Uploaded by faiezmohd43

final resume

Mail- faiezmohd43@gmail.com
Linkedin- https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohd-faiez-a24826200/
Github- https://github.com/faiez22222
Mohd Faiez
Computer Science and Engineering . RITM - 1835810027
Rameshwaram Institute of Technology and Management B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
CGPA 7.70 (2018 – 2022)
Key Modules – Object Oriented Programming, Database Management System, C Programming and Data Structures, Algorithm
Design and Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning.
Senior Secondary - Red Rose Senior Secondary School (2016 – 2017)
Secondary - Chitransh Vidyapeeth School (2014 – 2015)
Technical Knowledge
● Languages : C(proficient), C++(proficient), Python(beginner).
● Online Courses : C++,Python,Competitive Programming,Basics of SQL,Data Structure and
Algorithms. ● DataStructure : Array,String, Linked List, Stack, Queue, Graph, Binary Tree, Dequeue, Trie,
Proficient in dynamic programming, Binary search, Recursion and backtracking.
● Algorithm : Binary Search, String Algorithms, Number Theory, Greedy Algorithm, Graph Algorithms .
Projects Work
Final Year Dissertation - Voice Controlled news web application using ALAN AI
Research Paper Published - ( Voice Controlled News Web Based Application With Speech Recognition Using Alan
● Integrated ALAN AI voice assistant which can be used to detect keywords to activate the news
search. ● Created a website with API integration with ALAN AI API.
● ALAN AI will speak out the news to users.
● Wrote a research paper on the project which will retrieve news all across the globe using voice command.
Developed a Health Monitoring System in Python
● Created a notification application that keeps track of the timing of the computer system and notifies users to drink water,to take
a healthy and short walk and take eyes break for every 20 minutes.
● Plyer module of Python is used to send notifications directly to the Operating system.
Credit Card Validator
● Used Luhn's algorithm to validate whether a user's credit credit card is valid or not.
● Hackerrank : 5 star in Python,5 star in c++.
● Solved 300+ questions in Codeforces.
● Solved 150+ questions in LeetCode.