, a voltage in any winding shall not exceed operating voltage.
For transformers with neutral taps for voltage regulation or intended for operation with forced
regulating transformers a permissible voltage rise shall be specified by a manufacturer. For oil-immersed transformers long current overload by 5% of a tap rated current
shall be permissible for any winding, provided that the tap voltage does not exceed a rated one.
In addition, depending on an operating mode, transformers may be operated under systematic
overloads, which values and duration shall be regulated by a transformer operation manual and
manufacturer's instructions.
HV winding general part current monitoring shall be performed on autotransformers with a
generator or load connected to LV windings. In the case of emergency a short-term transformer overloading above a rated current is
permitted for any cooling systems regardless of a value and duration of previous load and
environment temperature within the following ranges:
Oil-immersed transformers
Overcurrent, %
Load duration, min.
Dry type transformers
Overcurrent, %
Load duration, min.
Oil-immersed transformers may be overloaded by up to 40% above rated current for a total of up
to 6 hours a day for 5 days in a row, provided that all transformer cooling devices are used,
unless otherwise required by a transformer operation manual or regulatory documents. Transformer operating conditions shall be regulated by manufacturer's documents in
the case of emergency shutdown of cooling systems. Transformer operation at rated voltage is permitted:
- With M and D cooling systems at any negative air temperature,
- With DC and C cooling systems at min. ambient temperature of minus 25 °С. At lower
temperatures a transformer shall be preheated at a load of 0.5 of rated one without actuating of
oil circulation system until oil temperature rises to minus 25 °С. Then, the oil circulation system
shall be actuated. In the case of an emergency a transformer may be switched to a total load
regardless of an ambient temperature,
- For a cooling system with a directional flow of oil in transformer windings NDC, NC
according to manufacturer's documents. Transformer OLTCs may be put into operation at a temperature of the upper layers
of oil of minus 20 °С or above (for immersed resistor OLTC devices), and minus 45 °С and
above (for OLTC devices with current-limiting reactors, and for switching devices with a
contactor on a rigid insulator outside of a transformer tank and equipped with an artificial
heating device).
OLTC devices shall be operated according to manufacturer's manuals. A number of transformers running simultaneously shall be determined for each
electrical installation depending on a load schedule, considering consumer power supply
In distribution power grids with a voltage of up to 20 kV transformer loads and voltages shall
be measured at least annually: during maximum and minimum loads within the first year, and
when necessary - the following years. Winding neutrals of autotransformers and reducers of 110 kV and above, and
transformers of 330 kV and above shall be operated in a dead ground mode.
A neutral of a transformer, autotransformer of reactors may be grounded through special
110 kV and 220 kV transformers with a neutral test voltage of 100 kV and 200 kV,
respectively, may be operated with an ungrounded neutral, provided that the same is protected by
means of a discharger. For the purpose of justification, estimates assume operation with an
ungrounded 110 kV transformer neutral with a neutral test voltage of 85 kV, provided that it is
protected by a discharger. At gas relay tripping a transformer (reactor) discharge and shutdown shall be
performed immediately to sample gas and find a cause of gas relay tripping. Visual inspection,
analysis of gas from the gas relay, oil chromatic analysis and other measurements help to
determine a transformer (reactor) condition and its potential further operation. In the case of automatic shutdown of a transformer (reactor) by means of an internal
fault protection, it shall be put back in operation upon inspection, gas and oil analysis, and
elimination of detected failure causes.
In the case of a transformer (reactor) shutdown by protection systems not resulting from a
fault of the same, it may be put back in operation without checks. Transformers with a capacity of 1 MV·A and above and reducers shall be operated
with a system of continuous oil regeneration in thermosiphon and adsorption filters.
Oil in a transformer (reactor) header tank shall be protected from direct contact with ambient
For transformers and reactors equipped with special devices protecting oil from wetting, these
devices shall be continuously switched on regardless of a transformer (reactor) operating mode.
These devices shall be operated according to manufacturer's manuals.
The oil in oil-filled entrance bushing shall be protected against oxidation and wetting. Transformers (reactors) are hooked up to a power supply and on to the full voltage.
Transformers running in combination with generator may be switched on along with the
generator by increasing of voltage from zero. Transformer (reactor) inspection without shutting down the same shall be
performed with the following intervals:
- For plants with continuous presence of personnel:
a) Power plant and substation main transformers, auxiliary main and standby transformers and
reactors - on a daily basis,
b) Other transformers - on a weekly basis,
- For plants without continuous presence of personnel - at least once every month, in
transformer rooms - at least once every 6 months.
Depending on local and transformer (reactor) conditions the above intervals may be changed
by an NPP chief engineer.
In the case of ambient temperature drop or other abrupt weather changes extra inspections of
outdoor transformers shall be performed. Overhauls shall be performed:
- On transformers with voltage of 110 kV to 150 kV, capacity of 125 МV·А and above, 220
kV transformers, reactors, auxiliary main transformers - within 12 years upon commissioning
with routine checks, further overhauls shall be performed as required based on tests and
- On other transformers - as required based on tests and condition. Routine tests and measurements of transformers (reactors) shall comply with РД
“Scope and standards of electrical equipment testing”.
10.7.4 Switchgears Switchgear electrical equipment of all types and voltages shall meet the requirements
under normal operating conditions and in the case of faults, overvoltages and overloads.
Switchgear maintenance personnel shall have all diagrams and instructions regarding
permissible modes of operation of electrical equipment under normal operating conditions and in
the case of emergency.
Switchgear with a voltage of 330 kV and above shall be equipped with means of biological
protection in the form of fixed, portable or inventory screens, and personal protective equipment.
Personnel maintaining switchgear with voltage of 330 kV and above shall have available a map
of electric field intensity distribution on the switchgear site at el. 1.8m above ground level. Electrical equipment insulation class shall correspond to a system rated voltage, and
over-surge protection devices to the electrical equipment insulation level.
If electrical equipment is installed in areas with polluted atmosphere certain measures shall be
taken providing insulation reliable operation at the design and operation stage as follows:
- In open switchgear - strengthening, washing, cleaning, coating with water-repellent pastes,
- In closed switchgear - dust and harmful gas protection,
- In outdoor package switchgear - cabinet sealing, insulation treatment with water-repellent
pastes and installation of electric heating devices with manual and automatic control. In the summer, air temperature in closed switchgear rooms shall not exceed 40°С. In
the case of its exceedance the measures shall be taken to reduce equipment temperature or to
provide air cooling.
Temperature in package switchgear rooms with SF6 insulation shall comply with
requirements of manufacturer's documents. Certain measures shall be taken to prevent animals and birds from entering closed
switchgear rooms, package switchgear chambers and outdoor package switchgear.
Floor coating shall prevent accumulation of cement dust. Switchgear current-conducting parts shall be installed at a distance from trees
preventing overlapping.
There shall be no trees and shrubs on an open switchgear site. Cable channels and trays of open and closed switchgear shall be in form of enclosed
fireproof slabs, and cable outlets from channels, tunnels, floors and passages between cable
sections shall be lined with a fireproof material.
Tunnels, basements, channels shall be kept clean, and drains shall ensure continuous removal
of water. Oil collectors, gravel bedding, drains and oil outlets shall be kept in good condition. Oil level in oil breakers, instrument transformers and bushings shall be within oil
indicator scale at minimum and maximum ambient air temperatures.
Oil in non-tight bushing entrance shall be protected against wetting. Temperature of bus detachable connections of switchgear shall be monitored
according to approved schedule. Switchgear with a voltage of 3kV and above shall be equipped with interlocks
preventing erroneous operation by disconnect switches, isolating switches, fault throwers,
package switchgear tracks and earthing stems. Blocking devices shall be sealed at all times, to
the exception of mechanical devices. At pole mounted transformer substations, control and switching points, and other
devices that are not equipped with fencing, drives of disconnect switches and LV cabinets shall
be locked.
Fixed ladders at the access platform shall be combined with disconnect switches and locked. As a rule, fixed earthing stems shall be used to ground switchgear with a voltage of
3kV and above. For electrical installations in operation, when earthing stems may not be
installed due to arrangement and design, earthing shall be provided by means of portable
earthing devices.
Discharge earthing switch actuators shall be painted red, and earthing stems are black, as a
rule. Doors and inner walls of closed switchgear chambers, open switchgear equipment,
front and inner parts of outdoor and indoor package switchgear, assemblies, and front and inner
side of panels shall be marked with connection details.
Switchgear doors shall be marked with warning signs as specified in the “Instructions for use
and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations.”
Fuse boards and/or connection fuses shall be marked with inscriptions specifying a fuse link
rated current.
Equipment housing metal parts shall be marked with phases coloring. Temporary ground, protective and fire-fighting means shall be located in
distribution switchgears.
Places of permanent personnel attendance shall be equipped with first aid means for the
injured. Places of medical stations location are determined by general-plant order. Switchgear equipment inspection without disconnection from power supply shall be
organized at the following facilities:
- At the facilities with permanent personnel attendance: At least once per 24 hours, for
detection of discharges, corona effects during night hours – at least once a month,
- At the facilities without permanent personnel attendance – at least once per month, and in
transformer rooms and distribution groups – at least once per 6 month.
Visual inspection of current-conducting wires shall be performed at NPP daily. In case of
cladding color change current-conducting wires shall be disconnected.
Additional inspection shall be provided in case of unfavourable weather conditions (heavy
fog, wet snow, glaze ice etc.) or heavy contamination of OSG, as well as after equipment
shutdown in case of short circuit.
Defects revealed shall be recorded. Defects shall be eliminated in the shortest possible time.
Control cabinets of switches and breakers with their upper part located at height of 2 m or
more shall have stationary service platforms. In case if compressed air leaks are detected in disconnected air circuit breakers,
compressed air supply is stopped only after voltage is removed from switches circuit
disassembling performed by means of disconnecting switches. Cabinets with protection equipment gears and automatic devices, coupling units and
remote control devices, control and distribution cabinets of air circuit breakers, as well as
cabinets with drives of oil circuit breakers, separators, short-circuiters and motor drives of
disconnection devices installed in switchgears, where ambient temperature can be below
allowable values, shall be electrically heated.
Oil circuit breakers shall be fitted with electric heating devices for heat tracing of tanks and
casings which shall be switched on in case if ambient temperature is below the allowable value.
Arctic oil shall be used in bulk-oil circuit-breakers installed in areas of low winter ambient
temperatures (below - 25 °С), otherwise switches shall be equipped with electric oil heating
device to be switched on during decrease of ambient temperature below the allowable value. Protective means to prevent from slow current flow shall be provided for feed
circuits of control solenoids of breaker mechanisms. metal-clad switchgears from 6 up to 10 kW shall be provided with quick-response
protective devices to prevent from arc short circuits inside MCS cabinets.
If MCS design does not presuppose installation of protective devices, it may be neglected. Automated control, protection and alarm system of air handling unit, as well as
safety valves shall be systematically checked and adjusted in compliance with current regulatory
documents. Compressed air drying for switching units shall be performed by thermodynamic
The required degree of compressed air drying is ensured by pressure drop ratio between rated
compressor pressure and rated operating pressure of switching units which equals minimum 2 –
for equipment with rated operating pressure 2 MPa (20 kgf/cm2) and minimum 4 - for equipment
with rated operating pressure from 2.6 up to 4 MPa (from 26 up to 40 kgf/cm2).
Other methods of compressed air drying, such as adsorption methods, are allowed. Moisture shall be removed from all air receivers of compressor pressure from 4 up
to 4.5 MPa (from 40 up to 45 kgf/cm2) at least once per three days and in accordance with the
schedule accepted - at the facilities with permanent personnel attendance.
Bottoms of air receivers and the outlet valve shall be heated and equipped with electric
heating device to be switched on for the period required for ice melting at ambient temperatures
below freezing.
Moisture shall be automatically removed from condensate collecting tanks consisting of
vessels under pressure of 23 MPa (230 kgf/cm2) during each start-up of compressors. To avoid
water freezing, bottoms of vessels and condensate collecting tanks shall be installed in insulated
room with heat tracing (except for vessels installed after compressed air purification unit ).
Moisture separator of the compressed air handling unit shall be purged at least three times per
24 hours. Dehydration degree and air dew point shall be checked at APU output once per 24
hours. Dew point shall not exceed -50 °С at ambient temperature above zero and - 40 °С at
ambient temperature below zero. Tanks of air breakers, as well as air receivers and vessels shall comply with
requirements of Code “Rules of Arrangement and Safety Operation of Vessels under Pressure for
Nuclear Power Facilities”.
Air circuit breaker tanks are not subject to registration in interregional districts of
Interior inspection of air breaker tanks and other units shall be performed during capital
repairs. Hydraulic pressure tests of air breaker tanks shall be performed:
- before commissioning (if not performed by manufacturer):
- upon repair, using welding and soldering.
Service life of air breaker tanks is prolonged together with prolongation and/or determination
of remaining life time of air circuit breakers with participation of a specialized organization (if
required). Mechanical impurities contained in compressed air of air breakers and drives of
other switching units shall be removed by means of filters installed in switchboard cabinets of
each air breaker or at the main of each machine air duct . Upon completion of air handling
network assembly and before initial filling of air breaker tanks and drives of other machines, all
air ducts shall be purged.
To prevent compressed air from contamination during operational process, it’s required to
- main air ducts at ambient temperature above zero – at least once per 2 months,
- air ducts of branch lines from the circuit up to switchboard cabinet and from cabinets up to
tanks of each pole of switches and drives of other units with their disconnection from equipment
– after each intermediate maintenance and overhaul of the equipment,
- air breaker tanks – after current repairs and intermediate maintenance, and if operation
modes of compressor stations are violated. Ventilation of insulators cavities of air breakers (for circuit breakers with
indications) shall be periodically checked for reliability.
Inspection intervals shall be defined on the basis of the manufacturer recommendations.
When compressed air is discharged from tanks and ventilation is terminated, insulation of the
circuit breaker before switching shall be dried by air purging via ventilation system in
compliance with the manufacturer requirements. Switches and their drives shall be equipped with ON and OFF position indicators.
One indicator is allowable for switches with integrated drive or with a drive located in close
proximity to the switch and not separated by close non-transparent barrier (wall) – to be installed
at the switch or the drive. Switches with external contacts clearly indicating ON position are
optionally provided with position indicator at the switch and at the integrated or not wallseparated drive.
Drives of breakers, grounding blades, separators, short circuiters and other devices separated
from machines by wall, shall have indicators of ON/OFF position.
Drives of breakers, grounding blades, separators, short circuiters and other devices separated
from machines by wall, shall have indicators of ON/OFF position. Overhaul of switchgear equipment shall be performed as follows:
- Oil breakers - once per 6-8 years period with driven breaker performance control between
- Load break switch, separators and grounding blades – once per 4-8 years period (depending
on design peculiarities),
- Air breakers – once per 4-6 years period,
- Separators and short-circuiters with open blades and their drives – once per 2-3 years period,
- Compressors – once per 2-3 years period,
- All units and compressors – upon expiration of service life regardless of its duration.
The first repair of the equipment installed shall be performed during the period specified in
technical documentation of manufacturer.
Repair of indoor installation separators requiring removal of voltage from buses or transfer of
contacts from one bus bar to another may be performed, as needed.
Repair frequency can be changed on the basis of operation experience. Repair frequency is
changed by decision of NPP chief engineer. Testing of electric equipment of distribution switchgears shall be organized in
accordance with document “Scope and Standards of Electric Equipment Testing”.
10.7.5 Batteries Reliable continuous operation of batteries and the required voltage level on direct
current buses under normal and emergency conditions shall be provided during servicing of
batteries. During acceptance of newly mounted battery the following shall be checked: Battery
capacity of 10-hours discharge, amount of electrolyte to be charged, voltage of elements at the
end of charge and discharge, and battery insulation resistance to ground. Batteries shall be
commissioned after 100% rated capacity is ensured. Batteries shall be operated in the mode of continuous float charge with voltage
maintenance accuracy of ±1 % at battery terminals.
Operation of batteries with accuracy of float charge voltage maintenance of ±2 % is allowed,
though in this case battery life is reduced.
