B E C O M E E L I T E P R E F A C E Copyright Notice No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. All copyrights are reserved. Disclaimer The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this guide is based upon my experiences as well as my interpretations of the current research available. The advice and tips given in this download are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure tips given in this course are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your physician before implementing any of the information provided below. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities. 1 G E T T I N G S T A R T E D The 90 Workouts The goal of the Elite 90 program is to provide you with the same successful training methods to not only better develop your technical skills, improve cardiovascular endurance, increase strength and explosion, and become a better all around athlete, but also give you the freedom and knowledge to tailor this plan directly to your needs. All other programs released by Become Elite have been a set weekly schedule. They tell you what drills to do and when exactly to do them. The results speak for themselves, but a huge problem was that everyone has different schedules, wants a slightly varied focus, or has different goals. The Elite 90 program solves these issues by allowing you to completely customize your program. Unlimited Combinations This program has 90 total workouts. Out of the 90 workouts, 45 are soccer specific training sessions, 21 are weightlifting/bodyweight training sessions, 12 are cardio sessions, and 12 more are plyometric sessions. These sessions are broken down even further into separate, even more specific sub-categories (which are better explained on the following page). In this program, there are 648 possible combinations of the pre-determined plans, but if you wish to create your own path; the combinations are endless. Structured or Freeform Now, although we wanted to give you complete freedom to customize your own program, we also wanted to make the creation process stress-free. We do all of the thinking for you, all you have to do is answer the questions pertaining to your goals on pages (6-8). After answering these questions and following the instructions, this program will direct you to the perfect program for you. There is a program in here for any level player looking to improve any part of their game. There are no excuses not to improve. You just have to pick a route and follow the trainings. 2 T H E B R E A K D O W N 90 WORKOUTS 21 12 45 Weightlifting Sessions Cardio Sessions Soccer Training Sessions 5 Day Body Split 4 Short Dist. 8 Dribbling 4 Jumping 4 Day Upper/Lower 4 Mid Dist. 8 Shooting 4 Explosiveness 4 Day Body Split 4 Long Dist. 5 Crossing 4 Agility 3 Day Push/Pull/Legs 12 Plyometric Sessions 7 Passing 2 Day Full Body 7 First Touch 3 Bodyweight 5 Juggling 5 Tight Space 3 C U S T O M I Z A T I O N C U S T O M I Z A T I O N HOW IT WORKS 1. On the next few pages you will find flowcharts which are meant to guide you through the customization process. 2. Answer the questions and follow the routes until you reach the end of the flowchart, at which you will receive a special code. 3. After completing all 4 flowcharts you should have four codes (e.g. S1, W3, C2, and P1). Write down your 4 codes. 4. Once you have your four codes, match each code with their corresponding page numbers on the program matcher page to learn where you can find your specific programs. 5. Follow the four programs that correspond to your four codes! 5 C U S T O M I Z A T I O N SOCCER Please complete the following flowchart and proceed to the next page for further instructions: 6 C U S T O M I Z A T I O N WEIGHTLIFTING Please complete the following flowchart and proceed to the next page for further instructions: 7 C U S T O M I Z A T I O N CARDIO + PLYOMETRICS Please complete the following flowchart and proceed to the next page for further instructions: 8 P M R A O G R A M T C H E R Match your code to one of the listed codes below: S1: Page 12 W1: Page 68 C1: Page 93 P1: Page 110 S2: Page 13 W2: Page 69 C2: Page 94 P2: Page 111 S3: Page 14 W3: Page 70 C3: Page 95 P3: Page 112 S4: Page 15 W4: Page 71 S5: Page 16 W5: Page 72 S6: Page 17 W6: Page 73 P4: Page 113 S7: Page 18 S8: Page 19 S9: Page 20 Example: If my codes were S7, W2, C3, and P1, then I would go to page 18 for my soccer program, page 69 for my weightlifting program, page 95 for my cardio program, and page 110 for my plyometric program. 9 T H E P R O G R A M S S O C C E R P R O G R A M S1 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. D = Dribbling, S = Shooting, C = Crossing, P = Passing, F = First Touch, J = Juggling, T = Tight Space, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 D J T X J D T Week 2 X D J D T D X Week 3 J D T X T D J Week 4 X D T D J D X 12 P R O G R A M S2 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. D = Dribbling, S = Shooting, C = Crossing, P = Passing, F = First Touch, J = Juggling, T = Tight Space, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 D S C X C S D Week 2 X S D S X D C Week 3 S X C S D X S Week 4 D S X D S C X 13 P R O G R A M S3 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. D = Dribbling, S = Shooting, C = Crossing, P = Passing, F = First Touch, J = Juggling, T = Tight Space, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 P F J C X P D Week 2 F P X C F J P Week 3 X P D F P X F Week 4 C P F X F P J 14 P R O G R A M S4 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. D = Dribbling, S = Shooting, C = Crossing, P = Passing, F = First Touch, J = Juggling, T = Tight Space, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 S P F J T C X Week 2 D T P F S J X Week 3 F S C J D P X Week 4 T D P S F C X 15 P R O G R A M S5 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. D = Dribbling, S = Shooting, C = Crossing, P = Passing, F = First Touch, J = Juggling, T = Tight Space, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 D P F X J T D Week 2 X J P T D F X Week 3 T J F X D P F Week 4 X F D T P J X 16 P R O G R A M S6 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. D = Dribbling, S = Shooting, C = Crossing, P = Passing, F = First Touch, J = Juggling, T = Tight Space, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 P F T D X S P Week 2 F X D T S P X Week 3 P F D X S T J Week 4 P X F P T X F 17 P R O G R A M S7 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. D = Dribbling, S = Shooting, C = Crossing, P = Passing, F = First Touch, J = Juggling, T = Tight Space, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 S D F S J X D Week 2 F P T S X S P Week 3 J D S X F S D Week 4 S J X P T D S 18 P R O G R A M S8 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. D = Dribbling, S = Shooting, C = Crossing, P = Passing, F = First Touch, J = Juggling, T = Tight Space, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 C D P X D J T Week 2 X D S C F D X Week 3 P D J X S C T Week 4 X C D P F S X 19 P R O G R A M S9 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. D = Dribbling, S = Shooting, C = Crossing, P = Passing, F = First Touch, J = Juggling, T = Tight Space, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 F P D J T P X Week 2 T S P J F D X Week 3 P D F T P F X Week 4 F P J T S P X 20 P R O G R A M S+ (Create Your Own) Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. D = Dribbling, S = Shooting, C = Crossing, P = Passing, F = First Touch, J = Juggling, T = Tight Space, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 21 S O C C E R DRIBBLING D Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 40 yard Varied Gated Dribble 6 1 30s Yes 153 Cone Weave to 20 yard Looped Gate 5 1 20s Yes 167 Directional Ronaldinho Drill to Move at Cone 10 1 10s Yes 179 Double 5 yard Dribble Move at Cone 12 1 10s Yes 180 22 S O C C E R DRIBBLING D Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Diagonal Cut-In Attack to Shot 10 1 30s Yes 177 Tight Zig Zag Cone Weave 12 1 15s Yes 231 (5, 10, 15) Shuttle Run 5 1 45s Yes 129 30 yard Dribble Move at Cone 7 1 30s Yes 150 23 S O C C E R DRIBBLING D Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Ronaldinho Drill 5 1 45s No 231 50 yard Gated Sprint 5 1 60s Yes 156 20 yard Freestyle Dribble 5 1 60s No 144 5 yard Dribble to Move at Cone 20 1 5s Yes 154 24 S O C C E R DRIBBLING D Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Zig Zag Cone Weave - Reverse Turn 10 1 20s No 238 10 yard Circle Drill 10 1 15s Yes 130 Stair Step Roll Drill 15 1 10s Yes 220 Ronaldinho Drill to Move at Cone to Shot 5 1 30s Yes 215 25 S O C C E R DRIBBLING D Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # La Croqueta Drill to Cone Weave 7 1 20s Yes 192 10 yard Looped Gate to Gated Pass 10 1 20s Yes 133 Directional Ronaldinho Drill to 20 yard Gated Sprint 5 1 30s Yes 178 Cone Weave Square Drill 7 1 15s Yes 166 26 S O C C E R DRIBBLING D Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 40 yard Gated Sprint 7 1 30s Yes 152 Cone Weave Cut Back Drill 5 1 20s Yes 165 T-Cone Drill 4 1 15s Yes 222 Nutmeg Roll Drill 7 1 10s No 197 27 S O C C E R DRIBBLING D Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Cut Back Drill 10 1 5s Yes 175 Tight Zig Zag to Ronaldinho to Shot on Goal 8 1 20s Yes 232 (5, 10, 5) Shuttle Drill 5 1 30s Yes 129 5 yard Move to Shot 15 1 10s Yes 155 28 S O C C E R DRIBBLING D Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Tight Cone Weave 10 1 10s Yes 224 Ronaldinho Cut Back Drill 5 1 25s No 212 Long Zig Zag Drill 5 1 30s Yes 193 10 yard Looped Gate 10 1 15s Yes 132 29 S O C C E R SHOOTING S Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 6 yard Line Shooting Drill 1 10 20s Yes 158 PK Line Shooting Drill 2 10 20s Yes 203 18 yard Line Shooting Drill 2 10 20s Yes 139 25 yard Line Shooting Drill 2 10 20s Yes 146 30 S O C C E R SHOOTING S Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 18 yard Move to Shot 2 10 5s Yes 140 Corner of 18, Roll, Upper V 1 10 5s Yes 171 Back to Goal Turn and Finessed Shot 2 10 5s Yes 162 Free Kick Practice 2 10 5s No 183 31 S O C C E R SHOOTING S Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 5 yard Dribble, Move, Corner Slot 3 10 20s Yes 155 PK 4 Corners 1 1 20s Yes 201 18 yard Box 4 Corners 1 1 20s Yes 135 Roll to Finessed Shot 3 10 20s Yes 211 32 S O C C E R SHOOTING S Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 2 Goal Free Kick 10 1 10s No 142 PK corner slots 5 10 10s Yes 202 Corner of 18 to Upper V 4 10 10s Yes 170 25 yards Roll to Shot 3 10 10s Yes 147 33 S O C C E R SHOOTING S Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Move to Shot 10 1 10s Yes 194 Square Cone Weave to Finessed Shot 10 1 15s Yes 219 Free Kick Practice 15 1 10s No 183 PK Shot Practice 20 1 5s No 204 34 S O C C E R SHOOTING S Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 6 yard Roll to Shot 2 10 20s Yes 159 PK Spot Roll to Shot 2 10 20s Yes 206 18 yard Box Roll to Shot 2 10 20s Yes 136 25 yard Roll to Shot 2 10 20s Yes 147 35 S O C C E R SHOOTING S Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Zig Zag Cone Weave to Slotted Shot 7 1 30s Yes 240 Roll to Laced Far Post Shot 1 10 5s Yes 211 Cut-In to Curler 3 10 20s Yes 176 Back to Goal, Turn, Shot 3 10 5s Yes 162 36 S O C C E R SHOOTING S Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Move to Laced Shot 1 10 20s Yes 194 Move to Finessed Shot 1 10 20s Yes 194 Move to Slotted Shot 1 10 20s Yes 194 Move to Chip Shot 1 10 20s Yes 194 37 S O C C E R CROSSING C Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Corner of 6 to Upper V 3 10 20s Yes 172 Stationary Cross 2 10 20s Yes 221 Move to Cross 10 1 30s Yes 195 Corner of 18 to Upper V 2 10 10s Yes 170 38 S O C C E R CROSSING C Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Corner of 6, Roll, Upper V 3 10 10s Yes 173 Corner of 18, Roll, Upper V 2 10 10s Yes 171 Ronaldinho to Cross 3 5 20s Yes 216 Stationary Cross 3 10 30s Yes 221 39 S O C C E R CROSSING C Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 6 yard Curler 2 10 30s Yes 157 PK Spot Curler 2 10 30s Yes 205 18 yard Curler 2 10 30s Yes 137 25 yard Curler 2 10 30s Yes 145 40 S O C C E R CROSSING C Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Corner of 18 to Upper V 2 10 20s Yes 170 10 yard Dribble to Cross 10 1 15s Yes 131 30 yard Dribble to Cross 7 1 20s Yes 151 18 yard Line Curler Drill 2 10 30s Yes 138 41 S O C C E R CROSSING C Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Roll to Ground Lace 2 10 30s Yes 209 Roll to Back Post Chip 2 10 30s Yes 209 Roll to Whipped in Cross 2 10 30s Yes 209 Roll to Cross 2 10 30s Yes 209 42 S O C C E R PASSING P Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 1 yard, 1 Touch Same Foot 3 40 45s Yes 199 5 yard, 2 Touch - Alt Feet 2 20 45s No 199 3 Cone Looped Passing 4 20 30s No 148 Laced Ground Pass 2 25 60s Yes 199 43 S O C C E R PASSING P Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 20 yard Laced Ground Pass 3 8 45s Yes 199 30 yard Driven Ball 3 8 45s Yes 199 Long Ball 3 10 45s Yes 199 30 yard Chip 3 10 45s Yes 199 44 S O C C E R PASSING P Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Cone Weave to Gated Pass 7 1 30s Yes 168 Roll to 10 yard Gated Pass 2 10 20s Yes 210 Roll to 20 yard Gated Pass 2 10 20s Yes 210 Roll to 30 yard Gated Pass 2 10 20s Yes 210 45 S O C C E R PASSING P Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 1 Touch, 20 yard Laced Ground Pass 2 25 30s Yes 199 Zig Zag Cone Weave to Gated Pass 5 1 30s Yes 239 1 yard, 1 Touch Same Foot 2 50 45s Yes 199 1 Touch, 10 yard Instep Pass - Same Foot 3 20 45s Yes 199 46 S O C C E R PASSING P Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 1 yard, 1 Touch - Alt Feet 2 50 30s No 199 5 yard, 2 Touch - Alt Feet 2 25 30s No 199 Ronaldinho Drill to Laced Gated Pass 15 1 15s Yes 214 Move to Gated Pass 20 1 10s Yes 196 47 S O C C E R PASSING P Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Driven Long Balls 2 10 45s Yes 199 Chipped Long Balls 1 10 45s Yes 199 Curled Long Balls 1 10 45s Yes 199 Ground Long Balls 2 10 45s Yes 199 48 S O C C E R PASSING P Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 2 yard, Box - 1 Touch Passing 3 30 