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When is The Best Time to Retire Your Scissor Lift

When is The Best Time to
Retire Your Scissor Lift?
Scissor lifts are a vital tool for many industries, from construction to
warehousing to maintenance. However, like any piece of machinery,
they have a finite lifespan and will eventually need to be retired. Knowing
when to retire your scissor lift is essential to ensure the safety of your
workers and to avoid costly repairs and downtime.
Age of the Scissor Lift
The age of your scissor lift is one of the
most critical factors to consider when
deciding whether to retire it. The average
lifespan of a scissor lift is around 10 years,
but this can vary depending on factors
such as usage, maintenance, and
environment. As a rule of thumb, if your
scissor lift is approaching the 10-year
mark, it's time to start thinking about
retiring it.
Usage of the Machine:
The frequency and intensity of usage are
also essential factors to consider. If your
scissor lift is used heavily, it will
experience more wear and tear and may
need to be retired earlier than a less
frequently used lift. Additionally, if your
scissor lift is used in harsh environments,
such as those with high levels of moisture
or dust, it may need to be retired earlier
than one used in a more controlled
Proper maintenance is essential to
ensure the longevity of your scissor lift.
If your scissor lift has been wellmaintained throughout its life, it may be
able to continue operating safely and
efficiently beyond the average lifespan.
On the other hand, if maintenance has
been neglected, the lift may need to be
retired earlier than expected due to the
increased risk of failure.
Above all else, the safety of your
workers should be your top priority. If
your scissor lift is showing signs of wear
and tear or is no longer functioning as it
should, it's time to retire it to ensure the
safety of those operating it. Safety
hazards of telehandlers should never be
compromised for the sake of cost
savings or convenience.
Reff Url: When is The Best Time to Retire Your Scissor Lift?
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Toronto, ON
Canada M9M 2M6
Phone no +1-833-743-2500
Email ID – info@torcanlift.com
Website – www.torcanlift.com
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