Additional battery cells not used in operation permanently shall be operated in the mode of
continuous float charge. Control discharge of the battery shall be performed at NPP once per 1-2 year period
in order to define its actual capacity (within the limits of rated capacity), if other control
discharge intervals are not specified in manufacturer documentation.
For safety critical systems control discharge of batteries is performed during scheduled repairs
of the mentioned systems.
The value of current discharge rate shall always be the same. Measurement results obtained
during control discharges shall be compared with measurement results of previous discharges.
The battery can be charged and discharged by current with value not exceeding maximum for the
given battery. Plenum - exhaust ventilation of the power station room with battery shall be switched
ON before the initial charging of the battery and switched OFF after full gas removal but not
earlier than 1.5 h after the charge is completed.
Operation procedure of the ventilation system in the rooms with batteries installed shall be
specified in the manual and with consideration of specific conditions. After emergency discharge of the battery installed at the power station, its next
discharge up to 90% of the rated capacity shall be ensured at least in 8 hours. In case if rectifying devices are applied for recharge and charge of accumulator
batteries, AC and DC circuits shall be connected via isolating transformer. Rectifying devices
shall be equipped with shutdown signalling devices.
Ripple ratio at DC buses shall not exceed allowable values specified by power conditions of
RPA devices. Voltage at DC buses feeding control circuits, relaying protection devices, warning,
automatics and remote control under normal operation conditions is allowed to be maintained at
7.5% above the rated voltage of power consumers.
All assemblies and DC ring mains shall be provided with standby power supply. Insulation resistance of battery in relation to the rated voltage shall be as follows:
Voltage of Accumulator Battery, B
Insulation Resistance, kOhm, min
Insulation testing device at direct control current buses shall be activated by the signal on
insulation resistance lowering of one of the terminals up to setting of 20 kOhm at 220 V power
supply, 10 kOhm at 110 V, 6 kOhm at 60 V, 5 kOhm at 48 V, 3 kOhm at 24 V.
Under operation conditions the insulation resistance in the mains of direct control current
shall be equal to at least two set values of insulation monitoring device. Upon activation of signaling device, in case if insulation level of current DC circuit
is low in relation to the ground, measures shall be taken to eliminate the defects promptly. In this
case, execution of work without removal of voltage from this circuit is prohibited, except for
operations on insulation damage detection.
For NPPs with microelectronic or microprocessor-based RPA equipment applied, it’s not
recommended to use the method of detection of areas with low insulation resistance by means of
sequential shutdown of feeders on DC board. Electrolyte analysis of a serviceable acid storage battery shall be performed
annually by samples taken from pilot cells.
The amount of pilot cells shall be defined by NPP chief engineer with due consideration of
battery status, but it shall not be less than 10% of total number of batteries cells. Pilot cells shall
be replaced annually. During control discharge, electrolyte shall be sampled at the end of
discharge procedure.
Distilled water free from Cl and Fe or demineralized water meeting the requirements of
accumulator manufacturer shall be used for filling-up. It’s allowable to use steam condensate
meeting the requirements of distilled water standard.
To reduce evaporation, C and CK-type containers of batteries shall be covered with glass
plates or other insulating material not reacting with electrolyte. Oil shall not be used for this
purpose. Temperature in the room with batteryinstalled shall be maintained at 20 °С ±5 °С. The doors leading to rooms of battery shall be provided with the following signs:
“Accumulator Room”, “Flammable”, “No Fire”, “No Smoking” or the corresponding safety
signs shall be put up in compliance with standards prohibiting open fire and smoking. Batteries shall be inspected according to the schedule approved by NPP chief
Voltage, density and temperature of electrolyte in each cell shall be measured at least once per
month. Maintenance of batteries installed at power stations shall be the responsibility of
battery assembler or specially trained electrician. Each battery shall be provided with a log for
recording the inspection data and scope of work executed. Repair of open-type battery is carried out, as needed Batteries shall be operated in accordance with the requirements of manufacturer
instructions that shall be indicated in Accumulators Operation Manual.
10.7.6 Power cable lines During operation of power cable lines, maintenance and repair activities aimed at
provision of operation reliability shall be performed. Minimum service current capacity shall be set for each cable line during
commissioning. Current capacity shall be specified for the route section with the worst thermal
conditions, if the section length is at least 10 m. Capacity increase is allowed upon consideration
of thermal test results under condition that conductor heating does not exceed the limit values
prescribed by applicable standards and specifications. In this case, cable heating shall be checked
in areas with the worst cooling conditions. Cable structures shall be systematically checked for thermal operation conditions of
cables, air temperature and operation of ventilation devices.
Air temperature inside cable ducts, channels and shaft in the summer period shall not exceed
the outdoor temperature for more than 10 °С. During the period of post-emergency conditions the allowable current overload for
cables with impregnated paper insulation for voltage of 10 kV inclusively is 30%, for cables with
polyethylene and PVC plastic insulation – 15%, for cables with rubber or vulcanized
polyethylene insulation – 18% of constant load capacity with 6 hours duration per 24 hours
during 5 days, but maximum 100 hours per year, if the load during the rest periods does not
exceed the value of constant allowable load.
For cables being under operation for more than 15 years, current overload shall not exceed
Cables overloading with impregnated paper insulation for voltage of 20 and 35 kV is
Overloading of cable lines for voltage of 110 kV and higher shall be regulated by normative
All cases of current overloads of cable lines shall be recorded in the cable log. Allowable oil pressure variation limits shall be established for each oil-immersed line
or its section with voltage of 110 kV and higher depending on the line profile. In case of
deviations, the cable line shall be switched off and it can be switch on only after causes of
troubles are revealed and defects are eliminated. Oil from oil-immersed cable lines and liquid from cable sleeves with plastic
insulation for voltage of 110 kV and higher shall be sampled before a new line is introduced into
operation, in one year after its implementation, then in 3 years and later once per 6 years period. Laying and mounting of all voltage cable lines constructed by organizations of other
authorities and submitted to NPP for operation shall be performed under NPP technical
supervision. Each cable line shall have a certificate indicating the main data and an archive with
documentation specified in p.10.6.7 of the present standard.
For NPPs with automated record keeping system, certificate data can be stored in PC
Open cables and all cable coupling sleeves shall be provided with labels; labels at the
beginning and at the end of cable lines shall indicate grades, voltage, section, number and name
of the line, and labels of cable coupling sleeves shall contain data on number of sleeve and
installation date.
Labels shall be environment resistant. Labels shall be arranged along the line at 50 m interval
and placed on open cables, on bends of the route and in areas where cable is laid via fire-proof
bulkheads and floors (from both sides). Metal ungalvanized armature of cables laid in cable structures, and metal structures
with unplated covering where the cables are laid, as well as cable trunks made of common steel
shall be regularly coated with non-flammable corrosion-resistant lacquers and paints. Loads of cable lines exposed to overloads shall be measured regularly at intervals
defined by NPP chief engineer.
Operation modes and schemes of cabling shall be defined based on results of these
Requirements of this paragraph are applied to consumer cable lines coming from buses of
distribution switchgears of power stations and substations. Inspection of cable lines shall be performed once per periods indicated below:
Cable runs laid under the ground
Cable runs laid under improved surfacing of town territories.
Cable runs laid in headers, channels, shafts and along railway
Feeding stations, if oil pressure alarm is available (if not – refer to
local instructions)
Cable manholes
Cable voltage, kV
Up to 35
Inspection of cable coupling sleeves with voltage above 1000 V shall be performed during
examination of each cable line.
Inspection of underwater cables shall be performed in periods defined by NPP chief engineer.
Random checks of cable lines shall be carried out regularly by technicians and engineers.
During flood period and after rain storms, as well as when cable line is shut down by protection relay, occasional
inspections are performed.
Records on cable line defects revealed during inspections shall be entered in defect and failure
log. Failures shall be eliminated in periods defined by NPP chief engineer. Channels, shafts, cable floors and ducts on power stations shall be inspected at least
once per month. Technical supervision and operation of fire alarm and automatic fire fighting
devices installed in cable structures shall be performed in compliance with the requirements of
codes applicable in nuclear power engineering. Arrangement of some temporary and auxiliary structures (working rooms, tool
houses and storage rooms etc.) and storage of any materials and equipment is prohibited. In the areas with electrified rail transport or aggressive ground, cable line can be
accepted for operation only after anticorrosive treatment is performed.
Cable lines of these areas shall be measured for ground currents. Potential diagrams of cable
network (or its separate sections) and maps of soil corrosion areas shall be generated and
systematically improved. Potential diagrams are not required for towns with ensured general
corrosion protection of all underground facilities.
Cable potentials shall be measured in stray-current zones, places of power cables approach to
pipelines and communication cables with cathode protection, and on sections of cables equipped
with corrosion control installations. The state of corrosion resistance coating shall be monitored
on cables with hose protective covers in accordance with Power Cable Lines Operation
instructions and document “Norms of electric equipment tests”.
If there is a risk of metal sheathing breakage caused by electrocorrosion, soil or chemical
corrosion, preventive measures shall be taken.
Regular monitoring of protection devices installed shall be ensured. Excavation of cable passages or earthworks in close proximity of those shall be
organized with written permission of NPP chief engineer. Excavation works to be performed by excavating machines at a less distance than 1
m from the cable and the use of hand hammer drills, breakers and hammer picks for ripping
deeper than 0.3 m in the area of cables routing are prohibited at a normal depth of cable laying.
The use of percussive and vibration driving mechanisms is allowed at minimum distance of 5
m from cabling.
Before starting, check opening of cable route shall be performed under supervision of NPP
Blasting operations require additional specifications to be issued. Cable lines shall be regularly subjected to preventive testing, DC overvoltage in
accordance with document “Scope and Standards of Electric Equipment Testing”.
Necessity in unscheduled testing of cable lines after repair or excavation works related to
cable runs opening is defined by NPP administration. Vertical cable sections with voltage of 20-35 kV shall be protected from electric
breakdowns caused by insulation drying. They shall be replaced on a regular basis or provided
with stop joints.
Cable lines with voltage of 20-35 kV containing cables with non-draining impregnated
compound and plastic insulation or with gas-filled cables do not require for additional condition
surveillance of vertical insulation sections or their periodic replacement. Special attention shall be paid to the state of hose coating during cable laying and
operation of unarmoured cab-tyre cables. Cables with hoses containing through breaks, tears and
cracks shall be repaired or replaced. Cable networks enterprises shall have laboratories equipped with devices for
damage detection, instruments, mobile measuring and testing installations. Samples of defective cables and damaged cable coupling sleeves shall be subject to
laboratory inspection in order to detect sources of troubles and to develop corresponding
preventive measures.
10.7.7 Relaying protection and electrics NPP power equipment and its electric networks shall be protected from short circuits
and violation of normal operation modes by means of relay protection devices, circuit breakers
or safety devices and fitted with electrics and automatics, including self-regulation devices and
fire protection automatics in accordance with the design.
Relaying protection devices and electrics, including fire protection automatics by their
operation principles, adjustment and output actions, shall correspond to the operation scheme
and modes of NPP and electric power system, and be constantly in operational condition, except
for devices to be taken out of operation in accordance with their allocation and operation
principle, operating mode and selectivity conditions. Alarm and signaling devices shall be
always available for operation. Operation shall provide conditions for normal running of relaying protection
equipment, electrics and secondary circuits (allowable temperature, humidity, vibration,
deviations of operating parameters from nominal values, electromagnetic environment, etc.) All cases of response and refusal to operate received from RPA and defects revealed
in the course of operation shall be thoroughly analyzed and considered by RPA services in
accordance with the established procedure. Defects revealed shall be eliminated.
Each case of improper operation of RPA equipment or its refusal to operate and defective
circuits and equipment detected shall be reported to the superior body supervising the given
device. Both sides of RPA panels and cabinets of two-sided maintenance and control panels
and stations shall be provided with signs indicating their purpose in accordance with dispatch
name. Equipment installed on panels, boards and in cabinets with swing panels shall be provided
with signs and marking from both sides in accordance with schemes. Location of signs and
marking shall clearly identify the corresponding equipment.
Devices available for operating personnel (switch gears, signal relay and lamps, testing units,
etc.) shall be provided with corresponding signs clearly identifying the purpose of mentioned
Panels with equipment relating to different connections or different RPA devices of one
connection, which can be checked separately, shall contain clear border lines. During inspection
of certain RPA devices it’s necessary to provide a possibility for installation of fencing. Power equipment or transmission lines may be alive only with relaying protection
switched on to prevent all types of damage. When certain types of protection devices are taken
out of operation or defective, the remaining relaying protection devices shall provide complete
protection of equipment and transmission lines from all types of damage. If this condition is not
fulfilled, temporary protection shall be provided, otherwise, the connection shall be cut off. If there are high-speed relaying protection devices and breaker failure protections
(BFP) available, all operations on switching line, buses and equipment on after repairs or under
no voltage conditions, as well as operations on switching over by breaker switches or circuit
switches, shall be performed with these protections activated, if for the period of operation
performance some of these protection devices can not be introduced into operation or shall be
taken out of operation in accordance with their operation principle, it’s required to ensure
acceleration of backup protection devices or to provide temporary protection, at least of selective
type, but with the same operation time provided by permanent protection. Resistance of insulation of electrically connected secondary circuits of above 60 V to
ground and between different-purpose circuits not conductively-coupled (metering circuits,
current DC circuits, alarms) shall be maintained within the limits of each connection at least at 1
Insulation resistance is measured by means of megohm meter for voltage of 1000–2500V.
Resistance of insulation of secondary circuits designed for operation voltage of 60 V or less,
feeding from separate source or via insulating transformer, shall be maintained at 0.5 MOhm
Insulation resistance is measured by means of megohm meter for voltage of 500 V.
Insulation resistance of circuits for operation voltage of 24 V and less and of microelectric
and microprocessor-based RPA devices shall be measured in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions. If there are no such indications, these circuits are checked for earth-faults by means
of ohmmeter for voltage of up to 15 V.
During secondary circuits insulation checks, corresponding measures specified in applicable
instructions shall be taken for equipment damage prevention. At running after installation and first preventive inspection the insulation of
electrically connected circuits of RPA (Relaying Protection and Automatics) and all other
secondary circuits of each connection from the ground, as well as the insulation between not
electrically connected circuits located within the same panel with the exception of element
circuits designed for operating voltage of 60 V and lower, shall be tested by alternative current
with voltage of 1000V for 1 minute. In addition, the insulation between control cable cores of
those circuits, where there is increased probability of their closure, that can cause serious
consequences (circuits of gas protection, circuits of condensers that are used as a source of
operating current, secondary circuits of current transformers with nominal current value of 1 A,
etc.) shall be tested by voltage of 1000 V for 1 minute.
In further operation, insulation of the RPA circuits (with exception for circuits with voltage of
60 V and lower) should be tested at preventive recoveries by 1000 V AC for 1 minute or by
rectified voltage of 2500 V using megohmmeter or special devices.
Test for insulation of the RPA circuits with voltage of 60 V and lower is performed during its
measurement according to p. 10.7.7 of this standard. Newly-installed RPA devices and secondary circuits shall be adjusted and put to the
acceptance tests before putting them into operation.
Permission to put new devices into operation and to run them is given according to
established procedure with registration in the relaying protection and electro automatics log. RPA service should have the following technical documentation for RPA devices in
- Passport-protocols,
- Instructions and guidelines on adjustment and testing,
- Technical data about devices presented in the form of setting values and characteristics
- Executive working drawings such as schematic, installation or schematic-installation
drawings (corrected drawings of manufacturer’s technical descriptions are used as executive
drawings for complex RPA devices),
- Working (standard) programs for outputting into test (putting into operation) of complex
RPA devices with indication of sequence, method and place of their circuits disconnection from
the RPA devices remaining in operation, equipment control circuits and circuits of current and
Working programs shall be made for devices designated by the Chief Engineer of the nuclear
power plant.
Maintenance results shall be recorded in the passport-protocol (detailed records for complex
RPA devices, if necessary, should be done in the working log). Output from operation, input to operation, measurement of settings or change of
RPA devices functioning must be made in accordance with p. 11.1.4 of this standard.
At the threat of malfunction, an RPA device should be de-actuated taking into account the
requirement of p. without permission of the superior operating personnel, but further it
is necessary to report about it (according to the instructions) and register an application in
accordance with p. 11.4.6. Relays, machines and auxiliary devices of RPA, aside from those which settings are
changed by the operating personnel, could be open only by workers of RPA services,
electrotechnical laboratory of NPP electric shops that operate these devices or by operating
personnel according to their instruction.