30s Yes 143 2 yard, Box - 2 Touch Passing 3 15 30s Yes 143 10 yard, Box - 1 Touch Passing 2 20 30s Yes 134 10 yard, Box - 2 Touch Passing 2 10 30s Yes 134 49 S O C C E R FIRST TOUCH F Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Octagon Drill 3 1 45s Yes 198 Juggle - High Kick Trap 20 1 20s Yes 187 Close Range Pinged Air Pass 2 25 15s Yes 199 Close Range Pinged Ground Pass 2 25 15s Yes 199 50 S O C C E R FIRST TOUCH F Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 3 Directional Turn 10 1 30s Yes 149 Ronaldinho Wall Pass 5 45s 60s No 217 1 Touch Wall Juggle - Alt Foot 5 50 10s No 234 2 Touch Wall Juggle - Same Foot 2 30 10s Yes 234 51 S O C C E R FIRST TOUCH F Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Box First Touch Drill - Inside Box 4 10 25s Yes 163 Box Escape First Touch Drill - Inside, Inside 3 10 25s Yes 163 Box Escape First Touch Drill - Outside, Inside 3 10 25s Yes 163 Close Range Pinged Ground Pass 4 25 40s Yes 199 52 S O C C E R FIRST TOUCH F Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Trap, Touch, Ping Wall Pass 2 30 20s Yes 200 90 Degree Wall Turn 3 25 30s No 160 Feet Only Wall Juggle - Unlimited Touch 3 5 minutes 60s No 234 Two Touch Wall Juggle - Alt Feet 2 30 10s No 234 53 S O C C E R FIRST TOUCH F Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Juggle, Wall Pass, Trap 1 20 10s Yes 191 3 Cone Looped Passing 4 20 20s No 148 Juggle - High Kick Juggle 4 10 20s Yes 186 Cone Weave, 3 Pass Attack 10 1 5s Yes 169 54 S O C C E R FIRST TOUCH F Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Wall Pass to 5 yard Roll 4 10 30s No 236 Ronaldinho Wall Pass 5 30s 30s No 217 Close Range Pinged Instep Ground Pass 2 25 20s Yes 199 Close Range Pinged Laced Ground Pass 2 25 20s Yes 199 55 S O C C E R FIRST TOUCH F Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Attack Drill 20 1 20s Yes 161 Double Wall Pass, Double Juggle Pass 2 5 minutes 60s No 181 Close Range Pinged Air Pass 2 25 20s Yes 199 1 yard, 1 Touch - Alt Feet 2 50 30s No 199 2 S O C C E R JUGGLING J Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Below Knee - Alt 1 250 60s No 184 Below Knee - Right 4 50 30s No 184 Below Knee - Left 4 50 30s No 184 Seated Juggle 1 100 60s No 184 57 S O C C E R JUGGLING J Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Progression Juggle 3 Up to 10 30s No 207 Unlimited Wall Juggle 3 5 minutes 30s No 234 2 Touch Wall Juggle 3 5 minutes 30s No 234 Freestyle Juggle 1 10 minutes 45s No 184 58 S O C C E R JUGGLING J Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Waist Height - Alt 1 150 60s No 184 Waist Height - Right 4 50 30s No 184 Waist Height - Left 4 50 30s No 184 Juggle - High Kick Juggle 15 1 5s Yes 186 59 S O C C E R JUGGLING J Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Juggle Shuttle Run 5 1 30s No 189 Juggle Walk 5 100 yards 20s No 190 Juggle Run 5 30 yards 20s No 188 Seated Juggle 1 100 20s No 185 60 S O C C E R JUGGLING J Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Above Head Juggle Alt 1 100 60s No 184 Above Head Juggle Right 4 25 30s No 184 Above Head Juggle Left 4 25 30s No 184 1 Touch Wall Juggle 1 100 60s No 234 61 S O C C E R TIGHT SPACE T Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # 1x1 yard Freestyle Box Dribble 5 30s 45s No 141 Tight Directional Ronaldinho Drill 30 1 5s No 228 (2, 4, 6) Shuttle Run 10 1 30s Yes 128 V-Taps - Alt/Right/ Left 5 45s 20s No 233 62 S O C C E R TIGHT SPACE T Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Tight Varied Gate Dribble 7 1 30s Yes 230 Tight Cone Weave to Looped Double Gate 7 1 20s Yes 225 Directional Ronaldinho Drill to Move at Cone 15 1 10s Yes 179 Brazilian Sole Taps Alt/Right/Left 10 1 20s No 164 63 S O C C E R TIGHT SPACE T Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Pull Back Tap Repeats 10 30s 30s No 208 Tight Nutmeg Drill 20 1 15s No 229 Tight Cut Back Drill 15 1 5s Yes 227 Square Cone Drill 10 1 10s No 218 64 S O C C E R TIGHT SPACE T Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Zig Zag Swoop Drill 15 1 5s No 241 Brazilian Sole Taps Alt/Right/Left 10 1 20s No 164 Tight Cone Weave to Tight Ronaldinho Drill 10 1 30s Yes 226 V-Taps - Alt/Right/ Left 10 30s 30s No 233 65 S O C C E R TIGHT SPACE T Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Repeat w/ Left? Drill Guide Pg. # Tap, Tap, Roll 10 30s 30s No 223 Figure 8 Swoop Drill 20 30s 20s No 182 Square Drill 10 1 20s No 218 X-Box 10 1 15s No 237 66 W E I G H T L I F T I N G P R O G R A M W1 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. B = Bodyweight Training Session, X = Rest Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 X B X B X B X Week 2 X B X B X B X Week 3 X B X B X B X Week 4 X B X B X B X Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 68 P R O G R A M W2 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. L = Legs, P = Push, U = Pull, A = Accessory, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 L X P L A X U Week 2 L X P L A X U Week 3 L X P L A X U Week 4 L X P L A X U Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 69 P R O G R A M W3 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. L = Legs, P = Push, U = Pull, A = Accessory, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 L X P X L X U Week 2 L X P X A X U Week 3 L X P X L X U Week 4 L X P X A X U Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 70 P R O G R A M W4 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. P = Push Workout, U = Pull Workout, L = Legs, X = Rest Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 X P X U X L X Week 2 X P X U X L X Week 3 X P X U X L X Week 4 X P X U X L X Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 71 P R O G R A M W5 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. F = Full Body Workout, L = Legs, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 X X F X F X X Week 2 X X L X U X X Week 3 X X F X F X X Week 4 X X L X U X X Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 72 P R O G R A M W6 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. F = Full Body Workout, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 X X X F X X X Week 2 X X X F X X X Week 3 X X X F X X X Week 4 X X X F X X X Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 73 P R O G R A M W+ (Create Your Own) Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 74 W E I G H T L I F T I N G BODYWEIGHT The Bodyweight section is done slightly different than the weightlifting sections. Please be aware that the reps are based off of my own workouts and should be treated as a goal to reach or surpass. You might have to make slight adjustments based on your individual strength level and either increase or decrease the reps. Just be sure to follow the pattern of decreasing sets while increasing the reps. B B B B Exercise Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Superset Push Ups Pull-Ups 7 7 20 7 5 5 25 10 4 4 30 12 3 3 40 15 Superset Sit-Ups Supermans Side Crunch R/L 5 5 5 20 20 20 4 4 4 25 25 25 4 4 4 30 30 30 3 3 3 40 40 40 Superset Bench Dips Pike Push-Ups 4 4 20 20 4 4 25 25 4 4 30 30 4 4 35 35 Plank 3 60s 3 90s 2 120s 2 150s Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 75 W E I G H T L I F T I N G BODYWEIGHT The Bodyweight section is done slightly different than the weightlifting sections. Please be aware that the reps are based off of my own workouts and should be treated as a goal to reach or surpass. You might have to make slight adjustments based on your individual strength level and either increase or decrease the reps. Just be sure to follow the pattern of decreasing sets while increasing the reps. B B B B Exercise Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Superset Squat Jumps Lunges 7 7 25 10 ea 5 5 35 12 ea 4 4 40 15 ea 3 3 50 20 ea Superset Step-Ups Calf-Raises Wall-Sits Burpees 4 4 4 4 10 ea 20 60s 30s 4 4 4 4 12 ea 25 60s 30s 3 3 3 3 15 ea 30 90s 40s 3 3 3 3 20 ea 35 90s 45s 5 15 4 20 4 20 5 20 5 25 4 30 4 30 5 30 Superset Hanging Leg Raises Crunch Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 76 W E I G H T L I F T I N G BODYWEIGHT The Bodyweight section is done slightly different than the weightlifting sections. Please be aware that the reps are based off of my own workouts and should be treated as a goal to reach or surpass. You might have to make slight adjustments based on your individual strength level and either increase or decrease the reps. Just be sure to follow the pattern of decreasing sets while increasing the reps. B Exercise Do Full Circuit 2x Close Grip Push Ups Chin Ups Jumping Lunges V-Ups Handstand Push Ups Single Leg Calf Raises Table Rows Pistol Squats Side V-Ups Good Mornings B B B Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps 1 15 1 17 1 20 1 25 1 1 1 10 10 ea 20 1 1 1 12 12 ea 22 1 1 1 14 15 ea 25 1 1 1 15 17 ea 27 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 15 1 20 1 25 1 30 1 1 1 1 15 3 ea 20 10 1 1 1 1 20 4 ea 22 15 1 1 1 1 22 5 ea 25 20 1 1 1 1 25 6 ea 27 25 Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 77 W E I G H T PUSH DAY L I F T I N G P All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Barbell Bench Press 5 7 120s 195 lbs Standing DB Shoulder Press 5 7 120s 50 lbs DB Incline Press 4 8 10s 65 lbs DB Incline Fly 4 8 60s 35 lbs Single Arm Cable Raise 4 8 10s Weight Varies EZ Bar Skullcrushers 4 8 60s 85 lbs Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 78 W E I G H T PUSH DAY L I F T I N G P All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Incline DB Bench Press 4 12 120s 75 lbs Standing Barbell Military Press 4 10 120s 115 lbs Barbell Close Grip Bench Press 3 15 10s 155 lbs Cable Pec Fly 3 12 60s Weight Varies Barbell Front Raise 3 10 10s 45 lbs DB Overhead Tricep Extension 3 10 60s 80 lbs Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 79 W E I G PULL DAY H T L I F T I N G U All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Deadlift 5 3 120s 315 lbs Barbell Row 5 7 120s 155 lbs Pull Ups 4 12 10s Bodyweight DB Reverse Flys 4 10 60s 30 lbs Barbell Bicep Curl 4 10 10s 65 lbs Weighted Decline Sit-Ups 4 15 60s 45 lbs Hanging Leg Raise 4 20 60s Bodyweight Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 80 W E I G PULL DAY H T L I F T I N G U All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Rack Pull 5 7 120s 275 lbs Single Arm Dumbbell Row 4 10 120s 80 lbs Chin-Ups 3 12 10s Bodyweight Machine Reverse Fly 3 12 60s Weight Varies DB Hammer Curl 3 10 10s 40 lbs Med Ball Russian Twist 3 20 ea side 60s 25 lbs Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 81 W E I G LEG DAY H T L I F T I N G L All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Barbell Squat 5 5 120s 255 lbs DB Step-Ups 4 6 ea leg 120s 40 lbs Box Jump 4 8 10s Bodyweight DB RDLs 4 10 60s 75 lbs Standing Machine Calf Raise 4 12 10s Weight Varies Hanging Knee Raise 4 20 60s Bodyweight Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 82 W E I G LEG DAY H T L I F T I N G L All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Front Squat 4 8 120s 185 lbs Barbell RDLs 4 12 120s 155 lbs Broad Jump for Distance 5 10 10s Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squat 5 8 each leg 60s 40 lbs Seated Machine Calf Raise 5 15 10s Weight Varies Sit-Ups 5 25 60s Bodyweight Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 83 W E I G LEG DAY H T L I F T I N G L All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Powerclean 5 5 3 minutes 155 lbs Leg Press 5 20 90s Weight Varies Squat Jumps Holding DBs 4 12 10s 30 lbs Single Leg Wall Sit 4 30s each leg 60s Bodyweight Single Leg Bodyweight Calf Raise On Stair Step 4 20 10s Bodyweight Planks 4 90s 60s Bodyweight Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 84 W E I G LEG DAY H T L I F T I N G L All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Barbell Squat 4 12 120s 225 lbs Standing Backward Lunge 4 10 120s 115 lbs Knee Tuck Jumps 3 15 10s Bodyweight Single Leg RDL 3 12 60s 20 lbs Donkey Calf Raise 3 10 10s Weight Varies Side V-Ups 3 10 60s Bodyweight Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 85 W E I G H T L I ACCESSORY DAY F T I N G A All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Decline Weighted Sit-Ups 4 10 10s 75 lbs Diamond Push-Ups 4 Until Failure 60s Bodyweight Hanging Leg Raise 4 20 10s Bodyweight Chin-Ups or Muscle Ups 4 Until Failure 60s Bodyweight Russian Plate Twist 4 25 each side 10s 45 lbs DB Farmer’s Walk 4 20 yards 60s 80 lbs Superset Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 86 W E I G H T L I ACCESSORY DAY F T I N G A All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Med Ball Smash to Ground 4 10 10s 20 lbs Dips 4 Until Failure 60s Bodyweight Med Ball Sideways Throw to Wall 4 10 each side 10s 20 lbs Barbell Bicep Curl 4 12 60s 75 lbs V-Ups 4 25 10s Bodyweight DB One Armed Farmer’s Walk 4 20 yards 60s 80 lbs Superset Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to 87 heavier weights! W E I G H T FULL BODY DAY L I F T I N G F All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Barbell Squat 5 7 120s 225 lbs DB Bench Press 5 7 120s 85 lbs Pull-Ups 4 12 10s Bodyweight One Armed DB Row 4 10 60s 80 lbs Walking Lunges 4 7 each leg 10s 40 lbs Decline Ab Sit-Ups 4 25 60s 45 lbs Military Press 4 7 120s 115 lbs Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 88 W E I G H T FULL BODY DAY L I F T I N G F All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Powerclean 5 4 120s 185 lbs Incline Bench Press 4 8 120s 155 lbs Lat-Pull Down 4 8 10s Weight Varies Bulgarian Split Squat 4 8 each leg 60s 30 lbs Barbell Row 4 7 10s 155 lbs Hanging Leg Raise 4 15 60s Bodyweight Seated DB Shoulder Press 5 7 120s 60 lbs Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 89 W E I G H T L FULL BODY DAY I F T I N G F All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Deadlift 5 3 120s 275 lbs Bench Press 4 10 120s 185 lbs T-Bar Rows 4 8 10s Weight Varies Leg Press 4 15 60s Weight Varies Rack Pulls 4 5 10s 315 lbs Russian Plate Twist 4 20 each side 60s 45 lbs Standing DB One Arm Shoulder Press 4 10 each side 90s 50 lbs Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 90 W E I G H T L FULL BODY DAY I F T I N G F All exercises listed can be found by searching the name into Google or YouTube: Exercise Sets Reps Rest My Weight Bench Press 4 7 120s 195 lbs Step-Ups 4 10 each leg 120s 45 lbs Chin-Ups 5 10 10s Bodyweight Cable Row 5 10 60s Weight Varies Box Jumps 5 10 10s Bodyweight Decline Ab Sit-Ups 5 10 60s 60 lbs Arnold Press 4 8 60s 45 lbs Superset Superset Please be sure to perfect the movements and form of the exercises before progressing to heavier weights! 