Uploaded by Daniel Webb

Word of Wisdom: A Wise Counsel Essay

Daniel Webb
REL C 225 – Section 030
15 November 2023
A Wise Counsel
The modern-day food pyramid was first released only 31 years ago in 1992, a standard
formed from over a century of research in dietetics. One hundred and fifty-nine years prior, a
health standard was given from God to all of humanity through His far from educated servant,
Joseph Smith. The 1830s was a decade with notably extensive debate on the ingredients of a
healthy diet. The Word of Wisdom was ahead of contemporary health knowledge and its arrival
brought more than just a diet, but also light to ideas of holy bodies, godly revelation, and
necessity of agency.
In 1833, the year that the Word of Wisdom was revealed, many individuals regardless of
religious affiliation, status, or education, either drank alcohol, used tobacco, or a combination of
the two (Harper). Most adults and even some children drank. Tobacco was used in many forms
including smoking and chewing. This especially affected Joseph’s wife Emma Smith at a time
when she was responsible for cleaning up after the activities of the School of the Prophets. She
encountered filthiness due to spitting, and a stench from smoking. Joseph often had to teach
through clouds of smoke. The culmination of these factors led him to “inquire of the Lord with
regard to use of tobacco” (Joseph Smith Papers). Joseph Smith, in his translation room in Newel
K. Whitney’s store received a revelation, initially presented to the church as advice from the
Lord regarding a health standard for the saints. The degree to which the saints felt obligated to
abide by the Word of Wisdom varied from individual to individual since it was not explicitly
given as a commandment. Regardless of this variation, the Word of Wisdom pointed the saints
toward treating their bodies like temples.
Joseph Smith introduced the Word of Wisdom as a counsel for “the temporal salvation of
all saints in the last days” (Joseph Smith). This enhanced the ideas that our bodies are divine and
there exists a physical salvation different from spiritual salvation. The principle of a divine body
directly meshes with 1st Corinthians 3:16-17 stating “know ye not that ye are the temple of God,
and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God
destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” (The New Testament) Our bodies
are divinely created, and it is important to not defile them but to respect them as the holy gift that
they are. In verse three of D&C Section89 it states that it is “given for a principle with promise”
for all saints weak or strong to adopt it as able. This ties in to two principles of all
commandments: blessings of fulfillment and the slow and steady change of heart that is very
common when learning the ways of the Lord. In Mosiah 2:41 King Benjamin invites listeners or
readers to consider the “blessed and happy state of those” who keep the commandments (The
Book of Mormon), and in 2 Nephi 28:30 Nephi states that teachings are given from God line
upon line. We must be patient with those learning. Another insight in verse ten is that God made
this world for us, His children. Elements of this physical world even down to the herbs that grow
all play an intentional part in our mortal journey.
Modern-day prophets and apostles remind us of the validity of the Word of Wisdom and
the power in the promised blessings. During President Thomas S. Monson’s talk titled
“Principles and Promises” in the 2016 October General Conference, he affirms that the
commandment of the Word of Wisdom is a “divinely provided plan” and “those who are
obedient to the Lord’s commandments and who faithfully observe the Word of Wisdom are
promised particular blessings, among which are good health and added physical stamina.”
(Monson). The testimonies of modern prophets regarding the Word of Wisdom confirm its
veracity and significance for our day. Many modern references to the Word of Wisdom also
mention the resultant freedom from addiction (specifically substances). President M. Russell
Ballard in his talk titled “O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One” adds his voice to many other
modern prophets’ and apostles’ that Satan is an intelligent being who tries to ensnare us. “Right
from the very beginning in the great Counsil in Heaven, Satan ‘sought to destroy the agency of
man, which I, the Lord God had given him.’” (Ballard). Satan seeks to remove our agency by
introducing addictions often in the form of substances such as coffee, tea, alcohol, nicotine,
illegal drugs, etc. These substances ruin our ability to control the direction of our lives. Ballard
states near the end of his talk “our love for our Father in Heaven and the Lord Jesus Christ needs
to be reflected in our daily choices and actions. They have promised peace, joy, and happiness to
those who keep Their commandments.” (Ballard). That love we find for our Heavenly Father
manifests itself in obeying His commandments including the Word of Wisdom that will help
steer us clear of addictions and stay on the right path.
The Word of Wisdom has taught me much more than merely the avoidance of addictive
substances and partaking of healthy foods. I have learned to ask the Lord for guidance when
something does not feel right just as Joseph Smith asked the Lord for direction when
encountering a consistently filthy meeting room. When I find filth in my life, I need to bring it to
the Lord and ask His will. I learned that I need to be ready to receive more than I ask for just as
Joseph did. I found symbolism in how the Word of Wisdom brought consensus in a world
divided on dietetic theories. Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ bring us together much
sooner than otherwise possible if we develop and maintain faith in Their counsels given through
prophets. By the same token, Heavenly Father desires us to be understanding of individuals who
are learning to live the commandments gradually, line upon line. It is our responsibility to love
others no matter where they are on their spiritual journeys. It gives me hope to read the Word of
Wisdom and count the number of verses stating “don’ts” and compare it to that of “dos” or
blessings. It is five to nine. Heavenly Father is not condescending or stern but joyful and
optimistic which instills in me a strong desire to become like Him one day.
Works Cited
Ballard, M. Russell. “2010 October General Conference.” Bonneville Distributions, O That
Cunning Plan of the Evil One, 2010.
Harper, Steven C. “Section 89.” Doctrine and Covenants Contexts, Book of Mormon Central,
Springville, Utah, 2021.
Monson, Thomas S. “2016 October General Conference.” Bonneville Distributions, Principles
and Promises, 2016.
Revelation, 27 February 1833 [D&C 89], p. 113, The Joseph Smith Papers, accessed November
15, 2023, https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/revelation-27-february1833-dc-89/1
Smith, Joseph. “Section 89.” The Doctrine and Covenants, The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2013.
Varying Authors. The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 2013.
Varying Authors. The New Testament. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 2013.