Works on RPA devices should be performed by personnel that is trained and admitted to
independent testing of the corresponding devices. In the clamps assemblies (lines) of control units, cabinets and panels, the clamps,
which random contact can cause activation or deactivation of connections, short circuit in the
operational current circuits or in the generator circuits, should not be close to each other. At operating on the panels and the control circuits of relaying protection and electro
automatics it is necessary to take precautionary measures against false disconnection of
equipment. Works should be performed only with insulated tools.
It is prohibited to perform these works without executive drawings, specified scopes, and
sequence of operations (standard or special programs).
Operations in the secondary circuits of current and voltage transformers (including use of test
units) shall be carried out with deactivation of RPA devices (or their separate stages), that can
operate false during implementation of those operations according to their action principle and
After completion of works, it is necessary to check the connection of current, voltage, and
operating circuits for their operability and correctness. Operational RPA circuits and control
circuits are usually checked during action. Works in RPA devices, that can cause wrong disconnection of protected or other
connections, as well as other not foreseen effects, must be performed according to permitting
application that take into account these features. Operating personnel should perform the following:
- Monitoring of the correctness of switching devices position on panels and cabinets of RPA
and covers of test units,
- Monitoring of the operability of safety devices or circuit breakers in control and protection
- Monitoring of the operation of RPA devices under indications that are available on the
machines and panels (cabinets) of external alarm devices and instruments, testing the breakers
and other machines,
- Exchange of high-frequency protection signals,
- Measurement of the controlled parameters of high-frequency teleswitching devices, lowfrequency equipment of automatic channels, high-frequency equipment of emergency
- Measurement of unbalance current in the protection of buses and device for monitoring of
inputs insulation,
- Measurement of unbalance voltage in the break triangle of voltage transformer,
- Testing of the devices for automatic reswitching-on, automatic switching-on of reserve and
fixing devices,
- Winding of the clock of automatic oscilloscopes, etc.
Frequency of monitoring and testing, list of machines and devices to be tested, operating
procedure for testing and procedure for personnel actions at detection of deviations from the
standards should be established by instructions. Personnel of RPA services and NPP electric and technical laboratories shall
periodically inspect all control panels and panels of relay protection, electronic automatics and
alarm system paying special attention to correct position of switching devices (cutoff switches,
control keys, switches, etc.) and covers of test units and check their position on conformity to
drawings and operation modes of electrical equipment.
Frequency of inspections should be established by management of the enterprise.
Operating personnel should be responsible for correct position of those RPA elements, with
which they are permitted to operate, regardless of periodic inspections performed by personnel
of RPA service. RPA devices and secondary circuits shall be checked and tested in the scope and
within the period specified by the current rules and instructions.
After malfunction or operation failure of these devices, it is necessary to perform additional
(post-accident) inspections. RPA devices must have external distinguishing features. Wires connected to
assemblies (lines) of clamps should be marked in accordance with drawings. Control cables shall
be marked at the ends, in places of flow separation and crossing of cables, at passing them
through walls, ceilings, etc. Ends of free cores of control cables must be insulated. When damage of control cables with metallic sheath is eliminated or they are made
longer, connection of cores should be carried out with installation of hermetic coupling or with
boxes designed for this purpose. These couplings and boxes must be registered.
Cables with polyvinylchloride and rubber sheath must be usually connected with the help of
epoxy couplings or on the transition lines of clamps.
In the mean, no more than one of the above-mentioned connections can be installed on every
50 m of one cable. When applying control cables with insulation, which can be destroyed under
influence of air, light, and oil, additional coverage that prevents this damage should be on cable
core areas from the clamps to the end points. The secondary windings of current transformers should always be closed on the
relays and devices or shorted. The secondary circuits of current, voltage transformers and the
secondary winding of filters for connecting of HF channels should be grounded. Installed in power stations and substations automatic recording devices with
automatic acceleration of record at emergency mode, automatic oscilloscopes including their
start-up, fixing devices (ammeters, voltmeters and ohmmeters), and other devices used for
analysis of RPA device operation and determining of damaged places on power transmission
lines must always be ready for action. Input to and output from operation of these devices should
be carried out on request. In circuits of operational current the action selectivity of protection devices (safety
devices and circuit breakers) must be ensured.
Circuit breakers and safety devices shoes shall have markings with indication of designation
and current. It is necessary to use the table of switching devices positions for the used modes or
other visual control methods, as well as the programs of forms for complex switches in order to
the operating personnel can correctly perform switching on the panels in cabinets of RPA
devices with the help of keys, switches, test units, and other devices.
Records about these switching operations should be made in the operational log. In the control rooms of power stations and substations and on the panels, the
switching devices of RPA circuits and emergency automatics must be placed obviously, and
same operations with them shall be performed in the same way. Shields of control cables should be grounded in one point (usually from the side of
signal receiver) and regularly checked on absence of the second ground that can appear in case
of damage of cable sheath.
10.7.8 Grounding devices Grounding devices should meet the requirements to ensure electrical safety of people
and protection of electrical plants and operational modes requirements.
All metal parts of electrical equipment and plants that may be under voltage because of
insulation failure must be grounded or neutral. When installation contractor commissions grounding devices of electrical plants, it
should provide not only the documentation mentioned in 5.2.19 but also protocols of acceptance
tests of these devices. Each element of the plant, that is subject to grounding, should be connected to
ground or grounding line by a grounding conductor.
Serial connection of several parts of the plant with one grounding conductor is prohibited. Connection of grounding conductors to grounding devices, grounding circuit and
grounded structures shall be made by welding, and by welding or bolts when it concerns the
bodies of machines and poles of overhead power lines. Grounding conductors should be protected against corrosion.
Grounding conductors, which are opened, should be black isolated. Technical state of the grounding device is periodic determined in accordance with
requirements of the “Volume and Norms of Electrical Equipment Testing”, including:
- External examination of visible part of the grounding device,
- Inspection of circuit between the grounding device and grounded elements (absence of
breaks and unsatisfactory contacts in the wiring that connects the machine with the grounding
- Measurement of resistance of the grounding device,
- Testing the reliability of connections with natural grounding devices,
- Sample opening of the ground to inspect the grounding device elements that are in the
ground (at least once 12 years),
- Testing the breakdown safety devices and total resistance of phase-to-zero circuit in plants
operating with voltage up to 1000 V,
- Measurement of contact voltage at the grounding devices made according to the norms on
contact voltage.
The total volume and frequency of technical state inspection of grounding devices are defined
by the current regulatory documents. External inspection of the grounding device is carried out together with inspection of
electrical equipment of the distribution plants, transformer substations and distribution points, as
well as the shop and other electrical plants.
Corresponding records about inspections, detected faultinesses and taken measures must be
made in the inspection record book of grounding devices or in the operational record book.
Measurement of grounding devices resistance should be carried out as follows:
- After installation, reconstruction and capital repair of these devices in power stations,
substations, and transmission lines,
- At detection of overlaps or destruction of insulators by an electric arc on the cable poles of
overhead power lines with voltage of 110 kV and above,
- On the substations of overhead distribution networks with voltage of 35 kV and below - at
least once 12 years,
- In the networks with voltage of 35 kV and below at the poles with disconnectors, protection
intervals, and tubular and gate dischargers and the poles with the repeated grounding devices for
null conductors - at least once 6 years, selectively on 2% of the reinforced concrete and metal
poles in populated area, in areas of overhead power lines with the most aggressive, landslide,
blown out or poorly conducting ground - at least once 12 years. Measurements should be
performed when ground is maximum dry. In the electrical plants implemented according to the norms on contact voltage, the
measurements of contact voltage must be carried out after installation, reconstruction and capital
repair of grounding device, but at least once 6 years. Measurements should be performed at
connected natural grounding devices and ropes of overhead power lines. Sample overhead power lines inspection with opening the ground according to should be carried out on 2% of poles with the grounding devices. For grounding devices
and overhead power lines poles that are subject to intense corrosion the more frequent sample
opening of the ground should be established by the decision of the NP Chief Engineer. Each operating grounding device must have the passport containing the grounding
scheme, main technical data, information about results of testing the grounding device state,
level of repairs and changes made in this device.
10.7.9 Overvoltage protection At the NP it is necessary to have the schemes of overvoltage protection for each
distribution plant.
Shapes of protection areas for the lightning rods, searchlight towers, metal and reinforced
concrete structures, towering buildings and buildings, whose area of protection includes the
current carrying parts, should be drawn up for each open distribution plant. It is prohibited to suspend the wires of overhead power lines with voltage up to 1000
V of any purpose (lighting, telephone, high-frequency, etc.) on the open distribution plant
structures, separately standing lightning rod, searchlight towers, chimneys and cooling towers, as
well as to lay these lines to the explosive rooms.
Cables on these lines should be used with or without metal sheaths laid in metal pipes in the
ground. The cable sheaths and metal pipes should be grounded.
Laying of the lines to explosive rooms should be performed in accordance with requirements
of the current instructions on organization of lightning protection of buildings and structures. The visual inspection of overvoltage protection of distribution devices and power
transmission lines should be carried out as well as the readiness of protection from lightning and
internal overvoltage should be provided every year before the thunderstorm season.
At the NP the cases of lightning outages and damages of the distribution plants should be
recorded. On the basis of these data the evaluation of lightning protection reliability should be
performed and, if necessary, the measures for reliability improvement should be developed.
When nonstandard equipment is installed in the distribution devices it is necessary to develop
the appropriate measures of lightning protection. The overvoltage suppressors and gate dischargers of all the voltages should be
constantly switched on.
In open distribution plants the switching off the gate dischargers is allowed for winter period
(or separate months), which are intended only for protection against lightning overvoltage and in
the areas with hurricane wind, sleet, sudden changes in temperature and intensive pollution. Preventive tests of the gate and tubular dischargers and overvoltage suppressors
should be carried out in accordance with the current “Volume and Norms of Electrical
Equipment Testing.” The tubular dischargers and protective intervals should be inspected during beats of
the power lines. Actuation of the dischargers should be noted in the checklist. Testing of the
tubular dischargers with taking down them from the poles should be carried out once every three
Casual inspection without taking down from the poles as well as additional inspections and
checks of the tubular dischargers that installed in areas with intensive pollution should be
performed according to the instructions.
Repair of the tubular dischargers should be carried out as necessary depending on the results
of inspections. Work of the overhead and cable power lines with the grounding is allowed in the
networks with insulated neutral or with compensation of capacitive currents. Staff should
immediately begin to search for point of damage and to eliminate this damage in the shortest
Work with the grounding in the generator voltage networks as well as the networks to which
the high-voltage motors are connected is permitted accordance with Compensation of the capacitive current of grounding by arc suppression devices must
be used for capacitive currents exceeding the following values:
Rated voltage, kV
Capacitive current of grounding , A
35 and above
Mode of operation with network neutral grounding through a resistor is allowed in the AC
service networks with voltage of 6 kV.
Arc suppression devices must be used in networks with voltage from 6 to 35 kV and with
overhead power lines situated on reinforced concrete and metal poles if the capacitive current of
grounding is over then 10 A.
Work of the networks with voltage from 6 to 35 kV is not permitted without compensation of
the capacitive current if its values exceed the above one.
Grounding arc suppression devices with manual or automatic control should be applied in the
networks to compensate the capacitive currents of grounding.
Measurement of capacitive currents, currents of arc suppression reactors, currents of
grounding and neutral bias voltages should be carried out at putting into operation the arc
suppression devices and at significant changes in the network mode but at least once 6 years. Power of arc suppression devices should be selected according to the capacitive
current of the network and taking into account its future development.
Grounding arc suppression devices must be installed at substations connected with network
being compensated by at least two power transmission lines.
Installation of arc suppression devices on the dead-end substations is prohibited.
Arc suppression devices should be connected to the neutrals of transformers, generators
through the disconnectors.
The arc suppression devices are usually connected by using the transformer with star-delta
scheme of winding connection.
It is prohibited to connect the arc suppression devices to transformers that are protected by the
fusion-type safety devices.
Input of the arc suppression device designed for grounding must be connected to common
grounding circuit through the current transformer. Arc suppression devices must have the resonance adjustment.
It is permitted to perform the adjustment with overcompensation, at which the reactive
component of grounding current is no more than 5 A and the degree of disalignment - no more
than 5%. If the arc suppression devices installed in the network with voltage from 6 to 20 kV
have large difference between the currents of adjacent branches, it is allowed to perform the
adjustment with the reactive component of grounding current less than 10 A. In the networks
with voltage of 35 kV, if the capacitive current of grounding is less than 15 A, degree of
disalignment is allowed to be less than 10%.
It is permitted to use the adjustments with under-compensation only temporarily in case of
absence of the arc suppression reactors with required power and under the condition that the
emergency occurring unbalances of phases capacities of the network (such as at break of wires or
fusion of fusion-type safety devices) cannot lead to the appearance of neutral bias voltages
greater than 70% of phase voltage. In the networks working with compensation of the capacitive current the unbalance
voltage should not exceed 0.75% of phase voltage. In case of absence of ground connection the
neutral bias voltage is allowed to be no more than 15% of the phase voltage for a long time and
no more than 30% within 1 h.
Reduce of the unbalance and neutral bias voltage up to the specified values should be carried
out by balancing the phase capacities of the network to the ground (by changing the relative
position of phase conductors as well as by distributing the capacitors of high-frequency
connection between the line phases).
When high-frequency connection capacitors and capacitors of lightning protection for rotating
machines are connected to the network, permissibility of the phase capacities unbalance should
be checked according to the ground.
Single-phase connections and disconnections of the air and cable lines, which can lead to the
neutral bias voltage exceeding the specified values, are prohibited. As a rule variable arc suppression reactors with automatic configuration of
compensation current should be usually applied in the networks with voltage from 6 to 10 kV.
At applying the arc suppression devices with manual configuration of current, the settings
parameters should be determined by the meter of compensation disalignment. If there is no such
device, the settings parameters should be chosen according to the results of measurements of
grounding current, capacitive currents, and compensation current taking into account the neutral
bias voltage.
Setting the arc suppression reactors based on the results of measuring the capacitive current of
grounding and compensation current of arc suppression reactors is allowed only if the capacitive
current of grounding for compensated network is changed on average no more than two times a
day and compensation disalignment does not exceed 5%. In the substations of voltage from 110 to 220 kV, prompt actions preventing the
overvoltage occurrence because of spontaneous neutral bias or dangerous ferroresonance
processes should be started with grounding the transformer neutral that is connected to the
unloaded bus system with voltage transformers NKF-110 and NKF-220. Neutral of the power
supply transformer should be grounded before its separation from the network of unloaded bus
system with transformers NKF-110 and NKF-220.
Distribution devices of voltage from 150 to 500 kV with electromagnetic voltage transformers
and switches, contacts of which are shunted by the capacitors should be checked for the
possibility of ferro-resonance overvoltage in case of bus system disconnections. If necessary
measures on preventing the ferro-resonance at operative and automatic disconnections should be
In the networks and connections with voltage from 6 to 35 kV measures on preventing the
ferro-resonance processes including the spontaneous neutral bias should be taken, if necessary. Unused windings of the lower (medium) voltage transformers and autotransformers
should be connected in the star or triangle form and protected against overvoltage.
Protection of the unused low voltage windings situated between the windings of higher
voltage should be carried out by the gate dischargers that are connected to the input of each
phase. Protection is not required if the cable line of no less than 30 m length is permanently
connected to a low voltage winding.
In the other cases protection of the unused low and medium voltage windings should be
carried out by grounding one phase or neutral or by gate dischargers that are connected to the
input of each phase. For networks with main voltage 100 kV and more coil neutral line unground of 110
- 220 kV transformers as well as relay protection and system automatic machinery action
decision shall provide network integrity in case of different operating and automatic shutdowns
(in other words, network sections without transformers with grounded neutral lines shall not
stand out).
Overvoltage protection of a transformer neutral line with insulation level below that one of
the line entrances is provided with nonlinear-resistance dischargers or excess-voltage
suppressors. During operating switchings and in emergency modes at networks of 100 - 750 kV
power-frequency overvoltage (50 Hz) at the equipment shall not exceed the values listed in the
table 3.