91 C A R D I O P R O G R A M C1 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. S = Short Distance, M = Mid Distance, L = Longer Distance, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 X X X X X X X Week 2 X X X S X X X Week 3 X X X X X X X Week 4 X X X M X X X 93 P R O G R A M C2 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. S = Short Distance, M = Mid Distance, L = Longer Distance, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 X S X X c X M X Week 2 X X X L X X X Week 3 X M X X X S X Week 4 X X X L X X X 94 P R O G R A M C3 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. S = Short Distance, M = Mid Distance, L = Longer Distance, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | X M X Week 1 X S X X Week 2 L X X M X X S Week 3 X L X S X L X Week 4 S X L X M X L 95 P R O G R A M C+ (Create Your Own) Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. S = Short Distance, M = Mid Distance, L = Longer Distance, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 96 C A R D I O SHORT DISTANCE S Difficulty Range: Walk --> Slow Jog --> Jog --> Fast Jog --> Decent Stride --> Fast Run --> Sprint Exercise Sets My Time Rest Difficulty 40 yard Sprint 10 Under 6s 30s Sprint Box to Box Sprint (About 80 yards) 8 Under 15s 30s Sprint Full Field Sprint 6 Under 18s 30s Sprint 97 C A R D I O SHORT DISTANCE S Difficulty Range: Walk --> Slow Jog --> Jog --> Fast Jog --> Decent Stride --> Fast Run --> Sprint Exercise Sets My Time Rest Difficulty 20 yard Shuttle (There and Back 4x) 8 Under 30s 60s Sprint 400m Sprint 5 Under 1:30 3 minutes Fast Run/Sprint 98 C A R D I O SHORT DISTANCE S Difficulty Range: Walk --> Slow Jog --> Jog --> Fast Jog --> Decent Stride --> Fast Run --> Sprint Exercise Sets My Time Rest Difficulty 100 yard Sprint 3 Under 15s 60s Sprint 80 yard Sprint 4 Under 13s 50s Sprint 60 yard Sprint 5 Under 9s 40s Sprint 40 yard Sprint 6 Under 6s 30s Sprint 20 yard Sprint 7 Under 4s 20s Sprint 100 yard Sprint 3 Under 15s 60s Sprint 99 C A R D I O SHORT DISTANCE S Difficulty Range: Walk --> Slow Jog --> Jog --> Fast Jog --> Decent Stride --> Fast Run --> Sprint Exercise Sets My Time Rest Difficulty 400m Sprint 4 Under 1:15s 3 minutes Sprint 200m Sprint 4 Under 30s 3 minutes Sprint 100m Sprint 4 Under 15s 2 minutes Sprint 50m Sprint 4 Under 8s 2 minutes Sprint 100 C A R D I O MID DISTANCE M Difficulty Range: Walk --> Slow Jog --> Jog --> Fast Jog --> Decent Stride --> Fast Run --> Sprint Drill Sets My Time Rest Difficulty Overtimes 4 Under 3 minutes Fast Run Full Field Sprint 4 Under 15s 2 minutes Sprint Overtimes described on page 285 101 C A R D I O MID DISTANCE M Difficulty Range: Walk --> Slow Jog --> Jog --> Fast Jog --> Decent Stride --> Fast Run --> Sprint Drill Sets My Time Rest Difficulty 800m Run (2 Olympic Track Laps) 1 2:45 No Rest Fast Run Jog 400m (1 Olympic Track Lap) 1 N/A No Rest Slow Jog 800m Run (2 Olympic Track Laps) 1 2:45 No Rest Fast Run Jog 400m (1 Olympic Track Lap) 1 N/A No Rest Slow Jog 800m Run (2 Olympic Track Laps) 1 2:45 No Rest Fast Run Jog 400m (1 Olympic Track Lap) 1 N/A No Rest Slow Jog 800m Run (2 Olympic Track Laps) 1 2:45 No Rest Fast Run 102 C A R D I O MID DISTANCE M Difficulty Range: Walk --> Slow Jog --> Jog --> Fast Jog --> Decent Stride --> Fast Run --> Sprint Drill Sets My Time Rest Difficulty 1 Mile (4 Laps Around Olympic Track) 1 Under 6:00 3 minutes Fast Run .5 Miles (2 Laps Around Olympic Track) 1 Under 2:45 2 minutes Fast Run 1 Mile (4 Laps Around Olympic Track) 1 Under 6:00 3 minutes Fast Run .5 Miles (2 Laps Around Olympic Track) 1 Under 2:45 N/A Fast Run 103 C A R D I O MID DISTANCE M Difficulty Range: Walk --> Slow Jog --> Jog --> Fast Jog --> Decent Stride --> Fast Run --> Sprint Drill Sets My Time Rest Difficulty Full Field Sprint (There and Back) 10 Under 30s 2 minutes Sprint 104 C A R D I O LONG DISTANCE L Difficulty Range: Walk --> Slow Jog --> Jog --> Fast Jog --> Decent Stride --> Fast Run --> Sprint Drill Sets My Time Rest Difficulty 2 Mile Run 1 Under 14:00 4 minutes Decent Stride 1 Mile Run 1 Under 7:00 N/A Fast Run 105 C A R D I O LONG DISTANCE L Difficulty Range: Walk --> Slow Jog --> Jog --> Fast Jog --> Decent Stride --> Fast Run --> Sprint Drill Sets My Time Rest Difficulty 1 Mile 1 Under 7:00 5:00 Fast Run 1 Mile 1 Under 7:00 5:00 Fast Run 1 Mile 1 Under 7:00 N/A Fast Run 106 C A R D I O LONG DISTANCE L Difficulty Range: Walk --> Slow Jog --> Jog --> Fast Jog --> Decent Stride --> Fast Run --> Sprint Drill Sets My Time Rest Repeat w/ Left? 2 Mile Run 1 Under 12:00 N/A Fast Run 107 C A R D I O LONG DISTANCE L Difficulty Range: Walk --> Slow Jog --> Jog --> Fast Jog --> Decent Stride --> Fast Run --> Sprint Drill Sets My Time Rest Difficulty 1 Mile 1 Under 6:00 4:00 Fast Run 2 Mile 1 Under 14:00 5:00 Decent Stride 1 Mile 1 Under 8:00 N/A Fast Jog 108 P L Y O M E T R I C S P R O G R A M P1 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. A = Agility, E = Explosiveness, J = Jumping, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 J X E X X J X Week 2 X J X X A X J Week 3 J X E X X J X Week 4 X J X X A X J 110 P R O G R A M P2 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. A = Agility, E = Explosiveness, J = Jumping, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 X A X E X J X Week 2 X E X J X A X Week 3 X J X A X E X Week 4 X A X E X J X 111 P R O G R A M P3 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. A = Agility, E = Explosiveness, J = Jumping, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 X E X X A X E Week 2 E X J X X E X Week 3 X E X X A X E Week 4 E X J X X E X 112 P R O G R A M P4 Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. A = Agility, E = Explosiveness, J = Jumping, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 X A X J X A X Week 2 X A X E X A X Week 3 X A X J X A X Week 4 X A X E X A X 113 P R O G R A M P+ (Create Your Own) Each day’s program is represented by a symbol. Each symbol directly corresponds to a different workout. Match the symbol with the workout and do the program listed. A = Agility, E = Explosiveness, J = Jumping, X = Rest Day Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 114 P L Y O M E T R I C S AGILITY A Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Drill Guide Pg. # Figure 8 Drill 7 1 30s 260 X Drill 5 1 30s 283 Shuttle Run (5, 10, 15, 40) 5 1 60s 276 Zig Zag Weave to Cut Back 7 1 60s 284 115 P L Y O M E T R I C S AGILITY A Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Drill Guide Pg. # 2 Step in each 5 1 20s 257 Lateral 2 step in each 5 each way 1 20s 257 Icky Shuffle 5 1 20s 257 Lateral 2 in, 2 out 5 each way 1 20s 257 2 Step in each High Knees 5 1 20s 257 Forward, Backward 5 each way 1 20s 257 Cone Work 116 P L Y O M E T R I C S AGILITY A Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Drill Guide Pg. # T-Cone Drill 7 1 30s 280 2 Cone Long Figure 8 7 4 30s 246 Shuffle Drill (5, 10, 5) 5 1 60s 274 3 Back Pedals to Sprint 5 each way 1 60s 247 117 P L Y O M E T R I C S AGILITY A Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Drill Guide Pg. # Snake Drill 4 each way 1 30s 277 3 Shuffles to Sprint 5 each way 1 30s 249 Cross Box Drill 7 30s 60s 259 Shuttle Run - Sprint, Back Pedal (5, 10, 15, 20) 6 1 60s 275 118 P L Y O M E T R I C S EXPLOSIVENESS E Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Drill Guide Pg. # Knee Tuck to 5 yard Burst 10 1 10s 268 10 yard Burst Repeats (100 yards) 4 1 30s 244 5 yard Shuttle to 100 yard Sprint 4 1 90s 253 40 yard Sprint 5 1 45s 252 119 P L Y O M E T R I C S EXPLOSIVENESS E Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Drill Guide Pg. # Stomach to 30 yard Sprint 7 1 30s 279 3 Broad Jumps to 20 yard Sprint 5 1 30s 248 Knee Tuck Jumps 4 20 45s 267 10 yard Forward, Backward Shuttle (5x) 4 1 60s 245 120 P L Y O M E T R I C S EXPLOSIVENESS E Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Drill Guide Pg. # 40 Dash from 3 Point Stance 8 1 60s 251 Knee Hop to 30 yard Sprint 4 1 45s 266 Jumping Lunge to 10 yard Burst 5 1 20s 263 Circle Drill - Cut Back 10 1 30s 256 121 P L Y O M E T R I C S EXPLOSIVENESS E Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Drill Guide Pg. # Half Field Sprint 5 1 60s 261 3 Vertical Jumps to 30 yard Sprint 5 1 45s 250 Knee Hop to 15 yard CutBack 4 1 20s 265 10 yard Burst from 3 Point Stance 8 1 15s 243 122 P L Y O M E T R I C S JUMPING J Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Drill Guide Pg. # Broad Jumps for Distance (Reset) 7 8 10s 255 Quick Hops Side to Side 7 30s 90s 273 Vertical Jumps for Height (Cont.) 5 5 10s 282 Ball Taps 5 30s 90s 254 High Skips for Height 4 8 each leg 60s 262 Superset Superset 123 P L Y O M E T R I C S JUMPING J Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Drill Guide Pg. # Vertical Jumps for Height (Reset) 7 10 10s 282 One Legged Hops for Distance 7 5 each leg 90s 272 Jumping Lunges 5 10 each leg 10s 264 Quick Hops Front to Back 5 30s 90s 273 Long Jump 10 each leg 1 20s 269 Superset Superset 124 P L Y O M E T R I C S JUMPING J Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Drill Guide Pg. # Broad Jumps for Distance (Cont.) 5 10 10s 255 High Skips for Distance 5 10 each leg 90s 262 Obstacle Hops (Forward) 5 20 10s 270 Stair Taps 5 30s 90s 278 Superset Superset 125 P L Y O M E T R I C S JUMPING J Refer to the page number given under the “Drill Guide” column to see a picture diagram and full drill explanation! Drill Sets Reps Rest Drill Guide Pg. # Jumping Lunges 5 10 each leg 60s 264 Long Jump 5 each leg 1 60s 269 Triple Jump 5 each leg 1 60s 281 Obstacle Hops (Side to Side) 5 12 60s 271 126 S D R I O L C L C G E U R I D E ( 2 , 4 , 6 ) S H U T T L E R U N Drill: Place cones at the zero yard mark, 2-yard mark, 4-yard mark, and 6-yard mark. Start at the zero and sprint out with the ball at your feet. When you reach the 2-yard mark, perform a cut and explode back to the zero mark, perform a cut again and now do the same at the 4, and 6. Your pattern should go 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 6, 0. 128 ( 5 , 1 0 , 1 5 ) S H U T T L E R U N Drill: Place cones at the zero yard mark, 5-yard mark, 10-yard mark, and 15-yard mark. Start at the zero and sprint out with the ball at your feet. When you reach the 5-yard mark, perform a cut and explode back to the zero mark, perform a cut again and now do the same at the 10, and 15. Your pattern should go 0, 5, 0, 10, 0, 15, 0. 129 1 0 Y A R D C I R C L E D R I L L Drill: Use either the center circle of a field or create your own 10 yard diameter circle by placing cones on the ground. Place another cone to create the start and finish gate so that you know when you’ve completed a full revolution of the circle. Start in the gate with the ball at your feet and when ready, dribble around the circle using the left foot when traveling counter clockwise and the right foot when traveling clockwise. Try to keep the ball as tight around the circle as possible while also moving as quickly as possible. Once you get all the way around the circle and reach the finish gate, cut the ball with the outside of your foot so that it stops right in between the two cones. 130 1 0 Y A R D C D R R O I S B B L E T O S Drill: Place a cone right outside the corner of the 18 yard box and place another cone 10 yards towards the end line and slightly inside the field. Start at the first cone and when ready, dribble towards the cone at the end line. Once you get close to the cone, look up, find your target in the box (whether it is a partner or the goal turned towards you) and whip in a cross about head height. 131 1 0 Y A R D L O O P E D G A T E Drill: Place two cones 10 yards away from each other. Start at one cone and sprint at the other cone while dribbling the ball. Once you get to the cone, round the cone sharply using the outside of your foot, and dribble back as fast as you can. Once you get back to your first cone, stop the ball using the outside of your foot. 132 1 0 Y A R D L O P O A P S E S D G A T E T O Drill: Place two cones 10 yards away from each other. Start at one cone and sprint at the other cone while dribbling the ball. Once you get to the cone, round the cone sharply using the outside of your foot, and dribble back as fast as you can. Once you get through the finish gate, look up, find your target, and pass the ball using the instep of your foot into the minigoal or between two cones 10-20 yards away. 133 1 0 Y A R D B O X Two Touch: Create a 5-yard by 5-yard box with 4 cones about 10 yards away from the wall. Stand in the box and hit a pass at the wall with pace, as the ball comes back to you try to trap the ball inside the box using only 1 touch, then quickly pass the ball against the wall again. Try to challenge yourself! The harder you hit the ball, the more challenging it will be. One Touch: Same exact process as above, but you will not take a touch to trap the ball. You will hit the ball straight back to the wall. This is going to be more challenging than the two touch, so you will have to hit the ball slightly softer than the other drill. 134 1 8 Y A R D B O X 4 C O R N E R S Drill: Place the ball right at the center of the 18 yard line and try to hit all four corners of the goal in the least amount of shots possible. Try to challenge yourself and not count it as a goal unless it truly goes right in the corner. 135 1 8 Y A R D B S O H X O R O L L T O T Drill: Stand on the 18-yard box with the ball at your feet, tap the ball out in front of you and shoot at the goal with your laces. 136 1 8 Y A R D C U R L E R Drill: Place the ball right at the center of the 18 yard line and try to hit the top corner of the goal by hitting it more with the instep of your foot. Imagine this as a whipped in cross that you are hitting or a curling free kick. If you are shooting with your right, aim for the top right corner. If you are shooting with your left, aim for the top left corner. Try to challenge yourself and not count it as a goal unless it truly goes right in the corner. 