Listed values are also valid for voltage excursion resulted from overlapping the 50 Hz
sinewave with components of other frequencies.
Table numerators indicate phase-to-earth insulation values in fractions of maximum operating
phase voltage excursion; denominators indicate phase-to-phase insulation values in fractions of
maximum operational phase-to-phase voltage excursion.
Phase-to-earth insulation values are valid only for three-phase power transformers, shunting
reactors and electromagnetic voltage transformers, as well as for three-pole apparatuses if three
poles are located at the same tank or the same frame. At that in case of the apparatuses the values
1.6; 1.7 and 1.8 are valid only for outer phase-to-phase insulation of the 110, 150 and 220 kV
Table 3 - Permissible equipment power-frequency overvoltage at the networks of 110 - 750 kV
Power transformers and
Shunting reactors and
electromagnetic voltage
Switching units2), capacitive
voltage transformers, power
current transformers, coupling
Permissible overvoltage at exposure duration,
1.10/1.10 1.25/1.25 1.90/1.50 2.00/1.58
1.15/1.15 1.35/1.35 2.00/1.50 2.10/1.58
1.15/1.15 1.35/1.35 2.00/1.50 2.08/1.58
1.15/1.15 1.60/1.60 2.20/1.70 2.40/1.80
Rated voltage,
capacitors and bus frames
Valve-type dischargers of all types
Valve-type dischargers of РВМГ
Valve-type dischargers of РВМК
Valve-type dischargers of РВМКII type
Power transformers and
Shunting reactors, switch
apparatuses4), power current and
voltage transformers, coupling
capacitors and bus frames
Valve-type dischargers
Nonlinear voltage suppressors
1) Independently on the values listed in the table, by the term of magnetic core heating
voltage rise shall be restricted to 1.15 at 1200 s and to 1.3 at 20 s (in fractions of the transformer
tap rated voltage).
2) Independently on the values listed in the table prospective recovery voltage at the breaker
contacts shall be restricted: by the term of turning off undamaged line phase in case of
asymmetric short circuit - up to 2.4 or 2.8 (depending on breaker characteristics established by
specifications) for the equipment with 110 - 220 kV and up to 3.0 for the equipment with 330 750 kV; by the term of turning off unloaded line - up to 2.8 for the equipment with 330 - 750 kV.
3) When voltage rise simultaneously affects equipment of different types, the permissible
value for the electric plant as a whole is the minimum rated value for these types of equipment.
4) Voltage rise quantity with duration 1200 s shall be no more than 50 per year. Voltage rise
quantity with duration 20 s shall be no more than 100 within lifetime established by state
standards or within 25 years, if lifetime is not established. At that voltage rise quantity with
duration 20 s shall be no more than 15 per years and no more that 2 per day.
If voltage rise duration t is between two values indicated in the table 6, permissible voltage
rise is that which is established for the largest of these two values.
At 0.1  t  0.5 s permissible voltage rise is
U(1s) + 0.3 · [U(0.1s) - U(1s)],
where U(1s) and U(0.1s) are permissible voltage rises at duration 1 and 0.1 respectively.
Time period between two voltage rises with duration 1200 and 20 s shall be at least 1 hour. If
voltage rise with duration 1200 s occurred twice (with proper hour interval), then in the next 24
hours the third voltage rise is allowed only in case of emergency, but no earlier than in four
Quantity of voltage rises with duration 0.1 and 1 s is not limited. Voltage rise quantity for
valve-type dischargers is also not limited.
To prevent voltage rise above permissible values local instructions shall provide procedure of
turning on and off of every power transmission line with 330 - 750 kV and long lines with 110 220 kV. For lines with 330 - 750 kV and lines with 110 - 220 kV where voltage rise may be
more that 1.1 of the maximum operating value, overvoltage relay protection shall be provided.
For circuits, including start-up ones, where planned line engaging can result in voltage rise
more than 1.1, and in case of automatic shutdowns - more than 1.4 of the maximum operating
value, it is recommended to provide automatic devices which constrain voltage rises and
duration within tolerance range.
10.7.10 Electric measurement gauges Monitoring of electric measurement gauges is performed by metrological services
or by plant subdivisions which are in charge of metrology. Plant repair facilities are responsible
for technical maintenance and servicing of electric measurement gauges according to prescribed
types of measurement. Metrological support of electrical measurement gauges shall be performed
according to 5.8 of this standard.
It is forbidden to operate the gauges which were not previously inspected by the metrological
services (verified or calibrated) or which have invalid (overdue or damaged) metering stamps. Installation and operation of all the electric measurement gauges shall be carried out
under conditions established by standards, specifications and manufacturer's guides for these
gauges. Electric measurement gauges at coupling transformers and lines with voltage of 330
kV and more which originate from plants and substations with personnel stand-by duty shall be
individual for every connection; it is forbidden to perform these measurement by the same gauge
to control switching. All other measurements (including those which back up the main ones) can
be performed with different centralized control gauges. At stationary electric measurement gauges according to which equipment and
power lines operation is regulated there shall be a mark corresponding to the rated value of the
measuring parameter. Every active energy meter shall be marked with a label to denote the connection at
which energy demand tracking is performed. Auxiliary energy demand tracking is performed at reserve and operating power
elements of auxiliary demand according to calculation counters. Duty or operation and maintenance personnel is responsible for maintenance of
electric measurement gauges, including registers (paper availability, ink refilling, timing) and
devices with emergency automatic recording acceleration. Maintenance personnel servicing the equipment with electric measurement gauges
(electric meters, counters, converters, etc.) is responsible for undamaged state of these gauges.
10.7.11 Lighting Primary, emergency and designed escape lighting of all buildings, at workplaces
and at open area shall provide illumination according to requirements.
Emergency lighting lamps shall be distinguished from primary lighting devices with marks or
color. Light warning devices of chimneys and other high constructions shall meet the
requirements. In buildings of main, central and modular plant control desks, as well as at control
points emergency lighting lamps shall provide illumination no less than 30 lux at the main desk
front panels; one or two lamps shall always be connected to direct current buses through
automatic fuses and be switched on twenty-four hours a day.
Escape lighting shall provide buildings and passages with illumination no less than 0.5 lux at
the floor level. Emergency and primary lighting in standard operating mode is powered by different
independent power sources. When plant primary lighting is shutdown, emergency lighting shall
automatically switch to a storage cell or other independent power source.
It is forbidden to load emergency lighting circuit with unauthorized functions and systems.
Emergency lighting system has no sockets. Escape lighting lamps shall be connected to the
circuit independent of the primary lighting circuit. In case of escape lighting power source
shutdown the system shall switch to a storage cell or generator set. Portable hand lamps of maintenance lighting are powered by the circuit with
voltage no more than 42 V; under increased danger of shock voltage shall be no more that 12 V.
Plugs for 12 - 42 V shall not fit to the sockets for 127 and 220 V. Sockets shall be labeled
with voltage values. Bulb capacity shall not exceed permissible value for this type of lamps. It is
forbidden to demount diffusers, louvers and lamp caging. Plant lighting system is connected to power through stabilizers or individual
transformers which provide lighting voltage maintenance within required range.
Lamp voltage shall not exceed the rated value. Undervoltage of the most remote indoor lamps
as well as projectors shall not exceed 5% of the rated voltage; undervoltage of the most remote
outdoor and emergency lamps as well as lamps within the circuit of 12 - 42 V shall not exceed
10% (7.5% in case of luminous tube lamps). Lighting of the switchgear passages with two enters and of galleries shall have
double-ended control. Connection of all the switches (cutoff switches and auto switches) shall be labeled
at the desks and assemblies of the lighting system; as for fuses, fuse link capacity shall be
labeled as well. Duty personnel shall have lighting system schemes and spare accurate fuse links
and bulbs with whole required range of voltage. Duty and operation and maintenance personnel
shall have hand lamps even if emergency lighting is available. Lamp clearing is performed by trained personnel according to the schedule.
Cleaning period shall be determined according to local conditions.
Bulb and fuse links replacement, maintenance and inspection of the plant lighting system
shall be performed by electrical department or by trained technicians of other departments. In
buildings with bridge cranes it is possible to use these devices to service the lamps according to
safety requirements. Schedule of lighting system inspection and examination:
- emergency lighting auto operation - at least once a month during daylight hours;
- emergency lighting operation with switched-off primary lighting - twice a year;
- measurement of workplace illumination - at putting into operation and later on as necessary;
- testing of 12 - 42 V stationary transformers insulation - once a year; of portable transformers
and lamps (12 - 42 V) - twice a year;
Detected malfunctions shall be eliminated as soon as possible. Inspection of stationary equipment and emergency and primary lighting systems,
trial and insulation resistance measurement shall be performed at putting into operation and later
on according to the schedule approved by the plant technical manager.
10.7.12 Emergency power supply system Emergency power supply system of NPP power units including independent sources
of power supply, distribution and commutation switches should supply power to safety systems
consumers in all modes of NPP operation, including cases of operating and standby power
sources loss. NPP EPSS should be operated in accordance with the requirements of the following
- “General provisions on construction and operation of emergency power supply systems of
nuclear power plants”,
- “Guideline on maintenance of redundant diesel electrical stations at NPP”,
- РД “Diesel-generator stations for nuclear power plants. General technical requirements”,
- Standard instructions for testing and checking of diesel generators [28 - 30],
- “Operation and maintenance manual of uninterrupted power supply units at nuclear plants”
[31], as well as other effective regulations in the nuclear industry. NPP EPSS should be commissioned before the physical start of the power unit. NPP EPSS commissioning is carried out after successful complex tests including
NPSS subsystems (elements) check: Uninterruptible power supply units, batteries, diesel
generators, step startup automatics without power supply for NPP auxiliaries, and reversible
The scope of EPSS complex tests should meet the requirements of effective regulatory
documents in the nuclear industry. NPP EPSS should be in constant readiness mode to ensure power supply of safety
systems, which includes:
- Carrying out of regular inspections by personnel of the equipment in operation, and control
of its state via design measurement and diagnostic aids,
- Periodic inspection and periodic testing of EPSS equipment for compliance with the design
performance parameters in modes of maximum simulative to emergency, or close to it, if
security conditions limit the ability of direct and complete inspections. State of EPSS in all power unit operational and emergency modes at all places of
control and monitoring should be controlled and displayed in full in accordance with the design. Standby diesel-generators of the diesel power station should be in constant
readiness for automatic and remote start-up from MCR, on site, and for automatic loading. EPSS batteries should be fully charged and ready to operation, and stay in the
charging mode from rectifying devices. The batteries operation should be in accordance with the
requirements of p. 10.05 of this standard. Non-design consumers connection to EPSS sections and assemblies regardless of
power unit operation mode and EPSS state, even temporarily, is prohibited. Run-up and testing of EPSS subsystems should be carried out according to the
schedule approved by NPP Chief Engineer. The scope, frequency and procedure for run-up and
testing shall conform to the requirements of the factory, regulatory, and operational (instructions,
programs, run-up and testing) documentation.
When carrying out of EPSS run-up and testing, operating conditions should be maintained
that do not allow breaching of the limits of safe plant operation. EPSS subsystems inspections are performed by working programs developed at
the plant and approved by Rostekhnadzor local inspection. The programs of EPSS subsystem
inspection should contain clearly indicated acceptance criteria and actions to be taken in case of
non-conformity to specified criteria and in case of deviation from the design. EPSS comprehensive inspections with mechanisms start-up intended for
deenergizing of auxiliaries and emergency process signal (MDBA) should be carried out
annually during the unit shutdown for scheduled maintenance or refueling. Unauthorized access to the rooms and buildings, in which EPSS subsystems
(equipment) are placed, should be excluded by technical and organizational measures. Positions of automation and interlocks control keys supplying EPSS elements shall
conform to the mode of constant readiness to ensure power supply of safety systems.
Measures should be taken to prevent unauthorized changes of key positions. When the reactor plant is at power operation, it is allowed to remove from
operation one of EPSS trains with obligatory fulfillment of the requirements for process
procedures of NPP power unit operation and for the time specified by the process procedures, at
that other safety systems trains working capacity should be confirmed. At each NPP a set of technical documentation on EPSS operation should be
developed based on the requirements of the design documentation, process regulations for NPP
power unit operation, rules and standards in the nuclear industry and other regulatory documents. in order to analyze the condition of EPSS equipment the following should be
recorded at NPP:
- Emergency-related damages, failures and violations in the EPSS operation,
- Cases of failures of EPSS equipment operation, accompanied by violation of the process
procedures requirements, operating instructions, conditions of safe operation of NPPs,
- EPSS equipment life.
Information and test results should be summarized in due order.
10.7.13 Electrolysis plants When using electrolysis plants the following should be monitored:
- Voltage and current on electrolysis cells,
- Pressure of hydrogen and oxygen,
- Levels of fluid in equipment,
- Pressure difference between hydrogen and oxygen systems,
- Temperature of the electrolyte in circulation circuit and gases temperature in dehydration
- Moisture content in hydrogen after dehydration units,
- Hydrogen and oxygen purity in equipment and hydrogen content in the rooms of unit.
Normal and limiting values of monitored parameters should be set based on the plant
documentation and tests carried out and maintained during operation. Technological protection of electrolysis plants should turn off converter units
(engine generators) at the following deviations from the established mode:
- Pressure difference in the hydrogen pressure regulators is more than 2 kPa (200 kgf/cm2),
- Content of hydrogen in oxygen is 2%,
- Oxygen content in hydrogen is 1%,
- Pressure in the system is above the rated value,
- There is a short circuit between the poles,
- There is a ground short circuit (for electrolysis cells with centralized gases removal),
- Loss of voltage on converter units (engines, generators) from AC side.
A signal should be sent to the control room in case of automatic shutdown of electrolysis
plant and when the temperature of the electrolyte in the circulation circuit is increased to 70 °C
(if otherwise is not specified by manufacturer), when hydrogen content is increased up to 1% in
the air of electrolysis cell rooms and gas analyzers sensors.
After receiving the signal operating personnel shall arrive to the unit site within 15 minutes.
After switching-off of technological protection the unit should be restarted by the personnel
only under condition of identification and elimination of the shutdown cause. Electrolysis plant working without permanent personnel watch shall be inspected at
least once per shift. The observed defects and malfunctions shall be recorded in the log (card
register) and eliminated as soon as possible.
At the unit inspection operating personnel shall check the following:
- Compliance of the differential manometer-level meter values to the water levels in the
operating electrolysis cell pressure regulators,
- Water level in pressure regulators of disconnected electrolysis cell,
- Water presence in water locks,
- Consumption of gas in gas analyzers sensors (by rotameters),
- Load and voltage on the electrolysis cell,
- Hydrogen and oxygen pressure in the system and receivers,
- Inert gas pressure in the receivers. To verify the correctness of automatic analyzers indications, chemical analysis of
oxygen in hydrogen and hydrogen in oxygen should be performed once a day. In case of failure
of one of the automatic gas analyzers, corresponding chemical analysis should be performed
every 2 hours. Safety valves on hydrogen and oxygen pressure regulators and on receivers shall be
adjusted to a pressure equal to 1.15 of rated value. Safety valves on pressure regulators shall be
inspected at least once in 6 months, and at least once in every 2 years - on the receivers. Safety
valves shall be tested on the stand with nitrogen or clean air. Gas-proof return valves should be installed in hydrogen and oxygen pipelines to
receivers, as well as in demineralized water (condensate) pipelines into feed tanks. Water with quality corresponding to the distillate (demineralized water, condensate)
should be applied for electrolysis. At that, the specific electric conductivity of the water should
not exceed 5 mcS/cm (or resistivity – at least 200 kOhm/cm).
For preparation of electrolyte in accordance with applicable standards, potassium hydroxide
(KOH) is applied: technical, of first grade, in the form of flakes, or analytically pure, and pure
grades. Hydrogen purity produced by electrolysis cells should not be below 99%, and
oxygen – at least 98%.
The gas pressure increase in the units up to the rated value is permitted only after reaching of
the specified purity of hydrogen and oxygen. Temperature of electrolyte in the cell must be lower than 80°C, a temperature
difference between hot and cold units of the electrolysis cell – lower than 20°C. When using oxygen for NPP needs, its pressure in the receivers should be
automatically maintained below the hydrogen pressure in them. Prior to electrolysis cell actuation all devices and piping must be purged with
nitrogen. Nitrogen purity for purging should be at least 97.5%. The purging is complete when the
content of nitrogen in the blown air is 97%.
Purging of electrolysis units with carbon dioxide is prohibited. Connection of an electrolysis cell with pressurized hydrogen to receivers is be
carried out at the pressure excess in the cell relative to the receiver pressure of not less than 50
kPa (0.5 kgf/cm2). Carbon dioxide or nitrogen shall be applied for air or hydrogen displacement from
the receivers. The air must be replaced with carbon dioxide until carbon dioxide content in the
upper part of the receivers reaches 85%, and at replacement of hydrogen - 95%.
The air or hydrogen displacement by nitrogen should be performed until nitrogen content in
the gas blown reaches 97%.
For internal examination of the receivers, they shall be previously purged until the oxygen
content in the gas blown reaches 20%.
Nitrogen or carbon dioxide should be displaced by hydrogen from the receivers until
hydrogen content reaches 99% in their lower part. The following items should be checked at electrolysis plant operation:
- Electrolyte density - at least once a month,
- Voltage on the electrolysis cells - at least once every 6 months,
- Operation of process protections, warning and alarm signalization, and check valves state at least once every 3 months. At hydrogen or oxygen dehydration unit absorber operation, drying adsorbers
switch on shall be done according to the schedule.
Hydrogen temperature after dehydration unit shall be no higher than minus 5 °C.
The evaporator shall be periodically shut down according to the schedule for thawing. At electrolysis plant disconnection for up to 1 hour, it is permitted to leave the
equipment under rated gas pressure, at that differential pressure increase alarm in oxygen
pressure regulators shall be switched on.
If you turn off the electrolysis plant for up to 4 hours, gas pressure in the units shall be
reduced to a value of 10 to 20 kPa (0.1 to 0.2 kg/cm2), and for shutdown for more than 4 hours,
units and pipes shall be purged with nitrogen. Purging is performed in all cases of the electrolysis
cell outage upon detection of fault. If one cell of the electrolysis plant is operating, the second is standby, the valves
exhausting hydrogen and oxygen to the atmosphere at the standby electrolysis cell shall be open. Electrolysis cells washing, check of tightening force of their elements, and valves
revision should be carried out once every 6 months.
Maintenance including the above-mentioned works, as well as the electrolysis cells
dismantling with seals replacement, washing and cleaning of electrodes and diaphragms, and
replacement of defective parts shall be carried out once every 3 years.
Overhaul with replacement of asbestos fabric on diaphragm frames shall be performed once
every 6 years.
In case of absence of electrolyte leakages from the cells and preservation of the normal
parameters of the process mode lengthening of the service term of the electrolysis plant between
current and overhaul repairs by decision of the chief engineer of the plant is allowed. The electrolysis plant pipelines shall be painted in accordance with the applicable
standard of “Pipelines of industrial enterprises. Identification colors, warning signs, and marking
boards”, painting of units shall be carried out by the color of corresponding gas piping, receivers
- light paint with rings of corresponding gas pipelines color.
11 Operational Dispatching Management of production and consumption of
heat and electric power
11.1 Operational Dispatching Management in Unified Electric Power System
11.1.1 General problems and power facilities control organization Each power system, integrated and common power systems, should organize roundthe-clock controlling the coordinated work of electric power, electrical and heating systems,
regardless of their ownership, the aims of which are:
- Planning and control of operating mode of power supply plants, networks and power
systems providing uninterrupted power supply to consumers;
- Ensuring power system stability;
- Electric power and heat quality requirements compliance;
- Ensuring efficiency of power systems and energy recourses conservation while keeping up
consumption modes;
- Accidents and other technological failures prevention and elimination during production,
reorganization, transfer and distribution of energy and heat. At each power plant (nuclear plant, electric main, heat network and substations with
constant maintenance personnel) equipment round-the-clock controlling should be organized
with the following tasks:
- Maintaining the required operation mode;
- Providing switches, start-ups and stops;
- Accidents localization and operation mode recovery for power systems and heating systems;
- Preparation for repair works and commissioning. Dispatching control should be organized in a master-slave structure, providing
separation of operational control functions and management between the separate levels, as well
as the subordination of the lower levels to the higher management.
NP shift man is operationally subordinated to the dispatcher of the appropriate branch of the
System Operator - Central Dispatch Administration of the Unified Energy System (of joint or
regional dispatching supervisory control). The relationship between NP and the higher level of
the dispatching supervisory is set up by the relevant provision. Functions of the dispatching supervisory are performed:
- In united power system network – OJSC SO-CDU EES;
- In unified power system network - a branch of OJSC SO-CDU EES –ODU;
- In power system network - a branch of OJSC SO-CDU EES –RDU;
- In electrical network – by network control centers;
- In heating network - dispatching service of this network;
- In nuclear power plants - NP shift man. For each level of supervisory control two types of equipment and facilities control
are provided - operational management and operational controlling. The operational management of the duty attendant dispatcher of system operator
should have available the equipment, heat pipelines, transmission lines, relay protection,
instrumentation systems, emergency and secure automation, dispatcher and technology control
means, the activities with which the operational-level supervisory personnel carries out directly
or the activities with which requires the coordination of actions of subordinate operational staff,
changes on multiple sites to be agreed .
Activities with the stated equipment and facilities must be performed by order or directly by
the dispatcher who has equipment and facilities data in operational management. The operational controlling of the duty attendant dispatcher of system operator
should have available the equipment, heat pipelines, transmission lines, relay protection,
instrumentation systems, emergency and secure automation, dispatcher and technology control
means, operational and information systems, the state and mode of which influence the available
capacity and reserve of power plants and power systems as a whole, mode and reliability of
networks as well as emergency control schemes control setting.
The activities with the stated equipment and facilities must be performed by the permission of
duty attendant dispatcher. In the centers of all NP all NP power lines, heat pipelines, equipment and facilities,
and networks must be distributed over the levels of operational dispatching management. The operational staff of NP in view of reliability control of NP parallel operation in
the energy system on the existing power lines, extending from the NP, shall be guided by the
documents of OJSC SO-CDU EES (branches) entered into effect by the orders of the NP
operating organization and the nuclear power plant. The relationship of supervisory control staff of various levels should be regulated
by model provisions and regulations agreed upon and approved in due course. Operational dispatching management should be performed from the control centers
and control panels equipped with dispatching and process control means and monitoring systems
as well as operational schemes and operational and technical documentation as per the list
approved by the chief engineer of the plant. All operational-dispatcher negotiations, operational and dispatching documentation
at all levels of supervisory control are to be carried out using a single common terminology,
standard orders, reports and records.
Dispatcher negotiations at all levels of management and NP operational personnel
negotiations by communication channels should be automatically recorded on a magnetic or
electronic media.
At each NP object of dispatching control and each level of maintenance control of OJSC SOCDU EES (branches) there are developed instructions on maintenance and operational records of
negotiations, routine switching and elimination of emergency conditions taking into account the
specific and structural features of the power system. The NP operating organization should organize the round-the-clock controlling of
NP operation in terms of:
- Ensuring the electric power and heating energy run by nuclear power plants;
- State of the main equipment of power units;
- Implementation of repair schedules and compliance repair schedules to the submitted
- organizing the systems of emergency care to NP;
- Non-exceedance the limits of safe operation of the NP units, state of security systems and
the radiation situation at the NP site, in SZZ and ZN;
- Implementation of estimated dispatching schedules on electrical load, FST balance on
electricity generation. The duty staff of NP Crisis Center fulfills the operational control functions in the
NP operating organization.
11.1.2 The power facilities operation modes planning Planning the mode is provided with:
- The balancing of consumption and load power schedules taking into account external power
- The effectiveness of mode control principles and emergency and secure automation system
- Reliability and efficiency of production and transfer of electrical energy and heat;
- Implementation of the annual repair schedules of the main electric plants equipment. Planning of the mode is based on:
- Daily records and power systems statistics data, OES, EES of Russia for the previous days
and periods;
- The power systems load forecast, OES, EES of Russia for the planning period;
- The results of control measurements of flow distribution, load and voltage levels in electrical
networks, power grids of OES and EES of Russia; all of them are to be performed twice a year
during the working week of June and December;
- Data on entry of new generating capacities, heat sources and network facilities;
- Data on changes in load taking into account requests of consumers;
- Data on the maximum loads of the equipment and transmission lines;
- Data of hydraulic calculation of heat supply networks. Long-term planning of Russian UES mode, IPS, the power system, and power entity
should be made for specific periods of the year (annual load maximum, summer time, flood
interval, heating period end, etc.).
Long-term planning involves:
- Making-up of annual, quarter, and month power balances and a power balance for load
maximum hours,
- Making-up of season balances of available power of the heat sources and heat load
- Determination and supply of electrical load maximum and consumption of electrical heat
and power, available power of power plants and heat sources considering set efficiency factor for
set power use and availability of power resources over months of the year,
- Making-up of annual and month repair plans of main equipment of power plants, substations
and power lines, relay protection devices and automatic devices,
- Development of connection diagrams for power plants, electrical and heat networks of
normal and repair modes,
- Calculation of normal, repair and after-repair modes considering new generating powers and
network objects of the power system and selection of instrument settings of emergency and
mode instruments,
- Calculation and determination of maximum and emergency allowable values of power flows
considering normative resistance spare over power lines (sections) for normal and repair network
- Calculation of short circuit currents, verification of correspondence of diagrams and modes
of electrodynamic and thermal resistance of equipment and disconnecting capability of switches
as well as selection of parameters of emergency and performance automatics,
- Calculation of the technical and economic performance of power plants, heat sources,
electrical and heat networks for optimal mode,
- Clarification of instructions for operating personnel on mode maintenance and use of
emergency and performance automatics,
- Determination of demand for the new automatic devices. Short-term planning of Russian UES mode, IPS, power systems, power plants,
boilers, heat and electrical networks should be made with prediction from one day up to one
Short-term planning involves:
- Forecast of day electrical load of Russian UES, IPS, and power system,
- Forecast of day heat load of power plants and boilers as well as flow rate of the heat carrier
and heat networks,
- Optimal distribution of the load between IPS, power systems, power plants and individual
power units, assignment of day schedules of intersystem flows and day load schedules of each
IPS, power system and power plant,
- Solutions on requisitions for output into repair or put into operation of equipment
considering measures on safe and reliable mode, change of adjustment parameters for emergency
and performance automatics. Day design dispatcher schedules of active load in generation points and spare of
Russian UES, IPS, power systems and power plants as well as schedules of intersystem flows are
issued to respective dispatcher after approval by main dispatcher of JSC UES SO CDC (CDC,
Nuclear power plants with heat units and heat networks make heat load schedules depending
on ambient air temperature to be approved by NPP chief engineer. Day NPP load schedules are made and issued within set dates considering
composition of main operating equipment, state of electrical networks and power system
operating mode.
In case of non-agreement with the set load schedule a nuclear power plant submits
substantiated objections to АО-energo (or any cessionary of AO-energo on respective issue after
restructuring of JSC “RАО UES of Russia”) (hereinafter referred to as АО-energo) and to the
operating organization. АО-energo, CDC, JSC UES SO CDC, reviews these NPP objections, and
immediately after approval with the operating organization conveys final obligatory for
implementation NPP load schedule via AO-energo. Schedules of total overhaul, medium and current repairs of main equipment and NPP
structures for incoming year should be made based on standards and set values of repairing
capacity by months of the year, and coordinated with CDC or JSC UES SO CDC and approved
in due order.
Change of annual schedules of overhaul and medium repairs is allowed in exceptional cases
upon agreement with JSC UES SO CDC, CDC with approval of changes in due order. NPP operation mode should satisfy safe operation requirements.
Each NPP makes annual and quarter schedules (with break-up on months) of overhaul,
medium and current repairs, day active load schedules, voltage schedules in collecting buses of
NPP, performs calculations of short circuit currents as well as calculations of stability of NPP
parallel operation with the power system specifying relay protection adjustment and emergency
automatics, develops instructions on NPP modes and routine switching, use and operation of
relay protection and emergency automatics devices, prevention and elimination of emergency
accidents. Annual and month schedules of overhaul and current repairs of network equipment,
relay protection devices, emergency automatics systems, communication and telemechanics
means, that are in operative control of the power system dispatcher (CDC, RDC, JSC UES SO
CDC) and influence power generation and plant operation reliability, are developed by NPP and
submitted to AO-energo at the stated time. Repair schedules for specified equipment are
reviewed by АО-energo, CDC, JSC UES SO CDC (by operative equipment supervision), and
after mutual agreement with NPP and consequent approval via АО-energo are transmitted to the
nuclear power plant. If possible, dates of specified repairs should be coordinated with planned
shutdowns of the respective power units. For each power system based on JSC UES SO CDC, JSC assignments, schedules of
consumers limitation and load disconnection at lack of power and capacity are developed
11.1.3 Control of power facilities operation modes NPP is obliged to perform design dispatcher active load schedule in the generation
points in normal conditions. In case of deviation from the dispatcher load schedule the station
shift manager should immediately advise RDC dispatcher about deviations and its reasons as
well as accept all required measures for entering this set schedule.
If operative NPP load change is required (unloads, loads, or disconnections of NPP unit) NPP
shift manager should preliminary advise the power system dispatcher of this. RDC, CDC, JSC UES SO CDC dispatcher via NPP shift manager have the right to
change the schedule of NPP load and emergency power system modes (UES, IES of Russia), at
unallowable frequency deviations for power system operation as well as at emergency
disconnections or overload of separate power line or substation equipment, failure of RPA and
CA equipment influencing the operation reliability and generation of NPP power in accordance
with Provision on relations of NPP with respective AO-energo and signed contracts.
Increase or reduction of power of NPP power units should be made in accordance with
process operating regulations of NPP power units. If elimination of the emergency situation on the power system is required connected
to reduction of resistance spare, excess of allowable loading limits for lines and equipment, as
well as frequency levels and voltage, RDC, CDC, JSC UES SO CDC dispatcher have the right to
give command to the NPP shift manager on emergency unloading (or loading) of NPP upon
active power whereas NPP shift manager should implement it with adherence to requirements of
process regulations on operation of NPP power units. Control of frequencies and powers in Russian UES or in separate operating UES
(power systems) should be made by power plants, connected to the automatic frequency and
power systems. If it is impossible to control automatic frequency and power flows (non-availability
or failure of the LFC system, mode restrictions) control should be provided only by power
systems and power plants on instruction of JSC UES SO CDC dispatcher (for separate operating
UES or power systems – upon instruction of dispatcher RDC, or CDC).
NPP power units should be operated in base mode (80-100 % of rated power). Nuclear power
plants are not involved in the operative frequency control in UES, if it is not foreseen by the
process regulations of NPP power unit safe operation, i.е. multiple NPP load change within one
day does not apply at frequency deviations in power system. At frequency reduction below set limits Russian UES dispatcher or IES (power
system) operating independently introduces available power reserves.
In case the frequency continues to reduce and all available frequencies are used the dispatcher
ensures restoring of normal frequency by restriction or disconnection of consumers according to
the instruction. When power flow values on interconnecting communications are above the
emergency allowable ones UES (power system) dispatcher, receiving the power, after
mobilization of the power reserves unloads communications by disconnection of consumers. At emergent frequency deviations NPP personnel should individually provide
measures on its restore acting in accordance with the requirements of process regulations on NPP
power units operation, emergency instructions and Provisions (instructions) on relations of NPP
with AO-energo. NPP shift manager can immediately inform the shift manager of the Crisis centre on
all load changes of NPP power units made according to instructions of AO-energo dispatchers,
status of equipment and due to other reasons. Responsibility for frequency maintenance in Russian UES is up to dispatcher of
JSC UES SO CDC, and independently operating UESs and power systems – CDC or RDC
dispatchers. At this, UES dispatchers working within Russian UESs and power systems working
within IESs are responsible for implementation of operating power tasks of power plants,
maintaining of set load and non-exceeding by consumers of set limit consumption in the load
maximum hours, whereas shift managers of power plants – for implementation of tasks on
operating power and ensuring of set load. Voltage control on NPP buses should be provided for:
- Voltage level correspondence to the values allowable for equipment of power plants and
- Required reserve of power system resistance,
- Minimum power losses in electrical networks of power systems. Voltage control in the network 110 kV and above should be made in control points
in accordance with voltage schedules approved for each quarter in the time function or
characteristics of voltage dependence from the mode parameter considering composition of
switched-on equipment.