137 1 8 Y A R D L I N D R I L E L C U R L E R Drill: Place as many balls that you have on the 18 yard line and try to hit balls at the top of the goal by hitting it more with the instep of your foot and curling it. Imagine this as a whipped in cross that you are hitting or a curling free kick. Same as the other line drills hit all the shots as quickly as possible with minimal rest time in between each shot. 138 1 8 Y A R D L I N E D R I L S H O O T I N G L Drill: Place as many soccer balls that you have in a straight line across the 18 yard box. When ready, approach and shoot the first ball into the net. Try to aim for mid height in the goal. After you shoot, take a few steps back and then repeat the shot, but on the second ball. Keep going until you have shot all the balls that you have. 139 1 8 Y A R D M O V E T O S H O T Drill: Place a single cone on the ground right on top of the semi-circle of the 18 yard box and step back about 15 yards away from the cone. When ready, start dribbling at the cone with speed. Just before you get to the cone, slow up, perform any move that you’d like to work on, push the ball past the cone at a 45 degree angle, and fire a shot towards the far post of the goal. 140 1 X 1 Y A R D F D R R I E B E B S L T Y L E B O X E Drill: Create a box that is 1x1 yards big, stand inside of the box with the ball at your feet and try out every dribbling move you can. Try to utilize the space while staying inside the box. This is your time to be creative! Use top, bottom, heel, outside, instep of your feet and experiment with different moves. 141 2 G O A L F R E E K I C K Drill: This is just free kick practice with using a secondary goal as a wall. I like to place the ball around 25 yards out from the goal and place the goal 10-12 yards away from the ball. The goal of this drill is to work on dipping the ball so that it goes up over the first goal and drops into the second goal. 142 2 Y A R D B O X Drill: Create a 1x1 yard box that is 2 yards away from a wall or partner and stand in the center of the box. If you have a partner have him/her stand 2 yards away from you with the ball. If you don’t have a partner create the box 2 yards away from a wall. Either pass the ball against the wall firmly or have a partner pass you the ball and work on trapping the ball inside of the box. One Touch: Instead of trapping the ball in the box; as soon as the ball comes back to you pass the ball immediately back towards the wall. 143 2 0 Y A R D D R I F B R B E L E E S T Y L E Drill: This is completely up to you! This is freestyle dribbling. Just go out and dribble and have fun. Perform cuts, moves, feints, anything. Try to dribble 20 yards as creatively as possible. I like to imagine that there are imaginary defenders that I am trying to beat. 144 2 5 Y A R D C U R L E R Drill: Place the ball 25 yards away from the goal and try to hit the top corner of the goal by hitting it more with the instep of your foot. Imagine this as a whipped in cross that you are hitting or a curling free kick. If you are shooting with your right, aim for the top right corner. If you are shooting with your left, aim for the top left corner. 145 2 5 Y A R D L I N E D R I L S H O O T I N G L Drill: Place as many soccer balls that you have in a straight line 25 yards away from goal. When ready, approach and shoot the first ball into the net. Try to aim for mid height in the goal. After you shoot, take a few steps back and then repeat the shot, but on the second ball. Keep going until you have shot all the balls that you have. 146 2 5 Y A R D R O L L T O S H O T Drill: Stand 25 yards away from the goal. When ready, roll the ball out in front of you and fire a shot on goal. Work on making good contact and consistently hitting the same spot in the goal over and over again. 147 3 C O N E L O O P E D P A S S I N G Drill: Place three cones down on the ground so that they form a line about 2-3 yards away from a wall or a partner. The cones should be parallel to the wall. You will stand behind the line of cones facing the wall or your partner. When ready, you will tap the ball to the right so that you go beyond the line of cones. You will then pass the wall straight into your partner or into the wall. Your partner will pass the ball back to your right foot with one touch. As the ball comes back to you, you will take a touch directly to your left with the instep of your right foot. Imagine taking a first touch into space! Once you get beyond the left side of the line of cones, you will pass the ball into your partner or into the wall with the instep of your left foot. Again, as the ball comes back to you, you will tap the ball directly to your right with the instep of your left foot and just repeat the process. 148 3 D I R E C T I O N A L T U R N Drill: Stand about 1-2 yards away from a wall with the ball at your feet. When ready, hit a firm pass against the wall. When the ball is traveling back towards you, take your first touch 90 degrees to your right and explode a few yards in that direction. Next, stop the ball, return to your starting position and repeat the drill, but this time turn 180 degrees behind you. Return to the starting position and repeat the drill, but this time exploding 90 degrees to your left. Try to be creative with your turns and use different parts of your foot and different tricks to fool an imaginary defender. 149 3 0 Y A R D D A T R I B B L C O N E E M O V E Drill: Place a cone on the ground and start 30 yards away from it with the ball at your feet. When ready, sprint at the cone while maintaining a pretty controlled dribble. As you get closer, tighten up your touches to prepare yourself to preform a move. Right before the cone, perform the move, then push past the cone at 45 degrees and explode. 150 3 0 Y A R D C D R R O I S B B L E T O S Drill: A very simple crossing drill. Stand 35 yards away from the end line right next to the side line of the field. When ready, dribble with pace towards the end line and slightly inside the field. Once you get within 5 yards of the end line, cross in a ball to either a goal turned sideways or a partner. 151 4 0 Y A R D G A T E D S P R I N T Drill: Create a 40 yard long lane (like a lane of an olympic track) by placing a series of 1 yard gates on the ground to dribble through. When ready, start at the start of the lane and dribble all the way down the lane as fast as you possibly can. If you go outside of the lane, then you must start over! 152 4 0 Y A R D V A S P R R I E I N T D G A T E D Drill: This is the exact same thing as the 40 yard Gated sprint, but you will randomly place your gates on the ground so that you have to alternate between going straight or left/right at varying angles. 153 5 Y A R D D R A I T B B C L O E N E T O M O V E Drill: Place a cone on the ground so that you have 5 yards of space in front of it and behind it. Start 5 yards in front of the cone and facing it. When ready, dribble directly at the cone with pace. When you get about a yard away perform any move listed and explode past the cone. ! Body Feint: Dip your shoulder and jab towards the direction that you are faking towards, plant your foot, and explode 45 degrees in the opposite direction. ! Stepover: Swing your foot in front on the ball and outwards and plant on the outside of the ball. Dip slightly in the direction that you step, then explode 45 degrees the other way. ! Elastico: Also called the Snake. This is hard to explain. Head to my YouTube channel and watch my Elastico tutorial. ! Maradona: Head to my YouTube channel and watch my 3 essential dribbling moves. ! Double Stepover: Just like the stepover move, but you will perform 2 stepovers. ! Drag n’ Go: Head to my YouTube channel and watch my 3 essential dribbling moves. 154 5 Y A R A D T D C R O I N B E B L T E O T O S H O M T O V E Drill: Place a single cone on the ground and step back about 5 yards away from the cone. When ready, start dribbling at the cone with speed. Just before you get to the cone, slow up, perform any move that you’d like to work on, push the ball past the cone at a 45 degree angle, and fire a shot towards the far post of the goal. To Corner Slot: Instead of firing a shot towards the far post with the laces, work on finessing a shot with more of the instep of your foot into the bottom corners of the goal. 155 5 0 Y A R D G A T E D S P R I N T Drill: Create a 50 yard long lane (like a lane of an olympic track) by placing a series of 1 yard gates on the ground to dribble through. When ready, start at the start of the lane and dribble all the way down the lane as fast as you possibly can. If you go outside of the lane, then you must start over! 156 6 Y A R D C U R L E R Drill: Place the ball right at the center of the 6 yard line and try to hit the top corner of the goal by hitting it more with the instep of your foot. Imagine this as a whipped in cross that you are hitting or a curling free kick. If you are shooting with your right, aim for the top right corner. If you are shooting with your left, aim for the top left corner. Try to challenge yourself and not count it as a goal unless it truly goes right in the corner. 157 6 Y A R D L I D N R E I L S L H O O T I N G Drill: Place as many soccer balls that you have in a straight line across the 6 yard box. When ready, approach and shoot the first ball into the net. Try to aim for mid height in the goal. After you shoot, take a few steps back and then repeat the shot, but on the second ball. Keep going until you have shot all the balls that you have. 158 6 Y A R D R O L L T O S H O T Drill: Stand 6 yards away from the goal. When ready, roll the ball out in front of you and fire a shot on goal. Work on making good contact and consistently hitting the same spot in the goal over and over again. 159 9 0 D E G R E E W A L L T U R N Drill: Find a spot where you can stand 5 yards away from a wall in front of you and to the side of you. When ready pass the ball firmly against the wall in front of you with your right foot so that it rebounds back to you with pace. As the ball returns to you, trap the ball with the instep of your right foot and turn slightly to your right. Immediately hit a firm pass with the left foot against the wall to your right so that it bounces back to you again. Once it returns, trap the ball with the instep of your left foot and turn slightly to the wall to your left and hit a pass with your right foot. Keep repeating until the time/reps are completed. 160 A T T A C K D R I L L Drill: Stand about 20 yards away from the wall with the ball at your feet. When ready, ping in a firm pass so that it will rebound with pace. As soon as you hit the pass, follow it towards the wall and come in about 5 yards. Once the ball returns to you, hit a one time pass against the wall and follow it in another 5 yards. Hit another one time pass into the wall and follow it closer again. Keep repeating until you are as close to the wall as you can get. This drill works on controlling the weight of your passes as every pass will be needed to hit with different pace. 161 B A C K T O G O A S H O T L , T U R N , Drill: Stand on the 18-yard box with your back to the goal and the ball at your feet. When ready, touch the ball to the given side and place a shot on frame preferably to the far post. Finessed Shot: Instead of firing a laced shot to the far post, work on placing the ball into the sides of the goal with more of the instep of your foot. 162 B O X E S C A P E Drill: Stand about 1-2 yards away from a wall in a 1x1 yard box that you create by placing four cones on the ground. When ready, firmly pass the ball against the wall so that it rebounds straight back to you. As soon as the ball reenters the square you are going to trap the ball so that it stays inside of the box, then you will pass the ball against the wall again. Inside Inside: Instead of staying inside the box, you will take your first touch out the side of the box. When going out the right side of the box you will pass the ball against the wall with the right foot and use the inside of your left to tap the ball out the right side. vice versa for the left side of the box. Outside Inside: When going out the right side of the box you will pass the ball against the wall with the instep of your right foot and once the ball comes back to you, you will tap the ball out of the right side square using the outside of the right foot. 163 B R A Z I L I A N S O L E T A P S Both: This drill is a combination of ball taps and bell taps. What you will do is start with the ball under the sole of your left foot. When ready, flick the ball to the right side of your body. Do not cross your left leg over your body. When the ball arrives at the right side, immediately flick it back to the other side using the sole of your right foot.Then, just repeat over and over going faster and faster slowly inching forward with each flick. R/L: This looks like a dance where you repeatedly open and close your hip. Start with the ball under your right foot and roll it at a 45 degree angle out to the right, quickly then hop forward and roll it back to the left at another 45 degree angle forward. Watch my 10,000 touch workout to see both these exercises in action! 164 C O N E W E A D V R E I L C L U T - B A C K Drill: Create a tight, straight line of cones and dribble through them using a single foot as sharply as possible. Try to take many touches as quickly as you can. Once you get through the last set of cones, accelerate to the far cone that is placed 10-15 yards away. As soon as you get to the cone, sharply cut the ball back, and accelerate back to the line of cones and weave through them again until you get to the starting position. 165 C O N E W E A D R V E I L L S Q U A R E Drill: Create two tight, straight lines of cones about 5-10 yards apart from each other and dribble through them using a single foot as sharply as possible. Try to take many touches as quickly as you can. Once you get through the last set of cones, cut 90 degrees and accelerate to the other set of cones. Weave through the cones until you exit the last set, cut the ball 90 degrees and return to the starting position. 