Voltage control should be made mostly by automatic and telemechanic lines and if they are
not available by operating personnel of the enterprise under control of the dispatcher of power
lines enterprise, RDC, CDC, JSC UES SO CDC.
Voltage on NPP assembly buses should be maintained by NPP operating personnel within the
limits of the agreed range by change of reactive power of generators. Voltage schedules are set
by the power system at least once in a quarter. RDC, CDC JSC UES SO CDC dispatcher has the
right to control operatively set voltage schedule depending on the surrounding situation in the
power system. List of points, where the voltage is controlled by dispatcher of JSC UES SO CDC or
RDC as well as voltage schedules and control schedules in these points should be approved by
JSC UES SO CDC or RDC main dispatcher. List of points, where the voltage is controlled by
RDC dispatcher, enterprises of electrical lines as well as voltage schedules and control
characteristics in them are approved by the Chief engineer of the power enterprise. Control of parameters of heat networks should ensure maintenance of set pressure
and temperature of heat carrier in the control points. Control in the heat network should be provided for automatically or manually by
impact on:
- Operation of electrical units and heat consumers,
- Hydraulic mode of heat networks including change of flows and operation modes of pump
stations and heat receivers,
- Makeup mode by water conditioning units of the heat sources continuous readiness
maintenance to cover changed make-up water consumption.
11.1.4 Power facilities equipment management Equipment of power units accepted for operation should be in one of four operational
statuses: operation, standby, repair, or temporary shutdown. Operative switching on equipment and devices, taking out of operation for planned
repair mode, standby condition or testing of equipment and devices that are under operative
control or inspection of RDC, CDC, JSC UES SO CDC, as well as reduction of their load and
putting into operation should be executed by the operative requisition to the power system in
established time periods and permission of RDC, CDC or JSC UES SO CDC duty dispatcher
irregardless of approved plans.
Reduction of NPP power related to safe operation requirements, necessity in equipment
repair, disconnection or overload of certain lines, preventive measures or testing, should be
executed by respective requisitions, supplied by the power plant to NPP operating organization
and RDC (CDC, JSC UES SO CDC) within established time period. Tests resulting in NPP load change, flow in VL, voltage levels, shutdown of
equipment influencing NPP load and VL flows as well as false or excess operation of RPA and
CA, should be conducted based on programs approved by operating organization and agreed
with the power system, RDC, JSC UES SO CDC (depending on belonging) regarding operations
with equipment and devices under operative control or information with operative requisition
formation. In case of clear hazard for people or at equipment damage which require immediate
shutdown, NPP operating personnel has the right in emergency mode to take out of operation or
standby condition the equipment that is under operative control or supervision of RDC, CDC
JSC UES SO CDC dispatcher, with consequent immediate notification of the RDC dispatcher. In
case the equipment is shutdown by the protection, NPP operative personnel via RDU dispatcher
executes emergency requisition for equipment repair specifying repair finalization date accepted
for information.
If repair works are required on one of the equipment items out of operation the respective
operative requisition should be executed. Permission for outage or transfer to repair of NPP basic equipment under
supervision or management of power system, IPS, or UES shall be received in due order. The procedure of planned, non-planned, emergency and accident requests for
equipment outage for repair, reserve or for test operations and for permitting is defined by
Statement on rapid information transmission to “Rosenergoatom” Concern, Rosatom,
“Rostechnadzor” and JSC “UES SO CDC” about power plants operation. Operation time related to outage for repair and commissioning of equipment and
power transmission lines, as well as reactor transfer on minimum controlled power level, turbine
start-up and their required load increase shall be included into repair period that was permitted
by the request.
If for any reason the equipment was not shutdown within the scheduled time, the duration of
repair should be reduced, and the date of commissioning shall be the same. The decision to
extend the request period is made by the head of the operating organization and chief dispatcher
of JSC “UES SO CDC”. In spite of the permitted request, equipment outage of operation and reserve, or tests
may be performed only with the NPP shift manager's permission respectively (NPP dispatcher),
the duty dispatcher of RDC, CDC, JSC “UES SO CDC” immediately before equipment outage
of operation or reserve or before tests. Without permission of the NPP shift manager, dispatcher of RDC, CDC, JSC “UES
SO CDC” NPP, personnel is not entitled to shutdown, switch on, test and change the automation
system settings as well as means of control and process management supervised or controlled by
respective dispatcher (power plant shift head).
Testing of relay protection and automation devices, the equipment of which is located in two
or more facilities, shall be carried out simultaneously at all sites. With changes in NPP circuits of electrical connections the shift manager should
check and perform adjustment of protection, emergency and safety automation systems in
accordance with new configuration of these schemes. The equipment is consider to be put into operation after repair when the nuclear
power plant is informed on the repair works completion, its switching on and the operative
request expire.
If the equipment start-up is not required by the mode, after the repair works completion, the
NPP shift manager declares the given equipment being in the reserve.
11.1.5 Prevention and elimination of disturbances in the power and heat
networks The main tasks of operative and manager control during the failures elimination in
the power system are:
- Prevention of failures, avoiding of personnel injuries and equipment damage that are not
affected by process failures,
- Urgent restoration of power supply and normal parameters of supplied electricity to
- Creation of the most reliable post-accident scheme of the system as a whole and its
individual parts,
- Status determination of the switched off and disconnected equipment and its activation, if it
is possible. To prevent breakdowns in stability of power system the automation system for load
cutoff of receiving power system and automatic unloading of plants in power generating systems
shall be used. In case of automatic devices failure, personnel shall be ready to act manually. At every dispatching point of RDC, at control panel of NPP power unit and working
places with personnel on duty, local manuals on prevention and elimination of energy system
failures shall be available, the documentation shall correspond to standard instruction and to the
instruction of higher bodies of operative dispatch control.
Failure elimination plans in urban heat networks shall be coordinated with local authorities. Function distribution in failure elimination between dispatchers of JSC “UES SO
CDC”, CDC, RDC, network organizations and NPP operating personnel shall be regulated by
the relevant instructions.
To speed up the failure elimination in the power system and local heating network the
operating personnel must have maximum autonomy. Failure elimination, depending on its location area shall be controlled by the
dispatcher of JSC “UES SO CDC”, CDC, RDC and dispatcher of electrical or heat network. The failure elimination of NPP electrical part, relay protection devices and
emergency automatics under operative supervision of RDC dispatcher (CDC, JSC “UES SO
CDC”) and related to power system operation modes or located in power system connected with
NPP electrical side, is carried out under the guidance of RDC, CDC or JSC “UES SO CDC”
dispatcher in accordance with the instructions for the failure elimination in the power system.
NPP shift manager shall control the failure elimination in NPP. During failure elimination the shift handing-over is forbidden. Replacing operating
personnel is used at the discretion of the person who is in charge of failure elimination.
Depending on failure type during its elimination the shift change is permitted with higher
operating personnel as an exception.
The shift change during switching, commissioning and equipment shutdown is permitted only
with the permission of higher operative officer on duty and administrative technical personnel. The responsibilities distribution between operating personnel during failures
elimination, switching, equipment start-up and shutdown should be regulated by instructions. Operating personnel even in the presence of persons from the administrative and
technical personnel is personnelly responsible for actions correctness in failure elimination, and
makes decisions and perform actions to restore normal operation. If it is necessary, the higher person of operating or administrative and technical
personnel has the right to delegate failure elimination control in the power system, heat network
to another person or take the leading role himself by making an entry in operation log about it. The registration system of dispatchers negotiation at all control levels and NPP
operative personnel over communication channels shall continue to operate and ensure the
information storage during the failure power system, heat network, failures during NPP
operation, design basis accidents and beyond them.
11.1.6. Requirements to operational electric circuits of the power facilities NPP connection layout in Russian UES, IPS, power systems, and power plants,
adjustment of relay protection and automation devices for normal and repair modes shall
- Consumers reliable supply with power,
- Stable operation of power systems, IPS and Russian UES,
- Compliance of line short-circuit current to values allowed for the equipment,
- Effective distribution of flows with active and reactive power,
- Matching of consumers electricity quality with requirements of standards,
- Localization of accidents with minimal loss of generating capacity and cutoff of minimal
power for consumers. The constant and alternating current layout for auxiliaries shall be chosen subject to
their reliability in normal, repair and emergency modes by the following:
- Bus sectionalization,
- Automatic commissioning of power reserve of any bus section with all voltages under
voltage loss,
- Provision of electric motors self-starting shortly disconnected with standby power supply
(under ASPSS for main buses),
- Auxiliary power supply distribution in Systems and bus sections subject to ASPSS devices
when the section voltage lost. The main and standby power supply sources shall be connected to
different sections of main distribution device,
- Auxiliary distribution device in sections provided minimum failure of power plant in the
case of any section failure,
- Provision of reliable power supply of auxiliary devices under asynchronous bus operation
(parts) of power plant (high voltage bus sectionalization, allocation of power units on a separate
line, implementation of power-system separation schemes),
- Provision of full or partial separation of auxiliary devices main power supply of the power
plant from power system with the least loss of operating capacity at frequency and voltage
reduction to values that threaten their no-break operation. Connection of third consumers (villages and others) to auxiliary NPP switchgear
buses is prohibited. Normal and repair NPP circuit wiring shall be approved by NPP chief engineer, and
the power circuits shall be approved by the chief engineer of the power association.
These schemes shall be annually agreed with the dispatching control agency, under which
operative supervision or operative control there its equipment are. NPP must ensure proper operation of the telemetry and signaling devices, devices
and systems of commercial electricity and power stocktaking that are needed for a reliable power
system control by the system as well as timely data transmission of operation parameters in the
NPP electric mode (NPP and individual units ones total active load, bus voltage, electricity
supply meter records, and etc.). In the case of failures in electrical side or power system of NPP the power plant by
the request of AO-Energo provides information and justification materials required to investigate
failure causes and development of measures to prevent them.
11.1.7. Operational personnel of the power facilities Operating personnel of the power association (JSC “UES SO CDC”, CDC, RDC),
power enterprises (heat network, heat power plant) and NPP consists of:
- Operating personnel that directly works with equipment control units and accomplishes
equipment control and maintenance according to approved duty chart,
- Operative and repair personnel with the right of operation maintenance and carrying out of
routine switching of equipment and systems,
- Managing operating personnel in the shift includes: - NPP shift manager, duty engineer
(dispatcher) of the heat network,
- Duty personnel of the Crises Center of the operating organization,
- Duty dispatcher of the company JSC “UES SO CDC”, CDC, RDC, power system, Operating personnel should maintain safe, reliable and economical equipment
operation mode of NPP power system according to the production and job descriptions and
operational orders of a superior operating personnel. Operating personnel during the duty is responsible for proper maintenance and
trouble-free operation of the equipment, as well as for the cleanliness and order in its service
area. Under operation failures, equipment damages, fire occurrences, defects detection that
can damage the equipment, operating personnel should take immediate measures to restore
normal operation or liquidation of near emergency events and accident prevention, as well as to
report about them to higher operational person and persons of the governing administrative and
engineering personnel in accordance with the approved list. The order of higher operating personnel on matters under its competence shall be
performed by the subordinate operating personnel.
Power system dispatcher’s orders shall be immediately performed by the operating personnel.
If NPP shift manager finds obvious mistake or health and life hazard for people, equipment
safety and nuclear safety in the power system dispatcher order, he must make reasonable
objection and shall not perform the order. NPP shift manager must immediately report to his
higher manager about his rejection to perform the order of power system dispatcher.
NPP operating personnel is fully responsible for unjustified non-fulfillment or fulfillment
delay of power system dispatcher orders but the power system dispatcher is responsible for the
order validity.
NPP shift manager shall immediately inform to the power system dispatcher about cutoff of
power lines and equipment, relay protection and equipment actuation, failures in normal
equipment and device operation that are under the duty or control of the dispatcher of power
system, RDC, CDC, or JSC “UES SO CDC”, as well as failures of operation mode of NPP main
and accessory equipment that lead or can lead to its load reduction. Equipment in operational control and operational responsibility of the higher
operating personnel can not be started or shut down without its permission, except for the cases
of evident danger to people and equipment. In the orders of power system dispatcher who is responsible for equipment and
power plant operation, parameter changing value and time by which it is to be achieved should
be given. The NPP authority orders to its operating personnel by matters under competence of
АО-energo, RDC, CDC (JSC “UES SO CDC”) about reliability of power systems parallel
operation, relay protection devices, anticrash automation devices, automatic control of frequency
and power (ACFP) shall be coordinated with АО-energo, RDC, CDC (JSC “UES SO CDC”). Responsibility for unreasonable implementation delay of the orders of the higher
operating personnel are responded by persons who have not performed the order, as well as
leaders of authorizing who make this non-fulfillment or delay. If the order of the higher operating personnel is given to subordinate operating
personnel seems to be wrong, it must be immediately reported about to the person who has given
the order. Upon order confirmation the person on duty shall perform it and make the record in
the operational log.
It is forbidden to obey the orders of higher operating personnel that may threaten people’s
life, safety of the equipment, nuclear and radiation safety, and may lead to energy supply loss of
auxiliary or de-energizing of very important consumers. Denial to fulfill an order shall be
reported to higher operating personnel. Persons of operating personnel who are not present on duty may be used for work
in equipment maintenance within the limits of their job descriptions and only with the
permission of proper higher operating personnel of the shift. In case of need the replacement of one person from operating personnel with
another is made by permission of the person who has approved the duty chart and with reporting
of proper manager of operating personnel.
Two consecutive shifts are forbidden. Each person of operating personnel at the start of work should take a shift from the
previous employee and after work pass the shift to next person from operating personnel who is
marked in schedule.
The leaving of duty without shift passing is forbidden. At shift taking the person of operating personnel shall:
- Know the state, schedule and operating mode of the equipment in its operational control or
responsibility in such scope that is defined by the proper instructions,
- Get information from previous person about equipment that requires very accurate
observation to prevent operation failures and equipment that is in repair or in the reserve,
- Find out what work is done on the work orders, and orders on his site,
- Check and accept tools, materials, keys to the premises, online documentation, and
documentation in the workplace,
- Know all records and orders for the time passed from his previous duty,
- Take a report from a subordinate personnel and inform the shift manager that he takes his
duties as well as about failures that have been defined during the shift passing,
- Make record about acceptance of duties in the operating log or in the register with own
signature and signature of passing the shift person. With accordance to instructions the operating personnel shall periodically test
operation of technological, fire, warning and emergency signaling systems, communication
means, as well as shall test accuracy of readings of clock at the workplace. The operating personnel should make the transition from the operating to reserve
equipment, perform equipment testing and inspection on the basis of approved schedules. Operating personnel during the shift (duty) with the permission of the appropriate
supervisor from operating personnel may be involved in short-term repair work and testing,
releasing it from its duties in the workplace for this time and making a record in operating log.
Safety regulations shall be observed.
11.1.8. Power facilities dispatch and technological control devices Dispatch stations, power associations, NPP electric power substations shall be
provided by DPCE in accordance with regulations. DPCE operation shall provide their
permanent operation and readiness under set quality of data transfer in normal and emergency
modes of power systems. DPCE devices mounted in control rooms, power associations, power plants and
facilities shall be assigned in departments (organizations) of DPCE of proper supervision.
Communications and teleautomatic equipment of high-level control that is installed on the lower
control level shall be used by personnel, maintaining DPCE of this object. Operation of high voltage equipment of high-channel telephone and remote control
along power transmission lines (coupling capacitors, high-frequency traps reactors, grounding
blades, antenna connection device, bushings, excess voltage preventers of setting and filter
elements) shall be carried out by personnel maintaining the high voltage installations. Maintenance and sensor (transducers) calibration of telemetry to be included in the
circuit of the secondary windings of current and voltage transformers, shall be carried out by
personnel of the proper services of relay protection and automatics RPA (electrotechnical
laboratory ETL) and measurement assurance. The list of devices and equipment, maintained by industrial units of DPCE in NPP
with the maintenance limits shall be approved by NPP chief engineer.
Interaction between departments and enterprises, the maintenance limits of DPCE are
determined by guidelines "Arrangement of maintenance, operation and construction of
dispatching and process control systems in nuclear power facilities", as well as documents
developed on its basis. Operational and maintenance DPCE shall be provided by:
- Central control post (ССР) of JSC “UES SO CDC”, RDC, CDC,
- Crisis center of Rosatomenergo concern,
- Workshops (services) of control and process management at NPP.
To ensure smooth operation of DPCE the twenty-four-hour service of operating personnel
shall be organized. Means of control and process management shall be provided with uninterrupted
power supply in accordance with applicable regulations. Means of all negotiations recording shall provide full time negotiations record of
dispatching communication channels, control panels, the shift head in shops and have a
switching hardware reserve.
Means of negotiations recording shall provide the records keeping for one month and can
transfer data to external media. Workshops (services) and sections of DPCE must have and maintain operational
documentation in accordance with existing regulations.
Commissioning and operation of newly constructed and reconstructed radio relay lines and
radio communications means (VHF and HF radios) shall be organized in accordance with
applicable regulations. The structure and qualitative indices of industrial telephone networks at all levels
shall comply with current regulations on the system of automated production telephone
communication. Wire communication devices shall be protected from dangerous and disturbing
effects of high voltage electrical installations in accordance with applicable regulations. The procedure and frequency of measurements of the interfering effects and noise
shall be defined by the instructions. Upon detection of interference effects and noise that
interfere with normal functioning of the communication means the measures for their removal
shall be taken. On transmission lines, in which the high and remote communication channels are
organized, with jobs with grounding the portable grounding line traps shall be used. Commissioning of dispatch connection, remote control systems, communication
systems, video conferencing, communication channels with the Crisis Center application shall be
carried out only by prescribed form request. Execution method and operation mode of electrical circuits from the sensors
(transducers) of telemetry and the remote signaling to the receiving and processing device must
exclude interference, leading to the information distortion. Insulation resistance of output circuits of remote control and supply circuits with
voltage of 220 V shall be measured by megohmmeter from 1000 to 2500 V, and be not less than
10 MΩ. For outage of operation of the output circuits of the remote control at power plants,
substations and control centers the common special keys or switching-off device shall be used.
The cutoff of the remote control and signaling circuits of some connections shall be made with
split binders or with the switching-off device. All operations with shared key of the remote
control and the individual switching-off device in remote control and signaling circuits may be
done only with the dispatcher order or his authority. On the front and back sides of the devices, panels, consoles DPCE there should be
signs indicating their purpose in accordance with the dispatcher names, and on the equipment
installed on them there should be signs or markings. Wire of external remote control devices
shall be marked with the appropriate executive connections. The staff of operating divisions that maintains DPCE shall periodically inspect the
equipment in accordance with manufacturing instructions, paying particular attention to the
correct position of the switching devices and the state of malfunctions alarm.
The operating personnel of NPP workshops is responsible for safety and cleanliness of
external surfaces of devices and equipment of DPCE in NPP and in the rooms with devices and
equipment. Full or partial routine inspections and repairs of DPCE shall be carried out in
accordance with the approved schedule. All faults and wrong actions of DPCE should be immediately eliminated, counted
and analyzed in accordance with established procedure.
In the case of device malfunction, damages or parameters deviation from standard indices the
additional check and elimination of these failures shall be carried out with the notification of
dispatcher and superior service of DPCE. Each unit of standby diesel generator station (SDGS) of safety systems shall be
equipped with devices of operative duplex loudspeaker connection with MCR, SCR and general
telephone communication. This requirement applies to security systems of SDGS designed to
operate in standby mode, the mode of autonomous continuous operation in NPP structure. Telephone connection devices for operating personnel located in areas with high
noise level (machine rooms, SDGS) should be placed in a soundproof cabin and be additionally
equipped with warning lights installed outside the cabin.
11.2 Arrangement of the communication system for operation and
emergency response actions control at NP
11.2.1. The operational information transfer about NPP operation to all levels of operation
organization control, the control of given mode of power generating unit and to insurance of
NPP safe operation, the control of emergency response actions shall be provided by the
integrated control system of operation and management of emergency response actions at the
11.2.2. The integrated communication system of operation control and management of
emergency response actions at NPP is a system that ensures NPP safe operation and control of
emergency response actions in case of emergency.
11.2.3. The integrated communication system of operation control and management of
emergency response actions at NPP must use all available public networks, dedicated,
technological networks and special purpose networks, and shall be based on the use of
permanent and additional communication channels, main, standby and emergency facilities,
systems, communication and telecommunication complexes.
Management of emergency response actions shall be provided by steady uninterrupted
Communication during management of emergency response actions must have priority in
information transmitting and receiving for emergency control.
11.2.4. In emergency situations, usage procedure of communication channels in NPP in terms
of prioritizing of the rights granting to control of switching equipment and distribution of
frequency bandwidth of digital channels is determined by the Crisis Center.
11.2.5. For provision of emergency communication, three geographically separated
communication hubs shall be installed in protected areas for control of emergency response
SAMC of the city,
SAMC of NPP evacuation district.
Communication on the movement routes is carried out from the movable control station or the
EOM or mobile communication center of NPP.
Communication systems in protected management points of emergency response actions must
continue to operate in the case of failure of the NPP communication center.
Service and maintenance of communication center operability in all SAMCs is carried out by
the workshop (service) of DPCE NPP.
11.2.6. The following number of communication channels shall be provided:
- NPP - Crisis Center - a permanent digital ground channel or at least two analogue main
communication channels and at least two (including emergency) directions by satellite
communications, as well as from two to three main ground communication channels assigned for
temporary lease by the Crisis Center request,
- NPP - RDC (CDC) - two independent digital communication channels, organized by
geographically dispersed routes or in different physical transmission media,
- Crisis Center - Technical Support Centers, Emergency and Technology Center
(Novovoronezh), JSC “UES SO CDC” - at least one ground or radio-relay communication
channel that provides digital data transmission at the rate of 256 kbit / s and channel for direct
Crisis Center - Situational Crisis Center of Rosatom and Crisis Center - Information and
Analytical Center of “Rostechnadzor” - a digital channel with the rate of at least 512 kbit / s and
channel for dispatch communications.
11.2.7. Digital communication channels of NPP - Crisis Center shall provide information
transfer at the rate of 256 kbit / s in each direction. Ground communication channels are
organized in geographically dispersed routes.
The list of channels and their quantity used by NPP and non-ending at the Crisis Center, are
determined in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.
11.2.8. Traffic of main and satellite communication channels in the directions of Crisis Center
- NPP and Crisis Center - Support Center must have a video, phone (at least three remote
telephone subscriber numbers, the connecting lines or direct telephone lines, depending on the
technical possibilities of communication nodes, providing reception of channels) and data
transfer on one or more major digital channels, depending on the actual bandwidth of used
communication channel.
11.2.9 Safety communication channels shall have a redundancy and to be a connected to
communication units of Protected center of emergency activity management (PCEAM) with
possibility to switch them to a regular communication unit. Their list is established by the plant
managers and shall be confirmed by the Emergency center.
Wire (microwave-link) communication channels are the main communication channels to
provide emergency operation control and communication within the Urgent assistance to nuclear
plants (UANP) group. Uplink and radio channels are used in case of breakdown or shortage of
ground channels. For some tasks radio channels are used (trunking, cellular, conventional, etc).
All the digital communication channels determined by the plant management body shall be
coded by certified cryptomaterials.
11.2.10 Auxiliary channels which are provided on terms of urgent temporary rent in case of
emergency at the Russian Federation territory shall be used to organize telephony according to
remote user method; automatic telephone exchange (ATE) addresses No. 710-xx-xx are used as
junction lines or point-to-point circuits connected to ATE switchers or operative communication
boards. To receive auxiliary communication channels the plant and Emergency center
communication units shall be equipped with auxiliary channeling equipment and hardware to
connect compiled addresses, junction lines or direct channels to ultimate or channeling
equipment of the plant and municipal PCEAM and to switch these channels to the plant ATE or
communication switcher as necessary.
11.2.11 Communication facilities shall have constant-ready status to perform assigned tasks
according to НП (performance requirements, PR) “Regulations of emergency declaration order,
operational communication activity and nuclear plant emergency care in case of radiation
To increase reliability and security of control and emergency plant communications it is
necessary to provide efficient switching of the communication channels.
Radio communication devices of the plant and UANP group shall not affect safety systems
and each other.
11.2.12 Warning of the emergency team and communication of the emergency procedure
management is performed according to:
- Internal regulations of warning system, communication and data transmission, confirmed by
associated bodies which also shall agree on required range and quantity specifications of
communication equipment,
- Communication and emergency data exchange layout and schedules,
- Regulations of local warning system for the sake of emergency management.
These regulations of communication systems, emergency data transmission and interaction
according to communication layout shall clarify:
- Plant and local communication units location,
- Interaction communication maintenance and order,
- Confidential communication maintenance and order,
- Communication and data transmission devices operating modes,
- Ready time for communication of different routs, tasks and types,
- Build-up schedule of communication efficiency and scope depending on possible emergency
- Charts of radio networks and radio data interaction routs,
- Uplink and microwave-link communication data.
11.3 Electrical energy and power control and tracking
11.3.1 Commercial tracking requirements at electrical energy and power market are
established by actual wholesale energy (power) market rules, regulations of wholesale energy
market commercial tracking and energy vendor (purchase) contracts (agreements) between
economic agents.
At that tracking of supplied (received) energy power shall be ensured, as well as instrumental
evaluation of transmission losses.
Tracking shall provide data of economic agents power flow balance, output, supply and
demand as well as international power flow.
11.3.2 According to the requirements of the Deed of adherence to energy wholesale market
(EWM) trading system every wholesale agent shall provide automatic information and
measuring systems for electrical energy and power control and tracking (AIMS ECT) which
correspond to AIMS ECT specifications for a wholesale energy market economic agent.
Maximal utilization of AIMS ECT is necessary to provide efficient process and commercial
management of the plant modes within the same power grid.
11.3.3 AIMS ECT shall provide data of average 30-minute values of electrical power and of
tracked energy per calendar day (with structuring according to day zones) and its total amount
for established time period (week, month, year. etc.).
11.3.4 AIMS ECT measuring tools shall have metrological certificates according to actual
normative documentation
AIMS ECT measuring tools metrological maintenance is performed according to p. 5.8. of
this standard.
It is forbidden to operate the gauges which were not previously inspected (checked and
calibrated) or which have invalid (overdue or damaged) metering stamps.
11.3.5 AIMS ECT operation is performed on base of collected and transmitted data of power
facilities according to layout which corresponds, as a rule, to the layout of data collection and
transmission system for power system dispatching and process management:
- Nuclear plant - power grid - unified dispatching site - central dispatching site,
- Nuclear plant - plant operating organization.
11.3.6 AIMS ECT at all control levels shall be secured from unauthorized access to
information and its free alternation by sealing of some elements and by software.
11.3.7 When in operation, metering transformers shall perform with established accuracy
class indices. Tracking schemes for all power lines with 110 kV and more shall adopt threephase three-piece electric meters with current transformers at every phase. Every registration unit
shall have individual log sheet.
11.3.8 AIMS ECT at all levels shall be provided with accurate astronomical time systems and
secured power supply.
11.4 Immediate conversations
11.4.1 Immediate conversations include giving and receiving of commands, orders, verbal
information directly related to technical process control via direct verbal communication, as well
as via available communication devices, including:
- telephonic,
- carrier-current,
- loud speaking communication,
- paging,
- reserve inside radio communication,
- other available communication devices.
General requirements listed below relate to on-line conversations via operational
communication devices.
11.4.2 During immediate conversations:
- Answering side shall name his/her position and surname. Then calling side names
him/herself. In case of conversations via direct communication channels plant managers and
senior operational staff may restrict themselves to surnames only,
- Operational orders shall be short and clear; a person to whom the order (command) was
given shall repeat it and draw confirmation that he/she understood the command correctly. Given
or received command shall be fixed in operational logs of a manager and executor,
- When an order (command) is fulfilled, an executor shall report of it to the person who gave
the order and indicate time and list of the fulfilled actions. An operational manager shall repeat
the report and the executor (transmitting side) shall confirm that the message was interpreted
correctly. Information of order execution shall be fixed in operational logs of a manager and
11.4.3. Conversations with dispatching services of the OJSC UES SO CDC and its branches
(CDC and RDC) shall be carried out via carrier-current communication according to
requirements to conversations between dispatching personnel and power facilities duty personnel
within operational area of CDC and RDC. These requirements are established by CDC and RDC.
During conversations on-line it is forbidden to change established dispatching nomenclature
for equipment, connections and devices.
11.4.4 NP DPCE is in charge of reliability and efficiency of operational communication
devices. Its tasks include:
- Technical maintenance and repairs of these devices,
- Trial and testing of the devices according to established schedules and established programs,
- Urgent elimination of system malfunctions and defects.
NP DPCE is also responsible for proper operation of the automatic recorders which are
installed at the plant and are used for record of on-line conversations, and stores the conversation
records within the period established at the plant according to the importance of these
11.4.5 Persons in charge of management and periodical control of operational conversations
and their documenting according to established requirements shall be appointed.
11.4.6 During shift handing-over the operational personnel shall check availability and
efficiency of the operational communication devices at the workplaces.
11.4.7 It is necessary to list the operational communicational devices for immediate
conversations of different levels.
It is forbidden to carry out unauthorized conversations via operational communication
It is forbidden to render operational communication devices to people who are not on duty,
excluding employees who execute some programs or eliminate an accident.
11.4.8 In case of emergency operational personnel engaged in accident elimination shall have
priority to use all the communication devices.
11.4.9 Operational conversations during emergency response drills shall be opened with the
word “drill”. In case of emergency the drill shall be stopped with proper warning of all the
operational personnel. Conversations during emergency response drills are not recorded in
operational documentation.
11.4.10 Stationary loud-speaking communication shall provide internal communication
during technological process managing, in case of urgent search or calling of an employee,
orders (commands) transmission to operational personnel, as well as in case of messages
addressed to the operational personnel as a whole.
11.4.11 Reserve internal radio communication shall be applied in case of breakdown or partial
breakdown of wire communicational devices or their unavailability on the spot.
During operational conversations via reserve internal radio stations it is necessary to use callsigns individual for every work place.
Plant buildings and spots where portable radio stations (including cell phones) are forbidden
shall be determined.
Conversations on-line via radio shall be recorded in the logs with a note “via radio”.
In case of emergency radio communication is permitted only to the personnel engaged in
accident elimination; all the other radio stations may operate in receiving mode.
11.5 Operational switching at the plant
11.5.1 General requirements to routine switching, equipment switching on
and switching off Routine switching shall be performed according to plant safety process regulations,
operational guide, routine switching guide, switching programs and forms. It is recorded in
operational documentation. Lists of tasks according to programs and lists of switching according to switching
forms shall be developed at the plant.
The lists are approved by the plant technical manager.
The lists shall be corrected taking into account new equipment, modification or dismounting
of equipment, change of electrical and process schemes, RPA schemes, process protection and
automatic machinery, etc. The list is reviewed once per three years. Copies of the list shall be
available at the workplaces of the plant and shop senior operational personnel. Equipment switching is performed by the examined and authorized personnel
acquainted with its scheme, location and process regulations.
Back-up employees may perform switching only under direct supervision of authorized
All other unauthorized personnel has no right to perform switching (including individual
operations). The instruction of the operating switchings shall be developed and approved by the
Chief Engineer of the NPP
The instructions on operating switching shall include the procedure for obtaining permission
to switch from the operational supervisor of equipment, issue of order to switch by operational
manager of equipment, preparation of permissions and orders, depending on the level of
potential failures and deviations from normal operation at switching performance and the impact
of hardware subject to switching on the stability of the power subdivision stability, nuclear,
radiological, and technical safety.