166 C O N E W E A V E L O O P E D T O 2 G A T 0 E Y A R D Drill: Create a tight, straight line of cones and dribble through them using a single foot as sharply as possible. Try to take many touches as quickly as your can! Once you exit the last set of cones in the cone weave, sprint at the far cone while dribbling the ball. Once you get to the cone, round the cone sharply using the outside of your foot, and dribble back as fast as you can and stop the ball using the outside of your foot in the final gate. 167 C O N E W E A V E P A S T O G A T E D S Drill: Perform the cone weave using as many quick touches as possible and as you exit the last cone, pass the ball through a mini-goal created by placing two cones on the ground. You can place the mini-goal any direction or any distance away from the cone weave. Just be creative and try to challenge yourself. 168 C O N E W E A A T V E , T A C K 3 P A S S Drill: A combination of a normal Cone Weave and the Attack Drill. Place a line of cones about 15-20 yards away from a wall. When ready, weave through the cones as quickly and as sharply as possible taking as many small touches that you can. Once you exit the last set of cones, hit a firm pass against the wall so that it rebounds with pace back towards you. As soon as you hit the pass, follow it towards the wall and come in about 5 yards. Once the ball returns to you, hit a one time pass against the wall and follow it in another 5 yards. Hit another one time pass into the wall and follow it closer again. Keep repeating until you are as close to the wall as you can get. This drill works on controlling the weight of your passes as every pass will be needed to hit with different pace. 169 C O R N E R O F 1 V 8 T O U P P E R Drill: Place a ball on the corner of the 18 yard box, take a few steps backwards, and strike the ball with more of the instep of the foot so that it curls up into the top far corner. You will have to switch sides of the goal to use the other foot. 170 C O R N E R U O F P P E 1 R 8 , V R O L L , Drill: Place a ball on the corner of the 18 yard box, roll the ball towards the center of the field on the 18 yard line, approach the ball, and strike the ball with more of the instep of the foot so that it curls up into the top far corner. You will have to switch sides of the goal to use the other foot. 171 C O R N E R O F 6 T O U P P E R V Drill: Place a ball on the corner of the 6 yard box, take a few steps backwards, and strike the ball with more of the instep of the foot so that it curls up into the top far corner. You will have to switch sides of the goal to use the other foot. 172 C O R N E R U O P P F E 6 R , V R O L L , Drill: Place a ball on the corner of the 6 yard box, roll the ball towards the center of the field on the 18 yard line, approach the ball, and strike the ball with more of the instep of the foot so that it curls up into the top far corner. You will have to switch sides of the goal to use the other foot. 173 C U R L E D L O N G B A L L S Drill: Stand about 40-50 yards away from the goal (or a partner) and work on hitting long balls into the goal (or partner), but try to also curl them. Imagine you are hitting a forward into space down the line and want to curl it into the field or that you are clearing the ball, but there is a defender in front of you and you must curl it around them. 174 C U T B A C K D R I L L Drill: A very simple, yet effective drill! Simply place a cone 10-15 yards away from your starting position and dribble as fast as you can at the cone. Just before you get to the cone, perform a cut of your choice and explode back to your starting position as quickly as possible. 175 C U T - I N T O C U R L E R Drill: Start about 5 yards back from the corner of the 18 yard box, dribble towards the corner of the 18 yard box as quick as possible (like you are attacking a defender). As soon as you get close to the corner of the 18 yard box, sharply cut inside the field and fire a curled shot on goal towards the far post. 176 D I A G O N A L T C O U S T H - I N O T A T T A C K Drill: Start on the sideline right at the half field line, sprint diagonally to the corner of the 18 yard box as fast as possible while keeping close control of the ball. As soon as you get close to the corner of the 18 yard box, sharply cut inside the field and fire a curled shot on goal towards the far-post. 177 D I R E C T O T I 2 O 0 N A L Y A R R D O N G A A L T D I E D N H O S P R I D N R T I L L Drill: Just like the Ronaldinho Drill that you have seen a thousand times, this is just done by creating more of a oval/rectangular shape instead of a circle. Your will start on one side of the cones and dribble though the cones as creatively as possible in the general direction towards the other side. Once you get all the way through to the other side, dribble through all of the gates as fast as possible while maintaining control of the ball. 178 D I R E C T I O T N O A L M O R O V E N A A L T D I N H O C O N E D R I L L Drill: Just like the Ronaldinho Drill that you have seen a thousand times, this is just done by creating more of a oval/rectangular shape instead of a circle. Your will start on one side of the cones and dribble though the cones as creatively as possible in the general direction towards the other side. Once you get all the way through to the other side, accelerate 5-10 yards to the next cone, perform a move, and push past the cone at a 45 degree angle. 179 D O U B L M E O 5 V Y E A A R T D C D O R N I B B L E E Drill: Place two cones 5 yards away from each other. Start just the to side of one of the cones facing the opposite cone. When ready, dribble as fast as you can at the cone. Just before you get to the cone, perform a cut of your choice and explode back to the other cone. Just before you get to the cone, perform a move, and explode past the cone at a 45 degree angle. 180 D D O O U U B B L L E E W A L L J U G G L P E A S P S A , S S Drill: A very simple pattern done against a wall. You will stand 5 yards or so away from a wall. When ready, you will pass the ball twice against the wall using one touch passes on the ground with the instep of your foot. As the second pass returns to you, you will flick it up, juggle it once or twice and perform two wall passes in the air against the wall. As the second wall pass in the air returns to you, you will trap the ball to the ground and repeat. 181 F I G U R E 8 S W O O P Drill: For this drill, place two cones about 1 foot apart from each other. Place the ball in the center of the two cones. When ready, use your right foot to drag (swoop) the ball counter clockwise around one of the cones so that it makes a full loop back to the center. As soon as it does, turn around, and drag (swoop) the ball clockwise around the other cone. To drag the ball, you should be using the instep of your foot to continually push it. If you want to see this drill in action, watch Episode 13 of the Life of a Pro series! 182 F R E E K I C K P R A C T I C E Drill: Exactly as it sounds. Pick any spot around the 18 yard box and place the ball on the ground and act like you are taking a real free kick in a game. Line up, pick your corner, and hit it! 183 J U G G L E Above Head Juggle - Alt: Normal alternating juggling with the feet except that every juggle must go above head height. Above Head Juggle - Right/Left: Same as above, but only use the right/left foot. Below Knee - Alt: Juggle the ball while alternating feet each juggle and every single touch must be below the knees. If the ball pops up higher than the knees do not count the rep. EVERY JUGGLING EXERCISE THE REPS ARE CUMULATIVE- meaning that if you drop the ball do not start you count back at 0! Below Knee - Left/Right: Juggle the ball with your left/right foot only and every single touch must be below the knees. If the ball pops up higher than the knees do not count the rep. 184 Freestyle: No rules! Just have fun and try your hand at some freestyle juggling. Waist Height - Alt: Normal alternating juggling with the feet except that every juggle must go above knee height and below chest height. Waist Height - Right/Left: Same as above, but only use the right/left foot. Seated Juggle: Sit on the ground, with both arms extended behind you to support your upper body as you lean back slightly. Toss the ball, or start with it on the ground, and start juggling using both feet while you stay seated. This style will force you to use more of the laces of your foot and will be weird at first as the angle is different 185 J U G G L E J - H I G H U G G L E K I C K - Drill: Start by juggling the ball while alternating feet. After 10 or so juggles, kick the ball up anywhere between 10-30 feet, then as the ball comes back down trap the ball and continue to juggle straight away. 186 J U G G L E - H I G H K I C K - T R A P Drill: Same as the Juggle - High Kick - Juggle, but instead of trapping the ball into a juggle and continuing to juggle the ball. You will trap it to the ground as if you are killing it right at your feet. 187 J U G G L E R U N Drill: Start juggling in a stationary position and when ready, start to jog/run and maintain the juggle. If you drop it, no worries, just get the juggle going again and keep running. Try to challenge yourself and see how far you can juggle at a jog/run! 188 J U G G L E S H U T T L E R U N Drill: Start juggling in a stationary position and when ready, start to walk/jog/run and maintain the juggle. You will then perform a shuttle run series while juggling the ball. Try to challenge yourself and go as fast as possible while maintaining the juggle. If you drop it, no worries, just get the juggle going again and keep running. 189 J U G G L E W A L K Drill: Start juggling in a stationary position and when ready, start to walk and maintain the juggle. If you drop it, no worries, just get the juggle going again and keep running. Try to challenge yourself and see how far you can juggle at a walk. 190 J U G G L E , T W A L R A P L P A S S , Drill: Stand 5 or so yards away from a wall with the ball at your feet. When ready, flick up the ball and juggle it back and forth between your right and left foot a few times until you have a good rhythm and control of the ball. After a few juggles, hit the ball in the air firmly against the wall so that it rebounds directly back to you. As the ball reaches you, kill the ball at your feet by softly trapping it with any part of your foot, then repeat! 191 L A C R O Q U E C O N E T A W E D R A V I E L L T O Drill: Place a line of cones to create a cone weave drill. About 5 yards before the cone weave, place three cones so that they are touching each other to act as a defender. Start about 5-10 yards back from the 3 cones. When ready, dribble at the three cones with your left foot. As soon as you get to the cones, quickly tap the ball with the instep of your left foot over to your right foot and quickly push it forward towards the cone weave. This move is called La Croqueta. You will then dribble towards the cone weave and weave through the cones with your right foot. 192 L O N G Z I G Z A G D R I L L Drill: Place a cone on the ground then walk out ten yards 45 degrees in front of you and to your right and place another cone. Turn 90 degrees to your left and place another cone 10 yards away. Turn 90 degrees to your right and repeat until you have 10 cones in a zig zag formation with 10 yards between each cone. You are then going to weave around the drill on the outsides of every cone. When finish the drill and get to the other side that is 1 set, repeat until you finish the total number of sets required. 193 M O V E T O S H O T Chip Shot: Place a single cone on the top of the semi-circle of the 18 yard box and step back anywhere between 5-15 yards away from the cone. When ready, start dribbling at the cone with speed. Just before you get to the cone, slow up, perform any move that you’d like to work on, push the ball past the cone at a 45 degree angle, and chip a shot into the goal. Finessed Shot: Same exact process as above, but hit a finessed shot with the instep of your foot. Laced Shot: Same exact process as above, but fire a shot to the far post of the goal with your laces. Slotted Shot: Same exact process as above, but hit a slotted shot on the ground with the instep of your foot. 194 M O V E T O C R O S S Drill: Place a single cone on the ground just outside of the corner of the 18 yard box and step back about 10-15 yards away from the cone. When ready, start dribbling at the cone with speed. Just before you get to the cone, slow up, perform any move that you’d like to work on, push the ball past the cone at a 45 degree angle towards the end line, and hit a cross into the box. If you don’t have a partner to hit the cross to, turn the goal so that it catches all your crosses and provides you a target to aim at. 195 M O V E T O G A T E D P A S S Drill: Place a single cone on the ground and step back about 15 yards away from the cone. When ready, start dribbling at the cone with speed. Just before you get to the cone, slow up, perform any move that you’d like to work on, push the ball past the cone at a 45 degree angle, and hit a pass with the instep of your foot through two cones 10-20 yards away. As always, challenge yourself with the location, size, and distance of the goal! 196 N U T M E G R O L L D R I L L Drill: Just like a elongated Zig Zag Cone weave, but at each cone place another cone about 1-2 feet apart from it to create a small gate that you must roll the ball through as if you are nutmegging the cones. You’ll basically be dribbling to each set of cones, rolling the ball through the two cones, using the sole of your foot, then exploding to the next set of cones until you get to the end. 197 O C T A G O N D R I L L Drill: Create an octagon by placing 8 cones on the ground so that it is about 1-2 yards in diameter. Place the octagon a yard or two from a wall so you can pass your own entry ball into the octagon. This is a very hard drill to explain, so head to my YouTube channel and watch Episode 5 of the Offseason Series if you would like a visual example. Essentially, you will pass the ball against the wall so that it comes straight back to you. As it enters the octagon, you will tap the ball through one of the sides of the octagon, explode through the side, stop the ball, pull it back to the center, reset, and pass the ball against the wall again. You will repeat this until you have successfully gone through all 8 sides of the octagon. 198 P A S S I N G Drill: Stand the required distance away from the wall and kick the ball in the way described below against it so that it returns straight back to you. Either hit the ball straight back against the wall or take a touch before striking it again. 1 Touch, 10 yard Instep Pass - Same Foot: Stand 10 yards away from the wall and hit the ball with the instep of your foot firmly against the wall. As soon as it rebounds back to you, immediately hit another instep pass against the wall with the same foot. 1 Touch, 20 yard Laced Ground Pass: Stand 20 yards away from the wall and hit the ball with the laces of your foot firmly against the wall. As soon as it rebounds back to you, immediately hit another laced pass against the wall. 199 1 yard, 1 Touch - Alt Feet: Stand 1 yard away from the wall and hit the ball with the instep of your foot against the wall. As soon as it rebounds back to you, immediately hit another instep pass against the wall with the opposite foot. 1 yard, 1 Touch - Same Foot: Stand 1 yard away from the wall and hit the ball with the instep of your foot against the wall. As soon as it rebounds back to you, immediately hit another instep pass against the wall with the same foot. 20 yard Laced Ground Pass: Stand 20 yards away from the wall and hit the ball with the laces of foot against the wall. As soon as it rebounds back to you, take a touch, reset yourself, and hit another laced ground pass against the wall. 30 yard Chip: Stand 30 yards away from the wall and hit the ball with the laces of your foot so that the ball chips up against the wall. As soon as it rebounds back to you, trap the ball, and repeat the process. 30 yard Driven Ball: Stand 30 yards away from the wall and hit the ball with the laces of your foot so that the ball flies in a straight line towards the wall. As soon as it rebounds back to you, trap the ball, and repeat the process. 5 yard, 2 Touch - Alt Feet: Stand 5 yards away from the wall and hit the ball with the instep of foot against the wall. As soon as it rebounds back to you, take a touch to set up your opposite leg, and hit another pass against the wall with the opposite foot. Chipped Long Balls: Stand 40-50 yards away from a wall/partner/goal and chip long balls into it. As it comes back to you, take a touch to set yourself up, and repeat the process. with the laces of your foot so that the ball flies in a straight line towards the wall. Close Range Pinged Laced Ground Pass: Stand 15-20 yards away from a wall. It should feel as if you are closer than you should be for this drill as the idea is to work on handling a difficult ball. You will ping in a pass on the ground with the laces of your foot so that the ball skims across the ground in a straight line. Close Range Pinged Instep Ground Pass: Stand 10-15 yards away from a wall. It should feel as if you are closer than you should be for this drill as the idea is to work on handling a difficult ball. You will ping in a pass on the ground with the instep of your foot so that the ball skims over the ground in a straight line. Curled Long Balls: Stand about 30 yards away from a wall and hit a curling ball in the air at the wall. Driven Long Balls: Stand about 30-40 yards away from the wall and ping in a driven long ball with the laces so that the ball flies in a straight line and never goes above head height. Laced Ground Pass: Stand about 30-40 yards away from the wall and ping in a driven long ball on the ground with the laces so that the ball flies in a straight line and never goes above knee height. Long Ball: Stand about 30-40 yards away from the wall and ping in a driven long ball with the laces so that the ball flies in a straight line. Trap, Touch, Ping Wall Pass: Stand about 20 yards away from the wall. Ping in a pass so that the ball rebounds back towards you with pace. As soon as it comes back to you, trap the ball and kill it at your feet, tap the ball out 45 degrees in front of you, and repeat the process. Close Range Pinged Air Pass: Stand 15-20 yards away from a wall. It should feel as if you are closer than you should be for this drill as the idea is to work on handling a difficult ball. You will ping in a pass in the air 200 P K 4 C O R N E R S Drill: Shoot from the PK spot and try to hit all four corners of the goal in the least amount of shots possible. Try to challenge yourself and not count it as a goal unless it truly goes right in the corner. 201 P K C O R N E R S L O T S Drill: Shoot from the PK spot using the instep of your foot, and try to slot the ball perfectly into the bottom corner of the goal with pace. 202 P K L I N E S H O O T I N G D R I L L Drill: Place as many soccer balls that you have in a straight line across an imaginary 12 yard box. It should go through the PK spot. When ready, approach and shoot the first ball into the net. Try to aim for mid height in the goal. After you shoot, take a few steps back and then repeat the shot, but on the second ball. Keep going until you have shot all the balls that you have. 203 P K S H O T P R A C T I C E Drill: Shoot the ball from the PK spot just as if it were an actual PK in the game. Try to hit your usual spot using your usual routine. Practice makes perfect! If you want to make this an automatic goal in the game, you got to get this automatic in training. 204 P K S P O T C U R L E R Drill: Place the ball at the PK spot and try to hit the top corner of the goal. Imagine as if you are crossing the ball and you need to get good height and speed on the strike. If you are hitting the ball with your right foot, aim for the top right corner. If you are hitting the ball with your left, aim for the top left corner. 205 P K S P O T R O L L T O S H O T Drill: Stand 12 yards away from the goal. When ready, roll the ball out in front of you and fire a shot on goal. Work on making good contact and consistently hitting the same spot in the goal over and over again. 206 P R O G R E S S I O N J U G G L E Drill: A very simple juggling drill. You will perform 1 juggle with the right foot, then one juggle with the left, two juggles with the right, two juggles with the left, three juggles with the right,... and so on until you get to ten juggles with each leg and then you will work your way back down to one juggle. If you drop the ball, don’t restart just resume where you left off. 207 P U L L - B A C K T A P R E P E A T S Drill: Start with the ball in front of you and to your right. Using your right foot, pull back the ball behind you using the bottom of your foot. Then tap it behind your left leg, using the inside of your right foot. While remaining facing the same way and use the sole of your left foot to stop it, pull it back and tap it behind your right leg now to complete the process. Repeat faster until time is up. 208 R O L L T O C R O S S Drill: Stand by the sideline of the field and roll out the ball towards the end line and slightly into the center of the field. Approach the ball, and hit a cross into the box using the technique that is listed. 209 R O L L T O P A S S Drill: Create a goal by placing two cones on the ground so that they are about 1 yard apart. Stand the distance that is stated in the table. When ready, roll the ball out in front of you, find your target, and hit a pass with the instep of your foot so that it goes inside the two cones. 210 R O L L T O S H O T Drill: Stand anywhere outside of the 18 yard box (left, right, straight, 30 yards out, 19 yards out, etc.). When ready, roll the ball out in front of you and fire a shot on goal using the technique that is described. 211 R O N A L D I N H D R O I L C L U T B A C K Drill: Throw down as many cones that you have in a big space on the ground and place a single cone 15 yards away from the Ronaldinho drill. For more advanced versions put the cones more tightly packed, for easier versions make the cones more spread out. When ready, freestyle dribble throughout the cones going any direction that you want, using whatever part of the foot you want, and doing whatever you want. Once you have dribbled around the cones for 15-30 seconds, push out of the drill and accelerate towards the far cone while maintaining a controlled dribble. Once you get close to the cone, perform a cut, and accelerate back to the Ronaldinho Drill and dribble around it for another 15-30 seconds. 212 R O N A L D I N H O D R I L L Drill: In a 5x5 yard grid, throw down as many cones as possible. Space them out so that there is enough room to dribble between each one, but make it as random as possible. It should look like someone dropped a bunch of cones randomly. Then take your ball and just try to quickly dribble through, backwards, cut, chop, pullback, around all the cones in any order. Use all parts of your foot, just try to not hit any cones and be as quick and as sharp as possible. This drill is designed to increase your reactionary dribbling and instinctual skills. Nothing should be planned; you should just go out and try to do as many different things as possible. 213 R O N A L D I L A C E D N H O G A T D R E D I L L P A S T O S Drill: Throw down as many cones that you have in a big space on the ground and place two cones 10-30 yards (depending on how much of a challenge you want) away from the Ronaldinho drill so that they are about 1 yard apart. When ready, freestyle dribble throughout the cones going any direction that you want, using whatever part of the foot you want, and doing whatever you want. Once you have dribbled around the cones for 15-30 seconds, push out of the drill, find the goal, and hit a laced pass with the laces of your foot through the cones. 214 R M O N A O V E L D I A T N H O C O N D E R T I L O L T S H O O T Drill: Throw down as many cones that you have in a big space on the ground about 10 yards away from the top of the semi-circle of the 18 yard box where you will place a single cone. When ready, freestyle dribble throughout the cones going any direction that you want, using whatever part of the foot you want, and doing whatever you want. Once you have dribbled around the cones for 15-30 seconds, push out of the drill and attack the cone on top of the semi-circle. Once you get close to the cone, perform a move, push past the cone, and fire a shot on goal. 215 R O N A L D I N H O T O C R O S S Drill: Throw down as many cones that you have in a big space on the ground outside of the 18 yard box. For more advanced versions put the cones more tightly packed, for easier versions make the cones more spread out. When ready, freestyle dribble throughout the cones going any direction that you want, using whatever part of the foot you want, and doing whatever you want. Once you have dribbled around the cones for 15-30 seconds, push out of the drill and take a touch or two down the line slightly inside the field, then whip in a cross into the box. If you don’t have a partner to finish your crosses, turn the goal so that it provides you a target to aim at and can collect all the balls. 216 R O N A L D I N H O W A L L P A S S Drill: Throw down as many cones that you have in a big space on the ground about 10 yards away from a wall. When ready, freestyle dribble throughout the cones going any direction that you want, using whatever part of the foot you want, and doing whatever you want. Once you have dribbled around the cones for 15-30 seconds, push out of the drill and hit a firm pass against the wall so that it bounces back to you with pace. Trap the ball, turn, and continue inside the Ronaldinho drill again where you will freestyle dribble through the cones for another 15-30 seconds. 217 S Q U A R E C O N E D R I L L Drill: A tight space drill that involves rolling the ball in a square formation around each cone in a repetitive pattern. Start with the ball in the center of the cones. When ready, roll the ball forward through the front two cones with the sole of the right foot, 90 degrees to the right, backward, and back into the center of the square. Switch feet and roll the ball through the left side of the square using the sole of the left foot, backwards, to the right 90 degrees, and forward through the bottom two cones. Immediately, switch feet, and perform the square pattern around the bottom right cone using the sole of the right foot, switch feet again, and perform the square pattern around the front left cone using the sole of the left foot. 218 S Q U A R F E I C N E O N E S S E D W S E H A V O T E T O Drill: Create a short line of about 5 cones extending towards the halfway line from the corner of the 18 yard box. Walk 5 yards into the center of the field and place two cones to make a square with the cone weave. Start at the corner of the 18 and weave through the cones with the right foot, as soon as you exit the last cone, dribble over to the opposite side, round the cone, dribble at the other cone, cut the ball sharply inside the field, and hit a finessed shot to the far post. When you use the left foot, you will have to shift the square over to the right side of the field. 219 S T A I R S T E P R O L L D R I L L Drill: Create the following pattern by placing each cone about 5 yards away from each other in a stair step pattern. The drill above is set up for the right foot. When ready, you will dribble normally during all the parts with the black arrow, and roll the ball with the sole of the foot during all the parts with the grey arrow. 220 S T A T I O N A R Y C R O S S Drill: Exactly as it sounds. Place the ball towards the corner of the field, take a few steps back from the ball, find your target, and whip in a cross. I like to put a lacrosse goal inside of a bigger goal inside the box so I can aim at something and have a big goal to collect all of my crosses. 