By the chief engineer (in the instructions for the operating switching) the list of systems
(equipment) shall be developed and approved at the NPP, in which it shall be defined:
- Reference of systems (equipment) to the systems of normal operation, systems important to
safety or safety systems,
- Officials of the NPP subdivision, in which the system (equipment) is registered,
- Officials of the NPP subdivision responsible for the repair and maintenance of equipment,
- The post of administrative staff authorized to make decisions on requests for the system
(equipment) pitting into/out of operation,
- Position of the operating personnel performing operational supervision of the system
- Position of the operating personnel performing operational management of the system
(equipment), NPP safety-related works (tests) not provided by technological regulations and
manuals shall be based on the programs agreed by the project developers of RP and NPP and
approved by the operating organization. The chief engineer of the NPP is given permission to perform the following
switching operations:
- Not provided by manuals for the equipment,
- Changing the operation mode of the subdivision as a whole,
- Changing the operation mode of the equipment, which has no redundancy and shutdown of
which leads to a change in the power subdivision (basic equipment) capacity,
- At the equipment, switching of which is included in the list of nuclear-hazardous works,
- For putting out of operation (standby condition) the equipment of the automatic fire
extinguishing systems,
- For putting out of operation the equipment that affects the load in the case of absence of
redundancy provided by the project,
- For putting into/out of operation technological protections or interlocks of the main
equipment and hardware of the safety systems.
Permission for such switching operations is given in the operational log of the NPP SB (NPP
dispatcher on duty) or USS (LSS). Head (authorized person) of division, in which the system (equipment) is registered,
gives a permission for the following switching operations:
- Listed in p.;
- Associated with putting into and out of operation the systems (equipment) that are important
for safety;
- For putting out of operation and putting into operation technological protections or
interlocks of safety-related systems equipment and equipment registered in the division;
- Associated with hydraulic and pneumatic testing of equipment and pipelines;
- Associated with works performed by the switching programs;
Such permission is given in the operational log of system (equipment) operational manager. Putting out of operation (standby condition) equipment, protections or interlocks is
carried out by requests that are submitted and reviewed in accordance with established
procedures at the NPP and processed in the Log of requests, which as a rule shall be at the
workplace of the equipment operational supervisors.
Requests shall be submitted by the head (authorized representative) of subdivision, in which
the equipment is registered, or by the head (authorized representative) of subdivision responsible
for repair and maintenance of this equipment.
If the request is submitted by the division responsible for the repair and maintenance of
equipment or technological protections and interlocks, it is necessary that such request shall be
agreed by head (authorized representative) of subdivision, in which the technical equipment is
At carrying out the switching aimed at equipment putting out of operation (standby condition)
and into operation (standby condition) the reference to the permitted request is made in the
operational log of the equipment operational management.
Lists of directors (authorized persons) of subdivisions, in which equipment is registered, and
subdivisions responsible for the repair and maintenance of equipment, shall be at workplaces of
operational supervisors of the equipment. Forms of switching operations are prepared on the basis of the switching manuals
and programs.
The configuration of switching forms, filling order and relevant works order shall be specified
in the instruction for NPP operational switching. For frequently used NPP switching operations pre-compiled sample programs of
work, typical switching forms can be applied
Typical switching forms can be used to compile working switching forms with regard of the
circuit condition at the start of switching.
Typical switching forms and works programs shall be reviewed at least once in three years
and adjusted in case of the modernization, changes in instructions, circuits, protections,
interlocks and automatics.
Typical switching forms and typical work programs can be registered as appendixes to the
operation instructions for systems and equipment, reviewed and adjusted along with them. Order and sequence of operations during performance of switching shall be set in
the switching programs and forms. Switching operations in accordance with switching forms shall be performed at least
by two persons, one of whom is a supervisor.
As a rule, a supervisor shall be a senior operational or administrative employee.
Responsibility for the accuracy of switching is imposed on the switching executor and
supervisor. The purpose of switching and sequence of operations shall be indicated in the
switching order with all the necessary details
Switching executor shall be given not more than one task at a time to perform operational
switching including operations of single purpose. At liquidation of technological violations, violations of equipment operation it’s
permitted to perform switching without using switching programs and forms by the order of the
responsible for the liquidation of violation, with registering in the operational log after the
liquidation of violation.
If required, such switching can be performed single-handedly by order of the person
responsible for liquidation of violation, It’s forbidden to start the planned operational switching for half an hour before the
end of the shift and in the first half an hour after the start of the shift.
It’s allowed to perform switching a half an hour before the end of a shift and in the first half
an hour after start of the shift by special order of the Chief Engineer (Deputy Chief Engineer) of
the NPP as well as in emergency situations. Typical switching forms and programs shall be stored as well as other operational
Storage Periods of used switching forms and programs are set by instruction for the storage of
service documentation of the NPP, based on the requirements of regulatory documents.
11.5.2 Switching in electrical plants All changes in the circuits of electrical plants connections, made during switching, as
well as grounding installation points shall be presented at the operational diagram or
mnemodiagram (model) after the end of switching. All switching operations in the electrical plants having defective safety blocking
devices shall be carried out in accordance with switching programs and / or forms . Typical programs and switching forms need to be adjusted in case of changes in the
main electrical connections circuit of electrical plants associated with the commissioning of new
equipment, replacement or partial dismantling of obsolete equipment, reconstruction of the
switchgears, as well as during connection of new devices or changes in installed RPA devices. During planned changes of circuit and working modes of power system and changes
in RPA devices performed by production services of CDC (RDC), managing equipment and
RPA devices, the necessary changes and additions of typical programs and switching forms shall
be worked out in advance at the appropriate levels of operational management Switching operations at the electrical equipment and in RPA devices, which are
operationally managed by personnel of the DCR (RDC), shall be carried out by their order, and
if supervised - under their permission.
Switching operations in the electrical plants without orders and permissions of senior
operating personnel, but with subsequent notification of those are allowed to perform in the cases
of urgency (accident, natural disaster, fire, emergency, failure).
During fire and accident elimination the operating personnel shall proceed in accordance with
instructions of the NPP. Any changes in electrical circuits, settings and characteristics of adjustment of
devices, which are in the operationally managed or supervised by the dispatcher of the power
system of CDC (RDC), can be performed only under prior agreement and registered with
appropriate requests. In case of the de-energization of the electrical plant the operating personnel shall be
ready to energize it without warning. Connecting /disconnecting to/from the power supply and putting into/out of
operation of the connection, that has a switch in its circuit, shall be performed using the switch.
Opening and closing by separators, disconnectors, plug contacts is allowed for the
connections of MCS (OMCS):
- Voltage transformers,
- Neutral conductors of power transformers from 110 kV to 220 kV,
- Ground-fault neutralizers from 6 to 35 kV in case of no ground connection in the circuit,
- Magnetizing current in power transformers from 6 to 500 kV,
- Charging current and grounding current of air and cable transmission lines,
- Charging current of bus systems, as well as charging current of connections in compliance
with the regulations.
In ring circuits from 6 to 10 kV it is allowed to switch-off circulating currents up to 70 A by
disconnecting switchers and the closure of the circuit in the ring when the voltage difference at
open contacts of disconnectors is no more than 5%.
Switching-on and switching-off by tripolar disconnectors is allowed for outdoor electrical
plant at a voltage of 10 kV and below the load current up to 15 A.
It is allowed to perform the remote shutdown by disconnectors of failed switcher 220 kV and
higher, shunted with single switch or a chain of multiple switches of other bus system
connections (square, breaker-and-a-half scheme etc.), if the shutdown of switcher can lead to its
destruction, and de-energization of electrical substation.
Valid valuesof currents switched on / switched off by disconnectors shall be determined by
normative documents The procedure and conditions of operations for various electrical
installations shall be governed by instructions of the NP. It is prohibited for operational personnel directly involved in switching, to put safety
interlocks out of operation without permission.
The output of interlocks is permitted only after the on-site verification of position of
disconnected circuit breakers, disconnectors and grounding blades and detecting the reasons for
interlock failure under permission of authorized persons.
11.5.3 Switches in process circuits The following works are performed according to programs:
- Not described in the equipment manuals or specially mentioned in them,
- Radiation hazardous works,
- Hydraulic, pneumatic testing of equipment and pipelines,
- Special tests of equipment,
- Inspection and testing of innovative ways of equipment operation,
- Introduction of basic equipment after installation and upgrading. Switching programs shall include the following:
- The objective of switching and facility subject to switching,
- Conditions of work performance (initial state, preparation, including the pre-job briefing,
limitations by the related systems in terms of operating modes, permission, information on the
switching start),
- Necessity to prepare switching forms,
- Preparation for the implementation of switching,
- Manager of switching operations,
- Supervisors for carrying out switching operations at each stage (on a particular equipment),
- Staff directly involved in switching,
- Necessity of staff training,
- Sequence of switching operations with indication of the position of valves, regulators, and
elements of technological protections, interlocks and automatics,
- Personnel actions in pre-emergency and emergency situation or condition that threatens
human life and integrity of equipment,
- Description of the final state of the facility after the completion of switching operations,
- Criteria for evaluation of the program implementation. Switching form shall include the following:
- Facility subject to switching,
- Time of switching start and end,
- Provision of necessary conditions for switching operations, security measures,
- Supervisors,
- Information about the staff performing the switching operations (position, name),
- Switching sequence,
- The final state (the position of cutoff and control valves after switching is over).
11.5.4 Switches in thermal automatics and measurements circuits Switching operations in control, protection and interlock circuits of the main NP
equipment, and safety-related equipment (switching on/off automatic machines for power supply
to protections and interlocks auxiliary relays, automatic power supply machines for control and
safety equipment, operations with the keys and pads of protections and interlocks input-output,
replacement of failed units of control and protection equipment, installation of wedges and
blockings on the relay, removal of wedges and blockings from the relay, putting out of the
operation for checking train or one of the two sets of control and protection equipment) are
performed by TAMW duty personnel under the supervision of the TAMW Supervisory Board
under the permission of the person in charge for equipment operation and by order of the
operational manager of equipment.
The output-input of protections and interlocks of the main equipment and equipment
important for safety, carried out by using the keys located on the panels in control rooms, is
performed by operational staff of process workshop under the supervision of a senior operating
personnel under the permission of the NP SB and by the order of the USS (LSS). Disconnection of protections, interlocks or alarms of working or redundant
technological equipment shall be allowed under permission received by request in case it is not
covered by the operating instructions Switching operations in circuits of protections and interlocks of equipment, disabling
of which does not cause the change in the unit capacity and does not affect safety (of additional
equipment), are performed by the TAMW operational staff under permission of the operational
manager of the equipment. Switching operations for “grounding” search in the power supply circuits of
protections and interlocks auxiliary relays are performed in accordance with the manual, the
program, or the switching form under permission of USS, LSS (NP SB). Switching-off of automatic power supply machines for auxiliary relays and
protection and interlock equipment is performed, as a rule, during scheduled maintenance of the
main equipment of power unit. Switching in gate assemblies (switching on/off automatic power supply machines for
valves or regulators), switching on/off of circuit alarm breakers, de-energizing of TAMW
devices, testing ASPSS of devices power inputs and equipment of TAMW with the unit being
under repair is performed by TAMW personnel under permission of the operational manager of
the equipment. The repeated switching (after tripping) of automatic power supply machines for
TAMW equipment (electrified valves, regulators, circuits of protections, interlocks, alarms, etc.)
may only be performed after checking the insulation resistance for compliance with the
established standards.
All operations for switching off and switching on of automatic power supply machines for
TAMW equipment and devices shall be recorded in the TAMW SB operational logs. During the unit power operation the alarm circuits shall be working continuously
Blackout of technological alarm parts is allowed for a short time for the purpose of “grounding”
search and replacement of defective alarm cells.
Switching operations in circuits of technological alarm in the control rooms (switching on/off
automatic power supply machines for alarms, disconnecting the alarm circuits from the
measuring equipment, the replacement of alarm cells, generating signals to check alarm circuits
operability, switching on/off of circuit alarm breakers of electrified valves in gate assemblies)
shall be performed by the TAMW operational staff under permission of the operational manager
of the equipment.
[1] Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 21.11.95 № 170-ФЗ Об использовании
атомной энергии
[2] Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 15.12.2002 № 184-ФЗ О техническом
[3] Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 10.03.2001 № 15-ФЗ Об обеспечении
единства измерений
[4] Утверждены Госкомприроды СССР 31.10.90 Правила охраны поверхностных вод
[5] Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 11.11.2002 № 796
Федеральная целевая программа «Энергоэффективная экономика» на 2002-2005 годы и на
перспективу до 2010 года»
[6] Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 06.10.2006 № 605
Федеральная целевая программа «Развитие атомного энергопромышленного комплекса
России на 2007-2010 годы и на перспективу до 2015 года
[7] Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 07.03.2001 № 24-ФЗ Об
инвестиционной деятельности в Российской Федерации, осуществляемой в форме
капитальных вложений
[8] Приказ концерна «Росэнергоатом» от 21.03.2005 № 223 Методические основы
оценки эффективности инвестиционных проектов и программ концерна «Росэнергоатом»
[9] Приказ ФГУП концерн Росэнергоатом» от 16.03.2005 № 202 Самооценка
эксплуатационной безопасности атомных станций. Руководство
[10] Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 09.01.96 № 3-ФЗ О радиационной
безопасности населения
[11] От 30.12.2001 № 197-ФЗ Трудовой кодекс Российской Федерации
[12] Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 15.12.2000 № 967
Положение о расследовании и учете профессиональных заболеваний
[13] Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 10.01.2002 № 7-ФЗ Об охране
окружающей среды
[14] Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 24.06.98 № 89-ФЗ Об отходах
производства и потребления
[15] Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 19.07.2007 № 456
Правила физической защиты ядерных материалов, ядерных установок и пунктов хранения
ядерных материалов
[16] Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 30.12.2003 № 794 (с
изменениями, утвержденными Постановлением Правительства Российской Федерации от
27.05.2005 № 335) Положение о единой государственной системе предупреждения и
ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций (РСЧС)
[17] Приказ Росатома от 13.03.2006 № 224 О функциональной подсистеме
предупреждения и ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций
[18] Приказ ФГУП концерн «Росэнергоатом» от 24.03.2006 № 224 Положение о
системе предупреждения и ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций ФГУП концерн
«Росэнергоатом» (СЧСК)
[19] Приказ ФГУП концерн «Росэнергоатом» от 29.09.2006 № 612 Положение о
комиссии по предупреждению и ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций и обеспечению
пожарной безопасности ФГУП концерн «Росэнергоатом» (СЧСК)
[20] Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 01.03.97 № 233 О перечне
медицинских противопоказаний и перечне должностей, на которые распространяются
данные противопоказания, а также о требованиях к проведению медицинских осмотров и
психофизиологических обследований работников объектов использования атомной
[21] Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 21.07.97 № 117-ФЗ О безопасности
гидротехнических сооружений
[22] Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 10.01.2003 № 17-ФЗ О
железнодорожном транспорте в Российской Федерации
[23] Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 10.01.2003 № 18-ФЗ Устав
железнодорожного транспорта Российской Федерации
[24] Приказ МПС России от 26.04.93 № ЦРБ-162 Правила технической эксплуатации
железных дорог Российской Федерации
[25] Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 07.03.2001 № 24-ФЗ Кодекс
внутреннего водного транспорта Российской Федерации
[26] Приказ МПС от 18.06.2003 № 25 Правила перевозки грузов на железнодорожном
[27] Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 15.12.2000 № 962
Положение о государственном учете и контроле ядерных материалов
[28] ОЭ-1559/83, утверждена ВПО «Союзатомэнерго» 23.09.83 Типовая инструкция
опробований и испытаний резервных дизель-электрических станций с дизельгенераторами 15Д-100
[29] ОЭ-1560/83, утверждена ВПО «Союзатомэнерго» 23.09.83 Типовая инструкция
опробований и испытаний Резервных дизель-электрических станций АЭС с дизельгенераторами ДГ-4000
[30] ОЭ-1829/84, утверждено ВПО «Союзатомэнерго» 07.10.84 Типовая инструкция
опробований и испытаний резервных дизель-электрических станций с дизельгенераторами мощностью 5,5 МВт производства СФРЮ (ПНР)
[31] Приказ концерна «Росэнергоатом» от 26.01.99 №18 Инструкция по эксплуатации и
техническому обслуживанию агрегатов бесперебойного питания на атомных станциях (с
изменением №1 2000 г.)