221 T - C O N E D R I L L Drill: Create a giant letter “T” by placing 4 cones so that each section is about 10 yards long. Start at the base of the T, dribble towards the center cone, round it to the left, dribble out to the left cone, round it 180 degrees, and dribble all the way to the right cone, round it 180 degrees, dribble back to the center, round it 90 degrees to the left, and dribble back to the starting position. 222 T A P , T A P , R O L L Drill: A very simple tight space dribbling pattern that should just be done as quickly as possible. You will tap the ball with the instep of your right foot 45 degrees forward and to the left, then you will tap the ball 45 degrees forward and to the right using the instep of your left foot, then roll the ball back 45 degrees to the left using the sole of your right foot. Then repeat the process the, but all reversed. The pattern should be tap, tap, roll, tap, tap, roll, etc. and should be done as quickly as possible. 223 T I G H T C O N E W E A V E Drill: This is just like a normal cone weave that you have seen me do a thousand times, but done in very tight quarters so the cones are even closer together. You will go very slowly through the cones, but just focus on making as many sharp and tight touches as possible. Once you get to the end of the line, simply turn around, and come back through the cones until you reach your starting position. 224 T I L G H T O O P E C D O N D E O U W E A B L E V E G A T O T E Drill: Create a tight, straight line of cones and dribble through them using a single foot as sharply as possible. Try to take many touches as quickly as you can! Once you exit the last set of cones in the cone weave, dribble at the far cone placed 1-3 yards away (depending on your space) while dribbling the ball. Once you get to the cone, round the cone sharply using the outside of your foot, and dribble back as fast as you can to the gate at the start of the cone weave. Once you get there, instead of cutting the ball and stopping, round the cone again using the outside of your foot and accelerate to the other gate and this time stop the ball using the outside of your foot in the final gate. 225 T T I I G G H H T T R C O N E O N A L D W I E N A H V O E D T O R I L L Drill: Create a tight, straight line of cones and dribble through them using a single foot as sharply as possible. Try to take many touches as quickly as you can! Once you exit the last set of cones in the cone weave, immediately enter into a Ronaldinho drill where you will dribble around anyway that you want for 30 seconds. 226 \ T I G H T C U T B A C K D R I L L Drill: Place two cones 3 yards away from each other and start inside one of the cones with the ball at your feet. When ready, start to dribble at the other cone using sharp and tight touches, once you get close to the cone, perform a sharp cut, and head back to your starting location. 227 T I R G H T O N A L D D I I R N E H C O T I O N A L D R I L L Drill: Just like the Ronaldinho Drill that you have seen a thousand times, this is just done by creating more of a oval/rectangular shape instead of a circle. Make sure that you place the cones closer than you normally would. In this drill we are looking to move through the cones slower, but sharper! Your will start on one side of the cones and dribble though the cones as creatively as possible in the general direction towards the other side. 228 T I G H T N U T M E G D R I L L Drill: Just like the Nutmeg Drill, but all the gates are just 1-2 yards apart from each other. Remember that you must roll the ball through as if you are nutmegging the cones. You’ll basically be dribbling to each set of cones, rolling the ball through using the sole of your foot, then dribbling to the next cone until you get to the end. 229 T I G H T V A R D R I I E L L D G A T E Drill: This is the exact same thing as the 40 yard Varied Gated sprint, but all the gates are only 1-2 yards apart instead of 10 yards apart. You will randomly place your gates on the ground so that you have to alternate between going straight or left/right at varying angles. 230 T I G H T Z I W G E A Z A G V E C O N E Drill: Just like the normal Zig Zag Cone weave, but in tight quarters. All of cones will only be 1-2 yards apart from each other. You are then going to weave around the drill on the outsides of every cone. When you finish the drill and get to the other side that is 1 set, repeat until you finish the total number of sets required. 231 T I G H T Z T I G O Z A G S H O T T O O N R O G N O A A L D I N H O L Drill: Place 4-5 cones in a zig zag formation so that each cone is about 5 yards apart from the other cones. (This diagram is not really to scale) I like to start my zig zag cone weave around the bottom of the circle and start my Ronaldinho drill right at the top of the semicircle of the 18 yard box. You will zig zag around the cones sharply, enter into the Ronaldinho drill for 15-20 seconds, exit, tap the ball out to your side, and fire a shot on goal. 232 V - T A P S Both: Start with the ball on the ground and between your feet. When ready, tap the ball 45 degrees in front of you and to your left with the instep of your right foot. As soon as it gets 6-12 inches away from you, stop the ball with the sole of your right foot and drag it back to the center of your body. Stop its momentum with the instep of your right foot. Then, repeat the same process with the left foot, but this time tapping it out to the right. Keep repeating over and over again R/L: Tap the ball out to in front and to your right side using the outside of your right foot, then quickly pull it back to its origin using the bottom of your right foot. Now, tap it out in front and to your left side and pull it back using the bottom of your foot again. You should be drawing out a V shape with the ball. I usually do some hops on my left, as I find that helps me perform the drill. Repeat with your left foot. (Both of these drills can be seen in Episode 13 of the Life of a Pro series on my YouTube Channel (Become Elite). 233 W A L L J U G G L E 1 Touch Wall Juggle: You will stand a few yards away from a wall and using only one touch juggle the ball against the wall. Feel free to use either foot and in any order that you please (it does not have to be alternating). 1 Touch Wall Juggle - Alt Foot: Same as above, but you must switch feel feet between each juggle (left, right, left, right, etc.) 2 Touch Wall Juggle: You will stand a few yards away from a wall and using only two touches juggle the ball against the wall. Feel free to use either foot and in any order that you please (it does not have to be alternating). 234 2 Touch Wall Juggle - Same Foot: Same as the aforementioned drill, but you must trap the ball with the right, pass the ball against the wall with the right, then trap the ball with the left, pass the ball against the wall with the left, repeat. 2 Touch Wall Juggle - Alt Foot: Same as the aforementioned drill, but you must trap the ball with the right, pass the ball against the wall with the left, then trap the ball with the left, pass the ball against the wall with the right, repeat. Feet Only, Wall Juggle - Unlimited Touch: No rules except that you must only use your feet when juggling. You can juggle the ball any number of times before passing it off the wall. 235 W A L L P A S S R O T L O 5 Y A R D L Drill: A very simple drill. You will stand 4-5 yards away from a wall with a ball at your feet. When ready, fire in a pass with your right foot firmly against the wall so that it rebounds back to you with some pace. Trap the ball at your feet and then using the sole of your right foot, roll the ball 5 yards to your left. Once you have traveled 5 yards, hit the pass against the wall with your left foot, trap the ball as it comes back to you, and roll the ball 5 yards to your right using the sole of your left foot. Keep repeating for the required time/reps. 236 X - B O X Drill: Create a 5x5 yard box by placing 4 cones on the ground. Stand on the outside of the bottom left cone facing up towards the top left cone. When ready, you will perform bell taps by passing the ball back and forth using the insteps of both feet as quickly as possible inching forward slowly with each tap. Once you get past the top left cone, you will perform ball taps on top of the ball while slowly rolling it backwards to the bottom right cone. Then you will repeat the process of performing Bell Taps up to the top right cone and Ball taps backwards to the bottom left cone. 237 Z I G Z A G R E V C O E R S N E E T W E A U R N V E - Drill: Set this drill up just as you would set up a normal cone weave drill. When ready, you will dribble directly at the first cone using your right foot. As soon as you reach the cone, instead of rounding it, you will continuous cut the ball using the outside of your right foot until you are facing the next cone. You will quickly dribble forward using your left foot now, and repeat the multiple cuts at the next cone with the outside of the left foot. Repeat the process at every cone. 238 Z I G Z A G G A C O N T E D E P W E A A S S V E T O Drill: Place a cone on the ground then walk out five yards 45 degrees in front of you and to your right and place another cone. Turn 90 degrees to your left and place another cone 5 yards away. Turn 90 degrees to your right and repeat until you have 6 cones in a zig zag formation with 5 yards between each cone. Finally, place a two cones a yard apart from each other 10-20 yards away from the end of the zig zag cone weave. When ready, dribble around the cones of the zig zag cone weave until you round the final cone. Pick up your head, find the goal, and hit a pass with the instep of your foot through the goal. 239 Z I G Z A G S L O C O N E T T E D W E A V S H O T E T O Drill: Place a cone on the ground then walk out five yards 45 degrees in front of you and to your right and place another cone. Turn 90 degrees to your left and place another cone 5 yards away. Turn 90 degrees to your right and repeat until you have 5-10 cones in a zig zag formation with 5 yards between each cone. You are then going to weave around the drill on the outsides of every cone and when you get to the end perform a dip of the shoulder, push the ball the other way, and hit a shot with more of the instep of your foot into the bottom corners of the goal. 240 Z I G Z A G S W O O P D R I L L Drill: This is just like the Figure 8 - Swoop Drill where you drag the ball around the cone using the instep of you foot, but instead of staying stationary between two cones you will be working your way around a cone weave. Grey lines indicate where you will be dragging the ball and black lines indicate where you will switch feet. 241 P D L Y R I O / L L C A R G U D I I D O E 1 0 Y A P R D B O I N T U R S T F R O S T A N C E M 3 Drill: Start at the zero yard mark in a three point stance. If you do not know what a three point stance is Google it. It is the sprinter stance that NFL football players start in before they perform the 40 yard dash. When ready, you will just burst out 10 yards as fast as you possibly can focusing on exploding with every step you take. 243 1 0 Y A R D B U R S T R E P E A T S Drill: Drill: Start at the zero yard mark. When ready, burst out 10 yards as fast as you can. As soon as you have sprinted 10 yards, immediately decelerate and slowly jog another 10 yards. As soon as you slowly jog 10 yards, burst out another ten yards. You will repeat this pattern until you have run 100-120 yards or roughly the full length of a soccer field. 244 B A 1 C 0 K Y A R D W A R D F S O R W A R H U T T L E D , ( 5 X ) Drill: Start at the zero yard mark in a standing position. When ready, you will sprint out 10 yards as fast as possibly can. As soon as you have sprinted 10 yards you will stop on a dime, and back pedal back 10 yards to your starting position. As soon as you reach the zero yard mark you will repeat the process. You will perform 5 total up-backs. 245 2 C O N E L O N G F I G U R E 8 Drill: Place two cones about 15-20 yards away from each other. You will start at either end and when ready, you will sprint out towards the opposite cone, round the cone as sharply as possible, sprint back towards the opposite side of the opposite cone, round the cone the opposite direction and repeat until you have performed two full figure 8’s. 246 3 B A C K S P E P R I D N A T L S T O Drill: Start at the zero yard mark facing backwards. When ready, you will backpedal 3-4 steps as quickly and sharply as you possibly can. As soon as you hit your 3rd or fourth step (depending on which foot you started with) you will turn to the side listed and sprint out 30-40 yards. The focus on this drill is making the transition from back pedal to sprint as fast as possible. 247 3 B R O Y A A D R J D U S M P S P R I N T T O 2 0 Drill: Start at the zero yard mark facing forwards. When ready, you will perform 3 broad jumps trying to jump out as far as you possibly can while limiting the time between each jump. It should be continuous, jump, land, jump, land, jump, land. Then as soon as you hit the ground after your third jump, you will sprint out 30-40 yards. 248 3 S H U F F L E S T O S P R I N T Drill: Start at the zero yard mark facing sideways. When ready, you will shuffle three times as explosively as possible. As soon as you finish your third shuffle you will sprint out 30-40 yards. The focus on this drill is making the transition from side shuffle to sprint as fast as possible. 249 3 V E R T I Y C A L A R D J U M P S S P R I N T T O 3 0 Drill: Start at the zero yard mark facing forwards. When ready, you will jump up off of two feet as high as you possibly can. As soon as you land, you will squat down slightly and perform the next jump without rest in between. As soon as you land from your 3rd jump you will sprint out 30-40 yards. 250 4 0 Y A R D P O I N D T A S H S T A F N R O C E M 3 Drill: Start in the three-point stance (The stance that American Football players start in before they do their 40 yard dashes for the NFL combine) and sprint out 40 yards in the best time possible! 251 4 0 Y A R D S P R I N T Drill: Start in a standing position at the zero yard mark and on go, explode out and sprint 40 yards as fast as possible. 252 5 Y A R D Y A S R H D U T S T P L R E I T O N T 1 0 0 Drill: Start at the zero yard line and when ready, sprint to the 5 yard line and back, then immediately turn and sprint 100 yards. Do not come back to zero after the 100 yard sprint! 253 B A L L T A P S Drill: Tap your sole of your foot on top of the ball and then hop up slightly and switch your feet quickly. Repeat as fast as possible tapping the top of the ball with your alternating feet. 254 B R O A D D J I S U M P S T A N C E F O R Cont.: Start with a slightly wider than shoulder width stance, squat down, explode out and forward as far as you can, land on both feet, and immediately jump again. Repeat for the required reps. Reset: Start with a slightly wider than shoulder width stance, squat down, explode out and forward as far as you can, land on both feet, gain your balance, stand up fully and repeat for the required reps. 255 C I R C L E D B R A I C L K L - C U T Drill: Go to the center circle of a soccer field or create your own circle by placing cones to create a circle with a 10 yard radius. Then start anywhere on the circle and sprint around as fast as you can. As soon as you reach your starting point, sharply cut and turn and sprint around the circle in the opposite direction. 256 C O N E W O R K Drill: This is just like doing movements through a speed ladder, but using cones as the ladder. If you have a ladder, then by all means use it! 2 Steps in each: You will run over the cones, taking two steps in between each set of cones. Lateral 2 Step in each: You will face sideways and take two steps in between each set of cones while bringing your knees up to your waist with every step. Icky Shuffle: Start on the left side of the ladder/cones and perform the following pattern: Right foot in, left foot in, right foot out of right side, left foot in next set of cones, right foot in, 257 left foot out of left side of cones, right foot in next set of cones, etc. Look up Icky Shuffle on YouTube to see a visual example of this! Lateral 2 in, 2 out: Start on the left side of the ladder/cones facing into the cones so that the line extends off to your left. When ready, you will step forward and into the first set of cones with your left foot, step into the set of cones with your right foot, step back out of the set of cones with your left foot, step back out of the cones with your right foot, step forward into the next set of cones with your left foot, and repeat. You will also perform this leading with the right foot. 2 Step in each High Knees: You will run over the cones, taking two steps in between each set of cones while bringing your knees up to your waist with every step. Forward, Backward: The same as “2 steps in each”, but you will go two squares forward, one square back. The pattern is as follows: forward right one square, left into same square, forward right one square, left into same square, backward right one square, backward left into same square, repeat. 258 C R O S S B O X D R I L L Drill: Create a 10x10 yard box by placing four cones on the ground. You will start at the back left cone. When ready, you will sprint out 10 yards to the top left cone. You will then side shuffle to the right all the way to the back right cone, then side shuffle to the left back to the top left cone. Once you get back to the top left cone, you will turn to your right and sprint to the top right cone. Next, you will side shuffle to your right to the bottom left cone and side shuffle to your left back to the top right cone. You will turn and back pedal to the bottom right cone, turn to your left and sprint back to the starting spot. It is complicated, but the diagram above is color coordinated. Black = sprint, Grey = side shuffle, and Red = back pedal. 259 F I G U R E 8 D R I L L Drill: Set up the figure 8 pattern as shown above so you create two 10x10 yard boxes that share one side. When ready, sprint out from the corner of the figure 8, round the middle cone, sprint across the middle, round the opposite middle cone, sprint forward to the corner, round the square until you get back to the middle, round the middle cone, sprint across the middle again, round the cone and sprint around the first square until you get back to your starting position. 260 H A L F F I E L D S P R I N T Drill: Simply start on the end line of a full size field and when ready, sprint out to the half-field line as quickly as possible. 261 H I G H S K I P S For Height: Just like normal skips, but try to jump as high as you possibly can each skip. For Distance: Just like normal skips, but try to jump as far as you possibly can each skip. 262 J U M P I N Y G A L R D U N B G E U R S T O 1 0 T Drill: Start in a lunge position, lunge down so that your knee almost hits the ground, explode up so that you gain air, quickly switch both your feet, land and repeat until you have performed 2 jumping lunges with each leg forward. As soon as you land from your fourth total jumping lunge, sprint out 10 yards as fast as you possibly can go. 263 J U M P I N G L U N G E S Drill: Start in a lunge position, lunge down so that your knee almost hits the ground, explode up so that you gain air, quickly switch both your feet, land and repeat 264 K N E E H O C P U T T - O B A 1 5 C K Y A R D Drill: This is a great drill to work on general explosiveness. Start at the zero yard mark on your knees. When ready, you will jump up off your knees without using your hands, then explode out 15 yards, touch the 15 yard line with your hand, then cut, and explode back to the start. 265 K N E E H O P S T P R O I N 3 0 Y A R D T Drill: This is a great drill to work on general explosiveness. Start at the zero yard mark on your knees. When ready, you will jump up off your knees without using your hands, then explode out 30 yards as fast as you possibly can. 266 K N E E T U C K J U M P S Drill: Just like Vertical Jumps for Height, but at the top of the jump, tuck your knees upwards to your chest. 267 K N E E T U C B K U T O R S T 5 Y A R D Drill: Just like Vertical Jumps for Height, but at the top of the jump, tuck your knees upwards to your chest. Perform three Knee Tuck Jumps and as soon as you land on the ground from your third jump, sprint out 5 yards as explosively as possible. 268 L O N G J U M P Drill: Just like the long jump in the Olympics. You will sprint as fast as you can and then jump off of one leg as far as you possibly can. Since there is no sand pit, you will land on both feet. 269 O B S ( T F A C L O R W E A H O R D ) P S Drill: Be very careful with this drill! Challenge yourself, but don’t pick an obstacle that you aren’t going to be able to clear. Find an obstacle that is a good height for your to comfortably jump over. Stand facing it and when ready, jump off two feet forward over the obstacle, land on two feet on the other side, hop and turn around, and repeat the jump forward over the obstacle again. Keep repeating this pattern until you have completed the reps/time. 270 O B S T A C L E H S O I D P E S ) ( S I D E T O Drill: Be very careful with this drill! Challenge yourself, but don’t pick an obstacle that you aren’t going to be able to clear. Find an obstacle that is a good height for your to comfortably jump over sideways. Stand next to it facing sideways and when ready, jump off two feet sideways over the obstacle, land on two feet on the other side and repeat the jump sideways over the obstacle again. Keep repeating this pattern until you have completed the reps/time. 271 O N E L E G G E D D I S T A H N O P C E S F O R Drill: Stand on one leg, squat down slightly and jump as far as you possibly can while landing on the same leg. Without taking a break, jump forward off the same foot again landing on the same foot, and keep repeating the process. 272 Q U I C K H O P S Side to Side: Stand sideways next to a line on the field. When ready, you will quickly jump sideways over to the other side of the line, then immediately jump back over again. Repeat as fast as you possibly can. The goal of this is to get as many jumps in as possible during a set amount of time, not to jump as high as possible. Forward, Backward: Stand behind a line on the field facing it. When ready, you will quickly jump forwards over to the other side of the line, then immediately jump backwards over the line again. Repeat as fast as you possibly can. The goal of this is to get as many jumps in as possible during a set amount of time, not to jump as high as possible. 273 S H U T T L E D R 5 I L ) L ( 5 , 1 0 , Drill: Start at the zero yard line and when ready, sprint to the 5 yard line and back, then immediately turn and sprint to the 10 yard line and back, repeat again at the 5 yard line and back. This should be as sharp and explosive as possible! 274 S H U T T L E P E D A L R U ( N 5 , S P R 1 0 , I 1 N 5 T , , 2 B 0 A ) C K Drill: This is the shuttle run, but with a little twist. You will sprint forward to every cone, but you will back pedal as fast as possible back to the zero yard mark. Start at the zero yard line and when ready, sprint to the 5 yard line and back pedal to the zero, then immediately sprint to the 10 yard line and back pedal back, repeat again at the 15 yard line and back, then at the 20 yard line. 275 S H U T T L E R U N 4 ( 0 5 , 1 0 , 1 5 , ) Drill: Start at the zero yard line and when ready, sprint to the 5 yard line and back, then immediately turn and sprint to the 10 yard line and back, repeat again at the 15 yard line and back, then finally sprint out 40 yards. Do not come back to zero after the 40 yard sprint! 276 S N A K E D R I L L Drill: Place the cones in the formation above so that each cone is 1 yard apart from each other laterally and 10 yards away from the cones on the other side. Start on the outside of the first cone and when ready, sprint 10 yards to the cone on the opposite side, sharply round the cone to the right, and sprint back through the 1st and 2nd cone, round the cone to the left and sprint back to the other side. Keep repeating this pattern until you exit the last set of cones! 277 S T A I R T A P S Drill: Find a stair step or curb or something about 6 inches off the ground. When ready, you will quickly tap your right foot on the step, then quickly hop up, switch positions of your feet, and tap the stair with your left foot. You will repeat this as fast as possible for the given duration of time. Try to focus on moving your hands like a sprinter and being sharp and explosive with every movement. 278 S T O M A C H S P T R O I N 3 T 0 Y A R D Drill: Start on the zero yard mark on your stomach. Your chin should be right on the 0 yard line. When ready, hop up to your feet as quickly as possible and sprint out 30 yards as fast as you possibly can. 279 T - C O N E D R I L L Drill: Create a giant letter “T” by placing 4 cones so that each section is about 10 yards long. Start at the base of the T, sprint towards the center cone, round it to the left, sprint out to the left cone, round it 180 degrees, and sprint all the way to the right cone, round it 180 degrees, sprint back to the center, round it 90 degrees to the left, and sprint back to the starting position. This is just like the T-Cone drill in the soccer program, but done without the ball. 280 T R I P L E J U M P Drill: (This drill is described from a right footed perspective, you can also switch feet if you prefer) You will simply run as fast as you can in a straight line and then jump off of your left leg and land as far as possibly on your right leg. Upon landing on your right leg, you will immediately jump off the right leg and land on the left leg covering as much distance as possible, the once again, jump off the right leg, this time landing anyway you prefer. The goal is to cover the most ground from the first jump to the last landing. Watch a triple jump from track and field on Youtube if you are having trouble imagining this. 281 V E R T I C A H L E I J U M G H T P S F O R Cont.: Start in an athletic stance with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. When ready, squat down slightly, then jump up as high as you possibly can. As you come back down, immediately start the motion of squatting down and jumping up again. It should be continuous! Reset: Same as above, but take your time to reset yourself before each jump. 282 X - D R I L L Drill: Place 4 cones on the ground to create a 10x10 yard Box. Then, place a cone in the center of the box and start in the center and sprint forward to the first cone, touch the cone with your hand, then backpedal back to the center cone. As soon as you reach the center cone, shuffle out to your right to the right cone, touch it with your hand, and shuffle back to the center cone. As soon as you reach the center cone, back pedal back to the back cone, tap it with your hand, and sprint forward to the center cone. Finally, shuffle left to the left cone, touch the cone with your hand and shuffle back to the center cone. 283 Z I G Z A G W E B A A C V K E T O C U T Drill: Just like the Zig Zag Cone weave, but without the ball and you will cut back and repeat everything the opposite way. Place 8-10 cones on the ground in a zig zag formation so that each cone is about 5-7 yards away from the cones next to it. Start at either end and when ready, sprint out and round each cone as sharply and quickly as possible. As soon as you get to the last cone, round it 360 degrees and repeat the weave all the way back to the starting position. 284 O V E R T I M E S Drill: Start at the end line of a standard soccer field. When ready, sprint out to the 18 yard box, cut at the line, and sprint back, cut at the end line, sprint out to the half line, cut at the line, sprint back to the end line, cut again at the line, sprint out to the opposite 18 yard box, cut at the line, sprint back to the original end line, cut at the line, then sprint all the way to the opposite end line, cut at the line one last time, and then sprint back to the starting position. This should be done as fast as possible! 285 B E C O M E E L I T E